Integrated Transport

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Melbourne 2030 planning for sustainable growth

Implementation Plan 6

Integrated Transport
December 2002

Department of Sustainability and Environment
The implementation plans explained Page 1

Melbourne 2030 in summary Page 2

Integrated transport Page 3

What are our transport needs? Page 3

How are our needs changing? Page 5

What are the main issues that affect transport? Page 5

Creating a sustainable transport system Page 8

What does this plan aim to achieve? Page 10

What does this plan change? Page 11

What are the implications for local government? Page 11

Actions Page 12

How does this plan relate to Melbourne 2030? Page 12

What are the recommended actions? Page 12

Action 1. Upgrade and develop the Principal Public Transport Network Page 16
and improve local public transport services

Action 2. Encourage sustainable travel Page 18

Action 3. Provide for the transport needs of growth areas Page 20

Action 4. Provide for freight and commercial transport Page 21

Action 5. Improve transport links to regional Victoria Page 22

Action 6. Ensure integrated planning for metropolitan transport Page 23

Next Steps – what do we need to do? Page 26

Integrated Transport Page i

Page ii Draft Implementation Plan 6
The implementation
plans explained
Six draft Implementation Plans support Melbourne 2030 - You are urged to refer to Melbourne 2030 as the context
planning for sustainable growth. The plans cover these topics: for the draft Implementation Plans. Of general relevance to
the topic of integrated transport are policies that seek to:
• urban growth boundary
• integrate land-use and transport planning
• growth areas
• identify and progressively implement a metropolitan-
• housing
wide Principal Public Transport Network (PPTN)
• activity centres
• build up activity centres as important transport nodes
• green wedges
• provide real choices for use of sustainable modes of
• integrated transport. transport including a substantial increase in public
transport usage
An advisory note on implementation of Melbourne 2030
in the planning system from the date of release is available • encourage walking and cycling
separately. • ensure an efficient and coordinated freight and
The draft Implementation Plans have been developed logistics system
to build on sections of Melbourne 2030 where new or • develop an arterial road system that is efficient,
different actions are proposed and to provide further detail safe and considers the needs of all road users
on some - but not all - of its initiatives. Despite the 30-year
time frame for Melbourne 2030, many of its most • coordinate modal transport plans and balance the
important initiatives will need to be introduced in the roles played by private and public transport.
next five years. The draft Implementation Plans do not cover all actions
The draft Implementation Plans aim to provide local proposed in Melbourne 2030. Additional implementation
government, the planning profession, the development plans will be developed as the need arises.
industry and interested members of the community with
guidance and additional information. These draft
documents will serve as a basis for dialogue over the
consultation period. When finalised, they will be a
springboard for action.

Each plan brings together the policies and initiatives from

Melbourne 2030 relevant to its particular topic, and
outlines a preferred approach to implementing them.

Each plan also reinforces the new approach proposed by

Melbourne 2030. This far-reaching document examines
urban management issues in metropolitan Melbourne and
its surrounding region, and explores the ways in which the
new urban fabric will be laid down for future generations.

Integrated Transport Page 1

Melbourne 2030
in summary
Melbourne 2030 is a strategic plan prepared to manage Each of these directions is supported by specific policies
growth and change across metropolitan Melbourne and that will be incorporated into the planning system. The
its surrounding region. policies will be implemented through a range of initiatives
undertaken through joint action by local government, the
Its prime focus is the area covered by the 31 metropolitan
Government and the wider community.
municipal councils (including the nine ‘interface councils’
which cover both urban and rural areas at the fringes of As Melbourne 2030 is a statement of government policy
metropolitan Melbourne). It also raises important issues intent only, some of the initiatives will be subject to the
that affect local councils outside the metropolitan area, availability of budget funding. That is, such initiatives will
particularly those astride the regional transport corridors need to await assessment and prioritisation through normal
between metropolitan Melbourne and the closest regional State budget processes in future periods. It is not intended
cities within current and potential commuting range. that all initiatives should begin at once, or that all should
be completed within the five-year time frame. Many will
In establishing and articulating a long-term vision for
lead to follow-on work. Others may change or be reviewed
metropolitan Melbourne, built up from many contributions
over the 30-year life of Melbourne 2030.
across the community, Melbourne 2030 provides a
framework for governments at all levels to respond to the
diverse needs of those who live and work in and near
Melbourne, and who visit it.

The substance of Melbourne 2030 is contained in nine

‘directions’ that embody the Government’s aims of
sustainability and of providing a better future for all.
They are:

• a more compact city

• better management of metropolitan growth

• networks with the regional cities

• a more prosperous city

• a great place to be

• a fairer city

• a greener city

• better transport links

• better planning decisions, careful management.

Page 2 Draft Implementation Plan 6

Integrated transport
What are our the Melbourne metropolitan area and most freight - ranging
from groceries ordered over the Internet to import and
transport needs? export containers - currently moves by road. Freight and
commercial vehicles account for more than 20 per cent of
Travel is rarely an end in itself; it is a means for people to
our road traffic, up to 30 per cent on some arterial roads.
access activities and services or to move goods from one
place to another. As much of this movement is essential, Another challenge is to moderate our over-reliance on
transport is a critical element of the Government’s strategy the private car for personal travel. Parts of the metropolitan
to manage growth and change across metropolitan area have good access to public transport but it does not
Melbourne and the surrounding region. always suit travel needs. Also access for most of the recently
developed urban area is poor. This, and the dispersal of
The majority of travel in Melbourne is road-oriented.
jobs and facilities away from public transport routes,
We rely heavily on private cars for most of our personal
means more reliance on cars. As a consequence, journeys
travel, and on road vehicles for most freight movement.
have become longer, emissions from cars degrade the
In our spread-out city, motor vehicles make a major
atmosphere, congestion increases and road trauma
contribution to our quality of life. This contribution can
continues at unacceptable levels.
not be ignored as we plan for Melbourne’s sustainable
development, but we must consider it alongside changes To ensure long-term economic growth and improvements
that will make public transport an acceptable alternative in environment quality and social equity, we need to
to the car for many more trips and thus reduce progressively decouple economic growth from increase
congestion on our roads. in the use of private cars.

Many of our arterial roads already operate under congested Reliance on providing more road capacity is not a long-term
conditions for several hours each day. Congestion means solution. We need to improve the choices available for
slower travel times for all road users - private cars, buses personal travel and encourage the use of public transport.
and trams, freight and commercial vehicles. We need to:

Meeting our transport needs over the next 30 years will • better link land use and transport planning so that
involve managing the growing demand for travel increased car travel is not the only answer to improving
on roads in and around Melbourne and linking to the access to jobs, facilities and services
surrounding regions. This demand will come both from • substantially increase public transport use, walking
commercial and from private transport needs. and cycling
One challenge for the future is to maintain an efficient road • direct investment in new transport infrastructure and
system for business needs. Our economic growth relies on services in ways that are consistent with the directions
ease of movement for the ever-increasing volume of freight of Melbourne 2030
and commercial traffic. With its connections to important
airports and sea ports, Melbourne is the natural hub for • provide for growing freight and commercial traffic while
freight movements in Victoria and in south-east Australia. directing more heavy freight traffic onto the rail system.
An estimated 60 per cent of Victoria’s freight is picked up in

Public Transport
60% Walking
40% Other


Inner Middle Outer

Figure 1. Average weekday mode share (trips) - Melbourne Statistical Division

Source: VATS 1994-99

Integrated Transport Page 3

Evidence from around the world paints a clear picture of
what is needed to make a metropolitan public transport
system successful. Important elements include service
availability, convenience of use, reliability and safety;
this is shown in Table 1.


Port of

Port of BAY

Port of


0 10 20 km

Figure 2. Enabling efficient freight movement

Enhance freight Protect major Existing major

access to Port of ports industrial areas
Protect major Proposed major
Improve regional airports industrial areas
road/rail for freight
Protect general Freeway under
Intermodal freight aviation airport construction
General aviation New freeway
Investigate possible airport until closed
sites for intermodal Urban growth
freight terminals boundary

Page 4 Draft Implementation Plan 6

Table 1. Priority needs for current and potential public transport users
• route coverage ‘taking me where I want to go’
• frequency/span of service ‘when I want to go’
• reliability ‘with certainty’
• speed ‘without unnecessary delays’
• coordination ‘with minimum delays when I need to transfer’
Safety ‘I need to feel secure’
Information ‘I need to know what’s going on’
Ticketing ‘I expect the system to be easy to use’
Fares ‘I expect value for money’
Comfort and convenience
• crowding ‘on longer trips I want a seat’
• cleanliness ‘litter and graffiti are a real turn-off’
• courteous staff ‘I want someone there if I need help’

How are our needs What are the main

changing? issues that affect
Melbourne’s early transport system provided a sound base transport?
for sustainable and equitable services. Radial train and tram
systems, and some cross-town tram lines, matched early Coordination with land-use planning
housing and employment patterns.
Land-use planning and transport planning have lacked
However, from the 1950s, this transport and land-use
coordination. The successful interaction of these elements
relationship was weakened as suburbs filled in the areas
is vital to the success of Melbourne 2030. Unless public
between the rail lines. Today, in terms of their mix, range
and private transport needs are properly accommodated,
of services and levels of accessibility, our public transport
the potential of any development cannot be fully realised.
systems do not effectively support many people’s travel
The mix and location of activities influences the use and
requirements, including the basic mobility needs of those
efficiency of road and transport networks, with impacts
in disadvantaged groups.
for the economy, the environment and access to services.
Changing housing patterns, with development in growth
The city’s rapid growth, the spread of the urban area
areas on the fringe of the city, now mean greater public
and our growing reliance on private cars have together
transport reach is needed.
contributed to significant transport-related issues for
Changing demographics, with an ageing population, Melbourne; these include:
means a more accessible public transport system is needed. • access problems for people without cars, especially
in outer urban areas
The dispersal of jobs and facilities away from public
• limited access to work, school and other activities
transport routes means a more comprehensive network
• an inequitable distribution of public transport services
is required. Transport provision must go hand-in-hand
• increasingly congested operating environments for trams
with land-use development to offer a better mix of public
and buses, resulting in slow and unreliable services
transport options right across the city. Land-use policies
• general traffic congestion, with adverse effects on
need to ensure that jobs and facilities are located in areas
personal and freight movement, and growing costs
which are accessible by an expanded network.
for business and households
• excessive air and noise pollution.

Integrated Transport Page 5

Access to opportunities Limited public transport services have the most impact on
communities that are experiencing a range of other
Melbourne runs the risk of becoming a city with unequal disadvantages, such as higher unemployment and reliance
access to the benefits of urban living. Some enjoy a highly on social services. Lack of transport services can exacerbate
liveable city typified by inner areas that are usually rich in isolation and limit access to opportunities. People with
transport infrastructure and services, while others access to a car can access a much wider range of
experience a more problematic city typified by some outer employment opportunities than those who rely on public
areas that have limited transport infrastructure and services. transport - but for households on low incomes, maintaining
Figure 3 illustrates the availability of Melbourne’s public a car is a big cost. The Victorian Council of Social Services
transport services on Sundays as compared to weekdays, notes that ‘on the whole, our communities are designed
and the resultant disadvantage in terms of transport for healthy, English-speaking, car-driving, home-owning,
choices in many areas outside the inner city. employed people with money in their pocket.’

Marsh Tullamarine

Deer Park



PHILLIP Pakenham
Geelong BAY




0 10 20 km

Figure 3. Public transport coverage – weekdays versus Sunday

Existing urban area Sundays – public transport service coverage

2000, source VicTrip)
Weekdays – public transport service coverage
(current: 2000, source VicTrip)

Page 6 Draft Implementation Plan 6

Access by car Access by public transport
Less than 3%

3% to 25%
More than 25%
Sunbury Sunbury

Melton Greensborough Melton Greensborough

Ringwood Ringwood

Werribee Werribee

Dandenong Dandenong
Geelong Geelong
Frankston Frankston

0 15 30 km

Source: Department of Infrastructure and Australian Bureau of Statistics, Journey to Work, 1996

Figure 4. Percentage of jobs accessible within 40 minutes travel (by car and by public transport)

Congestion Greenhouse gas emissions

Melbourne’s projected population growth of up to one The transport sector accounts for just over 17 per cent
million people by 2030 will mean at least another three of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions. There is an
million trips in and around the city each day. Congestion upward trend in transport-related emissions in Victoria,
affects us all by raising business and freight costs, holding with some 60 per cent of transport emissions coming from
up public transport and private vehicles, and increasing air cars. This problem is most acute in the Melbourne area.
and noise pollution. If current trends continue, the annual To allow Melbourne’s dependence on car use to grow
cost of road congestion in Melbourne will increase more would make it difficult to achieve our goals to reduce
than threefold (from $2.7 billion in 1995 to $8 billion by emissions. Already in Melbourne, each resident consumes
2015). By 2020, road congestion could cost close to almost twice as much energy annually as a resident of
$10 billion a year. many European cities.

Building additional road capacity will not reduce

road congestion in the medium term. Los Angeles,
for example, is struggling to cope with its car-
based system and huge network of freeways.
It is now implementing transit solutions, such as
a Bus Rapid Transit, which, by 2008, will comprise
26 bus lines, a 600-kilometre network and 600
stations at a capital cost of $A450 million, and
a planned rail system designed to carry 400,000
people each day.

Integrated Transport Page 7

Creating a sustainable • encouraging people to make trips in sustainable ways
such as walking or cycling, for example, there are more
transport system than one million short car trips (less than a kilometre)
made each day in Melbourne, and many need not be
Careful, innovative management of our transport systems
by car
will be fundamental to achieving our vision for sustainable
growth for Melbourne and its surrounding region. • giving priority to forms of travel (including trams and
‘Business as usual’ will not be good enough. buses) that use our road space more efficiently

The Government’s commitment to sustainable transport • maximising the capacity of our roads and public
systems is demonstrated in the goals it has set in Growing transport infrastructure through better management
Victoria Together. These include more than doubling the and use of technology
public transport share of trips by 2020. The 20/2020 goal • directing new infrastructure investment to areas of
is an intermediate target for public transport within the greatest relative need and to projects that address
30-year vision for the whole of metropolitan Melbourne. critical localised capacity constraints.
In 2000, public transport vehicles were used for some
9 per cent of motorised trips (excluding people travelling
in freight vehicles and walking and cycling). The integrated
package of measures proposed in Melbourne 2030 will Estimates of the potential net benefits (benefits
give many more people a real choice about means of travel. less costs) of increasing public transport mode
Change is likely to be gradual as the community responds
share have been well researched. The United
to new policies, improved services and behavioural
States Federal Transit Administrator has estimated
change programs.
that each dollar invested in transit returns
$5. Similar benefits are estimated for Australia’s
major cities.
% PT mode share

io n
v e nt
I n ter
A successful system will be one that meets people’s needs
9 9
Business as usual
and that people will want to use on a regular basis. Such a
system needs to be readily accessible, frequent, reliable and
interconnected so that all parts of the city are accessible.
Developing the PPTN and improving local public transport
2000 2020
services will provide Melbourne with the infrastructure and
services needed to increase public transport use. Achieving
Figure 5. Change to 20/2020 share of public transport trips faster, more direct services with increased frequencies on
the PPTN will also rely on improvements to multi-modal
interchanges (for people to transfer with ease between bus,
Our attitudes will have to change. While cars will remain
tram or train services). However, relying on ‘supply’ side
a central element of our transport system, we must think
measures - such as new services - alone will not be enough.
about how and when we use them. Options include
Travel demand will also need to change.
walking or cycling for many short trips, using public
transport on heavy-demand travel corridors, and the Melbourne 2030 provides land-use actions that support
car for household and group travel. public transport use (focusing more housing development
and a greater range of activities at nodes of the PPTN).
With strong competition for funding community resources,
It supports better service quality on public transport systems
we need to make the most efficient use of our current
and better information on the choices available. Figure 7 is
transport systems; this means:
an example of the mix of measures that will be needed to
• recognising that improved access does not have to mean increase public transport use. Figure 8 shows the shift in
more car travel and that we can plan to travel less, for trip type that may be made under a travel behaviour
instance, undertaking more activities at one destination change program, such as TravelSmart.

Page 8 Draft Implementation Plan 6



Deer Park



Lara Dandenong

PHILLIP Pakenham


Ocean Grove



0 10 20 km

Figure 6. Melbourne's Principal Public Transport Network

Principal Public Transport Network Proposed network extension CAD, Principal, Major and
Specialised Activity Centre
Tram and principal bus network Potential network option
(existing and proposed) Urban growth boundary
Regional fast rail
Melbourne metropolitan rail network Rail network
Urban area - public transport access improvements
Potential new rail station (local bus, cycling and walking facilities) Major road network
(existing and proposed)

Integrated Transport Page 9

Improving alternatives Managing
What does this plan
- public transport coverage
Ð and quality
- walking
- development
aim to achieve?
- cycling patterns The key to a sustainable future is how travel - including the
- telecommunications
extra three million trips that will be made each day in 2030
behaviour by Melbourne’s new inhabitants - will be shared among
- education cars, public transport, walking and cycling. Our transport
- promotion
- transport choices will help determine whether we can maintain the
pricing quality of life that we enjoy, and whether we manage to
Road system improve accessibility, liveability, the environment and
management economic growth as the city grows.
and parking
policy This plan aims to:
- traffic
- parking • provide real travel choice and reduce inequalities in
access to opportunities
Figure 7. Potential ways to change travel
behaviour and increase public transport use • develop a more sustainable transport system by reducing
Source: Department of Infrastructure the environmental impacts of transport

• make better use of resources by using infrastructure


• improve freight efficiency.

Before TravelSMART

After TravelSMART

Car Car Public Cycle Walk Reduced

driver passenger transport travel

Trip Type

Figure 8. Potential shift in travel behaviour

A sustainable Melbourne requires integrated land-use and

transport measures - an urban layout that supports public
transport use and efficient freight movement, as well as a
management approach to the road system that gives
priority to people and goods, not vehicles.

Page 10 Draft Implementation Plan 6

What does this plan What are the
change? implications for local
Melbourne 2030 aims to integrate land use and transport government?
planning, and to establish the basis for a sustainable urban
system. This plan will: Local government has a vital and continuing role to play,
particularly in:
• change the way development proposals are considered,
particularly the relationship between developments and • providing guidance to developers on designs for
the PPTN, with stricter controls on out-of-centre sustainability
developments • the development of regional Integrated Transport
• refocus local public transport services on activity centres Strategies (convened by the Department of Infrastructure
and to feed into the PPTN [DOI])

• strengthen the role of major activity centres as transport • representing the community in planning public transport
interchanges service improvements

• focus walking and cycling facilities on activity centres • the provision of local facilities, such as those needed
by walkers and cyclists.
• give priority to public transport and freight in the
management of arterial roads Of particular importance for local government will be the
approach taken to planning and development applications -
• focus road investment on the outer suburbs and to link
ensuring that land-use decisions support transport
regional centres
outcomes. Melbourne 2030 requires development to
• incorporate into new developments, early provision consider the principles of sustainability and integrating
of public transport, walking and cycling. social, environmental and economic aspirations. In practical
terms, this will mean clustering a range of activities and
The need for new major transport infrastructure projects
ensuring priority access for public transport vehicles,
and initiatives over the coming decades has been
walkers and cyclists.
independently identified by the Infrastructure Planning
Council (IPC) in 2002. The IPC pointed to a need for
continuing investment in key road links but also identified
the core focus as being a need to improve our public
transport services to provide real travel choice.

An integrated approach to transport investment and

management is being developed, with common and
consistent evaluation procedures. Transport services and
land-use patterns, as outlined in Melbourne 2030,
will be mutually supportive to ensure sustainability.

Integrated Transport Page 11

How does this plan What are the
relate to Melbourne recommended actions?
2030? Actions designed to address the issues outlined above and
to achieve the directions of Melbourne 2030 are grouped
The actions outlined reinforce Direction 8 of Melbourne as follows:
2030 - ‘better transport links’. This direction establishes
• upgrade and develop the PPTN and improve local public
policies for transport that seek to:
transport services
• connect activity centres and link Melbourne to the
• encourage sustainable travel
regional cities by both high-standard public transport
and roads • provide for the transport needs of growth areas
• improve public transport so it is a real choice for • provide for freight and commercial transport
more trips
• improve transport links to regional Victoria
• plan so that jobs and services are more accessible
• ensure integrated planning for metropolitan Melbourne.
• coordinate development of all transport modes
These are summarised for easy reference in the
• manage the road system to improve choice, accompanying table.
safety and make the most of existing infrastructure

• improve environmental outcomes

• give priority to walking and cycling

• promote sustainable transport options.

Other directions relevant to transport include Direction 1 –

‘a more compact city’, Direction 2 – ‘better management of
urban growth’, Direction 3 - ‘networks with the regional
cities’, Direction 4 – ‘a more prosperous city’, Direction 5 –
‘a great place to be’, Direction 6 – ‘a fairer city’, Direction 7
– ‘a greener city’. These directions aim to improve access by
walking, cycling and using public transport to a wide range
of services and facilities. They also encourage development
that can be well served by public transport, ensure strong
transport links with regional cities, develop the key
transport gateways and freight links, enhance safety and
amenity, improve community transport, and reduce
greenhouse emissions.

Page 12 Draft Implementation Plan 6

Integrated transport actions
Time frame
(short, medium, Relevant
Action area Task long)* Lead agency Involved initiatives
Upgrade and develop a metropolitan short DOI public transport 8.1.1
develop the bus plan providers, local 8.1.2
Principal Public government 8.1.4
Transport and other key 8.1.5
Network and stakeholders 8.2.1
improve local
develop a metropolitan short DOI public transport 4.2.4
tram plan providers, local 8.1.1
government 8.1.2
and other key 8.1.3
stakeholders 8.1.4

develop a train plan short DOI public transport 2.2.3

providers, local 4.2.4
government 8.1.1
and other key 8.1.2
stakeholders 8.1.3

improve ticketing systems short - medium DOI public transport 8.8.3

providers and
other key

Encourage develop and implement a travel short DOI local 8.8.1

sustainable demand management (TDM) government and 8.8.2
travel action plan key stakeholders 8.8.4

develop a walking action plan short DOI local 8.7.2

Department of
Human Services
and other key

develop a cycling action plan short DOI local 8.7.1

government 8.7.4
and other key 8.7.5
agencies and

support policies for activity short - medium Department of DOI, local 1.1.1
centres and Transit Cities Sustainability government 1.1.3
and Environment and key 8.3.3
(DSE) stakeholders

prepare guidelines to integrate short - medium DOI DSE, local 5.1.5

transport infrastructure and government 8.3.2
development and key 8.6.1
stakeholders 8.6.2

Integrated Transport Page 13

Time frame
(short, medium, Relevant
Action area Task long)* Lead agency Involved initiatives
Provide for build sustainable transport short - medium DOI Vic Roads, 5.1.3
the transport options into the design of DSE, local 5.5.3
needs of growth areas government 8.3.2
growth areas and key 8.4.3

coordinate staging sequences medium DSE DOI, public 8.3.1

and transport services transport
providers, local
and other key

Provide for develop a freight and logistics short DOI local 8.1.4
freight and strategy government 8.5.1
commercial and other key 8.5.3
transport stakeholders 8.5.4

plan for and develop capacity short - medium DOI local 4.3.2 -
for ports government 4.3.10
and other key 8.5.5

increase the rail share of medium DOI transport 4.3.3

freight to ports operators, local
government and
key stakeholders

Improve complete the fast rail projects short DOI local 3.1.2
transport links government
to regional and other
Victoria key stakeholders

reopen country rail lines short - medium DOI local 3.1.2

and other key

complete high standard road short - medium VicRoads federal 8.5.1

links to provincial cities government

Page 14 Draft Implementation Plan 6

Time frame
(short, medium, Relevant
Action area Task long)* Lead agency Involved initiatives
Ensure develop and implement a plan to short, then ongoing DOI Local 8.1.1
integrated increase public transport mode government and 8.5.7
planning for share to 20 per cent (20/2020) public transport 8.6.4
metropolitan operators 8.8.3
develop a metropolitan road and short VicRoads DOI and other 8.1.4
traffic management strategy key stakeholders 8.2.2

develop sub-regional integrated short - medium DOI Local 5.1.5

transport strategies government 6.2.3
and other key 8.3.1
agencies and 8.5.1

complete the Local Government short - medium Victorian Local Individual 8.3.1
Transport and Mobility project Governance councils
and DOI

review metropolitan parking short DOI Local 8.8.5

policies (and VicRoads) governments
and other

* Short – start within 12 months

Medium – start in 1–2 years
Long – start in 2–5 years

Integrated Transport Page 15

Action 1
Upgrade and In its 2002 State Budget, the Government
provided $190 million for new low-floor, low-

develop the Principal emission buses, and $58 million for new services
including the introduction of the new SmartBus

Public Transport services that now run along Springvale Road

and Blackburn Road. There are 375 low-floor

Network and buses in service.

improve local public

transport services
Develop a metropolitan tram plan
Developing the PPTN and improving local public transport
services are core tasks for increasing public transport mode Lead agent: DOI
share to 20 per cent (see Action 6, Ensure integrated planning Tram Plan will be a long-term strategy for Melbourne’s tram
for metropolitan transport, for a summary of the 20/2020 services, aimed at developing a more effective and attractive
Implementation Plan which will provide the strategic framework service. Concerted action is needed to ensure that future
for this work). The transport task performed by our trains, growth in road traffic and congestion does not further
trams and buses will need to more than double by 2020. increase tram travel times and reduce reliability. To ensure
that trams can play their part in Melbourne’s transport
Develop a metropolitan bus plan future substantial action is needed to:

• improve travel times and reliability through measures

Lead agent: DOI such as separation between trams and traffic,
Bus Plan will provide a comprehensive plan for bus services and tram priority in road management
throughout metropolitan Melbourne. It will identify new
• increase frequency of service
services and base improvements on performance criteria
(including mode share targets). • upgrade tram vehicles and infrastructure

Bus Plan will make a major contribution to giving most people • selectively extend the network where this can be justified
in Melbourne a real choice of transport. It will develop a bus by likely passenger volumes or the ability to connect key
system that is much more attractive, more reliable and available employment/service centres to the network.
for more hours on every day. It will be faster, easier to use and
will serve more trips by offering a comprehensive system of
cross-town, trunk route, and local bus feeder services that will
connect into efficient mulit-modal interchanges. This will include:
The Tram 109 project showcases and tests
• development of high-capacity, high-frequency direct bus many of the concepts for upgrading the
services to establish cross-town links of the PPTN system, with new low-floor trams, improved
stops (including raised platform Superstops
• expansion of local bus routes in outer and growth
at major locations) and interchange facilities,
areas which will feed into the PPTN
and real-time passenger information systems.
• improvements in the frequency and regularity of
services where needed on the existing network
• more evening and weekend services
• links to enhanced multi-modal interchanges
(to transfer between bus, tram and/or train)
• performance targets for the bus operators.

Page 16 Draft Implementation Plan 6

Tram Plan will provide a program for selective expansion of Issues for the metropolitan area include:
the tram network, building on present commitments that
• the development of additional express services
include routes such as:
to and from outer Melbourne
• Mont Albert to Box Hill (under construction in 2002)
• maximising the capacity of the existing network,
• Burwood East to Vermont South, and later to Knox particularly for the central area, through upgraded
signalling and communication systems
• new routes to serve developments at Docklands.
• the development of efficient public transport
Other possible tram routes will be studied to identify
interchanges on the train network to enable
potential community benefits, and possibilities for
connections with other transport services
• coordination of timetables across modes
Develop a train plan • the development of improved passenger facilities
and information
Lead agent: DOI
• the operation of regional fast rail services in the
Train Plan will provide a long-term strategy for Melbourne’s metropolitan area
train network, supporting Melbourne 2030 measures such
• managing the interaction between increased passenger
as growth of activity centres and Transit Cities. Train Plan
services and expanded freight services on the
will consider the interaction between freight and passenger
metropolitan network.
movements. It will recognise and integrate the rural and
regional rail network for which major Linking Victoria
projects are under way; these include fast rail to regional Improve ticketing systems
centres, rail-gauge standardisation, the reopening of
country passenger rail services, and the Wodonga Bypass. Lead agent: DOI
Melbourne was one of the first cities in Australia to
introduce integrated, multi-modal fares, but the current
ticketing system needs to be much more user-friendly and
Train Plan will build on current improvements to accessible.
the system which include 110 new three-car train MetCard is being upgraded to be more reliable and to
sets (60 to be introduced in the next three years), provide customers with better information, more
refurbishment of Comeng trains, safety and convenient ways of purchasing tickets and better service.
A new system is being investigated for the longer term.
security measures, and real-time passenger
A new system may cover regional Victoria as well as the
information displays at stations.
metropolitan network so that customers could transfer
seamlessly between urban and regional services.

Smartcards are becoming the preferred ticketing technology

around the world because they are more convenient for
customers than cash-based systems. Smartcards enable
passengers to pay for their travel quickly and easily, with
direct links to bank accounts or the opportunity to ‘top up’
their ticket credit at various locations. The cards also
provide for flexibility in ticket pricing and product ranges,
and can be multipurpose.

Integrated Transport Page 17

Action 2 The behavioural change program, TravelSmart,
Encourage is a great example of TDM. TravelSmart achieves
voluntary travel behaviour change by giving
sustainable travel individuals information on travel choices. Three
TravelSmart pilot programs are under way in
Melbourne in a selection of homes, workplaces
Develop a travel demand and schools. The TravelSmart Communities pilot
management action plan is expected to reach more than 10,000 people
through 4,500 households during 2003.
Lead agent: DOI
TDM encourages people, where practical, to reduce
their travel by better planning their trips, to choose
environmentally friendly alternatives to car travel, and/or
adopt more responsible car use (such as ride sharing, Develop a walking action plan
use of smaller cars, ‘green’ fuels).

A TDM Action Plan, due for completion in early 2003, Lead agent: DOI
will provide a program to encourage people to: Promoting walking for short trips, with benefits in terms
• combine trips or destinations to reduce the distance of health, saving money and reducing environmental
travelled impacts is being developed by several government
departments and organisations such as VicHealth, and local
• reduce travel in total government. Consultation shows that many people would
• change travel mode - walk or cycle rather than taking walk more for health and recreation - particularly for short
a short car trip, take public transport instead of a longer trips presently made by car to school, public transport and
car trip, or local shops - if they were given an urban environment that
is conducive to walking.
• change their time of travel from peak to off-peak.
The Walking Action Plan will address the need for
The TDM Action Plan will increase walking and cycling, coordination of walking initiatives, better information,
reduce reliance on private cars for travel, increase mode improved road safety, better pedestrian access and facilities,
share for public transport; and make more efficient use and skills and training for council planners and engineers.
of existing infrastructure.

It will build on existing initiatives such as VicTrip and Develop a cycling action plan
TravelSmart, and support new initiatives such as
organisational Green Travel plans - site-specific packages Lead agent: DOI
of measures implemented by employers to reduce the
Better provision for cycling is a part of several agencies’
costs and environmental impacts of travel.
work plans including DOI, VicRoads, Parks Victoria,
VicHealth, Tourism Victoria, and local governments.

The Cycling Action Plan will develop cycling as transport to

school, workplaces, public transport and to activity centres
of all types. It will address issues such as coordination of
existing programs, development of infrastructure, end of
trip facilities, improved road safety, better information for
cycling, and research and actions to address deterrents to

Page 18 Draft Implementation Plan 6

Support policies for activity Prepare guidelines to integrate
centres and Transit Cities transport infrastructure and
Lead agent: DSE
Melbourne 2030 identifies a network of Principal Activity Lead agent: DOI
Centres, ranging in size and function, which are (or will be)
Guidelines for transport infrastructure will be developed to
linked by the PPTN. Establishment of this network of centres
help those seeking to obtain planning approvals for private
will provide easier and more equitable access to facilities
development and the planning authorities who must assess
and services across the city. The activity centres will
applications. These will include:
accommodate a broader mix of activities including housing
and personal services. • performance standards for safe pedestrian and cyclist
access to and within activity centres and other strategic
Draft Implementation Plan 4 - Activity Centres outlines
redevelopment sites
actions to integrate activity centre planning with transport
planning and to improve public transport access to activity • guidelines for development and management of
centres. transport corridors with particular attention to urban
design aspects
The Transit Cities program aims to encourage development
in parts of metropolitan Melbourne and at those regional • design guidelines for ensuring public transport services
centres serviced by fast rail, by focusing higher-density are well provided for in new development areas.
mixed-use development around key transport nodes.
It will include:

• encouraging employment generators in ‘transport rich’

A proposed amendment to the Victoria Planning
locations to deliver a mix of uses, thus reducing trip
numbers and distances Provisions was announced in early October 2002
that will require trip end facilities for cyclists to
• increasing residential densities in appropriate locations
be provided in new developments. The draft
by encouraging diversity of housing types and
promoting design innovation, while protecting amendment, to go to consultation early next year,
residential character will require all new buildings with a likely
occupation of 20 people or more to provide
• liaising with agencies or institutions (such as TAFE,
hospitals, the Victoria Police, VicRoads, VicTrack) to facilities, such as secure bicycle racks and
coordinate government actions and achieve the best clothes lockers.
urban design, built form and functionality for the
nominated Transit Cities locations

• capital works to improve public transport infrastructure -

this may include upgrading interchanges Activity centre policies and the walking and cycling action
plans (see above) will also provide guidance on how
• encouraging and making it easier for people to walk or development proposals can demonstrate sustainability
cycle to Transit Cities. principles.

Guidelines for government-funded projects will also be

developed, including:

• environmental design and construction guidelines

that ensure best practice standards and reduce the
environmental impacts of transport infrastructure
(to apply to all projects undertaken by or funded
by a State agency)

• updating standards and procedures for reducing traffic

and rail noise, including noise standards for new projects
and targets for existing infrastructure.

Integrated Transport Page 19

Action 3 Coordinate staging sequences and
transport services
Provide for the Lead agent: DSE
transport needs of Residents in new developments should have early, timely
access to public transport and local facilities (such as shops)
growth areas in order to establish long-term sustainable travel patterns
and to reduce car dependence. Development should be
staged, where possible, to take advantage of existing
Build sustainable transport options infrastructure and to facilitate the cost efficient extension
of public transport services. Under Melbourne 2030,
into the design of growth areas preferred development sequences will be established for
each growth area to provide a basis for planning the
Lead agent: DOI
provision of infrastructure (including pedestrian and cycling
Future development in growth areas will occur on the basis facilities) and public transport services. The ‘staging
of an integrated transport plan that coordinates road and sequence’ needs to be flexible enough to provide for
public transport planning with land-use planning, and that uncertainty in development rates and to avoid restricting
emphasises public transport, cycling and walking. These land supply and increasing housing costs. Where ‘out of
plans will need to be prepared for each growth area. sequence’ development is proposed, suitable provision will
Integrated transport planning for the growth areas will: need to be made for funding interim public transport
services. Specific actions are to:
• set targets for public transport usage
• develop guidelines for developers and councils that
• manage access to and from areas and facilities
emphasise sustainable transport outcomes
• define parking requirements
• require that integrated transport plans be prepared for
• support public transport use all new major residential, commercial and industrial
• encourage access by pedestrians and cyclists. developments

In growth areas, best practice for transport will also mean • develop design criteria for public transport services in
providing for, by design, a mix of land uses and new development areas and ensure that route planning,
development patterns that focus higher residential densities stops and interchange arrangements are included in the
around activity centres and PPTN routes. Specific initiatives planning process from the outset.

• developing and applying performance criteria and

standards for subdivision and new development not
covered by ResCode

• applying the Neighbourhood Principles of Melbourne

2030 in the creation or review of growth area
development plans

• investigating the use of development contributions to

assist in funding planned transport infrastructure so that
it can be delivered as required to meet the needs of new

Page 20 Draft Implementation Plan 6

Action 4 Plan for and develop capacity
for ports
Provide for freight Lead agent: DOI
and commercial Victoria’s ports are key strategic economic assets.
For maximum benefit to the Victorian community,
transport they need to operate at the highest levels of efficiency
and effectiveness. The Government will ensure that the
ports are properly planned, structured and empowered,
Develop a freight and logistics for commercial operation and in the broader public
interest. Work under way and planned to support this
strategy commitment includes:

Lead agent: DOI • detailed investigations into deepening the shipping

channels to the Port of Melbourne
The Victorian Freight and Logistics Strategy will help to
increase the competitiveness and integration of the • new organisation for the Port of Melbourne that
industry. The strategy will provide a framework for integrates water and land management, with a focus on
infrastructure investment, management, policy and pricing port efficiency in the broader freight and logistics system
decisions over a 20 to 30 year horizon, to ensure that the
• planning for the transformation of the Port of
freight and logistics network and supply chain systems are
Melbourne/Dynon rail precinct into a world-class
capable of meeting forecast trade growth in a sustainable
intermodal freight terminal
manner. The Strategy will recognise that the freight and the
passenger transport systems need to share infrastructure. • reviewing the role of the Port of Hastings to prepare
for its future part in the Victorian port and freight and
Development of the Strategy will involve extensive
logistics system
research and stakeholder consultation. Elements being
examined include: • strategic land-management planning for all ports

• The Victorian freight task, patterns of movement and • more stringent safety and environmental standards.

• Efficient intermodal and modal operations with a focus

on network integration and the removal of major

• Optimisation of strategic land adjacent to the freight

transport network

• Freight and logistics processes that are environmentally

and socially sustainable

• Effective and on-going dialogue with industry and the

community on freight and logistics issues

• The role for Government in freight and logistics

• Development of effective project evaluation and future

investment strategies

• Analysis of potential Information Technology benefits

to network and industry efficiencies.

Integrated Transport Page 21

Increase the rail share of freight Action 5
to ports
Lead agent: DOI
Improve transport
Efficient freight movement relies increasingly on the use links to regional
of a combination of different transport modes. This requires
better integration between transport modes, which in turn Victoria
involves better use of existing infrastructure and the
development of new infrastructure appropriate to the task.
As part of this work, the Government is committed to Complete the fast rail projects
increasing the use of Victoria’s rail infrastructure and
helping to ensure it can offer a viable alternative to road Lead agent: DOI
for tasks such as bulk haulage and the movement of
The regional fast rail projects will provide faster and better
rail links between Melbourne and Geelong, Ballarat,
The Government and the private sector are working Bendigo and the Latrobe Valley in the biggest upgrade of
individually and together on initiatives aimed at putting these main regional lines in 120 years. As the centrepiece
more port-related freight onto rail. These include: of Linking Victoria, the project will deliver more frequent,
reliable and comfortable services through modern trains
• the reinstatement of rail to West Swanson Dock
operating at speeds of up to 160 kilometres an hour,
• calling for expressions of interest for redeveloping benefiting all residents and communities along the four
Victoria Dock, including a rail terminal rail corridors.

• investigations into the feasibility of reinstating rail Contracts for the four works packages were awarded in
to Webb Dock June 2002. More than 500 kilometres of track will be
upgraded and modern signalling systems installed. Work
• defining a role for government in the development of
started in October 2002 for completion by mid-2005.
metropolitan and regional intermodal freight terminals -
linking Victorian industries to rail, ports and world
markets. Reopen country rail lines
Lead agent: DOI
The reintroduction of country passenger rail services to
Ararat, Bairnsdale, Mildura and South Gippsland will
improve access to services for more than 200,000 regional
Victorians, while also promoting regional development and

Passenger services will be reintroduced in 2003 and 2004,

on completion of works on 700 kilometres of track and
other necessary infrastructure, such as the refurbishment
of railway stations. Existing bus services on all four lines
will be reviewed and coordinated with the rail services.
Works required for the four lines include:

• reactivating/upgrading level crossings

• new decking on and refurbishment of bridges

• installation of signalling to control train movements at

the crossover of the standard and broad-gauge lines

• modifications to signalling and train control.

Page 22 Draft Implementation Plan 6

Complete high standard road links Action 6
to provincial cities
Lead agent: VicRoads
Ensure integrated
Reducing road transport costs between regions and planning for
through the transport hub of Melbourne is a key factor
in making our export industries globally competitive. metropolitan
Key priorities are to:

• overcome the congestion that hampers freight transport transport

on the outskirts of Melbourne, on the national highways
north towards Sydney and west towards Adelaide
Develop and implement a plan to
• accelerate the completion of efficient and high-standard
linkages between Melbourne and the regional centres increase public transport mode
of Bendigo, Shepparton and the Latrobe Valley. share to 20 per cent (20/2020)
These projects are of national significance and will provide
major economic and social benefits with significant Lead agent: DOI
contributions to the national GDP and employment. Development of the 20/2020 Implementation Plan brings
Funding for these projects (which are Roads of National together a range of work to implement the transport
Importance) has traditionally been provided in part by objectives of Melbourne 2030 and Growing Victoria
the Federal Government. Together. The aim is to reduce car dependency and double
public transport’s share of all motorised trips in Melbourne
to 20 per cent by the year 2020 (20/2020).

The 20/2020 plan will tie together initiatives including

the Bus, Tram and Train Plans, the TDM Action Plan,
and subregional integrated transport strategies (ITS).

Public transport improvements will take us about halfway

towards the 20/2020 target. Together with new transport
demand initiatives, we will achieve a major change in
mode share for public transport.

Public transport improvements will include:

• route coverage, frequency/span of service, reliability,

speed and coordination

• information, comfort and convenience, ticketing

• developing the PPTN

• in outer suburbs and growth areas - basic services

(local bus services, some rail extensions)

• in middle and outer suburbs - circumferential links

(cross town buses, modal interchanges)

• in inner and middle suburbs - travel efficiency

(service improvements, including priority for
on-road public transport).

Integrated Transport Page 23

Increase in public transport use will be supported by TDM • confirm needs and establish priorities for infrastructure
initiatives (see Action 2) including: and management strategies to fulfil the objectives of
Growing Victoria Together and Melbourne 2030 for
• expansion of the TravelSmart program
public transport, freight and personal travel
• introduction of Green Travel plans
• provide an integrated approach to managing road
• promoting walking and cycling, especially for short trips infrastructure and its use for the benefit of all road
users and the broader community
• integrated urban development with a focus around
activity centres (such as Transit Cities). • provide a framework for monitoring system condition
and performance and the effectiveness of arterial road
A draft 20/2020 Implementation Plan will be released for
investments in accordance with triple-bottom-line
public comment early in 2003.
principles - meeting economic, social and environmental

Develop subregional integrated

Initiatives for achieving 20/2020 will build on
significant system and government commitments transport strategies
that already exist. In Melbourne, more than $1.74
Lead agent: DOI
billion has been committed to improving the
An ITS translates the broader transport policy and strategic
public transport system in the next four years.
planning outcomes sought by government and the
community into a strategy for a specific geographic area.
An ITS typically covers a number of municipalities which
share interconnected transport facilities and needs.
The ITS provides a region with a development and
Develop a metropolitan road and management framework for its transport infrastructure
traffic management strategy and services, typically over 20 years. Each ITS relates
to existing and proposed land uses, and identifies
Lead agent: VicRoads opportunities to develop a more sustainable transport
system, including reducing social isolation.
Growth in the metropolitan area will put increasing
pressure on Melbourne’s arterial road network and require A region-based ITS will address all forms of transport,
targeted investment in developing outer suburban areas. including walking, cycling, public transport and freight.
It will aim to meet social, environmental and economic
VicRoads is developing the Metropolitan Road and Traffic
outcomes; support relevant major government programs;
Management Strategy to guide the development of
and identify and protect land necessary for transport
integrated road management programs in the next 5-10
systems to serve their long-term needs.
years and in the longer term. It will be driven by the key
objectives of Growing Victoria Together and Melbourne An ITS provides government, local government and the
2030, in particular, improvements to road-based public private sector with a transport framework that allows
transport and provision for expected growth in freight. development decisions to be made with greater certainty.
It also enables the public and private sectors to set future
Key stakeholders are being consulted on the strategy,
transport investment priorities in the area.
which will be based on an assessment of the performance
of Melbourne’s arterial road system in meeting the
community’s travel needs and expectations, and delivering
the Government’s policy outcomes. The strategy will seek
to resolve competing demands and address network
performance requirements, geographic issues and the
needs of all modes of travel. The Metropolitan Road
and Traffic Management Strategy will:

Page 24 Draft Implementation Plan 6

DOI develops these strategies in cooperation with relevant Review metropolitan parking
agencies, local councils and the community. Work
completed or in progress includes:
• Outer West Integrated Transport Strategy (complete) Lead agent: DOI

• Inner West Integrated Transport Study (in progress) Existing parking policies have developed in an ad hoc way
and in the context of limited growth in public transport
• Northern Central City Corridor Study (in progress)
demand. Metropolitan parking policies will be reviewed
• North East Integrated Transport Study (recently started). to ensure policies are consistent with Melbourne 2030.

The availability, convenience and cost of parking are

Complete the Local Government important determinants of travel behaviour (second only
to car availability). Car parking is also a significant land use
Transport and Mobility project in its own right. Responsibility for managing parking on
Lead agent: VLGA roads and at other locations is shared between VicRoads
and local government.
DOI will continue to support the Victorian Local Governance
Association (VLGA) in developing a program to increase DOI will work with VicRoads and local government to
local government awareness of integrated access and review the current practice and policies relating to parking
mobility planning, and involvement in it. Through the and suggest possible changes to improve economic,
program, the VLGA will seek to map current local social and environmental outcomes for the community.
government practice, and educate council staff and The review will consider policy for:
councillors on best practice.
• parking on arterial roads
This work supports partnerships between local and State
• parking in the central city
government, and will improve local government’s capacity
to be involved in Melbourne 2030 initiatives. It will support • activity centre parking
several integrated planning initiatives in which local
• park and ride facilities associated with public
government will have a key role, including the regional
transport stops
integrated transport strategies, planning for major activity
centres, and an increase in the role of walking and cycling • parking standards in the Victoria Planning Provisions.
and supporting access to public transport services.
Work on the review has started and the first stages are due
by mid-2003. Local government and key stakeholders will
be involved as the studies are developed.

Integrated Transport Page 25

Next steps – what
do we need to do?
The Government has released Melbourne 2030 and the Comments on this implementation plan should be
draft Implementation Plans for a period of public review submitted by 28 February 2003 to:
and comment. The initial comment period, up to 14
Metropolitan Strategy Project
February 2003, is to give all interested parties the chance
Department of Sustainability and Environment
to comment on how Melbourne 2030 works overall,
GPO Box 2797Y
whether the draft Implementation Plans are workable,
Melbourne VIC 3001
and whether there are any unforeseen issues that need
further consideration. or

Comments on Draft Implementation Plan No. 6 - Integrated [email protected]

Transport should be submitted by 28 February 2003.
Information is available by calling 1300 366 356
Public information sessions were held at various venues
We value your comments and involvement.
around the metropolitan area following the release.
A public display is located at the Melbourne Museum For further information on the Melbourne Metropolitan
in Carlton. Strategy process and Melbourne 2030, go to


To ensure the integrity of the consultation process,

you are asked to provide your name and address with
your submission. Unfortunately, we will not be able to
accept submissions which do not include this information.
However, all personal identifying information could
be removed after it is received if that is your request.
If you do not want to be identified, or if there are any
parts of your submission that you wish treated
confidentially, please make this clear in your submission.

Page 26 Draft Implementation Plan 6

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