M U S W - B I S: A E S: Easurement of SER Atisfaction With EB Ased Nformation Ystems N Mpirical Tudy

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Li Xiao and Subhasish Dasgupta George

Washington University [email protected]
[email protected]

Advances in new information technology and the drastic growth of the Internet over the past decade have
considerably changed the end-user computing environment. Therefore, it is appropriate to review the measures
of user satisfaction with information systems technology, especially in a web-based environment, which
accounts for a major component of the end-user computing environment. The objective of this research was
to develop and validate an instrument for measuring user satisfaction in a web-based environment. Doll and
Torkzadeh (1988) developed an instrument that measured user satisfaction with information systems. This
research tested the validity and reliability of the End-user Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) instrument on users
of Internet portals. We found that a revised instrument with some changes to the EUCS instrument is still valid in
measuring user satisfaction.

Keywords: User satisfaction, Web environment, end-user computing satisfaction, end-user computing, Web-
based systems

User satisfaction is generally regarded as one of the most important measures of Information Systems success. There has been
considerable research devoted to establishing a standard user satisfaction instrument since the 1980s (Ives et al. 1983; Bailey and
Pearson 1983; Baroudi et al. 1986; Benson 1983), when data computing in organizations moved from data processing to end-user
computing (EUC) (Doll and Torkzadeh 1988). Doll and Torkzadeh (1988) developed and validated an End-User Computing
Satisfaction (EUCS) instrument. It included five components: content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness.

Since the development of the EUCS instrument, there have been significant changes in information technology, especially with
the soaring growth of the Internet. For example, widespread use of web technology and rapid increase of Internet-based
information systems is evident in the remarkable increase in the number of Internet hosts and web sites. The number of web sites
increased from a paltry 130 in 1993 to well over 17 million in 2000 (Coopee 2000). The Internet opened the door to new
opportunities for the free flow of information. This information now flows unhindered across local, state, and national boundaries.

Despite the significant changes in the end-user computing environment during the past decade and proliferation of web-based
information systems, there has been little research on measurement of user satisfaction with web-based information systems,
which is a primary component of end-user computing environment at present. People generally just apply the Doll and Torkzadeh
(1988) instrument in their studies to measure the extent of user satisfaction, assuming it is valid and reliable for web-based
information systems.

However, there are differences between web-based information systems and traditional corporate information systems. For
example, with wide spread use of Internet, access to web-based information systems as well as information has been significantly
enhanced. It is much easier to get access to any information that one needs, therefore sufficiency of information provided by
information systems may not be an issue for web-based information systems any more. In addition, web-based information

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systems become more complicated than traditional information systems. More issues other than content, accuracy, format, ease
of use and timeliness may be relevant and important in measuring user satisfaction with them. Because of differences between
web-based information systems and traditional information systems, it is not appropriate to adopt the EUCS instrument to measure
user satisfaction with web-based information systems without examining validity and reliability of the instrument in the specific
environment. It is very important to test validity of the instrument in the web-based information system environment.

The purpose of this study is to develop and validate an instrument to measure user satisfaction in the information age. To
accomplish this, we first reviewed the literature in the field of user satisfaction measurement. Then we decided to adopt the EUCS
instrument by Doll and Torkzadeh (1988) as our starting point. We then checked whether this existing instrument could be used
in the new information systems environment. The organization of the paper is as follows. In the next section we provide a review
of literature. In the section that follows we present our research methodology. Then we report on the data collection and data
analysis, followed by conclusions and discussions of research findings.

Literature Review
User satisfaction has received considerable attention of researchers since the 1980s as an important surrogate measure of
information systems success (Ives et al. 1983; Bailey and Pearson 1983; Baroudi et al. 1986; Benson 1983). Several models for
measuring user satisfaction were developed, including the user information satisfaction instrument by Ives et al. (1983) and a 12-
item EUCS instrument by Doll and Torkzadeh (1988). In one of the early studies, Bailey and Pearson (1983) developed a tool
for measuring and analyzing computer user satisfaction of 39 items. This instrument included many factors ranging from
information quality, systems performance, personal relationship with EDP staff and top management involvement. Limitations
of the study involved small sample size (29 valid data) and difficulty of applying the questionnaire. Baroudi et al. (1986) adopted
the instrument by Bailey and Pearson (1983) and examined causal relations of user involvement on system usage and information
satisfaction. They concluded that user involvement in the development of information systems enhances both system usage and
user’s satisfaction with the system.

Ives et al. (1983) developed a User Information Satisfaction (UIS) instrument to measure user’s general satisfaction with the
information provided by the data processing group of the organization. Limitations of the study included use of an instrument
that was based on the data processing computing environment. The emphasis was on computing tasks that were carried out by
the data processing group in an organization. The measuring scale was semantic differential rather than Likert-scale type scaling.
Due to the limitations of this study, this instrument is not used as much as the EUCS instrument developed by Doll and Torkzadeh

Doll and Torkzadeh developed a 12-item EUCS (Figure 1) instrument by contrasting traditional data processing environment and
end-user computing environment, which comprised of 5 components: content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. Their
instrument was regarded as comprehensive, because they reviewed previous work on user satisfaction in their search for a
comprehensive list of items. They included measurement of “ease of use,” which was not included in earlier research. Two global
measures of perceived overall satisfaction and success were added to serve as a criterion. The 12 items and the 2 global measures
are listed in Appendix 1. The construct was developed with a five point Likert-type scale (1 = almost never; 2 = some of the time;
3 = about half of the time; 4 = most of the time; and 5 = almost always).

Computing Satisfaction

Content Accuracy Format Ease of Use Timeliness

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Figure 1. End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) Instrument By Doll & Torkzadeh 1988

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This research was based on this EUCS instrument by Doll and Torkzadeh because it is a widely used instrument, and has been
validated through several confirmatory analyses and construct validity tests. After the exploratory study was completed in 1988,
two confirmatory studies with different samples were conducted respectively in 1994 and 1997, which suggested the instrument
was valid (Doll et al. 1994; Doll and Xia 1997). A test-retest of reliability of the instrument was conducted in 1991, indicating
the instrument was reliable over time (Torkzadeh and Doll 1991). The instrument is widely accepted and adopted in other
researches. McHaney and Cronan (1998, 2000) adopted it to examining computer simulation success. McHaney et al. (1999)
adopted it in decision support systems research. Chen et al. (2000) applied it to measure user satisfaction with data warehouse.
In the following section we consider the research methodology in detail.

Research Methodology
Our first step was to examine whether Doll and Torkzadeh instrument (1988) can be used in the new information systems
environment, and whether this instrument has to be revised. To do this we decided to follow Doll and Torkzadeh’s research
methodology to conduct the first part of study. We designed questionnaires to survey end users on their satisfaction with web
based information systems. In this research, we considered Internet portals to be representative of web-based information systems.
Internet portals are widely used among end users of web based information systems. Web portals constitute some of the most
visited sites on the Internet. Three of the top 50 web and digital media properties measured by the number of unique visitors per
day are web portals (Media Metrix 2002). Portals provide a variety of services including web search engines, email, calendar,
financial tools, and entertainment. We then followed the steps and measures as Doll and Torkzadeh (1988) did to analyze the
data to examine the validity and reliability of the instrument. In the sections that follow we provide information on the pilot study,
data collection and analysis.

Pilot Study

Our pilot study was conducted with a sample of 30 graduate students. The construct validity was examined with correlations
between total score and each item scores. To avoid spurious part-whole correlation, the total score was corrected by subtracting
the item score before examining the correlation. Criterion-related validity was also examined using two-item global criterion
including “Is the system successful?” and “Are you satisfied with the system?” In order to analyze the pilot study data, we
assessed the item-total correlation and criterion-related correlation.


Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Research Sample

Male Female Total*

174 (52%) 158 (48%) 332
< 1 year 1 - 3 years 4 - 6 years 7 - 10 years > 10 years
Experience 115 (35%) 134 (41%) 52 (16%) 14 (4%) 14 (4%) 329

Location Home Work School

choices) 291 (86%) 138 (41%) 261 (77%) 690
* N = 340. There were some missing data.

The sample for this study included students at a large mid-Atlantic university. Although the sample for this study was collected
at a higher education institution, it well represents the end user population, because some students were full-time students while
others were part time students from a variety of industries and management levels. Table 1 provides some descriptive statistics.

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Data Collection

According to Doll and Torkzadeh (1988) there are five components of user satisfaction with information systems: content,
accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. This research conducted a survey of 340 end users about their satisfaction/
dissatisfaction with Internet portals. A list of questionnaire questions is provided in Appendix 1.

Data were collected in classes at a large mid-Atlantic university. Students were told that participation in this study was voluntary
and anonymous. No personal identity information was collected during the survey. Hard copy questionnaires were distributed
in class. It took 4-8 minutes to complete the survey.

Data Analysis
In this study, we followed the methodology used by Doll and Torkzadeh (1988) to analyze the data. We analyzed the construct
validity, examined criterion-related validity, and reliability. We evaluated the construct validity and the constructs in the EUCS
instrument. This was done with factor analysis and item-total correlation (Kerlinger 1978).

Factor Analysis

In conducting the factor analysis, we expected the factors (questions in our study) to load on constructs originally identified by
the earlier study. The Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was used as the extraction technique and varimax was used as a
method of rotation. Table 2 is the factor matrix of the 12-item instrument. We took the threshold value of 0.7 for factor loading

Table 2. Rotated Factor Matrix of the 12-Item Instrument

Code Content Accuracy Format Ease of Use Timeliness
C1 0.849
C2 0.824
C3 0.755
C4 0.701
A1 0.811
A2 0.776
F1 0.836
F2 0.675*
E1 0.867
E2 0.897
T1 0.806
T2 0.706
* The loading of question F2 is 0.675, which is close to 0.7, therefore, we decided to keep
it in the instrument.

As we can see from the factor matrix, the primary loadings for the five factors are well above 0.7 while the factor loading for the
question F2 is very close to 0.7 (for question F2 see Appendix 1). Therefore we keep all the factors as they are in the instrument.

Next we conducted item-total correlation as well as criterion related correlation. Following Doll and Torkzadeh’s procedure, we
examined the correlation of score of each item with the total score of all questions. To avoid the spurious part-whole correlation,
we subtracted each item score from the total score before conducting the correlation, therefore we conducted correlation of each
item with the total of rest 11 items. Table 3 lists the result of the correlation assessment. According to Doll and Torkzadeh, there
is no accepted standard of cutoff threshold, therefore we took the same cutoff value of 0.5 as they did in their study.

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Table 3. Item-Total Correlation

Factor Correlation Coefficient Alpha

C1 0.638 <.0001
C2 0.697 <.0001
C3 0.605 <.0001
C4 0.223 <.0001
A1 0.637 <.0001
A2 0.670 <.0001
F1 0.600 <.0001
F2 0.650 <.0001
E1 0.585 <.0001
E2 0.580 <.0001
T1 0.553 <.0001
T2 0.481 <.0001

As we find out from the correlation coefficient, all questions coefficient is above the threshold of 0.5, except for the question C4
which is well below the threshold.

In conducting the criterion-related validity analysis, we examined the correlation of each item with the score of two global
satisfaction criteria G1 and G2 in Appendix 1, and questions 13 and 14 in Appendix 2. As Doll and Torkzadeh, we assumed that
the two global measures of end-user satisfaction to be valid. Table 4 is the result of item-criterion correlation. The cutoff
threshold is 0.4 as Doll and Torkzadeh did in their research.

Table 4. Item-Criterion Correlation

Item Correlation Coefficient Alpha

C1 0.431 <.0001
C2 0.506 <.0001
C3 0.436 <.0001
C4 0.139 0.0113
A1 0.519 <.0001
A2 0.585 <.0001
F1 0.498 <.0001
F2 0.463 <.0001
E1 0.533 <.0001
E2 0.536 <.0001
T1 0.482 <.0001
T2 0.523 <.0001

As in the item-total correlation, all factors have correlation coefficients of greater than 0.4 threshold value except for the question
C4 has correlation coefficient of 0.139, well below the threshold. Therefore all questions other than question C4 “Does the system
provide sufficient information?” are valid. And we also observed that components of satisfaction as identified by Doll and
Torkzadeh are still relevant for users of web-based information systems. Due to the results of data analysis, we dropped the
question C4, “Does the system provide sufficient information?”


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This research will present significant progress towards keeping the End-User Computing Satisfaction instrument relevant and
applicable under the computing environment of Information Era. It will be of significance for both practical application and
theoretical applications.

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From a practical perspective, this revised End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) instrument can be applied to evaluate end-
user applications, especially web-based information systems. In addition to overall user satisfaction assessment with information
systems, it can also used to compare end-user satisfaction with different components of end-user computing task. Last but not
least, it can be used to compare different information systems that perform the same functions. From a theoretical perspective,
by dividing the End-User Computing Satisfaction construct into separate components, this research provides a valuable theoretical
framework to enable more precise research with the components.

With ever-changing technology and significantly different end-user computing environment, it is necessary to develop and validate an
instrument to measure user satisfaction with information systems in the information age. In this study, we have taken the first step
towards fulfilling this objective. Our starting point was the end-user computing satisfaction instrument developed by Doll and
Torkzadeh (1988). We retested this instrument to measure satisfaction in a web-based environment. We found that with minor
revisions the new instrument provides a valid measure of user satisfaction.

Every study has its limitations, and this one is no exception. Our study focused on a specific kind of web-based information
system, Internet portals. The second limitation arises from the components of satisfaction. We did not identify and test for any
additional components of user satisfaction. It is possible, even likely, that there are some other components of satisfaction such
privacy that are unique to web-based systems that have not been considered in this study. Some researchers may consider the
use of students to be a limitation. But, we believe that students are a representative part of the general population of Internet users.

There are a number of avenues of future research. As we mentioned in the limitations, we measured satisfaction using established
measures or components. The five components we used were content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. Future
research should attempt to identify additional components of satisfaction that are specific to a web-based environment. Some
components that could be relevant are privacy and security. Although we consider our sample to be appropriate for the study we
conducted, we believe that research should test the revised user satisfaction instrument on different strata of the population like
children, adults, and minorities. Additional research could investigate the components of satisfaction in web-based systems in a
work-related environment. While we conducted our study using Internet portals, future research can extend our study to
examine satisfaction with other web-based systems.

In summary, we have successfully revised and tested an instrument to measure user satisfaction with web-based systems. We
believe that this is a step in the right direction, and we recommend additional research.


Bailey, J.E. and Pearson, S.W. “Development of a Tool for Measuring and Analyzing Computer User Satisfaction,” Management
Science (29:5), May 1983, pp. 530-545.
Baroudi, J. J., Olson, M. H. and Ives, B. “ An Empirical Study of the Impact of User Involvement on System Usage and
Information Satisfaction,” Communications of the ACM (29:3), March 1986, pp. 232-238.
Benson, D.H. “A Field Study of End-User Computing: Findings and Issues,” MIS Quarterly (7:4), December 1983, pp. 35-45.
Chen, L., Soliman, K.S., Mao, E. and M.N. Frolick, “Measuring User Satisfaction with Data Warehouses: An Exploratory Study,”
Information & Management, 37, 2000, 103-110.
Coopee, T. “The Internet Today,” InfoWorld (22:39), September 2000, pp. 52.
Doll, W. J. and Torkzadeh, G. “The Measurement of End-User Computing Satisfaction,” MIS Quarterly (12:2), June 1988, pp.
Doll, W. J., Xia, W. and Torkzadeh, G. “A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the End-User Computing Satisfaction Instrument,”
MIS Quarterly, December 1994, pp. 453-461.
Ives, B., Olson, M. H. and Baroudi, J. J. “ The Measurement of User Information Satisfaction,” Communications of the ACM
(26:10), October 1983, pp. 785-793.
Jupiter Media Metrix “U.S. Top 50 Web and Digital Media Properties”,
Kerlinger, F. N. Foundations of Behavioral Research, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978.

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McHaney, R. and Cronan, T.P. “Computer Simulation Success: On the Use of the End-User Computing Satisfaction Instrument:
A Comment,” Decision Sciences (29:2), Spring 1998, pp. 525-536.

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McHaney, R. and Cronan, T.P. “Toward an empirical understanding of computer simulation implementation success,” Information
and Management (37), 2000, pp. 135-151.
McHaney, R. Hightower, R. and White D. “EUCS test-retest reliability in representational model decision support systems”,
Information and Management (36), 1999, pp. 109-119.
Torkzadeh, G. and Doll, W. “Test-Retest Reliability of the End-User Computing Satisfaction Instrument”, Decision Sciences
(22:1), winter 1991, pp. 26-37.

Appendix 1
Questions from Doll and Torkzadeh’s EUCS instrument
G1. Is the system successful?
G2. Are you satisfied with the system?

C1. This website provides the right information ?

C2. Does the information content meet your needs?
C3. Easily find the information you need in this website
C4. Does the system provide sufficient information?
A1. All links on the website can be opened / not error?
A2. Are you satisfied with the accuracy of the system?
F1. Are you satisfied with the layout of the menu on the website ?
F2. Is the information clear?
E1. Is the system user friendly?
E2. Is the system easy to use?
T1. Do you get the information you need in time?
T2. Does the system provide up-to-date information?

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