Idioms Part2

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Idioms - Part 2

1. day in the sun

Meaning: A moment in time when one gets attention and is appreciated.
Example: Despite all his unrecognized hard work, I knew that one day he would have his day in the sun.

2. add fuel to the flames

Meaning: An action that makes a difficult situation even worse.
Example: Mom is already very angry. Don't add fuel to the flames by doing what she doesn't like.

3. all ears
Meaning: To say that you are all ears means that you are listening very attentively.
Example: Kids in my class were all ears when I was telling them the story.

4. backseat driver
Meaning: Any person who gives unwanted advice instead of helping or understanding
Example: I cannot stand my relatives being backseat driver to me.

5. badger someone
Meaning: To annoy someone or to bother someone or To pester someone into doing something
Example: Rani badgered her parents into buying her a new computer.

6. balancing act
Meaning: To appease two or more groups having difference of opinion or action
Example: I have to perform a balancing act between work and family.

7. bare your heart / soul

Meaning: To reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings to them.
Example: Raj couldn't keep things to himself any longer. He decided to bare his soul to his best friend.

8. eagle eyes
Meaning: One who see or notices things more easily than others.
Example: The children's eagle eyes spotted an ice-cream shop half a mile away.

9. beat a (hasty) retreat

Meaning: One who runs away or goes back hurriedly to avoid a dangerous or difficult situation.
Example: The thief beat a hasty retreat as soon as he saw the security officer.

10. eager beaver

Meaning: A person who is hardworking and enthusiastic, sometimes considered overzealous
Example: Being an eager beaver, he sometimes is not well - liked by his colleagues.

11. bide your time

Meaning: To wait for a good opportunity to do something.
Example: She bided her time patiently, until the opportunity came to get her revenge.

12. One’s best bet

Meaning: The action that is most likely to be successful
Example: Your best bet is to make all decisions yourself.

13. leave somebody holding the baby

Meaning: If someone is left holding the baby, they are made responsible for a problem that others don't want
to deal with.
Example: When the angry customer started to complain, my colleague disappeared and left me holding the

14. back-room boys

Meaning: The people who do important work but have no contact with the public.
Example: Back-room boys don't always receive the credit they deserve for their work.

15. back-of-the-envelope calculation

Meaning: This expression refers to a quick approximate calculation done informally, as on the back of an
Example: I don't need the exact amount. Just give me a back-of-the-envelope calculation.

16. back of beyond

Meaning: An isolated place located far from any town is said to be in the back of beyond.
Example: He lives in some tiny, remote village in the back of beyond.

17. day in, day out

Meaning: If you do something ‘day in, day out’, you do it every day without fail over a long period of time.
Example: My father goes for a 30-minute walk after breakfast day in, day out.

18. back into shape

Meaning: To get yourself back into shape, you need to take some exercise in order to become fit and healthy
Example: Rana decided she'd have to get back into shape before looking for a job.

19. back on your feet

Meaning: If you are back on your feet, after an illness or an accident, you are physically healthy again.
Example: My grandmother had a bad flu but she's back on her feet again.

20. back to the salt mines

Meaning: A humorous way of talking about returning to work, usually with some reluctance.
Example: We get two days off at Christmas and then it's back to the salt mines!

21. call the shots / call the tune

Meaning: The person who calls the shots or the tune is the one who makes all the important decisions and is
in control of the situation.
Example: The company was more successful when just one or two people were calling the shots.

22. can of worms

Meaning: A situation which is complicated, unpleasant and difficult to deal with.
Example: The discovery of the transfer of funds turned out to be a real can of worms.

23. Something’s fishy

Meaning: something’s strange
Example: All the lights are off in the house and door is open, something’s fishy.

24. Speak of the Devil

Meaning: when you see someone/something happens unexpectedly while talking about them
Example: I hope our teacher doesn’t come today – oh, speak of the devil, here he comes.

25. Spill the beans

Meaning: to tell the secret
Example: I told Jessy my biggest secret, she then spilled the beans to the whole class.

26. Spur of the moment

Meaning: to make a random decision
Example: I decided to drive to Paris on the spur of the moment.

27. Stay on track

Meaning: to stay focused on the goal
Example: I shouldn’t watch TV right now. I need to stay on track and study.

28. Stick with your goal/stick with it

Meaning: to continue doing something
Example: You should really stick with soccer because you are very good at it.

29. Take him out of the picture

Meaning: remove him from the situation
Example: Ramesh isn't the best group partner, we should take him out of the picture.

30. Take it easy

Meaning: calm down

Example: You only failed the first test. You will have many more. Take it easy.

31. That’s tight

Meaning: that’s awesome
Example: This new song is tight.

32. The stars have aligned

Meaning: the moment is right
Example: Finally, the stars have aligned, and my life seems to be headed in the right direction.

33. Draw the line

Meaning: the point where you decide not to do something
Example: I draw the line at giving them more money.

34. The last straw

Meaning: the last thing that causes everything to fail
Example: He'd been unhappy at work for a long time but the last straw came when he was refused

35. Throw an idea around

Meaning: casually suggest an idea
Example: I want to throw an idea around for tomorrow’s event.

36. Time flies

Meaning: time passes by fast
Example: I can't believe the weekend is already over, time flies!

37. Up a creek without a paddle

Meaning: in a bad situation
Example: Yesterday my car ran out of petrol and then my phone ran out of battery, I was up a
creek without a paddle.

38. To feel under the weather

Meaning: to not feel well.
Example: I’m really feeling under the weather today, I have a terrible cold.

39. On the same page

Meaning: having similar thoughts
Example: I'm glad we are on the same page with our ideas for this project.

40. You pulled a fast one

Meaning: to trick someone
Example: You pretended you knew his name when really you did not, you pulled a fast one.

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