Development Plan 2018

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Zambales
Iba, Zambales



1. Functional Competencies
Objective 1.1, KRA 1 Objective 1.2, KRA 1: 1.1 Conduct SLAC Bimonthly Snacks
Modelled effective Collaborated with Hand-outs
applications of content colleagues in the conduct Resource Speaker
knowledge within and and application of research
across curriculum teaching to enrich knowledge of
areas. content and pedagogy.
Objective 1.3, KRA 1: 1.2 SLAC Snacks
Developed and applied Hand-outs
effective teaching strategies Resource Speaker
to promote critical and
creative thinking, as well as
other HOTS.
Objective 2.2, KRA 2: Objective 2.1, KRA 2: SLAC Snacks
Exhibited effective and Worked well with Hand-outs
constructive behaviour colleagues to model and Resource Speaker
management skills by share effective techniques
applying positive and non- in the management of
violent discipline to ensure classroom structure to
learning-focused engage learners,
environments. individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on
activities within a range of
physical learning
Objective 2.3, KRA 2: SLAC Snacks
Worked with colleagues to Hand-outs
share differentiated, Resource Speaker
appropriate opportunities to
address learners’
differences in gender,
needs, strengths, interests
and experiences.
Objective 3.1, KRA 3 Objective 3.2 KRA 3:
Developed and applied Reviewed with colleagues,
effective strategies in the teacher and learner
planning and management feedback to plan, facilitate,
of developmentally and enrich teaching
sequenced teaching and practice.
learning processes to meet
curriculum requirements and
varied teaching contexts.
Objective 3.3, KRA 3:
Advised and guided
colleagues in the selection,
organization, development
and use of appropriate
teaching and learning
resources, including ICT, to
address specific learning
Objective 4.1, KRA 4: Objective 4.2. KRA 4:
Worked collaboratively with Interpreted collaboratively
colleagues to review the monitoring and evaluation
design, selection, strategies of attainment
organization and use of a data to support learner
range of effective progress and achievement.
diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment
strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.
Objective 4.3, KRA 4:
Applied skills in the
effective communication of
learner needs, progress and
achievement to key
stakeholders, including
Plus Factor:
Performed various related
works/activities that
contribute to the teaching-
learning process.

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