Digital Switching

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Digital switching and networks

Transmission Network

• Transport network used to Link different wire

centers or exchange nodes.
• In India, Europe E1 (2 Mbps) and its higher
order multiplex used. (PDH, SDH)
• In US etc. DS1 (1.544 mbps) and its higher
order multiplex used. (SONET)
• Other technologies like Frame Relay, ATM etc
also used.
Network Evolution
• Earlier Networks (Up to early 70’s)
– Analog telephone network
– Frequency-division multiplexing
• Present:
– Local loop analog
– Network digital (based on TDM, predominantly
Circuit switched)
• Network Migration
– IP based switching technology
– Next generation networks (packet switching, Soft
switches, VoIP, IP Core networks)
Digital Switching
• Methods of switching
– Circuit switching,
– packet switching, and
– message switching
Circuit Switching

In circuit Switched Network- Path or pipe

between two ends in communication is opened
and stays open for the duration of the call
• Three switching categories for voice circuits
– Local (line-to-line) switching
– Transit (tandem) switching
– Call distribution
Circuit Switch

• Circuit switch is a device with n inputs and m outputs that

creates a temporary connection between an input link and
an output link.
Crossbar Switch

• Crossbar switch connects n inputs to m outputs in a grid, using

electronic micro-switches (transistors/Relays) at each cross-point.
Crossbar Switch
• 2X2 crossbar switch
– Cross state
– Bar state
• NXN crossbar switch
– Connects N inputs and N outputs
• Output blocking
– Two inputs request the same output
Characteristics of Crossbar
• Crossbar switches are non-blocking
– Connection requests to distinct outputs are never
• Complexity of the switch is (n2)
– For large n, the number of crosspoints becomes
very large
Space Switch- Single Stage
• Similar to cross bar switches.
Rectangular array of
crosspoints which can be
used to connect any one of
N inlets to anyone of M
• Crosspoints are
Semiconductor gates in
Digital switches.
• Single stage switches have
property that each individual
crosspoint can only be used
to interconnect one
particular inlet outlet pair.
Single Stage Switches
• If inlet/outlets are more i.e if N is large very
large no’s of crosspoints are required.
• If a crosspoint fails the associated connection
cannot be established.
• Ineffective utilization of crosspoints- only one
crosspoint in each row column of switch is
ever in use even if all lines are active.
Multistage Switch

• Multistage switch combines switches in several stages.

• Design of a multistage switch depends on the number of
stages and the number of switches required (or desired) in
each stage.
Multistage Switches.
• Increases utilization of particular cross-point
• Reduce the number of cross-points
• More than one path available for connection.
• Alternate paths reduces blocking and provides
protection against failures.
Multiple Switching Path
Multistage Switches
• Multiple stages
switches has
between the
• Depending on the
design it could be
blocking or non-
blocking 2(N/n)nk + k (N/n)2 crosspoints
Multistage Switches
• Let N = number of inlets and outlets.
• Let n = size of each inlet-outlet group.
• Let k = number of center-stage arrays.
• There are N/n arrays in the first and last stages.
• There are (N/n) (nk) crosspoints in the first and
last stages.
• There are k middle arrays with (N/n)2 crosspoints
in each middle array.
• Total No of crosspoint
• Nx = 2Nk+k(N/n)2
Multistage Switching
• Nonblocking Switches
• 1953 Charles Clos Proposition for nonblocking
three stage switches.
• If each individual array was nonblocking, and
if the number of center stages k is equal to 2n-
1, the switch is strictly nonblocking.
• Number of stages is n-1 +n-1 +1 = 2n-1.
Condition for Internal Blocking
‘Clos’ Non Blocking Condition
• Request connection from last input in input switch j to last
output in output switch m
– last input is in competition with remaining n-1 links in its input-
stage switch
– last output is in competition with remaining n-1 links in its
output-stage switch
• Worst Case: All other inputs have seized top n-1 middle
switches and all other outputs have seized next n-1 middle
• K=2n-2 path already occupied
• If one more path array is there the connection can be
established i.e k=2n-1, there is another path left to
connect desired input to desired output
Condition for Internal Blocking
• If k < n, then the call can be blocked at the
input stage
• For k >=2n –1 the switch non-blocking
– (Called Clos Non Blocking Condition)
Three Stage Switch example
• Diagrammatically make a Clos (8,2,3)
Multistage switch.
• N=8
• n=2
• Is it Blocking or non Blocking.
• Clos(8,2,3) N=8,n=2,k=3

• 2n-1= 4-1=3, is equal to k

• It’s a non blocking switch.
Multistage Switching
• Recall that the number of cross points in a
three-stage switch.
– Nx = 2Nk+k(N/n)2
• Now let k = 2n-1 for nonblocking operations.
– Nx = 2N(2n-1)+(2n-1)(N/n)2
• Minimization of Crosspoints
– optimum n for large N is (N/2)1/2
– Nx(min) = 4N((2N)1/2 - 1)
• Strictly nonblocking switches are rarely needed in most
voice telephone networks.
– Switching systems and the number of circuits in interoffice
trunk groups are sized to service most requests (not all) as
they occur
– Economics dictates that network implementations have
limited capacities that occasionally exceeded during peak
traffic situations
• Equipment for the public telephone network is
designed to provide a certain maximum probability of
blocking for the busiest hour of the day.
• Switch designed with certain grade of service
assuming certain traffic generated by subscribers.
• Grade of service of the telephone company depends
on the blocking probability, availability, transmission
quality, and delay
• Normally residential lines are busy 5-10% of the time
during the busy hour. Business lines can be busy even
more. Tandem Trunk lines busy 70% of time during
busy hour.
• Network-blocking occurrences on the order of 1%
during the busy hour do not represent a significant
reduction in the ability to communicate since the
called party is much more likely to have been busy
Blocking Probabilities
• Significant Reduction in crosspoints by
allowing acceptable blocking probabilities.
• C.Y.Lee (1955) analyzed the blocking
• probabilities using probability graphs.
Blocking Probabilities: Lee
• If p - represents the fraction of the time that a particular
link is in use (or p is the probability that a link is busy)
• q=1-p is the probability that the link is idle.
• When any one of n parallel links can be used to complete
a connection, the composite blocking probability B is the
probability that all links are busy
• B= pn
• When a series of n links are all needed to complete a
connection, the blocking probability is mostly determined
as 1 minus the probability that all links are available/idle
• B= 1-qn
Blocking Probabilities: Lee

• Any particular connection can be established with k different paths one

through each center-stage array
• B=probability that all paths are busy
• =(probability that an arbitrary path is busy)k
• =(probability that at least one link of path is busy) k
• =(1- q’ ) k
• Where k is the number of central stage array and q’ = 1- p’ is the
probability that an interstage link is idle.
Blocking Probabilities: Lee
• If the probability p that an inlet is busy is known, the
probability p’ that an interstage link is busy can be
• determined as
– p’ = p/ β (p < β)
– where β =k/n
• This implies that if input inlets are busy then the first stage
outputs (or third stage inputs) are also busy.
• There are β =k/n times as many interstage links as there
are inlets and outlets. The percentage of interstage links
that are busy is reduced by the factor β
• If β is less than 1, then the first stage concentrates the
• incoming traffic.
• β is also referred to as space expansion factor
Blocking probability
Blocking probability
• Number of crosspoints can be further reduced by
• adding additional stages in multistage switch

• Number of crosspoints can be further reduced by adding

additional stages in multistage switch
Five Stage Switch
Blocking Probabilities:
• Lee premise was that the composite blocking
probability is product of blocking probability of
alternate paths. Assuming that individual probabilities
are independent.
• However in actual the probabilities are
interdependent. As more & more path in switch are
found to be busy the remaining paths are less likely to
be in use.
• C. Jacobaeus (1950)--more accurate (but not exact)
• analysis of multistage switching matrices.
• B = [(n!)2/k!(2n-k)!] pk(2-p)2n-k
Comparison Lee/Jacobaeus
Comparison Lee/Jacobaeus
• As more than one path in multistage switch the
path selection logic is used to select the free
• The call processor must keep track of which
potential paths are available.
• A pathfinding routine processes the state store
information and select available path.
• Whenever a new connection is established or old
is released the state store is updated with
appropriate information.
• The time required to find an available path is
dependent on how many potential paths are
tested before an idle one is found.
• Parallel testing can decrease the pathfinding
• If p be the probability of a complete path
through the switch being busy.
• If k is the number of possible paths, (All k
paths are independent and each has an equal
probability of being busy.)
• The number of paths that must be tested
before finding an idle path is
Np = (1-pk)/(1-p)
Folded Four-Wire Switches
Folded Four-Wire Switches
• Multiple stage switches can be used for 2-wire
and 4-wire switching.
• Two paths must be completed for a 4-wire
switched connection.
• Four stage switch- four wire can be considered
foldable as one side of switch is mirror image of
• Here only one path finding operation is required
reverse path is automatically selected
Folded Four-Wire Switches
• Every crosspoint one side is paired with
another crosspoint in the corresponding array
on the opposite side of switch.
• Blocking probability is one half of the
probability of two path independently. i.e
reverse path is automatically available for any
selected path in the forward direction.
• Path selection logic becomes simpler.
TDM Switching
Time-division multiplexing (TDM)
• Method of putting multiple data streams in a single signal
by separating the signal into many segments, each having a
very short duration.
• Each individual data stream is reassembled at the receiving
end based on the timing.
• Multiplexer combines signals at the source (transmitting)
end of a communications link. (It accepts the input from
each individual end user, breaks each signal into segments,
and assigns the segments to the composite signal in a
rotating, repeating sequence. The composite signal thus
contains data from multiple senders.)
• At the receiving end, the individual signals are separated
out by demultiplexer, and routed to the proper end users.
Time division multiplexing (TDM)
• The data are organized in frames where each frame
contains a cycle of time slots
• A sequence of slots dedicated to one source is a channel
• Data from different sources is inserted into slots or
channels in some sequence
– Synchronous TDM slots are filled from a predetermined
sequence of sources. If there is no data to transmit an ‘idle’
signal is sent
– Statistical (Asynchronous)TDM fills slots as data is available.
There is not preset sequence. Therefore, data must be
associated with the source by address. No empty or ‘idle’ slots
are sent if any source has data ready to transmit. Idle is sent
only if all channels have no data to transmit
• Telephone switch digitizes voice call (8000 8-
bit samples per second)
• switching method is TDM.
• switch multiplexes calls, 8-bit slot every 125 μs
E1 (PCM) Frame structure
TDM Switching
• Each subscriber occupies a time slot during
• To connect any two subscribers, it is
necessary to interconnect the time-slots
which maybe on same or different PCM
• The interconnection of timeslots i.e
transferring information from one time slot to
other is switching.
TDM switching
• Switching Types
– Time division switching
– Space division switching
– Hybrid
• Mostly all modern circuit switches uses time-
division switches.
– Switch digital signals only.
– It is based on synchronous TDM.
– Multiple low speed inputs share a high speed
Time Division Switching
Time Slot Interchange
• TSI consists of random
access memory (RAM) with
several memory locations.
• The number of locations is
the same as the number of
• The size of each location is
the same as the size of a
single time slot.
• The RAM fills up with
incoming data from time
slots in the order received
Slots are then sent out in an
order based on the decisions
of a control unit.
Time-slot Interchange
• Time division switch
• Slots are written
and read from
• Each slot requires
one write and one
read operation
• The memory cycle
time, the size of the
sample, and input
rate determine the
size of the switch
Digital Time switch
• Consists of SPEECH BUFFER and
CONTROL(address) memory
• Number of storage locations are equal to
number of input time slots. For e.g. for 32 TS
I/P PCM, speech memory will have 32
• Writing/reading of samples in speech memory
is controlled by control memory.
Digital Time switch
• Speech Memory
– It stores the content of the time slots
– Number of location equal to number of time slots
• Control Memory
– Provide Read/Write addressing for reading speech
– It has one location per input timeslot
– Each location contain address of one of the speech
memory locations where the speech sample is either
written or read.
– Addresses are written in the control memory by central
– control of the exchange
Time Switch
Time switch operating mode
• Output Associated Control
• Sequential writing but controlled

• Data for each incoming time slots

are stored in sequential location
within memory location by
incrementing timeslot counter.
• At output side information
retrieved from control store
specifies which address to be
accessed for that time slot while
Output Associated Control
• Example
• Data of time slot 3
written sequentially at
memory location 3.
• Control memory
location 17 has control
word corresponding to
TS3 indicating that
content of data store
address 3 is transferred
to OP link during O/G
TS 17
Time switch operating mode
• Input Associated control
• Controlled writing
sequential reading
• Incoming information is
written into memory
location as per information
in control store.
• Outgoing data are retrieved
sequentially under control
of an outgoing time slot.
Input associated control
• Example
• Information received
during time slot 3 is
directly written in data
store address-17.
• Control memory contains
17 as address at location
3, indicating that data of
timeslot 3 is to be stored
at address 17.
• Sequentially read out at
output channel 17.
Time switch Characteristics
• There is no blocking in a time switch
• In a time switch, there are as many memory
locations as in the control and speech
• Corresponding to free incoming and outgoing
time-slots, there is always a free path available
to interconnect them
Time Switch V/s Space Switch
• Space Switch
– Advantage:
• Instantaneous.
– Disadvantage:
Number of cross points required.
• Time Switch
– Advantage:
No cross points.
– Disadvantage:
• Processing delay.
Hybrid Switches
TS Switch
TS Switch
• Time stage delays
information in
arriving time slot.
Time slot change can
be in same frame or
different frame
• S stage changes the
• Control
store/memory of S
stage decide which
link to switch.
TDM Switch Complexity.
• In Space Division Switches complexity defined
by number of crosspoints.
• More crosspoints -> more semiconductor
gates -> more integrated circuit -> more circuit
board requirement.
• In Time Division Switches data & control
memory used.
• More Memory -> more complexity -> more
TDM Switch Complexity
• Historically Memory capacity taken in bits.
• Cost of number bits vs cost of cross points,
• (we use the ratio as 100)
• Assumption that 100 bits of memory corresponds
to one cross point in terms of complexity of
• Complexity = Nx+NB/100
• NX= Number of space stage cross points
• NB is number of bits of memory and control
TDM Switch Complexity.
• NB = number of bits of memory of space stage
control memory NBx + number of bits of Time
stage memory NBT
• NB= (NBx+NBT)/100
• Complexity= NX+ (NBx+NBT)/100
• Determine the implementation complexity of the TS switch
where the number of TDM input lines N = 80. Assume each
input line contains a single DSl signal( 24 channels) Further
more assume a one-stage matrix is used for the space stage.
STS Switching

• Each S stage is assumed to be a single (nonblocking) stage.

• Path finding is the functional equivalent to a 3- stage spaced
division switch an can be modeled using a Lee graph.
STS Switching
• Blocking probability is similar to three
stage space switch.
– B =(1- q’ 2)k
• Where k is the number of central
stage time switch arrays and q’ = 1- p’
= 1- p/β is the probability that an
interstage link is idle
• β =k/N
• N be the number of inlets and
• Let k be the number of middle time
STS Switching
• Implementation Complexity
• N be the number of inlets and outlets & Let k be the
number of middle stages.
• Assume that each TDM link has c message channels
• Complexity of STS switch= number of space stage
crosspoints + (number of space stage control bits +
number of time stage memory bits+ number of time
stage control bits)/100
• Complexity=2kN+(2kclog2N+kc(8)+kclog2 c)/100
• There are 2kN crosspoints in the S stages, 2kclog2(N)
space stage control bits, kc(8) time stage memory bits,
kclog2 (c) time stage control bits.
STS Switching Tutorial
• Determine the implementation complexity of
a 2048-channel STS switch implemented for
16 TDM links with 128 channels on each link.
The desired maximum blocking probability is
0.002 for channel occupancies of 0.1.
TST Switch
TST Switch
• There are two time stages separated by a
space switch
• The time switch is a time slot changer
• Space switches single stage space switch. It is
a highway changer.
• Functionally Space stage is replicated for
every internal time slot which is different than
TDM Time slots
TST Switching
• The TST switch is strictly non-blocking if the S
stage is non-blocking and if the number of
space stage time slots is l=2c-1. where l is
• space stage time slots and c is TDM time slots.
• The time expansion α= l/c.
• Blocking probability for TST is
• B =(1- q12) k
• Where q1=1-p1=1-p/ α
TST Switching
TST Switching Tutorial
• Determine the implementation complexity of
a 2048-channel TST switch implemented for
16 TDM links with 128 channels on each link.
The desired maximum blocking probability is
0.002 for channel occupancies of 0.1.
Complexity comparison of
TST and STS.

probability 0.002
• TST operates with time concentration and STS
operates with space concentration.
• As line utilization increases, the expansion
factor increases to keep the blocking
probability low.
• Time expansion can be achieved at less cost
than space expansion.
• TST switching becomes more cost effective at
higher utilization rates.
• Choice of architecture may actually be
dependent on modularity, testability, and
Combination switches
• ‘T’ switch (gives full availability but large switch
• ‘TT’, ‘TTT’, types are complex and uneconomical
• ‘ST’ switch used for low capacity switch
• ‘TST’ switch commonly used switch.
• ‘STS’ switch used for PBX exchange
• ‘TSST’ & ‘TSSST’ with multiple space switch used
for tandem exchange
Combination TSSST Switch
PSTN Switch (Exchange) Function
• PSTN Switch provide a mechanism for
connecting four types of calls
• Call to a subscriber
- Originating call
- Terminating call
• Call From/to Trunk
- Incoming call
- Outgoing call
General Architecture of Exchange
PSTN switch (Exchange)
• Subscriber interfacing equipment provides
access to the customer
• Trunk interfacing equipment provide access
for incoming calls from other exchanges
• Switching Network provides path for through
• Control unit, does the call processing control
and charging function
Statistical Multiplexing
• Many input lines are
multiplexed into a few trunks
• Exploit the fact that not all
users are making calls all the
• When a new call arrives and all
the trunks are busy, the call is
blocked (lost)
• Key design issue
• Given a demand, determine
the number of trunks that will
maintain the blocking
probability below a certain
PSTN Numbering Scheme
• ITU standard E.164 Numbering format- E.164 uses a
country code, area code and phone number
• International public telecommunication number for
geographic areas (maximum 15 digits)
• Generally international numbers are limited to 12 digits
and National Numbers to 10 digits.
• Country code
• National Destination code (optional)
• Subscriber Number
• In India PSTN follows- SDCA code (short distance
charging area)+ Subscriber Number (10 digit)
Call Dialing
Call Dialing
• In pulse dialing, make
break signal depending of
dialed digit sent to
• Touch-tone dialing here
two small bursts of
signals, called dual tone
• The frequency of the
signals sent depends on
the row and column of
the pressed pad.
• Also called Dual Tone
Multi Frequency (DTMF)
Call Processing
• When subscriber lifts handset off-hook is
detected as a call event in the exchange.
• Path is established from subscriber line unit to
signaling/tone unit providing dial tone to the
• Exchange receives the dialed digits.
• For receiving the tone dialing digits there are
frequency receivers in the exchanges.
Call Processing
Call Processing
• For every call processing event, call treatment
programs become active
• Dedicated subsystems of a telephone
exchange do the call treatment to find out
- Type of call
- Path to next node
- Charging
Call Processing
• Depending on the dialed digits and the customer
profile the exchange software decides where to
route the call.
• Dialed digits are mapped to exchange equipment
No. (subscriber/trunk)
• The control unit of the exchange –
(distributed/centralized) controls the call
establishment and facilitates finding of the
switched path via the switching network of the
Call Processing
• If the call is for a subscriber, path is found
towards the corresponding subscriber line unit
• If it’s a call for other exchange the call path is
found to a trunk.
• The control unit also records the call events
which facilitates call charging and generation
of call data records (CDR’s)
Call Processing
• For Inter exchange calls the dialed digits and
call control information needs to be sent to
other exchange
• Signaling mechanism is used to direct and
control the setup and disconnection of inter
exchange calls.
• Two types of signaling normally used
– Channel Associated Signaling (CAS)
– Common Channel Signaling (CCS)
• In Channel Associated Signaling (CAS), the
signaling takes place on the same TS or channel
of the speech path.
• In Common Channel Signaling (CCS), a separate
dedicated channel is used to send and receive
signaling information for a group of trunks
Signaling is facilitated by means of labeled
• CCS No-7 Signaling is most commonly used
signaling mechanism in PSTN network
Other Switching Schemes
Circuit Switching
Message Switching (Store-and-Forward)
Packet Switching (Store-and-Forward)
Switching Schemes
Timing and Network Synchronization
• All digital systems requires frequency source or
clock for internal timing and external operations.

• The clock that quantifies the analog signal must

be the same clock that reconstructs the signal at
the other end.

• The only way to assure that the clock is accurate

within the entire digital network is to have only
one clock - not be practically possible.
• When individual synchronous equipments are
– They synchronize clock to each other
– If each subsystems uses slightly different clocks,
provision to do some sort of adjustments to
maintain timing consistencies.
Clock Instability
• Wander, Jitter
• If clock frequency variation gradual its called
• Rapid variations called Jitter
• Variation up to 10 Hz- Wander
• Variation > 10 Hz is taken as jitter.
Sources of Clock Instability
• Interference and Noise
• Length of Transmission Media
• Speed of Transmission
• Doppler Shifts
• Irregular Timing information
Timing/Clock Recovery
• Generally stable frequency sources are used on
both transmitter and receiver side, but clock on
receiving terminal is synchronized to the
transmitting terminal by using different
techniques such as:
– Clock Recovery
– Asynchronous Clocking
– Ones Density
– The Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
– Digital Data Link
PLL Clock Recovery
• Phase detector
continuously measures
the phase difference
between I/C Clk and
Local Clk.
• Measures the
difference in zero
crossing between two
PLL Clock Recovery
• When zero crossing of line Clk
precedes the zero crossing of local
Clk +ve voltage is generated
otherwise –ve
• This voltage is used for adjusting
Voltage Control Oscillator (VCO) to
reduce the phase difference.
• Local Clock maintains the desired
average frequency but using PLL
produces short term variations of
phase & frequency to maintain
underlying frequency of the line
TDM Switch Interface Timing
• When digital transmission link is interfaced to
a digital switch then
– Digital switch provided timing for outgoing TDM
link (Trans (Tx) side)
– Receive side timing (Rx) will have timing as per
received link timing.
• Concept of Elastic store is used for Timing
Elastic Store
• Elastic store is a data buffer that is written by
one clock and read by another clock.
• ES absorbs instability in clock by using
recovered clock based on received stream clk.
Elastic Store
• If short term instability exists in either clk, ES
absorbs the difference in the amount of data
transmitted and amount of data received.
• If there is sustained clock offset the ES will
eventually overflow or underflow causing
timing inaccuracies.
Timing Inaccuracies
• Three types of timing Inaccuracies
– Slips
– Asynchronous Multiplexing
– Waiting Time Jitter
• Disruption in data stream caused by
underflow and overflow is called Slip.
• Uncontrolled Slip can lead to loss of frame
• Approach to control slip is to repeat or delete
entire frame when slip occurs.
• Can be carried out by using ES that can store
at least one frame of data.

• For simplified ES implementation ES is divided in

A frame memory and B frame memory which
stores alternative frames.
• Under normal case the output data is read
alternatively from A & B
• When there is Slip the control logic resets the
output channel counter so that A memory is read
twice, thus repeating the entire frame.
• In TST switches the inlet memory normally
provided both ES and Time switching function
Timing differences
• Even with tightly-controlled timing, there are
small timing differences between network
elements and segments. The network has design
features to make it tolerant to synchronization
conditions where all clock elements are at the
limit of their allowed tolerances (and, some
margin above that).
– Steady Timing differences
– Periodic Timing Differences
– Random Timing differences.
Steady Timing Differences
• Frequency offset between one part of the network and
• The serial transmission schemes used in telecom
networks require that the downstream receiver
recovers its clock from the incoming serial stream, and
thus adapts to variations in frequency.
• Gross frequency offset will ultimately cause a line
signal to fall outside the clock recovery tolerance of the
receiver in the downstream network element (for
example, the tolerance for a 2 Mb/s PDH signal is ± 50
ppm). Faults like this are very unusual, however, even
modest frequency offset is significant.
Steady Timing Differences
• Network elements usually incorporate buffers
to allow for timing differences. These buffers
have a fixed size (usually around one transport
signal frame or 125 Micro sec).
Steady Timing Differences
• Sustained frequency offset ultimately cause a
buffer to overflow or underflow, causing what
is known as a ‘frame slip’.
• This is where an entire frame of the signal is
deleted or duplicated.
• Causes clicks on voice traffic & serious
disruption to video signals or packetized data.
Periodic Timing Differences
• Caused by Jitter, High frequency (above 10 Hz).
• Clock recovery in line receivers can only follow
such variations up to specific values, above which
errors occur.
• Clock recovery devices work by continuously
adjusting to track the average incoming rate.
• There’s a trade-off between the amount of jitter
that can be tolerated and its frequency.
• The higher the frequency, the less jitter allowed
Random Timing Differences
• Electrical noise, and the intrinsic
characteristics of devices like phase locked
loops within timing devices and clock recovery
circuits result in random timing variations.
• Random change also occur due to transients
caused by clock nodes switching from one
clock source to another.
Network Synchronization

• Network synchronization involves

synchronizing the switches of the network to a
reference clock.
• The transmission links are then synchronized
automatically by deriving timing from
switching node.
• If transmission link is connected to both ends
to a digital switch it derives timing from only
one switch.
Network Synchronization
• For perfect synchronization ideally – All
networks should take clock from same source.
• The idea of a universal, single master clock for
the entire worldwide telecom network is
somewhat idealist: for example, where would
it be located, what backup provisions would
be necessary etc.
Network Synchronization
• In practice, individual national or operator
networks have their own high stability master
timing references (known as stratum 1 or PRC/S –
primary reference clock/standards).
• These clocks are elaborate caesium-beam
standards and their accuracy, as specified in ITU
G.811 and ETS-300 462-6, is 1 part in 1011.
• The network switches is then synchronized using
this reference clock with intermediate Primary
reference clocks with lesser stringent timing
Methods of Network Synchronization
• Different approaches are used for
synchronizing digital network.
– Plesiochronous
– Pulse Stuffing
– Mutual Synchronization
– Network Master
– Master-slave clocking
– Packetization
• No synchronization, independent switching
nodes use highly accurate clocks so that slip
rates between nodes is low.
• Simplest to implement.
• Costly as Accurate Timing
generators/oscillators are costly.
• Higher level switches, International gateways
normally use this method of synchronization.
Pulse Stuffing
• Pulse stuffing is used to avoid both slips and
clock synchronization.
• Concept of pulse stuffing
– use of output channel whose rate is purposely
higher than the input rate.
– Output channel carries all input data plus some
null bits or stuff bits.
– Extraneous null bits are destuffed to recover
original data
Pulse stuffing
• Each network node can therefore work on its
own clock without synchronization.
• The information is stuffed up to local channel
rate. At interface running at different clocks the
individual channels are unstuffed at incoming
rate and again stuffed at local or outgoing rate
• Telephone multiplexes use pulse stuffing to
adjust for the differences arising due to
combining of tributaries operating at different
Mutual Synchronization
• Mutual synchronization establishes a
common network clock frequency, where each
node of the network, exchange frequency
• Each node averages the incoming reference
and then uses this for local and transmitted
• In long term the clock stabilizes to a single
stable network frequency.
Mutual Synchronization
• Advantage - ability to remain operation even
if there is clock failure at any node.
• Disadvantage - uncertainty of average
frequency especially in case there is clock
problems at multiple nodes.
Network Master

• Common Master Clock is

transmitted to all nodes.
• All Node directly connected to
master reference.
• A separate Timing
transmission network required
to carry timing info to each
• Advantage- Accuracy
• Disadvantage- Cost of separate
Timing NW.
Master Slave Synchronization
Master Slave Synchronization
• High level switches are synchronized to
Master clock.
• Reference clock frequency is passed on to
lower level switches by way of existing digital
transmission links.(SONET, SDH, PDH)
• Next Lower level synchronizes, the further
networks elements.
Master Slave Synchronization
• Upper level switches acts as master to next
lower level switch(slave) which in turn is
master for next lower level.
• All switching nodes are synchronized directly
or indirectly to same reference clock.
• Most commonly used method of
synchronization world over.
Clock Distribution
Sync Clock Distribution
• How many PRC Source (level-1 clocks) exist in a
particular telephone company network depends
on their basic needs.
• Earlier VSNL was having a master clock and
complete National network in India was further
synchronized on Master Slave configuration.
• Now each company/operator has its own
reference clock.
• Combination of Plesiochronous/Hierarchal
design used in majority of networks

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