2001 AMC 12 Problems

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The passages provide examples of math word problems covering a wide range of topics such as algebra, geometry, probability, number theory etc.

52th AMC 12 2001 2

1. The sum of two numbers is S. Suppose 3 is added to each number and then each
of the resulting numbers is doubled. What is the sum of the final two numbers?

(A) 2S + 3 (B) 3S + 2 (C) 3S + 6 (D) 2S + 6 (E) 2S + 12

2. Let P (n) and S(n) denote the product and the sum, respectively, of the digits of
the integer n. For example, P (23) = 6 and S(23) = 5. Suppose N is a two-digit
number such that N = P (N ) + S(N ). What is the units digit of N ?

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 6 (D) 8 (E) 9

3. The state income tax where Kristin lives is levied at the rate of p% of the first
$28000 of annual income plus (p + 2)% of any amount above $28000. Kristin
noticed that the state income tax she paid amounted to (p+0.25)% of her annual
income. What was her annual income?

(A) $28000 (B) $32000 (C) $35000 (D) $42000 (E) $56000

4. The mean of three numbers is 10 more than the least of the numbers and less
than the greatest. The median of the three numbers is 5. What is their sum?

(A) 5 (B) 20 (C) 25 (D) 30 (E) 36

5. What is the product of all positive odd integers less than 10,000?
10000! 10000! 9999! 10000! 5000!
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
(5000!)2 25000 25000 25000 · 5000! 25000

6. A telephone number has the form ABC − DEF − GHIJ, where each letter rep-
resents a different digit. The digits in each part of the number are in decreasing
order; that is, A > B > C, D > E > F , and G > H > I > J. Furthermore,
D, E, and F are consecutive even digits; G, H, I, and J are consecutive odd
digits; and A + B + C = 9. Find A.

(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 (E) 8

7. A charity sells 140 benefit tickets for a total of $2001. Some tickets sell for full
price (a whole dollar amount), and the rest sell for half price. How much money
is raised by the full-price tickets?

(A) $782 (B) $986 (C) $1158 (D) $1219 (E) $1449
52th AMC 12 2001 3

8. Which of the cones below can be formed from a 252◦

sector of a circle of radius 10 by aligning the two straight
sides? 252

10 10 10

6 6 7
(A) (B) (C)

10 10

7 8
(D) (E)

9. Let f be a function satisfying f (xy) = f (x)/y for all positive real numbers x
and y. If f (500) = 3, what is the value of f (600)?
5 18
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) (D) 3 (E)
2 5

10. The plane is tiled by congruent squares and congruent

pentagons as indicated. The percent of the plane that is
enclosed by the pentagons is closest to
(A) 50 (B) 52 (C) 54 (D) 56 (E) 58

11. A box contains exactly five chips, three red and two white. Chips are randomly
removed one at a time without replacement until all the red chips are drawn or
all the white chips are drawn. What is the probability that the last chip drawn
is white?
3 2 1 3 7
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
10 5 2 5 10
52th AMC 12 2001 4

12. How many positive integers not exceeding 2001 are multiples of 3 or 4 but not

(A) 768 (B) 801 (C) 934 (D) 1067 (E) 1167

13. The parabola with equation y = ax2 + bx + c and vertex (h, k) is reflected about
the line y = k. This results in the parabola with equation y = dx2 + ex + f .
Which of the following equals a + b + c + d + e + f ?

(A) 2b (B) 2c (C) 2a + 2b (D) 2h (E) 2k

14. Given the nine-sided regular polygon A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 , how many dis-

tinct equilateral triangles in the plane of the polygon have at least two vertices
in the set {A1 , A2 , . . . A9 }?

(A) 30 (B) 36 (C) 63 (D) 66 (E) 72

15. An insect lives on the surface of a regular tetrahedron with

edges of length 1. It wishes to travel on the surface of the
tetrahedron from the midpoint of one edge to the midpoint
of the opposite edge. What is the length of the shortest
such trip? (Note: Two edges of a tetrahedron are opposite
if they have no common endpoint.)
1√ √ 3
(A) 3 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) (E) 2
2 2

16. A spider has one sock and one shoe for each of its eight legs. In how many
different orders can the spider put on its socks and shoes, assuming that, on
each leg, the sock must be put on before the shoe?
(A) 8! (B) 28 8! (C) (8!)2 (D) (E) 16!
52th AMC 12 2001 5

17. A point P is selected at random from the interior of the
pentagon with vertices A = (0, 2), B = (4, 0), C = (2π +
1, 0), D = (2π + 1, 4), and E = (0, 4). What is the
probability that ∠AP B is obtuse?
1 1 5 3 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
5 4 16 8 2

18. A circle centered at A with a radius of 1 and a circle

centered at B with a radius of 4 are externally tangent.
A third circle is tangent to the first two and to one of B

their common external tangents as shown. The radius of 4

the third circle is 1 A

1 2 5 4 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
3 5 12 9 2

19. The polynomial P (x) = x3 + ax2 + bx + c has the property that the mean of its
zeros, the product of its zeros, and the sum of its coefficients are all equal. If
the y-intercept of the graph of y = P (x) is 2, what is b?

(A) −11 (B) −10 (C) −9 (D) 1 (E) 5

20. Points A = (3, 9), B = (1, 1), C = (5, 3), and D = (a, b) lie in the first quadrant
and are the vertices of quadrilateral ABCD. The quadrilateral formed by joining
the midpoints of AB, BC, CD, and DA is a square. What is the sum of the
coordinates of point D?

(A) 7 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 12 (E) 16

21. Four positive integers a, b,c, and d have a product of 8! and satisfy

ab + a + b = 524,
bc + b + c = 146, and
cd + c + d = 104.

What is a − d?

(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 10 (E) 12

52th AMC 12 2001 6

22. In rectangle ABCD, points F and G lie on AB so that D E C

AF = F G = GB and E is the midpoint of DC. Also, AC
intersects EF at H and EG at J. The area of rectangle J
ABCD is 70. Find the area of triangle EHJ. H

5 35 7 35 A B
(A) (B) (C) 3 (D) (E) F G
2 12 2 8

23. A polynomial of degree four with leading coefficient 1 and integer coefficients
has two real zeros, both of which are integers. Which of the following can also
be a zero of the polynomial?
√ √
1 + i 11 1+i 1 i 1 + i 13
(A) (B) (C) + i (D) 1 + (E)
2 2 2 2 2

24. In triangle ABC, ∠ABC = 45◦ . Point D is on BC so C

that 2 · BD = CD and ∠DAB = 15◦ . Find ∠ACB.
(A) 54◦ (B) 60◦ (C) 72◦ (D) 75◦ (E) 90◦ D


25. Consider sequences of positive real numbers of the form x, 2000, y, . . ., in which
every term after the first is 1 less than the product of its two immediate neigh-
bors. For how many different values of x does the term 2001 appear somewhere
in the sequence?

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) more than 4

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