Project Report

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<Partner 1 name> <Project manager>

<Partner 2 name> <His/Her occupation>
The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion
ofany task would be incomplete without the mention of people
whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose constant
guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with success.
We are grateful to our project guide <Project manager name>
for the guidance, inspiration and constructive suggestions that
helpful us in the preparation of this project.
We also thank our colleagues who have helped in successful
completion of the project.

1. Introduction
2. About the project
3. Technologies used.
4. Hardware Interface.
5. Software Interface
6. Constraints.
Online Exams is being launched because a need for a destination that is beneficial
for both institutes and students. With this site, institutes can register and host
online exams. Students can give exams and view their results. This site is an
attempt to remove the existing flaws in the manual system of conducting exams.

Online Exams System fulfills the requirements of the institutes to conduct the
exams online. They do not have to go to any software developer to make a separate
site for being able to conduct exams online. They just have to register on the site
and enter the exam details and the lists of the students which can appear in the
Students can give exam without the need of going to any physical destination.
They can view the result at the same time.
Thus the purpose of the site is to provide a system that saves the efforts and time of
both the institutes and the students.

What is Online Exams System all about?

Online Exams System is a web application that establishes a network between the
institutes and the students. Institutes enter on the site the questions they want in the
exam. These questions are displayed as a test to the eligible students. The answers
enter by the students are then evaluated and their score is calculated and saved.
This score then can be accessed by the institutes to determine the passes students
or to evaluate their performance.
Online Exams System provides the platform but does not directly participate in,
nor is it involved in any tests conducted. Questions are posted not by the site, but
users of the site. The site requires an institute to register before posting the
The site has an administrator who keeps an eye on the overall functioning of the
system. The site gets revenue by charging the institutes each time they want to
conduct the exam. The system entitled “Online Exams System” is application
software, which aims at providing services to the institutes and providing them
with an option of selecting the eligible students by themselves. It is developed by
using J2EE technology and related database.

This Application provides facility to conduct online Examination. It saves time as

it allows number of students to give the exam at a time and displays the results as
the test gets over, so no need to wait for the result. It is automatically generated by
the server. Administrator has a privilege to create, modify and delete the test
papers and its particular questions.User can register, login and give the test with his
specific id, and can see the results as well.

2. Technologies used:
This project is a Java application that is developed in Eclipse having my SQL
server as back end.
1. Database Design at MY SQL
2. Input Design in ECLIPSE using awt and swing
3. Coding (ECLIPSE)

3. Hardware Interface:
Client Side:

Processor: Pentium IV 2.0 and above.
RAM: 256 MB

Online Examination
Server Side:
Processor: Pentium IV 2.0 and above.
Disk space: 4GB

4. Software Interface:

Client Side: .NET Framework, Eclipse

Web Server: .NET Framework, Windows XP/2000/Vista
Data Base Server: MY SQL

5. Constraints:
User interface is only in English i.e. no other language option is available. User can
login only with his assigned username and password which is verified by the

Feasibility Study
What are the user’s demonstrable needs?
User needs a web-based system, which will remove all the above-mentioned
Problems that, the user is facing. The user wants a web-based system, which
will reduce the bulk of paperwork, provide ease of work, flexibility, fast
record finding, modifying, adding, removing and generating the reports.
How can the problem be redefined?
We proposed our perception of the system, in accordance with the
problemsof existing system by making a full layout of the system on paper.
We tallied the problems and needs by existing system and requirements. We
were further updating in the layout in the basis of redefined the problems. In
feasibility study phase we had undergone through various steps, which are
described as under:
How feasible is the system proposed? This was analyzed by comparing the
Following factors with both the existing system and proposed system.


The cost required in the proposed system is comparatively less to the existing


Compared to the existing system the proposed system will provide a better
working environment in which there will be ease of work and the effort required
will be comparatively less than the existing system.


Also the time required generating a report or for doing any other work will be
comparatively very less than in the existing system. Record finding and updating
will take less time than the existing system.


In the existing system the number of staff required for completing the work
isMorewhile the new system will require quite less number of staff.
Specification Report
System Interface
Application would be a self-contained system. It will not access data of any other
application nor will other application have access to its data.

User Interface
Application will be accessed through a Java Interface. The interface would be
viewed best using 1024 x 768 and 800 x 600 pixels resolution setting. The software
would be fully compatible. No user would be able to access any part of the
application without logging on to the system.

Hardware Interface
For Server
• Intel Pentium III or above with
• 512 MB RAM
• 4 GB hard disk
Network Interface

Software Interface
For Server
For Client
• Windows 2000 Enterprise
Edition and above
• MY SQL sever
• Eclipse
Client Side
Interactive operations using options provided in the application, Example Data
Entry generation and viewing of reports.

Server Side
Database backup should be taken every day. In case of data base crash, last backup
should be restored.

User Characteristics
The end user of the software can be divided into two categories

Administrator: Access to master forms for the purpose of data entry and
generation of reports. He/she manage each and every details of any students and of

Operator: Access to his corresponding records and giving examination only.

Bottlenecks Identified in Existing
The first problem is that there are loads of hard copied documents being generated.
This brings us to the age-old discussion of keeping information in the form
databases versus keeping the same on sheets of paper. Keeping the information in
the form of hard-copied documents leads to the following problems:

i. Lack of space– It becomes a problem in itself to find space to keep the sheets
of paper being generated as a result of the ongoing discussion. The documents
being generated are too important to be ill-treated.

ii. Filing poses a problem – Filing the documents categorically is a time

consuming and tedious exercise.

iii. Filtering is not easy– It becomes hard to filter relevant documents for the
irrelevant ones if the count of the same crosses a certain manageable number.

iv. Reviewing becomes time-consuming –

All the process done manually at the centers and all the records are maintained on
the papers. So the maintenance of the record is very difficult in the departments
and as well as it’s very difficult for the workers to check the record. The Existing
system is paper based, time consuming, monotonous, less flexible and provides a
very hectic working schedule. The chance of loss of records is high and also record
searching is difficult. Maintenance of the system is also very difficult and takes lot
of time.

v.Result Processing is slow due to paper work and requirement of staff.

Need for the New System

To solve these problems they required a computerized system to handle all the
works. They required a web based application that will provide a working
environment that will be flexible and will provide ease of work and will reduce the
time for report generation and other paper works.

Aims and Objective

The main purpose behind the proposed system is to provide a comprehensive
computerized system, which can capture, collate and analyze the data from these
wards and evaluate the impact of the program.

Constraints, Assumptions, Dependencies


As this system is based on client server technology, so for normal operation

minimum of 64 MB RAM will be required on all clients.


In general it has been assumed that the user has complete knowledge of the system
that means user is not a naïve user. Any data entered by him/her will be valid. To
make the software as user friendly as possible but at the same time keeping in
minds user requirements and all details will verified by the admin

It depends that the one should follow the international standards for the generating
the User ID & should fill the related information in the proper format.

Software System Attributes

Usability:The links are provided for each form. The user is facilitated to view
and make entries in the forms. Validations are provided in each field to avoid
inconsistent or invalid entry in the databases. Some forms consists Hyper Links,
which provides further details. Reports screen contains text boxes and drop down
lists, so that reports can be produced.

Security:Application will allow only valid users to access the system.

Access to any application resource will depend upon user’s designation. There are
two types of users namely Administrator and Student. Security is based upon the
individual user ID and Password.

Maintainability:The installation and operation manual of examination

management system will be provided to the user.

Availability:System will be available around the clock except for the time
required for the backup of data.

Portability:The application is developed in Java using Eclipse. It would be

portable to other operating system provided .NET Framework is available for the
OS. As the database is made in MY SQLporting the database to another database
server would require some development effort.

Acceptance Criteria

The software should meet the functional requirement and perform the
functionality effectively and efficiently which are as follows:

• A user-friendly interface with proper menus.

• Data transfer should be accurate and within a reasonable amount of
time keeping in mind the network traffic.
• The system should not allow entry of duplicate key values.
• System should have the ability to generate transactional Logs to avoid
any accidental loss of data.
• Log file should also be generated.
Snapshots of Data

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