Ecall: The Pan-European In-Vehicle Emergency Call: Telematics Valley Event. 11/12/2008. Goteborg

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eCall: The Pan-European in-

vehicle emergency call

Telematics and the Environment
Telematics Valley Event. 11/12/2008. Goteborg

Juhani Jääskeläinen - Deputy Head of Unit

European Commission
DG Information Society and Media
ICT for transport Unit
Presentation outline

• What is eCall?

• Status of the eCall Initiative

• eCall standardisation

• Next steps and conclusions

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
The pan-European eCall

• Triggered automatically by the in-vehicle

device in case of serious accident or
manually by vehicle occupants
• Builds on the single European Emergency
number (112 and E112)
• Creates a voice link to the closest PSAP
and sends data message (Minimum Set
of Data –MSD-)
• MSD includes:
– Time stamp
– Accurate location (GNSS) and direction of
– Vehicle identification
– Information about the accident
– IP address of a private service provider (if any)

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Why eCall (1)
Road Safety in Europe

Halving the number of road accident victims in the EU by 2010

A shared responsibility

Road Transport in EU27

Road Accidents in 2007:

• 42.500 fatalities
• 1.27 million accidents
involving injury
• 1.7 million injuries

••• 4
Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Why eCall (2)
The potential of eCall

• Reduction of average response

time to the accident:
 50% in Rural Areas
 40% in Urban Areas
• Reduction of accidents severity
 15% to less severe medical
• Annual lives saving
Estimated to be up to 2.500
in EU 25
• Costs savings

(exceeding many times needed investments)

 Up to 26 billion Euro in EU 25
annually ••• 5
Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Why eCall (3)
The potential of eCall

The potential for lives saved

• Estimated by the SEiSS1 Study, E-MERGE
Project, U.S. data
• Confirmed by the Finnish Aino Study
– 4.7% lives saved on call delay only
– 2001 - 2003 when almost 100%
penetration of mobile phones in
• Further evidence being looked at
– eIMPACT Project (DG INFSO)
– Field Tests in the MS (e.g LAB)
– Field Operational Tests – EC FP7
(starting 2008)
– Impact assessment study Nov 08
1 Exploratory study on the potential socio-economic benefits of the introduction of
Intelligent Safety Systems in Road Vehicles
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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Why a pan-European eCall? (4)
Stakeholders demand

Private Solutions
• T-Mobile Traffic
• Ford
• GM Onstar
• Volvo OnCall
• …

Penetration remains low (< 0.4% after 15 years)

and mainly in high-end cars

A pan-European solution requested by the

European PSAPs
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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
The pan-European eCall (1)
The Concept

Traffi c Control


112 E112

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
The pan-European eCall (2)
Based on 112/E112

Public Telco
•112 PSAP
CLI: Call Line Identifier
MSD: Minimum Set of Data
(Voice) ISDN FSD: Full set of Data
Fixed Telco Operator Fixed PSAP
• E112 + CLI (exact location)
(Voice + CLI (best location)
+ location)
Mobile Telco Operator
• eCall Fixed
Voice (E-112)
GNSS Voice (E112) + CLI (best location) ISDN
+ MSD (accurate location)

(Voice MSD
Service Provider
+ MSD) FSD (Optional added value Additional Data
services) ••• 9
Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Presentation outline

• What is eCall?

• Status of the eCall Initiative

• eCall standardisation

• Next steps and conclusions

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Status of the eCall Initiative (1)
eCall: Agreed issues

• eCall is a pan-European service which operates in all Member

States and Associated States. eCall service should be available in
all vehicles, irrespective of brand, country and actual location of the
• eCall is based on 112/E112, single European Emergency number
• eCall consists of an Audio/Voice Call together with a MSD
• The European Standardisation Organisations have been asked to
provide a common open standard solution for establishing a voice
call and the quasi-simultaneous transmission of the MSD to the
PSAPs, as well as an eCall discriminator
• The discriminator (eCall flag) shall be implemented to allow
differentiation between mobile 112 and eCalls
• Pan-European public eCall service may coexist with private
• eCall service shall comply with privacy and data protection
recommendations provided by art. 29 WP

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Status of the eCall Initiative (2)
Role of the European Commission

–High-level Support via

eSafety Forum Plenary Meetings
Commission Communications
– Specific Sub-groups on eCall:
PSAPs’ expert group
Service Providers’ Group
– Support to standardisation
– Awareness actions
– Liaison with all stakeholders:
- Formal Negotiations with
Automotive industry completed
- Member States
- Insurance, Telecom industries,
Automotive clubs

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Status of the eCall Initiative (3)
Commission actions

• Launch of an updated impact assessment study on the

introduction of eCall
• Launched a study to develop a VIN decoder available to
the PSAPs
• Supporting Field Operational Tests on eCall (TELEFOT)
• Support to eCall standardisation activities
• Negotiation with the automotive industry (ACEA-JAMA-
KAMA) on the voluntary introduction of eCall in all new
type-approved vehicles
• Letter to the Member States from Commissioner
Reding, asking for urgent action
• Communication to the EP and Council on the
status of the initiative (1st half 2009)

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Status of the eCall Initiative (4)
eCall MoU signature status
The eCall Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) aims at
parallel commitment of all
stakeholders towards full eCall

• 14 Member States and 3

Associated States have signed
• More countries have announced
their signature
• Commitment from the automotive
• 60+ other organisations have
signed as well, representing all the
stakeholders involved
Status of the eCall Initiative (5)
The PSAP Expert Group

• Informal Group with PSAP

experts, focusing on eCall issues:

– Definition of operational
requirements from PSAP side
– Definition of the MSD
– Access to VIN database
– Protocols to optimise the
– Exchange of Best Practices
– Definition of requirements to
avoid false calls
– Opinion on the proposed solution
for the TX of the MSD

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Presentation outline

• What is eCall?

• Status of the eCall Initiative

• eCall standardisation

• Next steps and conclusions

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Standards related to eCall (1)

A eCall: Pan-European in-vehicle emergency call

Voice + MSD on 112

-Public service 112-based only Voice + MSD on 112

-As defined in the MoU E112
-Voice + MSD to relevant PSAP
- 112-based, with or without
intermediation platform under
Public delegation

Private Service Provider Intermediate

B TPS-eCall Call centre

Stored Data
Incident Data MSD

Voice on specific PSAP

•Private service reporting to PSAPs number
•Voice on specific number
•Data through a private dedicated channel Voice connection with
•Intermediation platform (private call centre) Incident Data
Vehicle occupants
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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
A Standards related to eCall (2)
-Public service 112-based only
Pan-European eCall
-As defined in the MoU
-Voice + MSD to relevant PSAP
- 112-based, with or without WI 278220
intermediation platform under Pan-European eCall Operating Requirements (112-only)‫‏‬
Public delegation

High Level Application Protocols

3GPP TS 22.101 In-band modem trx

-Voice + MSD on 112
3GPP TS 26.267
“eCall Data Transfer -
15722 General Description
3GPP TS 24.008.
3GPP TS 26.268
MSD Table 10.5.135d
“eCall Data Transfer.
eCall Flag
ANSI-C Reference Code
ETSI-MSG & 3GPP. Chair: F. Courau 3GPP TS 26.269
“eCall Data Transfer.
CEN TC 278 WG 15. Chair Bob Williams Conformance testing

3GPP TS 26.969
Quality of Service Requirements for eCall and Emergency ••• 18 Data Transfer.
Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Support Services Characterisation Report
B Standards related to eCall (3)
Third Party Services supporting eCall
•Private service reporting to PSAPs
•Voice on specific number
•Data through a private dedicated channel TPS-eCall Operational Requirements
•Intermediation platform (private call centre)

Private Service Provider

Call centre
(Additional data may
Stored Data be provided)

Incident Data

Voice on specific

Incident Data

Voice connection with Vehicle occupants

Quality of Service Requirements for eCall and Emergency
Support Services
••• 19
Third Party Emergency Support Services
Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
eCall Standardisation (1)
Transmission of MSD

From In-Vehicle System to PSAP through Mobile Network Operators

ETSI MSG with 3GPP - Final TS Expected by end ‘08

 Selected solution: In-band Modem
 Comparison of alternative in-band modem solutions
-3 candidates –Discussion at the PSAPs expert
Group and Decision in October 2008
 Next: standardization of the chosen in-band modem
solution (Finalised 1st half 2009)

112 MNO

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
eCall Standardisation (2)
eCall Discriminator

The eCall Flag will allow different structures best

suited to the different MS emergency response infrastructures

(1) a

eCall ECC

Direct reception: The same
PSAP PSAP receive all the calls

(1) b
eCall Filtering organisation
for eCalls
ECC Same treatment for
112 calls
112 ECC

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
eCall Standardisation (3)
CEN activities

CEN TC 278 WG15

1. Definition of the MSD

 Result: Minimum Set of Data (MSD) format

 Status: Approved
CEN/TS 15722 was approved on January ’08
Sent into ballot for International European Standard

2. Operational Requirements

 Result: Fixed End to End Operational requirements

Status: - Final version Based on DG eCall Final recommendations agreed on September ’08 and
sent into ballot

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Presentation outline

• What is eCall?

• Status of the eCall Initiative

• eCall standardisation

• Next steps and conclusions

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Next Steps (1)

eCall is almost there!

We just need:

• To complete the standards!

• To work out how to integrate the private services
• To complete the Impact assessment
• To Convince the rest of the MS to sign the MoU
(with the Impact Assessment!)


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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Next Steps (2)
The European eCall Implementation Platform

• Implementation platform with

MoU signatories plus interested
Member States and association
• Follow-up of implementation at
national- regional (cross
border)-European level
• Exchange of best practices
• First meeting in Jan 2009

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
Next Steps (3)
And also...

• eCall VIN decoder for the PSAPs under

• Field Operational Tests (FOTs) and pilots to
provide further evidence
• Follow-up of Commissioner’s letter
• EC to report to the Parliament and Council on
the progress in 1st half 2009
• eCall campaign towards the decision makers
(2009) and end users (2010)

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
The eCall is an Opportunity

• eCall is about saving lives but also an

• Over 70% of the people interviewed in the EU
- 25 want to have eCall in their next car
• eCall as standard option in all cars is an
opportunity for kick-starting telematics in
• eCall will also spearhead the upgrading of
Emergency Services in Europe

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008
More Information

Mail Box eSafety:

[email protected]

Unit Mailbox:
[email protected]

eSafety Website:

eScope website (eCall Toolbox)

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Telematics Valley, Goteborg December 11, 2008

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