BIM Roadmap Report 2014-2020

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The document discusses the development of Building Information Modelling (BIM) roadmap for Malaysia's construction industry from 2014 to 2020.

The document reports on the findings and discussions from the workshop on developing BIM roadmap for Malaysia. It proposes activities to increase adoption of BIM in Malaysia.

The main activities discussed under Research and Development (P7) are sponsoring long term research, research funding, BIM related publications, and collaboration between industry and university.






The reports is a compendium of discussion and findings which were presented at the

Sincere gratitude to the participants of the reports published here in the workshop for
their brilliant and innovatives ideas.

Acknowledgement to
committee members and rappoteur for their effort and contribution to the preparation
of the reports.

Mohd Harris Ismail

Ir. Dr. Zuhairi Abd. Hamid
Maria Zura Mohd Zain
Ahmad Hazim Abdul Rahim
Dr. Foo Chee Hung
Dr. Ahmad Tarmizi Haron
Associate Professor Dr. Roshana Takim
Prof.Dr.Abdul Hadi Hj Nawawi
Ahmad Farhan Roslan
Nor Asma Hafizah Hadzaman


Construction Industry Development Board of Malaysia (CIDB)

Construction Research Institute of Malaysia (CREAM)
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

Development of Malaysia’s Building Information

Modelling (BIM) Roadmap (2014-2020)
Background 1
Introduction 1
BIM Roadmap Across The Globe 5

Workshop (Series 2)
The 2nd Workshop’s Findings 7
Standard and Accreditation (P1) 7
Collaboration and Incentives (P2) 9
Education and awareness (P3) 13
National BIM Library (P4) 15
BIM Guidelines and Legal Issues (P5) 16
Special Interest Group (P6) 18
Research and Development (P7) 19
Propose BIM Roll Out (2014-2020) 20

Credits 21

Table 1 Major stakeholders and motivation of BIM 2

Table 2 Standard and Accreditation (P1) 8
Table 3 Collaboration and Incentives (P2) 11
Table 4 Education and awareness (P3) 13
Table 5 National BIM Library (P4) 15
Table 6 BIM Guidelines and Legal Issues (P5) 16
Table 7 Special Interest Group (P6) 18
Table 8 Research and Development (P7) 19


Figure 1 Current activities of BIM adoption across the 6

Figure 2 Collaborative framework for BIM adoption in 10
Figure 3 Propose BIM roll out 2014 – 2020 20

entities, stakeholders, professional
Realizing the potential and benefits of
bodies, institutes and academia.
BIM in construction industry, Malaysia
BIM Steering Committee was
established in 2013 by the
Construction Industry Development This report summarizes the activities
Board of Malaysia (CIDB). The and outcomes from the subcommittee
committee was set up in collaboration meeting (one meeting) and workshops
with numerous local bodies that (2 workshops) in developing the BIM
involved in the construction industry. roadmap. On 16th December 2013, the
Essentially the BIM Steering first workshop that moderated by Sime
Committee was established with aims Darby was held at Sime Darby
to facilitate the adoption and Convention Center, Bukit Kiara. The
implementation of BIM in Malaysia. workshop aimed to explore the three
major elements of roadmap
BIM Steering Committee that sitting on development which were the industrial
26 September 2013 organised by stakeholders’ motivations of BIM
CIDB has suggested to develop a implementation, key milestone and key
Malaysia BIM Roadmap in order to performance indicator (KPI) platform.
foster the construction industry towards The focus nevertheless was given on
broader adoption of BIM by 2020. the motivations of the stakeholders.
The motivations are crucial to be
In conjunction with that, the identified so that the BIM
Subcommittee of BIM Roadmap was implementation can be aligned
formed to formulate a strategic plan for between satisfying the national agenda
BIM implementation in Malaysia. The with operational needs, which are
Subcommittee of BIM Roadmap driven by the industrial stakeholders.
gathered expertise from government

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
The first workshop was participated by Economic Planning Unit (EPU),
representatives from Persatuan Arkitek University Malaysia Pahang (UMP),
Malaysia (PAM), Board of Engineers private developers and BIM players in
Malaysia (BEM), Royal Institute of Malaysia. Seven major stakeholders
Surveying Malaysia (RISM), were identified in this workshop as
Perumahan Rakyat 1 Malaysia tabulated in Table 1.
(PR1MA), Sime Darby Properties,

Table 1. Major stakeholders and motivation of BIM implementation

Stakeholders Motivations of BIM Implementation

Developer  To optimize the time to deliver project

 To increase industry of project information and design
 To reduce the cost of project implementation
 To increase the quality of project
 To reduce variation order (V.O) and error during
construction stage.
 To standardize the process flow of information.
 To increase the return of asset
 To assist in get informed decision.
Academic  To be used as a technology to assist teaching and
advance knowledge.
 To assist the industry by conducting BIM related
 To equip the graduate with BIM added value.
 To supply the industry with BIM competent personnel.
Design consultant  To improve the collaborative design process.
 Seamless data and information exchange among
 Consistency of the data and information in the BIM
 Centralised database (model) to share and restore
 To maximize the analysis usage and potential use of
information in BIM model.
 To deliver model oriented working flow.

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
 To increase productivity.
 To have better understanding of the project information
and design intent.
 To reduce the cost of operation by optimizing the use of
Facilities  To get accurate data and information to be used in
Management facilities management.
 To reduce the cost of operation during facilities
 To have better technical library requirement.
 To reduce the source time.
Contractor &  To produce accurate automated Bill of Quantities (BQ).
Quantity Surveyor  Accelerate the taking off process.
 To better understand the information to construct the
 To simplify the Standard Measurement Method (SMM).
 To have better administer the contract and project
 To improves control over scope time, cost and quantity.
 To reduce the cost.
 To minimize the request for information (RFI), V.O, clash
during the construction stage.
 To have better visualization of design and construction
 Collaboration at early stage among the project participant.
 4D modeling to simulate the construction sequence.
Vendor & BIM  To define BIM function in the industry.
Consultant  To educate industry about BIM concept.
 To provide platform and technical advice about
 Train the industry and user.
 To define the roles for BIM associated post.
Public agency  To support national agenda in Construction Industry
Master Plan 2 (CIMP2).
 To change the game in construction industry by delivering
cutting edge technology.
 BIM as a source of economic growth.
 To improves the project delivery in cost, time and quality.
 To support green and sustainability agenda.
 To produce high income professional in line with national
agenda to become high income nation.

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
Succeeding to the 1st workshop, a 3. Extending the pillars through
short subcommittee meeting was combination of pillars from different
organised on 26th February 2014 at countries
CIDB with an aim to discuss the
outcomes of the first workshop. Based The discussion was started by
on the discussions, the committee has presenting a comparative study of the
decided to appoint Construction BIM roadmap by other countries
Research Institute of Malaysia followed by the advantages and
(CREAM) as the moderator and to disadvantages of the three approaches.
identify an appropriate approach for As the outcome of the workshop, the
the development of Malaysia BIM committee members agreed to go with
roadmap. Selection of approach is the third approach.
crucial in determining the quality of
BIM Roadmap and its suitability to suit
BIM definition by CIDB BIM Steering
the local context. During the workshop,
the committee members in consensus
agreed to appoint CREAM as
“BIM is a modelling technology and
moderator in the development of the
associated set of processes to
Malaysia BIM Roadmap. CREAM has
produce, communicate and analyse
come out with three approaches in
digital information for construction life-
developing the BIM roadmap and
reviewed by the BIM Roadmap
Subcommittee. The three approaches
are as follows:

1. Outright adoption of a country’s

2. Refinement of pillars/perspectives
through combination of strategies
from different countries

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
BIM Roadmap Across The Globe a) To allow the public sector to
take the lead
The development of Malaysia BIM b) To promote success stories
roadmap begins with the c) To remove impediments
benchmarking process of the d) To incentives BIM adopters
developed international BIM roadmap e) To build BIM capability and
from: capacity

1) Singapore Hong Kong

2) Hong Kong; and
3) Australia Starting in 2014, the Hong Kong
Housing Authority has required BIM to
Summary findings from the be executed for all new projects. BIM
benchmarking process are as follows. data model and BIM working process
are two important key areas that
Singapore should be addressed in order to
implement BIM. There is no stipulated
Singapore has started to implement timeline set for each initiative as it only
the BIM roadmap since 2010 and can be set once the industry’s has
determined nationwide implementation depth understanding about BIM. 16
roadmap in 2011. The Building initiatives in 9 areas were
Construction and Authority (BCA) has recommended by the working group for
formulated a five year plan which will the roadmap:
drive the Singapore construction
a) Collaboration
industry to use BIM widely by 2015. b) Incentive and proven benefit
The transition towards BIM has led to c) Standard and common practice
d) Legal and Insurance
the development of roadmap which
e) Information Sharing and
comprises strategies and initiatives. handover
Below are strategies initiated by the f) Promotion and education
BCA: g) Compliant BIM Tool
h) Audit and Risk Management
i) Global Competitiveness

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
Australia (Productivity in the Building Network,
2012). They have identified two key
The Built Environment Industry recommendations on BIM which
Innovation Council (BEIIC) is include:
responsible for initiating the adoption of  Encourage industry wide use of
BIM strategies for Australian BIM and support pilot projects;
Government. Based from a study and
conducted by the Australian
 Consider BIM as a key part of
Government’s Built Environment
the Government procurement
Industry Innovation Council, BIM process.
improves the productivity of
construction industry significantly

Figure 1. Current activities of BIM adoption across the globe


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Workshop Report (Series 2)

Subsequently on 8th of April 2014 the The 2nd Workshop’s Finding

second workshop was conducted at
Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The Following are the findings captured
workshop with the title, “Development during the discussion session. The
of BIM Roadmap” focused on overall perception among the
identifying and refining the main pillars participants in the workshop about
of the roadmap together with the main development of Malaysia BIM
activities within, setting up the critical Roadmap was discussed.
milestone and proposing the lead
agencies to drive the BIM Standard and Accreditation (P1)
Development of Malaysian BIM
28 participants (consist of CIDB BIM standard for standardise BIM process
steering committee) attended the is indispensable to the BIM user or
workshop and they were separated modeller. BIM standards will set
into 3 groups. All groups discussed the minimum deliverables required to
content and the timeline of the develop BIM models which will
Malaysia BIM Roadmap for the provide full benefits of BIM over
construction industry. Previously, all building lifecycle. Furthermore, the BIM
committee members have consensus standards need to be developed upon
agreed on the 6 pillars for the Malaysia best practice or common practice
BIM Roadmap. As detail study was adopted by other country. This will
done, another pillar focus on research ensure the standards are suit to be
and development (R&D) need to be used internationally.
Accreditation for both BIM project and
professional demonstrates the
competency and skills of industry in
using BIM. As BIM emerge and
continues to control the process in the

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
industry, accreditation will provide professional follow each criteria and
assurance to employers and clients requirement set by the recognized
that accredited projects and body.

Table 2. Standard and Accreditation (P1)

Activities Timeline Lead agencies

i. Establishing BIM standard and common
practice (standards, technical codes and
object oriented classification) for Architect,
C&S, M&E, QS, and FM.

Note: To align BIM codes and standards with

international equivalents. (Current practice in
Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia)

ii. Guideline and standard template for

drawing submission (Architect, C&S, M&E
QS, and FM)
iii. Build a reference document aiming at
providing a unified BIM standard/
methodology/ convention/ required level of
details that can easily be easily adopted to
suit different projects with reasonable
modification 2014 -
A Standard
iv. Malaysia has to register as a member of onward
BuildingSMART (Align Malaysia standard
and codes with international)
(SWO) to be
v. Foster international collaboration on
developing a global view of standards such
as best practices/common practices

 Singapore :
ssion/bim/bime_submission.htm (Accessed
on 10th June 2014 )
 United Kingdom:
ecukbimstandard-v1-0.pdf (Accessed on
10th June 2014)

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
 Hong Kong:
information-modelling/ (Accessed on 10th
June 2014)
i. CAD to BIM migration along the
construction value chain (Design,
construction and FM). To standardize and CIDB, PAM,
formulate standard, guideline and BEM, BOA,
B procedure to the required level of BQSM,
development (LOD) MAPMA, JKR
ii. Promote the adoption of BIM throughout the
construction supply chain in Malaysia
Accreditation for certification of completed BIM
project and BIM user (Architect, C&S, M&E
QS, and FM) by BIM certification and qualified
body (to be appointed). CIDB, JKR,
Note: National Cancer Institute (NCI), Ministry
of Higher Education project in Batu Pahat, 2014 -
C RICS and
Johor. 2015
Recommendation: Providing certification of
software implementations within Malaysia to
improve and certify the compliance with local
codes, legislation and standards

Collaboration and Incentives (P2) established and its membership

consists of government technical
Collaboration among government, agencies, professional bodies,
CIDB, professional body, committee, academia and consultant. Addressing
academia and Architecture the importance of collaboration,
Engineering Construction (AEC) interdependency among various
industry is crucial to foster BIM entities is needed. Addressing the
adoption. In the international scene importance of collaboration,
Malaysia must align its strategic interdependency among various
direction towards BuildingSMART entities is needed. As an example,
initiative and direction. A Malaysian interdependency requires CIDB to
Chapter of BuildingSMART is to be collaborate with government key

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
agencies to initiate support in terms of collaborative framework for BIM
awareness (Conference and adoption in Malaysia.
Workshop) and financial. Collaboration
with government key agencies also BIM adoption within the few years has
converges in the promulgation of laws increased massively in several
and policies, contract and procurement countries. Rapid change in BIM
and others. Collaboration with adoption requires the industry to
professional bodies, academia, implement BIM as early as possible.
committees and AEC stakeholders will Incentivise BIM adopters will increase
ensure BIM implementation at BIM adoption in construction industry
competitive level. Figure 2 shows thus accelerate the learning curve and
increase the BIM knowledge.

Figure 2. Collaborative framework for BIM adoption in Malaysia

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
Table 3. Collaboration and Incentives (P2)

Activities Timeline Lead agencies

i. CIDB collaborate with government key
agencies (e.g.; JKR, Local authorities) to
initiate strategic implementation plan such
- Financial ( e.g. Government/ Client
provide BIM infrastructure requirement
in the form of incentive, to include BIM
price in contract procurement)
- Technical (e.g. training, approve
software, database of BIM users, etc)
(CIDB to establish BIM Portal to assist SME’s
in implementing BIM initiative )

Note: Singapore BIM fund is part of initiative CIDB, JKR and

under Construction and Capability Fund 2014 - other related
(CPCF)- 2015 government agencies
(Accessed on 10th June 2014)

ii. Recommendation:
 To identify a body that will regulate and
coordinate on BIM implementation
 To setup recognised co-ordinating body
to foster collaboration locally and
 Ministry’s decision
 Coordinate with authority to provide
subsidized technical training programme
of BIM hand-on skill set for SMEs.

CIDB collaborate with professional bodies (e.g.

BEM, PAM, BOA, BQSM, RICS) to form
2014 - PAM, BOA,
B special interest group (SIG) and WG/ WC on
2015 BQSM, RICS,
BIM priority area. To align with BuildingSMART
initiative and strategic direction.
i. Private sector to take the lead. (E.g United
States) CIDB, BEM,
2015 -
C ii. Public sector to take the lead (E.g PAM, BOA,
Singapore) and make BIM mandatory BQSM, RICS

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
submission once the industry is ready.

BIM practices and experience in Singapore are

more suitable and practical to be adopted in

Compliant BIM tools - Collaborate with vendors CIDB, BEM,

(Architect, C&S, M&E QS, and Facilities PAM, BOA,
Management) to ensure standards software’s 2014 - BQSM, RICS,
are suitable with Malaysian practice and IFC 2015 buildingSMART
compliant (open BIM). and software

BIM fund and support (cost for hardware,

software and training) for BIM practitioners:
 Tax exemption for BIM software
 MDEC incentive to remain and enhance
 Infrastructure – Internet and storage CIDB, MDEC,
capacity to cater BIM adoption JKR, PAM,
 Allocate technical and financial 2014 - BOA, BEM,
resources/engage services to help key 2015 BQSM,
organization and construction firm to MAPMA,
kick start the project JARING
 Client to introduced the BIM Fund,
which covers the costs for training,
consultancy services and purchase of
hardware and software for businesses
and projects

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
Education and awareness (P3) awareness,comprehensive programme
and activities need to be organised.
Establishment of BIM education
programs from professional to
apprentice will keep the construction Quick info
industry informed about the
implementation of BIM. BIM gather a About 20 public universities, 33 private
group of skill set such as architect, universities and university colleges, 22
engineer, quantity survey, contractors polytechnics, 37 community colleges and
and facility management. Education at 500 private colleges was listed under The
the early stage will provide capacity ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).
and capability to implement BIM.
Aim: To produce 300-600 skilled BIM
BIM awareness among construction users per year based from number of
industry players is important. Since students produced by respective school
BIM adoption change rapidly across (Engineering and built environment).
the globe, construction industry players
need to aware about BIM. To increase

Table 4. Education and awareness (P3)

Activities Timeline Lead agencies

i. BIM international conference once in
every two years PAM, BEM,
ii. Demonstrate the benefits of adopting BIM 2014 - BOA, BQSM,
quantitatively with respect to project cost onward MAPMA, CIDB,
as well as operating cost of an JKR
i. BIM competition every year at both CIDB, MOSTI,
university and industry level. University,
2014 - body (AEC/FM),
onward Media
ii. Media promotion (e.g. BIM Idol)
Newspaper, Media, Website

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
BIM Award (Architect, Engineer, Quantity 2014 -
C Professional
survey, Facilities Management) yearly. onward
body (AEC/FM),
BIM syllabus to be included in degree and MOHE, JKR
D master (Built Environment and engineering PAM, BEM,
Courses) BOA, BQSM,
To draft national BIM training modules and
documentations for Architectural, 2014-2015
Engineering, Quantity survey, Facilities
i. BIM infrastructure for hardware and University,
software (e.g.: free license software) in MOHE, JKR,
university and training centre MITI, Software
ii. Fund/ Grant/ Contribution vendor
i. Teaching and training (polytechnic
ii. Professional registration bodies will also
need to modify their current methods, and
continuing profession development
programs will be vital to support
G knowledge development in integrated 2015-2016
project delivery
iii. 300 students of intermediate BIM user
iv. To produce BIM Modeller (Level 1, Level
2 and Level 3) University, Polytechnic,
vocational to produce 600 BIM modeller/
per year
CIDB, Industry,
Evaluation/ Comparison with international
2014 - University,
H BIM standard, technology and syllabus for
onward Software
university and industry application.
vendor, MOHE

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
National BIM Library (P4) source for standard and proprietary
BIM object. In order to provide
common approach quality standards in
National BIM library enables BIM user
BIM, comprehensive BIM library with
to share and download BIM objects for
specific requirement is needed. This
various comprehensive systems and
specific requirement will ensure all the
products. Establishment of this
objects with the correct information can
platform with robust support from
be delivered to the design team.
industry will become the primary

Table 5. National BIM Library (P4)

Activities Timeline Lead agencies

i. BIM object library standard (designer and
manufacturers) that comply with
Malaysian standards (interoperability,
concurrent architectural engineering
design) and specifications.
2015 - BQSM, MAPMA,
A (Accessed on 10th June 2014)
onward vendor and
ii. Operate a repository library for showcase,
shared document and standard, best
and vendor
practices, etc. under a single portal

Note: Please refer to Standard and

Accreditation (P1)
i. Cloud computing and BIM infrastructure
(Hardware and software) to incorporate in
CIDB BIM Portal establish at CIDB CIDB, vendor
2014 -
B ii. The object in the library are available in and
open standard and common proprietary manufacturer
software formats (cloud computing)
iii. Funding and infrastructure
Formulate strategies (voluntary) to encourage CIDB, PAM,
the collection of BIM object (from user and nd rd
2 –3 BEM, BOA,
manufacturer) in the National BIM Library
C Quarter BQSM, MAPMA,
(e.g: CIDB BIM Library user Day 2015 – once of 2014 vendor and
a year). manufacturer

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
Information, helpdesk services and CIDB, PAM,
consultancy services on BIM application from BEM, BOA,
2014 –
D approved and recognized agency or one stop BQSM, MAPMA,
referral centre (to be determined). software vendors
and BIM

National BIM pilot project (e.g.: National 2014 - CIDB, JKR and
E Cancer Institute –National Cancer Institute, onward private sector
JKR; The Véo - Sime Darby and others)

BIM Guidelines and Legal Issues construction, with data exchange

(P5) protocols to provide full benefit of BIM
over building life cycle.
BIM guidelines are developed to
provide consistence and compatible Consideration on legal issues will gives
BIM documents for submission. clear justification about BIM process,
Guidelines will assist the users to procurement and project management.
maintain and manage data according Legal issues in BIM adoption ensure
to specification and requirement. effective collaboration without worry of
Henceforth, all the BIM data is adverse legal consequence. Legal
accurate and can be used for the issues need to be comprehensive and
overall building lifecycle. In addition to cover all stages of BIM development,
that, BIM guideline also will ensure whilst also allowing for amendments in
minimum deliverables as well as the future as several subject is
models at the end of building required when the subject evolves.

Table 6. BIM Guidelines and Legal Issues (P5)

Activities Timeline Lead agencies

Guideline : PAM, BOA,
To develop National BIM Guide that compiles BQSM,
2014 -
A the overall process of BIM for project. National MAPMA,
BIM Guide will documented the followings : Malaysia

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
• Roles and responsibilities of project agency and
members at different phases/ protocols. local
(covered the building lifecycle) government
• Framework for Collaborative/
Interoperability (architectural, engineering ,
construction and facilities management)
• Approved software
• Modelling requirements
• Digital deliverables

1.0.pdf (Accessed on 10th June 2014)
 AEC (UK) BIM Protocol
ecukbimprotocol-v2-0.pdf (Accessed on
10th June 2014)

Legal Issue:
Review legal principle of Intellectual Properties
(IP) right as it applied to information held in
BIM environment:

• Procurement and contract

• IP right and data ownership
• To review current contract agreements,
B procurement system, scope of works of
each discipline to enable the co-operative
mode of BIM operation can be implemented
among different parties of a construction

MappingOutTheLegalIssues.asp (Accessed on
10th June 2014)

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
Special Interest Group (P6) interactive online training and others.
Technology change rapidly and to be
Special interest group (SIG) provides a at the forefront, people able to view
platform for the people to discuss and and discuss current trend of
share opinion or knowledge. This technology. In addition to that, the SIG
platform on the other hand will provide indirectly promote BIM thus
updates, latest news, manuals, videos, widespread the knowledge of BIM.

Table 7. Special Interest Group (P6)

Activities Timeline Lead agencies

i. Establish steering committee (to be
detailed out)
ii. Establishment BIM Steering Committee to 2014 -
oversee implementation of BIM and onward
address any issue that may impede the
adoption of BIM

Establish BIM communities (e.g. : BIM Archi



 (Accessed on 2014 - BEM, BOA,
B 10th June 2014) onward BQSM, MAPMA,
 (Accessed on Vendor
10th June 2014)
im-special-interest-group (Accessed on
10th June 2014)

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
Research and Development (P7)
construction (AEC) industry. Despite
Rapid evolution of new tools and the massive growth of BIM across the
technologies in construction industry globe, there is lack research focusing
requires extensive research and in BIM. Comprehensive research that
development (R&D). BIM revolution covers all the research deficiencies will
currently recognized as an emerging ensure significant potential and
technology that shifted the landscape benefits in using BIM.
of architect, engineering and

Table 8. Research and Development (P7)

Activities Timeline Lead


i. Sponsor and steer long term research on
necessary initiatives
A ii. Research fund
iii. BIM related publications from research
iv. Collaboration between industry and
university (looking into win-win situation)
Research themes & titles: vendor,
i. Technical: industry,
 Sustainability, BIM lifecycle costing, 2014 - university,
productivity, supply demand of BIM from onward JKR, CIDB,
industry PAM, BEM,
 BIM value for each user (Architect, BOA, BQSM,
Engineer, Quantity Survey, Contractor MAPMA
B and Facilities Management)
 Knowledge transfer program in BIM
(industry bring the issues- technical)- so
research on technical need to be
customised Global competitiveness
(current technology and knowledge
 Simplify BIM process

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Workshop Report (Series 2)
 Development of new BIM Application/

ii. Financial:
 BIM financial implication,
 non-financial implication,
 measurement of ROI on BIM for
infrastructure projects,

Propose BIM Roll Out (2014 – 2020)

Figure 3. Propose BIM roll out 2014 – 2020

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Workshop Report (Series 2)

Ir.Dr. Zuhairi Abd Hamid Construction Research Institute of Malaysia

Mohd Harris Mohd Ismail Construction Industry Development Board of
Malaysia (CIDB)
Ahmad Azmil Mohd Azlan Cawangan Pengurusan Projek Kompleks
Wan Ahmad Shukiman Wan Jaafar Jabatan Perdana Menteri
Azizah Hamzah Jabatan Perdana Menteri
Sr.Quek Jin Keat Royal Institution Of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM)
Ar. Chan Seong Aun Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM)
Sr. Roznita Othman Malaysia Asset and Project Management
Association (MAPMA)
Ir. Ahmad Rashidi Zainudin Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
Ir. Kamarudin Mohd Saleh Persatuan Kontraktor Melayu Malaysia
Dr. Ahmad Tarmizi Haron Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
Nor Aini Binti Abdul Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
Shaharin Hashim Integrated Project Management Solutions Sdn
Syarifah Noraini Noreen Syed Ibrahim Al- Perunding DMA Sdn Bhd.
Wan Muhd Amrul Wan Mustapha Sime Darby Property Berhad
Zulkarnain Hasan Sime Darby Property Berhad
Muhammad Hafiidz Amer Hamzah PR1MA Berhad
Ho Kah Chun PR1MA Berhad
N.V.Kumaran Bina Initiatives Sdn Bhd
Abi Sarwan Mazran Ibrahim 3DTech Parametric Sdn Bhd
Mr Timothy Sin T&J Solution Sdn Bhd
Md Nur Zaky Zakaria DISB Group of Companies
Maria Zura Mohd. Zain Construction Research Institute of Malaysia
Dr. Foo Chee Hung Construction Research Institute of Malaysia
Ahmad Farhan Roslan Construction Research Institute of Malaysia
Associate Professor Dr. Roshana Takim Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Prof.Dr.Abdul Hadi Hj Nawawi Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Nor Asma Hafizah Hadzaman Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

Malaysia BIM Roadmap (2014-2020) Page | 21

Workshop Report (Series 2)

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