Eo (Go) 48-2018 (Prom of Insp To Cadre of Supdt)

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2 8 & OFFICE OFTHE PRNCIPAL COMMISSIONER OF CENTRAL TAK exc fae rt) CADRE CONTROLLING AUTHORITY] tone stew arqrare™ HYDERABAD GST COMMSSONERATE tech wes, 8 efor, ee me, e500 004 (57 BHAVAN, L8 STADIUM ROAD, BASHEER BAGH, HVOERUBAD son00 Choliyartraan7-et Date o-08 018 pre ws san [ESTABLISHMENT ORDER (6.0) No.48/2018 fer: emer a ae ee ear eta ee & at ent vier Subr- Est - Promotions tothe Cadre of Superintendent of Customs & Centra ‘Tax, Greup'® (Gazetted) = Order-Rag Following Inspeciors of Contral Tax & Customs i the cammon cadre of Hyderabad Visakhapinam Zone are proweted to the care of Supentendent of GST, CCenrat Tax & Customs, Group “8 (Gazetted) on Ad-hoe basis from the select pone! prepared bythe DPC held on 09-08-2018 & 10-08-2018, m the pay matroat Level 8 of ‘ih CPC recommendation (prerevised scale of Rs:9300-34800 wth grade pay of Re 4800), from the date they take over the charge of he sai pot Vine ofthe oer Toate er nith | present lace of woth /shei/ sent aman ARUENDER eo SENDERS RAMESH (RVADHANUCA) | “027047870 VE ARFAPATAR SANTOSH KURA TOSTI970 ISTONS, HVS BRAM CHARAN KOBAR B57017968 | RAC, 21, HYD ON LON HIST | SRINIVASA RAG (GALANT) | 257073965 FEDERAL SURENDER REDO? 2iJOGFB7 | BGT, WA, HPD OW LOAN BASIS 70 [ QUASPER SUGANON | ~veroxi667 | —__cuNTR 11 | GRSATISH SINGH 05/027868 (Ce VOAYAWAOR 12 | DRISHORE KUMAR TOG VORYRWAR [3 [RAGHU TOI ~ HEDCAAL Ta [DICK WNRAIESWARA RAO | ~OU/O7970 VSRRFAPATHO | cesnvs) 36 [ ESRINIVAS (DATA ad 7 -ANAWOR WARE GOFAL SaTIBeS| [eco orperi370— | 19 [HERA VINUWATHE | ou7i973 Te woNAWIOR | 20” [eRaNanA | earanrisra | oro 7 [ CNAVEEN KUMAR TI/S7187i | “ON BEPFATION TO BGGL WYO stablichment Order (G0) No.48/2018 dated 10-08-2018 Name ofthe offer) oste of with | Present Place of working s/shei/smt ° | PRANERARANT ‘970671974 aun 1 2 | GPRASAO | te/ani867 ( VAYAWADA 2 GRARA DET nan eT 25 GUSATYVATT TAAT96R ~aasToRS, wo | 26 | HEERVA WAT - 99/0371570 EDGAR “27 [TUATHA HAIOUSH [anni7967 ISTORS, | SPARURTAT TaRTTZ EISTONS, RAMESH KOMAR DADHAY) | (0771872 ~HEDCAL ARR ROE —aeree7973 EBCHAL 30 RTA 7POSTBTT THORABAD a2 | NAGA RENO -a/08/197% | BET, HEU, WYO ON LOAN BASIS 33 | RAVE KUMAR (ROOAVALTY | s0/i71969 | ane] “32 KSAT PRASAD BITHG7e TANGRREDDY | [a5 KSeeTHA 22/12/1968 | GT, HE, HYD ON TAN BASS | [3 esuawneae sa/i/i969 | CUSTORS, HO 22 KANDRGRTIR SATOVAS 15/09/1970 ANGAREDDY 2a KANTR RADI ARE ‘17067196565 ‘Re, VAYAWADR [3s rceanest recA 19/0197 | — BGPR RYO ONTORWGASIS | =o [SRINIVAS REDDY (HUPPIDN)_| 104/87 SECOND ERAID =| REV SUBRARRAT 5/5968 SARFAPATION [aa [RTTAL RAO 25/079 HEDCIAL =| HOO ASLAN OST Tapano VORA “32 | BNANU HURT BepouT968 RAICAREDDY 45 | WEVEERA RAGHAVA 25/00/1968 UBIO | +6 WSUBBA RAID 2ER7FBE EDEN 7 AGAMA 2970871966 | “TRUPATT [a poweratar 2570571974 | —GUSTONS, VO 9 | PSESHU KURA DefOR TT EDGAR sa [PSURWANAK | 26osi9e0~ | weocra PVACSRTYANARAYANR HORN | 2170871966 ~RANCAREDOY PWASARTHX RAO D107 970 EGCHAL FRDAYARAND 6/0967 ‘ASARFAPATIN St [ RRSERIAR oH/0u5967 TTRUPATT 5 [RANA RAO o0e7i968 ‘SARRAPATIN 55 | RSHYAN SUNDER REDDY TASTE “TROPATT 57 | SASHOR TRAN970 ( VORYAWROR Se | ScRANORISERTOR aap0e778 EDERAL | Saavasinna xo | “067970 isARF APTN | SRESWARA RAO 5097970 RANCAREDOY Gr | SRAGARARULE ‘1705/i966 | TRUPATT @_ | SSRTIRARRAE ‘B771970 RRR a SSRINTAS HALA 01/0571 HEDCRAC csanean) w T9/1171968|~O DEPUTATION TO Oa, HO Ls 7 amine | near stblihment Order (G0).No.48/2019 dated 10-08-2088 ‘ame of he ocer s/sini/smt | VERRANACE STI TBAB 20, 2. The promotions balpg made purely on ad hoc issn pursuarce tothe Herbie Tunak Order ested 30-07-2018 in MAND2/4672018 In OANO.2H/I225/2016 ©.Ato.2/438/2017 & 0.AN.2/706/2017, Te above a hoc pronation wil not conte any ‘lum fr eeguior promotion ot any ater sarce benifits or seit. Tel promation Is aso subject to therseartcondtons peserted for Adshoc apoitment stated n DOPT OM Wo 28036/8/87-<5t(0), dated 300319888 the Gowenment of Ind DOPTAROMND.36011/:4/83-3H(5C), dates 30.04.1969 and sls elvent istrctions Issued by the Baar in ths regard am tine to tne 44 The above promotions are subject to final outcome of following OAS pending before Hone Tibuna! (0. ©.ANo.21/438/2017 fled by Sh C5.Rajencran & Others (8) 0.A.No.24/1225/2016 fled by Smt K Anantha Padma & others, (W)©.A.No.21/704/2017 Fed by Shi DhulpalsGopichand 5. The promotions of the Inpactrs of Central Tax & Catoms to the grade. of Superintendents are subject to the outcame of various SUP pending Inthe Hole Supreme Court an the issue of salty the grade of Inspectors and any ther errs of Hone ATP gh Courts onthe i ve, {Te promotion ofthe ofees i subject outcome of W.P.C Na.261 of 2008 ted by ‘Shri. Sariran Ray & 0. Vs Unan of nda Ors before the Hove Cte hgh Court sd any ater tugotons, any, the sue a seniority! promotion pain befor ny the Jil fos 7 the ature witty ae Ueiny poxeS On MM BRU DERE. Tey shout Jin latest by 1009-2018, poste. fhe fa to Jn by 10-09-2018, wil be deemed asthe refs and 8. This sues wt the approval of the competent autho, Se MBE (FF) ADDITIONAL CEMMISSIONER (PRV) wR To. fee ert The Individuals (iebe feet) ae & Through te ofcer concerned)

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