DepEd Order Uniform

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DepEd Order No.

46, Series 2008

June 10, 2008

DO 46, s. 2008
Proper school attire

To : Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Center/Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Chief of Divisions

While the general policy is that the wearing of a school uniform shall not be required in public schools (as
embodied in DepEd Order No. 45 s. 2008), it is necessary to provide guidance on what constitutes proper
school attire. The following principles should serve as a guide:

1. A student’s basic right to go to school, study and learn is of paramount importance and should be
respected and promoted at all times.
2. A student’s attire should reflect respect for the school as an institution for learning.
3. A student’s attire should not become a cause for discrimination particularly for students belonging to
a lower socio-economic status.
4. Promoting physical hygiene and proper school decorum is part of the teaching- learning process in
schools, thus a student’s attire and physical appearance should manifest learnings from this process.

Given the above principles, the suggested attire for elementary and secondary students
may be:
For Boys – Polo shirt/T-shirt with sleeves – any plain color, with a minimum of prints
Pants (long or short) – any color
Footwear – any
For Girls – Dress, skirt and blouse, blouse and pants – any color, any print Footwear-any

For students with existing uniforms, they can still continue wearing them, if they so desire.

Students are discouraged from wearing expensive (signature or designer brands) or flashy clothes, tight-
fitting pants/blouses/dresses, mini-skirts, short shorts, blouses with plunging necklines, hip-hop pants for
boys, and sleepwear.

For immediate dissemination and strict compliance.

Reference: DepED Order: (No. 45, s. 2008)

Allotment: 1—(D. O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
May 19, 2010
DO 65, s. 2010
General Guidelines on the Opening of Classes, Including Collection of School Contributions, Enrolment,
Student Uniforms and Release of MOOE

1. Pursuant to the Constitutional mandate on the provision of free public education at the elementary and
secondary levels and to achieve the country’s targets in the Education for All (EFA) Plan 2015 and the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with respect to universal primary school participation, there is an
urgent need to remove financial and non-financial obstacles to the smooth enrolment process and continued
schooling of schoolchildren.

2. Accordingly the following policies shall be strictly observed:

1. Collection of School Contributions

1. No fees shall be collected from schoolchildren enrolling in preschool up to Grade 4 during the
enrolment period and at any time during the school year. This prohibition shall cover the authorized
but voluntary contributions such as Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP), Girl Scouts of the Philippines
(GSP), Red Cross, Anti-Tuberculosis (TB) Fund and Parents-Teachers Association (PTA), among
2. For grade and year levels beyond Grade 4, no collection of any type should be undertaken during the
enrolment period and the first month of classes. Starting on the second month of every school year,
contributions may be collected, but only on a voluntary basis. Please see table below for the
corresponding amount and reference of the following authorized contributions:
Membership Fee Amount Reference
DM No. 513,
BSP PhP50.00 per learner
s. 2009
DM No. 235,
GSP PhP50.00 per learner
s. 2009
DO No. 31,
Anti-TB Fund Drive PhP5.00 per learner
s. 2001
To be determined by DO No. 54,
Board of Directors s. 2009
PhP60.00 for elementary
students DO No. 19,
School Publication
PhP90.00 for secondary s. 2008
Membership in Based on existing school DO No. 48,
student organizations policies s. 2009

a. PTAs may start their collection only after presenting a report on the utilization of the previous school year’s
collections to their members and to the school administration. The amount of contributions to the PTA shall
be agreed upon in a general assembly of the PTA (DepED Order No. 54, s. 2009);

b. The school publication fee shall be set at the school level but it shall not be more than Sixty Pesos
(PhP60.00) per elementary school pupil and Ninety Pesos (PhP90.00) per secondary school student (DepED
Order No. 19, s. 2008). The publication of a school newspaper, while not mandatory, is strongly encouraged in
line with the campus journalism program both at elementary and secondary levels; and
c. The membership fees for student organizations shall be set by the organization subject to existing school
policies on student organizations.

I. Enrolment

1. Pupils/Students who are promoted to the next grade or year level are considered automatically
enrolled for the coming school year in the same school. Only pupils entering first grade, students
entering first year high school, and transferees from another public school or from a private school
need to enroll during the enrolment period. Returning pupils/students shall report to school only for
sectioning purposes or any other pre-opening preparations as determined by the school
2. Children who will be six year old by the opening of classes (June 15, 2010) for School Year 2010-2011
and every opening of classes for subsequent school years are eligible for enrolment in Grade 1. The
birth certificate of the child shall be the documentary basis for admission. However, under no
circumstance shall a child be denied admission due to the absence of birth certificate. In case this is
not available a joint affidavit attesting to the birth of the child executed by two disinterested persons
may be submitted, subject to submission of his/her birth certificate thereafter;
3. Children who are younger than six years old by six months at most may be admitted to Grade 1
provided their readiness for school has been assessed positively by the school where they are applying
for admission through the School Readiness Assessment Tool in relation to DepED Order No. 25, s.
2007 on School Readiness Assessment for All Grade One Entrants;
4. Pupils/Students who wish to transfer to a public school from another public school or from a private
school should bring the Form 138 (Report Card) to the school where they intend to transfer. If this
document is not available, the child can be admitted on condition that the Report Card shall be
submitted not later than the end of the First Grading Period;
5. Class sizes shall have a range from a minimum of 15 pupils/students to a maximum of 60
pupils/students per class. Whenever possible, classes from Grades 1 to 4, should not exceed 40 pupils
per class in order to keep the teaching-learning process more manageable during these foundation
years of schooling;
6. In addition, the most competent and/or most experienced teachers should be assigned to these grade
levels, particularly in Grade 1; and
7. The specific provision of DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2003 giving priority preference for admission to those
new entrants who are residents of the locality where the school is located, subject to the reasonable
threshold ratio of pupils/students per teacher as stated above is retained.

II. Student Uniform and ID Cards

1. The wearing of a school uniform shall not be required in public schools. Students with existing
uniforms may continue using these uniforms, if they so desire, in order to avoid incurring additional
costs for new attire; and
2. Identification (ID) Cards shall be provided to students at no cost on their part. The school
administration shall fund these from its Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE).

III. Release of MOOE in Cash Advance to School

1. Schools Division/City Superintendents are directed to release MOOE funds to schools without fiscal
autonomy in the form of cash advance and in adequate amounts proportional to the enrolment size to
ensure that operating funds are available at the start of and throughout the school year.
IV. Other Guidelines

1. The provisions with regard to the “Adoption of Double Shift Policy” to address classroom shortages,
as provided for in DepED Order No. 62, s. 2004, subject to the above cited average and maximum
class size, shall be maintained; and
2. The “Revised Guidelines Governing PTAs” insofar as consistent with the Guidelines on Collection of
School Contributions are hereby reactivated.

V. Monitoring of Implementation

1. Schools Division/City Superintendent and School Principals/School Heads are directed to implement
this Order. The Regional Director shall monitor the implementation of it; and
2. Every School Head must send to the Division Office a letter of compliance with this Order. In turn, the
Schools Division/City Superintendents are required to submit to the Office of the Regional Director,
who in turn shall submit to the Undersecretary for Regional Operations a consolidated report of said

3. Any violation of this Order and DepED Order No. 19, s. 2008 by any school official/employee shall be strictly
dealt with administratively, pursuant to DepED Order No. 49, s. 2006, otherwise known as the “Revised Rules
of Procedure of the Department of Education in Administrative Cases”.

4. All previous issuances which are inconsistent with the provisions of DepED Order No. 19, s. 2008 and this
Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

5. These guidelines shall remain in force and in effect during the succeeding school years until revised or

6. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.

Mona D. Valisno

May 24, 2012

DO 41, s. 2012
Revised Guidelines on the Opening of Classes
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers, and Heads of Units Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned

1. Pursuant to the Constitutional mandate to provide all Filipino learners with free basic education in
public elementary and secondary schools, and to achieve the country’s targets for the Millennium
Development Goal (MDG) on universal primary education and this Department’s objective of
Education for all (EFA) in 2015, there is an urgent need to minimize, if not eliminate, financial
constraints among parents/guardians during the opening of classes, and to implement effective
school/classroom management.
2. Accordingly, the implementing policies on the collection of voluntary school contributions (VSCs) shall
be strictly observed.
a. No fees shall be collected from school children in Kindergarten up to Grade 4 anytime during the
School Year (SY) 2012-2013.
b. No fees shall be collected from Grade 5 pupils up to High School students from June to July 2012.
However, starting August 2012 until the end of this School Year, the following shown in the table
below may be collected only on a voluntary basis.
Membership Fee / Contribution Amount Reference
DM No. 513, s.
Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) PhP50.00 per learner
DM No. 235, s.
Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) PhP50.00 per learner
Philippine National Red Cross DM No. 330, s.
PhP35.00 per learner
(PNRC) 2010
Anti-TB Fund Drive PhP5.00 per learner DO No. 31, s. 2001
Reasonable amount to be determined by the PTA’s General
Parents-Teachers Association (PTAs) DO No. 54, s. 2009
PhP60.00 for every elementary pupil PhP90.00 for every high
School Publication DO No. 19, s. 2008
school student
Membership in pupil/student
Based on existing school policies DO No. 48, s. 2009

3. c. The Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) may collect contributions starting August 2012 only after
presenting to their members and to the school head/principal a Report on the Utilization of the
Previous School Year’s Collections and the SY 2012 Proposed Budget with Program of Activities
taking into account the following:
 i. The amount of contributions to the PTA shall be agreed upon during the General Assembly
pursuant to DepEd Order No. 54, s. 2009; and shall be concurred in by the school
head/principal. (The concurrence of the school head/ principal on the amount of voluntary
school contributions shall not be interpreted to mean that the contributions are mandatory).
 ii. The PTAs are enjoined to refrain from setting exorbitant amounts for voluntary school
contributions. In consideration of the many expenses that parents incur in sending their
children to school, the PTAs are encouraged to minimize the amount of contributions for
graduation ceremonies and extra-curricular activities as well as minimize requests for in-kind
 iii. The contributions to the PTA shall be on a per member basis, regardless of the number of
children that the member has enrolled in the school;
 iv. The PTAs are encouraged to open and maintain a bank account to manage its collections
and budget; and
 v. The Division PTA Affairs Committee shall strictly monitor the activities of the PTAs and their
compliance with reports and other requirements.

d. The publication of the school newspaper, although not mandatory, is strongly encouraged in line
with the promotion of the campus journalism program at the elementary and secondary levels. The
school publication fee shall be set at the school level. Elementary pupil shall not pay more than Sixty
Pesos (PhP60.00), and high school student, Ninety Pesos (PhP90.00) per DepED Order No. 19, s. 2008.
e. No teacher, school official nor school personnel shall collect fees or contributions, nor shall they be
entrusted with the safekeeping and disbursement of collections made by the PTA pursuant to the
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers (as provided for in Article XI of Republic Act. No. 7836).
Teachers shall not act, directly or indirectly, as agent of any commercial venture, nor shall they be
financially interested, of which they can exercise official influence. Hence, teachers, school officials
and school personnel are prohibited from selling or requiring the purchase of locally- produced
workbooks, instructional materials, test booklets, school supplies and other items;
f. The membership fees for student/pupil organizations shall be set by the organization subject to
existing school policies on student organizations.
g. If the collection of school publication fees and other club memberships are coursed through the
PTA as requested by the concerned organization, the amount collected shall immediately be remitted
to the school or organization on the day of collection. No service fee shall be charged to the school or
pupil/student organization by the PTA.
h. It is stressed that in no case shall non-payment of voluntary school contributions or membership
fees be made a basis for non-admission, non-promotion or non-issuance of clearance to a student by
the school concerned.
i. Non-compliance with the provisions of this DepEd Order shall be a ground for cancellation of the
PTA’s recognition and/ or filing of appropriate charges as the case may be.

4. The implementing policies on enrolment to be strictly observed are as follows:

a. During the opening of classes, the school heads (SHs)/principals shall ensure that Grade 1 pupils and
First Year High School (Grade 7) students who registered on January 28, 2012 are in school. In cases
when there are no schools in the area, the mobile learning facilitator of the Alternative Learning
System (ALS) shall provide educational services to these learners;
b. Grade 1 pupils shall be six (6) years old by October 2012. The certification of birth from the local civil
registrar shall be the documentary basis for enrolment and shall be submitted on or before December
c. Children who are younger than six (6) years old by six (6) months may be admitted to Grade 1
provided that their readiness for school has been assessed (with positive results) by the school where
they are applying for admission through the School Readiness Assessment Tool in relation to DepEd
Order No. 25, s. 2007;
d. All Grade 1 pupils and First Year High School (Grade 7) students who did not register on January 28,
2012 need to enroll before or during the opening of classes;
e. Pupils or students who are promoted to the next grade or year level are considered automatically
enrolled for the coming school year (2012- 2013) in the same school;
f. Pupils or students who wish to transfer to a public school from another public school or from a
private school shall bring their Form 138 (Report Card) to the school where they intend to transfer. If
this document is not available, the child can be admitted on the condition that the Report Card shall
be submitted not later than the end of the First Grading Period;
g. The class size shall range from a minimum of 15 pupils/students to a maximum of 60 pupils/students
per class for Grade 5 to high school. Whenever possible, classes in Grades 1 to 4 shall not exceed 40
pupils per class in order to keep the teaching-learning process more manageable during these
foundation years of schooling;
h. The specific provision of DepED Order No. 32, s. 2003 which gives priority preference for admission
to new entrants who are residents of the locality where the school is located subject to the average
and maximum class size stated in Item 3. g, is maintained. However, excess entrants (new or old), who
are residents of the locality where the school is located shall be admitted, subject to the provisions of
the succeeding paragraph;
i. In schools where there are oversized classes, school heads / principals shall utilize alternative
delivery modes such as the modified In-School Off-School (MISOSA), Instructional Management by
Parents, Community and Teachers (E-Impact), Drop-Out Reduction Program (DORP) print modules,
e-modules, and Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) among others;
j. The most qualified and/or the most experienced teachers shall be assigned to run the alternative
delivery modes; and
k. The provision on the Adoption of Double Shift Policy to address classroom shortages, as provided
for in DepED Order No. 62, s. 2004, subject to the above cited average and maximum class size, shall
be maintained.
5. The implementing guidelines on the wearing of student uniform and identification (ID) cards are the
a. The wearing of a school uniform shall not be required in public schools. Students with existing
uniforms may continue using these uniforms, if they so desire, in order to avoid incurring additional
costs for new attire; and
b. ID cards shall be provided to students at no cost on their part. The school head/principal shall fund
these ID cards from its Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE).
6. The policies on the distribution of instructional materials such as textbooks and other learning
resources are as follows:
a. The school head/principal shall ensure that textbooks and learning packages available in the school
shall be distributed to all the pupils or students. Reading materials in the library hubs shall be
maximized for instruction; and
b. Teachers in schools with Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) equipment and materials shall utilize these for multiple delivery formats such as large group
workshops, small group discussions, and individualized instruction to develop self-directed learning.
7. The release of MOOE in cash advance to schools shall be guided by this policy. Schools division/city
superintendents (SDSs) are directed to release MOOE funds to schools without fiscal autonomy in the
form of a cash advance and in adequate amounts proportional to the enrolment size to ensure that the
operating funds are available at the start of the school year.
8. The guidelines on the monitoring of the implementation of this DepEd Order are as follows:
a. The schools division/city superintendents (SDSs) and the school heads are directed to implement
this Order. The regional director (RD) shall monitor the implementation of these policies; and
b. Every school head must submit to the respective Division Office (DO) a Letter of Compliance
together with the School Monitoring Report on or before July 29, 2012. In turn, every schools division
superintendent (SDS) is required to submit the Division Consolidated Report on Compliance and Non-
compliance of their Schools to this Order to the Undersecretary for Regional Operations on or before
August 15, 2012, copy furnished the RD.
9. All DepEd issuances pertaining to collection of fees or contributions on voluntary basis consistent with
this DepEd Order are hereby reiterated, and strictly enforced. Any violation of this Order by any
teacher, school official or school personnel shall be dealt with administratively, pursuant to DepEd
Order No. 49, s. 2006, otherwise known as the “Revised Rules of Procedure of the Department of
Education in Administrative Cases.”
10. All previous issuances which are inconsistent with the provisions of this DepEd Order are hereby
repealed or modified accordingly.
11. These guidelines shall remain in force and in effect during the succeeding school years until revised or
12. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.

DECS Order: (Nos. 31, s. 2001, 32 s. 2003)
DepED Order: (Nos. 62, s. 2004; 49, s. 2006; 25 and 49, s. 2007;
19, s. 2008; 40, 48, 54 and 77, s. 2009, 65, s. 2010) DepED Memorandum: (Nos. 235 and 513, s. 2009)
DepED Order: (No. 41, s. 2011)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:



June 28, 2012

DO 66, s. 2012
Amendments in DepEd Order No. 41, s. 2012 (Revised Guidelines on the Opening of Classes)

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned

1. DepEd Order No. 41, s. 2012 entitled Revised Guidelines on the Opening of Classes has the following
changes in Paragraph 2b:
a. Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) is changed to Philippine Red Cross (PRC); and
b. The amount of the PRC annual membership fee for each student has been increased from thirty five
pesos (PhP35.00) to fifty pesos (PhP50.00).
2. Thus, Paragraph 2b of DepEd Order No. 41, S. 2012 shall be corrected and read as follows:“b. No fees
shall be collected from Grade 5 pupils up to High School students from June to July 2012. However,
starting August 2012 until the end of this School Year, the following shown in the table below may be
collected on a voluntary basis:”
3. All previous issuances which are inconsistent with the provisions of this DepEd Order are hereby
repealed or modified accordingly.
4. These guidelines shall remain in force and in effect during the succeeding school years until revised or
5. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.

DepEd Memorandum: No. 105, s. 2012;
DepEd Order: (Nos. 41, s. 2012 and 22, s. 2005)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:



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