Geosyl 1

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San Marin High School Math Department


Course Outline:
The teaching strategies for Geometry focus on how students learn and retain mathematics. These
teaching strategies include problem-based lessons structured around a core idea, students interacting in groups
to foster mathematical discourse, and practice with concepts and procedures spaced over time, that is, mastery
over time. The Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice are deeply interwoven into the fabric of
the daily lessons. Students will use problem solving strategies, question, investigate, analyze critically, gather and
construct evidence, and communicate rigorous arguments to justify their thinking.
In this course, students will learn about shapes and transformations, angles and measurement,
justification and similarity, trigonometry and probability, completing the triangle toolkit, congruent triangles, proof
and quadrilaterals, polygons and circles, solids and constructions, circles and conditional probability, solids and
circles, and conics. For this course, the textbook used is Core Connections Geometry by CPM Educational In
addition, there are many student and parent resources available at

Supplies Needed For Success In This Course:

 Binder with loose leaf and graph paper
 Pencils and erasers
 Scientific Calculator – to complete homework assignments

Grading Policy:

Class work and home practice: 20%

Quizzes: 20%

Individual summative tests: 45%

Final: 15%

 Home practice

A home practice problems will be given every night and reviewed at the following class. Within this CPM
course, the homework is carefully designed to offer practice with the past material, as well as, laying a foundation
for future learning. It is very important that the student is practicing at home the skills he/she learned in class, so
plan on spending time every night on homework. Homework is graded based on a variety of aspects, including
completeness of assignment, neatness, showing of work, depth of mathematical explanation, self-correcting and

 Class work

In this course, students will complete problems and activities individually and within a study team.
Students will explain their ideas, listen to what others have to say, and ask questions if there is something he/she
does not understand. In this course, a single problem can often be solved several different ways. Students will
see problems in different ways than their teammates do. Each student has something unique to contribute to the
study team and together they will work on the completing the lessons.

 Assessments

In this course, assessments include individual performance tasks, team performance tasks, individual
quizzes, and individual tests. Team tasks allow teamwork, collaboration, and mathematical success to be
assessed. Individual tests allow for assessment of the student’s ability to solve mathematical problems, the level
of skill mastery, and the conceptual understanding of topics or ideas. Student presentations allow students to
exchange insights, use the language of mathematics, and deepen their understanding, and at the same time, they
allow teachers to assess mathematical communication, justification, and making connections.

Grades will be posted in Aeries, which can be accessed through the San Marin Home Page, Per Board Policy: Grades shall be reported at the end of each progress reporting period
for all students. Progress reports will be mailed home and/or accessible to parents online approximately every
five/six weeks. Whenever a student falls below a C- after the second Progress Report for either semester, the
teacher shall arrange a conference with the student’s parent/guardian and/or send a written report. (Board
Policy 5121)

Absent Policy and Late Work:

All work assigned is due the next class day. For an excused absence, the student will be given one class
day for each absent class day, up to one week. There is no make-up allowed for unexcused absences. For all
approved absences, the student must get the assignments before the absence, and those assignments must be
turned in by the regular due date or first day of attendance

For an excused absence, a make-up test will be typically given the day of the student’s return. An
unexcused absence results in a grade of an F for any test missed. If a student is absent the class day before the
test, he/she will still be expected to take the test. If a student is caught cheating on an individual test, there will be
no points awarded and no make-up test allowed. A referral will be sent to the administration.

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