Vietnam Mathematics Olympiad 2020

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AoPS Community 2020 Vietnam National Olympiad

VMO 2020
by Tintarn, trito11, DoThinh2001

– Day 1

1 Let a sequence (xn ) satisfy :x1 = 1 and xn+1 = xn + 3 xn + √n ,∀n≥
xn 1
a) Prove lim xnn = 0
b) Find lim xnn

2 a)Leta, b, c ∈ R and a2 + b2 +Pc2 = 1.Prove that: |a − b| + |b − c| + |c − a| ≤ 2 2
b) Let a1 , a2 , ..a2019 ∈ R and 2019
i=1 ai = 1.Find the maximum of: S = |a1 − a2 | + |a2 − a3 | + ... +

|a2019 − a1 |

3 Let a sequence (an ) satisfy: a1 = 5, a2 = 13 and an+1 = 5an − 6an−1 , ∀n ≥ 2

a) Prove that (an , an+1 ) = 1, ∀n ≥ 1
b) Prove that: 2k+1 |p − 1∀k ∈ N, if p is a prime factor of a2k

4 Let a non-isosceles acute triangle ABC with the circumscribed cycle (O) and the orthocenter
H. D, E, F are the reflection of O in the lines BC, CA and AB.
a) Ha is the reflection of H in BC, A’ is the reflection of A at O and Oa is the center of (BOC).
Prove that Ha D and OA’ intersect on (O).
b) Let X is a point satisfy AXDA’ is a parallelogram. Prove that (AHX), (ABF), (ACE) have a
comom point different than A

– Day 2

x − ay = yz
5 Let a system of equations: y − az = zx
z − ax = xy

a)Find (x,y,z) if a=0
b)Prove that: the system have 5 distinct roots ∀a¿1,a∈ R.

6 Let a non-isosceles acute triangle ABC with tha attitude AD, BE, CF and the orthocenter H. DE,
DF intersect (AD) at M, N respectively. P ∈ AB, Q ∈ AC satisfy N P ⊥ AB, M Q ⊥ AC
a) Prove that EF is the tangent line of (APQ)
b) Let T be the tangency point of (APQ) with EF,.DT ∩ MN=K. L is the reflection of A in MN.
Prove that MN, EF ,(DLK) pass through a piont

7 Given a positive integer n > 1. Denote T a set that contains all ordered sets (x; y; z) such that

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AoPS Community 2020 Vietnam National Olympiad

x, y, z are all distinct positive integers and 1 ≤ x, y, z ≤ 2n. Also, a set A containing ordered
sets (u; v) is called ”connected” with T if for every (x; y; z) ∈ T then {(x; y), (x; z), (y; z)} ∩ A 6=
a) Find the number of elements of set T .
b) Prove that there exists a set ”connected” with T that has exactly 2n(n − 1) elements.
c) Prove that every set ”connected” with T has at least 2n(n − 1) elements.

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