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Bureau International des Poids et Mesures

Guide to
the Realization of the ITS-90


Consultative Committee for Thermometry

under the auspices of the
International Committee for Weights and Measures
Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90



1 Scope
2 Historical background
2.1 Normal Hydrogen Scale
2.2 International Temperature Scale of 1927 (ITS-27)
2.3 International Temperature Scale of 1948 (ITS-48)
2.4 International Practical Temperature Scale of 1948, amended
edition of 1960 (ITS-48)
2.5 International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 (IPTS-68)
2.6 International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968, amended
edition of 1975 (IPTS-68(75))
2.7 Echelle Provisoire de Température de 1976 (EPT-76)
2.8 International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90)
2.9 Provisional Low Temperature Scale from 0.9 mK to 1 K
2.10 ITS-XX
3 Numerical
3.1 Differences between scales
3.2 Non-uniqueness
3.3 Propagation of uncertainty

Last updated 19 March 2015

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

Guide to the Realization of ITS-90


B Fellmuth, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin, Germany


This paper is a part of guidelines, prepared on behalf of the Consultative Committee

for Thermometry, on the methods how to realize the International Temperature Scale
of 1990.
It gives a historical review and discusses the major issues linked to the establishment
of temperature scales of today and tomorrow.

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

1. Scope

From 1927 to 1975, the various International Temperature Scales (ITSs) have
incorporated a moderate amount of supplementary information concerning their
practical realization. However, limitations of space prevented this information from
being exhaustive. Furthermore, the lengthy periods between scale editions, ranging
from seven to twenty-one years, have caused much of it to become outdated. The low
temperature scale of 1976 (Echelle Provisoire de Température de 1976, EPT-76) is
the first one, which provided no such information. Supplementary information was
instead given in a more extensive and comprehensive form in a separate document,
containing information on both the EPT-76 and the International Practical
Temperature Scale of 1968, IPTS-68. For the International Temperature Scale of
1990, ITS-90, such an accompanying document was prepared by Working Group 1 of
the CCT and approved by the CCT.
The Supplementary Information for the ITS 90 describes methods by which the
ITS-90 can be realized successfully. However, the document should not be taken as
laying down how this must be done. The description of any particular apparatus is
more for illustration than prescription, and considerable variations can often be
effective. Likewise, quoted numerical data and dimensions are mostly for guidance
only. Methods of realizing the scale will continue to evolve, and this will be reflected
in periodic revisions of the text. Techniques for the realization of the defining fixed
points of the ITS 90, excluding the vapour-pressure points, and for the comparison of
fixed-point cells, at the highest level of accuracy, have been recommended by
Working Group 1 in [Mangum et al. 2000] and [Mangum et al. 1999], respectively.
Though many new methods for realizing the base unit kelvin, including the
measurement of thermodynamic temperature, and new temperature fixed points have
been developed, the Supplementary Information for the ITS-90 strictly deals only
with the realization of the ITS-90 according to its definition. Some references for new
or alternative methods are given as background information in a few chapters. A
description of such methods can be found in the companion document CCT
Guidelines on Approximating Methods to the ITS-90 and the PLTS-2000 [CCT
Guidelines] Future versions of the Mise en Pratique for the Definition of the Kelvin
(MeP K) will endorse multiple methods for the realization of the kelvin [Ripple et al.
2010]. However, a diversity of endorsements could lead to the risk that reported
temperature values may be ambiguous, so proper notation and an explanation of the
methods used will be required.

2. Historical background

The ITS 90 [CIPM 1989, Preston-Thomas 1990] has evolved from a series of earlier
ITSs. These were formulated so as to allow measurements of temperature to be made
accurately and reproducibly, with temperatures measured on these scales being as
close an approximation as possible to the corresponding thermodynamic
temperatures. A full description of these scales, together with a historical review, can
be found in, for example, [Quinn 1990]. A brief description of several of the scales is
also given in the appendix to the text of the ITS-90. This description is reproduced
here accompanied by some explanations. In addition, details of three further scales

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

(Normal Hydrogen Scale, ITS-90, and PLTS-2000) are discussed, with special
emphasis laid on the structure, the thermodynamic basis, the uncertainty, and the
reproducibility of the ITS 90. The historical background should aid in understanding
the methods applied for the two scales currently in effect (ITS-90 and PLTS-2000).
Finally, ideas are added on a possible improvement of the ITS by establishing a new
ITS-XX, which is a long-term task. This should especially illustrate the deficiencies
of the ITS-90, which may be of interest for special applications.

2.1. Normal Hydrogen Scale

The Normal Hydrogen Scale was adopted by the International Committee for Weights
and Measures (CIPM) at its sixth session, and was subsequently approved by the first
General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) [CGPM 1889]. This
temperature scale had been developed by Chappuis in the laboratories of the
International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM). It was based on gas
thermometer measurements using the ice and steam points at 0 °C and 100 °C as fixed
points, and was transferred to mercury-in-glass thermometers for distribution to other
laboratories. At that time, the temperature range of this scale was from –25 degrees
centigrade to +100 degrees centigrade, a range that was gradually extended in
subsequent years. In 1913, the fifth CGPM approved the use of gases other than
hydrogen, and expressed its readiness to substitute thermodynamic temperatures in
place of the Normal Hydrogen Scale as soon as that became practicable.

2.2. International Temperature Scale of 1927 (ITS-27)

The seventh CGPM adopted provisionally, pending the acquisition of better

thermodynamic data, the International Temperature Scale of 1927 [CGPM 1927], to
overcome the practical difficulties of the direct realization of thermodynamic
temperatures by gas thermometry, and as a universally acceptable replacement for the
differing existing national temperature scales. The ITS-27 was based upon a number
of reproducible temperatures, or fixed points, to which numerical values were
assigned, and three standard instruments, each of the instruments being calibrated at
one or more of the fixed points. The calibrations gave the constants for the formulae
that defined temperatures in the various temperature ranges. A platinum resistance
thermometer (PRT) was used for the lowest temperature range, a
platinum10%rhodium-platinum (Pt10%Rh Pt) thermocouple for the middle range,
and an optical pyrometer for the highest range.

The fixed points for the PRT range were the melting point of ice (0.000 °C) and
the boiling points of oxygen, water and sulphur, defined as –182.97 °C, 100.000 °C,
and 444.60 °C, respectively. The resistance-temperature interpolating formulae were
the Callendar equation between 0 °C and 660 °C and the Callendar-van Dusen
equation between –190 °C and 0 °C. The permitted range of the constants of these
formulae imposed some degree of quality control in the thermometer construction.

The fixed points for the Pt10%Rh-Pt thermocouple range were the melting points of
silver and gold, defined as 960.5 °C and 1063 °C, respectively, while a third

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

calibration point (not a fixed) was the freezing point of antimony (630.5 °C) as
measured by a calibrated PRT. The EMF-temperature interpolating formula was a
quadratic that defined temperatures between 660 °C and 1063 °C. The permitted
ranges of the constants imposed a degree of quality control on the composition of the
thermocouple wires.

Both the lower and upper limits of the temperature range assigned to the PRT
were significant extensions beyond the associated calibration temperatures of
approximately 90 K and 444 °C. One awkward result of the upper extension was the
non-existence of an official freezing temperature for aluminium. This freezing
temperature was extremely close to the assigned changeover point of 660 °C.
However, it proved to be a little above the assigned upper limit of the PRT, yet a little
below the, supposedly identical, lower limit assigned to the Pt10%Rh Pt
thermocouple. At the other end of the PRT range, it was found that for temperatures
significantly below the lowest calibration temperature, departures from
thermodynamic temperatures were unacceptably high.

The fixed point for the optical pyrometer was the melting point of gold, which
was used in conjunction with the (approximate) Wien radiation law relating spectral
concentration of radiance to temperature. The value assigned to the second radiation
constant c2 was 1.432 × 10–2 m K (c1 disappears in the comparison between the
unknown and the calibration temperatures). Wavelength restrictions were the use of
"visible" monochromatic radiation with T ≤ 3 × 10–3 m K. The various errors arising
from the use of the Wien law as well as from the values assigned to the gold point and
to c2 were not in general significant for, or even detectable by, the users of that

2.3. International Temperature Scale of 1948 (ITS-48)

The ninth CGPM adopted the International Temperature Scale of 1948 [CGPM 1948].
Changes from the ITS-27 were:

• the lower limit of the PRT range was changed from –190 °C to the defined
oxygen boiling point of –182.97 °C;
• the junction of this range and the thermocouple range became the measured
antimony freezing point (about 630 °C) instead of 660 °C;
• the silver freezing point was defined as being 960.8 °C instead of 960.5 °C;
• the gold freezing point replaced the gold melting point (1063 °C);
• the Wien law was replaced by the Planck radiation law;
• the value assigned to the second radiation constant became 1.438 × 10–2 m K;
• the permitted ranges for the constants in the interpolating formulae for the PRTs
and thermocouples were modified;
• the limitation on T for optical pyrometry (T < 3 × 10–3 m K) was changed to
the requirement that "visible" radiation be used.

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

2.4. International Practical Temperature Scale of 1948, amended edition of 1960


The eleventh CGPM adopted the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1948,
amended edition of 1960 [CGPM 1960]. The modifications to the ITS-48 were:
• the triple point of water, which in 1954 had become the sole point defining the
unit of thermodynamic temperature, the kelvin, replaced the melting point of ice
as the calibration point in this region;
• the freezing point of zinc, defined as 419.505 °C, became a preferred alternative
to the sulphur boiling point (444.6 °C) as a calibration point;
• the permitted ranges of the constants of the interpolation formulae for the
platinum resistance thermometers and the thermocouples were further modified;
• the restriction to "visible" radiation for optical pyrometry was removed.
Inasmuch as the numerical values of temperature on the ITS 48 were the same as
on the IPTS 48, the latter was not a revision of the scale of 1948 but merely an
amended form of it.

2.5. International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968, (IPTS-68)

In 1968 the CIPM promulgated the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968,
having been invited to do so by the thirteenth CGPM of 1967/68 [CGPM 1967/68].
The IPTS-68 incorporated very extensive changes from the IPTS-48. These included
numerical changes, intended to bring it more nearly in accord with thermodynamic
temperatures, which were sufficiently large to be apparent to many users. Other
changes were as follows:
• the lower limit of the scale was extended down to 13.81 K;
• at even lower temperatures (0.5 K to 5.2 K) the use of the 1958 4He vapour
pressure scale [Brickwedde et al. 1960] and the 1962 3He vapour pressure scale
[Sydoriak et al. 1964] were recommended;
• six new fixed points were introduced: the triple point of equilibrium hydrogen
(13.81 K), an intermediate equilibrium-hydrogen vapour-pressure point (17.042
K), the boiling point of equilibrium hydrogen (20.28 K), the boiling point of
neon (27.102 K), the triple point of oxygen (54.361 K), and the freezing point of
tin (231.9681 °C), which became a permitted alternative to the boiling point of
• the boiling point of sulphur was deleted;
• the values assigned to four fixed points were changed: the boiling point of
oxygen (90.188 K), the freezing point of zinc (419.58 °C), the freezing point of
silver (961.93 °C), and the freezing point of gold (1064.43 °C);
• the interpolating formulae for the resistance thermometer range became very
much more complex;
• the value assigned to c2 became 1.4388 × 10–2 m K;

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

• the permitted ranges of the constants for the interpolation formulae for the
platinum resistance thermometers and thermocouples were again modified.

2.6. International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968, amended edition of 1975


The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968, amended edition of 1975

[CGPM 1975, Preston-Thomas 1976], was adopted by the fifteenth CGPM in 1975.
As was the case for the IPTS 48 vis-à-vis the ITS-48, the IPTS-68(75) introduced no
numerical changes in any measured temperature T68. Most of the extensive textual
changes in the scale were intended only to clarify and simplify its use. More
substantive changes were:
• the condensation point of oxygen replaced, with no change in numerical value,
the boiling point of oxygen;
• the triple point of argon (83.798 K) was introduced as a permitted alternative to
the condensation point of oxygen;
• new values of the isotopic composition of naturally occurring neon were adopted;
• the recommendation to use the helium vapour pressure scales was withdrawn.

2.7. Echelle Provisoire de Température de 1976 (EPT-76)

The 1976 Provisional 0.5 K to 30 K Temperature Scale, EPT-76 [BIPM 1979], was
adopted in order to provide an agreed basis for thermometry in that temperature
range. It was intended in particular to:
• provide a smooth interpolation in place of the erratic interpolation below 27 K,
which had been found in the IPTS-68, and thus, substantially reduce the errors
(with respect to corresponding thermodynamic values);
• correct the thermodynamic errors in the 1958 4He and 1962 3He vapour pressure
• bridge the gap between 5.2 K and 13.81 K, in which there had not previously
been an international scale.
Other objectives in devising the EPT-76 were "that it should be
thermodynamically smooth, that it should be continuous with the IPTS-68 at 27.1 K,
and that it should agree with thermodynamic temperature T as closely as these two
conditions allow". In contrast with the IPTS-68, and to ensure its rapid adoption,
several methods of realizing the EPT-76 were approved. These included:
• using a thermodynamic interpolation instrument and one or more of eleven listed
reference points (that included five superconductive transitions);
• taking differences from the IPTS-68 above 13.81 K;
• taking differences from helium vapour pressure scales below 5 K;
• taking differences from certain well-established laboratory scales.
To the extent that these methods lacked internal consistency it was admitted that
slight differences between realizations might be introduced. However the advantages

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to be gained by adopting the EPT-76 as a working scale until such time as the IPTS
68 was revised and extended were considered to outweigh the disadvantages [Durieux
et al. 1979, Pfeiffer and Kaeser 1982].

2.8. International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90)

The International Temperature Scale of 1990 was adopted by the CIPM in 1989
[CIPM 1989] in accordance with the request embodied in Resolution 7 of the 18th
CGPM [CGPM 1987] and came into effect on 1 January 1990. The full text of the
ITS 90 is available on the BIPM website; the following excerpt (the introduction to
Section 3 of the text of the ITS 90) constitutes a brief description:
• Between 0.65 K and 5.0 K, T90 is defined in terms of the vapour-pressure
temperature relations of 3He and 4He.
• Between 3.0 K and the triple point of neon (24.5561 K), T90 is defined by means
of a helium gas thermometer calibrated at three experimentally realizable
temperatures having assigned numerical values (defining fixed points) and using
specified interpolation procedures.
• Between the triple point of equilibrium hydrogen (13.8033 K) and the freezing
point of silver (1234.93 K), T90 is defined by means of PRTs calibrated at
specified sets of defining fixed points and using specified interpolation
• Above the freezing point of silver (1234.93 K), T90 is defined in terms of a
defining fixed point and the Planck radiation law.
The ITS-90 differs from the IPTS-68 in a number of important respects:
• It extends to lower temperature, 0.65 K instead of 13.8 K, and hence also
replaces the EPT-76 from 0.65 K to 30 K. The range was limited to 0.65 K for
the simple reason that it did not seem possible to measure 3He vapour pressures
below 100 Pa with the small relative uncertainty of order 0.1 % to achieve an
uncertainty of T90 of 0.1 mK.
• In most ranges, it is in closer agreement with thermodynamic temperatures.
• It has improved continuity and accuracy.
• It has a number of overlapping ranges and sub-ranges, and in certain ranges it has
alternative but substantially equivalent definitions.
• New versions of the helium vapour-pressure scales are not merely recommended
but are an integral part of the scale.
• It includes a gas thermometer, calibrated at three fixed points, as one of the
defining instruments.
• The upper limit of the PRT as the defining instrument has been raised from
630 °C to the silver point (961.78 °C).
• The Pt10%Rh-Pt thermocouple is no longer a defining instrument of the scale,
and thus the slope discontinuity, which existed in IPTS-68 at 630 °C, the junction
between the PRT and thermocouple ranges, has been removed.

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

• The range based upon the Planck radiation law begins at the silver point instead
of at the gold point, and any one of the silver, gold or copper freezing points may
be selected as the reference point for this part of the scale.

Gas thermometer

4He II 4He I

0.65 K 1.25 K 2.18 K 3 K 3.2 K 5K

He vapour pressure
Gas thermometer
Platinum resistance thermometer

0.65 K 3K 5K 14 K 25 K 54 K 84 K 273.16 K
234 K
17 K
20 K

Platinum resistance thermometer

Radiation thermometer

-39 C 157 C 232 C 420 C 660 C 962 C 1064 C 1085 C

0 C 30 C

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the ranges, sub-ranges and interpolation

instruments of ITS-90. The temperatures shown are approximate only.

The design of the ITS 90 is shown schematically in Figure 1, and the list of
defining fixed points is given in Table 1. The thermodynamic basis of ITS 90 is
described in [Rusby et al. 1991]. The estimation of the uncertainty of realizing the
fixed points suffers from the fact that complete uncertainty budgets treating the
influence of impurities, as recommended in [Fellmuth et al. 2005], are available only
in rare cases. Therefore, two different estimates are given in Table 1. The larger
u(T90) values are, except for the vapour-pressure points and the freezing points of Au
and Cu, standard deviations of the results of international inter-comparisons of fixed-
point realizations: e H2, Ne, O2, Ar: Star intercomparison of sealed triple-point cells
[Fellmuth et al. 2012]; Hg to Zn: Key comparison CCT K3 [Mangum et al. 2002]; Al
and Ag: Key comparison CCT K4 [Nubbemeyer and Fischer 2002]; H2O: Key
comparison CCT-K7 [Stock et al. 2006]. Key comparison CCT K3 was performed
using PRTs as transfer standards; thus, the uncertainty values may be larger due to the
possible instability of the PRTs. For the vapour-pressure points, average published
values are listed. The smaller u(T90) values given in parenthesis are the smallest
uncertainty estimates claimed by metrological institutes. The estimates given for the

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freezing points of Au and Cu, which are only used for the calibration of radiation
thermometers, are based on a document published by Working Group 5 of the CCT
[Fischer et al. 2003], where the larger value corresponds to the “normal value”, and
the smaller one to the “best value”. The values T – T90 are estimates of the differences
between thermodynamic temperatures and the ITS-90, and u(T – T90) are their
uncertainties, as published by Working Group 4 of the CCT in [Fischer et al. 2011]
and summarised in Section 4 of the MeP-K. In these douments, interpolation
functions for T – T90 are also given.

Table 1. The defining fixed points of the ITS-90. The values u(T90) are estimates for the
standard uncertainty of the current best practical realization (see text). The values T – T90
are estimates of the differences between thermodynamic temperatures and the ITS-90, and
u(T – T90) are their uncertainties, as published in [Fischer et al. 2011] and summarised in
Section 4 of the MeP-K.

T90 / K t90 / ºC Substance1 State2 Wr(T90)3 u(T90) / mK T–T90 / mK u(T–T90) / mK

3 to 5 –270 to –268 He vp − 0.2 (0.03) 0 0.1

13.8033 –259.3467 e-H2 tp 0.00119007 0.03 (0.05) 0.44 0.14

 17.035  –256.115 e-H2 or He vp or gp 0.00229646 0.2 (0.03) 0.51 0.16

 20.27  –252.88 e-H2 or He vp or gp 0.00423536 0.2 (0.03) 0.32 0.17

24.5561 –248.5939 Ne tp 0.00844974 0.09 (0.05) –0.23 0.20

54.3584 –218.7916 O2 tp 0.09171804 0.06 (0.02) –1.06 1.6

83.8058 –189.3442 Ar tp 0.21585975 0.06 (0.02) –4.38 1.3
234.3156 –38.8344 Hg tp 0.84414211 0.2 (0.1) –3.25 1.0
273.16 0.01 H2O tp 1.00000000 0.05 (0.03) 0 0
302.9146 29.7646 Ga mp 1.11813889 0.2 (0.03) 4.38 0.4

429.7485 156.5985 In fp 1.60980185 0.8 (0.2) 10.1 0.8

505.078 231.928 Sn fp 1.89279768 0.6 (0.2) 11.5 1.3
692.677 419.527 Zn fp 2.56891730 0.8 (0.4) 13.8 6.9
933.473 660.323 Al fp 3.37600860 2 (0.5) 28.7 6.6
1234.93 961.78 Ag fp 4.28642053 4 (0.6) 46.2 14
1337.33 1064.18 Au fp − 25 (8) 39.9 20

1357.77 1084.62 Cu fp − 25 (8) 52.1 20

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Footnotes for Table 1:

The temperature values are defined for ideally pure substances. Between 1.25 K and 3.2 K both
helium isotopes (3He and 4He) can be used. For hydrogen, the SLAP (Standard Light
Antarctic Precipitation) deuterium content is prescribed in a technical annex of the
MeP-K, and water must have the V-SMOW (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water)
isotopic composition. (In the technical annex, also functions are specified that allow
correcting to these isotopic reference compositions.) All other substances are of natural
isotopic composition. e-H2 is hydrogen at the equilibrium concentration of the two
nuclear-spin isomers (often designated by the prefixes ortho and para).
For complete definitions and advice on the realization of these various states, see
Chapter 2 “Fixed points”. The symbols have the following meaning: vp: vapour-pressure
point; tp: triple point (temperature at which the solid, liquid and vapour phases are in
equilibrium); gp: gas-thermometer point (temperature realized with an interpolating
constant-volume gas thermometer, see Chapter 4); mp, fp: melting point, freezing point
(temperature, at a pressure of 101325 Pa, at which the solid and liquid phases are in
Reference value for the PRT resistance ratio W(T90) = R(T90)/R(0.01 ºC).

Below 1 K, the Provisional Low Temperature Scale from 0.9 mK to 1 K

(PLTS-2000) [CIPM 2001] is a better approximation of thermodynamic temperature
than ITS-90. A vapour-pressure scale, which is consistent with the PLTS-2000, has
been established in [Engert et al. 2007]. According to the results presented in this
paper, the difference T – T90 amounts to –1.6 mK at 0.65 K with an uncertainty of
u(T – T90) = 0.43 mK.
One of the guiding principles in setting up the ITS-90 was that it should
. allow
the user as much choice in its realization as was compatible with an accurate and
reproducible scale. For this reason the scale includes many sub-ranges. Within all
except one of these, T90 is defined independently of calibration points outside the
range. (The exception is the PRT range extending upwards from the triple point of
neon (24.5561 K), which calls for a calibration at the triple-point of hydrogen
(13.8033 K).) Thus, if a PRT is to be calibrated over the whole low-temperature range
from 13.8 K to 273.16 K, all of the eight calibration points in that range must be used.
If, however, a calibration is required only in the range from the triple point of argon
(83.8058 K) to the triple point of water, then only the three calibration points in this
range are needed, 83.8058 K, 234.3156 K (triple point of mercury) and 273.16 K.
Similarly, in the range above 0 °C, a thermometer may be calibrated from 0 °C to
30 °C using just the triple point of water and melting point of gallium (29.7646 °C).
This last range offers the simplest possible way of achieving the highest accuracy
thermometry in the room temperature range. It allows the user to avoid the trouble
and expense of setting up calibration points at temperatures outside the range of
interest, and in addition it allows the thermometer itself to be maintained under the
best possible conditions by not requiring it to be heated significantly above the
temperature of normal use. The price that is paid for this useful flexibility in the scale
is the presence of a certain level of increased non-uniqueness compared with a scale
having no overlapping ranges or sub-ranges. This is discussed in Section 3.2.

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2.9. Provisional Low Temperature Scale from 0.9 mK to 1 K (PLTS-2000)

In October 2000, the CIPM adopted the PLTS-2000 [CIPM 2001]. It is based on noise
and magnetic thermometry performed at three institutes [Rusby et al 2002, Fellmuth
et al 2003]. Considering the uncertainty estimates for the thermometers used and the
spread of the results obtained, the relative standard uncertainty of the PLTS-2000 in
thermodynamic terms has been estimated to range from 2 % at 1 mK to 0.05 % at
1 K.
The PLTS-2000 is defined from 0.9 mK to 1 K by a polynomial with 13 terms
describing the temperature dependence of the melting pressure of 3He. Furthermore,
four natural features on the 3He melting curve can be used as intrinsic fixed points of
temperature and pressure because their temperature and pressure values are also
defined in the text of the PLTS-2000: the pressure minimum (315.24 mK,
2.93113 MPa), the transition to the superfluid ‘A’ phase (2.444 mK, 3.43407 MPa),
the ‘A to B’ transition in the superfluid (1.896 mK, 3.43609 MPa), and the Néel
transition in the solid (0.902 mK, 3.43934 MPa). The melting pressure of 3He has
been chosen as scale carrier for several reasons. First of all, it is a thermodynamic
property of a pure substance; i.e., though impurities may have an influence, no
principle non-uniqueness due to different interpolation behaviour of thermometers as
for PRTs occurs. The melting pressure can be reproduced much better than the
readings of all other thermometers and a temperature range of about three decades is
covered. Furthermore, apart from a narrow range near the minimum of the melting
curve, a high resolution down to 0.1 µK can be achieved. Supplementary Information
for the realization of the PLTS-2000 is available on the BIPM website and published
in [Rusby et al 2007].

2.10. ITS-XX

Applying ITS-90 for measuring temperatures means accepting several deficiencies of

this scale. As a long-term task, the following changes of the scale are, from today’s
perspective, desirable in preparing a new scale ITS-XX:
• improvement of the approximation of thermodynamic temperature, see
Section 2.8;
• merging of PLTS-2000 and ITS-90, e.g. by including PTB-2006;
• reduction of the non-uniqueness in the PRT sub-ranges (see below) by
improving the quality criteria for PRTs, the reference and interpolation
• replacement of high-temperature PRTs as interpolating instruments above the
freezing point of aluminium because their instability is too large in this range;
• removing the intrinsic limitations of the ITS-90 above the silver freezing point
[Machin et al. 2010], e.g., the increase of the uncertainty in proportion to the
square of T90 above the fixed-point temperature;
• inclusion of high-temperature fixed points [Machin et al. 2010].

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3. Numerical

3.1 Differences between scales

Differences between various International Temperatures Scales are shown graphically

in Figures 2 to 5. Differences t48 – t27 exist only above 630 °C. They are smaller than
the uncertainty of the great majority of temperature measurements carried out
between 1927 and 1948. Thus, the 1948 change of temperature scale required little or
no retroactive adjustments when comparing pre-1948 and post-1948 experimental
work, and no analytic expressions for this are given here. In contrast, the differences
t68 – t48, T76 – T68, T90 – T76, and T90 – T68 are substantially larger than the
uncertainties quoted in the scientific literature of those periods, and numerical
corrections are often necessary for comparisons of work before and after the transition


(t48- t27) / °C

(t48- t27) / °C

-30 0.0

600 900 1200
t48 / °C
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
t48 / °C

Figure 2. The differences t48 – t27 as a function of t48 (after [Hall 1955]).

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90


(t68- t48) / °C

6 0.00
(t68- t48) / °C

4 -200 0 200 400
t68 / °C

-200 400 1000 1600 2200 2800 3400 4000
t68 / °C
Figure 3. The differences t68 – t48 as a function of t68 [Bedford et al. 1970].

4 T76-Tvp
(T76- TXX) / mK


0 10 20 30
T76 / K
Figure 4. The differences T76 – Tvp (T76 – T58  T76 – T62 below 3.2 K, T76 – T58 from 3.2 K
to 5 K) and T76 – T68 as a function of T76 (Tables 2 and 3 in [BIPM 1979]).

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90



(T90- T68) / K


(T90- T68) / K



0 250 500
T90 / K
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
T90 / K
Figure 5. The differences T90 – T68 as a function of T90 (Table 1 in [Rusby et al. 1994];
Table 6 in [Preston-Thomas 1990] should not be used for the range from 630ºC to 1064ºC).

The scale differences shown in Figures 2 to 4 can be described analytically, with

a maximum relative deviation of 10 %, by applying the following polynomials, the
coefficients of which have been determined by fitting and are given in Table 2.

(t68  t48 ) / C   ai1(t68 / C)i , (1)

(T76  Tvp ) / K  a
i 0
i 2 (T76 / K) i , (2)

(T76  T68 ) / K   ai 3 (T76 / K) i . (3)
i 0

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

Table 2. Values of the coefficients in Equations (1) to (3).

Difference (t68 – t48) / °C (T76 – Tvp) / K (T76 – T68) / K

Coefficients ai1 ai2 ai3
Range –180 °C to 0 °C 0 °C to 470 °C 470 °C to 4000 °C 0.5 K to 5.0 K 13.8 K to 27 K
0 8.18841110–03 2.8346910–04 6.031724210+00 2.2391210–01 2.983337810+03
1 9.72212910–04 –4.8552310–04 –3.270304110–02 3.9108310+00 –1.743224610+03
2 1.00997410–04 6.0595610–06 6.507868810–05 –9.1516910–01 3.547549110+02
3 2.95229410–06 –8.1740410–09 –6.023494910–08 –9.4114610–01 –3.611503410+01
4 4.52037210–08 –6.6345410–11 3.042064310–11 7.8552110–01 2.064765210+00
5 3.86362310–10 3.1129210–13 –8.534834710–15 –1.9392510–01 –6.760423010–02
6 1.68488910–12 –5.6599310–16 1.250955710–18 1.5549010–02 1.187410310–03
7 2.87961810–15 3.9813710–19 –7.470754310–23 –8.695835010–06

The helium vapour-pressure equations for the ITS-90 are those originally
derived for the EPT-76. Thus, in the range below 4.2 K (omitted in Table 6 of the text
of the ITS-90) the differences T90 – T76 can be considered to be zero kelvin. In the
range from 4.2 K to 27 K, the differences T90 – T76 listed in this Table 6 were derived
by applying the equation

(T90 – T76) / K = –5.6  10–6 (T90 / K)2 . (4)

But since several methods of realizing the EPT-76 were approved, an uncertainty
of at least a few tenths of a millikelvin has to be considered for comparisons of work
done applying the two scales.
The polynomial representations of the differences between ITS-90 and IPTS-68
from 13.8 K to 903.8 K (630.6 ºC) are due to R. L. Rusby [Rusby 1990] with the
coefficients given in Table 3:
 from 13.8 K to 83.8 K (uncertainty approximately 1 mK):

(T90  T68 ) / K  b
i 0
i1 ((T90  40 K) / 40 K) i , (5)

 from 83.8 K to 903.8 K (630.6 ºC) (uncertainty about 1.5 mK up to 0 °C, and
1 mK above 0 °C)
(t 90  t 68 ) / C   bi 2 (t 90 / 630 C) i . (6)
i 1

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

For the range from 630 ºC to 1064 ºC, revised values for t90 – t68 have been
published by Rusby et al. [Rusby et al. 1994] in Table 1, which are better estimates
than the values listed in Table 6 of the text of the ITS-90 and are approximated by a
polynomial of fifth order, the coefficients of which are also given in Table 3:
(t 90  t 68 ) / C   bi 3 (t 90 / C) i . (7)
i 0

In this temperature range, the reproducibility of the IPTS-68 was limited to the
level of about (0.1 - 0.2) ºC due to the use of the platinum10%rhodium-platinum
thermocouple as the interpolating instrument. This limitation affected all
measurements and scale comparisons involving the IPTS-68.

Table 3. Values of the coefficients in Equations (5) to (7) describing the differences
T90 –T68 and t90 – t68.

Coefficients bi1 bi2 bi3

Range 13.8 K to 83.8 K 83.8 K to 903.8 K 630 ºC to 1064 ºC
0 –0.005903 7.8687209 × 10+01
1 0.008174 –0.148759 –4.7135991× 10–01
2 –0.061924 –0.267408 1.0954715 × 10–03
3 –0.193388 1.080760 –1.2357884 × 10–06
4 1.490793 1.269056 6.7736583 × 10–10
5 1.252347 –4.089591 –1.4458081 × 10–13
6 –9.835868 –1.871251
7 1.411912 7.438081
8 25.277595 –3.536296
9 –19.183815
10 –18.437089
11 27.000895
12 –8.716324

Above the gold freezing point (1064.18 ºC), the differences T90 – T68 are only caused
by the difference T(Au) = –0.25 K of the temperature values assigned in the two
scales to this fixed point. The T90 – T68 values listed in Table 6 of the text of the
ITS-90 and shown in Figure 5 have been calculated for the domain, in which the
Wien equation is a close approximation to the Planck equation, and for which a
quadratic deviation function can be applied:

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

𝑇90 (8)
𝑇90 − 𝑇68 = ∆𝑇(Au) ( ) .
𝑇90 (Au)

This domain covers practically the entire visible region of the spectrum; i.e., the
listed values apply with negligible error at wavelengths near 0.65 µm up to about
4000 ºC. At a wavelength of 1 µm and at higher temperatures, a wavelength
dependence arising from the Planck equation (see Equation (15) of the text of the
ITS-90) has to be considered.
The conversion of IPTS-68 PRT calibrations to ITS-90 is not straightforward.
There are no simple analytical relations between the coefficients of ITS-90 and those
of the IPTS-68. The conversion, therefore, consists of calculating the resistance ratios
W(T68) = R(T68)/R(0 ºC) at the IPTS-68 values of the required ITS-90 fixed points,
converting the ratios to W(T90) = R(T90)/R(0.01 ºC), by multiplying by 0.9999601, and
applying the appropriate formula and temperature values as specified in the ITS-90.
For the triple points of neon and mercury, the melting point of gallium and the
freezing point of indium, which were not defining fixed points of the IPTS-68, the
values of T68 should be taken as 24.5616 K, 234.3082 K, 302.9219 K, and
429.7850 K, respectively [Rusby et al. 1991]. Where the IPTS-68 calibration used the
condensation point of oxygen, rather than the triple point of argon, the T68 value most
appropriately assigned to the argon point may differ slightly from the value 83.798 K
specified in the IPTS-68. The freezing point of aluminium lay beyond the range of the
PRT in the IPTS-68, but on extrapolating the IPTS-68 equations, its value was found
to be 933.607 K [Bedford et al. 1984], although this could be in error by 5 mK or

3.2 Non-uniqueness
The irreproducibility of temperatures measured on the ITS-90 is caused by the
dispersion due to deficiencies in the realization of the scale, the associated
measurement instrumentation, and the so-called non-uniqueness of the scale
[Mangum et al. 1997]. Three types of non-uniqueness can be identified:
 Type 1 arises from the application of different interpolation equations in
overlapping ranges using the same thermometer,
 Type 2 arises from the use of different kinds of thermometers in overlapping
ranges, and
 Type 3 arises from the use of different interpolating thermometers of the same
Types 1 and 2 are caused by the imperfect definition of the ITS-90, through
errors in the thermodynamic temperature values assigned to the defining fixed points,
and/or through scale equations that are not in agreement with the true thermodynamic
equations of state. These deficiencies manifest themselves as non-uniqueness as soon
as multiple definitions are allowed, as in the ITS-90. Type 3 is connected with
deficiencies of the interpolating thermometers specified in the ITS-90. The
thermometers, calibrated at a given set of defining fixed points, exhibit non-unique

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

interpolation behaviour over the temperature ranges between the fixed points since
they are not ideal, which implies, for example, that thermometers, albeit of the same
kind, are not identical in their physical-chemical constitution. Since all realizations of
the ITS-90 according to its definition are equally valid, the non-uniqueness
determines fundamentally the lowest bounds for the uncertainty of measured
temperatures on the ITS-90.
The estimation of the uncertainty caused by the non-uniqueness encounters the
problem that it is not possible to make reliable theoretical estimates of the possible
spread of the properties of the interpolating instruments due to different effects. For
instance, though the requirements for accepting PRTs specified in the text of the
ITS-90 are fulfilled, the platinum wires may be quite different with respect to crystal
quality (grain size, concentrations of dislocations and vacancies), impurity content,
and surface effects. Thus, experimental information is necessary, which of course
cannot be comprehensive.
Only in the range from 0.65 K to 1.25 K is there principally no non-uniqueness
because multiple definitions do not exist. The realization of the ITS-90 in the range
from 1.25 K to 24.5561 K using vapour-pressure and interpolating constant-volume
gas thermometry is treated in Chapters 3 and 4 of the Supplementary Information,
respectively. The examples and estimates cited there yield non-uniqueness of the
order of a few 0.1 mK. Above 13.8033 K, the uncertainty of the interpolation using
PRTs also has to be considered. A collation of the experimental information on
Type 1 and Type 3 non-uniqueness in the eleven PRT subranges between 13.8033 K
and 1234.93 K is given in [White et al. 2009]. These two types of non-uniqueness
contribute up to 0.5 mK or more to the uncertainty in the interpolated temperatures
between fixed points. In most of the PRT subranges, this is a main or even the largest
uncertainty component. (Results published in [Mangum et al. 1990] show that PRTs
calibrated up to 1234.93 K should not be used below 692.677 K because the Type 1
non-uniqueness may amount to a few mK.) Above the freezing point of silver
(1234.93 K), a Type 1 non-uniqueness results from the possibility of using three
different fixed points for calibrating radiation thermometers. However, this is
considered to be below the normal measurement uncertainty.

3.3 Propagation of uncertainty

For estimating the uncertainty of temperatures interpolated between fixed points, it is
important to consider the propagation of the calibration uncertainty at the fixed points
(see [White et al. 2009, White and Saunders 2007]). Depending on the particular
interpolating functions and the calibration temperatures, the propagation may cause a
significant increase of the uncertainty. For the interpolating constant-volume gas
thermometer, this increase is estimated in Chapter 4 to be of the order of a few 10 %.
This order of magnitude is also valid for most of the eleven subranges, in which PRTs
are used as interpolating instruments [White et al. 2009]. But in a few unfavourable
cases, e.g. in the range between the triple points of argon (83.8058 K) and water
(0.01 °C), the propagation may double the uncertainty at the fixed points.

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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

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Poids et Mesures 35 (This document and the following ones are available on
request from the BIPM.)
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Poids et Mesures pp. 94-99
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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

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Pokhodun A, Ripple D and Steur P P M (2005) “Methodologies for the estimation
of uncertainties and the correction of fixed-point temperatures attributable to the
influence of chemical impurities” CCT 23e Session, Doc. CCT/05-08 (available on
the BIPM website)
Fellmuth B, Wolber L, Head D I, Hermier Y, Hill K D, Nakano T, Pavese F, Peruzzi
A, Rusby R L, Shkraba V, Steele A G, Steur P P M, Szmyrka-Grzebyk A, Tew
W L, Wang L and White D R (2012) Metrologia 49 257-265
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Zundong, Johnson B C, van der Ham E, Wang Li, Fumihiro Sakuma, Machin G,
Fox N, Ugur S and Matveyev M (2003) CCT 22e Session, Doc. CCT/03-03 (This
document is available on the BIPM website.)
Fischer J, de Podesta M, Hill K D, Moldover M, Pitre L, Rusby R, Steur P, Tamura
O, White R and Wolber L (2011) Int. J. Thermophys. 32 12-25
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Yamada Y and Yoon H (2010) “Realisation and dissemination of thermodynamic
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CCT/2010-12 (This document is available on request from the BIPM.)
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standard platinum resistance thermometers over the temperature range from
13.8 K to 1235 K“ Proc. 4th Symposium on Temperature and Thermal
Measurements in Industry and Science (Finnish Society of Automatic Control,
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A I (1997) Metrologia 34 427-429
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A I (2000) “Optimal realization of the defining fixed points of the ITS-90 that are
used for contact thermometry” CCT 20e Session, Doc. CCT/2000-13 (This
document is available on request from the BIPM.)
Mangum B W, Strouse G F, Guthrie W F, Pello R, Stock M, Renaot E, Hermier Y,
Bonnier G, Marcarino P, Gam K S, Kang K H, Kim Y G, Nicholas J V, White
D R, Dransfield T D, Duan Y, Qu Y, Connolly J, Rusby R L, Gray J, Sutton
G J M, Head D I, Hill K D, Steele A, Nara K, Tegeler E, Noatsch U, Heyer D,
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de Groot M J and Dubbeldam J F (2002) Metrologia 39 179-205
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Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90

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(1991) Metrologia 28 9-18
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Soulen R J and Adams E D (2002) J. Low Temp. Phys. 126 633-642
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(2007) J. Low Temp. Phys. 149 156-175
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Yamazawa K (2009) “Uncertainties in the realisation of the SPRT subranges of
the ITS-90” CCT 24e Session, Doc. CCT/08-19/rev (This document is available on
the BIPM website.)

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