Unit Name: Unit Code: Bucu 002 Lecturer

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[email protected]
[email protected]
• A computer is an electronic device
or set of devices that work under the
control of a stored program inputting
data from external source and
processing it to produce information
that can stored and retrieved for
future reference.

[email protected]
• Input: It is the data to be fed into the
• Output: it is the out information or
• Data: They are the raw facts and
figures that are collected and fed
into the computer for further
processing, retrieval and storage.
• Information: It is the processed
data, structured and summarized in
[email protected]
• It is automatic –i.e can work with
minimum human intervention; once
supplied with data and instructions.
• It is a data processor – processes raw
facts and figures to produce
• It is a storage device- stores
information for later date and future
• It is electrical – requires some form
of electric power to operate
[email protected]

1. Stores large chunks of information in

limited space.
2. Speed – performs tasks fast (in
comparison to working manually).
3. Efficient – creates an all round saving
on space, time.
4. Consistent – Gives the same results
given the same data and instruction.
5. Secrecy- information is fairly protected
if the computer system is well
[email protected]
6. Versatility – Can do the same thing
over and over again without being
worn out.
7. Neat- computers give neat work.
8 . Automatic – computers can work
automatically depending on
instructions given.
9. Flexibility –can be used for a wide
range of activities e.g TV, Radio etc.
10. Accurate –computers are very
accurate. [email protected]
1. Computers are expensive to buy
and maintain.
2. Cuts down employment
3. Need expertise, which is expensive
to hire and maintain.
4. They create eye problems
5. Loss of information if not well
[email protected]
Role of computers in our
• Computers have had evolutionally
impact on industry and our social
lives. In modern offices computers
are definitely used for general office
automation including:
• Text production
• Accounting services
• Client information
• Desktop publishers
• Point of sale systems etc.
[email protected]
• They are used for different work by
different people to play different roles
which include:
Application areas of computers.
• Industry & commerce
• Health care
• Government institutions
• Police and defense
• Multimedia and application
• Process control
• Education and research
• Communication
• Home and leisure etc.
[email protected]
• The first computing machine was
known as Abacus.
• It was used for small volume
computing in China and Japan for
thousand years ago B.C. since then
several improvements and
developments have been made in
terms of computer memory, speed,
intelligence and storage capacity to
make the modern computer.
[email protected]
• In the 19th Century two significant
development took place, in 1647 a
French man Blaise Pascal invented
the mechanical calculator.
• In 1964 a German mathematician,
GW Leinbniz invented stepped
• This was more effective calculator ;
more advanced than Pascal’s
machine as it could also multiply
divide and exctract square roots.
[email protected]
• These are development stages that
computers passed through up to the
modern computer.

[email protected]
The first generation
1940- 1956
• This generation of computer relied on
the vacuum tubes to store and process
• They consumed great power hence
they were short-lived.
• They were huge in size
• Had small internal storage capacity of
• Used magnetic drum memory
• They were very slow
• Expensive
[email protected]
The 2nd Generation
• Computers were then built from
individual transistor wired up together.
• Transistors were much more stable
than the vacuum tubes.
• They generated less heat and
consumed more power.
• Memory size was expandable to 32kb
and the speed was accelerated.
• Used high level languages
• Cheaper

[email protected]
3rd generations
• Used integrated circuits (IC) made by
combining several transistors
• Magnetic disks were developed at
the stage. Computer memory was
expanded to 20Mb (megabyte).
• Storage capacity increased
• Speed was also accelerated.
• Used high level languages
• Cheaper
[email protected]
4th generations
• Used integrated circuits (IC) in large
scale integration (LSI).
• Magnetic disks were developed at
the stage. Computer memory was
expanded to 32Mb (megabyte).
• Storage capacity increased
• Speed was also accelerated.
• Used high level languages
• Cheaper
[email protected]
5th generations
1990 up to date
• Used integrated circuits (IC) in very
large scale integration (VLSI).
• Magnetic disks were developed at the
stage. Computer memory was
expanded to Gigabytes
• Storage capacity increased
• Speed was also accelerated.
• Used high level languages
• Cheaper
[email protected]
• The major thrust of 5th generation of
computers are distributed through
– computing systems and
– the merging of the telecommunication and
– computing technology.
• The anticipated computers will be able
to parallel process
• Would be based on logical inferences
Expected to have artificial intelligence,
which stimulates some aspect of human
[email protected]
• NB: Computers can be classified in
various criteria;
1.Computer generation
1. 1st – 5th generation
2.Size of memory and number of users it
can support.
3.Mode of performance
4.Price , capability and size
5.By purpose
1. Special
2. Dedicated
3. General
[email protected]
• 6. By the type of data accepted as(input)
and processed.
• There are three major types of
a.Digital computers-
used to manipulate discrete data i.e data is
processed in digits form.
Their arithmetic and logical operations are
based on
digits or other characters that have been
numerically coded.
They are widely used in research, business
[email protected]
B. Analogue computers
- used to manipulate analog data
(continuous and non-countable data
such as pressure, Temperatures,
humidity, etc).
- They perform arithmetic and logic
operations by measuring changes in
the physical magnitudes such as
electronic voltage, pressure changes,
and etc .
- Their output is often in graphs or
[email protected]
3. Hybrid computers-
These are computers that have
combined features of digital and
analog i.e the digital & analog
features are built within the same

[email protected]
Types of Digital computers-
1. A Mainframe computer
• is a very large and powerful
• It is a general –purpose computer
with a range of input and output
devices and in most cases several
C.P.U’s (can be used by many people
at the same time).
• It is a very expensive computer.
• It is used in very large organizations
e.g U.N and Government.
[email protected]
2. A mini computer
- can be described as a scaled down
version of the main frame.
- It also has a range of input and
output devices used in Medium sized
- Data is processed at a slower rate&
lower volume compared to

[email protected]
3. A micro computer

• is smaller than mini computers, small

amount of data is processed quickly,
• one person operates it,
• they are popular and they are found
at homes and business.
• They include personal computers
[email protected]
4. Laptops /notebooks
• Also known (portable computer)-
they are small in size however more
features are being incorporated into
system as technology advances.
• The expandability and the number of
peripheral devices supported by
them are limited.
• NB: A peripheral is any device that
is connected to a computer system
and can work with or without e.g a
printer and a scanner.
[email protected]
5. Super computer:
• This is the largest and fastest type of
digital computer.
• Most powerful machine ever made by
• Used in nuclear weapon
development, Energy supply etc.

[email protected]
• What is a system?
System : Is a group of related parts or
elements (components) that work
together to realize a common goal. Its
a set of components that are designed
to work together to achieve a certain
• Complete system is made up of the
• Hardware : these are the physical
components of the computer.
• Software: These are the programs
[email protected]

• These are the physical components of a

• e.g
– Monitor,
– keyboards
– Mouse
– CPU e.tc.
The computer hardware contains the parts that you
see and touch.
They are further sub-divided into the following
1. Input devices
2. Central processing unit
3. Output devices
[email protected]
1. Input devices :
• These are used for inputting data and
instructions into a computer
• Examples:
• Keyboard,
• mouse
• Mic,
• scanners.
• Inputting: refers to the process of
entering programs, commands, user
responses and data into the main memory
• Input: Are the basic facts such as data,
instruction, etc entered or executed into a
[email protected]
• This is an input device comprising a
variety sets of keys on which the
computer user presses to input data
and instructions into a computer.
• It is commonly known as the
QWERTY keyboard.
• As the user inputs data, it is hence
displayed on the screen.

[email protected]
The keyboard has several sets
of keys:
1. The functional key:_
These perform different task
depending on the software program
you’re using (i.e.F1-F12).They are
programmable keys normally used
for shortcutts.e.g.F7 in Ms. word
gives a short cut to spelling and
grammar check
2. The Arrow Key/Cursor Control
These are used to move the cursor.
Facilitate horizontal and vertical
[email protected]
3. The Data keys:
These are used to enter data like
letters, numbers and symbols.
4. The Special Purpose Keys:
These are used to perform specific
tasks, e.g. Backspacing, Del, Shift,
Alt, Ctrl ,Enter ,Esc, Pause, e.t.c

[email protected]
• Caps lock- ( for capital letters)
• Tab key ,(for indenting paragraph)
• Shift key (shift from upper case character to
lower case and vice versa.
• Control key -ctrl
• Alternate key -alt
• Space bar -on pressing it the cursor moves
one space to the right
• Backspacing -for deleting(erasing) characters
to the left of the cursor
• Delete - for deleting(erasing)character to te
right of the cursor

[email protected]
• Enter key-for moving the cursor downwards
in a document. It is also used issuing
• Winlock key- it is the shortcut to the start
• Numeric key pad(0-9)- mainly used to enter
first numeric data when the Num lock key is
on. Its normally toggled (switched) on or off
by pressing the num lock key.
• Page up- takes one up the page.
• Page down – takes one down the page
• Home key- takes you at the beginning of a
• End key – takes one at the end of a
[email protected]
• This is a small lightweight device that
helps in the input and execution of
commands/instruction and process of
data in the computer.
• Software programs designed to use a
mouse display a mouse pointer on the
• The mouse pointer maybe an arrow,
small , small rectangle, an I-beam, or
even a hand with a pointed finger. To
move the pointer, you gently slide the
mouse over the mouse –pad.
[email protected]
A mouse has its own
language. i.e
• Point : To move the pointer to a
desired spot.
• Click: To press and release the
mouse button
• Double-click: Pressing and releasing
the mouse pointer twice as quickly
as possible
• Mouse drag & drop: Pressing and
holding the left mouse button, then
move to a desired location and
release i.e move the mouse pointer
[email protected]
The mouse is composed of two
1. Left mouse button
• This is used to:
• Issue commands
• Move items
• Select
• Highlight (by holding down the left mouse
button and dragging.
2. Right mouse button
• This is used to:
• Retrieve commands
• Create shortcuts
[email protected]

• These are input devices used to

convert texts, characters or images
into a form that can be processed by
a computer. Or in others words they
are used to capture existing
document in an electrical form for
further processing or incorporating it
into other documents.

[email protected]
• Scanner allows you to scan
documents, pictures, or graphics
and view
• them on the computer. You can also
use software to edit the items you
• scan. Used to put printed pictures
and text into a computer. It Converts
• image into dots that the computer
can understand .To scan text, optical
• character recognition (OCR) software
[email protected]
4. Digital Camera Used to take
electronic pictures of an object.
The pictures taken by a digital
camera can be used directly by a
5. Microphone Used to put sound
into a computer. Need sound
recording software
6. Video Capture Card Usually
place inside the computer's case.
Use to put video into a computer.
Need a video source, either a video
[email protected]
7. Voice input device-A computer
I/O device in which vocal
commands may be entered into a
computer system.
8. Optical character recognition
(OCR) is computer software
designed to translate images of
handwritten or typewritten text
(usually captured by a scanner) into
machine-editable text, or to translate
pictures of characters into a standard
encoding scheme representing them
[email protected]
o Optical Mark Reader (OMR) A
special scanning device that can
carefully placed pencil marks on
specially designed documents. OMR
is frequently used in forms,
questionnaires, and answer-sheets
o Magnetic Stripe reader Cards
with magnetic stripes are used
as credit cards,
debit cards, railway tickets, phone
cards and many other applications.
[email protected]
• o Magnetic Ink Character
Recognition (MICR) In this
method, human readable
characters are printed on documents
such as cheque using special
magnetic ink.
The cheque can be read using a
special input unit, which can
recognize magnetic
ink [email protected]
• o Bar code reader/scanner, also
called a price scanner or point-of-
sale ( POS ) scanner, is a hand-held or
stationary input device used to capture and
read information contained in a bar code .
• A barcode reader consists of a scanner , a
decoder (either built-in or external), and a
cable used to connect the reader with a
• Because a barcode reader merely captures
and translates the barcode into numbers
and/or letters, the data must be sent to a
computer so that a software application can
make sense of the data.
[email protected]
• o Bar code reader/scanner, also
called a price scanner or point-
of-sale ( POS ) scanner, is a hand-
held or stationary input device used
to capture and read information
contained in a bar code .
• A barcode reader consists of a
scanner , a
decoder (either built-in or external),
and a cable used to connect the
reader with a computer.
[email protected]
• Because a barcode reader merely
captures and translates the barcode
• into numbers and/or letters, the data
must be sent to a computer so that a
• application can make sense of the
data. The scanner is commonly used
in point of
• sale such as in supermarkets,
bookshops, libraries etc to scan the
[email protected]
2. Output devices:
• These are used to get (produce) the
already processed data (information
from a computer.
• Examples of output devices :
• Screen,
• Speaker,
• printers, e.t.c
• Output : The already processed
data(information) produced from the
[email protected]
• It is the screen where the typed data
• It provides the user with a soft copy
of information
• It has some buttons along its
baseline that are used to change its

[email protected]

• These are button devices used to

produce information from the
computer they provide the user with
a hard copy of information.

[email protected]
We have various types on the
basis of speed, quantity ,
number of copies produced
• Impact – where the mechanism producing
the print comes into direct contact with the
paper e.g
• Dot matrix- creates letters and graphics by
striking an inked ribbon with a column of
small wires called pins.
• Daisy wheel- they work like a type writer
where a piece of metal or plastic with raised
letters strike an inked ribbon against a
sheet of paper leaving an image of the
letters in a sheet of paper.
• Inkjet printers – they are printer, which
the mechanism producing the print doesn’t
come into direct [email protected]
contact with the paper e.g
• Inkjet and bubble printer-they use the
There are two types of output
1. Soft copy:
-Is the output (information) displayed on
the screen or heard from the
speakers. (it is not tangible)
2. Hardcopy :
-Is the output (information) produced on
a material such as paper or fabric. E.g
information printed on a piece of
paper. (it is tangible).
[email protected]
• This is a part of the computer system
unit where all processing takes
place. It is an electronic circuitry in a
computer that executes instructions
for the processing of data.
• The C.P.U retrieves’ instructions &
data from Random Access
Memory(R.AM), processes them and
places the result back in R.AM so
that they can be displayed on the
screen or stored.
[email protected]
The CPU is divided into 3 major
parts namely:
1. Control unit(CU)
-this directs and co-ordinates all the
processing taking place in the C.P.U i.e
it carries out instructions and tells the
rest of the computer what to do.
2. Arithmetic and Logic unit(A.L.U)
- Carries out all arithmetic and logic
operations. i.e arithmetic operations
such as addition, subtraction, division
etc& logic operations such as
comparing two numbers to give the
results as either True or False.
[email protected]
3. Main memory-
• This is a part of the computer system
unit that holds or stores current data
& instructions .
• It is divided into 2 major parts:
1. Read Only Memory (R.O.M)
2. Random Access Memory (R.A.M)

[email protected]
• contents of ROM are permanent and it
holds some system files necessary for
the boot process.
The ROM is also divided into two major
1. Programmable Read Only memory
-its contents are permanently stored and
cannot be altered. The contents are
meant for reading only.
2. Erasable Programmable Read Only
[email protected]
• It is an area (memory) in the computer
unit that temporarily holds data before
and after it is processed i.e it holds data
and instruction that is currently in use.
• Qualities of RAM
• Volatile – loses its content when power
goes off.
• Expandable – an upgrade can be done
to increase a machine’s memory size.
• NB: The larger the main memory the
faster the computer.
[email protected]

• Storage:
• refers to the process of retaining or
maintaining the already processed
data & instructions in the main
memory for future use or reference.
• There are two types of storage:
1. Primary storage e.g Fixed Disk drive.
2. Secondary storage.
[email protected]
1. Primary storage e.g Fixed
Disk drive.
• This is where most of the computer
data is stored especially the
programs and personal files.
• It consist one or more rigid metals
platters coated with metal oxide
material that allows data to be
magnetically recorded on the
[email protected]
2. Secondary storage.

• They are used to back up (store)

information that is not needed
immediately by the C.P.U.
• Examples includes floppy diskettes,
compact disk(CD) and flash disks.
• Storage space in computers is in
form of units called bytes.
• 1000bytes =1 Kilo Byte (1KB), 1
million bytes (1 MB), 1 billion byte =1
Gigabyte (1 GB).
[email protected]

• Software (A program): This is a group

or set of instructions that enable the
enable the computer hardware to
function. It’s the logic that guides the
guides the computer hardware to
perform a task.

[email protected]
Types of software

1. System software
2. Application software
3. Programming software.

[email protected]
• This is collection of programs
(instructions) written to service other
programs they control both the
computer hardware and the
application software. They provide
facilities that extend the general
capabilities of a computer. They also
interface the application software to
the hardware in order to allow the
computer user (operator) to perform
specific tasks.
[email protected]
• This is a collection of suit of
programs that directs and controls all
operation of a computer. E.g
• Ms- Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP ETC.
• Unix
• Linux
• Novel

[email protected]
• These are programs that are used in
specific functional areas to perform
given tasks.
• They are mainly provided by the
computer manufacturers or supplier
but a computer user can develop his
own programme. These personal
application software are called user

[email protected]
Examples of application
1. Spreadsheets e.g Ms Excel, Lotus 1-2-
3, etc.
2. Word processors e.g Ms word, word
perfect, word star e.t.c
3. Databases e.g Ms Access, Dbase etc
4. Electronic Mail e.g –Internet & E-mail
5. Communication- outlook express,
internet explorer etc.
6. Desktop publishers e.g Adobe
Pagemaker, Ms publisher photo shop,
corel draw etc.
7. Presentation tools-Ms power point, 3d
[email protected]
4.Computer virus

• V-vital
• I-Information
• R-resources
• U-Under
• S- Siege

[email protected]
Cont.. Def:..
• A virus is a program designed
especially to change other programs
and course irregular behavior.
• It can be either a computer or data-
code signed:
• To replicate itself from computer
system in which a way has to make it
possible for it to amend/ destroy
programs, data files by interfering with
the normal process of operation.
[email protected]
Sources of virus
1. Contact with contaminated system-
any diskette used on a contaminated
system will be contaminated and if the
same diskette is inserted in another
system it will contaminate the system
hence making the computer virus
2. Pirated software
3. Infected proprietor software
4. Fake games
5. Freeware and shareware
[email protected]
Symptoms of virus
1. Unfamiliar graphics and quizzical messages
appearing on the screen
2. Programs taking longer than usual to load
3. Unusual error message occurring more
4. Less memory available than usual
5. Disk access lights seeming excessive for
simple task
6. Executing files changing in sizes for no
obvious reasons
7. Access lights turning on for no-referenced
[email protected]
Types of Virus
1. Trojan horse- it’s a program that
while visibly perform one function
secretly carries out another. E.g A
program could be running a computer
game, while simultaneously destroying
data, file or another program.
2. A time bomb- it is a piece code
triggered by certain events. A program
that stays in your system undeleted
until it is triggered by a certain event
in time, such as when a computer
system c lock reaches a certain date.
3. A trap door- its undocumented entry
[email protected]
Protective measures
1. Avoid down loading information
from unprotected sites
2. Make back up copies of your data.
3. Use antivirus program/tool kits e.g
Dr Solomon, Norton antivirus,
McAfee antivirus etc.
4. Guard against intrusion of
unauthorized system.

[email protected]

• Network – refers to a system in

which a number of independent
computers are linked together to
share data and peripherals.
• Networking – refers to the concept
of connected computers sharing
resources .
• Standalone computer are powerful
tools that can manipulate an amount
of data but don’t allow users to share
[email protected]
Sharing of information in a standalone
environment was done by:
1. printouts
2. copying document files to a floppy
disk for others to edit or use them.
• This kind of sharing of information is
referred to as sneacernet.

[email protected]
Disadvantages of

1. very slow
2. inefficient to meet the need and
expectations of todays

[email protected]
Computer network have 2

1. To increase efficiency
2. Reduce cost

These goals are achieved in 3

primary ways.
1. sharing information
2. sharing hardware and software.
3. centralizing administration and
support. [email protected]
• All networks have certain Component ,
functions and features in common:
These include:
1. servers- computers that provide shared resources to
network users.
2. client – computers that accept shared resources by a
3. media – refers to wires that makes physical connection.
4. shared data – refer to files provided to client by server
across the network.
5. resources – refers to any services or devices such
printers , files or other items available for use by
members of the network.
[email protected]

1. Bandwidth –refers to highest or

lowest frequency for network
-or data transfer capacity or spot of
transmission of digital
transmission system as measured
in bits / sec.
2. Throughput – refers to actual data
transfer rate.
Nb- in computer network greater
bandwidth indicate faster data
transfer capacity
3. Crosstalk – signal overflow to
[email protected]
• By:

Involves: LAN , MAN , WAN

[email protected]
LAN – is the basic building block of any
computer network.
- can range from a simple (2 computers
connected by a cable to a complex 100s of
connected computers and peripherals
through a major operation)
- LAN are usually located in a single building
or campuses and handles interoffice
- LAN consists of computers , network
interface card (NIC) networking media ,
network traffic control devices and
peripherals devices.
[email protected]
They are designed to do
the following.
1. operate within a limited
geographical area.
2. Allow many users to access media
3. Provide full time connectivity to
local services
4. connect physically adjacent devices

[email protected]
Characteristic of LAN

1. high speed
2. low error data networks
3. cover a few thousand metres
4. They are owned by LAN
implementer of the network.

[email protected]
As computer in business grew LAN’s were
found to be insufficient there was a
need for business to share information.
The solutions to this were WAN which
covers a large geographical area and
connect cities and countries.
They are designed to do the
1. Allow access through serial interfaces.
2. operate at lower speed
3. provide full time and part time

WAN is the internet and its spans

[email protected]
Characteristic of WAN

• 1. Low speed
• 2. high error data networks
• 3. cover several thousand kms
• 4. They are owned or controlled
by government.

[email protected]
- This refers to a network with a
diameter of not more than 50kms.
- Spans metropolitan area.
- - Generally MAN span large
geographical area than LAN but
smaller than WAN.
- Meets the need for intermediate size
information communication that
could have benefit between those
offered by either WAN or LAN.
[email protected]
The choice of network to
implement depends on:
1. Size of organization
2. level of security required
3. Type of administrative support
4. Amount of network traffic
5. Needs of network users.
6. network budget

[email protected]
a. peer- to-peer network
• This refers to the simplicity form of network.
Each workstation work as both client and
server all are equal and therefore are known
as peers.
• Data and resources are distributed
throughout the network and each user is
responsible for sharing data and resources
connected to their systems.
• Peer –to –peer are also known as called
• They are relatively cheap because there is
no need for a powerful central server or
other component required for high capacity
[email protected]
• Peer to peer is built into many networking
Peer –to- peer
implementation offers the
following advantages

1. Computers are located on users’

2. User acts for their own
administrators and plan their own
3. Computers in a network are
connected by simple easily visible
cabling system
[email protected]
Peer- to-peer network are
appropriate where:

1. There are 10 users or fewer.

2. Users share resources.
3. Security is not an issue.
4. The organization and network
will experience only a limited

[email protected]
• Consist of client that make request to
dedicated server.
• - dedicated server one that function only as
a server and is not used as a client or
• - Servers are optimized to service request
from network quickly and as to ensure
security of the files and directories.
• - As the network increase in size i.e the
number of computers , physical distance ,
and traffic between them. More than one
server is usually needed.
• - Server controls [email protected]
the data as well as printers
Server based
• Advantages.
• 1. dedicated server sharing resources.
• 2. centralized security.
• 3. easy back up
• 4. redundancy – data is duplicated across the
drives which help to restore the system incase
of phase failure.
• 5. number of users. –can support 1000s of users
• 6. hardware consideration – client need not to
be so powerful.

• Disadvantages
• 1. expensive
• 2. dependent on administrator
[email protected]
• Topology – this defines structure of
a network. Divide into two parts.
• 1. Physical topology – they are the
actual layout of media or wire.
• 2. Logical topology –this defines
how media is accessed by the host. It
determines how computer
communicate on the network e,g
• -broadband
• - Token passing
[email protected]
• Network topology affects its
capabilities the choice of any
topology will have impact on:
• the type of equipment the network
• capability of equipment
• growth of the network
• The way the network is managed.
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Physical topologies

[email protected]
• -It consist of devices connected to a
common shared cable.(Backbone).
-This is the simplest and most
common method of networking
• - Computers on a bus topology
network will see the sent data but
only the computer whose the
address matches the address
encoded in the signal accept the
[email protected]
– All other computers reject the data.
– Only one computer can send data at any
time on first come first served basis.
– This type of logical topology is referred
– Where by each host sends its data to all
other hosts to the network medium.

[email protected]
– The signal is sent to the entire network
from one end of the cable to another.
– At the both ends of the cable there is a
terminator – the purpose of this device
is to prevent the signal loss as it moves
back and forth (bouncing)
– The function of the terminator is either.
• transmit data to other computer on the
• Listen for data from other computer on
– They are not responsible for moving
data from one computer to the next
[email protected]
hence if one computer fails it does not
• Factor that affect performance
of Bus Topology are:
• number of computers
• Hardware capability of computer on the
• Total number of queued command awaiting
to be executed.
• Types of application running on the network.
• types of cables used on the network
• distance between computers

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• - It connects cables to a central point of
concentration usually a Hub/Switch.
• - Signals are transmitted on sending
computer through a hub to all computers
on the network. This type of logical
Topology is referred to as broadcasting.
• Advantages
• centralized resources and management
• Modifying system and adding new
computers is easy.
• Disadvantages
• If central point fails the entire network
goes down. [email protected]
[email protected]
• Ring Topology – connect one host
to the next and the last to the first.
– There are no terminated ends.
– These form a physical ring as illustration
– The signal travel around the loop in one
direction and pass through each
– One method of transmitting data around
the ring is called token passing.
[email protected]
[email protected]
• In mesh topology each computer is connected to
every other computer by separate cabling this
configuration provides regarded part through the
network so that if one cabling fails another one
will take over the traffic.
– it is used where there can be absolutely no
break in communication.
– E.g control system of a nuclear power plant.
• Disadvantage
• Expensive to install – a lot of cables are
• Advantages.
• very reliable
• easy to troubleshoot [email protected]
[email protected]

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