Educ 208 - Eduardo T. Santiago JR

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Name: Eudardo T. Santiago Jr.

Date: August 5, 2021

Educ. 208

A. State and briefly explain your understanding on school’s (of DGDLFCI)

i. Vision, Mission, and Goals.
ii. Graduate School Vision, Mission and Goals.

As one of graduate student of DGDLFCI for me, the mission statement of the is
focusing in developing well oriented, competitive graduates that knowledgeable in
terms of modern teaching, like the use of ICT and other technological gadgets we used
in learning. Because as Educator, we must know how to use modern gadgets in teaching
our learners to continue quality education eve if we are in the middle of pandemic.
In Vision Statement, our school visualize a fully fledge institution in Nueva Ecija
that have the quality of being excellence and God Centered institution that are guiding
beliefs about how to get things objectives accomplished. The vision statement gives
direction about how the faculty members are expected to behave and inspires them to
give their best. Developing strong vision and mission statements can help stakeholders
in your school reach a common understanding.
And for the Goals of the School, the Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation Colleges,
INC. (DGDLFCI) have 4 Goals which are:

1. Quality and Excellence

The Quality of being outstanding in term of excellence in developing graduates.

2. Relevance and Responsiveness

The Relevance and Responsiveness are needed to establish trust and rapport
between students and faculty
3. Equality and Access
Fairness between the students and access or approach is important for the
students and the teacher/ professors to make the lesson much understandable.
4. Efficiency and Effectiveness
The efficiency and the effectiveness acts as the major role in molding the
students to become excellence and service to youth GOD community.

B. Why did you choose DGDLFCI to be your Graduate School? And how can the management be of
help to you?

As a Educator who want to continue and to level up my profession, I choose this

foundation as my framework of achieving my goals. I believe that this school will help
me. This is because grad school acts as the academic version of professional training,
enabling us to graduate with all the right knowledge in all the right places.
C. Briefly discuss the DepEd Organization.
The Department of Education is the executive department of the Philippine government
responsible for ensuring access to, promoting equity in, and improving the quality of
basic education in every Filipino.

D. Describe your school organization in terms of management.

Our school management is open systems and has inputs, processes, outputs, feedback,
and there are sub-systems interact with its environment. We have an equal task that
our school principal assigned to us. If we have a difficulty in our task our principal is
always guide us.

E. If you will be given the chance to manage your own school what will be your focus of
management? Why?

“Understand the Importance of Building Community”. Because effective school leaders

build and sustain reciprocal family and community partnerships and leverage those partnerships
to cultivate inclusive, caring and culturally responsive school communities. To build these
community networks it is essential that school leaders are visible in their schools and
community, develop trust and create a sense of transparency and shared purpose with parents,
staff, community members and students. And “Empower Teachers and Cultivate Leadership
Skills” school leaders know that they are not running a one-man show; that they cannot do it all
alone. They know that they must surround themselves with great teachers and colleagues and,
not only that, but they must also fully support teachers and staff by encouraging them to
continually learn, develop and, perhaps most important, become leaders themselves.

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