July 5, 2019 TNHS, Principal's Office

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July 5, 2019

TNHS, Principal’s Office

Our school design a plan (SIP) aimed to attain
the objectives which to increase
achievement rate on the NAT results and
reduce Drop-Out rate through the full
implementation of (DORP) Drop Out
Reduction Program with its corresponding
specified intervention such as the Home
Visitation and other more ways of retrieving
the students who are already outside from
the school activities respectively.
With the full implementation of
SBM, the school employed to have
the sets of principle which will
inform us regarding on school
performance status and other
related school duties and functions
which are important points of
Activity: Build a Highest Tower

Instructions: Build the highest tower that you

can out of the given materials in the allotted
A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a roadmap that lays
down specific interventions that a school, with the help of the
community and other stakeholders, undertakes within a period of
three (3) consecutive school years.
It aims to improve the three key result areas in basic
education: access, quality, and governance.
It is evidence-based, results-based, and child or learner-
The SIP is central in School-Based Management (SBM) and is
prepared by the School-Community Planning Team (SPT). It is the
basis for the school’s Annual Implementation Plan.
 School Head as the Team Leader
 Student Representative
 Teacher Representative
 Parent Representative
 Barangay / LGU Representative
 Member of SDRRMC
 Member of School Child Protection Committee
We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their
country and whose values and competencies enable
them to realize their full potential and contribute
meaningfully to building the nation.
As a learner-centered public institution, the
Department of Education continuously improves itself
to better serve its stakeholders.
SBM Level CFSS Points
1 25
Qualitative Qualitative
Interpretation: Interpretation:
Developing Outstanding
Active participation of stakeholders in all school activities contributes a
lot in the realization of the school’s goals and targets: Based on the record,
the co- curricular activities has 95%, extra-curricular has 80%,
meetings has 90% and assembly has 85% supports in term of

The stakeholder’s contribution in terms of monetary aspect has reached

to Php 2, 172,000.00 in S.Y 2015-216 Currently, the school, together with
the stakeholders are aiming for the hall of fame on the same category.
Activity 3: Completion of Gap
Analysis Template (Annex 3)

Activity 4: Identify Priority

Improvement Areas (Annex 4)
Project A-PEER is a school - community
partnership remedial program headed by the Science
Department Master Teacher; Mr. Mariel G. De Jesus.
This project aims to develop the students’ scientific
and comprehension strategies in Panghulo National
High School. This also intends to help the students
reach higher scientific literacy level by the end of the
school year.
The high - five symbolizes the volunteerism of the people in the community.
Lending a hand and willing to take lead to nurture and develop the scientific skills of
all the children in the Barangay, with the help of volunteered professional and or
educated people in the community.
The program includes all science teachers both in Junior and Senior
High School in Panghulo National High School, Students (Peers),
PNHS Alumni, Volunteered Barangay Officials and Private entities.
They will be assigned to adopt student/s whom they will cater for the
remedial program on their vacant time and or right after working
hours (unofficial time) once a week on their chosen day for 30 minutes
at designated area to conduct a session with their adopted student/s.

This is a long term preparation for the students’ future

examinations such as Summative and Periodic Test, College
Examinations, or Employment Test.
Project Dissemination and Implementation
(Procedures, Assessment and Schedule)

 The Science Department Head, Master Teacher and Science Teachers

shall conduct series of meeting regarding the Project A-PEER.
 The Science Department shall inform the students involve and their
parents on how to carry out the said project.
 The Proponent ( Master Teacher) shall get the Pretest and Post Test results
of the beneficiaries. The results shall be the basis of the stream of the
 Prior to the implementation of the program subject teachers,
selected barangay officials, and volunteered parents will be
assigned to adopt students whom they will cater for the remedial
program using their vacant time on their chosen day for 30
 The peer teacher shall monitor the attendance and secure the
scores on the activities they provide with their adopted student
and document all sessions.
 The Project A-PEER sessions shall be done outside the classroom,
by the assigned peer-teacher and adopted student/s.
 Periodic test result will be use to assess and evaluate the learning of the
adopted students.
 Recognitions of Volunteered Peer Teacher and Most Improved Student will
be awarded at the Culminating Activity of Science Month Celebration in
 Cash Prize worth 500 and certificate given by the Barangay will be given
for the Best Volunteered Peer Teacher assessed by their made
documentation and through improvement of their adopted student based on
the Periodic Test result conducted and evaluated by the Science Teachers.
 Certificate of Recognition and School Supplies will be given to the most
improved students based on the PeriodicTest result conducted and
evaluated by the Science Teachers.

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