Online Examination or Quiz: Synopsis of

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Synopsis of

Online Examination or Quiz

College XYZ

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Faculty Name Student Name1

Roll Number

Dated: DD-MMM-YY
Online Examination or Quiz
Many Colleges, Institutes and academic centers work in manual mode for taking
examinations. This is time consuming as well as resource consuming. All such operations
are handled on test copies, files or registers manually. This project intends to use latest
advancements in information technology and provide a central web solution for automating
some basic examination. This will help many stakeholders of a college, institute or school
to quickly do examination online.
Objective & Scope
This project intend to automate some of the basic operations of an institute or college or a
school related to examination. Scope would be to provide basic functionalities using a web
application so that those manual process can be automated.
1) On-line Exam system is designed for Educational Institutes (like schools, universities,
training centers).
2) The system handles all the operations, and generates reports as soon as the test is finish,
that includes name, marks, correct answers etc.
3) Allow students to see or display his answers after the exam is finish.
4) The type of questions is only multiple choices.
5) Administrator can create categories, questions etc
About Solution
The system will assimilates the examination by providing it online and listing options as
answers. User will be able to select answers in timely fashion. Also he would be able to
see status as we well as summary. After submission, system will check the scope and will
present it along with explanation. Questions would be filled by Administrator under
Salient Features
 The System will provide functionality of online examination or quiz for Students.
User can start as guest and with inputs such as topic of test, difficulty level.
 Users will be able to select answers in timely fashion.
 Summary will be accessible to user while giving exam.
 Users will be able to check status of attended and not attended questions.
 Finally user will either submit the answers or timeout will submit automatically
 Result will be displayed instantly with marks & explanations for all questions.
 For admin authorization and authentication services will be provided to enable them
to login & logout from their account and perform further operations
 Management or admin will be able to create categories & questions under every
 Admin will also be able to edit questions and its details like explanation or difficulty

Project Category

This project is a client server application and also a web based application develop on Java-JEE
technology frameworks using the following tools:

 RDBMS (Relational Data base System)

 OOPS (Object Oriented Programming System)
 Java-JEE
 Eclipse
Web based applications, as opposed to client/server, are primarily server based; almost all the code
for the application resides on the server. There is usually no client component and users access the
application through a web browser. Web based applications have evolved greatly in the last few
years from simple websites to full-fledged enterprise business systems and business portals
integrating with databases, mail systems and a host of third party software.

Web based applications enjoy a number of advantages over the more traditional client/server
 Easier and faster to develop
 Easier to deploy since all the code resides on the server machine. No individual
client machine installations are required.
 Easier to support and upgrade since no individual client machine up gradations are

Feasibility Study

An important outcome of the preliminary investigation is the determination that system requested
is feasible. In our case, System will allow online examination for Students and management by
admin for which data will be stored in database. Records in DB will be used for authentication,
and maintaining question bank. Further there are three aspects in the feasibility study portion of
the preliminary investigation

 Economic Feasibility
Are there sufficient benefits in creating the system to make the costs acceptable?
Or, are the costs of not creating the system so great that it is advisable to undertake
the project? These are the important questions to be answered in economic
feasibility. Proposed system will not face any economic constraint as it will be
developed by students only. And it will help to automate manual processing, which
will save time and money. This will provide economic benefits.

 Operational Feasibility
Will the system be used if it is developed and implemented? Will there be resistance
from users that will undermine the possible application benefits? When we look
from this perspective, we don’t see any risk in implementing and making it
operational. This project will help everyone, as it is planned to be more reliable,
maintainable, affordable and producible.
 Technical Feasibility
Can the work for the project be done with current equipment, existing software
technology and available personnel? These are the questions which needs to be
answered to check Technical feasibility. Project will be developed using Java-JEE
framework and back end as mySQL which will store details related to this project.
There are basic requirement of hardware to run this application. This application
will be web application so this application can be accessed by using any device like
(Personal Computers, Laptop and with some hand held devices) provided they are
on same network.

Software Requirements:

 Windows/Unix/Linux
 mySQL
 Eclipse/NetBeans
 Tomcat Server
 Java-JEE environment
 Front end- Browser with support for Javascript

Hardware Components:

 Processor – Dual Core

 Hard Disk – 50 GB
 Memory – 1GB RAM
 Mouse – Any Standard
 Keyboard – Any Standard
 Monitor – Any color monitor
 Local Area Network Preferable


 Performance: During past several decades, there is need for effective and user friendly
online examination site for the institutes, colleges and schools that give facility to reduce
complexity. So this web based computerized system is undertaken which is very user
friendly and any user admitted to that institute can access it from one’s home.
 Efficiency: The basic need of this website is efficiency and simplicity. This website is
efficient as it provides easy data entry for user. Also Users can easily view summary and
status of answers. Answers checking is also done instantly saving time of everyone.
 Control: The complete control of the project is under the hands of authorized person
i.e., Admin who has the password to access this project and illegal access is not supposed
to deal with. All control is under the administrator and the other members have the rights
to just see the records not to change any transaction or entry.
 Security: Security is the important criteria for the purposed system. Since illegal access
may corrupt the database. So questions bank can be maintained only by authorized admin
in this project.

Limitations of the software

 System will be a very basic project which is intended to provide a base for further
 Other functionalities are supposed to be developed as per custom need on this framework.
 User needs to have access to website either on LAN or network.

Future Scope

 There will be lot of scope to improve this project, since currently we will provide basic
functionality only.
 Many modules to improve are User record management, Q&A forum, messaging etc can
be developed to make it more effective.


 This system will be useful for many Institutes, colleges and even schools
 This system will be helpful for students, faculties and management who will implement
the system.


 Book: The complete Reference Java
 Book: The complete Reference J2EE

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