Oisd STD-214

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The document discusses standards and guidelines for cross-country LPG pipelines in India. It was developed by a functional committee under the Oil Industry Safety Directorate to standardize practices and ensure safer operations.

The document is meant to provide standards and guidelines to supplement existing codes and practices for cross-country LPG pipelines in India. It aims to standardize design, operation and maintenance practices at a national level.

Functional committees comprising of experts from the oil and gas industry were formed to develop standards on various subjects related to cross-country LPG pipelines. The committee on cross-country LPG pipelines prepared this document.





Prepared by :



Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Government of India
7th Floor, New Delhi House
27, Barakhamba Road
New Delhi-110 001


Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas industry
under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. These are the property of Ministry of
Petroleum & Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or copied and loaned or exhibited to others
without written consent from OISD.

Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in
these documents, OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage
resulting from their use.

These documents are intended only to supplement and not to replace the prevailing statutory


Oil Industry in India is more than 100 years old. Over years, a variety of practices have been in
vogue because of collaboration / association with different foreign companies and governments.
Standardisation in design, operating and maintenance practices was hardly in existence at a national
level. This lack of uniformity, coupled with feed back from some serious accidents that occurred in
the recent past in India and abroad, emphasised the need for the industry to review the existing state
of art in designing, operating and maintaining oil and gas installations.

With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas in 1986 constituted a Safety Council
assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) staffed from within the industry in formulating
and implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed at removing obsolescence, standardizing
and upgrading the existing standards to ensure safer operations. Accordingly, OISD constituted a
number of functional committees comprising of experts nominated from the industry to draw up
standards and guidelines on various subjects.

The present document on “Cross-country LPG Pipelines” was prepared by the Functional
Committee on ‘Cross-country LPG Pipelines’. This document is based on the accumulated
knowledge and experience of functional committee members and various national and international
codes and practices. This document is meant to be used as supplement and not as a replacement for
existing codes and practices.

This standard in no way supercedes the statutory requirements of bodies like IBR, CCE, Factory
Inspectorate or any other Government Body which must be followed as applicable.

This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the new experiences
and better understanding. Suggestions may be addressed to:

The Coordinator,
Committee on Cross-country LPG Pipelines,
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Government of India
7th Floor, New Delhi House
27, Barakhamba Road
New Delhi- 110 001




Sh. R. Sen Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Pipelines, Noida


Sh. B. Das Gas Authority of India Ltd., New Delhi

Sh. N. Rengaswamy Engineers India Ltd., New Delhi

Ms. Ketaki Adhikary Engineers India Ltd., New Delhi

Sh. B.S. Giridhar Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Mumbai

Sh. N. Dasgupta Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mumbai

Sh. G. S. Wankhede Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mumbai

Sh. Dev Raj Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., New Delhi

Sh. P. S. Murthy Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mumbai

Sh. S.C. Gupta Oil Industry Safety Directorate, New Delhi


SH. S. K. NANDY Oil Industry Safety Directorate, New Delhi























19 ANNEXURES 32-39

1.0 INTRODUCTION Area Classification : It is a method of
classifying an area zone wise / group wise
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) due to its based on the presence of explosive gas /
inherent properties is susceptible to fire, vapour – air mixture vis-à-vis the
explosion and other hazards. Such hazards requirement precautions for construction
can have an impact on the property, and use of electrical apparatus .
equipment, plant personnel and public.
Transportation of LPG through pipeline Bonding : Bonding is the process by which
has become a preferred mode over two electrical conducting bodies are
conventional modes such as road / rail , connected using a conductor to maintain
being safer and environment friendly. electrical continuity to prevent sparking
between two conducting bodies.
The primary purpose of this standard is to
establish norms for safety in design, Cross country pipeline: Cross country
materials, construction, inspection, testing, pipeline means all pipelines which are used
operation and maintenance of cross country for transport of LPG from one point to
LPG Pipelines and also for protection of another except those in any area in which
employees, public and facilities against the operation for the winning of natural
hazard associated with transportation of petroleum or natural gas or both are carried
LPG Pipeline system. on or within the limits of refineries and
Consumer Company : The company or
This standard outlines the minimum organization to whom LPG is delivered
requirement for safety in design, from the cross country pipeline owned and
construction, inspection, testing, operated by a company (called supplier
commissioning, operation, maintenance, of company ) for further use or movement
onshore cross country LPG Pipelines. This
standard also includes specific safety Explosive mixture : It is the mixture of
requirement for interface between pipeline combustion agent ( oxidizing product- gas,
dispatch terminal and receiving unit i.e. vapour, liquid or solid) and a fuel
LPG Bottling Plant, Bulk dispatch unit etc. (oxidisable product- gas, liquid or solid) in
such a proportion that it could give rise to a
This standard is applicable to pipeline very rapid and lively oxidation reaction
facilities as per Scope Outline Sketch liberating more energy than is dissipated
enclosed as Annexure I. through conduction and convection.

This standard does not cover the design and Earthing : Earthing is provision of a safe
facilities associated with LPG Bottling path of electrical current to ground in order
Plant, Other Plant requiring LPG and Bulk to protect structures, plant and equipment
Storage which is covered in OISD-STD- from the effects of stray electrical current
144. and electrostatic discharges.

Fire Safe : As applied to valves, it is the

concept of controlling leakage to an

acceptable level after damage encountered transfer of LPG defined in para 2.0.
during and after the fire achieved by dual
seating. Onshore - Areas other than Offshore as
Flammability : It is the percentage of defined below, forming the scope of this
volume of any flammable vapour in air- standard. Feeder lines from Jetty or other
vapour mixtures capable to form an storage point and spur lines will form part
explosive mixture. of onshore pipeline.

Gas- Free : Means the concentration of Offshore – Areas beyond the line of
flammable or toxic gases or both in a ordinary high water along that portion of
pressure vessel or pipeline is within the the coast that is in direct contact with the
safe limit specified for persons to enter and open seas and beyond the line marking the
carryout hot work in such vessels / seaward limit of inland coastal waters.
Odorization : LPG has only a very faint
Hot work : It is an activity which may smell, therefore, ethyl mercaptan is
produce enough heat to ignite a flammable normally used as stanching agent for
air-hydrocarbon mixture or a flammable identifying the leakage as per IS:4576.
Pump Stations :
Intermediate Delivery station : An Originating pump station : An originating
intermediate delivery station on the pump station is the first installation having
pipeline is an installation having facility to facilities such as booster pumps , mainline
deliver product to any consumer(s) through pumps etc. for boosting the pressure of the
a tapping from the main pipeline. Delivery liquid to be transported so that it reaches to
can be through full cut or heart cut. next station.

Intermediate Pigging Station : An Intermediate pump station: An

intermediate pigging station is and intermediate pump station is any
installation having facility for receiving installation having facilities such as pumps
and launching of pigs for pipeline cleaning etc between originating pump station and
operation. terminal / final / last delivery station on the
pipeline for boosting the pressure of the
Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) : LPG is a liquid so that it reaches to next station.
mixture of light hydrocarbons, primarily C3
& C4 derived from crude oil or crude oil Purging : It is the act of replacing the
equivalent., which is gaseous at ambient atmosphere within a container by an inert
temperature and atmospheric pressure, is substance in such a manner as to prevent
liquefied at ambient temperature with the formation of explosive mixture.
application of moderate pressure. The
specification of LPG will be governed by Sectionalizing Valve (SV) : Valve (
IS : 4576 / IS:14861 (Enclosed for MOVs / HOVs) used in the cross-country
reference). pipeline system to isolate sections of a
pipeline for carrying out maintenance /
LPG Pipeline system : All facilities repairs.
including the pipeline associated with

Shall : The word ‘shall’ is used to indicate iii. Indian Electricity Rules.
that the provision is mandatory. iv. The Petroleum Pipelines
(Acquisition of Right of Users in
Should : The word ‘should’ is used to Land) Act’1962.
indicate that the provision is v. National Highways Act, 1956
recommendatory as per sound engineering vi. Raiways Act, 1989
practice. vii. All other statutory approvals
required for laying of the pipelines
Supplier Company : The company or across rail, road and river crossings.
organization owning and operating LPG
pipeline system for delivering to various 5.0 DESIGN
consumer company.
Terminal / Final Station : Terminal Design of LPG pipeline system shall
station is the last station on the pipeline be in accordance with ANSI / ASME
used for delivery of product to consumer(s) B 31.4 and API 2510 or equivalent.
through full cut only. While designing the pipeline system,
the design engineer shall provide
Vapour Pressure of LPG : Pressure reasonable protection to prevent
exerted by saturated vapour of LPG in a damage to the pipeline from unusual
closed container or system at working external conditions. Some of the
temperature. As per IS 4576 LPG can have protective measures which the design
maximum vapour pressure of 14.5 Kg/ engineer may provide are encasing
Cm2 at 550 C and 16.87 Kg/ Cm2 at 650 C. with steel pipe of larger diameter ,
adding concrete protective coating,
4.0 STATUTORY RULES / increasing the wall thickness of the
REGULATIONS: pipe, lowering the pipeline to a greater
LPG pipeline and its associated depth or indicating the presence of the
facilities are covered under various pipeline with additional markers.
regulations and require specific
approval from concerned authorities. A detailed Environmental Impact
Various regulations applicable are as Assessment (EIA) and Risk analysis
follows: (RA) study shall be carried for the
i. Environmental Regulations : pipeline and stations.
Ø Guidelines for Environmental Recommendations / findings from
clearance of new projects -1981. such studies to be taken into account
Ø The Environment (Protection) while designing the pipeline system.
Act -1986
Ø Water ( Prevention & Control of 5.1.1 Other Loadings :
Pollution) Act 1974. Unusual loadings such as those
Ø Air ( Prevention & Control of caused by scour, erosion, soil
Pollution) Act 1981 movement and slides, installation
Ø Manufacture, storage & import forces, vortex shedding and other
of Hazardous chemical Rules- phenomena shall be considered and
1989 provided for in accordance with
ii. The Factories Act. 1948. sound engineering practice.

pipes and its components shall be
5.1.2 Weight Effects fully protected against corrosion. A
Live Loads : wall thickness allowance for
Weight of water during hydrostatic corrosion is not required if pipe and
testing shall also be considered. component are protected against
5.1.3 Design temperature : (-) 300 C to
Where ever extreme climatic
conditions or security reasons 5.3.1 Sectionalizing / Block valves with
warrants , suitable alteration in remote shut off provision from the
design can be made with approval control room shall be provided at the
from statutory bodies. boundary of station pipeline inlet and
outlet locations to isolate the station
The least nominal wall thickness (th ) 5.3.2 Check valves shall be installed to
for the steel pipe , shall be as per provide automatic blockage of
ASME B 31.4. Wall thickness ‘t’ for reverse flow in the piping system,
straight steel pipe under internal within the station wherever required.
pressure shall be calculated by the
following equation : 5.3.3 Remotely operated Sectionalizing /
Pi D Mainline block valve(s) shall be
t = ---------- provided with blow down connection
2S to isolate the pipeline section and
where D= outside diameter of pipe. evacuate the pipeline section in case
Pi = Internal Pressure of emergency and repair. All blow
The allowable stress value S to be down piping shall have double valve
used for design calculations for new segregation. Mainline sectionalizing
pipe of known specifications shall be / block valves shall be installed at
established as follows: maximum spacing of 12 kms in
S = 0.72 x E x Specified minimum industrial, commercial and
yield strength of pipe. residential areas. Block valves shall
Where also be installed on the upstream and
0.72 =Design factor based on nominal down stream of river crossings and
wall thickness. In setting design public water supply reservoirs.
factor , due consideration has been 5.3.5 The number of flanged or threaded
given to and allowance has been joints for station piping shall be to
made for the under thickness the extent minimum.
tolerance and maximum allowable 5.3.6 No free water in LPG being pump
depth of imperfection provided for in shall be allowed as per IS 4576.
the specification approved by code. Online water analyzer may be
E = 1 for Seamless, ERW and SAW installed at the originating pump
pipe. station to detect any free water in
5.2.2 CORROSION the LPG being pumped..
All underground and above ground

5.4 PIPELINE SYSTEM & vi. Double Mechanical seal with seal
COMPONENTS failure alarms and trips shall be
5.4.1 Piping shall be designed for handling provided.
LPG. Piping that can be isolated and vii. Following alarms and tripping
need thermal safety valves shall have shall be provided on pumps :
minimum design pressure of 24 a. Low suction pressure of booster
kg/cm2 or maximum pressure which and main pump.
could be developed by transfer b. High discharge pressure at main
equipment or any other source etc. pump,
which ever is higher and conform to c. Low discharge pressure trip on
the provision of ANSI B 31.4 or pump against pipe rupture to avoid
equivalent. liquid vaporization.
5.4.2 Line Pipe shall be Seamless, Electric d. High Casing temperature
Resistance Welded or Submerged e. High bearing temperature
Arc Welded conforming to API 5L f. Tripping of main/ booster pump in
or equivalent. case of closure of suction /
5.4.3 Low point drains and high point vents discharge MOVs.
shall be plugged or capped suitably. ix. Design shall take care of abnormal
and emergency situations.
5.4.4 LPG Pumps x. Motor operated valve limit switch
i. LPG Pumps shall conform to API position (open /close) to be
610. interlocked with the start of the pump.
ii. LPG Pumps shall be provided xi. Pump shall operate in sequence with
with suction and discharge defined logic at starting and shut
pressure gauges, a high point vent down.
to safe height minimum 3 mtr
above the pump in case of no 5.4.5 Pump Drivers
pump shed or 1.5 mtr above the Electric Motors with fixed speed
pump house roof top or drive or variable frequency drive
connected to a cold flare with (VFD) shall be provided as Pump
flame arrestor. Drivers. Electric Motors shall meet
iii. Check valves shall be installed on the requirement of API Standard
discharge side of all centrifugal 540 "Electrical Installation of
pumps. Automated motor Petroleum Processing Units.
operated valves shall be installed In case Internal Combustion
on suction and discharge side of Engines as pump drivers is
the main pumps and booster provided, this shall meet the
pumps. requirement of API standard 7C -
iv. Flow bypass line shall be provided 11F - "Recommended practice for
for booster pumps / main pumps Installation, Maintenance and
inline with manufacturer’s Operation of Internal Combustion
recommendation. Engines" or suitable BIS
v. Pumps protection and interlocks equivalent codes.
shall be provided in accordance
with manufacturer's 5.4.6 Bends , Fitting and Pipe Support,
recommendations. Miter bend with maximum 12.5 deg

bend can be used if the system is shall be used for Trap in order to
intended to operate less than 20% of provide repeated access to the
SMYS. In case the system is interior of Piping system.
designed to operate at a hoop stress The closure system shall meet the
of more than 20% of specified minimum requirement of API 6H
minimum yield strength (SMYS), "End Closures, Connectors &
miter bend shall not permitted. Swivels "
Deflection caused by misalignment 5.4.10 Strainer / Filter
in miter bend shall not be The strainer/ filter housing shall be
acceptable. designed as per Section VIII Sleeve, coupled, and patented joints division of ASME Standard : (For
shall not be used on LPG Pipelines. Boiler and Pressure Vessel). The free area of strainer shall not Pipe Support be less than three times the cross
If a pipeline is designed to operate section area of suction line.
at a stress level of more than 50% of
the specified minimum yield 5.4.11 Communications
strength of the pipe , all connections A reliable and dedicated
welded to the pipe shall be made to communications system to interact
a separate cylindrical member between all stations including
which completely encircles the sectionalising valve stations across
pipe, and this encircling member the entire pipe line shall be
shall be welded to the pipe by designed and installed and
continuous circumferential welds at maintained to ensure safe
both ends. operations under both normal and
emergency situations.
Wherever nonintegral attachments,
such as pipe clamps and ring girders 5.4.12 Instrument and Control System
are used, adequate precautions shall
be taken to prevent corrosion at or Instrumentation and control
near the contact points. system for the Pipeline system in
totality shall meet the
5.4.7 VALVES requirement as per API Standard
Steel valves ( preferably ball valves) 550 "Manual on Installation of
conforming to API 6D shall be used. Refinery Instruments and Control
Cast iron valves shall not be used. Systems The control system to be provided
5.4.8 Pressure Relief Valves in the supply & receiving stations
Pressure Relief Valves shall meet the shall be developed based on
requirement of API 520 "Sizing, study & analysis in entirety,
Selection and Installation of Pressure keeping in view the pipeline
Relieving Devices in Refineries" / quantity transported and its
OISD-STD-106 or equivalent. maximum variations.

5.4.9 Scraper Trap Flow / Pressure Control Valve Quick Opening Closures system Design of control valves shall

meet the requirement of part I of Safety devices in line with NACE-
API 550. RP-01-77 shall be installed for
preventing the damage to the For liquid metering, positive pipeline due to lightning or fault
displacement meters, turbine currents when the pipeline is
meters, Mass flow meter or installed near electric transmission
equivalent liquid measuring tower footings, ground cables etc.
devices and their proving 5.4.14 Piping Requirement for
facilities shall be designed and Refrigerated LPG transfer.
installed in accordance with the Piping system shall be designed as
API Manual of Petroleum per ASME B 31.3. The
Measurement Standards or refrigeration system shall
equivalent. maintain the LPG at a temperature
at which LPG’s vapour pressure
5.4.13 Electrical Installations of Pipeline does not exceed the piping design
Station pressure. Area Classification of Pipeline Pipe component material
Installation, as basis for Selection specification should meet the
of Electrical Equipment for LPG temperature extremes for which it
Pipeline Station shall follow IS – has been designed. Low ductility
5572 and OISD 113 on materials such as cast iron,
“Classification of area for semisteel, malleable iron and cast
electrical installations at aluminum shall not be used in any
hydrocarbon processing and pipe.
handling facilities”. Shut of valves and accessory The specification of Electrical equipment shall be constructed of
equipments shall be in line with material suitable for operating
IS : 5571, ‘Guide for selection of pressure and temperature
Electrical Equipment for extremes to which they are
Hazardous Area.’. subjected. Safety in electrical system to be The insulation shall contain a
designed as per OISD-RP-149 . vapour barrier and shall be All electrical equipment, systems, weather proofed. Insulation and
structures and fencing shall be weather proofing shall be fire
suitable earthed conforming to IS retardant. Steel surfaces covered
3043. The earthing system shall by insulation shall be properly
have an earthing network grid coated to prevent corrosion.
with required number of When cold piping is routed below
electrodes. ground provision like trenches, All Electrical equipment operating casing and other means shall be
above 250 volts shall have two made to permit expansion and
separate and distinct connection to contraction of the pipeline.
earth grids. When storage facility handles Fire protection in Electrical more than one type of product,
installations shall be designed as dedicated loading and unloading
per OISD-STD-173. pipelines shall be considered for

each type of product. may get accumulated otherwise. The vapour load resulting from Weep hole nipple shall be so
refrigeration shall be handled by oriented that in case of safety valve
one or a combination of the lifting and consequent fire resulting
following method. from LPG coming out from weep
(a) Recovery by a liquefaction hole does not impinge on the
system structure or equipment. A loose
(b) Disposal by flaring fitting rain cap with chain (non Provision shall be made for sparking) shall be fitted on top of
emergency alarm to signal excess the vent pipe.
pressure build up in the pipeline
because of a failure of cooling 5.5.2 DELIVERY STORAGE
medium. High level alarm and High High
level alarm indication of storage
5.5 DESIGN OF LPG SAFETY vessel shall be set at 80% and 85%
SYSTEM level of volumetric capacity
respectively. The audio visual
5.5.1 THERMAL RELIEF VALVE indication shall be provided at local
(TRV) panel and the pipeline control room.
Any equipment or section of the Pipeline delivery ROVs (supplier’s
pipeline containing liquid LPG in and consumer’s premises ) shall
the form of trapped volume shall be close on actuation of high high
protected against excessive pressure level alarm.
developed due to rise in
surrounding temperature by 5.5.3 PROTECTION OF FACILITIES
installing TRVs. Properly laid out roads around
The discharge of TRVs shall be various facilities shall be provided
connected to flare system wherever within the installation area for
available. These TRVs shall have smooth access of fire tenders etc in
lock open type isolation valves on case of emergency.
both sides of safety valve. Proper industry type boundary wall
at least 3 M high with 0.6 M barbed
In case of non-availability of flare wire on top shall be provided all
system, the discharge from safety around the installation i.e. pump
valve shall be vented vertically station / intermediate station /
upwards to atmosphere at an delivery station / terminal station
elevation of 3 meter (minimum) provided unless the installation is
above grade or the tallest structure protected as part of refinery / bulk
within a radius of 15 meter which delivery / LPG installation inline
ever is higher for effective with MHA ( Ministry of Home
dispersion of hydrocarbons. In this Affairs) guidelines.
case, isolation valves on down Emergency exit with proper gate
stream of PSVs are not required. A shall be provided in the earmarked
weep hole with nipple at low point zone.
shall be provided on the vent pipe in In case provision for green belt is
order to drain the rain water which made, the same shall be segregated

from hazardous area by 1 M high comprising of HT pole
wall / chain link fencing. structure, Transformers,
Alternatively, it shall be treated as Breaker & PMCC rooms etc.
apart of hazardous area. shall be located in non LPG pipeline system shall be hazardous area. Overhead
equipped with following: power lines shall not pass over
(1) Supervisory Control and Data licensed area.
Acquisition ( SCADA) . iii. The accessibility of mobile
(2) Leak detection system with fire fighting equipment to
provision for identification / LPG pumps and other station
location of leak and isolation of equipment
affected section. iv. Due care shall be taken to
(3) Facilities for controlled flaring. avoid accumulation of LPG
(4) Accessories & kit for arresting vapour in low lying areas /
leak pits.
v. Station equipment and their
6.0 INSTALLATION LAYOUT specification.
6.1 LOCATION vi. P&I diagram for the station.
The information on following aspects vii. Utility requirement.
are required to be considered for viii. Flares.
finalising location of pipeline station. ix. Operation & maintenance
i. Location of storage facilities to philosophy of station
hook up with LPG pipeline equipment.
system at upstream and x. Fire station & allied facility.
downstream side.
ii. Findings of Risk Analysis (RA) 6.3. Sub-station
study for the pipeline stations The Sub-station’s location / layout
including plan for emergency should be in line with OISD-RP-
measures. 149.
iii. Adequate availability of water
from a reliable source or 6.4 SEPARTION DISTANCES
alternative arrangement available / Inter-distances for various station
proposed. facilities and utilities shall be as per
iv. The availability of space for Annexure- II.
future augmentation of facilities
keeping in view of complying 7.0 CORROSION CONTROL
safety norms.
6.2 LAYOUT All above ground and buried
The following aspect shall be pipelines shall be adequately
considered while establishing protected against corrosion.
station layout (a) Above ground pipes should be
i. Pipeline installation shall be protected from atmospheric
located upwind of LPG bulk corrosion by suitable coating or
storage facilities. paint. Above ground sections of
ii. Main power receiving station, pipelines should be electrically

isolated from the buried pipeline current cathodic protection
sections. system shall be installed to
b) Buried pipes likely to be affected mitigate the corrosion in the
by external corrosion should be pipelines. The system shall have
protected by combination of facilities for measuring the
anticorrosion coatings and degree of cathodic protection
cathodic protection. achieved.
d) It shall be ensured that
7.2 EXTERNAL CORROSION continuous power supply is
7.2.1 External coating for underground maintained in cathodic
pipeline. protection system.
Pipelines should be designed e) Cathodic protection shall be such
considering the possible corrosive that it does not damage the
effects of industrial waste, ground, protective coating, pipe or
parallel encroachments to high components.
voltage overhead AC power lines f) Sufficient test leads points
and stray DC earth currents. (TLPs) shall be installed on
Anticorrosion coating shall be pipeline for taking electrical
selected reflecting the varying measurements to indicate
ground conditions found during soil adequacy of the CP system.
resistivity survey carried out along
the pipeline route. Coating shall be 7.2.3 Electric Interference
selected based on following criteria. a) The anode beds shall be
(i) Adhesive property to the metal located so that minimum
surface to prevent under film adverse effect is caused to the
mitigation. existing underground metallic
(ii) Sufficient ductility to prevent structures.
cracking. b) The pipeline shall be
(iii) Strength to resist damage due to protected against stray DC or
handling & soil stress. AC current induced corrosion
by providing metallic bonds,
7.2.2 Cathodic Protection System : increased cathodic protection,
In addition to protective coating, supplemental protective
buried pipelines shall also be coatings, insulating flanges or
provided with cathodic protection galvanic anodes.
a) During construction period 8.0 MATERIALS AND
pipeline shall be protected by SPECIFICATIONS
temporary sacrificial anode 8.1 The flange joint shall be either spiral
based cathodic protection wound metallic gaskets or ring joints.
system. Plain asbestos sheet / reinforced
b) Permanent Cathodic protection gaskets shall not be used. Gaskets
system shall be brought into used shall confirm to ANSI B 16.20
operation as soon as possible or equivalent . Flange connection
following pipeline construction ratings shall match with the design
c) Sacrificial anode or impressed pressure of the pipeline (on high

pressure side) and in no case shall be ditch, due consideration will be
less than 300 series rating (low given to the route, location, surface
pressure side) confirming to ANSI use of the land, terrain features and
16.5 or equivalent. All tapping or loads imposed by road / railway. All
opening shall be minimum 20 mm buried pipelines shall be installed
dia. The materials used shall conform below the ground level in line with
to ASME B 31.4 or equivalent. the “Minimum Cover for Buried
8.2 Line pipe shall conform to API-5L. Pipelines”, as specified in Table
All other appurtenances shall be of 10.2.1
carbon-steel materials suitable for the
intended service.
8.3 High integrity ball, plug and check Table 10.2.1
valves suitable for LPG services shall Location Minimum
be provided. All valves shall be in Cover in
accordance with API-6D or meter (Ref
equivalent . All valves shall meet the note)
fire safe requirement of API 607. Industrial, 1.2 (2)
Commercial &
8.4 The remote operated valves
Residential areas
connecting pipeline to storage vessel
Streams, Canals & 1.5 (4)
shall be fire safe type conforming to minor water crossings
API 607 or equivalent.
Drainage ditches at 1.2 (2)
All provisions of ASME B 31.4 railways
Chapter –IV shall apply. Rocky areas 1.0 (2,5)
Threaded joints shall not be used on Uncased / Cased 1.2 (3)
LPG Pipelines except for instrument Road crossings
tappings. The dimensions of all piping Railway crossings 1.7 (3)
connection threads, not otherwise 2.5 (6)
River crossings
covered by a governing component
(below scour level)
standard or specification, shall 1.2 (2)
Other areas
conform to the requirements of ASME
Note :
B 31.4 or equivalent.
(1) The above mentioned minimum cover
requirements shall be valid for all class
(2) Minimum depth of cover shall be
10.1 All safety precautions during
measured from the top of pipe coating
construction shall be followed as
to the top of undisturbed surface of the
specified in OISD-GDN-192,
soil, or top of graded working strip,
OISD- STD-147 and API RP 1102.
whichever is lower. Fill material in
10.2 All provisions of OISD-STD-141
working strip shall not be considered to
chapter 7.0 shall apply except para
add to the depth of cover.
on ditching. For ditching following
(3) Cover shall be measured from the top
provision shall apply.
of road or top of rail, as the case may
10.2.1 Ditching
While arriving at the Depth of the

(4) In case of rivers/water bodies, which a cylinder.
are prone to scour and erosion, 10.4 Bends, Miters & Elbows
adequate safe cover (minimum 1.5 To match the contours of the ditch in
metre) shall be provided below the the event of change in direction,
predicted scour profile expected during sagging, over bending etc., the
the life time of the pipeline. required fittings shall be made either
(5) Soft soil / sand padding of minimum by bending the pipe or factory made
150 mm thickness to be provided bends or elbows shall be used. The
around the pipe in rocky areas. pipe diameter shall not be reduced at
(6) For river /water bodies which are prone any point by more than 2-½ % of the
to scour and erosion, adequate safe nominal diameter, and the completed
cover shall be provided below the bend shall pass the specified sizing
predicted scour profile expected during pig. Mitered bends are not permitted
the life time of the pipeline. in mainline.
The minimum radius of field cold
Good pipeline practices shall be followed bends shall be as follows:
for public safety. In case the pipeline is to ________________________________
be laid through populated area (which Nominal Pipe Minimum Radius of
otherwise could not be avoided), additional size In Bend in Pipe Diameter
protective measures to be provided be by _______________________________
way of providing higher wall thickness pipe NPS 12 and smaller 18D
or laying at a greater depth or by providing NPS 14 21D
casing pipe. NPS 16 24D
NPS 18 27D
10.3 DEFECTS IN PIPE NPS 20 and larger 30D
(i) All defects in pipe shall be
removed in line with ASME B 10.5 WELDING
31.4, API 5L or equivalent.
(ii) Notches or laminations on pipe 10.5.1 General
ends shall not be repaired. The
damaged portion shall be (a) Standard of acceptability for
removed as a cylinder and re- welding process, filler materials,
bevelled to the piped properly. and weld quality shall conform to
(iii) Distorted or flattened lengths be API-1104.
shall be discarded. (b) Safe Practices in Cutting and
(iv) A dent containing a stress Welding shall be ensured with
concentrator, such as a scratch, safety work permits as per OISD-
gouge, groove, or arc burn, shall STD-105.
be removed by cutting out the
damaged portion of the pipeline as 10.5.2 Welding Qualifications
a cylinder. (a) Welding procedures or welders
(v) All dents which affect the shall be qualified inline with
curvature of the pipe at the seam under API 1104, or section IX
or at any girth weld shall be of the ASME Boiler and
removed as in ASME B 31.4. Pressure Vessel Code,
(vi) Buckled pipe shall be replaced as whichever is appropriate for the

type of welding to be potential defects, which can
performed. be accurately interpreted and
(b) Qualification Records : Records evaluated. All NDT
of the tests that establish the including Radiographic
qualification of a welding examination and destructive
procedure shall be retained as method of examination shall
long as that procedure is in use. be performed in accordance
(c) A record of the welders’ with the requirements of
qualification test, showing the API 1104.
date and results of the tests,
shall be retained during the 10.6 RAIL AND ROAD CROSSINGS
construction involved and for 6 Installation of carrier pipe at rail /
months thereafter. road crossings with casing shall be
in accordance with API RP-1102.
10.5.3 Welding Inspection and Carrier pipe shall be independently
Acceptance Criteria. supported outside each end of the
(a) The quality of all weld joints casing section and casing ends shall
shall be checked by visual be sealed using durable , electrically
inspection and supplemental non conductive materials. Insulators
non destructive testing of appropriate size and numbers to
(NDT) methods or by be fitted between carrier pipe and
removing completed welds casing pipe.
as selected for destructive 10.7 Pump Station , Terminal Station
testing (DT). IP station and SV stations
(b) A minimum of 10% of the Typical scheme of a pumping
girth welds (completely station , Terminal station, IP
around pipe circumference) station and SV stations ( Remote /
completed each day shall be Manual) are enclosed at Annexure-
randomly selected and III, IV,V , VI and VII respectively.
inspected by radiography or
non destructive methods. 11.0 TESTING& COMMISSIONING
(c) 100% inspection by
radiography of the weld 11.1 Hydrotesting of pipeline
joints shall be carried out at a) Rail/ Road / River crossing
the location of residential sections shall be hydrotested
and industrial areas, river, before and after installation at
lake, stream crossings least for 4 hours at 1.25 times the
(submerged or bridge design pressure.
crossings), rail, road, b) All sections including previously
overhead rail / road hydrostatically tested one Viz
crossings, offshore and road / rail and river crossings
inland coastal waters and shall be retested along with
tie-ins etc. completed mainline sections.
(d) The Non-destructive c) A gauging pig shall be passed
inspection method used shall through the pipeline to prove the
produce indications of internal diameter of the entire

pipeline. The gauging plate shall (vi) After tie-in of HDD crossings /
have minimum diameter of 95% other submerged crossings.
of the internal diameter of the (vii) Installation of launching and
pipeline. receiving barrels
d) Water used for the test medium
shall be inhibited water i.e water 11.3 PRESERVATION OF PIPELINE
to which suitable doses of If the pipeline is to be preserved for a
corrosion inhibitors are added specified duration before it can be
depending upon quality of the commissioned , the pipeline shall be
water. completely filled with water with
d) API-1110 shall be used for sufficient quantities of corrosion
guidance for the hydrostatic inhibitors depending upon the quality
test. of water and the period of
e) Complete pipeline including preservation at a suitable pressure.
previously tested section shall
be subjected to a hydrostatic 11.4 DOCUMENTATIONS
proof test equivalent to not less Following records should be made
than 1.25 times the internal (i) A complete final pipe book
design pressure at that point for including hydrotesting data.
not less than 24 hours or as (ii) As built drawings like Route
specified by respective code to and profile map of the pipeline,
which pipeline is designed and pipeline alignment, crossings,
accepted by statutory authority. P&IDs, Layouts , Isometric,
d) Internal test pressure of high Earthing grid, Single line
pressure station piping shall be diagrams etc.
done for a duration of not less (iii) Equipment supplier Manuals.
than 4 hrs in line with ASME (iv) Complete Asset of each
B31.4.. location with identification.
e) Internal test pressure of low (v) Radiographs of weld joints
pressure station piping shall be (vi) Calliper survey reports and
governed by pressure ratings of repairs, if any, carried out.
fittings and valves fitted in the
system. Duration of the test
shall be not less than 4 hrs. 11.6 COMMISSIOINING
11.6.1 A proper commissioning procedure
11.2 GEOMETRIC SURVEY shall be prepared for removal of air
The Calliper Survey shall be from the system and to prevent
conducted after completion and intermixing of air and the
acceptance of all the following hydrocarbons. Intermixing of
mainline activities hydrocarbons could be avoided by
(i) Gauge plate run putting required no. of Nitrogen or
(ii) Hydrostatic Testing water column in between air and
(iii) Cleaning and swabbing of hydrocarbons.
pipeline 11.6.2 Before starting commissioning
(iv) Mainline Valve installation activities followings are to be
(v) Test section tie-ins ensured.

(i) Hydrotesting is completed for installation during commissioning
entire pipeline and associated at 10% above the working pressure
station piping and records but not exceeding design pressure
checked and documented. of the vessel shall be proof test over
(ii) Swabbing of the pipeline has and above the hydrotest undertaken
been completed for removal of for various equipment & facilities at
water from the pipeline. earlier stage. This will ensure leak
(iii) Ensure complete removal of proof ness of the system as a whole
ferrous materials / debris from before charging the system with
the pipeline LPG.
(iv) All sectionalizing valves are v. Gasket shall be checked & replaced
installed as per requirement. in case any flange joint is found
(v) All golden joints are inspected leaking during leak testing.
and accepted.
(vi) Calliper pigging of the entire 11.6.4 LPG CHARGING
pipeline section completed and i. Liquid LPG shall not be directly
a base line data has been used for displacement of air in
obtained. pipeline / vessels.
(vii) Temporary modifications ii. LPG shall be charged only after
required at the stations for ensuring elimination of / absence
commissioning have been of oxygen.
completed in all respect. iii. While charging LPG, water /
(viii) Commissioning check list Nitrogen shall be drained
prepared and ensured simultaneously maintaining a
availability of all materials positive pressure of around 1-2 kg/
tools , tackles and consumable. cm2 in the pipeline.
(ix) Fire fighting facilities shall be iv. Pressure in the pipeline system
kept ready. shall be monitored and creation of
(x) Trained and experience vacuum condition to be prevented.
personnel shall be placed to v. Where water draining is resorted
carryout commissioning to, by opening of end flanges of
operation. headers / pipelines, such flanges
(xi) Caution boards shall be shall be blinded at the end of
displayed while venting in draining operation.
progress. vi. Incase of displacement of
Nitrogen with LPG, constant
11.6.3 WATER / NITORGEN FILLING reading of LPG –air mixture
i. All gaskets shall be changed after should be taken with explosive
hydrotest. meter to ascertain the displacement
ii. At the time of filling water / of Nitrogen with LPG.
nitrogen, air shall be released from vii. Provision should be made for
vent points. proper drainage of water from
iii. At this stage the system shall be vessel, pipelines and equipment. In
checked thoroughly for leak –proof case of Nitrogen displacement,
test. controlled venting shall be done.
iv. The complete leak testing at viii. LPG shall be introduced at a

controlled rate after displacement end.
of entire water / Nitrogen. 12.3 SURGE ANALYSIS:
ix. The commissioning operation shall A detailed surge analysis shall be
be controlled and supervised by carried out during design stage
authorized personnel. considering the sudden closure /
stoppage of the following:
12.0 INTERFACE BETWEEN (i) ROV of the storage vessel valve
PIPELINE OPERATOR & (ii) Any ROV in the delivery
(iii) pump at Intermediate pump
12.1 INTERFACE PIPING station.
The primary safety requirement of (iv) Any other condition which can
the interface piping system is to generate surge pressure.
ensure that in the abnormal Based on the out come of the surge
operating conditions / emergencies, analysis , surge protection measure
either supplier or the consumer / to be taken.
receiver is not subjected to pressure
more than the allowable operating 12.4 CONTROL SYSTEM AND
pressure of the system. INSTRUMENTATION.

12.2 ROV ( Remote operation valve) i. Critical control parameters i.e.,

a) ROV shall be provided in storage vessel level, pressure,
supplier’s terminal and temperature, flow, quantity,
consumer’s premises, which ROV and MOV status shall be
will shut off the supply of LPG shared / made available &
in case the pressure goes beyond monitored in the control rooms
piping design pressure of of Supplier’s and Consumer’s
consumer terminal. company .
b) There shall be a time lag ii. Control system logic shall be
between closure of ROVs at designed in such a way that any
consumer end and at the variation from the preset design
supplier’s end. The time lag limit shall put the system in the
shall be engineered properly so fail safe operating condition
that pressure does not increase iii.In case of emergency the
beyond the specified limit in the pipeline ROV shall close earlier
consumer terminal. than Storage vessel ROV. An
c) While engineering the closure interlock / circuitry shall be
time of ROV, a consideration incorporated in the design.
shall be given so that the iv. Any bypassing of interlocks in
pressure due to surge does not the receiving terminal shall be
exceed the design pressure. informed to the receiving
d) A suitable continuous back-up organisation. Adequate
power supply shall be provided precautions shall be spelt out
for the control system and clearly and adhered to whenever
operation of ROVs both at any interlock is bypassed as per
suppliers end and consumers OISD-GDN-178.

presume that no external fire-
12.5 ANNUNCIATION fighting agencies would be
The following indications shall be available for main pump
incorporated in the control rooms of station, intermediate pump
both supplier and consumer station and pipeline terminal
company. station for a duration of
(a) Close indication of LPG minimum 4 hours.
storage ROV. (iii) All LPG pumps (booster and
(b) Pr. Switch High High of LPG mainline pumps), Pig launcher
storage . and receivers, metering area,
(c) Level Switch High High of LPG filtering area and receipt &
storage. delivery manifold area shall be
(d) Pr Switch High High of LPG fully covered by medium
receiving pipeline system. velocity spray system.
(e) Pr. Switch High High of main (iv) Heat detectors through thermal
LPG pipeline. fuses / quartz bulbs (QB to
(f) Any fire/emergency in supplier / blow at 790 C) / Electro
receiver installation. pneumatic (EP) detectors )for
12.5 The typical arrangement of piping at detection of fire for automatic
custody transfer point and its actuation of medium velocity
protection is as per enclosed sketch water sprinkler system shall be
at Annexure-VIII. provided. The QB / EP
detectors shall be placed
12.5 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE directly overhead or inside the
PROCEDURES hazard. In areas without
A detailed operation and specific hazard, detectors shall
maintenance procedure for control be placed evenly across the
system and safety interlocks shall ceiling or with a maximum
be developed mutually. Roles and spacing of 3 meter inside the
responsibilities along with action to shed. Any other detectors if
be taken in case of emergencies provided shall comply with the
shall be incorporated in the design requirement.
procedures of each company.
Change in procedures shall be inline 13.1.2 FIRE WATER SYSTEM
with OISD-GDN-178. The Fire water system shall consist
of :
13.0 SAFETY & FIRE (a) Fire water Pumps ( Main and
13.1 FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: (b) Fire water storage
PUMPING / INTERMEDIATE (c) Fire hydrant / Monitor
STATIONS distribution piping network
13.1.1 DESIGN BASIS (d) Water sprinkler / Deluge system
(i) The single largest risk shall be
considered. 13.1.3 DESIGN FLOW RATE
(ii) The basis of design of fire The Fire water pumping
protection facilities should requirement for medium velocity

spray system shall be calculated (iii)Fire hydrant network shall be in
based on following cooling rate : closed loops to ensure
(i) Pump Shed multidirectional flow in the
Medium velocity sprinkler system system. Isolation valve shall be
having remote and local operated located near loop junction.
deluge valve with spray density Additional Isolation valves shall
20.4 LPM / Sq.M. . Area of the be provided where the length of
pump shed to be calculated the pipe section is more than
considering outer foundation 300 mtr.
column distances. 13.1.5 FIRE WATER STORAGE

(i) Scraper area , Metering area/ (i) Water requirement for Fire
Filtering area and receipt / delivery fighting shall be met above
manifold area ground tanks of steel or concrete
Medium velocity sprinkler system or masonry. The effective
with spray density 10.2 LPM/ Sq. capacity of the tanks above the
M of surface area to be considered. level of suction point shall be
minimum 4 hrs aggregate
Pump house shall be considered as capacity of the pumps. Where
single risk area. Alternatively, it can be make up water supply system is
divided into suitable number of zones 50% or more this storage
with minimum 10 meter width capacity may be reduced to 3
hrs of aggregate capacity of
The fire water system in the plant shall pumps.
be designed to meet the highest fire (ii) Storage tank / reservoir shall be
water flow requirement of a single in two interconnected
largest area risk at a time plus 288 M3 / compartments to facilitate
Hr for operating 2 Nos. of fire water cleaning and repairs. In case of
monitors / supplementary hose steel tanks there shall be a
requirements. minimum of two tanks.


(i) The Fire water pressure system (i) Centrifugal fire water pumps
shall be designed for a shall be installed to meet the
minimum residual pressure of designed fire water flow rate
7.0 Kg/ Cm2. and head. Pump shall have
(ii) A fire water ring main shall be flooded suction.
provided all around perimeter of (iv) Motor driven Jockey pump (not
the plant facilities with hydrants more than 10 M3 / Hr of water
/ monitors spaced at intervals flow) shall be installed to
not exceeding 30 mtr . Fire maintained the fire network
hydrants monitors shall not be pressure at 7.0 Kg/ Cm2 . at
installed within 15 mtr from the farthest end of the network.
facilities / equipment to be (ii) The fire water pumps including
protected. the stand by pumps shall be

diesel driven. Where electric (v) The main shall have 1 mtr
supply is reliable 50% of the earth cushion in open ground
pumps may be motor driven. and 1.5 mtr cushion under the
Pump shall be capable of roads.
discharging 150% of its rated (vi) The underground fire water
dischage at a minimum of 65% network shall be provided
of rated head. Each engine shall with suitable coating /
have an independent fuel tank of wrapping or concrete /
suitable size for 6 hrs masonry.
continuous running. (vii)Double headed hydrants with
(iii)A minimum of 50% stand by two separate landing valves
pump(s) ( minimum one no) of on 3” / 4” standpost shall be
the same type and capacity as used. All hydrant outlets shall
the main pumps shall be be 1.2 mtr above ground
provided. level.
(iv) The fire water pumps shall be (viii) Fire water monitors shall be
provided with automatic starting provided with independent
facilities. isolation valves.
(ix) Hose Box with 2 Nos. of
13.1.7 FIRE HYDRANT NETWORK hoses and a nozzle shall be
provided at each hydrant
(i) Fire water ring main shall be points.
sized for 120% of the design (x) The deluge valve shall be
water flow rate. Velocity of located at 15 mtrs. from the
the water shall not exceed risk being protected. A fire
more than 5 m/s in the fire wall shall be provided for the
water ring main. In case of protection of the deluge valve
sea water service, the fire and for operating personnel.
water main pipes shall ne (xi) Fire Hydrants/ monitors shall
concrete / mortar lined be located at a minimum
internally. distance of 15 mtrs from the
(ii) Fire water ring main shall be hazardous facility /
laid above ground at a height equipment The fire hydrants
of 300 mm to 400 mm above can be provided at interval of
finished ground level. 30 mtrs or monitors can be
(iii) The mains shall be supported provided at interval of 45
at regular intervals not mtrs.
exceeding 6 mtrs or as per
approved design. 13.1.8 MEDIUM VELOCITY SPRI-
(iv) The ring main may be laid NKLER SYSTEM
underground at the following The medium velocity spray system
places: provided at all critical areas shall
(a) Road crossings have spray nozzles directed radially
(b) Where above ground to the facilities intended for cooling
piping is likely to get at a distance of 0.6 mtr from the
damaged mechanically. surface of the equipment / facility.

Only one type and size of spray with known and certified level
nozzle shall be used in a particular of concentration.
facility. (vi) Each station should have
minimum 2 Nos. of spare
13.1.9 All spay nozzles shall be inspected detectors to facilitate immediate
for proper positioning , corrosion replacement.
and cleaned if necessary at intervals
not more than 12 months or earlier 13.3 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM
based on actual experience. Care
shall be taken in positioning nozzles (i) Manual call points shall be
so that water spray does not miss provided at strategic operating
the targeted surface and reduce the locations.
efficiency or calculated discharge (ii) Electric operated fire sirens
rate. audible 1 kms from the periphery
of the plant shall be installed.
13.2 GAS MONITORING SYSTEM (iii)Manual operated fire sirens shall
be provided at strategic places.
(i) The Gas Monitoring system (iv) Smoke detectors shall be
shall be provided for early provided in control room,
warning on build up of MCC, utility room with
dispersed gas concentration provision of indication, alarm
below LFL( lower flammable & annunciation.
level) limits. These detectors for
the gas monitoring system shall 13.4 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS
be located close to the potential
source of leakage. All material used in fire water system
(ii) The control equipment shall be using fresh water shall be of the type
able to generate at least two indicated below
alarms at different level of LEL (i) Pipes - Carbon Steel (CS) IS:
concentration. 3589 / IS :1239
(iii) The detectors shall be located at (ii) Isolation, Deluge Valve, Hydrant
least 0.3 meter away from stand post, Monitors – Carbon
potential source of leakage at Steel
height not more than 0.3 meter (iii)Outlet valves/ landing valves-
from the mounting level. Gunmetal / Aluminum
(iv) Detectors shall be placed in the (iv) Fire Hose- Reinforced rubber
pump shed and near scraper / lined hoses (63 mm), 15 mtr std
filter , cold vent and cold flare length conforming to IS: 636
area. (type A or B))
(v) The inspection of the system (v) The above ground fire water
shall be done at an interval of 1 main, hydrant post shall be
month in which the gas shall be painted with corrosion resistant “
released at all the detectors and fire Red” paint as per IS: 5
performance of the system shall (vi) Water monitors, hydrant point and
be established. Detectors shall hose box shall be painted “
be calibrated every three months Luminous Yellow” as per IS: 5

(e) Rubber hand gloves for
electrical purpose- 2 nos.
13.5 FIRST AID FIRE FIGHTING (f) Low temperature rubber
EXTINGUISHERS hand gloves - 4 pairs.
The fire extinguishers shall be (g) Low temperature protective
provided at various location as under. clothing- 2 sets.
(i) LPG Pump- 1x 10Kg DCP / 50 m2 (h) Fire proximity suit- 1 no.
Houses. (i) Resuciator - 2 Nos.
(ii) Office/ Canteen/Stores- 2x 10Kg (j) Red / green flags – 1 set.
DCP in each building. (k) Self contained breathing
(iii) MCC/DG Room/HT room- 2 x 4.5 apparatus with one spare
Kg CO2 in each room or per 100 cylinder (cap 30 min) – 1
m2 floor area. 4 sand buckets & stand no.
shall be provided in DG room (l) Water jel blanket- 2 nos.
(v) 100% spare for CO2 cartridges and (m) Portable Gas detectors/
50% DCP cartridges shall be stored. Explosive meter – 2 Nos.
(vi) 1 No. Mobile 75 Kg DCP fire
extinguisher shall be provided in 13.7 Emergency shut down (ESD) push-
LPG pump house. button system
(vii) A trolley containing first aid fire Emergency shut down push-button
protective accessories shall also be system shall be provided at vantage
provided points in the operating area. In case of
13.6 HOSES, NOZZLES AND emergency in supplier’s company
ACCESSORIES . ESD shall actuate the following:
(i) Minimum 2 Nos. or 25% spare - Remote Operated Valve (ROV) on
hoses shall be stored. the custody transfer line to the
(ii) In addition to the nozzles consumer will close.
provided in the hose boxes - Shut down all other facilities as
there shall be 1 set of spare incorporated in the designed.
nozzles for each category viz- Additionally push buttons for
Jet Nozzle with branch pipes, initiating all the above actions shall
Fog Nozzle, Universal Nozzle, be provided on remote operating
water curtain Nozzle and spray panel and also in field at safe location
Nozzle. for enabling manual actuation of a
(iii)The following accessories / trip by operator. In the field, manual
first aid items shall be provided bypass valves of fire water deluge
in each pump, intermediate and valves shall also be provided.
pipeline terminal station. Arrangement to routinely test the
(a) Fire hoses – 2nos / per security system shall also be
hose box / per hydrant provided.
(b) Safety helmets-1 no./person 13.8 Windsock
(min 10 nos.). Windsock shall be provided on an
(c) Stretcher with blanket- 2 appropriately elevated structure like
Nos. the control room / fire-water pump
(d) First aid box- 2 nos. house in such a manner so as to avoid

blind areas. contact nos. etc.
13.9 Emergency power supply 14.0 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS
Emergency lighting shall be
provided for the operating areas & 14.1 Emergency Plan
control room in line with OISD- The emergency plan is to be based on
StTD-149 & OISD-STD-173 maximum credible risk scenarios as
provisions. specified in the OISD-STD– 168 on “
Emergency preparedness plan for
13.10 Communication system marketing location of oil industry”. It
(i) Communication system like shall cover the following:-
telephone / PA or paging, (i) Geographical area covered, the
walkie-talkie, optical fibre cable number and sizes of the pipeline
based communication system systems involved, and the
shall be provided. normal operating conditions,
(ii) In hazardous area, flame –proof including pressure and rate flow.
/ intrinsically safe telephones (ii) Written instructions and
shall be provided. procedures to be adhered to in
(iv) Wherever possible Hot line case of an emergency .
connection between city fire Understanding of the same by the
Brigade / near by major industries operational staff.
shall be provided. (iii) Instrumentation, control
(v) Effective communication system equipment and communication
shall be provided between supplier to enable the controller to direct
and consumer company. all operations related to
(vi) All intermediate stations including emergency.
SV stations shall be linked with a (iv) Warning on delay of abnormal
reliable and proven communication operating conditions.
system. Security at unmanned valve (v) Roles of all organisations
stations shall be trained to deal with involved & periodic meetings to
communication in normal & be conducted to ensure
emergency situations. integration in terms of resource
mobilisation, response &
13.11 MARKERS resolving issues having mutual
13.14.1 Pipeline markers shall be responsibility during
provided on each side of road , emergency.
railway crossing, water crossings
and at a maximum spacing of 1 14.2 Basis of Emergency Plan
km along the right of way of the The emergency plan shall be
remainder of the buried pipeline prepared based on the following and
along the right of way. shall be approved by respective
factory inspector and district
13.14.2 At the entrance to all pipeline authorities under their jurisdiction.
stations, caution signs to be
displayed indicating hazardous a) Risk Analysis & Hazop Study
area, name of the operating Detailed hazop & operability
company emergency telephone study to be conducted involving

design, operation & maintenance basis to manage the change in
group to identify the likely rules, equipment , process ,
deviations in the operating technology, procedures,
parameters from the designed manpower etc.
level & corrective measures
incorporated. 14.3 Emergency Control Centres
Risk analysis & hazop study to be (i) Designated emergency control
reviewed & updated at regular centres shall be constituted at
intervals the main terminal, booster
Such studies shall be carried out stations & receiving terminals
for the pipeline section under each with round the clock
station & merged to the overall communication link among
plan. them. Emergency organisation
structure with actions to be
b) Risk scenarios taken in case of an emergency,
Release of LPG leading to shall be displayed in the control
spillage, vapour cloud formation, centres and documented. Each
fire & explosion shall be SV station shall be attached
considered for various scenarios with nearest emergency control
along with their method of centres. Emergency contact nos.
containing. with action in case of
c) Flow balance record emergency shall be displayed in
A regular flow balance record SV stations and along the pipe
shall be maintained preferably line route.
automatically, to assist detection (ii) Emergency control centres will
of leakage. be established at the following
d) Organisation structure stations:
Emergency organisation structure a. Main pipeline terminal
shall be drawn encompassing b. Pump stations
individual section i.e. pumping, c. LPG Receipt Terminal .
pipeline & receipt & dovetailed (iii) Names of contact personnel will
to form an integrated organisation be declared for following stations.
structure having chain of a) Main pumping station
command, communication & b) Booster station
control system so that action can c) SV station
be initiated as fast as possible. d) Receipt terminal
e) Responsibility (iv) List of fire stations with contact
Responsibility of all concerned to persons, telephone nos along the
be clearly defined, particularly pipeline route shall be prepared
where there is an interface and maintained at each station.
between the supply & the Information with regard to the
receiving company. The system & emergencies to be
transferring & the receiving handled to be shared with the
organisations shall make mutual local fire stations & coordination
agreements for this purpose. Such to be maintained on regular basis
plans shall be updated on yearly for this purpose.

(v) Written mutual aid plan shall be preparedness at the highest level.
drawn between the supplier & Offsite mock drill at least once in a
consumer organsiations & year to be conducted involving
reviewed periodically. district authorities and local
(vi) Periodic meetings, at least once in statutory bodies and observation,
a quarter shall be organised deficiencies and records to be
between the supply & receiving maintained..
organsiations to deliberate &
resolve the issues related to 15.0 PIPELINE OPERATION AND
safety, operation & emergency MAINTENANCE
systems & corrective measures 15.1 Operating Procedures
shall be instituted. A comprehensive operating manual
shall be developed which shall
include following :
14.4 Emergency Training : i. System Description
i. All operational staff should be ii. Operation set points
properly trained to handle normal iii. Initial start up
and emergency situations. iv. Normal operations
ii. Induction, detailed & refresher v. Normal shut down procedure
training shall be imparted to the vi. Temporary operations
operating, maintenance , security vii. Execution of emergency shut
staff in handling of emergency down in a safe & timely
situations. manner
iii. Emergency booklets shall be viii. Emergency shut down
prepared covering emergency ix. Conditions under which
action at each work station & emergency shutdown is
issued to all concerned required
personnel. x. Emergency operations


Regular mock drill shall be INSTRUCTIONS
conducted as per approved The gist of operating instructions,
emergency plan at all the above emergency shut down (ESD), Trip
stations. Deficiencies identified & set pressures shall be displayed in
corrective action taken shall be the control room and near all
documented. important operating equipments
In addition to independent mock
drills by the supplier & the 15.3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE
consumer organisation, combined A detailed maintenance procedure
drills shall be organised once in six shall be developed for entire pipeline
months to test the efficacy of system considering the
response in emergency situations. recommendation given by original
Performance & findings of equipment manufacturer bearing in
combined emergency drills shall be mind the local conditions. To
shared & documented between the facilitate the maintenance services to
organsiations to sustain emergency be rendered in a planned manner, a

preventive maintenance schedule of 6 mm in NPS 4” and
covering necessary work to be done, smaller or 6% of nominal
mentioning the periodicity i.e. daily, pipe diameter in sizes
weekly, monthly, half yearly and greater than NPS 4.
yearly schedule shall be worked out (iv) Dents containing external
and adhered to. corrosion where
remaining wall thickness
15.3.1 Pipeline Repair is less than 87.5% of that
(a) Repairs shall be covered by a of required for design.
maintenance plan and shall be (d) All pipes containing leak shall be
performed under qualified and removed or repaired.
trained personnel familiar with (e) Pipeline shall be repaired by any one
hazards to public safety, of the following:
utilization of proper equipment (i) By cutting out cylindrical piece
and repair material. This shall of pipe containing the defect and
be done in line with AMSE B replacing the same with a pre
31.4, API Publ 2200, API 1104 tested pipe of minimum 2 meter
and API RP 1111. Approvals, length of meeting the required
procedures and special pipe specification.
consideration as per API Publ (ii) By installing full encirclement
2201 shall be observed for welded split sleeves to contain
welding as well as hot tapping internal pressure and shall have a
on pipeline, vessels or tanks design pressure of not less than
which are under pressure. the pipe being repaired. This
Piping in the vicinity of repair shall be fully welded both
shall be adequately supported circumferentially and
during and after the repair. longitudinally. Length of full
(b) If an inert fluid is used to encirclement split sleeves shall
temporarily displace the liquid not be less than 100mm.
in the pipeline system for the (f) In case of repair of coated pipe,
purpose of repair, a detailed all damaged coating shall be
procedure containing the removed and new coating shall
following shall be prepared. be applied to replacement pieces
(i) Maximum flow rate. of pipe, welded patches and full
(ii) Pressure encirclement welded split sleeves
(iii) Injection temperature used in making repairs.
(iv) Disposal of the liquid. 15.3.2 Right of Way Maintenance
(v) Safety procedure (a)There shall be proper maintenance
(c) Dents meeting any of the of Right Of Way to have clear
following condition shall be visibility and to give reasonable
removed or repaired. access to maintenance crews.
(i) Dents which affect the pipe (b) Valve location access shall be
curvature. properly maintained.
(ii) Dents containing a scratch, (c) To protect against washouts on the
gouge or groove. line and erosion of the
(iii) Dents exceeding a depth landowner’s property, diversion,

ditches or dykes shall be (iii) Muck/ contaminants should be
maintained wherever required. chemically analysed and safely
disposed as per relevant statutory
15.3.3 Patrolling guidelines.
(a) A periodic pipeline patrolling 15.5 INSPECTION OF CATHODIC
program should be maintained for PROTECTION SYSTEM.
the R.O.W by the operating a) Pipe to Soil Potential (PSP)
company to observe surface Readings shall be taken as
conditions, leakage, construction follows:
activity, encroachments, soil i) PSP readings at feeding
washouts and any other factors points shall be monitored
affecting the safety and operation fortnightly.
of the pipeline. ii) The PSP reading ( ON
(b) Periodic inspection shall be potential) at the test lead
carried out for underwater points for entire pipeline
crossings for sufficiency of cover, shall be taken once in a
accumulation of debris, or for any quarter. The PSP survey
other condition affecting the results shall be plotted
safety and security of the graphically to identify and
crossings. locate cathodic holidays.
(c) Ground Patrolling of On-shore The minimum pipe to soil
LPG Cross Country Pipelines potential shall be more
shall be carried out once in a week negative than - 0.85 volts
(d) Line Walk by the official of the with respect to
company at least once in a year is copper/copper sulphate half
required to be conducted after the cell. In areas where
monsoon. anaerobic bacteria are
(e) The operating company shall active, minimum PSP shall
analyze the existing pipeline for be more negative than - 0.95
new anticipated external loads, volts instead of - 0.85 volts.
when the pipeline is to be crossed Over protection of coated
by a new road or railroad. The pipelines shall be avoided
operating company shall install by ensuring that polarisation
mechanical reinforcement, potential is below - 1.2 volts
structural protection, or suitable with respect to
pipe, in case the design copper/copper sulphate half
parameters considered are cells..
exceeding in order to ensure iii) Instant pipe to soil “OFF”
redistribution of the external loads potential readings at test
acting on the pipeline. lead points of entire pipeline
shall be taken once in a year.
15.4 PIGGING The PSP survey results shall
(i) Scrapper pigging is required to be be plotted graphically to
done at least once in a year. identify and locate cathodic
(ii) Intelligent pigging survey shall holidays.
be carried out once in 10 yrs. iv) Current consumption adata

should be taken at the test
stations where current 15.9 Control and Protective Equipment
measurement facility exist. Periodic inspections and
b) Cathodic protection rectifiers shall maintenance shall be carried out for
be inspected once in two months. controls and protective equipment,
c) All protective devices shall be including pressure limiting devices,
inspected once in two months. regulators, controllers, relief valves,
d) Interference bonds shall be and other safety devices in
inspected once a year. accordance with OEM and
following OISD Standards :
Pearson survey / Direct Current Compressors : OISD – STD-120
Voltage Gradient (DCVG) / Pressure Limiting Devices: OISD –
Continuous Potential Logging (CPL) STD-132
survey shall be carried out once in 5 15.10 DOCUMENTATIONS
years. The following records shall be
15.7 Insulating joints and couplings shall maintained for operation and
be inspected once in a year. maintenance purposes:
(a) All records as per clause 11.4 of
15.8 INSPECTION OF PIPE, VALVES this document.
AND FITTINGS : (b) Necessary operation data
(a) Whenever any pipe or (c) Pipeline patrolling records
component in a piping system (d) Records and maps showing the
can be visually examined location of CP facilities and
internally or pipe or piping.
components are removed from (e) CP monitoring report, test and
a piping system for any reason, survey reports.
the internal surfaces shall be (f) Leak and burst records
inspected for evidence of (g) Records pertaining to routine or
corrosion and if corrosion is unusual inspections, such as
found, the adjacent pipe or external or internal line
component shall be examined. conditions
Discovery of active corrosion, (h) Pipeline repair records
general pitting of the pipe or (i) History cards of equipment.
component surface, or a leak (j) Near miss, minor and major
caused by corrosion shall be incidents.
investigated further to 16.0 PIPELINE INTEGRITY
determine the cause and extent MANAGEMENT (PIM)
of the corrosion and further 16.1 A comprehensive manual containing
steps shall be taken or program & practices shall be
augmented to mitigate developed for existing pipeline /
corrosion. after construction of the new pipeline
(b) Inspection of pipes, Valves and to manage pipeline integrity taking
fittings shall be carried out as into consideration consequence
per OISD-STD130. classification / category of pipeline,

and risk involved in each segment of conditions of operations which could
the pipeline. reduce the integrity of the pipeline
16.2 The integrity management program should be evaluated and remedial
framework shall take into action to be taken.
consideration continual / periodic 16.7 The methods selected to assess the
assessment & an evaluation process integrity of the pipeline initially
as to its effectiveness of the current shall be one and / or combination of
health of the pipeline & to prevent the followings :
any failure in future. (a) Internal inspection tool or tools
16.3 The integrity management program capable of detecting corrosion and
shall have following basic elements deformation anomalies including
taking into consideration specificity dents, gouges, grooves eg
& merit involved case to case basis: Geometric Survey.
(a) Classification of consequence (b) Hydrostatic Pressure test
zones/mapping of the pipeline & conducted in accordance with
updated documentation, clause 11.1 of this document. ,
(b) Analysis that integrates all 16.8 The integrity assessment schedule
available information on the shall be based on all risk factors that
pipeline operation, inspection, reflect the risk conditions on the
surveillance, patrolling, incidents pipeline segment.
and the consequences of a failure , 16.9 The integrity assessment during the
criteria for remedial measures, lifetime shall consist of an initial
(c) A continual process of assessment (base line ) & continual assessment .
& documentation and evaluation
to maintain a pipeline integrity , 16.10 The factors to be considered for risk
(d) Identification of preventive & are:
protective measures to protect a) Results of previous integrity
high consequence areas assessment,
(e) Methods to determine program’s (b) Coating type and condition
effectiveness, (c) leak history
(f) Process of review of results by a (d) Repair history
person qualified to evaluate the (e) Cathodic protection history
16.4 Prompt action shall be taken to 16.10 System should be available for
address all anomalous conditions detecting leaks of pipeline system.
that is discovered through the The capability of the leak detection
integrity assessment or information system shall be evaluated and
analysis , surveillance /patrolling etc modified if necessary.
16.5 To maintain safe operating conditions
in case of a an adverse conditions
detected , pipeline should be shut ******
down until the required repairs are
completed and clearance for
operation is given.
16.6 In addressing all conditions, health &
integrity status, all anomalous

This standard shall be read in conjunction with the following standards, codes and
i. ASME B.31.4 – Pipeline Transportation System for Liquid Hydrocarbons, Liquid
Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia and Alcohols.
ii. ASME B.31.3 - Process Piping for petroleum refineries, chemical,
pharmaceutical, textile, paper, semiconductor , cryogenic plants and related
processing plants and terminals.
iii.API – 2510 – Design and Construction of LPG Installation
iv. API 1102 - Recommended Practice for Liquid Petroleum Pipelines Crossing
Railroads and Highways.
v.API 1104 - Standard for Welding Pipelines and Related Facilities.
vi.API 1107 - Recommended Pipeline Maintenance Welding Practices.
vii. API 1109 - Recommended Practice for Marking Liquid Petroleum Pipeline
viii.API 1110 - Recommended Practice for Pressure Testing of Liquid Petroleum
ix. API 2200 - Repairs to Crude Oil, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Products Pipelines.
x.API 2201 - Procedure for Welding or Hot Tapping on Equipment Containing
xi. API 2209 - Pipeline Plugging Practices.
xii.API 500C - Classification of Locations For Electrical Installations at Pipeline
Transportation Facilities.
xiii.ASME - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII Division 1 Pressure
Vessels, Section VIII Division 2 Alternate Rules for Pressure Vessels, and
Section IX – Welding Qualifications
xiv. MSS-SP-50 - Pipe Hangers and Supports Materials, Design and Manufacture.
xv. MSS-SP-69 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application.
xvi. NACE-RP-01-69 - Recommended Practice Control of External Corrosion on
Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems.
xvii. NACE-RP-01-75 - Recommended Practice - Control of Internal Corrosion in Steel
Pipelines Systems.
xviii.OISD –STD-118 - Lay out of Oil and Gas Installation
xix. OISD –STD-119 - Inspection of Pumps
xx.OISD –STD-120 - Inspection of Compressors
xxi. OISD –STD-128 - Inspection of Pressure Vessels.
xxii.OISD –STD-130 - Inspection of Pipes, Valves and Fittings.
xxiii. OISD –STD-132 - Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices.
xxiv.OISD –STD-137 - Inspection of Electrical Equipment.
xxv.OISD –STD-141 - Design and Construction requirements for cross country
hydrocarbon pipelines.
xxvi.OISD –STD-142 - Inspection of Fire Fighting Equipment.
xxvii.OISD-STD- 144 – Liquid Petroleum Gas ( LPG) Installations.
xxviii.OISD –RP-149 - Design aspect for safety in Electrical system
xxix. OISD-STD- 153 - Maintenance and Inspection of Safety Instrumentation.
xxx. OISD-GDN- 178 – Guidelines on Management of Change

IS: 4576 : 1999

S.N. Characteristics Requirement for LPG Method of Test

Ref to
1 Vapour Pressure @ 400 C, Kpa, 1050 D : 1267
gauge max ( See note 1) (See Note 2)
2 Composition, liquid mole percentage D : 2163
a) C 2 Hydrocarbons Report
b) C 3 Hydrocarbons Report
c) C 4 Hydrocarbons Report
d) C 5 Hydrocarbons & heavier 2.5 Max
e) Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Report
Evaporate temperature in 0 C., for 95 2 D : 1837
percent by volume. @ 760 mm
pressure , Max
3 Total Volatile Sulphur, ppm, Max 150 D : 2784
D: 3246
4 Copper Strip Corrosion @ 380 C for Not worse than 1 D : 1838
1 hr
5 Hydrogen Sulphide pass D :2420
( Note 3)
6 Free water content None Visual
ASTM test method shall be followed till ‘P’ of IS 1448 methods under revision are finalized.

1. Vapour pressure may be determined at any other temperature and converted to 40 C by
means of suitable vapour pressure- temperature graph. The same can also be determined by
analysing the gas by means of gas chromatograph & then using the composition , the vapour
pressure can be calculated @ 40 C from the standard value of vapour pressure at various
2. Each consignment of commercial Butane – propane mixture shall be designed by its
maximum vapour pressure in Kpa at 40 C. Further , if purchaser and the supplier agreed,
the minimum vapour pressure of that mixture shall not be lower than 200 kpa gauge
compared to the designated maximum vapour pressure and in any case the minimum for the
mixture shall not lower than 520 Kpa at 40 C.
3. ‘Pass’ test indicates Hydrogen sulphide not more than 5 ppm.
4. Subject to agreement between the purchaser and the supplier, odour requirements of LPG
may be changed for certain applications where unodourised LPG is required.
5. Product shall contain minimum 20 ppm ethyl mercaptan at the first dispatching location to
ensure the detection of odour . To detect the odour, the following procedure may be adopted:
5 ml Doctor solution + 8ml Iso-octane+pinch of sulphur powder in 25 ml stoppered cylinder.
Shake and add 2 ml LPG(Aq). Shake slowly by releasing pressure. Odour is adequate if
sulphur turns yellowish brown. P : 75 odour test method may also be acceptable as an
alternate method.

IS: 14861 : 2000

S.N. Characteristics Requirement Method of Test

Ref to
1 Vapour Pressure @ 400 C, Kpa, Min : 520 (See Note 2) ISO : 4256
gauge max ( See note 1) Max : 1050
2 C3 Hydrocarbons and heavier , mole 2.0 ASTM D : 2163
percent, Max
3 Dienes ( as 1 : 3 Butadiene) mole
percent Max 0.5 ISO 7941
4 Total Volatile Sulphur,( After 150 ASTM D: 3246
stanching) ppm, Max
5 Copper Strip Corrosion @ 400 C for Class 1 ISO : 6251
1 hr, Max
6 Hydrogen Sulphide Pass the test ISO : 8819

7 Evaporation residue, mg/Kg, Max 100 ISO : 13757

8 Free water content Nil ASTM E 700
(Note 3)
9 Motor octane number (MON), Min 88 ISO 7941 +
Annex A
10 Odour Unpleasant and ( Note 4 and 5)
distinctive down to 20
percent lower explosive

1 Vapour pressure may be determined at any other temperature and converted to 40 C by
means of suitable vapour pressure- temperature graph. The same can also be determined by
analysing the gas by means of gas chromatograph & then using the composition , the vapour
pressure can be calculated at 40 C from the standard value of vapour pressure at various
2 In winter , the gauge vapour pressure requirement shall be minimum 700 kPa at 40 C.
st th
winter period shall be from 1 November to 15 February.
3 The water content shall be determined at the Refinery / first dispatching station.
4 Product shall contain minimum 20 ppm ethyl mercaptan at the first dispatching location to
ensure the detection of leakage by odour .
5 To detect the odour, the following procedure may be adopted
5 ml Doctor solution + 8 ml Iso-octane + pinch of sulphur in 25 ml stoppered cylinder. Shake
and add 2 ml LPG(Aq). Shake slowly by releasing pressure. Odour is adequate if sulphur
turns yellowish brown.

IS 1448 [ P : 75] odour test method is also acceptable as an alternate method.

ISO / ASTM test method shall be followed till ‘P’ series of IS 1448 methods are


Liquefaction Plants Bulk LPG

Storage Supply by Rail
LNG Plants LPG Road or Sea
Chemical Plant

Originating STATION
Pumping Station


LPG Storage
Pump / Delivery LPG Installation

Other process


Other process Pipeline

Plant LPG Installation

Boundary Limit outside this Standard

Units within Scope of this standard.

Cross country pipeline within Scope

Of this standard
Pipeline Not in Scope of this Standard.

Custody Transfer Points



S. From / To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Booster Pump House - 15 * 15 15 16 60 15 15 30 30
2 Mainline Pumps House 15 * - 15 15 16 60 15 15 30 30
3 Scraper Launcher 15 15 - x 16 30 15 15 15 30
4 Scraper Receiver 15 15 x - 16 30 15 15 15 30
5 Control Room 16 16 16 16 - 30 15 30 30 -
6 Fire Pump House / Fire water 60 60 30 30 30 - - 60 12 -
storage tanks
7 Water Spray Deluge Valve 15 15 15 15 15 - - 15 - 15
8 Cold Flare 15 15 15 15 30 60 15 - 15 30
9 Compound wall 30 30 15 15 30 12 - 15 - 15
10 Elect Sub station, 30 30 30 30 - - 15 30 15 -

*- In case Booster pumps and Mainline pumps are located in two different pump shed
x- Any distance suitable for constructional and operation convenience.
1. All distances are in metres. All distances shall be measured between the nearest points on the perimeter
of each facility
2. For other station facilities not covered in the above shall be governed by OISD-STD-144 and OISD-
STD- 118.





MOV- motor operated Valve P

TSV- Thermal Safety Valve
PCV- Pr. Control Valve M/L PUMP
SLB- Scraper Launcher Barrel
SRB- Scraper Reciver Barrel
PG- Pr. Guage
PS- Pressure Switch
PT- Pressure Transmitter

From - To Terminal












PG Utility Connection – 2”



TG 4” By pass Line

Utility Connection – 2”


Gate Valve
Ball Valve

Globe Valve

Schematic Line Diagram

Annexure VII
(with Mobile Flare Tapping)

Stem Extended Valve



Utility Connection – 2”
AV 2” I. J. Gasket

PRS Vaporizer TEG

( 2 nos.)

Gate Valve___ Main Line
HPU Ball Valve___ f 4” By Pass Line

Globe Valve___ f 2” TEG Fuel Line

___ f 4” Flare Line___ f 4” Manifold

for PT/TT

Schematic Line Diagram


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