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Comparison of High-Strength Steel Pipe and H-Shaped Steel in The Strut of A Braced Wall System

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Comparison of High-Strength Steel Pipe and H-Shaped Steel in the Strut of a

Braced Wall System

Sangyong Kim1, Seoung-Wook Whang2, Young-Do Lee3, Yoonseok Shin4 and Gwang-Hee Kim*4

School of Architecture, Yeungnam University, Korea
School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading, UK
Department of Architectural Engineering, Kyung Dong University, Korea
Department of Plant/Architectural Engineering, Kyonggi University, Korea

Excavation work accounts for a high percentage of the total building construction cost. The most widely
used method for excavation work in an urban area is a braced wall system with struts or rakers. H-shaped
steel, which is the most commonly used component for struts in braced wall systems, has disadvantages such
as cost-ineffectiveness and increased work interference associated with narrow strut spacing. Therefore,
the use of high-strength steel pipe struts in braced wall systems can be an effective alternative to widening
the strut spacing. In this study, the construction costs of a braced wall system using H-shaped steel and a
braced wall system made with high strength steel pipe were compared by analyzing the required amounts
of materials and the construction costs for four practical cases. All analyzed cases considered a change from
H-shaped steel to high strength steel pipe in a design change during the construction stage. The results of
this study show that the required amount of materials and the construction costs of a braced wall system with
high strength steel pipe were lower than those of a braced wall system with H-shaped steel. Consequently,
this study suggests that a high strength steel pipe strut is a more economical alternative than an H-shaped
steel strut in braced wall systems for deep excavation work.

Keywords: deep excavation; braced wall system; high strength steel pipe strut; H-shaped steel strut

1. Introduction work in urban areas (Chao et al., 2013) because the

With economic development and urbanization, strut support system can protect adjacent buildings and
buildings tend to become larger. As a result, the utilities, and does not trespass into adjacent subsoil
excavation work required in urban areas goes deeper (Finno, 2010). However, a BWS with H-shaped steel
and occurs on a larger scale (Ou, 2006). Containing (BWS_HS) struts, the most commonly used type of
the costs for deep excavation work is very important strut member, has poor workability and requires a large
in terms of total construction cost management amount of steel because the spacing of the post piles
because deep excavation accounts for roughly 20% and struts is narrow (Kim et al., 2003). These factors
of the total construction cost in building construction can increase the total construction cost.
(Barrie, 2001). Deep excavation work in an urban area In the past few years, efforts have been made to
requires a retaining wall and support system to ensure mitigate the problems related to using BWS_HS
economic feasibility and safety (Tan and Chow, 2008). systems. These include developing a new support
The retaining wall and support system prevents the system and changing the materials used for struts. Kim
collapse of excavated soil around the area due to earth et al. (2005) and Park et al. (2009) proposed a new
pressure (Macnab, 2002; Kaveh and Abadi, 2011). A method involving distributing the load of an HS strut to
braced wall system (BWS) with H-shaped steel (HS) a pre-stressed wale. This method improves workability
struts or/and rakers has been the most frequently used and decreases the amount of steel required by widening
retaining wall and support system for deep excavation the spacing between struts. Their method also reduces
the total construction cost. Another approach is to use
high strength steel pipe (HSP) struts in a BWS instead
*Contact Author: Gwang-Hee Kim, Professor, of HS. Choi et al. (2013) and Yoo et al. (2010) studied
Department of Plant·Architectural Engineering, Kyonggi University the applicability of an HSP support system to verify the
Gwanggyosan-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, 16227 Korea effects of widening the spacing interval of struts and
Tel: +82-31-249-9757 Fax: +82-31-244-6300 post piles. They found that changing the struts to HSP
E-mail: [email protected] allowed them to widen the strut and post pile spacing.
( Received April 2, 2015 ; accepted November 18, 2016 ) In addition, there have been studies of the other effects
DOI http://doi.org/10.3130/jaabe.16.179 of using HSP struts (Choi et al., 2007; Na et al., 2008;

Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering/January 2017/184 179

Yoo et al., 2010; Choudhury et al., 2013). Most of the Table 1. Structural Characteristics of Materials Used
researchers (Choi et al., 2007; Na et al., 2008; Yoo et Strut type HSP HS
al., 2010; Choudhury et al., 2013) have evaluated the
structural stability of HSP; however, there have not
been any studies evaluating the economic effects of Isometric
changing the strut material. view
In this study, retaining wall work was not estimated
when comparing the required amount of steel and
construction costs for the cases considered. The
comparison considered only the costs and work
required to install and demolish struts with the change
in materials. The purpose of this study is to compare photo
and analyze the cost savings by using HSP as the
material of a strut support system for retaining work
in an urban area. The cost savings were analyzed Steel grade STKT590, Φ406.4×
by comparing the amount of steel required in the for strut 7t
construction costs for an actual case that was designed Yield
440 MPa 240 MPa
for both HSP and HS struts. strength (Fy)
Moment of Iy = 20.40 cm4,
Iy = Iz = 17.519 cm4
inertia Iz = 6.750 cm4
2. Strut Support System of a Retaining Wall Unit weight 68.9 kg/m 94 kg
Struts or rakers are the most widely used support Maximum
14 m 9m
members for retaining walls in deep excavations in spacing
urban areas (Chao et al., 2013). A strut is a horizontal
The grades of steel listed in Table 1. are the most
compression element that provides lateral support by
widely used materials for struts. HS struts have
bracing a portion of one wall against another portion
poor buckling and torsional stiffness characteristics
(Puller, 2003). Struts are more widely used than rakers
because of an unfavorable anisotropic cross-section
in a support system in a BWS (Chao et al., 2013). Their
with respect to the weak axis. In addition, they require
use is not restricted to a certain depth of excavation,
the installation of additional horizontal and vertical
and they are comparatively simple to construct and use
bracing during construction. However, the HSPS has
regardless of soil conditions (Kim et al., 2003). The most
a favorable anisotropic cross-section with respect
commonly used material for steel struts is HS. HS struts
to buckling and torsional stiffness, so no additional
have the advantage of being widely available, and they
bracing is required. HSP struts also have the advantage
can be reused (Macnab, 2002). However, they have the
of cost savings because of the reduced amount of
disadvantages of poor workability and high construction
steel required with the wider spacing of the struts or
cost, and require an additional process for their
post piles. Therefore, changing struts from HS to HSP
installation because of their narrow spacing (Kim et al.,
provides economic benefits, and improves structural
2005). In addition, bracing is a component that may act as
stability and construction workability.
an obstacle to deep excavation work and the construction
3.2 Components of HSPS
of the structure (Choudhury et al., 2013). Bracing can also
The HSPS proposed in this study has a different
increase construction costs because it requires more steel.
connection method for reducing steel usage. As shown
In the past few years, considerable research has
in Fig.1., the proposed connection method for an HSP
been conducted to address the disadvantages of using
strut is a component part. The existing connections
HS struts (Kim et al., 2005; Park et al., 2009; Yoo et
for steel pipe struts can be classified into two types.
al., 2010; Choudhury et al., 2013). Among traditional
One connection requires that a bolt be tightened after
materials for struts such as HS, HSP struts are
welding the end of the flange. The other connection
considered to be the best alternative (Yoo et al., 2010).
requires that steel pipes be welded together. The
Although there have been many actual applications
disadvantage of these connections is the increase
of HSP in construction, and research on the structural
in construction cost due to the loss of steel: these
stability of HSP struts is readily available, a verification
connections make it impossible to reuse the struts
of the economic effects of using HSP struts has not yet
without shortening their length and repeating the work
been performed.
required to reconnect them.
The proposed connection components of an HSPS
3. Features of a High Strength Steel Pipe Strut System
were devised to compensate for the disadvantages of
3.1 Structural Characteristics of the Material Used
the traditional connection methods required to install
A high strength steel pipe strut system (HSPS) is a
HS struts, as shown in Fig.1. For example, to reuse an
BWS that uses HSP struts instead of HS struts. The
HS strut, workers must cut off the existing connection
structural characteristics of HSP and HS struts are
and drill new holes to tighten the bolt. These proposed
summarized in Table 1. (Yoo et al., 2010).
connection components for installing HSP struts

180 JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Sangyong Kim

minimize the loss of steel. In addition, they can also be four cases in which both HSP and HS were used for the
used as stiffeners for damaged steel pipe. horizontal struts. As shown in Tables 2. and 3., HS struts
were installed in double rows, whereas the HSP struts
Wale Wale were installed in a single row. The horizontal spacing of
the struts was widened by approximately 0.51 m for the
HSP struts. The vertical spacing was identical, except
Jack in Case 1. For Case 1, the vertical spacing of the struts
was set 0.5 m wider. As illustrated in Table 3. for Case
Connection 1, the number of strut rows was reduced from nine to
eight. However, post piles require significant differences
Bolting in spacing, unlike struts. The post pile spacing was
widened by 2.1 m in Case 4 (the case with the greatest
Fig.1. Components of HSPS difference in spacing) when using HSP instead of HS
struts. On the other hand, Case 1 showed the smallest
4. Case Study difference in post pile spacing. As shown in Table 3. for
4.1 Case Descriptions Case 1, the number of post piles installed was reduced
This study analyzed four cases located in an urban area from eight to seven for HSP struts.
to validate cost savings by comparing the change in the 4.2 Analysis of Cases
required amount of steel when HS struts are replaced with By changing the struts from HS to HSP, the number
HSP struts. The four cases had BWS_HS struts specified of struts required was decreased because their horizontal
during the initial design stage. However, the retaining spacing, or the post pipe spacing was increased. Case 1
wall system was redesigned to reduce costs and shorten (Detail of Changed Materials) is described in Appendix
the construction period before the start of construction; 1. As shown in Table 4., the amount of steel required
that is, the struts were changed from HS to HSP. This for struts, post piles, and bracing decreased. Except for
change was expected to improve the constructability of Case 1, the required number of steel struts decreased by
the structural framework in the substructure. an average of 42.41% because 73% of the unit weight
Table 2. gives the design profile of the bracing of HSP was compared to HS struts. Double rows were
wall and support system for the four cases. The post required in the design of the HS struts, whereas a single
pile or the horizontal and vertical strut spacing was row was required in the design of the HSP struts. Thus,
the maximum value in the range for obtaining the HS struts required almost twice as much steel as HSP
required stability of the retaining wall. Table 3. shows struts.
a comparison of the plans for the retaining walls in the
Table 2. Description of Cases
No. of No. of Strut spacing (m)
Type of No. of Strut Area Depth Retaining No. of
Cases Location basement adjacent Bracing
building story type (m2) (m) structure strut row Horizontal Vertical Post
story building pile
Case HSP Single 5.0 3.5 6.0 X
Seoul Hospital 5 6 1 4,900 35.0 C.I.P.
1 HS Double 5.0 3.0 5.5 O
HSP H-pile+earth Single 3.5 3.0 5.2 X
Case Culture
Seoul 3 3 6 2,136 40.6 retaining
2 Centre HS Double 3.5 3.0 4.5 O
HSP H-pile+earth Single 4.0 2.7 8.5 X
Case Industrial
Seoul 4 12 1 2,126 17.4 retaining
3 Centre HS Double 4.0 2.7 6.5 O
HSP H-pile+earth Single 4.0 3.0 7.6 X
Case Shopping
Suwon 3 9 1 880 12.8 retaining
4 centre HS Double 3.0 3.0 4.5 X

Table 3. Comparison of HSP and HS Plans and Sections

HSP strut HS strut
Plan Section Plan Section



JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Sangyong Kim 181

Unlike the other cases, the amount of steel required scope of this study, the time required for excavation
to change from HS to HSP struts in Case 1 increased— work was shortened with the change in strut material.
Case 1 was designed to use HS struts with earth HSP struts will also improve construction efficiency in
anchors. The amount of steel listed for Case 1 in Table excavation work because bracing might not be required
4. does not include the amount of steel required for the when struts are more widely spaced. If the installation
earth anchor. The required amount of steel for the post of bracing is not required, dangerous high altitude work
pile decreased by an average of 21% when using HSP would be unnecessary and the resulting construction
struts because the use of post piles realized the largest process would be much faster. Widened strut or
difference in spacing with the change. Additional post pile spacing also allows for faster installation
bracing was used in the HS cases for structural because large drilling excavation equipment with less
stability. interference can be used.
The safety of the excavation work and the structural
Table 4. Comparison of Material Amounts for HSP and HS
Cases HSP (A) (ton) HS (B) (ton) (A−B)/B×100 (%)
framework is improved with the use of HSP struts. The
Strut 815.55 763.30 +6.85 reduction in potential accidents in excavation work is
1 Post pile 364.30 486.00 25.04 due to the following reasons: (1) the number of struts
Bracing N/A 150.96 100.00
Subtotal 1,179.85 1,400.27 15.74 installed and dismantled was reduced, (2) the available
Strut 114.62 295.60 61.23 working space was increased during excavation
Post pile 17.79 20.50 13.24
2 Bracing N/A 11.55 100.00 work, and (3) the workers could not work above
Subtotal 132.42 327.66 59.59 the struts because of the curvature of the steel pipe.
Strut 315.67 662.12 52.32
Post pile 212.59 221.48 4.01 Consequently, the use of HSP struts has the advantages
3 Bracing N/A 83.15 100.00 of less steel required, cost savings, reduced installation/
Subtotal 528.27 966.75 45.36
Strut 67.53 182.28 62.95 demolition time, and improved construction efficiency
4 Post pile 12.72 21.20 40.03 and safety. These results can provide practitioners with
Bracing N/A N/A 0.00
Subtotal 80.25 203.48 60.56 useful guidance for excavation work.
Total 45.31%
6. Conclusion
Table 5. Comparison of Construction Costs for HSP and HS
Cases HSP (A) HS (B) (AB)/B×100 The most widely used retaining system in excavation
2,278,547 2,537,952 259,405
work is the BWS_HS system, which has the
1 cost (US$) disadvantages of poor workability and a larger amount
Percentage (%) 89.78 100.00 10.22
Construction of steel required due to the narrow spacing of the post
171,046 258,699 87,650
2 cost (US$) piles and struts. To improve construction efficiency
Percentage (%) 66.12 100.00 33.88
Construction during the installation of a BWS system, this study
631,031 747,439 116,408 proposes that the struts be changed from HS to HSP.
3 cost (US$)
Percentage (%) 84.43 100.00 15.57 In this study, this study compared the required amount
4 cost (US$)
71,989 132,054 60,065 of steel and the construction costs for HSP struts and
Percentage (%) 54.51 100.00 45.49 HS struts. The results of the comparison for four cases
Total 26.30
showed that selecting an adequate material for struts
Table 5. details the cost savings related to the is one of the most important factors for realizing
installation and demolition of a strut system. Case cost savings in excavation work. The following are
1 (Detail Cost Criteria) is shown in Appendix 2. By important advantages of using HSP struts: their use (1)
using HSP struts, construction costs can be reduced reduces the required amount of steel for struts, post
by an average of 26.3%. Case 4 shows a reduction of piles, and bracings, (2) reduces total construction costs,
60.56% of the amount of steel required, and shows the (3) shortens the construction period for BWSs, and
best reduction in construction cost as well. Overall, the (4) improves construction efficiency and safety during
average cost savings of Case 4 was smaller than the excavation work.
percentage shown for the reduction of required steel However, prior to the wide spread practical
because the unit price of HSP struts was higher than application of HSP struts for these reasons, additional
that of HS struts. research is required. This study only compared
the construction costs. Therefore, additional steel
5. Discussion members, such as wales and earth anchors, should be
Cost savings and shortened construction time were considered in the comparison of the required amount of
achieved by using BWS_HSP struts. This was realized steel. In addition, this study only considered the most
by a reduction in the number of strut members required widely used steel grades. Future work should consider
(i.e., struts, post piles, and bracings) and thus the various grades of steel in order to understand their
amount of materials necessary, and a reduction in the effects on these results.
time required to install them. Although beyond the

182 JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Sangyong Kim

Appendix 1: Quantitative Comparisons of Material Quantities

Table 1.-a. Quantitative Comparisons of H-pile (Case 1)

High strength steel pipe (change) H-beam (existing) Variation
Work information Standard Unit
Silt M 677 666 11
H-Pile boring (Φ450) Weathered rock M 182 263 -81
Soft rock M 2,455 3,903 -1,448
Silt M 63 - 63
H-Pile boring (Φ400) Weathered rock M 17 - 17
Soft rock M 228 - 228
H-Pile embed/drawing M 3,622 4,832 -1,210
H-Pile connect EA 332 421 -89

Table 1.-b. Quantitative Comparisons of Wale (Case 1)

High strength steel pipe (change) H-beam (existing) Variation
Work information Standard Unit
Wale install/dismantle H-300×300×10×15 M 2,864 2,847 17
Wale connect H-300×300×10×15 EA 285 352 -67
Bracket install/dismantle L-100×100×10 M 1,591 1,644 -53

Table 1.-c. Quantitative Comparisons of Strut (Case 1)

High strength steel pipe (change) H-beam (existing) Variation
Work information Standard Unit
Strut install/dismantle H-300×300×10×15 M 174 7,589 -7,415
Strut connect - EA - 1,395 -1,395
High strength steel pipe install/dismantle Φ406.4-7T M 10,825 - 10,825
Center joint install/dismantle Steel pipe+steel pipe EA 749 - 749
End connect install/dismantle Steel pipe+wale EA 784 - 784
Steel pipe+bearing
Fixing band install/dismantle EA 1,561 - 1,561
support beam
Bracing L-100×100×10 M - 9,450 -9,450
Bearing support beam install/dismantle H-298×201×9×14 M 4,680 9,314 -4,634
Bearing support beam connect - EA 400 - 400
Stiffener - EA 1,752 978 774
Jack install/dismantle 100 Ton EA 399 255 144
Corner strut install/dismantle - EA - 748 -748
Piece bracket install/dismantle - EA 1,016 1,499 -483

Table 1.-d. Quantitative Comparisons of Subsidiary Work (Case 1)

High strength steel pipe (change) H-beam (existing) Variation
Work information Standard Unit
Still materials/still pipe convey Return M/T 1,959 2,455 -496
Still pipe convey One way M/T 45 615 -570

Appendix 2: Comparisons of Construction Cost

Table 2.-a. Comparisons of H-pile Cost (Case 1)
High strength steel pipe (change) H-beam (existing) Cost variation (won)
Work information Standard Unit
Silt M 10,170,500 10,987,350 183,150
H-Pile boring (Φ450) Weathered rock M 9,100,000 13,160,000 -4,060,000
Soft rock M 171,850,000 110,166,000 61,684,000
Silt M 1,039,500 - 1,039,500
H-Pile boring (Φ400) Weathered rock M 850,000 - 850,000
Soft rock M 15,960,000 - 15,960,000
H-Pile embed/drawing M 21,732,000 28,989,000 -7,257,000
H-Pile connect EA 13,280,000 16,840,000 -3,560,000
Total 244,982,000 18,142,350 64,839,650

Table 2.-b. Comparisons of Wale Cost (Case 1)

High strength steel pipe (change) H-beam (existing) Cost variation (won)
Work information Standard Unit
Wale install/dismantle H-300×300×10×15 M 42,960,000 42,705,000 255,000
Wale connect H-300×300×10×15 EA 7,125,000 8,800,000 -1,675,000
Bracket install/dismantle L-100×100×10 M 11,137,000 11,508,000 -371,000
Total - - - 63,013,000 -1,791,000

JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Sangyong Kim 183

Table 2.-c. Comparisons of Strut Cost (Case 1)
High strength steel
H-beam (existing) Cost variation (won)
Work information Standard Unit pipe (change)
Strut install/dismantle H-300×300×10×15 M 2,610,000 136,598,400 -7,415
Strut connect - EA - 41,850,000 -1,395
High strength steel pipe install/dismantle Φ406.4-7T M 184,025,000 - 10,825
Centre joint install/dismantle Steel pipe+steel pipe EA 22,470,000 - 749
End connect install/dismantle Steel pipe+wale EA 15,680,000 - 784
Steel pipe+bearing
Fixing band install/dismantle EA 12,488,000 - 1,561
support beam
Bracing L-100×100×10 M - 94,500,000 -94,500,000
Bearing support beam install/dismantle H-298×201×9×14 M 65,520,000 130,394,600 -64,874,600
Bearing support beam connect - EA 8,000,000 - 8,000,000
Stiffener - EA 8,760,000 4,890,000 3,870,000
Jack install/dismantle 100Ton EA 5,985,000 3,825,000 2,160,000
Corner strut install/dismantle - EA - 26,180,000 -26,180,000
Piece bracket install/dismantle - EA 30,480,000 44,970,000 -14,490,000
Total 356,018,000 483,208,000 -127,190,000

Table 2.-d. Comparisons of Subsidiary Work Cost (Case 1)

High strength steel pipe (change) H-beam (existing) Cost variation (won)
Work information Standard Unit
Still materials/still pipe convey Return M/T 78,358,400 98,182,000 -19,823,600
Still pipe convey One way M/T 909,400 12,300,200 -11,390,800
Etc. - - 2,000,000 - 2,000,000
Total - - 81,267,800 110,482,200 -29,214,400

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184 JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Sangyong Kim

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