Study of Dietary Garlic Induced Effects On Behaviour Responses, Growth Performance and Feed Utilization in Clarias Batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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Bioscience Discovery, 9(3):403-408, July - 2018

© RUT Printer and Publisher

Print & Online, Open Access, Research Journal Available on
ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print); ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)
Research Article
Study of dietary garlic induced effects on behaviour responses,
growth performance and feed utilization in Clarias batrachus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Butle SS1, Thakare VG1 and PS Joshi2
Department of Zoology, Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati,
Maharashtra, India
Department of Zoology, Shri. Dr. R. G. Rathod Arts and Science College, Murtizapur, Maharashtra, India

Article Info Abstract

Received: 19-02-2018,
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on
Revised: 08-04-2018, behaviour, growth performance and feed utilization in Clarias batrachus for
Accepted: 22-05-2018 period of 21 days. The frequency of feeding, aggression was observed to
increase in experimental group when compared with control. The duration of
feeding, swimming, aggression, rest, and surface visit was noticed to be
Behaviour, Clarias increased experimental group when compared with control. The results showed
batrachus, feed utilization, significant increase in Total Weight gain, Total Length gain, Body Weight
garlic, growth factors. Index, Specific Growth Rate, Relative Growth Rate, Average Health Condition,
Average Feed Intake, Feed Efficiency Ratio and Average Survival Rate than
control fishes. The performance of fish was increase with increase in duration.
The obtained results cleared that garlic (Allium sativum) is a growth promoter
that enhance the growth, increase feed utilization and supports the survival of
Clarias batrachus so it should be added to the diets of fish.

INTRODUCTION elements like selenium and germanium. Allicin is

Feed and feeding are among the most important the most abundant compound representing about
factors influencing growth, feed utilization and 70% of all thiosulfinates present or formed in
tissue composition of the fish in intensive culture crushed garlic (Skidmore-Roth, 2003). Using of
(Okumus and Mazlum, 2002). Garlic is an garlic in fish farming has become popular for as a
important vegetable extensively cultivated in many growth promoter (Diab et al., 2002) also it
countries. It is used as food for humans as well as increased body gain, feed intake and feed efficiency
some animals and as remedy for several diseases, as ratio (Metwally, 2009).
reported in folk medicine (Shalaby et al., 2006). It The present work was carried out to study the effect
is probably one of the earliest known medicinal of dietary garlic on behaviour responses, growth
plants. In recent years, the concern about bacterial performance and feed utilization in Clarias
resistance to antibiotics in livestock industry has led batrachus.
to legislation minimizing the use of such
compounds. Garlic contains sulfur containing MATERIALS AND METHODS
compounds. Alliin is converted to the antimicrobial The present study is the evaluation of behavior
active allicin, when the bulb is cut or bruised. The responses, growth performance and feed utilization
fresh bulb contains Alliin, Allicin and volatile oils. of Clarias batrachus fed on garlic based diet. For
Allicin gives garlic its characteristic pungent smell. the presented experiment, the following protocol
Also, it contains vitamins and minerals and trace suggested by Joshi (2017) was adopted 403 ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)
Butle et al.,
Experimental fish: The fishes measuring about fed the experimental diet to satiation third a day at
20+0.5 cm length and weighing ranges from 08:00, 12:00 and 16:00 hours.
50+05g in weight were selected for the Behavioural Responses: The behavioral changes
experimental study. Fishes were transferred to the were observed in control and exposed fish. The
place of experiment and acclimated for a week. behavior of fishes were recorded in the period
During the acclimation, fish were fed the between 09:00 till 15:00 h for initial 21 days by
experimental diet to satiation twice a day at 09:00 using focal sample technique for 15 sec. with
and 15:00 hours. After acclimation, fish were fasted intervals during one hour daily. The observations
for one day; batch weighted and randomly were recorded according to Altmann (1974). It was
distributed among density of 10 fish per tank. made visually by using a note book for recording
During experiment, the water quality, aeration and behavior and a digital stop watch. the frequency and
light: dark cycle of 12:12 h was maintained (Joshi et duration of feeding, swimming, aggression, rest,
al., 2015). arousal and surface visit were recorded according to
Experimental diet and feeding regime: The basal Stephan (2008).
experimental diets were formulated with the
commonly available ingredients. The formula and Growth Performance and Feed Utilization: The
analyzed proximate composition of the basal diet evaluation of growth performances of control and
are shown in Table 1. The ingredients were dried, experimental fishes was carried out by the intervals
grinded, milled, weighed, mixed and pelleted. After of 7, 14 and 21 days. Records were analyzed by
pelleting, the feeds were air dried and put in an air- using the formulae suggested by Altorre-Jacome et
tight container. During the experiment, fish were al., (2012) with some modification.

Table 1: Formulation of experimental fish diets with different concentration of garlic powder (g/100g
Sr. Ingredients (g dry wt.) Control Experimental
7. 1 Wheat flour 45 40
8. 2 Soybean flour 25 25
9. 3 Corn flour 10 10
10. 4 Meat powder 15 15
11. 5 Soybean oil 05 05
12. 6 Garlic Powder - 05

a) Total Weight Increase = Final weight – Initial weight

b) Total Length Increase (TLI) = Final length – Initial length

c) Specific growth rate (SGR) = ×100

d) Relative Growth Rate (RGR)=

e) Body Weight Index (BWI)=

f) Average Health Condition (AHC)= BWI ×100

g) Feed Intake (FI)=

h) Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)= 404 ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print)
Bioscience Discovery, 9(3):403-408, July - 2018
i) Feed Efficiency Ratio (FER)= × 100

j) Average Survival Rate (ASR)= ×100

Statistical Analysis: Data were collected, proximate body composition of fresh water fish
organized and analyzed using one-way analysis of Clarias batrachus were studied.
variance (ANOVA) through the general linear The observed results related to the effects of dietary
models (GLM) procedure of the Statistical Package garlic on behavioral responses of Clarias batrachus
for Social Sciences version 21.0 (SPSS for for seven days are summarized below (Table 2). In
Windows 21.0, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The the presented study, frequency and duration of
comparison of means was carried out with feeding, aggression was observed to increase in
Duncan’s multiple range tests (DMRT). Results experimental group when compared with control.
were recorded as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of The frequency and duration of Feeding, swimming,
triplicate. The value of P<0.05 was used to indicate aggression and surface visit was noticed to be
statistical significance. increase in fish fed on garlic based diet. The
frequency and duration of arousal, rest decrease in
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION experimental group when compared with controlled
The effect of dietary garlic on behaviour responses, group
growth performance and feed utilization and

Table 2: The effects of dietary garlic on behavioural responses of Clarias batrachus; Means within the
same row for frequency and duration independently carrying different superscripts are significant
different at P<0.05 based on Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).

Sr. Behavioural Frequency Duration (S.)

No. Pattern Control Experimental Control Experimental
1 Feeding 3.05+0.14a 4.76+0.23 b 76.01+3.07 a 82.30+2.84 b
2 Swimming 1.38+0.15 b 2.86+0.40 a 27.28+1.86 a 28.34+3.33 a
3 Aggression 0.84+0.10 a 3.04+0.26 b 04.23+0.94 a 05.08+1.99 b
4 Surface Visit 1.70+0.13 b 2.83+0.10 a 98.06+4.19 a 102.5+3.87 b
5 Rest 0.46+0.19 b 0.25+0.05 a 14.87+3.19 a 11.37+3.53 b
6 Arousal 1.00+0.00 a 0.97+0.01 a 108.8+3.17 b 105.6+3.52 a

The noted results related to the effects of Clarias batrachus were studied in the present
dietary garlic on growth performance of Clarias experiment.
batrachus for 7, 14 and 21 days are summarized The behavioral patterns of species were
below (Table 3). In the present study, the observed to be influenced by dietary garlic. As in
experimental fish group had highest total weight case of feeding frequency and duration in which
increase, total length increase, body weight index, there was a significant increase in group in which
specific growth rate, relative growth rate, average fish fed high garlic in diet. It may be attributed to
health condition, average feed intake, feed that increase the nutrient rich diet increase the feed
efficiency ratio and average survival rate than intake fish and growth rate which correlated with
control fishes. The performance of fish was increase increase oxidative metabolism and protein
with increase in duration. The feed conversion ratio synthesis. This result could be supported by Borge
showed the contradictory pattern. et al. (2006) who reported that high numbers of
The effect of dietary garlic on behaviour factors including feeding affect fish welfare for
responses, growth performance, feed utilization and maintaining homeostasis and normal development
proximate body composition of fresh water fish and protected against physical damages. 405 ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)

Butle et al.,
Table 3: The effects of dietary garlic on growth performance and feed utilization in Clarias batrachus
at different intervals of time; Means within the same row for independent intervals of time carrying
different superscripts are significant different at P<0.05 based on Duncan’s Multiple Range Test

Sr. Growth Parameter 7 days 14 days 21 days

No. Con. Exp. Con. Exp. Con. Exp.
1 Total Weight Increase 2.513a 5.697 c 5.847 a 12.61 c 8.721 a 18.70c
(TWI) +0.131 +0.345 +0.056 +0.465 +0.450 +0.533
2 Total Length Increase 1.515 a 2.254 b 2.964 a 4.775 c 4.184 a 5.965 b
(TLI) +0.031 +0.064 +0.065 +0.042 +0.056 +0.015
3 Body Weight Index 1.667 2.591 c 2.034 a
2.681 b 2.122 a
3.169 b
(BWI) +0.070 +0.086 +0.021 +0.054 +0.063 +0.012
4 Specific Growth Rate 0.298 a 0.629 c 0.327 a 0.692 c 0.342 a 0.771 c
(SGR) +0.005 +0.004 +0.006 +0.008 +0.002 +0.002
5 Relative Growth Rate 0.357 0.657 c 0.421 a
0.798 c 0.434 a
0.838 c
(RGR) +0.002 +0.005 +0.004 +0.003 +0.001 +0.007
6 Average Health Condition 166.7 a 259.1 b 203.4 a 268.1 b 212.2 a 316.9 b
(AHC) +1.456 +1.764 +2.348 +1.890 +1.947 2.931
7 Average Feed Intake 1.976 2.285 b 2.143 a
2.503 b 2.286 a
2.714 b
(AFI) +0.053 +0.035 +0.054 +0.042 +0.041 +0.014
8 Feed Conversion Ratio 5.601 b 3.048 a 5.085 c 2.803 a 5.017b 2.778 a
(FCR) +0.231 +0.153 +0.217 +0.147 +0.193 +0.127
9 Feed Efficiency Ratio 0.357 a 0.814 c 0.407 a 0.890 c 0.414 b 0.913 c
(FER) +0.001 +0.004 +0.003 +0.002 +0.001 +0.007
10 Average Survival Rate 100.0 100.0 90.00 100.0 80.00 100.0

The swimming frequency and duration surface to get more food in order to be more growth
showed significant increase in experimental group. rate and development as suggested by Bhalerao
This result was in harmony with that mentioned by (2017).
Brannas et al. (2003) who illustrated that, food The behavioral changes are physiological
deprivation and deficiency in the diet leads to responses shown by the animal, which are often
changes in metabolic activity and changes in used as the sensitive measure of stress syndrome in
territorial behavior strategies and activity pattern the organism experiencing it. The observation clears
especially swimming. The aggressive frequency and the suitability of dietary garlic for selected fish.
duration showed significant increase in moderate These findings are in well agreement with the
group. It may be due to decrease dietary protein observations and Hassan and Soltan (2016).
levels which enhance the aggressive behavior. This In the present study indicated that the fish
result was in agreement with that of Höglund et al. group fed on dietary garlic had highest total weight
(2005) who illustrated that increase nutrient levels increase, total length increase, body weight index,
has been shown to suppress aggressive activity. specific growth rate, relative growth rate, average
The rest and arousal behavior and duration health condition, average feed intake, feed
have a significant increase in control group. These efficiency ratio and average survival rate than
results agreed with Khalil et al (2016) who control fishes. The performance of fish was increase
suggested that the availability of nutrient rich food with increase in duration. The feed conversion ratio
increase the activity, arousal and decrease the rest showed the contradictory pattern. The garlic is one
duration of fish. The fish coming to the surface of of the main vegetable with high pharmacological
aquaria behavior showed a significant increase in potential and successfully utilized as a growth
moderate group. This may be due to that the promoter in Nile tilapia (Diab et al., 2008; Nya and
nutrients deficiency in diet acts as a stress factor in Austin, 2009; Amin et al., 2010; Ajiboye et al.,
which fish become aggressive and try to visit the 2016). 406 ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print)

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How to cite this article

Butle SS, Thakare VG and PS Joshi, 2018. Study of dietary garlic induced effects on behaviour responses,
growth performance and feed utilization in Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758). Bioscience Discovery,
9(3):403-408. 408 ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print)

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