Mercantile Law Syllabus 2018 PDF
Mercantile Law Syllabus 2018 PDF
Mercantile Law Syllabus 2018 PDF
A. Definition and Nature of Letter of Credit
B. Parties to a Letter of Credit
1. Rights and Obligations of Parties
C. Basic Principles of Letter of Credit
1. Doctrine of Independence
2. Fraud Exception Principle
3. Doctrine of Strict Compliance
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2018 Bar Examinations MERCANTILE LAW
5. Waiver
6. Dispensation with Notice
7. Effect of Failure to Give Notice
K. Discharge of Negotiable Instrument
1. Discharge of Negotiable Instrument
2. Discharge of Parties Secondarily Liable
3. Right of Party who Discharged Instrument
4. Renunciation by Holder
L. Material Alteration
1. Concept
2. Effect of Material Alteration
M. Acceptance
1. Definition
2. Manner
3. Time for Acceptance
4. Rules Governing Acceptance
N. Presentment for Acceptance
1. Time/Place/Manner of Presentment
2. Effect of Failure to Make Presentment
3. Dishonor by Non-Acceptance
O. Promissory Notes
P. Checks
1. Definition
2. Kinds
3. Presentment for Payment
a. Time
b. Effect of Delay
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2018 Bar Examinations MERCANTILE LAW
4. Suretyship
5. Life
6. Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance
E. Insurable Interest
1. In Life/Health
2. In Property
3. Double Insurance and Over Insurance
4. Multiple or Several Interests on Same Property
F. Perfection of the Contract of Insurance
1. Offer and Acceptance/Consensual
a. Delay in Acceptance
b. Delay in issuance of Policy
2. Premium Payment
3. Non-Default Options in Life Insurance
4. Reinstatement of a Lapsed Policy of Life Insurance
5. Refund of Premiums
G. Rescission of Insurance Contracts
1. Concealment
2. Misrepresentation/Omissions
3. Breach of Warranties
H. Claims Settlement and Subrogation
1. Notice and Proof of Loss
2. Guidelines on Claims Settlement
a. Unfair Claims Settlement; Sanctions
b. Prescription of Actions
c. Subrogation
A. Common Carriers
1. Diligence Required of Common Carriers
2. Liabilities of Common Carriers
B. Vigilance over Goods
1. Exempting Causes
a. Requirement of Absence of Negligence
b. Absence of Delay
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2018 Bar Examinations MERCANTILE LAW
Existing Laws
2. Methods of Liquidation
a. By the Corporation Itself
b. By Conveyance to a Trustee within a Three-Year
c. By Management Committee or Rehabilitation
d. By Liquidation after Three Years
K. Other Corporations
1. Non-Stock Corporations
a. Definition
b. Purposes
c. Treatment of Profits
d. Distribution of Assets upon Dissolution
2. Foreign Corporations
a. Bases of Authority over Foreign Corporations
i. Consent
ii. Doctrine of “Doing Business” (related to
definition under the R.A. No. 7042 or the
Foreign Investments Act)
b. Necessity of a License to Do Business
i. Requisites for Issuance of a License
ii. Resident Agent
c. Personality to Sue
d. Suability of Foreign Corporations
e. Instances When Unlicensed Foreign
Corporations May Be Allowed to Sue
f. Grounds for Revocation of License
L. Mergers and Consolidations
1. Definition and Concept
2. Plan of Merger or Consolidation
3. Articles of Merger or Consolidation
4. Procedure
5. Effectivity
6. Effects and Limitations
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2018 Bar Examinations MERCANTILE LAW
7. Copyright Infringement
A. Anti-Money Laundering Act (R.A. No. 9160, as amended
by R.A. No. 9194)
1. Policy of the Law
2. Covered Institutions
3. Obligations of Covered Institutions
4. Covered Transactions
5. Suspicious Transactions
6. Money Laundering; How Committed
7. Unlawful Activities or Predicate Crimes
8. Anti-Money Laundering Council
9. Functions
10. Freezing of Monetary Instrument or Property
11. Authority to Inquire Into Bank Deposits
B. Foreign Investments Act (R.A. No. 7042)
1. Policy of the Law
2. Definition of Terms
a. Foreign Investment
b. “Doing Business” in the Philippines
c. Export Enterprise
d.Domestic Market Enterprise
C. Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 (R.A. No. 8792) and
A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC or the Rules on Electronic Evidence
D. Philippine Competition Act (R.A. No. 10667)
E. Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act of 2010 (R.A.
No. 10142)
1. Types of Rehabilitation Proceedings
a. Court Supervised
i. Voluntary Proceedings
ii. Involuntary Proceedings
b. Pre-Negotiated
c. Out of Court or Informal
2. Commencement Order
3. Rehabilitation Receiver
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4. Management Committee
5. Rehabilitation Plan
6. Cram Down Effect
7. Stay or Suspension Order
8. Liquidation
a. Kinds of Debtors
i. Juridical Debtors
1) Voluntary Liquidation
2) Involuntary Liquidation
ii. Individual Debtors
1) Suspension of Payments
2) Voluntary Liquidation
3) Involuntary Liquidation
b. Procedure
i. Conversion of Rehabilitation Proceedings to
Liquidation Proceedings
ii. Liquidation Order
iii. Effects of the Liquidation Order
iv. Rights Of Secured Creditors
v. Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities of the
vi. Determination of Claims
vii. Liquidation Plan
The listing of covered topics is not intended and should not be
used by law schools as a course outline. This listing has been
drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuring that the Bar
candidates are guided on the coverage of the 2018 Bar
All laws, rules, issuances, and jurisprudence pertinent to every
subject and its listed topics as of June 30, 2017 are examinable
materials within the coverage of the 2018 Bar Examinations.
Principles of law are not covered by the cut-off period stated
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