Caraos vs. Daza
Caraos vs. Daza
Caraos vs. Daza
This is a case of certiorari and habeas corpus in which the petitioner was filed originally in this
Petitioner Jose Caraos alleges in his petition that on January 6, 1944, he, with his two brothers,
Ramon Caraos and Emilio Caraos, were prosecuted for the crime of homicide in criminal case
No. 347, entitled People vs. Jose Caraos, in the Court of First Instance of Batangas; that after due
trial, on May 3, 1944, said court rendered its judgment convicting herein petitioner of said crime
and sentenced him to suffer a term of imprisonment, ranging from six (6) years and one (1) day
of prision mayor, as minimum, to twelve (12) years and one (1) day of reclusion temporal, as
maximum, to indemnify the heirs of the deceased Leoncio Ylagan in the sum of P2,000, and to
pay one-third of the costs; while his said two brothers were acquitted of the crime charged; that
petitioner did not appeal from said decision, and on May 3, 1944, he commenced serving his
sentence in the provincial jail of Batangas; that on November 9, 1944, he was released from said
provincial jail "by order of the Provincial Governor of Batangas pursuant to a pardon issued by
the authority concerned on those days of Japanese military occupation"; that by virtue of a
complaint filed by Estrella Punzalan Vda. de Ylagan, wife of the deceased Leoncio Ylagan,
victim in said homicide case, with the Department of Justice, after liberation, the respondent Jose
A. Alano, provincial fiscal of Batangas, conducted an investigation, on February 8, 1946, to
determine the facts and circumstances of the release of herein petitioner from the provincial jail
of Batangas, taking the testimony of Antonio Casanova, chief of police of Taal, Batangas,
Estrella Punzalan Vda. de Ylagan, Marceliano K. Medina, provincial warden of Batangas, from
June, 1942 to December, 1944, Maximo M. Malvar, provincial governor of Batangas, during the
Japanese occupation, and petitioner Jose Caraos himself; that on March 6, 1946, said Estrella
Punzalan Vda. de Ylagan filed an ex parte motion in the Court of First Instance of Batangas,
requesting the issuance of a warrant for the arrest of herein petitioner to continue serving the
unexpired portion of the penalty imposed upon him; and that on the same day, March 6,1946,
respondent Judge Inigo S. Daza ordered the issuance of an order of commitment for the
incarceration of petitioner Jose Caraos, and at the same time ordered his arrest for that purpose.
The following day, March 7, 1946, the respondent Judge ordered the confinement of herein
petitioner in the provincial jail of Batangas. Jose Caraos filed a petition for the reconsideration of
said order dated March 6, 1946, which was denied on March 26, 1946.
To the petition for certiorari and habeas corpus, filed in this Court, were attached a copy of the
docket entries in said criminal case No. 374, as Annex A; the transcript of the testimony of the
witnesses that testified in the investigation conducted by the respondent provincial fiscal of
Batangas, as Annex B; copy of said ex parte motion filed on March 6, 1946, by Estrella Punzalan
Vda. de Ylagan, as Annex C; copy of said order issued by respondent Judge Inigo S. Daza, on
March 6, 1946, as Annex D; copy of the order, dated March 7, 1946, issued by said respondent
Judge, for the confinement in the provincial jail of Batangas of the person of petitioner Jose
Caraos, as Annex E; and copy of the order, dated March 26, 1946 issued by said respondent
Judge, denying Jose Caraos' petition for the reconsideration of said order, as Annex F.
On May 2, 1946, on behalf of the respondents, the provincial Fiscal of Batangas filed an answer
to said petition for certiorari and habeas corpus, expressly admitting the allegations made in said
petition, except those contained in paragraphs 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, and 17, to the effect that herein
petitioner had been released on November 9, 1944, pursuant to pardon granted or executive
clemency extended to him by the proper authorities; that the orders issued by the respondent
judge for his arrest and confinement are illegal and null and void; and that he is now being
illegally detained, all of which were expressly denied. As special defenses, respondents allege (1)
that the respondent Judge has jurisdiction to issue the order of arrest and confinement of the
petitioner, for the service of the unexpired portion of his sentence; (2) that the petitioner's release
from the Batangas provincial jail, where he was temporarily confined as an insular prisoner, was
ordered in a state of emergency to provide for his safety; (3) that normal conditions having
returned, it is but just and legal that should he be rearrested and ordered to serve the unexpired
portion of his sentence; (4) that the respondent Judge had a perfect