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The manual provides an overview of the iAStar AS380 frequency converter and integrated lift control system, including its components, functions, parameters and commissioning process.

The iAStar AS380 is an integrated frequency converter that controls the lift motor and includes functions for lift control.

The main components of the lift control system are the iAStar AS380 frequency converter, car controller panel SM02, command board panel SM03, display & control board SM04 and special board SM09.


iAStar AS380
frequency converter with integrated lift control

Version E2.0 (MAI)


Table of Contents

1. iAStar AS380..................................................................................................1
scope of operation...........................................................................................1

2.Overview of system.........................................................................................3
Integrated frequency converter iAStar AS380................................................3
Car controller panel SM02..............................................................................3
Command board panel SM03..........................................................................3
Display & control board SM04.......................................................................3
Special board SM09........................................................................................4
Functional overview........................................................................................4

3. Hand device....................................................................................................7
Log in:..............................................................................................................8
State menu under „Monitor“..........................................................................8
To set parameter in the submenu Para.Select..................................................9
different functions (Func.Select)...................................................................11

4. Menu tree & parameter..............................................................................13

Basic Parameter.............................................................................................15
Comfort Adjust:S-Curve...............................................................................15
Comfort Adjust: PI Adjust............................................................................16

5. Commissioning -Installation run................................................................17

Condition for commissioning run:................................................................17
Security loop – Return-motion -control........................................................18
First movement with the Return-motion -control..........................................18
Setting the parameters on AS.T030...............................................................18
Checking parameters for commissioning and eventually adapt....................20
Parameter speed controller............................................................................22
HDR Lock Error............................................................................................23

Re-levelling -sensor.......................................................................................26
Magnetic switch............................................................................................26
Correction switches.......................................................................................26
Inspection endswitches..................................................................................26
Intelligent Magnetic sensors iMS45...........................................................27
Design and function.......................................................................................27
Correct signal Inputs at AS.T030 (LEDs)....................................................28

7.AS380 Main board AS.T029........................................................................31

AS.T029 connections:...................................................................................31
8.SM02/H cartop box module.......................................................................35
9.SM09IO/B Add-ON module.......................................................................37
10.SM02/G car panel board-module.............................................................39
SM03 button-module.....................................................................................40

11.SM04HRF floor module.............................................................................41

12.Security Section..........................................................................................43

Security circuit..............................................................................................43
Optional security switch................................................................................43
Security circuit..............................................................................................44
Additional Monitoring by control.................................................................45
Scan control at the security circuit................................................................45
Pilot relay.......................................................................................................46
Monitoring of run..........................................................................................46

13.Advice of acceptance test...........................................................................47

Isolation measurement:..................................................................................47
Check of run-time monitoring:......................................................................48
End switch movement:..................................................................................48
Effectiveness of the brakes ( one-sided brake)..............................................48
Contactor monitoring:...................................................................................48
Brake monitoring switch:..............................................................................48
Measurements in security circuit...................................................................49
Triangle monitoring „DKU“.........................................................................49
Instruction for A3 check................................................................................51

15.Error code...................................................................................................69
Manual-overview of system

1. iAStar AS380
• Converter and control in one unit
• Reduced wiring
• simplified parametrisation and commissioning
• 32bit processor ARM7 industry standard
• Dual processor design for enhanced safety requirement
• 2x CAN interfaces for internal & external communication
• High EMc-stability (EFT-4000V)
• High ESD-stability (ESD 8000V)
• EN81, GB7588, CE certified

scope of operation
• For synchronous and asynchronous drive
• numerous parameterizable operations for almost all types of lifts.
• Lifts from 0,1m/s to 10m/s.
• Up to 64 stops
• 2 group cluster integrated
• up to 8 in one group with group controller
• prepared for call control
• shaft copying by shaft encoder and magnetic sensor
• compensation of load during start with and without load
measuring unit
• ID-card system( id card-transponder) integrable
• remote monitoring local and global
• 7 segment disply on board
• graphic LCD on separated handtool
• depiction of driving cycle, input & output state,statusinformation
• error memory (20 errors) with real time registration plain text display.
• Standard for two cabindoors
• numerous special functions eg automatic evacuation .with load dependant selection of direction

Seite 1
Manual-overview of system

2.Overview of system

SmartCom is a modern, on newest technology based control system

especially for elevators.
The system consists basicly on compnents as follows:
• Control circuit terminal iAStar AS380 with integrated frequency
• car controller panel SM02G
• command board SM03 panel for keys
• Car top control board SM02H
• Display& control board SM04
• Extension board SM09
Different variations from each of the the panels/ boards enables an
otimal match between the control system and the elevator in the
required range.
Simple or complex controls based on the always consistent CAN-
records could be implemented.
All components are combinable and extensible due to the CAN-
system .

Integrated frequency converter iAStar AS380

This modul optionally in the shaft or outside consists of the frequency converter and the central unit
SM01 of the elevator control. It includes all functions, especially the drive control, detection of car-
position and a lot of special functions, which are normally allocated in the shaft or engine room.
It communicates via the CAN-Bus with the other modules.

Car controller panel SM02

All functions which are related to the cabin are realised by the car controller panel . It is connected
via CAN-bus with the control circuit terminal.
There are two variations. The „classic“ which only one SM02/03, and now with the 32bit board
F5021 established fragmented variation. In this case there is integrated one SM02/H in car top
control panel and one SM02/G the car controller panel. Thus the 36-pole cable is reduced to a 12-
pole control casble between the car top panel and the car controller panel. The connection from up
to three additional car controller panels/ console panel is now very easy via CAN-bus.

Command board panel SM03

This board is connected to the car controller panel. Up to 8 panels can be connected to an SM02.
One command board provides 8 inputs & 8 outputs for the related confirmations.

Display & control board SM04

Those boards could somehow used as floor-display in the cabin or other as floor display for each
floor with indication of floornumber and continuing indicator.

Seite 3
Manual – overview of system

The adressing is made by DIL-switch or the floor button.

The SM04 is available in different designs: Horizontally, vertically and vertically-slim. The
diplays varies in design and circumference and can also be customized.
All SM04 can communiucate via CAN-bus and are combinable in any order.

In the floors on the SM04 Modulen (Disply+CAN-Modul) the push-buttons for the hallway calls
and the key-switch for special function. Newer panels permit also to connect a loudspeaker for the
EN81-70 required beep.

Special board SM09

Via those customized special functions could be realised without changing the control circuit. For
example the electronic electronic custodian system of the customer or additional fault-messages.

Functional overview
1 Group controllers Collecting hall calls with respect to the given direction
2 Inspection run Up or down. In the door zones the door open button can be used to open
the door.
3 Self liberation with slow drive If you miss the door zone in normal mode the elevator drives slowly with
closed door into the levelling position and opens the door.
4 Testrun For Testpurposes the elevator can make a determined number of random
5 Realtimeclock Errors are registrated with date and time. Functions can be temporary
6 Time to keep doors open Dependant of the kind of call ( Interior, exterior, service, special call),
the time to keep the doors open can be indicated.
7 Door opening by local calls Is the elevator allready in the floor from which the call comes, the door
8 Premature closing of the door. With the door close button the door can be closed before the „Door
9 Forced opening of doors Inside the the door area with the door open button the door opening can
be forced for closed doors which are actually closed.
10 Return motion automatic In case the cabin is not closed within 15 sec. after arrival at the door-
close endswitch, the door open again for a new try.

11 Monitoring of door opening If 15 sec. After opening of the door the final door switch is not the door
closes for a new try.
12 Cancelling of call Via double -CLICK of a call button the call can be cancelled.
13 Terminal landings In the upper terminal the UP command is deleted; in the lower terminal
the down command is deleted.
14 Direct drive Direct drive without rat run. Is activated when incremental copying and
analogue control. The travel curve at this will be created by the
15 Cabin Full If full load, the cabinet do not stop anymore for hall calls
16 Cabin door light OFF After 5 Minutes without activity the cabin light is switched OFF
17 Parking drive After a ajustable time without activity the elevator drives into main floor
18 LCD control Graphic display with extensive status information and menu navigation
19 Analogue speed setting. The rotation frequency of frequency converter is guided by the analogue
20 Digital speed inputs Optional the speed can be set via contacts.

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Manual-overview of system

21 Error storage 'the last 20 errors are stored with time, floor no and error code
22 Learning movement for shaft infos The control learns via encoder and the floor flags the shaft measurements
and braking distances. After this the elevator can drive in normal mode.
23 Clearance of floors Setting of floors which can be reached.
24 Setting of floor indicator. The signs which appears in each floors can be selected
Liftboy control The elevator is driven manually via car controller panel. Hall calls are
26 Priority inside Hall calls are deactivated. Only inside commands are effective.The door
had to be closed by door close button. The button has to be pushed until
door close final switch is reached.
27 LED-dot matrix display, In each floor is a dot matrix display which indicates floor stand, direction
LCD graphic display and status. The user can see wether something is going on.
28 Display with roll funbction According to the drive direction the display is rolling.
29 Automatic correction of shaft datas. The shaft informations are continously corrected..
30 Remote deenergisation The elevator can be disengaged at which all ongoing car/ cabin
commands are executed prior to shut off..
31 Door is only opening in door zones. Out of the door zones the the cabin door cannot be opened.
32 Light barrier/ light curtain Light barrier/ light curtain is evaluated by control and prevent door
closing if activated
33 Overload When overloaded the door remains open and buzzer is going on.
34 Misuse detection If cabin is empty the cabin calls are limited.
35 Direction of rotation Is a wrong direction of rotation is detected elevator stops.
Route monitoring Is the cabin not moving despite active drive the drive stops after 40 sec.
New runs only after reset possible.
37 Monitoring traction Is cabin moving despite stop od drive alarm is engaged.
Limit switch inspection run Limit switches prevent that elevator is running into emergency limit
switches during learning movement or bring-back run.
39 Contractor monitoring This control checks during every run the function of main and brake
40 Speed monitoring When overspeed >emergency stop!
41 CPU Monitoring The processor is monitored via watchdog and restarted if necessary.

Optional functions
1 Preopening doors Via safety circuit
2 Fine levelling with open door Via safety circuit. For hydraulic standard function
3 Fire control system When fire signal run elevator in fireman floor and stays with open door.
Fireman control All commands are dropped and the elevator runs into fireman floor. Now
the firemen can use elevator.The doors doesn't open automatically but
has to be opened with door open button. Release of button actuates
immediate closing-european (EN81) und russian (PUBEL) option
5 2nd car controller panel A second car controller panel can be easily fixed.
6 Car controllerpanel for 2. door selective door control
7 Handicap panel Own panel (eg desk panel) for handicaped people longer door open time
8 Duplex-Function Via 2nd CAN-Bus two elevator can be connected to a 2group-system.
The elevators share the calls correspondant the actual situation in order
to reduce the waiting time to a minimum.
Addionally a function could be activated which brings the nearest
elevator to the parking level to dispose him (waiting).

9 Groupfunction In an optimal control up to 8 elevators can be combined to a group.

The group control collect the hall calls and dispatches correponding the
actual location of the elevators to reduce finally the waiting time to a
10 Rush hour filling building Via internal time settings the haul capacity can be adapted ( typically

Seite 5
Manual – overview of system

office building)
11 Rush hour emptying building Via internal time settings the haul capacity can be adapted ( typically
office building)
12 Dispatch waiting elevator When all calls are executed after 1 min the elevators of a group are
distributed in the building; one is going to the main parking floor the
others remaining in different parking positions to reduce waiting time.
13 Interface to building control system RS485 interface to link to PC for building control
14 Remote monitoring The elevator can be integrated in an overall remote monitoring system.
15 Drive in Gong During the landing approach a gong under the floor or over the ceiling of
the cabin informs about the arriving cabin.
16 Driving on displays HOP In the hall indicator panels with an accoustic and optical display could
be integrated.
Floor gong In every floor a Gong could be provided.
18 Card reader in the cabin With a transponder card could either a specific call be released or
presetted calls be released
19 Card reader in the floors Release of hall calls
20 Selective door control Back-and frontdoor could be separated.
21 Push mode After 1 min the door is closing slowly despite the light array.
22 VIP Service A key switch in the HOP deletes all hall calls and brings the empty
cabine. Now several inside calls could be setted. After this the elevator
switches back in normal mode.
23 PIN entry via call button For specific selection of floors the call buttons can be used to entry a
24 Floor activation locally controlled For simple or duplex elevators an altered setting of floors can be entered
via key switch.
25 Floor activation via group control Floor settings can be temporarily changed via groupannexe
Temporarily blockade from Floors could be blocked for short time from the user.
individual floors
27 Automatic Evacuation In case of a power failure with following emergency power supply the
cabin runs to the next floor
8 Emergency power evacuation For elevator groups the evacuation is made one after another.
9 Earth quake Function Elevator stops during run and brought to the evacuation stop.
30 announcement Serial and parallel connection for announcements

Seite 6
Manual-overview of system

3. Hand device

ESC Parameter/leave menu ENTER Select parameter,

set parameter/take over param.
F1 & F2 Quick select from error storage, In-Out F3 Quick select graphic drive curb
display- , CAN- and shaft encoder
Next Parameter/menupoint Jump back 10 parameters/
Increase of choosen decimalplace one decimal point left
previous Parameter/Menupoint Jump forward 10 parameter
Decrease of choosen decimal point one decimal point right.

Seite 7
Manual – overview of system

In normal case the state, the group affiliation, actual floor, actual
speed and the actual state of doors or drive
The number in the 2nd line depicts the counter of runs can also be
setted for another value.

Log in:
To see the state or to set parameter you have first to login. After
pushing the ENTER button appears the password. Standard for the
Password „1234“. After login under Chg.Password“ the password could be
changed.. Attention! Don't forget Password! The control can be unlocked only in
the fatcory without Password!

Menu Login

The complete menu tree you'll find under „ Menu tree & parameter.
The Startwindow shows state, group affiliation, actual floor, actual speed and the
actual state of doors or drive.
With „ Enter“ you're going to main menu. Again Enter select Monitor-Menu,
which has all diagnosis windows.
Main menu
State menu under „Monitor“
Run State conforming to the start
In the first line you see mode (Normal, Inspection, Fire Return, Firemen, Park)
and state of group (Simplex, Group).
Below counter of runs, Floor, speed and the actual action.

In Call. Func. The actual calls are depicted and you can also set calls (with the
arrow up/ dwn and Enter).
Cabin calls, hall calls up and down.

Speed Curve is the graphic depiction from speed encoder.

Above the actual speed and running time is indicated.

In the window Input&Output all inputs and outputs are depicted.

With the up/dwn buttons youre switching between the 16er groups.
With right/left a single input/ outout could be marked. In the line below
appears the function of this input/ output.
The designation X (Input SM01) and Y (Output SM01), plus TX (Input
SM02) and TY (Output SM02) you'll find in the electrical circuit.

Seite 8
Manual-overview of system

In the fault Record the last 20 faults are depicted with date, time and which
The newest fault ist always shown at first.
With UP/ down you're moving between the entries in the list. With ENTER a
new window appears with date, time and clear text entries.

The list Shaft Data includes the floor positions which had been determined
during the learning movement in mm. By this you can easily check wether the
positions had been correctly detected during the learning movement.

The windows Encoder Eva und Communication are helpful when problems
with the encoder or CAN-bus occurs.

In the version window date and version number of the firmware are shown.
Before updating you should check wether the update is more actual then the
existing one.

To set parameter in the submenu Para.Select

Via the parameter menu you can acceed on numerous parameters.
There are groups of parameters where the parameters are thematically
arranged. For example motor or door parameters. There is also a list where
parameters are asorted though numbers.

Most of parameters could only be set in inspection -or return motion mode. If
the warning appears switch to inspection mode.

All parameter are set in 16bit integer numbers. Most of them in decimal
numbers together with the unit.
Eg 50 with a setting of 0,1 s means 5 seconds.

Some of the parameters only exist as a bitmask. Depicted is a decimal value,

but as soon you want to set a value the bitmask appears and with left/ right you
can move and set or delete the values.
(* means set, - deleted).
In the lower line appears the description of the Bits.
By this for every input the logic break/ make contact could be individually set.

Seite 9
Manual – overview of system

Insp.Option include all parameters which are necessary for the start-up in the
inspection mode
S Curve is needed for the use of the analogue Output of the converter control.

Lvl.Mic.Adj. Enables the correction of each levelling at every floor.

Normally not necessary because the floors are calibrated during the learning

Multi Speed includes all parameter, which are necessary for the run of the
converter in multistep-mode ( parallel control).
Door Control enables the parametrisation for door control.

Flr.Disp. Leads to the list of the floor idicators.

For every floor you can set individually the displayed letter combination (for
Step SM04 displays). The announcement for the landings on each floor is
fixed by this dsiplay code.
The Display codes are stated in a chart in the appendix.
Service Floor determines the enabled floors. Also the floors which are only
enabled by key-switch are determinded.

Block Floor permits blocking of a floor via time or key switch..

Comp. Stop (enforced stop) defines stops where the elevator is brought to an
enforced stop when passing by. Make sense in some cases for Hotels.
Heavy Traf. Permits the function „emptying/ filling building“.
So the haul capacity of a office building could be increased

In Test Run the parameter F34 can be set for a number of runs, which the
elevator should make without any command for testing purpose.
Para. Setup is the access to the complete parameterlist.

Reset brings all parameters to factory setting. Has only be made if absolutely
neccessary! Before the Reset a number has to be entered to avoid an accidantly
Attention! After the entry of the number the reset is made without any further
Set F146 imperativly on 0 !

Seite 10
Manual-overview of system

different functions (Func.Select)

Time Setup: setting of then realtime-clock. Is needed for the fault-record and
the time dependant enabled floors. And also for the function „filling/ emptying

Door Teach: detect via opening and cloasing the function of the door-

Shaft Teach: has to made imperativly before going to normal mode ( after
mounting or changing door position)
Door, bus, shaft copying and cabinlight has to work correctly.
After activating of shaft teaching the elevator runs in the lowest stop and starts
with the learning movement.
After finish the elevator can go into normal mode. If an error occurs the
learning movement is stopped and an error messages appears..
Reset Para.F: Rest on factory setting!!!
Reset Errco.: deleting of fault record!

Error Reset: Reset after Lift Error (fatal fault) eg. Run monitor, contactor
monitoring, Bakemonitoring etc..
Relogin: Logout and relogin.
Normaly after 10 min. without input automatically logout!
Chg.Password: changing Password
Attention! Don't forget password-could only be resetted in factory!

Seite 11
Manual-overview of system

4. Menu tree & parameter

Function main sub description
Monitor Drive Status Elevator status (Floor, speed etc.)
Call function. Calls for side A and depict
Speed curve Graphic depiction of drive curve
Input&Output X0-X15 Status from In-outputs
X16-X31 Status from In-outputs
GX0-GX15 Status of inputs on SM02 in car controller panel
HX0-HX15 Status of inputs on SM02 car top panel
error record Error record
Shaft Data floor Pos. List of the floor datas
switch Pos. Positions pre-limit switch
Self-diagnosis CAN Com. Eval.. Diagnosis of CAN interfaces
Encod. Eval.. Analysis of encoder
Call diagnosis
Version Depiction Software-Version
Para.Type Basic-Param.. Basic-Parameter
Comfort Adjust. S-curve s-curve-parameter
PI Adjust. Inpection-parameter
Lift Model
Motor Model
Level Adj.
Level micro adj Level Micro Adjustement
Input Type Input-polarities(NO/NC)
Flr. Disp.. Set code for Floor display
Door control Door parameter
Dr Open Allow Enable doors
Service Flr. Enables floors
IC Setup
Time blck Flr.
Parameter F All parameters in one list
Reset Lift P.
Rest FU Pa.
copy Para Dnload OP Parameterdownload into . Handdevice (*1)
Upload to MB Parameterupload back into control circuit terminal SM01 (*1)

Seite 13
Manual – overview of system

Comissioning Shaft tech Learning movement

Motor teach
Test Menu Up limit test Measuring end switch up
Dn. limit test Measuring end switch down
Drive test Test run monitoring
M.cont. test
Brake swi.Test
A3Test UP
A3Test Down
Terminal Call.
Testrun Number of random testruns
Load adjust. Load teach
Load Status
Door operate
Reset Reset Errcode Reset error record
Reset LiftP. Reset Steeringparameter on factory setting.
Reset Inv.FU Pa. Reset Inverter parameter on factory setting.
Reset times
I/O Reset Reset of Input/ Output functions
Additional Time Setup. Set time
Input sel
Output sel
floor Offs.
Home flr setup
Fire mode.
Gc mode
Homing delay
Gong Output
Fan& Light time.
Attd Mode
Call type
Call Cancel
SM01 limit
MB Num. lmt.

Seite 14
Manual-overview of system

Sel English Sel Deutsch

Chg. Pwd.
Relogin 'Relogin
PWD aende. Change Password

Basic Parameter
Nr. Standard Beschreibung Hinweise
F6 1m/s Rated elev. speed
F204 12.0A Rated current motor
F211 2048ppr Encoder resolution
F11 18 Number of floors
F36 0 Brake switch. M.
F153 0 Deadbolt monitoring
F156 0 Check of security loop
F25 35296 Setting for each I/O, if (NO=normally open) Bitmask
(NC=normally closed)
F26 83
Depends on the circuit and the connected switch
F27 835
F28 0
F202 1 Type of motor 1= Synchron-Motor
F203 4,7kW Ratet motor power
F205 29,4 Hz Rated motor frquency
F206 160RPM Rated motor revolution
F207 360V Rated motor tension
F208 22 Number of poles
F235 32,00% No-Load current factor
F210 2 Type of encoder 2 = EnDat

Comfort Adjust:S-Curve
Nr. Wert Beschreibung Hinweis
F0 0,55m/s² acceleration
F1 0,55m/s² retardation
F2 1,3s Curve adj Start
F3 1,1s Curve during transition const. run
F4 1,1s Curve during left constant run

Seite 15
Manual – overview of system

Nr. Wert Beschreibung Hinweis

F5 1,3s Curve during stop
F13 0,03m/s Bring-back- in position-speed VN
F16 0,6s Brake retardation
F17 Retardation Inverter unlock/ enable
F181 0,5s KMY Delay (fix)
F175 0,006m/s Creep speed
F186 0,7s Time for creep speed during Start
F193 50,00%
F194 50,00%
F195 50,00%

Comfort Adjust: PI Adjust

Nr. Wert Beschreibung Hinweis
F212 40 ASR P0
PID Parameter during start-
F213 60 ASR I0
up/ Stop(Zero Servo)
F214 0.5 ASR D0
F215 40 ASR P1
PID Parameter for the range
F216 60 ASR I1
>0 but <F0
F217 0.5 ASR D1
F218 40 ASR P2
PID for the range >F0 but <
F219 60 ASR I2
F220 0.5 ASR D2
F221 40 ASR P3
F222 60 ASR I3 PID for the range >F1
F223 0.5 ASR D3
F224 1,00% Change Frequency F0 limit F0
F225 50,00% Change Frequency F1 Limit F1
F226 0,8s V0-Holding time

Seite 16
Manual-overview of system

5. Commissioning -Installation run

Attention! Before start for the first time, check wether CAN-Bus is inactive ! Means that JP4 on the circuit
AS380 terminal is disconnected!
By this blocking from HDR Lock Error (Steuerung had detected bypassed security loop)is avoided. Is
blocking already active see HDR Lock Error.

Installation and commissioning should only be made from personel which is familiar with the electrical and
mechanical mannerism of the elevator. Deficient commissioning or installation can provoque risk for life and
limb.Due to the characteristcs bypasses have to be made during installation. Most of the bypasses are already
set for testing reasons on the test facility.
During the installation process those bypasses are removed and replaced by security switches.
As soon as a new component is mounted eg folding support, loop into the security circuit!

On sheet 3 of the wiring diagram the complete security plan is depicted.

Check all security switches on their correct function and effectiveness.
Especially the switches on the fold -away-bracket in the security space and the folding support.
At X88 on Servicepanel measurement in the security loop could be executed.

Condition for commissioning run:

• Drive, Control cabinet, service panel and brake resistance are mounted and connected. (don't
forget Temperature monitoring at X4.3 and X4.4 eventually bypass otherwise K0 doesn't actuate.
• Car top control is fixed and connected via the trailing cable. If not so, provide bypasses (sheet 3)
and switch S50 on Inspektion.
• Sheelds from motor, brake resistance and encoder are correctly placed.
• Security loop is closed up to X20 (display on inverter LED board or on Service Tool in
Monitor/Input-Output X20 und X21).
• Check parameter on Servicetool (see Details below)
• Now push Inspecion Auf or Ab , the Motorcontactors should actuate and the inverter should
execute for 1st time a tuning (Phasenwinkel) . Identifiable by a noise. (If Contactors don't actuate,
check wether security loop is closed while switch „Inspektion / Auf/ Ab“ is pushed up to X21
-otherwise a bypass is missed or a switch is open-indication on service tool.
• Motor should slowly start after the „tuningnoise“. If he is jumping, repeat tuning (for this set
Parameter F242 at 0 and restart commissioning)
• If motor is still jumping, change two phases and repeat previous pace.

Seite 17
Manual – overview of system

The parameters for the groupfunction has to be set as follows::
– F23 = 3 (on each control, which is in a group)
– F181 = 0-7 (Number of elevator in one group-the lowest number has highest priority)

Security loop – Return-motion -control

First ashure that security loop is closed
If it is necessary to bypass parts of securityloop, precautionary measures has to be taken for
running the cabin.
One has to make shure that nobody is in the range of the doors or in the shaft!

At first connect all existant security switches and elements

If this is not possible the relevant strapping plugs should be placed.

First movement with the Return-motion -control

When it is checked that there is no danger of collision first run with return-motion-control could be

If the elevator does not move in the intended direction, the correct rotation direction should only be
set via the inverter.

Please go to following menu part

Parameter F234 = 0 (change to 1)
Parameter F234 = 1 (change to 0)

Setting the parameters on AS.T030

Depiction 7-Segment Display on a AS.T030 board in normal operatin state

Seite 18
Manual-overview of system

When pushing the arrow push-button left and right the menu points are depicted
choose menu „LOGIN“.

Push Enter

Now the 4-digit password could be entered. By pushing the up/down arrow you set the number, by
pushing left/right the ciphers are set. The cipher is blinking in a 1 sec pulse. Password: 1234

Push Enter

The authorization for changing password is now enabled.

When pushing left or right the parameter menu could be choosed.

Seite 19
Manual – overview of system

In a 2-second pulse the value of choosen parameter is depicted.

2 sec. Takt

When pushing up/ down button the individual parameters are selected.
A change is enabled by pushing enter. Again enter confirms value.

Checking parameters for commissioning and eventually adapt

Normaly the parameters are set in the factory at the test field.
Since there are three 3 makes and several power class used, it is possible that the pre-set
values are inappropriate. Is there another drive than Sassi or Torin in use or the speed is other
than 1m/s please imperativly check the parameters!

Par. name Function Setting Remark

F06 Speed Rated speed 1,0m/s Attention! If a motor asigned for 1m/s is
driven with 0,63m/s , rated frequency
(hz) and rated revolution (RPM) has to
be reduced correspondantely!
F12 Insp. speed. inspectionspeed 0,25m/s
F16 Braken open Retardation -Brakeopen 0,2s
F17 FU enable. retardation Time for brake come-in 0,5s Could be considerably longer for Swiss
compensate Traction
F25 Input TypeX0-15 Input logic (NO/NC) input Normally presetted; for commissioning
AS 380 main board the inputs of pre-endswitsch should be
F26 Input TypeX16-25
(X4,5,18 und 19) als NO (closing
contact,normally open)
F36 Brake switch M. Brake monitoring 0 Brake monitoring should be inactive as
long as brakeswitch is not connected.

Seite 20
Manual-overview of system

Par. name Function Setting Remark

F59 Retardation brake off Stoptime during start 0,5s Came out as good compromise between
slight Rollback and fast Start .
F62 Running time limit. Runningtime monitoring 32s
F76 Lim. UpDis. Ins. End of insp. up 0mm To avoid problems due to missing shaft
copying set on „0“. later there were
F77 Lim. DnDis Ins. End of insp. Down 0mm
adopted not to run up into pre-end
switch Inspection and down not into

F122 Retard. Run Insp Retardation between Brake 0–1s Is only working when stopping by
OFF and running signals pushing Auf and Ab during inspektion

F165 Door Kontr.Spez. door open functionality 0

F175 Start creep-speed Creep-speed during Start 0,006m/s

F180 Analog value->Vnen Attribution speed to rated 100,00% Shouldn't be changed

F186 Duration of creep-speed Duration of creep-speed 0,5s
when Start when Start
F201 FU Modus Inverter Modus 3 Vector Modus with encoder
F202 Motort Type Motor Type 1 Synchronous-Motor
F203 M Rated Power Rated motor power 4kW This are values for Torin at 630kg/1m/s.
F204 M Rated Current Rated motor current 10,5A At 0,63m/s result a frquency of 16,67Hz
at a revolution of 100RPM!
F205 M Rated Freq Rated motor frequency 26,25Hz In any doubt check type-plate.
F206 M RPM Rated motor revolution 159RPM
F207 M Rated Voltage Rated motor tension 380V
F208 M Pole Num. Numper of poles 20
F209 M Slip Freq 1.4 Hz
F210 Encoder Type Type of encoder 2 EnDat
F211 Encoder Pulses Number of pulses encoder 2048
F212 to F226 are for the revolution controller and so for die running quality. See also description „Parameter
F227 Brake Time Retard brake fall in 0,2s
F228 Curr. Descent T Time for demagetisation 0,3s Should be ok to avoid „knack“ after stop.
F232 Encoder.Filter.Time Time for filter 1ms 1ms proved as ideal.
F233 Enc. Direction Sense of rotation encoder 1 Has to be at 1 If OC Error or jumping
after tuning. Change motorphase!
F234 Motor Phase Adoption direc of rotation 1 If Auf and Ab doesn't correspond with
motor direction of cabine-set on 0.
F239 Output-Torq Lmt torque limit 175,00% Could be raised ev. Up to 200%

Seite 21
Manual – overview of system

Par. name Function Setting Remark

F242 Enc Phase Angle Phase angle of encoder ?? By setting on 0 the tunning could be
forced for next run.
If for every tuning the same value came
out-somethingn is wrong with encoder
cable orn bobine of motor.

F245 Selection of F246-255 Choice of parameterfunction 6 The following parameter only have the
Parameter Function function if F245=6t!
F246 Synchronous motor Automatic measurement 0 Since a absolute encoder is used, the
study when power on offsetangle after power offset angle has only be determined once
failure during mounting.
F247 current gain when self Measuring current for 100,00% Standard is 150%, but is has proved that
study offsetangle 100% is a better value for tuning and
noise is reduced.

Parameter speed controller

The following parameter have influence during commissioning and for normnal run. In praxis the following
parameters has proved workable especially for Torin motors. For SWISS-traction motor the values could be
set considerably lower!.
Nr. Parameter Funktion Typ. Hinweise
F212 ASR P0 P-Factor speed controller zero-rev. 70
F213 ASR I0 I-Faktor speed controller zero-rev. 50
F214 ASR D0 D-Faktor speed controller zero-rev. 0.1
F215 ASR P1 P-Faktor speed -controller for lower rev 40
F216 ASR I1 I-Faktor speed-controller for lower rev. 5
F217 ASR D1 D-Faktor speed-controller for lower rev. 0.1
F218 ASR P2 P-Faktor speed controller for middle rev 60
F219 ASR I2 I-Faktor speed controller for middle rev 30
F220 ASR D2 D-Faktor speed controller for middle rev 0.1
F221 ASR P3 P-Faktor speed controller for high rev. 60
F222 ASR I3 I-Faktor speed controller for high rev. 4
F223 ASR D3 D-Faktor speed controller for high rev. 0.1
F224 Change Freq0 Below this value PID1 is avive. Between 1.0%
F0 and F1 PID2 is aktive
F225 Change Freq1 Above F1 PID3 is active 50.0%
F226 0 Spd.Servo Time Time during motor is hold on 0 revolution 0.5s
when started.
F227 Brake Time Time for revolution 0 when STOP 0.2s

Seite 22
Manual-overview of system

HDR Lock Error

This error indicates that a securityloop is bypassed. The control detects that the door close switch
reports“doors open“ and the security-loop is closed.
This error blocks the elevator.To avoid this during installation you keep first the CAN Bus away. Door
open end switsch is first reported from SM02/H in the inspectionbox.
To leave this condition the door-OPEN end switch has to be bypassed or the input logic has to be switched
from NC to NO .

Seite 23
Manual-overview of system

The shaftcopying consist on an incremental
encoder and magnetc switches or sensors.
NEO (emergency end up)
The incremental encoder is situated either on the (Inspectionsend up
drive or in the shaft. )
For cable elevators one prefers the encoder of the
motor which could transfer on most of the (correction up)
inverters the Outputsignal at the controlunit. KO IEO

In these case one inscribe at parameters F6 (rated

speed), F7 (rated revolutionl) und F8 (solution of
encoder) the real datas. correction up v>2.5m/s
For slow running synchronous motors one has to
play with parameter for rated speed,encoder pulses

eg 150U/min at 2048ppr becomes 600U/min (*4)
und 512 ppr.
When the encoder is mounted in the KO1
only fori v>2.5m/s
shaft( circumferential cord) for the rated revolution
speed a equivalent revolution speed has to be set. Weg (mm)
v L.KO L.KO1
In our used system with a carbon cord the values 0,63m/s: 950
1,0m/s: 1300
as follows come out 1,6m/s: 2400
1,8m/s: 2600
2,0m/s: 2400 3800
(F7) 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 m/s 2,5m/s: 2400 5600

(F8) 294 367 441 514 588 RPM


correction down v>2,5m/s


Kabine KU

correction down

Inspekc.End down
emergency end down

Seite 25
Manual – overview of system

Re-levelling -sensor
Since then shaftcopying is made via the motorencoder the slip of the tractionsheave
has to be compensated.
For this purpose there is a re-levelling plate in every floor from about 220mm length

This lenghtn isn't important but has to be identic in each floor.


This plate is evaluated from 2 inductive forksensorsCand D.

Cs above D is below.

Magnetic switch
Additionally there are in the head of the shaft and in the fosse two bistable magnetic
switches( it could also be made with rollerswitches at the cabin)this for correction up and
down and Inspection up and down.
Important that the switches are openers during a overrun they had to be open above and closed below. For
the switches the same only reverse.

Correction switches
The correction switches serve the deceleration at the terminal end stops in case of error (blackout of
incremental encoder) and for learn trip. They are also used for correction of the incremental-encoder-datas.
In the set of drawings, page 50 you can find these respectivly to the speed recommended distances. The
exact pitch for the braking distance which is choosen by the controller is not important, as this is assigned
by the chossen parameters. However, braking distance and pitch should not have a bigger difference than

Inspection endswitches
The lower inspectionswitch has to be mounted that he opens before the emergencyendswitch is actuated,
but after the relevelling sensor D below the levelplate gets free. C is in the plate
for the upper inspectionendswitch it is correspondent means the IEO is avtive( contact opens)when the
sensor C is above the levelplate and d is still inside the plate.
The emergency endswitchshould be a bit delocated so the elevator stops before the emergency endswitch is
The inspectionend-switches are important for the learning movement.

Seite 26
Manual-overview of system

Intelligent Magnetic sensors iMS45

Nowadays all above mentioned switches are integrated in one Sensorsystem.

Those simplifies the the installation and adjustment considerably!

The iMS45 has up to four Magnetic sensors. Together with a programmable evaluation-electronic they
could generate up to eight switch signals.
For a complete shaftcopying one iMS45-POS is sufficient .
Especially for elevators without engine room one has to ad one iMS45-SPD-Sensor.
For the monitoring of speed and sense of revolution.
Depicted on the drive monitor board, which is the depiction and evaluation unit.
The transfer is via an fail-safe RS485-connection.

Design and function

The sensor is in a stable aluminium housing, which is also available as IP54-version which is used in
firefighter lifts.The solenoids are flat solenoids with 15mmx7mm of cross-section and a variable length.
The solenoids are installed at the button of the arrester rails.
In the iMS45 are 4 solenoid sensors, which are mea uring the strengh and polarity of the magnetic field. An
analysis unit detect the respective switching signals and send these serial to the cabine, respectively to the
drive (driving wheel) for controlling/ stearing. Additionally the iMS45-POS have an independent transistor
output for e.g. contacting a chanel of a security circuit.
different detections:
* Single magnet north
* Single magnet south
* Doubble magnet upper north/ lower south
* Doubble magnet upper south/ lower north
* Tripple magnet north in the middle
* Tripple magnet south in the middle
* Crossing direction
* Crossing speed
* North/south transition is detected exactly of
each milimeter, mostlikely independent on the distace

Seite 27
Manual – overview of system

Correct signal Inputs at AS.T030 (LEDs)

On the mainboard the signalinputs are depicted via LEDs. Those signal are transfered serial from the POS
sensor to the drive monitor who directs the signals parallelto AS.T030 the sheme shows:
-elevator in the lowest leveling position within KU
-elevator in leveling position outside KU/KO
-elevator in highest leveling position within KO

elevator in the lowest leveling position within KU

Input designation X4 X5 X6 X7 X18 X19
LED at AS.T030
● ● ●
In control parametrised as * * - - - -

elevator in leveling position outside KU/KO

Input designation X4 X5 X6 X7 X18 X19
LED at AS.T030
● ● ● ●
In control parametrised as * * * * - -

levator in highest leveling position within KO

Input designation X4 X5 X6 X7 X18 X19
LED at AS.T030
● ● ●
In control parametrised as * * * * - -

X18: correction up (Only relevant for short floor)

X19: correction down (Only relevant for short floor )
X4: correction up
X5:correction down
X6: Relevelling UP
X7: Relevelling DOWN
X18 (short north magnet) und X19 (short southmagnet) arm additional retardation switches and are only needed
for short floor shorter than 1,6 m within the correction switches KU or KO. Normally they are not needed and
they are not connected therefore.
The named signal has to be at AS.T029 , otherwise a learning movement is not possible.

Seite 28
Manual-overview of system

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
short magnet south
shortmagnets length 20mm
Track Pos (Levelling X9/10, Doorzone short magnet north longmagnets length 150mm
Slowdown X7/8 and X3/X4
A Learntriplimit X5/6) reference point floor level
Top Floor
Triple magnet (North in the middle) long magnet south

6 -5
defines Learntriplimit up (X5, IEO)
Top Floor
distance by speed = 1.6 m/s
distance by speed = 1.0 m/s

Reference point Attention!
slowdown up (X7) Sensor POS is asymetrical! The active Sensor element

must show to the guiding rail (marked).

double magnet short N Pos sensor must be always right from rail.
north below Wrong installation may cause malefunction.

S Slowdown magnet up
N doublemagnet round
with north magnet below south magnet Levelling and Doorzone:

N flat magnet
Width 10, Depth 8, Length 150mm 10..30V
Northmagnet (blank) brown
1 +10...30VDC
RS485 white
N Reference point floor level 2 D+

black sLink
C Floor 2....
4 D-
flat magnet gray
S floor 2 ...n-1: no slowmagnets required! Width 10, Depth 8, Length 150mm E 5 Out E NPN 200mA
southmagnet (marked with white) 0V 3 blue

reference point
slowdown X8 Slowdown magnet down (only bottom floor)
N slowdown X8 N position sensor
double magnet north above south doublemagnet round
S S with north magnet above south magnet
distance by speed = 1.6 m/s
distance by speed = 1.0 m/s

D Polarity North or South means the pole which LED2

shows to the sensor.
South is marked with white. 1 Ub brown

4 3
5 3 GND blue
2 D+ white
1 2 4 D- black
N long magnet north
triple magnet (south in middle) 5 E gray
N defines learntrip limit x6 LED1
double magnet north above south
Bottom Floor reference point floor level
S short magnet south
E N LED1: Sensor is online (connection to DriveMonitor Ok)
N short magnet north LED2: Sensor is detecting magnet

name date No:

created M.Aicher 22.02.2013
magnetic sensor, shaft selector
Page Ver.
last modif. 50 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

traction wheel

polarity and
number of
magnets not
magnets round D=6mm 5 or 6 magnets
B around the wheel
are ok

LED1: Sensor is online (connection to DriveMonitor Ok)

LED2: Sensor is detecting magnet


Position of sensor important for speed

and direction detection!
+5 In case of wrong direction on DriveMonitor
6 -5
turn sensor 180°.

D 10..30V
speed sensor


1 +10...30VDC

RS485 yellow


green sLink
Speed-Sensor MS485 SPD at traction wheel 4 D-


check that sensor is in right position,


because for correct function E

the sensors must be mounted
in the right way!
0V 3 white

name date No
magnetic sensor, Speed Sensor VA3.4
created M. Aicher 03.04.2013
page Vers.
last modif. 52 00

Seite 29
Manual-overview of system

7.AS380 Main board AS.T029


Assignment of input/ Output:

The Inputs/ Outouts can be assigned -within defined limits-freely.
Sheme below shows how they are assigned in the very often cases.
Individual signals could be assigned in special cases odifferent.
This will be underligned in the circuit sheme. Thus the circuit map is
is applicable!

AS.T029 connections:
Terminal Name Description Function Advise
JP1 1 Nx1 Neutral wire main contactor from supply line
2 X20 Scan emergencysection of safety loop
3 X21 Scan end of safety loop scan
4 X22 Scan revolving door contacts
5 Nx2 Neutral wire to the main contactors
JP2 1 Y0 Open brake and keep open
Outputs main
2 Y1 Open brake (drops down to reduce brake tension) contactors
3 Y2 Motor contactors conform
4 Y0-2 Common contact for output relais Y0-Y2
JP3 1 Y3 Output for K14 (complete bypass)
2 Y4 Output evacuation end
3 Y3-4 common Y3 and Y4
4 Y5 Output fire/ firemanoperation active
5 Y5c Common Y5
6 Y6 free
7 Y6c common Y6

Seite 31
Manual – overview of system

Terminal Name Description Function Advise

JP4 1 V- Mass CAN Bus 1 (intern)
2 TXA1+ CAN_H von CAN-Bus 1 inside the elevator Datas
3 TXA1- CAN_L von CAN-Bus 1 inside the elevator Datas
JP5 1 TXV- Mass CAN Bus 1 (intern)
2 TXA0+ CAN_H of CAN-Bus 0 for group function Datas
3 TXA0- CAN_L von CAN-Bus 0 for group function datas
JP6 1 TXV- Mass CAN Bus 1 (intern)
2 TXA1+ CAN_H von CAN-Bus 1 for remote monitoring datas
3 TXA1- CAN_L von CAN-Bus 1 for remote monitoring Datas
JP7 1 -5VIO Internal tension 0V nb
2 +5VIO Internal tension +5V nb
3 free
4 -24VIO Internal tension 0V JP8 + JP9
5 +24VIO Internal tension +24V JP8 + JP9
JP8 1 X0 Signal 1 Inspection OFF or normal mode input N
2 X1 Signal 2 Inspection OFF or normal mode input N
3 X2 Inspection/return motion UP input N
4 X3 Inspection/return motion DOWN input N
5 X4 Delay switch upwards/ up input N
6 X5 Delay switch downwards/ down input N
7 X6 Re-levelling upwards /levelled input N
8 X7 Re-levelling downwards/levelled input N
9 X8 Motor contactor K1/K2 monitoring input N
10 X9 Brake contactor K8 monitoring input N
JP9 1 X10 Brake monitoring 1 input N
2 X11 Brake monitoring 2 input N
3 X12 Motor-Temperature monitoring (PTC) input N
4 X13 Doorzone signal monitoring security circuit input N
5 X14 free input N
6 X15 Fire/ fire departement input N
7 X16 Automatic evacuation aktive input N
8 X17 Overload Input input N Cable elevator
9 X18 Delay switch upwards/up for v>2,5m/s, Input N
at short floor in the upmost stop.
10 X19 Delay switch ndownwards/ down for 2,5m/s, Input N
at short floor in the lowermost stop.

Seite 32
Manual-overview of system

Terminal Name Description Function Advise

JP10 1 +24V 24V internal
2 COM Reference mass for optocoupler
3 GND Reference mass for control .

Seite 33
Manual-overview of system

8.SM02/H cartop box module

Terminal Name Description Function Advise

JP1 1 TXV+ +24V
JP2 Terminal for extension board SM.09 IO/B
JP3 1 COM COM for HY0,HY1
2 HY0 Drive-in gong UP Output TU
3 HY1 Drive -In gong down Output TU
5 +24V +24V
JP4 1 COM COM for HX0,HX1
2 HX0 End switch door open door A Input N
3 HX1 End switch door close door B Input N
4 COM common for HY2-HY4
5 HY2 Scrambling door A Output TU
6 HY3 door A closing Output TU
7 HY4 Door A opening Output TU
JP5 1 COM COM for HX2,HX3
2 HX2 Return motion switch door A Input N
3 HX3 Light grid door A Input N
JP6 1 COM COM for HX4-HX6
2 HX4 Monitoring cabin light Input N

Seite 35
Manual – overview of system

Terminal Name Description Function Advise

3 HX5 Full load Input N
4 HX6 Overload Input N
JP7 1 D0 Voice announcement bit0 Output TN
2 D1 Voice announcement bit1 Output TN
3 D2 Voice announcement bit2 Output TN
4 D3 Voice announcement bit3 Output TN
5 D4 Voice announcement bit4 Output TN
6 D5 Voice announcement bit5 Output TN
7 D6 Voice announcement bit6 Output TN
8 D7 Voice announcement bit7 Output TN
10 +24V
2 HY5 Switch OFF cabinlight Output relay
DB1 RS232 serial interface
SW1 SW1.1
Both ON for CAN-Bus Termination
SW2 SW2.1 Both ON for Program Upload.
Beide OFFfor Normal mode

Seite 36
Manual-overview of system

9.SM09IO/B Add-ON module

Klemme Name Beschreibung Funktion Hinweis

JP1 Connection to SM02/G or SM02/H

JP2 Connection for additional SM09IO/B add-on-module

JP3 1 HX7 End switch door open door B Output relay

2 HX8 End switch door closed door B Output relay
3 HX9 Return motion switch door B Output relay
4 COM COM for HX7-HX9 Output relay
JP4 1 HX10 Light grid door B Output relay
2 HX11 free Output relay
3 COM COM HX10-HX11 Output relay
JP5 1 HX12 free Output relay
2 COM COM HX12 Output relay
JP6 1 HY6 door B opening Output relay
2 HY7 door B closing Output relay
3 HY8 Scrambling door B Output relay
JP7 1 HY9 End switch door open door B Input N
JP8 1 HY10 free Input N
JP9 1 HY11 free Input N

Seite 37
Manual-overview of system

10.SM02/G car panel board-module

terminal Name Description Function Advise

JP1 1 TXV+ +24VDC Relais-output.
3 TXA+ CANH Relais-output
JP2 Connection for SM03 call board
JP3 Connection for SM09IOB add-on-board
JP4 Input cabin adjustment
JP5 1 GX0 Button door keep OPEN (HOLD) Input N
2 GX1 Special function Input N
3 GX2 Priority inside Input N
4 GX3 free Input N
5 GX4 Firedepartement control key-switch Input N
JP6 1 TY LED Door-close-button Minus Ausgang N
2 LED+ LED Door -open button Plus
3 GND Door open button
4 GX5 Door open-button Input N
JP7 1 TY LED Door close button minus output N
2 LED+ LED Door close-button Plus
3 GND Door close button
4 GX6 Door close button Input N
DB1 RS232 serial Interface

Seite 39
Manual – overview of system

terminal Name Description Function Advise

SW1 SW1.1 Both on for turning on schedulig resistance for CAN
SW2 SW2.1 Both on for programm Upload.
Beide OFF for normal/ standard mode
SW3 SW3.1 SW3.2 SW3.3 SW3.4 Typ cabin idicator board
ON OFF OFF OFF Standard-indicator board
OFF ON OFF OFF Idicator board B-selective door
OFF OFF ON OFF Desk indicator board
OFF OFF OFF ON Additional indicator baoard

SM03 button-module
Up to eight SM03 each for 8 buttons ( up to 64 floor buttons) could be connected
termina SM03 Nr.1 SM03 Nr.2 ... SM03 Nr.8
JP1 floor 1 floor 9 ... floor 57
JP2 floor 2 floor10 ... floor 58
JP3 floor 3 floor 11 ... floor 59
JP4 floor 4 floor 12 ... floor 60
JP5 floor 5 floor 13 ... floor 61
JP6 floor 6 floor 14 ... floor 62
JP7 floor 7 floor 15 ... floor 63
JP8 floor 8 floor 16 ... floor 64

Seite 40
Manual-overview of system

11.SM04HRF floor module

Pin Beschreibung Funktion Hinweis

JP1 1 TXV+ +24V
2 TXV- 0V
3 TXA+ CAN_HI Datas
4 TXA- CAN_LO Datas
JP9 1 0V Output
2 +24V Output
3 Hall Call downward Outout NPN Assignment can be
4 Hall Call Upward Outout NPN
5 Continued travel arrow downwards Outout NPN
6 Continued travel arrow upwards Outout NPN
JP10 1 +24 for button (COM) Assignment can be
differen for special
2 Hall call downwards Input P
version! Eg light
3 Hall Call UP Input P „occupied. Please state
always the number of the
4 Input „Parking“ Input P
5 Firedepartement control Input P
6 VIP control Input P

Seite 41
Manual – overview of system

Pin Beschreibung Funktion Hinweis

7 Door-locking-bolt-monitoring at anti-surf Input P
8 Not in use Input P
JP11 2 GND Instead of the STEP dot
matrix display a display
4 +5V output (max. 50mA) from other manufacturers
6 +24V output (max.50mA) could be connected with
binary assignemt and
8 common anode Set SW 2-
10 A0 Output NPN 1 to ON
12 A1 Output NPN
14 A2 Output NPN
16 A3 Output NPN
18 A4 Output NPN
20 In Use/ lift runs Output NPN
22 down Output NPN
24 up Output NPN
26 GND
SW2 2 OFF: Normal; ON: via call UP nor down the adress on
LED Display can be set..
1 OFF: STEP LED-displayAnzeige, ON: other display

Seite 42
Manual-overview of system

12.Security Section
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Page 01/4D 21 31
mark if safety switch is connected. S50 43
Power Circuits Inspection switch
Lx apron 2. apron
door door
22 32 44
Attention! unfolded unfolded .5 .6 .13
lock car lock car X70
mesurement X125
points, look S22A S22C A-side B-side .1 switch for .5
at page 07 S43 foldable S44
S17 S18 S19 S20 S35 S36 gate.

door lock shaft A

AUX switch X88.3 (optional)
emergency emergency safety .2 .6
X88.1 (optional) stop B-side stop gear
X122 X125 .3 .7
X120.1 .2 .3 .4 X121.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 X122A.1 .2 B.1 .2 2.switch for
inspection S43B S44B
X88.4 foldable
X70.1 .3 D X22A.1 .2 X22B.1 .2 X70.4 gate.
X31.3 X31.5 K.A3T .4 (optional) .8
X10.1 .2 11 X10.3 .4 X13.1 .2 X11.1 .2 X125
B X88.2 S50 E X88.5 X70
Inspection- X110.5 11 12 .14
X51.1 X51.4
switch S22B 13 insp. 13
12 insp. S53 S52
X70.2 S25 down up
AUX switch S31.n 14 14
emergency X51.2 S22D
S11 stop (pit) X70 .8 X70 .7
X110.7 S28 S27 X51 .5 X52 .12 X51 .6 .7
X110.1 final Speed X52 .7
S26 limit up governor S31.1
X84.4 X88.6
switch at final limit
S10 safety gear 53 down F
tension weight
X110.2 emergency control bypass X110.8 X9.3 X9.1
X110.3 S55 insp
54 limit
door zone bypass opt.
X84.7 K10 K11 K12 K14 X9.2
S12 stop (pit) emergency control bypass X9.4 insp
X110.4 Page 01/4D JP4.2 53 54 43 44 51 52 13 14 JP4.1 X13.3 limit
X13.4 top
Power Circuits SM11 X12.1 X12.3 S54
Attention! 100 230V~ 115V~ K8
1 2
Not used switches
must be bridged Lx S.SKA S.SKB

S510 safety loop

Speed Governor
opt. S.SGB
JP1.3 JP1.4
Y.FA: coil for remote trip 6 5 T1 230V~ JP1.2
X84 1 V8.1 3 V9.1 X20 X21 X22 X12.2 X12.4
6 4 230V/2x115V K9 K9

SL STOP section

SL manual door
X11 250VA 2 4 X84.1 X88.8

emergency operation
Safety Loop
P24 G H
Page 07/4A X88.7 11
X31.1 Y.FR Y.FA Page 01/4D 23
service modul
5 3 Power Circuits
X11 S60 12 24
200 Nx JP1.1
U1: safety loop modul
V8 V9 V89 I S61
shaft door on control board
A-side K1 AC AC AC X88.9
S.DK1n 1 2 X84.2
01/2D DC DC DC X84.3
X31.2 + + + JP2.4
3 4 13 S1

motor contactors
brake open/hold

brake excitation
21 22 DKU
X83.4 10/3A 14 S2
Reset keyswitch 13 14 S500 X83.7 switch over Y0 Y1 Y2
03/3D emergency 21
servicepanel 13 13
S.SR X83.5
K2 K1 K2
Blatt 01 KX4
1 2 14 14
13 01/2D 11 11 JP2.1 JP2.2 JP2.3
3 4 5 3
KX4 01/2D K8 K8 brake release buttons X83.10 13 14
14 6 4 S501 S502 03/1E
21 22
X83.8 12
10/3A 21 21 22
13 14 S501 03/7D
03/4D X83.9 A1
DK A1 R .10 .11 .12
A1 A1 A1 A1 22
Page 05 K8 X88 KX4
200 A2 DKU DKU 21 22
.5 .7
.6 K8 K9 K1 K2 A2 21 K9
10/3A X59 S502 brake release buttons 1 2
A2 A2 A2 A2 03/3C
3 4
03/4D 22 3 4
1 2 Y8 Y9 03/4C
5 6 X.83.11
name date
Safety-Loop No
created T.Sigriner 08.11.2012
Page 03 Vers. A
last modif. M. Limmer 21.07.2015

Security circuit
The safety circuit always builded up in the same way
and is devided into 3 sections for security switches:
Emergency stop contains all security switches, which are always activ, thus never are allowed to
be by-passed. This affects all emergency stop switches, the counterweight
switch, maintenace openings, etc.emergency control bypass contains all security switches, which get by-passed in
return motion control,
thus safty gear, emergency-end-switch, speed restrictor.
doorzonenbypass contains all blocking switches of
the shaft doors and the door contacts of the
cabin doors.
At the end of the security circuit is the inspections- and return motion control.

Optional security switch

In the connection scheme all popular security switches drawn in. Security switches which are not always
necessary, like blocking switch of the B-door, are drawn in as optional. If it is availble it have to be marked
on the connection scheme and certainly also connected.The terminals for optional security switches are
factory-provided by-passed with wire-bridge. So it is secured, that the bridge get removed by connection of a

Seite 43
Manual – overview of system

Matter: By-passing of security-circuits

Basically it is not allowed to make security circuits effectless per by-passing.

But it is not possible to install a lift without
by-passing temporarily parts of the security circuits.
Only use wire-bridges for by-passing, which you install at the terminals for the security switches.
With this handling in any case the bridge will be removed when you install the switch. Never use
shorting plug bridges – you might forget these conventionally! As wire, please use an eye-catching
one, but not the greenyellow colored one! Please also avoid to have these too long (they should not
look out of the cabinet) – in worst case somebody is closing the door and you may have 230V of the
secuirity circuit at the cabinet

Security circuit
The security circuit is only needed, if re-levelling with open or pre-operating doors is required! For hydraulic lifts
is due to the re-levelling the security circuit mandantory! The assignment of the security circuit are two sensors,
which are operating independent one from the other, to recognize where the door zones are, to compare the datas
and respectivley make it possible to by-pass the door contacts within the door zones or not. For instance it
should be attained the security of a castor security switch. The security circuit is based on the common principle of
the strip circuit. Every circuit switch part have to change it ́s attitude in order to make an alliance possible

safety circuit (only when preopening doors

SM11B or relevelling with open doors, optional)

door zone sensor 1

door zone sensor 2

KFXM03013 K178

-X52 11 1

K11 K10 K12 K14

178 100

JP1.4 JP1.3 JP1.2

43 21

K10 44 K11 22
1 5 1 2 1 2
13 33 43 33 21 33

K12 14 K10 34 K12 44 K11 34 K10 22 K12 34


release delay
200 X52.12 AS380 200 X51.5 A1 A1 A1 R12 appr. 100ms
JP3.1 AS380
X11.2 -K10 -K11 -K12 470µ/63V
100 X52.11 JP9.4 A2 A2 A2

K10, K11 and K12 are contactor or security-relays with positively driven contacts. If a closer bonds, the
opener stay open and contrarywise.
K10 allocated to the sensor B178 of door zone 1
K11 allocated to the sensor B179 of door zone 2
K12 monitoring of K10/B178 and K11/B 179
K14 relay without security function, allows the controller the disconnection of the bridge
S50 security contact in inspection switch. By this is avoided that bypass occurs during inspection!

Seite 44
Manual-overview of system

Initial position: Lift outside of the doorzone
K10 and K11 dropped-out, K12 tightened.
Lift runs in door zone: B178 and B179 get closed successive or simultaneous.
First K10, than K11 activates. K12 drop-out after activation of K11.

R12 and C12 delay the depression of K12 for max. 100ms, in order to make
lock K11 possible.

Lift is leaving door zone: B178 and B179 opens, K10 and K11 depresses, K12 activate.

Possible sources of error:

Error Simulation Action during early opening door
door mopens in doorzone
B178 discontinued/K10not actuated Pinch off X52.11 or B178 No by-pass.Elevator stops in doorzone
B179 discontinued/K11not actuated Pinch off X52.12 or B179 No by-pass.Elevator stops in doorzone
B178 hot-äöwired/K10 not depressing By-passing K178 While leaving door zone K11 is depressing. K12 not
while leaving door actuates anymore.at the next run K11 is not actuation
zone or bypas anymore Lift make stop at the open door
between. X52.11 u. EMERGENCY STOP
B179 hot-wired/K11 not depressing While leaving While leaving door zone K10 is depressing. K12 is
doorzone -Bypassing not actuating anymore. At the next run K10 is not
K179 or bypassing actuating anymoreLift make stop opening door
between X52.12 u. EMERGENCY STOP
According to EN81 14.1.1 one single error do not lead to a dangerous operating conditon and will be
recognized, as the lift will make an emergency stop by disconnecting the security circuit while opening the
door within a door zone. In addition there is existing a further monitoring done by the controller.
Dependent up on the re-levelling sensors, which are independent from the door zone sensors, K14 is

In the unlikely case, that both door-zone-sensors by leaving the door zone would be hot-wired, a by-pass outside
of the door zone will be avoided by the circuit via K14.

Additional Monitoring by control

The controller is monitoring via K10, K11, and K12 the security circuit. During the journey the contact chain have
to be closed once inside the door zone and have to be opend once outside the door zone. In case of an error, the
installation will be shut down at the next stop with error message. Part of encoder

Scan control at the security circuit

On the board SM01 F5021 there are 4 inputs for 230V. These are installed according to the requirements of
EN81 at scan controls for security circuits. This is confirmed by TÜV with a confirmation assessment.
Basically the circuit consist of pre-resistors, protection diodes and optocoupler with VDE-approbation.

Seite 45
Manual – overview of system

It is executed the terms accourding to EN81 for a secure disconnection of the 230VAC-page from the
24VDC-page as well as for exclusion of errors

The N-wire of the security contactor , means motor contactor K1 and K2, as well the brake contactor K8
and maybe K8 have to be controlled via the board! At a N-wire-breakage the contactor than have the
necessity of drop-out, independent of the theoretical possible chance of a hot-wire in the optocouplers which may
make a partial by-pass of the security circuit possible

Connect the controller free of voltage! With the continuity checker between N-input terminal and A2 (N-terminal)
of security contactor (K1, K2,K3, K8), check the run.With a pluged JP11(main board) you have a run, with
pultruded JP11 there must not be any run..

Pilot relay
On the board SM01sup (F5021) there are also 4 pilot relays for security contactors . This part of circuit is
also confirmation checked, means it is possible to connect directly the end of the security circle, the
security contactore sources their controller voltage directly out of the security circle.
The security contactors, motor contactors K1 and K2, as well the brake contactor K8 are seperatly
monitored. If there is one of the contactors is not depressed before a journey, the control get ́s blocked and
have tho be reseted manually

Monitoring of run
SmartCom F5021 is monitoring via the encoder of the engine and the re-levelling-sensors the reactions of
the lift in regards on the driving commands to the inverter. If there are signals missing, the drive get ́s shut-
down, latest after 20sec. .Restart of journey only possible after reset of the main board.


1. Advise the lift to drive from the lowest to the topmost stop and do the unplug JP7 respectively JP8 (Encoder-
inputs) at the main board. The lift have to be shut dwon after arround 20 sec.

2. Uninstall 170 or 171 (re-levelling-sensors). After arround 20sec. re-levelling the lift get shut dwon.
You easily can set diving commands via the status window “Call.Func“.For short lifts 20sec. may be a long time
frame. In this case you could reduce temporarily the parameter“Monitoring of journey“ via the menu “parameter-
group F“ in order to simplify the checking

Seite 46
Manual-overview of system

13.Advice of acceptance test

Lift controller of STEP Sigriner Elektronik GmbH are manufactured and checked with EN81 and VDE-
standards. The used components, especially the main- and auxiliary contactors are selected respectively to
the requirements of EN81, VDE0100, VDE0660.
All adjustable components, like engine-security-switch,frequency inverter etc. are allready pre-adjusted by us as
far as possible. It is incumbent upon the installing company to adjust these components before implementation
with respect to the resources..

By default the security cycle is fused with a power protection switch withF2 (2A Charakteristik C).
As amaximum a power protection switch with 4A can be used.

Keep doors closed: To check troublefree the doors could be blocked withF165 bit1=1

Inspection run: has always priority before return motion and it is also possible with activated
return motion control. The by-pass of the security switch is deactivated. With
F76 and F77 virtuell inspection-end-switches could be set. This to avoid that
accidently the fold support in the fosse are overrunned. As soon as the shaft
copying isn't completly engaged set bith values on „0“. within the doorzone with
AUF/ Zu button the function of the doors could be checked. Otherwise during
inspection run doors are always closed.

Return motion run: this is only possible with deactivated inspection control. Appropriate security
switches, like emergency-end-switch, arrester-switch etc. will be by-passed. The
return motion is also stopped by the virtual inspection end switches F76/77.

Cabin light: If failure of cabin light ( simulation F02) the lift stops at next floor and door

Motor temperature A PTC switch-OFF leads as well to a shut down at the next possible stop.

Isolation measurement:
By default the controller undergo a isolation masurement in the factory. The IN-SITU arranged measurement
refers only to the connected ressources of the lift

Please respect imperativly the safety regulations while executing this procedures. There is danger for limb
and life !

In order to avoid damages of the controller, switch off the respective fuse F2 at the controller for measurements.
Connection of frequency inverter, USV-systems and other systems with power semiconductors and filter,
most likely have to be disconnected or hot-wired according to manufacturers for testing purpose. For this
follow the advises of the manufactures.

Seite 47
Manual – overview of system

Inccorect done isolation measurement can provoque extensive danger. STEP-Sigriner Elektronik GmbH is
not liable for any damage!

Mainly applies:
• Remove the yellow-green bridge circuit between mass (200) and ground (PE)
• check wether mass is now free of ground -with ohmmeter
• inverters, door control facilities disconnect if applicable.
• Is there still connection between mass and ground while bridge (200 to GND) is disconnected,
please check door control devices, light grids, and load detectors. Those devices often has internal
internal ground connections and had to be isolated.
• Now an isolation measurement could be executed riskless, as far as it is always measured aginst

Check of run-time monitoring:

In normal mode in menu Commission>Test Menu>Drive T. Test activate. The parameter for the run-time
is now temporarily reduced to 2sec. and a command is send. The elevator starts and should make after 2
sec an emergency stop.

End switch movement:

First set F79 Bit 1 to allow an overrun over the virtual end-switches.
Send elevator in normal mode into uppermost and lowermost floors.
For this activate in menu Commissioning>Test Menu> Up Limit Test or Dn Limit .
The elevator runs now up or down until security loop is opened.
The distance from the levelposition is displayed..
With return-motion control the elevator could be moved over the end switches to test his traction.
F79 Bit1 wieder auf 0 setzen.

Effectiveness of the brakes ( one-sided brake)

Switch in normal mode the power supply to USV ( Service-Panel).
Send elevator from lowermost floor up (via call). When nominal speed is reached push one of the brake-
buttons and hold. Elevator makes emergency Stop, even one brake is disengeged via the button, though
elevator has to stop.
Test the same with the other brake.

Contactor monitoring:
Change with parameter F25 temporarily the Input orientation (NC/NO) for X8 (contactor Motor) and then
X9 (contactor Brake) . control has to detect latest at next move an error and give out error message.

Brake monitoring switch:

Check switches of brake monitoring either through displug or temporarily change of input orientation from
X10 und X11 in parameter F25 .

Seite 48
Manual-overview of system

Measurements in security circuit

The security circuit is monitored via a residual current circuit breaker and a 2A or 4a fuse.
The measurement of the loop resistance through the RCI is not possible or doesn't make sense. Because of
the leak current of 30mA is the loop resistance is this benign. It is crucial that the RCI disconnect above
30mA if the test is made from any point against ground.,
This could be made with a test device or an adapted DUSPOL
Due to the desigh of the elevator the security circuit is not easy to acced. Thats way important
measurepoints are brought to the service panel via X88 .
On sheet 3 on circuit diagramm you find important advices.

Triangle monitoring „DKU“

This device has to perform following task. As soon as somebody wants to enter the cabin and opens the
shaft door with the triangle key the elevator has to stop.
So it is prevented that somebody is hurt, if he entered the shaft without stopping the elevator by the
emergency stop.If he had entered and the door is closing behind him giving free the elevator.
When there is a short fosse or short head the DKU is a temporarily tool to errect the fold support or brakets.
Furthermore by using the DKU the housing of counterweight is not neccessary and it is taken in account
the inspection control conform the EN81-20

Functional principle
Generally the DKU consists of a relay circuit in lock (maintained command) via the monitor switches of
the triangle lock-release.
The monitor switches ares in a normal open configuration.and arranged in a serial circuit.. so as soon as
one triangle is opened the relais depress and the circuit is open.
For a short fosse, missing hausing of counterweight or missing Inspection control one contact in the shaft
door is enough. When head of shaft is shortened, every shaft door has to have a contact!
The power supply of DKU has to be battery backed- this to prevent a triggering when power failure.

Functional check
The elevator is in normal mode and ready .

Seite 49
Manual – overview of system

Checking of effectiveness from „DKU“

Unlock one of the monitored doors. Opening the door is not neccessary.
Now the elevator should not move neither by call or return-run button.
After apply of SSR at service Panel the elevator should move.
Repeat this check for every door under surveillance of DKU.

Simulation of „sticking“ Reset button

Hold the SSR pushed. The elevator should not move in normal mode or return move.
After release the elevator should move .

Check of the Inspection control

Attention Imperatively respect the following:
Allways set emergencvy stop before entering shaft or cabinceiling. This avoids accidents if test comes out
Move the elevator with return move in one floor so that you could enter the cabintop.
If applicable erect the fold support in the fosse into protect position.
Now the elevator should move with the inspection control on the top or in the fosse.
Shut down the inspection, leave the fosse and keep the fold support in position.

Check Reset only possible with nonactive folded support

Try to reset DKU when door is closed.. this shouldn't be possible, means elevator cannot move -
not in normal mode or return move.
When there is no shortened fosse the reset could be made when closing all shaft doors.
Put now back the fold support in normal mode position. Protected area deactivated..
Leave the fosse and close shaft door(s).

final check
the elevator should not move-not in normal mode nor in return mode.
Actuate SSR. Now the elevator should move..

Seite 50
Manual-overview of system

Instruction for A3 check


application of the instruction

these instruction completes the general Control manual at the matter A3 protection for accidental
Please notic also the advices in the manual for the control AS380.

The system bases on the security circuit SM011B, which is for the bypass of the door contacts for
relevelling with open door or preopening door and for detection of uncontrolled leave of the doorzone and
for the shut down of the motorbrake.

to assume that:
• the elevator facility is installed accordingly the regulations of the manufacturer and ready for
• The facility has a service braking device or an additional brake which can be used as a A3 brake
and can be piloted from the security circuit.
• Alle Persons which are consigned with the installation, and checking of the facility has the
required knowledge and skills also especially regarding the electrical and mechanical hazards from
• to remind: In a elevator facility are hazards by electrical strokes, via the mecanic (crushing,
cropping) etc and furthermore hazards through the design drop, fall etc.
• Important: do not only think at you, but on people which could be in the danger zone!

• During the execution of tests think also on the possibiliy of failure. Thats way at no time
somebody should stay in the danger zone.

Functional principle


When the cabin is leaving the doorzone the security loop is opening when cabin door opens and the brake
at the end of the security circuit connected actuates. By this the cabin is braking down.
This brake could be an approved A3service brake or an additional brake.
Through a good design of the lenght of the doorzone and the brake characteristic should be ashured that the
braking distance goes below the required braking distance.
This is made by calculation and the practical test on each facility.

The detection of an uncontrolled movement is independant from the control.

General function check:

The UCM-Function is tested with closed door in a levelled position.
To check this function the K14 is to actuate. This close the bridge from the door. Simultanely the part of
the doorcontacts is opened via a testrelay (K.A3T) to simulate an open door.

Seite 51
Manual – overview of system

The doors stay closed to avoid hazard if the test fails.

Functional check-Version A with trundle (via check menu):

These procedure is only designated for cable elevator with gearless drives.( synchronous motors) and
simulates the case of a noncontrolled trundle.
The paces for checking of UCM Function are integrated in the software of the AS380 control means the
test-relay K.A3T and K14 is directly triggered.
• Elevator is ready for operation in a middle floor.
• Doors are closed.
• Now activate in the menu Test the UCM Test A
• via the Testrelay K.A3T the door circuit is opened to check when door is closed. K14 is avtivated
to close the bridging.
• Now K2 (Motorcontactor) and K8 (Brakecontactor) is actuated.
• The elevator trundles up ( cabin empty) or down ( cabin loaded).
• After leaving the doorzone the elevator has to stop!
• The elevator has to come to a stop within the limit values.
• The passed distance is indicated on the display or can be measured after the opening from the
• If the elevator trundles away more than 2m the test has to be aborted.

Functional-check Version B with inverter (via check-menu):

these procedure is designated for cable elevator with gear drives.( asynchronous motors) and simulates the
movement with defined acceleration (caused by the inverter)
The paces for checking of UCM Function are integrated in the software of the AS380 control means the
test-relay K.A3T and K14 is directly triggered.
• Elevator is ready for operation in a middle floor.
• Doors are closed.
• Now activate in the menu Test the UCM Test B
• via the Testrelay K.A3T the door circuit is opened to check when door is closed. K14 is avtivated
to close the bridging.
• Now a normal run Up ( empty cabin) or down (loaded cabin) acuated.
• After leaving the doorzone the elevator has to stop!.
• The elevator has to come to a stop within the limit values.
• The passed distance is indicated on the display or can be measured after the opening from the
• If the elevator trundles away more than 2m the test has to be aborted.
• With the below shown calculations the maximal breaking distances can be calculated. Basis is the
set acceleration.

Seite 52
Manual-overview of system

• The measured braking distance should be considerably below the calculated one!
• By calculating the braking distance for the worst case can be established.This has to be below the
permissible limits.

Example: Calculation of the braking distance

input values:
Max. average acceleration: a = 2500mm/s² (z.B. max. possible acceleration)
lenghts of doorzone Xa = 110mm lenghts of magnet 150mm - 40mm

Response time system SM011B inkl. Cont. Te= 40ms 9ms +30ms contactor
Response time Brake Tb = 200ms dependant of the used brake
average deceleration = 2000mm/s2 dependant of the used brake

calculation of time until doorzone is left (detection time-leaving doorzone)

2∗ Xa 2∗ 110mm
Tt =
√ a
√2500mm / s²
Tt = 0,3s

calculation og ther total response time Tr (detection+electronic+brake)

Tr = Tt+Te+Tb
Tr= 0,3s + 0,04s + 0,2s = 0,54s

calculation of covered distance Xb during total response time Tr:

Xb = 0,5 * a * Tr² = 0,5 * 2500mm/s² * (0,54s)² = 364,5mm

calculation of the max. acomplished speed Vmax:

Vmax = a * Tr = 2500mm/s² * 0,54s = 1350mm/s

calculation of the stoppimng distance Xd:

Vmax² (1350mm / s) ²
Xd = Xb+ =364,5 mm+ =820,2 mm
2∗ ab 2∗ 2000mm / s²

A3 would be met for this example.

Seite 53
Manual – overview of system

Supplemental documents
verification certificate SM011B
• circuit plan with AS380

Seite 54
Manual-overview of system

No. name description scope
F00 Acceleration slope acceleratioin 0.55m/s² 0.2~1.5
F01 Deceleration slope deceleration 0.55m/s² 0.2~1.5
F02 S Jerk T0 Rounding start 1.300s 0.2~3.0
F03 S Jerk T1 Rounding transition to constant run 1.100s 0.2~3.0
F04 S Jerk T2 Rounding beginning of decelerationphase 1.100s 0.2~3.0
F05 S Jerk T3 Rounding during stop 1.300s 0.2~3.0
F06 Nominal speed Nominal speed elevator 1.75m/s 0.1~10
F07 free
F08 free
F09 Parking floor Parking floor 1 1~48(64)
F10 Offset floor Offset floor for elevator groups 0 0~48(64)
F11 Floor number Number of floors 18 2~48(64)
F12 Inspection speed. Speed during inspection 0.250m/s 0~0.630
F13 Creeping speed Creeping speed 0.060m/s 0.010~0.150
F14 Closing delay1 Response to hall call 3.0s 0~30.0
F15 Closing delay2 Response to hall call 3.0s 0~30.0
F16 Brake delay. Delay between FU Run Signal and Brake contactor on 0.2s 0~2.0s
Automatic enable
F17 Delay between brake contactor OFF to inverter Stop 0.6s 0.2~3.0
signal release time
F18 Fire floor Fire floor 1 1 1~48(64)
F19 free
Base floor return Delay until <F22>)
F20 0s 0~600
delay 0:no parking run
F21 V0 Stop Distance Leveling switch motion delay distance (full-speed) 6mm 2~40
Single and duplex
F22 return to base Single and duplex return to base station (F20) 1 1~48(64)
Group function
0 : Master
Group control
F23 1 : Slave (Duplex) 0 0~3
2 : Group control
3 : Ringgroup(F181 = Nr. in the group)???
Actuation inverter
F24 actuation FU 0 0~5
0: Multistep ; 1: analogue
Input type 1 ( normal open or close setup for X0~X15
F25 Input Type X0-15 0~65535
input point
Input type 2 ( normal open or close setup for input
F26 Input Type X16-32 0~65535
Elevator car board input type ( normal open or close setup
F27 Input Type GX0-15 0~65535
for GX0~GX15)

Seite 55
Manual – overview of system

No. name description scope
Car roof input type (normal open or close setup for
F28 Input Type HX0-15 0~65535
F29 Service floor0-16 Setup if 1~16 floors are secure 0~65535
F30 Service floor 17-32 Setup if 17 – 32 floors are secure 0~65535
F31 Service floor 33-48 Setup if 33 – 48 floors are secure 0~65535

F32 free

Automatic operation interval for testruns

F33 Number interv. 5s 0~65535
0: no test runs
Time between calls for test runs (random calls)
F34 Number testruns 0 0~65535
0: no function
Firefight input switch defintion and firefight mode selection
EN81-71 fire control
2:without key in cabin
F35 Firefighting switch 3:with key in cabin 0~5
Pubel (RUS) firecontrol (russian)
4:without key in cabin
5:with key in cabin
Standby time for brake monitor switch
0:no brake monitoring
F36 Brake switch M. 1 0~2
1 : Standard brake monitoring
2 : Hongkong Version
F37 Password 1 Password 1
F38 Password 2 Password 2
F39 Password 3 Password 3
F40 load Offset Load data bias 50.0% 0.1~99.9
F41 Load larning Load study and parameter setup 0 -
F42 free
F43 Attendant mode Flashing function selection for attendant status call 3 -
Adress for remote monitoring via 5 network:
F44 RS485 Adress 255 0~255
255 for non-monitor
F45 free
F46 free
F47 free
F48 free
F49 EVA-Mode Emergency levelling orientation mode 0 0~2
F50 A-door 1-16 Front door opening permission floors 1~16 65535 0~65535
F51 A-door 17-32 Front door opening permission floors 17-32 65535 0~65535
F52 A-door 33-48 Front door opening permission floors33-48 65535 0~65535
F53 B-Door 1-16 Rear opening permission floors 1-16 0 0~65535
F54 B-door16 -32 Rear opening permission floors 17-32 0 0~65535
F55 B-door 32-48 Rear opening permission floors 33-48 0 0~65535

Seite 56
Manual-overview of system

No. name description scope
UP levelling Fine tuning for stop UP: 50 for directrun, >100 for creep
F56 50mm 0~240
adjustment run
Down levelling Fine tuning for stop DOWN:0 for directrun, >100 for creep
F57 50mm 0~240
adjustment run
F58 free
Zero speed brake Delay beween inverter STOP command and brake
F59 0,00s 0~10.00s
delay contactor OFF
F60 free
F61 Gong Output delay Arrival distance for arrival gong 1200mm 0~4000
Time for anti-slipping
Anti-slipping time
F62 32s 2~45

F63 free
F64 free
Block: 0- no block, 1- block, when motor contactor
F65 Base Block Mode 0 0-1
F66 Limit Mode 0 0~65535
F67 Additional board Activating for add. Boards for main board 0 0~65535
F68 free
F69 free
F70 Idle reg. UP Empty load compensation direction UP 100,00% 0.1~99.9
F71 Idle reg. Down Empty load compensation direction DOWN 100,00% 0.1~99.9
F72 Full load reg. UP FULL load compensation direction UP 100,00% 0.1~99.9
Full load reg.
F73 FULL load compensation direction UP 100,00% 0.1~99.9
F74 Empty load reg 512 0~65535
F75 Full load reg. 512 0~65535
F76 Lim. UpDis. Ins. 0cm 0~65535
F77 Lim. DnDis. Ins. 0cm 0~65535
F78 Endswitch M.
Moving of cabin beyond end switch for insp. (Test
Endswitch & traction)
F79 Insp. ES Mode 0 0~1
0: no
1: enabled
Setting button beep and flashing for call buttons
Bit 1: button-beep
F80 Door quitt. Mode Bit 2: flashing from cabin call when arrival 0 0~15
Bit 3: flashing of hall callt
Bit 4 beeping when passing floor for blind people
Brightness of confirmation for cabin -&hall call if not
acknowleged: The lower 4 Bits define the brightness of
F81 Bright dark mode outside/ hall acknowledgements, the other 4Bits the 0 0~255
brightness of cabin confirmations
there are 9 grades of brightness.

Seite 57
Manual – overview of system

No. name description scope
Setting time until control switch into Sleepmode.
(only with additional modul)
F82 Sleep-Function 0s 0~65535s
notice : Sleepmode = T in F152 + T in F82
0 = no Sleepmode
0: General
1: selektive door 2xSM03
F83 Car call mode
1 x SM02G limited up to max 8stops
A-side: Adress 1-8, B-Side Adress 9-16!
F84=1: Reset from inspection to normal mode
F84 Insp. to normal has to be confirmed on the handtool 0 0~1
F84=0 No confirmation need
F85=0: deactivated
F85 Taxi-Steuerung 0 0~1
F85=1: activated
Penthousefunction and priority for hall
F86 VIP Function 0: priority for hall 0s 0~300s
>0: VIP delay time
Tolerance of errors for security circuit adjustable: If error
Monitorin re- occurs the control shutoff facility after 1 to 9 error (value
F87 1 1~9
levelling F87)
for TÜV check set to „1“
F88 free
F89 free
F90 free
F91 free
F93 free
F94 free
F95 free
F96 free
F97 free
F98 free
F99 free
F100 free
F101 free
F102 free
F103 free
F104 free
F105 free
F106 free
F107 free
F108 free
F109 free
F110 free
F111 free

Seite 58
Manual-overview of system

No. name description scope
F112 free
F113 Main floor Main floor( Hotel version) 0 0~48(64)
F114 free
Door run time close (in case of no
Door close time
F115 end-switch) 15s 3~30

Door run time open (in case of no

Door open time
limit end−switch) 15s 3~30

Door-open time frame after

F117 Holding time pushing the keep-door-open- 60s 0~255
Holding time for
Door-open time frame after
F118 pushing the keep-door-open- 30s 0~255
button for disabled person

Door mode if priority inside:

F119 Priority mode 0: Hold door close button for closing the door 0
1: door make close after command
Violation detection interior call
0:no function
Number of 1Stop without erasing light grid
registrations an- command
F120 0~20
nuisance 2~20max. Number of accepted
commands at the same time when
empty load TX7 (cabin empty) is
Door scrambling:
Forced door-
F121 closing 0~1

Time between break off and FU

drive signal off (speed and
F122 Run enable delay 0.0s 0~10.00

Type of
existing exterior-calls
0:only simple calls ( not
1:Selective doors: SM-04
address 49~96 for B-door exterior-
Hall call
F123 2:calls for disabled persons: SM- 0~4
04 address 49~96 for disabled
person exterior-call (priority).
3:Selective door and disabled-
person-calls: SM-04 address
33~64 for B-door calls, 65~96 for
disabled person-calls (priority

F124 free
F125 free

Seite 59
Manual – overview of system

No. name description scope
F126 free
F127 free
Front and rear
Door mode at two doors
F128 0:selective door control active 0~3
operate mode
1:both doors controlled together

Relevelling with re-levelling with open door/

door prerunning door opening (requires
open and/or pre- security circuit):
F129 0:no security circuit 0~7
door Enable 1:prerunning door
2:re-levelling with open door
Door triggering (keep close/open):
0:no close/open-keeping
Bit 1:door open-keeping (in case
cabin door is pulled by the shaft
Holding door- Bit 2:door close-keeping (in case
opening/closing the bolt opens without keep-close-
F130 0 0~7
torque. moment)
Bit 3:keep close during the
journey (in case tie bolt bangs
against the locking bolt)
Bit 4:no door-close-end-switch
Bit 5:AT120 door control
Bit 6:revolving door
blockable floors
0: not active
F131 Block floor no 0~64
1~64: number of the floor which
have to be blocked.
Time at which the floor <F131>
block floor start
F132 should be closed: e.g. 730 for 0~65535
7:30 o ́clock
Time at which the floor <F131>
block floor end should be released. e.g.: 930 for
F133 0~65535
time 9:30 o`clock

F134 free
F135 free
F136 free
Defines floors, which can be
F137 NS-SW floor16 blocked with a key-switch: 0~65535
Bit mask 1-16
F138 NS-SW floor32 Bitmask 17-32 0~65535
F139 NS-SW floo48 Bitmask 33-48 0~65535
F140 free
Motor contactor off Caster time of engine contactor :
F141 delay approval off=>contactor off 0.5s 0.5~10.00

Seite 60
Manual-overview of system

No. name description scope
F142 free
F143 free
F144 free
F145 DC Gain Regulation from bus tension 100,00% 80~120
F146 Pos.error Dis. Regulation of pos distance 180mm 180~1000
Monitorin contactor motor
Monitor mot
F147 1: ON 1 0~1
0: OFF
F148 free
F149 free
F150 free
F151 free
Cabin lifght /fan
F152 Caster time for cabin light/ fan after the last run 180s 0~65535
Monitor door lock
F153 Monitor door lock 0: OFF 0~1
1: ON
F154 free
F155 free
Security circuit detection
Security circuit
F156 0: with add relay (only for Asia) 0~1
detection 1
1: Standard only via high voltage inputs
F157 free
F158 free
F159 free
F160 Cancel Call mode Cancel call permitted/ not permitted 1 0~1
Blocking of floors
Block floor during
F161 0: no blocking 0~1
1: block with time F131
2: blocking with key-switch
F162 free
Operation with emergency supply
F163 USV mode 0: no 0~1
1: possible
Type of load device and ~compensation during start of
F164 Load device type 99 0~99
Door open functionality:
Bit 0: no open/close during
Bit 1: no opening of the door
Door open
F165 during test-operation 0~65535
Bit 2: door A basic position open
at main stop
Bit 3: door A basic position open
at every stop

Seite 61
Manual – overview of system

No. name description scope
F166 Dr SpecialOverT 52s 0~65535
F167 free
Lift numbering for
F168 0: no card reader 0~255
card service
1~255 Adress of elevator

RFID generates
F169 RFID call type 0~1
0- down calls 1- UP calls
Floors which are only approved
F170 RFID .1-16 with RFID: 0~65535
Bit mask Interior calls 1~16

Floors which are only approved

F171 RFID Freig.17-32 with RFID: 0~65535
Bit mask Interior calls 17~32

Floors which are only approved

with RFID:
F172 IRFID Freig.33-48 0~65535
Bit mask Interior calls 33~48

F173 free
F174 free
F175 Start creep speed Start creep speed 0.006m/s 0~0.100
F176 free
F177 free
F178 free
F179 free
Assignment of the nominal speed
of the lift with top values of the
F180 Speed gain analog outputs. 100.0% 0~150
50.0% - 150.0%, standard 100%

Number of the lift within a group:

smallest number have highest
F181 Duplex Nr. 0~7
priority (F32=3

Number of driving-steps, which are

Steps of speedn used for stopping (only at
F182 0 0~10
reduction Multistep-control)

Speed self-
F183 Speed at self learning mode 0.800m/s 0~1.000
learning analogue
F184 free
F185 free
Creeping time at Creeping time at start
F186 0.50s 0~10.00
start note also F175

Seite 62
Manual-overview of system

No. name description scope
Status Überwachung
0:run counterer
1:malfunction of encoder
2:CAN-Bus 1 malfunction
F187 CAN Monitor 3:CAN-Bus 2 malfunction 0~7
4:revolution RPM
5:tension intermediate circuit
6:output current motor
F188 free
F189 free
F190 floors 49-64 Floor permission 49-64 65535 0~65535
F191 A-door49-64 Permission door A at floors 49-64 65535 0~65535
F192 B-door 49-64 Permission door B at floors 49-64 0 0~65535
F193 free
F194 free
F195 free
2. main landing
F196 2. main stop at duplexx 1~48 (64)
duplex control
F197 free
F198 free
F199 NS-Etage 49-64 Blockable floor bitmask 49-64 0~65535
F200 SW Version Software Version of inverter x
Inverter modes:
0: V/F Mode
F201 Inverter 1: Vector Mode without encoder (only test) 3 0~3
2: torque mode with encoder
3: Vector Mode with encoder
F202 Motortype 0: Asynchronous motor 0 0~1
1: Synchronous motor
Nominated motor Nominated motor power
F203 x 0.4~160kW
Nominated motor
F204 Nominated motor current x 0.0~300.0A
Nominated motor
F205 Nominated motor frequency 50Hz 0.0~120.0
Nominated motor
F206 Nominated motor revolution 1460RPM 0~3000
Nominated motor
F207 Nominated motor tension 380V 0~460
F208 Motor pole number Motor pole number 4 2~128
Motor slip Motor slip frequency
F209 1.4Hz 0~10.00

Seite 63
Manual – overview of system

No. name description scope
Type of encode
0: ABZ Incremental encoder
F210 Type of encoder 2 0~2
1: Sin Cos absolute encoder (Synchronous motors)
2 En-dat absolut encoder ( Synchnronous motors)
F211 Encoder impulse Encoder impulseper turn 1024 500~16000
F212 P0-Factor P-Factor encoder at Zero RPM 130.00 0.00~655.35
F213 I0-Faktor I-Factor encoder at Zero RPM 80.00 0.00~655.35
F214 D0-Factor D0Factor encoder at Zero RPM 0.50 0.00~655.35
F215 P1-Factor P-Factor encoder at low RPM 130.00 0.00~655.35
F216 I1-Factor I-Factor encoder at low RPM 80.00 0.00~655.35
F217 D1-Factor D-Factor encoder at low RPM 0.50 0.00~655.35
F218 P2-Factor P-Factor encoder at average RPM 130.00 0.00~655.35
F219 I2-Factor I-Factor encoder at average RPM 80.00 0.00~655.35
F220 D2-Factor D-Factor encoder at average RPM 0.50 0.00~655.35
F221 P3-Factor P-Factor encoder at high RPM 130.00 0.00~655.35
F222 I3-Factor I-Factor encoder at high RPM 80.00 0.00~655.35
F223 D3-Factor D-Factor encoder at high RPM 0.50 0.00~655.35
F224 Freq. 0 1.0% 0~100%
F225 Freq. 1 50.0% 0~100%
F226 V0-Stoptime 0.5s 0.0~30.00
Delay brake Delay time for brake mon switch
F227 0.25s 0.0~30.00
monitor 0: no brake monitoring
F228 Output current 0.00s 0.0~10.00
Direction of 0: positive direction
F229 0 0/1
rotation 1: negative direction
F230 100.00% 0.0~200.0
F231 Torque bias 0.0% 0.0~100.0
F232 Ecoder filter time 0ms 1~30
Direction of rotation from encoder always at 1 if motor
F233 Encoder direction 1 0/1
doesn't turn change phase of motor!
Adaption of direction of rotation motor, if it doesn't match
F234 Motorphase 1 0/1
with UP/DOWN cabin
Empty load current
F235 Empty load current value 32.00% 0.00~60.00
F236 Pace freq. Frequency of output current 6.000kHz 1.100~11.000
F237 Modul. bandwidth Modulation bandwidth don't change!! 0kHz 0.0~1.0
F238 Regulator Mode Regel. Mode don't change without reason 1 0~3
F239 Torque.Lmt Torque limit, don't change without reason 175,00% 0~200
F240 Input tension FU Input tension of inverter 380V 0~460
F241 Nominal powerFU Nominal power of inverter x kW -

Seite 64
Manual-overview of system

No. name description scope
Offset Phaseangle of encoder. If on 0.0 for the next run a
F242 Offset Phasangle 0.0° 0.0~360.0
tuning is enforced. If a value of 0 is provided, set 0, 1!
Correction of zeroangle at encoder
F243 Corr.phase angle 0 0/2
2. Activates correction
F244 free

Selection of F246-
Selection of Parameter F246-F255:Parameter F246-F255
F245 255 Parameter 0 0~65535
could have different meanings dependant setting ofF245!

F245=0 >> F246 to F255 as foolows

Tolerance time for exceeding then max cooling
F246 protection time for 50 x0.01s 0~65535
Tolerance value for exceeding nominal rotation speed 12000
F247 protection 0~65535
(120%) x0.01%
Overspeed 100
F248 Tolerance for duration exceeding nominal rotation speed. 0~65535
protection time x0.01s
Confirmation times
F249 for inputting open Tolerance for case of missing phase on input 35 mal 0~65535
Confirmation times
F250 of short circuit of Tolerance for cases of short-circuit at brake resistance 10 mal 0~65535
braking resistor
Confirmation times
F251 for SinCos encoder Tolerance for ruption of sin cos signal at encoder 2 mal 0~65535
Confirmation times
F252 of outputting open Tolerance for open phase at output inverter 0~65535
Confirmation of
voltage for
F253 errorr 144: charging relay feailure 65 Volt 0~65535
charging relay
threshold of
F254 error 28: Phase presentation more than designated value 300 0~65535
encoder phase CD
threshold of ABZ
F255 Deviation of speed rotation above limit 20 0~100

F245=1 >> F246 to F255 as follows:

Protection times of
F246 Tolerance value occurrence excess current IGBT 2 0~65535

Seite 65
Manual – overview of system

No. name description scope
Overload prot via I²t Function:
Protection option
F247 0: both variations 0 0/1/2
of I²t
1: Variation1 2: Variation2

F245=2 >> F246 bis F255 haben folgende Bedeutung:

F246 free Internal use -do not change!
PWM Modulation
F247 PWM Modulation 2 0~2
F248 free Internal use -do not change!
F249 free internal use -do not change!
Three phase
F250 current balance Only for your Info
F251 free Internal use -do not change!
Positive/Negative enables right/ left rotation:
F252 0
rotation enable 0: Both directions 1 only right direction
F253 Dead time for changing sense of rotation 20 x0.1s 20~60000
rotation dead time
overcurrrent The acceleration is limited if current exceeds the current
F254 180,00% 0~200
threshold of limit
overvoltage The deceleration is limited if tension in intermediate circuit
F255 750V 0~800
threshold of exceed limit

F245=3 >> F246 to F255 as follows:

Current controller P-Factor, do not change!
F246 Current Loop P 140 35~280


F247 Current Loop I Current controller I-Faktor, do not change! 100

F248 Current Loop D Current controllerD-Faktor, do not change! 0 0~200

F254 Torque Direction Torque Direction 0: pos; 1: neg 0 0/1

F245=4 >> F246 bis F255 as follows:

F246 Software Version Only read
F247 ID No 0 Only read
F248 ID No 1 Only read
F249 ID No 2 Only read

Seite 66
Manual-overview of system

No. name description scope
F250 ID No 3 Only read
F251 ID No 4 Only read
F252 ID No 5 Only read
Inverter rated
F253 Rated current inverter x0.1A Only read
Rated current of
F254 Rated current of current sensor A Only read
current sensor
Motor power
F255 Max. rated output Power 200,00% 50~400%

F245=5 >> F246 bis F255 as follows:

F246 Stator Resistor Stator resistance Asynchronous-motor x0.001R
F247 Rotor Resistor Rotor resistance Asynchronous-Motor x0.001R
F248 Stator Inductor Stator Induktivitiy Asynchronous-Motor x0.0001H
F249 Rotor Inductor Rotor Induktivitiy Asynchronous-Motor x0.0001H
F250 Mutual Inductor x0.0001H
Motor low speed
F251 overcurrent Over-current limit for RPM below 20% of rated RPM x0.1%
Low speed
F252 Duration of Over-current for low RPM x0.1s
overcurrent time
Motor high speed
F253 overcurrent Over-current limit for RPM above 20% of rated RPM x0.1%
High speed
F254 Duration of over-current for high RPM x0.1s
overcurrent time
Frequency dividing
Divisor for encoder.Requires convinient board for encoder
F255 coefficient of 0 0~7
with divisor

F245=6 >> F246 bis F255 as follows:

Auto measurement of phase -angle after return of
synchronous motor.
F246 motor study angle 1 0~1
0: deactivated 1: activated
when power on
Sshould be turned OFF, if phase-angel is known and set
Strenght of measurement current for phase -angle. Has to
Current gain when
F247 be adopted for some montors. The less is better as to 150,00% 0~400
self study
F248 Command option Option for run command 2 0~2
Zero servo process
F249 Hold-up current-normaly is not to change! 100,00% 48~65535
current loop gain

Seite 67
Manual-overview of system

15.Error code

Code display error Remarks

Preset maintenance interval Levelling not correct and inspection run not
expired possible when maintenance period is invalid.
02 Door lock OFF
03 UP limit Sw. OFF Uppermost end switch reached
04 Dn limit Sw. OFF Lowermost end switch reached
05 Can't open door Door could not be opened. 8 trials failed in normal mode.
Can't close door!Tuer Zu 8 trials to close fails in normal mode
06 Door could not be closed.
CAN-bus connection to car No connection to car controller panel or final
08 CANbus Err
controller panel disturbed resistance not active.
09 Inverter Err Error on inverter Input X11 depicts error at inverter
10 Up Sw. 1 Err End switch up 1 defectous
11 Down Sw. 1 Err End switch 1 down defectous
12 Up Sw. 2 Err End switch up 2 defectous
13 Down Sw. 2 Err End switch2 down defectous
14 Up Sw. 3 Err End switch up 3 defectous
15 Down Sw. 3 Err End switch 3 down defectous
16 Up Sw. 4 Err End switch up 4 defectous
17 Down Sw. 4 Err End switch 4 down defectous
18 free
19 Door limit Err
Elevator takes longer then presetted time in
20 Sliding Protect Sliding protect has triggered
F62 without changing levelling signals

21 Motoroverheat Motor is overheated PTC Input longer than 2 sec.→ active!.

Real direction of rotation isn't the Encoder signal in wrong direction in normal
22 Enc. Wrong Dir.
same with the controlled one modem with more than 0,15m/s.
Multistep mode: after 1,5sek delay the speed
is still over 0,2m/s.
Analogue Mode: rated-speed is 25% über
23 Enc. Overspeed Elevator runs to fast
Real speed is 8% higher than nomninal speed.
Landing speed is over limit landing speed.
24 Enc. Lowspeed Elevator runs to slow Multistep: after 3s still below 50mm/s.
Analogue-Mode: elevator slower than 50% of

Seite 69
Manual – overview of system

Code display error Remarks

targeted speed.
25 free
26 free
27 Up level Sw. Err Sensor up levelling defectous
28 Dn level Sw. Err Sensor down levelling defectous
29 free
Position of levelling magnet is bigger than +/-
actual value of leveling signal is
30 Leveling Err 180mm . → new learning movement
bigger +/- than 180mm .
31 free
32 Safe loop broken Safety loop is not closed
33 free
34 KMC Protection K1 monitoring reports error Output Y2 doesn't correspond with Input X8
35 KMC Protection K8 monitoring reports error Output Y2 doesn't correspond with Input X9.
36 KMC Protection K2 monitoring reports error Output Y2 doesn't correspond with Input X8.
37 Dr. Lock Error Only relevant for asia
Brake contactor active, but brake is not
Brake switch monitoring reports
38 Brake Sw. Err activated brakes don't work synchronous
Security loop is controlled Safety Circuit input signal differ from safety
addionally on Input X13 via relay. circuit relay detection signal X13. (look
39 Safety Relay Err X13 and high voltage inputs differ. Parameter F156). Only for Asia
(note Parameter F156)Only
relevant for Asia
Inverter enable monitor detects Signal for depr brake there-no inverter run
40 Inv Enable Err
error signal!.
41 free
Number of installed correction
42 Slow'down Sw. Err switches does not correspond with
set parameters.
43 Limit test err.
44 free
45 Relvl Relay err
46 free
47 free
48 free
Communication error between
49 Invert comm. Err
inverter and car top panel
50 Parametererror parameter read error

Seite 70
Manual-overview of system

Code display error Remarks

51 free
52 free
53 free
54 Dr. Lock Differ
55 free
56 free
57 free
58 free
59 free
60 Base Block Err
61 0 Spd Servo err
62 No speed.
63 free
64 free
65 free
66 free
Lenght of leveling/ doorzone is
68 Level Device Err
shorter than distance tor floor stop.
Number of leveling/ doorzones
69 Palte Num Err doesn't match with number of
70 free
71 OC Protection Overcurrent protection
72 ADC Error Current sensor error Replace current sensor or mainboard
73 Radiator overheat
Check connection between inverter and brake
74 BK unit 'Err. Error in brake resistance
75 DC Fuse break
76 Over output torque
77 Speed deviation
78 DC Line OV. Overtension DC
79 DC Line LV DC low tension
80 Oput phase lose Output phase missing
81 Motor L-speed OC Overcurrent Motor SLOW speed
82 Encoder error
83 Curr. After stop
84 Speed reverse

Seite 71
Manual – overview of system

Code display error Remarks

85 Slide after stop
86 Motorphase Err.
87 Fwd.Overspeed
88 Rev..Overspeed
89 UVW Enc. Err.
90 Enc. Comm. Err.
91 Abc OC ABC overcurrent
92 Brake protection
93 Input Overpower Input tension too high
94 UVW Enc. Err
95 Fan error
96 No encoder Teach.
97 Output OC
98 SINCOS enc. Err
99 Input phase lose
100 Overspeed Protct
101 Motor H-speed OC
102 Ground Protection
103 Kcapacitance Agin
104 Outside Error
105 Output Imbalance
106 Para Setup Err Parameter error Adopt parameters of inverter.
107 Sensor error.
108 BK resist short Short circuit at Brake resistance Check connection to brake resistor
109 Instantaneous OC
110 free
111 free
112 free
113 Inv.No comm.

Seite 72
Manual-overview of system


Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14
Disp. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14
Code 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Disp. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Code 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Disp. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Code 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
Disp. 47 48 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 EA B1 B2 B3
Code 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
Disp. B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B G M M1 M2 M3 P P1 P2 P3
Code 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
Disp. R R1 R2 R3 L H H1 H2 H3 3A 12A 12B 13A 17A 17B 5A
Code 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Disp. G1 G2 G3 F (*1) C1 C2 C3 C4 C D1 D2 D3 D4 D 1F
Code 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
Disp. 2F 3F 4F 5F 1C 2C 3C 4C 49 1B 2B 3B 4B 1A 2A 4A
Code 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
Disp. CF LB E A UB LG UG 6A 6B 7A 7B 5B 6C DG T OG
Code 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
Disp. SB 15A 13B K U S EG KG KE1 KE2 KE3 KE4 KE5 KE6 KE7 KE8
Code 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
Disp. KE9 GF MZ SR 19A Z HP AB PH AA L1 L2 L3 PB -10 AG
Code 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
Disp. BE RF 1L 5L 1M 3M 4M B1A B2A B3A B4A PM 14A 14B AS 15B
Code 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206
Disp. 16A 16B 22A 22B E1 E2 S1 S2 S3 E3 E4 49 50 51 52 53
Code 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222
Disp. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 P4 P5 KE EM 3D
Code 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238
Disp. P6 U1 U2 (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1)

Code 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254
Disp. (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1)

Code 255 256

Disp. (*1) (*1)

(*1) Nicht vordefiniert, können für Sonderfälle verwendet werden

Seite 73
Manual-overview of system

17.Parameters Motor types

Seite 75

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