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Space Planning Method For Multistory Building

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By David R. Riley· and Victor E. Sanvido/ Associate Members, ASCE

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a space planning method for multistory building construction. Current formal
space planning in practice is limited to site layout and logistics, where space is needed for activities for extended
periods of time. The space planning needed to sequence activities inside a building under construction is often
neglected. The proposed space planning method is a manual method that provides a logical order and priority
for space planning decisions. This helps a construction planner to: (I) identify the specific spaces needed for
activities; (2) define locations for these spaces on building floors; (3) develop a sequence of work that defines
the order spaces are occupied; and (4) identify potential spatial conflicts. Detail is added to the plan as needed.
Through evaluation of 74 activities on four case study projects, the proposed method was found to be an accurate
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representation of the planning needed in multistory building construction. Two applications of the planning
method identified interference problems before they occurred in the field. This space planning method offers
construction managers a useful technique to develop efficient interior sequences that minimize interference and
work space congestion.

INTRODUCTION Recent Research

Previous research in the area of space planning in construc-
Construction crews require space to move, store, and fab-
tion can be divided into two categories: (I) techniques for
ricate materials; and to perform work. Crews typically occupy
reducing work space congestion; and (2) scheduling tech-
space for short intervals of time and move through the building
niques based on space constraints.
in different patterns depending on the nature of the work and
The time-space scheduling technique (Stradal and Cacha
materials used. Space often becomes scarce when multiple ac-
1982) addresses the reduction of space congestion on a large
tivities occur at the same time in close proximity. Numerous
scale and is best applied to linear projects. such as piping or
material handling paths and storage spaces also contribute to
paving operations. with large distinguishable work areas that
the challenge of finding adequate space to execute tasks. Space
can be parceled into smaller sections. This approach is most
planning is needed to prevent interference between crews,
equipment, and stored material. useful as a method for making preliminary estimates of con-
This paper presents a planning method to include spatial gestion. Two possible solutions to high density work spaces
considerations in the development of a construction sequence are offered. The use of multicraft crews allows a single crew
for enclosure and finish trades in three- to 10-story buildings. to perform several different inter-related activities at the same
The method is represented by a process model that defines a time. Also, altering design and construction methods to create
logical order and priority for decisions necessary to produce on-the-job prefabrication allows separation of work crews by
fabrication area.
construction space plans in a graphical format.
Griffith (1984) also considers the impact of a structure's
design on work space congestion. This study recognizes that
Industry Practice complicated designs can contribute to congestion and recom-
mends rationalizing awkward design details and designing so
that maximum work can be undertaken in one operation by
Site logistic plans are the most common form of space man-
one crew.
agement found in the industry. Plans are typically developed
Several techniques attempt to quantify space need and set
by a construction manager at the beginning of a project as a
square-foot-per-person limits on the number of workers allo-
tool for allocating and managing space on the site for material
cated to an area at the same time. Parvis (1980) considers other
deliveries, staging areas, and crane locations. Some site man-
resources as well through a conversion to "equivalent work-
agers develop different plans for each phase of construction,
ers.·· Previous research has consistently shown that reductions
which can be updated weekly. In rare cases, space is allocated
in productivity result when the limit of one worker/300 sq ft
directly on floors with painted markings or signs indicating
is exceeded (Thomas 1990).
material paths and storage areas. In most cases, however, de-
Recent research has focused on scheduling based on space
tailed space allocation decisions are left to site personnel to
constraints and the use of computers to allocate spaces to ac-
be performed in a reactive manner. Variable productivity and
tivities and tie spatial attributes to construction schedules.
the high uncertainty of spatially dependent relationships cause
Smith (1987) presents an algorithm for computing a space-
managers to ignore detailed space planning and provide buf-
fers in the form of extra labor allowances or liberal (realistic) based project schedule based on a space demand profile. This
schedules. method introduced the concept of an individual characteriza-
tion of different types of activity space requirements.
'Asst. Prof.• Dept. of Constr. Mgmt., The Univ. of Washington, 116 The MovePlan system (Tommelein et al. 1992) allows space
Architecture Hall, Box 351610. Seattle. WA 98195. resources to be attached to each activity in a construction
'Assoc. Prof., CIC Res. Lab.• Dept. of Arch. Engrg., The Pennsylvania schedule and assigned positions by a user on the site for the
State Univ., 104 Engrg. Unit A, University Park, PA 16802. duration of each activity. A conflict resolution module attempts
Note. Discussion open until November I, 1997. To extend the closing to eliminate space conflicts on the site by adjusting the con-
date one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager struction schedule (Tommelein et al. 1993). The MovePlan
of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and
possible publication on June 28, 1995. This paper is part of the Journal tool demonstrates the utility of a time-based layout of space.
of Construction Engineering and Management. Vol. 123, No.2. June, This form of space representation illustrates the impact of
1997. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364/97/0002-0171-01801$4.00 + $.50 per space requirements over time to a construction planner. Zouein
page. Paper No. 11054. (1995) developed MoveSchedule, an extension to MovePlan,

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1997.123:171-180.

which alleviates space conflicts by adjusting the construction the task perfonned in each space, e.g., unloading material,
schedule. storage, and work areas. Behavior patterns for each "type" of
The SCaRC System (Thabet 1992) fonnally introduces space define the occurrence of these spaces, either at building,
space constraints into the construction scheduling process for floor, or room levels; and the order that spaces are occupied
multistory buildings. Space demand and space availability are by crews. The construction space model identifies 12 "space
compared for three classes of activities with variable spatial types" and a collection of three to six "space behavior pat-
needs. A computer model decides whether or not to schedule terns" for each.
an activity based on a space capacity factor that considers the The planning method is presented in the IDEFo modeling
impact of limited work space on productivity. Activity conti- methodology and consists of three levels of detail. Level 0
nuity status recognizes that some activities can be split into provides an overview of the model. Level 1 specifies the four
segments along typical floors or must progress continuously stages of the planning process that produce the key outputs.
with no interruptions or work stoppages. A schedule is gen- Each stage of level 1 includes a detailed sequence of pro-
erated by considering space constraints before allowing an ac- cesses, decisions, and supporting infonnation used to develop
tivity to start based on hard construction constraints (construc- each output (level 2), but are not described in detail in the
tion logic). Possible scheduling actions to resolve interference present paper.
problems include: (1) decreasing the production rate of the
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activity according to the space capacity factor; (2) interrupting Create Construction Sequence
the flow of an activity based on the work continuity status; or
(3) delaying the activity. The highest level of the planning process model, level 0,
Previous research has identified key factors to consider dur- describes the inputs, outputs, controls, and mechanisms for the
ing space planning and the need for time-based space plan- overall planning process. At this level, the planning process is
ning. Current methods to address space planning focus on au- referred to as "create construction sequence" (Fig. 1).
tomated scheduling techniques and often rely on simplified The inputs to the planning process model (arrows entering
models of space need. The present paper defines a space plan- the left side of the boxes in Fig. 1) describe infonnation
ning method for multistory building construction based on a needed to make planning decisions. Material infonnation is
detailed model of construction space need and patterns of required to identify delivery, handling, and storage methods;
space use. and to detennine the availability of materials for delivery to
the site. Design information describes the shape, orientation,
Methodology and physical relationships of materials. This can be repre-
sented as a product model that describes the decomposition of
Space planning techniques on 10 case study projects were the different building systems into building, floor, and room
investigated through site visits, interviews, and a review of levels. A construction schedule describes a time frame, initial
documented case studies. Space planning was also perfonned logic network, and activity durations required to complete one
on a case study project. The 10 case studies and trial planning typical floor of work. This schedule mayor may not include
identified necessary plans to avoid interferences. These plans initial considerations made for limited space and represents a
were then decomposed into infonnation elements. The pro- typical level of formal planning by a construction manager
cesses required to produce these plans were identified and found on construction projects.
placed in a logical order to define a space planning method. The output of the planning method (arrows exiting the right
This method is represented in the IDEFo modeling methodol- side of the boxes in Fig. 2) is a set of infonnation tools for
ogy (Integrated, unpublished U.S. Air Force document, 1983) construction managers. A work sequence describes the order
and shows relationships to a theoretical model of space, the in which individual trades complete their work in the building,
construction space model (Riley 1995). on individual floors, and the order of successive and concur-
The space planning method was tested to demonstrate that rent activities. A layout sequence is a graphical representation
it represents the planning processes needed on multistory con- of the use of space during a sequence of time intervals, indi-
struction projects. Interviews with experienced project man- cating the positions of space needed by work elements on
agers evaluated the content of the model. Four case study proj- building floors. The delivery sequence describes the order and
ects were then evaluated to show a relationship between the quantities of materials that are unloaded onto building floors.
perfonnance of planning steps in the model and the existence The sequence is represented by milestone activities in the con-
of avoidable interference problems. struction schedule that depend on available material paths,
The final step of the research was to apply the planning storage. space, and the need for materials to supply subactivi-
method to two construction projects. These applications were ties on each floor.
perfonned to assess the ability of the planning method to de-
tect interference problems before they occur in the field. Space Planning Control
:'consiniciiOri sp'.ce MOd'el;
Space Behevlor
__________ Pallerna w

The space planning method is a process to fonnally develop

Project Planning
an activity sequence for a three- to 100story construction proj- Con.traint. Guideline.
ect using the design, material infonnation, and construction Space Planning
Input ~) + Space Planning
schedule (Riley 1994). The resulting plan describes the se- Work Sequence
Matarlal Information
quence of activities, the sequence that materials are brought
Create Construction Delivery Sequence
onto building floors, and the dynamic use of space during the D.slan Information
project. Construction SChedule Level 0
Layout Sequence
For this research the method was used manually. An auto-
mated version will be developed in subsequent research to (j>
decrease the planning effort and increase the number of anal- Construction Planner
Space Planning Machanlsm
yses in a given time. The planning method uses patterns of
needed space defined by a construction space model. The in- FIG. 1. Planning Process Model Level O-Create Construc-
dividual spaces needed by activities are classified according to tion Sequence


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1997.123:171-180.

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Leo Sequence
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r£"Iively SequlnOi - - - .....
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Ruolva Confllcto
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FIG. 2. Planning Process Model Level 2-Create Construction Sequence

Several items control or provide information for decisions building; (3) the method selections that determine the location
in the planning process. These are represented as arrows en- of spaces; and (4) material information used to develop deliv-
tering the top of the boxes in Fig. 1. Project constraints consist ery sequences.
of any outside factors that affect the decisions in the space
planning process that are beyond the control of the planner. Generate Layout (L)
Space types represent the space occupied by, or available for,
construction activity work elements. These are dictated by the In this process, the locations for necessary spaces are as-
methods selected to perform work. Space behavior patterns signed for each activity work element identified in the "iden-
describe how activity work elements occupy space over time, tify required spaces" process. The activity breakdown and re-
e.g., spiral, linear, horizontal, or vertical. Patterns influence quired spaces identified in step I are used to assign locations
layout, sequencing, and conflict resolution decisions made dur- for the activity work elements. A specific space behavior pat-
ing the planning process. Space planning guidelines collected tern, as described in the construction space model, is selected
through experience control layout, sequencing, and conflict for each activity work element, e.g., work is completed in a
resolution decisions in the planning method. linear or spiral pattern, and stored material is distributed on
Each level-I process is discussed in the following. Fig. 2 floors or stacked in bulk. These patterns provide guidance to
illustrates the four main processes in the planning process the location of individual spaces and the classification of
model and corresponding inputs, outputs, and controls in the spaces into building, floor, or room levels. Fig. 3, step 2 il-
IDEFo format. Table 1 lists the planning steps included in each lustrates the layouts generated for two sample activities, e.g.,
stage of the process that support the detail behind Fig. 2. Fig. locations of four work areas, an unloading area, and two dis-
3 illustrates the steps in the space planning processes for two tributed storage areas are defined for activity 1.
sample activities, and will be referenced in the following text. For each activity locations of spaces are identified on floor
plans in the following order: (I) room-level spaces, dictated
Identify (I) Required Spaces by the locations of work areas; (2) building-level spaces,
which exist for extended durations and depend on building
In this function, the schedule of activities, specified mate- geometry; and (3) floor-level spaces, which connect or depend
rials, and design for the project are examined to determine on locations of room- and building-level spaces. The output
what spaces will be needed for construction tasks. An initial of this process is a space layout plan illustrating the position
construction schedule is used to identify which activities will of spaces needed for subactivities on each floor and a set of
be included in the space-based plan. Specified materials are space behavior patterns that describe how crews will move
examined to determine which materials are required for each through space. It is important to note that this layout process
activity and how much material will be needed on each floor. is initially performed independently for each activity.
Design information is examined to determine the location and
physical relationships among the materials. Sequence (S) Activities
Activities are decomposed into subactivities, which are
completed on each floor; work units, which are completed in In this process, a succession of consecutive and concurrent
repetition; and work elements, which define the space types activities is generated, and a specific sequence to complete
needed. The methods used for each work element determine work units is defined. A material delivery and layout sequence
how much space is required for each task. Fig. 3, step 1 il- are also developed.
lustrates how specific work spaces, material spaces, and paths Room-level sequences are identified based on the construc-
required for each activity are identified based on selected con- tion schedule and design information. A building-level se-
struction methods and the types of spaces defined in the con- quence is then determined predominantly by project con-
struction space model, e.g., activity 1 will require four work straints that prioritize when floors are completed. Finally, floor
areas and an unloading area connecting an access point and sequences are selected (Fig. 3, step 3). These determine the
two storage areas. The output of this process provides: (I) the order in which each activity will complete work units on in-
breakdown of activities into work elements for layout and se- dividual floors.
quencing; (2) the specific activity spaces to be located in the Patterns and planning guidelines provide guidance in se-

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1997.123:171-180.

TABLE 1. Outline of Steps In Space Planning Method in which materials are introduced onto each building floor.
Steps of planning method Description This is based on the selected floor and building sequence. The
(1) (2) outputs of this process provide a work sequence, a delivery
(a) Identify (I) required spaces
sequence, and a layout sequence, which graphically illustrates
the use of space over time.
I1 Identify material information Determine physical characteristic, spa-
tial attributes, and availability
12 Select construction methods Select means and methods needed for Resolve (R) Conflicts
each work element
I3 Identify work activity spaces Identify necessary work spaces de- In this process, the layout sequence is evaluated at selected
pending on selected methods time intervals to identify overlapping spaces for different ac-
14 Identify material spaces and Identify space needed to access and tivity work elements. Fig. 3, step 4 illustrates overlapping
paths support work areas spaces during days two, three, and four in the layout sequence.
(b) Generate layout (L) A decision is made to adjust the sequence, layout, or method
Ll Assign space behavior pat- Select a pattern in construction space selection depending on the type of interference problem and
terns model to characterize space needs the space behavior patterns of the activities in conflict. A spe-
L2 Layout room-level spaces Determine position of work areas and cific action for resolving conflicts is then implemented, e.g.,
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other room level spaces storage area S 1 is relocated and the sequence of work for
L3 Layout building-level spaces Determine position of unloading areas, activity 1 is charged from clockwise to counterclockwise. The
vertical paths, and other building impact of these adjustments requires subsequent iterations of
L4 Layout floor-level spaces Determine position of storage areas
the space planning processes. If conflicts cannot be resolved
and other room-level spaces by initial space planning, detail is added to the plan by eval-
L5 Create space layout Develop a graphical plan illustrating uating more specific levels of space, from building to floor
locations of all needed spaces and room levels as necessary. Adjustments made by a planner
(c) Sequence (S) activities to resolve conflicts are highly dependent on the types of in-
terference problems, available space, and activity precedences.
Sl Identify room-level sequence Determine work sequence based on
hard logic and known dependencies Explicit actions are therefore not provided to a planner; how-
S2 Identify building sequence Determine order each activity will ever, guidelines provide input to conflict resolution decisions.
work on floors, e.g., top-downlbot- The plan gains detail as a project progresses and more in-
tom-up formation is obtained about the actual sequence of work. It is
S3 Determine floor sequence Determine work direction for activities necessary, however, to indicate a level of detail to which initial
to work on floors, e.g., left to right space planning should be performed. Space planning detail is
S4 Identify material delivery se- Identify milestone schedule dates
quence when materials will be placed on classified into building, floor, and room levels, corresponding
floors to the previously defined levels of space. Building-level space
planning includes attributes of the entire building and does not
(d) Resolve (R) conflicts
cover specific spatial interactions on individual floors. Exam-
R 1 Identify interferencs and block- Evaluate layout sequence for overlap- ples are the order in which floors will be completed by crews
age ping spaces
R2 Determine activity to be modi- Identify which activity's space can be
working on an activity, or the location of a material handling
fied altered to prevent interference space that will serve multiple floors. Floor-level space plan-
R3 Determine conflict resolution Select plan to adjust, e.g., method, se- ning refers to spatial interactions and sequences on individual
method quence, storage location, delivery floors. An example is the direction in which individual units
date of work will be completed on a floor or general locations of
R4 Determine conflict resolution Take specific action to adjust plan to storage areas and paths on floors. Room-level space planning
action avoid interference
refers to direct sequential dependencies between activity work
units and specific spatial interactions between individual crews
and work elements. Examples are the order in which sequen-
quencing and layout decisions. For example, activities typi- tial activities will complete work in a room and specific lo-
cally need space in one of three zones: in the building core, cations of storage and work areas for individual work units.
around the perimeter, or in floor areas (between the core and The method presented includes basic space planning steps,
perimeter). Independent work sequence patterns are developed such as identifying what spaces are needed, defining locations
in each zone. Critical activities dictate the work pattern se- for these spaces, and identifying conflicts (overlapping
lected in each zone. This pattern should then be followed by spaces). Beyond these intuitive steps, the model proposes a
successive activities, which require space in the same zone to logical order for decisions based on a classification of spaces
minimize potential interference problems. Activities that must and a level of planning detail for multistory construction proj-
follow different patterns, yet still require work in the same ects. These concepts were evaluated on case study projects and
zone, run a greater risk of interfering with each other, and through trial applications of the space planning method.
require further consideration during planning. Once work pat-
terns have been established, support areas such as unloading TESTING
areas and storage spaces are identified and positioned in ef-
fective locations that do not interfere with direct work. The space planning method was evaluated on four case
A key feature of the planning process is the generation of study projects (Table 2) with two objectives: (1) to determine
a layout sequence that graphically illustrates the use of space if the content and detail of the process was accurate (test 1);
at selected time intervals. Fig. 3, step 3 illustrates how the and (2) to explore the relationship between the space planning
layout of required spaces identified in step 2 is coupled with deficiencies and resulting spatial interference problems (test 2).
the sequence of activities to define how space is occupied at Case study sites were selected that were similar in nature (mul-
selected time intervals, e.g., activity 1 requires the unloading tistory buildings) and observable in similar phases of comple-
area Uland storage area S1 on day one, and spaces WI, S I, tion (enclosure and finish).
U2, and S2 are needed on day two. A key feature to note about each project is the project prog-
Following the development of a layout sequence, a sequence ress rate. This is the average amount of work completed each
of material deliveries is identified, which designates the order month, (measured in earned contract value in dollars), divided

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1997.123:171-180.

Identify Material ~ Select Methods ~ Identify Required Space Required Spaces ~ Assign locations (Create Layouts) on floor plans
Information based on space behavior patterns

Activity 1 Activity 1: Spaces Activity 1:
4x IMNTl
Perfonn Work: W1 Work Method W1 Work Area
(Distributed \ I L.:..J..I'Zl.
1X I!!!I storage C
Unload Material: U1 Handling Method U1 Unloading Area 1x I!!!I pattern) lLLl

Storage Material: S1 Storage Method S1

Storage Area
18 8
Activity 2
2X! I
1x _U.
Perfonn Work W2 Work Method W2 Work Area

Unload Material U2 Handling Method U2

Unloadina Area
Storage Material S2 Storage Method S2
Storaae Area
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(a) (b)
Create Layout Sequence Identify Conflicts & New Layout Sequence
Assign Activity Activity 1:
Adjust Plan ~
Day 1 ~
Sequence~~~~• • •~~:J]
Work Sequence
Based on Space Day 1 _,' .,
(Spiral work
Behavior Patterns

I. I

Day 2 '!~ !J:Fff:iig~~ DaY2rJ/S271~

Activity 2: L Area U2 f Relocate 51

~ :~r£ire. DaY3,~~,sJ)~;1
Work Sequence
Da 3, 510ragearea
units work

Day 4'bu)!:sJl~~1 AreaW2 : : DaY4'bLW2Lr~8j

Activity Slert
Assign Activity Start
DaY5~~~ C~~:1 DaY5~
Sequence Based on
ConstfIJCtion Logic Activity 1
and Available Space Activity 2

(c) (d)
FIG. 3. Graphical illustration of Planning Method: (a) Step 1-ldentlfy Required Spaces; (b) Step 2-Generate Layout; (c) Step 3-
Sequence Activities; (d) Step 4-Resolve Conflicts

TABLE 2. Case Study Project Information

Facility Size Work Rate Design Description
Average Project
Typical Total floor Average sq WOrk-In-place progress
Project Facility type floors area (m 2 ) ft/floor per month rateS Structure Envelope Interior
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
A Office building shell 4 24,237 6,059 1,600,000 66 Concrete Curtain wall Shell space
B Biomedical research 5 24,615 4,923 2,100,000 85 Concrete Curtain wall Laboratory
C Medical 9 19,172 2,130 2,700,000 141 Concrete Masonry Hospital
D Concert hall music building 3 3,367 1,122 250,000 74 Concrete Masonry Office music hall
"Average work-in-place in earned contract value ($)/month/total floor area.

by the gross square footage of the project. This figure provides the planning method and examples of a plan were presented
an assessment of the comparative quantity of work taking to each respondent. Interview questions were asked to deter-
place on a project in the amount of space available. At com- mine if the space planning steps are considered necessary to
parable phases of completion, larger values indicate a higher project managers and superintendents, and to assess the level
level of activity and greater demands for space. This can often of detail in which planning should be perfonned (building,
be equated to a higher probability of interference problems floor, or room level).
and a greater need for space planning. A description of each The planning processes in the model were developed
test follows. through a detailed analysis of the space planning needed on
actual construction projects. For this reason it was expected
Evaluating Planning Content that most of the space planning recommended in the model
Interviews with eight experienced project managers were would be considered necessary by experienced project man-
used to evaluate the content of the space planning method. To agers. The results of the interviews supported this. All but one
be considered experienced, respondents needed a minimum of of the 50 space planning steps in the model were identified as
10 years of field experience and had to be responsible for necessary at some level of detail. Interviews also provided
developing and maintaining a sequence of work on a current useful feedback and criticism about the method. Key points
or recently completed multistory building project. The plan- are addressed in the following.
ning method was evaluated using the detailed steps in the Several space planning processes were identified by respon-
space planning model (see Table 1). A detailed description of dents as more critical than others. For example, the develop-

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1997.123:171-180.

ment of a defined work direction on each floor was more crit- that if avoidable interferences are observed on a project, the
ical than defining the specific locations for every staging area. space planning on the project is deficient in comparison to the
In cases such as this, the detail of planning was dependent on planning process model. For the purposes of this study, a space
the relative ease of making planning decisions. In other cases, planning "deficiency" is defined as project planning that was
the potential positive or negative impacts on sequencing might not performed. or performed to less detail than described in
make a particular space planning step more critical. For ex- the space planning method. In fairness to industry practition-
ample, the location of a common unloading area can affect the ers, it should be noted that established criteria for planning in
productivity of many trades. Assessment of the relative im- the construction industry do not exist. It is perhaps more ap-
portance of a particular planning step was not in the scope of propriate to refer to planning "deficiencies" as "areas for po-
this study, due to the high variability of actual impacts of par- tential improvement."
ticular problems on a project. In future versions of the space
planning model, critical planning steps may be emphasized to Space Planning Assessment
reflect their potential to impact project costs. Each case study project was evaluated to determine if and
All of the respondents felt that the space planning described to what level of detail the planning steps in the method had
by the model was important; however, current methods are been performed. Interviews were conducted with the individ-
informal and less detailed than the model purposes. As de-
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uals responsible for developing an initial sequence of activities

scribed, the level of effort to perform the plan is substantial for the project. Contract documents and schedules were ex-
and varies highly depending on available information and the amined to define the initial planned sequence of work and any
knowledge of the planner. Many of the steps in the model, space planning performed during preconstruction. Short-term
however, could be automated, making the method more easy spatial planning was assessed by interacting with site super-
to perform. intendents, who provided specific direction to contractors in
Several specific comments by respondents represent com- the field. The actual implementation of planning was assessed
mon arguments against detailed planning. The second respon- through confidential and direct surveys with site contractors.
dent felt that "too many unknowns affect sequences," making A "score" for the space planning on the project for each step
planning futile. The space planning method is intended to in- in the space planning method was assigned based on the fol-
crease the communication of information and decrease the un- lowing criteria: (I) all space planning efforts had to be imple-
known variables in planning. Furthermore, the construction mented to be included as part of the plan; (2) all planning
space model has formalized general patterns of space behavior efforts had to be observable as a direct action taken by the
so that spatial needs can be predicted, which also reduces the construction managers or site manager; and (3) an observed
unknowns involved with space planning. example for each planning measurement had to be included to
Another manager felt that "detailed (space) planning is not justify the measurement. The closeness of each project's plan-
a priority in the early phases of a project and should be left ning effort to the space planning procedures recommended in
to a site superintendent to manage." The writers acknowledge the model was rated.
that space planning on simple projects may, in most cases, be
within the capabilities of experienced superintendents. How- Interference Detection
ever, other interview responses and case studies illustrate that
A collection of typical spatial interferences was developed
a need exists to address spatial issues early in the project due
from prior site observations and literature (Table 3). Observ-
to their impact on cost and the selection of construction meth-
able interference problems are listed (Table 3, column I). For
ods. The space planning model may thus be considered most
each of these problems a set of possible causes was identified
useful on complex multistory projects with compressed sched-
(Table 3, column 2). The corresponding steps in the planning
ules on projects with less experienced planners.
method that addressed each cause are also identified (Table 3,
One respondent indicated that "planning is hard to perform
column 3). Several causes of interference are not predictable
in detail because of (complications and labor intensity) in mak-
with the planning process and are considered unavoidable.
ing plans." It can be argued that the space planning model is These causes are the result of poor practice or changes and
intended to simplify the planning process and provide a struc-
delays, and are noted in the cells of Table 3, column 3. The
ture for creating plans that can be adjusted as construction
expected interference problems listed in Table 3 provide a
progresses. In addition, many steps in the space planning
"map" for relating observed spatial interference problems to
model could be automated now that they have been formal-
specific planning deficiencies.
ized. Multiple methods were used to detect interference problems
Another construction planner points out that "developing
on case study sites. Direct observation detected the majority
plans that are handed to subcontractors is risky because if
of spatial conflicts. Additional problems were ~dentified
things change, the subcontractor can hold it against you late~.'·
through surveys of site contractors and an analySIS of the
This is a highly valid point; however, the space planmng
minutes of a foreperson's meetings. Out-of-sequence work and
method can be used to generate plans and identify key se-
double handling of material were detected by four site obser-
quencing events without communicating all details of the plan vations at regular two-week intervals. Problems were recorded
directly to subcontractors. Also, the input of subc~)fitr~ctors on each project as follows. If one problem resulted in multiple
can be invaluable to the development and commumcatlOn of interferences on one floor, it was only recorded once. If one
a productive sequence plan. In a graphical format, a plan de- problem created an interference for two or more trades, an
veloped with the model can be easily dis~ussed. Suggesti?ns interference for each trade was recorded. If one problem cre-
can be received from subcontractors and Incorporated to Im- ated similar interferences on multiple floors, an interference
prove the plan and allow them to share "ownership" of the was counted once for each floor. Only interferences that were
plan. avoidable through some form of planning were counted. If no
amount or an unreasonable amount of planning was needed to
Comparing Project Space Planning and Interferences detect and avoid an interference (more than recommended by
To test the relationship between the space planning method this model), it was recorded but noted as unavoidable.. Ob-
and interference problems, a comparison was made between served interferences were classified according to the assOCiated
the space planning on case study projects and the interference planning processes that should have prevented the problem
problems found in the field. The premise of this study was from occurring (Table 3, column 3).

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1997.123:171-180.

TABLE 3. Typical Causes of and Solutions to Interference Problems
Type of interference Causes Preventive planning process
(1 ) (2) (3)
Double handling materials Material brought to site too early S4 Identify delivery constraints
No storage location identified lA Layout floor-level storage
Blocked personneVmaterial path Material stored in path L31L4 Layout building/floor spaces
Work going on in path S3 Identify floor sequence
Work-in-place blocks path Sl Identify room-level sequence
Debris buildup in path" Waste management"
Crowded work space Crews working out of sequence S3/S2 Identify floor or building sequence
Crews pushed close together 13 Identify work space constraints
Material stored in work area lA Layout floor-level spaces
Work-in-place crowds work area" Insufficient work space"
Crews pushing delayed activity" Activity delay"
Work in hazardous area Hazard not avoided with sequence 13 Identify hazards; S3 identify floor sequence
Hazard not protected adequately" Safety practice"
Work out of sequence Material blocking planned sequence lA Layout floor-level spaces, storage
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Trade not assigned sequence S3/S2 Identify floor or building sequence

Debris blocking planned sequence 14 Identify debris paths
Activities forced out of sequence" Sequence problem"
Damage to stored materials Stored for extended time S4 Identify delivery constraints
Stored in wrong area lA Identify floor-level spaces, storage
Debris buildup on floors No path to remove 14 Identify debris paths
No removal procedure enforced" Waste management"
Damaged/removed work in place Work out of sequence S3/S2 Identify f100rlbuilding sequence
Work not protected 13 Identify protected spaces
No path left open 14 Identify debris paths
Work area too small" Design sequence"
Material far from work area Other materials in storage space lA Identify floor-level spaces, storage
Other activity in storage area S3/S2 Identify floor or building sequence
No path to work area 14 Identify horizontal material path
Insufficient space available" Must store in remote area"
Accidents from falling objects Work under overhead hazard 13 Identify work spaces, hazard areas
Area not protected" Work practice"
Injury from hazardous Work near room hazard 13 Identify work spaces, hazard areas
Area not protected" Work practice"
Path not provided Hoist not provided 14 Identify vertical material path
Access opening not provided 14 Identify horizontal material path
Stair not provided 14 Identify vertical personnel path
Inefficient method 12 Select methods
Poor location L3 Layout building-level spaces
Deliveries not scheduled S4 Identify delivery constraints
"Problems unavoidable through planning.

Results unload materials or remove debris; thus this could be consid-

ered a key planning step. Some planning processes may be
Table 4 summarizes the planning evaluation and related oc-
considered more useful than others in avoiding occurrences of
currences of interferences for each case study project. The interference problems. However, with no measure of the actual
number of interference problems detected on the projects are cost of each problem, a weighting system to emphasize one
listed by the planning process that could have identified them. step over another may misrepresent which planning processes
(Note that some interference problems were detected by site are critical in terms of minimizing the cost of interference
management and are indicated as "resolve conflicts" planning problems.
steps. These are not included in the total count of interfer- It is apparent that project A had significantly more interfer-
ences.) ence problems (70) than the other projects. Possible explana-
The premise of this test was if avoidable interferences are tions are that more work was taking place, or the sequence of
observed on a project, then the planning on the project is de- work on the project was highly complex. Neither apply in this
ficient in comparison to the planning process model. An initial case. Project A (Table 2) had the lowest work rate during the
analysis of the data indicated this to be true, as planning steps observation period (6.25 $ISF/month) and the least complex
rated as "0" or " - " have notably more corresponding in- sequence of work, an office building shell. This strongly sup-
terference problems observed. ports the conclusion that interference problems observed were
An attempt was made to identify a relationship between the most likely the result of planning deficiencies.
number of interferences observed and the relative importance Project C also had a substantially higher number of inter-
of a particular planning step. For example, in Table 4 a low ference problems (54) but also had the highest work rate (9.00
score (-) for process L4 on project A was associated with $ISF/month) and most complex sequence of work, a medical
26 interference problems, and the same low score for other facility. The sequence on this project was also disrupted by a
processes resulted in 2, 4, 1, and 6 related interference prob- major material specification error. While these circumstances
lems. The relative impact, however, of each problem on the partially explain the high number of interferences, the majority
projects was highly variable. Also, had projects been observed of problems in the project resulted from inadequate material
at a different time, the interferences identified may have been and debris paths and a lack of assigned storage locations.
Failure to plan material paths (process 14) caused a high PLANNING APPLICATIONS
number of interference problems (33). Path planning decisions The space planning method was used to develop sequence
affect all of the trades working in the building that need to plans on two construction projects. Observation of the actual

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1997.123:171-180.

TABLE 4. Summary of Project Planning and Related Interference
Project A Project B Project C Project D
Planning Related Planning Related Planning Related Planning Related
Model checklist evaluation interference evaluation interference evaluation interference evaluation interference
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
(a) Identify (I) required spaces
12 Select methods - c
2 +' 0 Ob 1 Ob 0
13 Identify work activity spaces Ob 0 +' 0 Ob 5 - c
14 Identify material spaces - c
4 +' 0 - c
0 Ob 1
Identify paths spaces Ob 12 +' 1 Ob 19 Ob 1
(b) Generate layouts (L)
L2 Layout room-level spaces - " 1 Ob 0 Ob 0 +' 0
L3 Layout building-level spaces Ob 3 +' 0 +a 0 Ob 0
L4 Layout floor-level spaces - " 26 Ob 3 - " 11 Ob 7
(c) Sequence (S) activities
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Sl Identify room-level sequence Ob 1 +a 1 Ob 4 +a 0

S2 Identify building sequence Ob 10 +a 0 +a 4 Ob 1
S3 Determine floor sequence Ob 5 +a 0 Ob 6 Ob 1
S4 Identify delivery sequence - " 6 +a 0 Ob 4 Ob 0
[Total number of avoidable interferences] [70] [5] [54] [11]
(d) Resolve (R) conflicts
Rl Evaluate sequence for problems Ob 2 +a 0 Ob 0 Ob 0
Identify interferences Ob 4 Ob 2 Ob 1 Ob 2
R2 Identify activity to be modified Ob 4 +a 0 +a 1 +a 2
aperformed at same detail as model.
bperformed, but at lower detail than the model.
"Not performed or implemented.

sequences identified interference problems that occurred. The

sequence developed using the model was then compared to
. TIM!

I I 111 I
the actual sequence observed on-site. The observed interfer- 7
I •
ences were then compared to those detected by the planning 11 2 5 8 12 15 18 I

model to test the use of the model in identifying interferences 10.. 3 8 I

I 10 I
before they occurred. I I I 1. I
01234587 12345818
............... _ ............ TImoI_
Single Room Project
The first test was performed on a single room (Fig. 4). By
limiting the size of the application, the factors affecting the
sequence were confined to physical constraints between activ-
ities and spatial limitations. The application focused on work
. I
areas, work patterns, and specific planning decisions related to IITJI[ill1 I r I I I rlJIll I
work areas for 16 finish activities. The steps in the space plan- 1 m
Ic:r:;::::J IeI:;::J I[1!] 1m 11Il11JII 1[ill I
Iml~1110 II I llill r I
ning method were carried out to identify needed work spaces, I !II:::;:::::h
locate these spaces in the room, define work directions (floor I I I I I I I I I I
sequence) for each trade (Fig. 4), and evaluate the layout se- 234587810

quence for possible interference problems based on time in- Actult TIme Imr\lllil UMd by ActIvIIM
tervals in the early start schedule (Fig. 5). Layout sequences
were generated with a space-scheduling tool, MovePlan (Tom- FIG. 5. Layout Time Intervals for Activities: (a) Early Start
melein and Zouein 1993). Schedule-Disregarding Spatial Impacts (Seven-Day Dura-
The initial early start schedule required several work activ- tion); (b) Final Sequence Plan Using Planning Method (Eight-
Day Duration); (c) Observed Sequence (10-Day Duration)
ities to occur at the same place at the same time. The planning
process identified this, allowing for work sequences to be ad-
justed to eliminate potential problems. In some cases, this each time interval in the seven-day schedule identified five
meant increasing the duration of the project slightly to allow spatial interferences. Work sequences and the schedule were
work to progress in a reasonable sequence. An evaluation of then adjusted to resolve conflicts (activity 4 is made a succes-
sor of activity 3, and activity 7 is made a successor of activity
Hallway for Material Access 11). The resulting work plan required the duration of the proj-
ect to be extended by one day (Fig. 6).
Lounge The construction manager instructed all trades to begin
work as soon as possible, relying upon the crews to work out
the sequence. The crews did make adjustments, but without
~ ~~~~;:t~~~eo~~~ntal the guidance of the construction manager or the benefit of a
Women Unit Work Patterns
~ Floor Sequence For plan. This lack of close control of the sequence resulted in out
Spiral Work Patterns of sequence work and unnecessary delays. The planned se-
quence had a longer duration (eight days) than the "early
FIG. 4. Design of Gym Area and Surrounding Rooms start" schedule defined by physical constraints only (six days).

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1997.123:171-180.

in the field. For example, the sequence used on the project
called for the preloading of all curtain wall material. No as-
signed storage locations were identified. By evaluating the se-
quence with the planning method, it was determined that duct
insulation work areas were potentially in conflict with stored
curtain wall material (Fig. 6), indicating that assigned storage
areas should have been imposed for this material. Had plan-
ning been performed prior to making the sequencing decisions
used on the projects. spatial interference problems such as this
would have been detected and adjustments could have been
made to avoid them.
This application also demonstrated the value of evaluating
several intervals in the middle of a project to identify key
events in a sequence. For example, what materials need to be
preloaded while access to floors is available. what locations
this material should be stored, and what locations and dura-
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tions should material-handling equipment (hoists and trash

chutes) be provided.
FIG. 6. Floor Layout Plan-Interference between Duct Insu-
lation and Curtain Wall Storage (cw) OBSERVATIONS

The actual sequence observed, however, took 10 days to com- Current site practice motivates crews to complete as much
plete because several crews left the area when space became work as possible. A general tendency exists to perform any
congested. Although the work did take place without spatial work currently available. This practice was observed on non-
interferences, the duration was longer than necessary. The abil- critical path activities. Trades often have sufficient float in their
ity of crews to adjust the sequence to avoid interferences was schedule to be performed later, but are directed to begin early
apparent; however, their ability to do so without affecting the to "get them out of the way." If the spatial impacts of per-
duration of work was limited. forming work early are not evaluated, this tendency can lead
to congestion. Work performed early can end up getting in the
way of other, more critical work later in the sequence. The
Planning a Four-Story Project space planning model provides a tool to evaluate the impact
A building sequence plan was also developed for a four- of work on available space of successive activities to help
story project. The scope of this plan included major work areas make this an informed decision.
and material handling spaces for activities on multiple floors. It is highly desirable to provide each trade with as much
This application was intended to detect interferences on indi- work space as possible. During testing, several trades were
vidual floors of the building during two-month time intervals. observed working in an open space that allowed them to use
It simulated preconstruction planning, for which the space more efficient methods. Under these conditions, work was per-
planning method is intended. formed better than "normal" or expected productivity rates
The steps in the space planning method were carried out for when compared to other trades performing similar tasks in
12 activities. Planning considered unloading areas, material more confined spaces. The need for "buffers" between activ-
paths, storage areas, and work areas. Needed spaces were iden- ities has been identified through recent research (Howell et al.
tified for each activity based on work methods chosen for the 1993). The research presented in this paper helps to further
project. Locations for needed space were defined on floor define why these buffers are needed and provides a method
plans. These were maintained on separate layers of computer- for determining their size.
aided design (CAD) drawings for each activity. Building, floor, The planning process allows frequently occupied work areas
and delivery sequences were defined according to the plan and the corresponding reciprocal dependencies between activ-
implemented by the general contractor. To evaluate floors for ities to be identified. If performed early, planning may indicate
interference problems at a specified time interval, selected the need to adjust a design detail to create a more efficient
CAD layers were displayed according to Table 5. sequence and therefore alleviate work space congestion (Grif-
Floor plans were evaluated at four intervals in the schedule, fith 1984).
which corresponded to observations during site visits. Poten- Contrary to manufacturing applications where it is desirable
tial interference problems were indicated by overlapping to minimize inventories of stored materials and have the right
spaces on the floor plan drawings. amount of material arrive at the right time, it is often advan-
Nine interferences were identified at the four intervals eval- tageous to bring as much material to the jobsite as possible.
uated. These were compared to problems observed during site While many benefits result from "just-in-time" delivery,
visits. Of the nine interferences detected through planning, many motivating factors found for maintaining a large inven-
eight were actually observed on the site. In each case, a simple tory of materials were observed on-site. A construction man-
planning adjustment could have avoided the problems found ager is challenged to balance the materials made available on
a job and the available space for work. For enclosure and
TABLE 5. Selected CAD Layers
interior activities, just-in-time delivery means that materials
arrive when sufficient space is available, not necessarily when
Event occurring in interval Layers displayed they are needed for use. With a better plan of what space is
(1 ) (2) available, a more informed decision can be made about which
Delivery of materials Display: "unloading area" layer; "mate- materials should be delivered to the project.
rial path" layer; "storage space" layer Two hurdles must be overcome before industry practitioners
Between delivery and start date Display: "storage space" layer can be expected to implement the space planning method.
Activity in progress Display: "work space" layer; "storage First, detailed space planning must be accepted as a useful,
space" layer
Activity complete Display: "work in place" layer
cost-saving practice. Interviews with practitioners revealed
general skepticism towards detailed planning. Until a cost-ben-

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1997.123:171-180.

efit analysis of detailed planning is perfonned, it is expected APPENDIX. REFERENCES
that this view will persist. This research attempts to demon-
Griffith. A. (1984). "Design rationalization and its affects on buildability
strate the potential value of such planning and provide a usable and productivity." Proc., World Build. Congr.. CIB W-65. 579.
method to create detailed space plans. Next, support tools to Howel1, G.• Laufer. A., and Ballard. G. (1993). "Interaction between
assist with space planning must be developed to minimize subcycles: one key to improved methods." J. Constr. Engrg. and
planning effort and potential downstream costs of detailed Mgmt.• ASCE, 119(4). 714-728.
planning. Trial applications of the method demonstrated the Parvis, R. F. (1980). "Analysis of workspace congestion from scheduling
value of a simple tool that links CAD and critical path method data." Trans. Am. Assn. of Cost Engrs., AACE F4, 431-445.
Riley. D. R. (1994). "Modeling the space behavior of construction activ-
data to generate layout sequences. Several researchers have ities," PhD dissertation. Pennsylvania State Univ.• University Park, Pa.
developed prototype space planning tools (Thabet 1992; Tom- Riley, D. R. (1995). "Patterns of construction space use in multi-story
melein and Zouein 1993). buildings." J. Constr. Engrg. and Mgmt., ASCE, 121(4),464-473.
Smith, D. M. (1987). "An investigation of the space constraint problem
in construction planning," MS thesis, Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Virginia
CONCLUSION Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg, Va.
Strada], 0 .• and Cacha, J. (1982). "Time space scheduling method." J.
The space planning method provides an approach to develop Constr. Engrg. and Mgmt., ASCE, 108(3),445-457.
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Exeter on 07/14/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

a construction sequence that is responsive to the space needs Thabet, W. (1992). "A space constrained resource constrained schedule
of enclosure and finish grades. Through interviews with ex- system for multi-story buildings," PhD dissertation, Dept. of Civ.
Engrg., Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg, Va.
perienced project managers and four case study projects, the Thomas, H. R. (1990). "Loss of construction labor productivity due to
method was found to be an accurate representation of the plan- inefficiencies and disruptions: the weight of an expert opinion." Rep.•
ning necessary to manage space on multistory building proj- Pennsylvania Transp. Inst., Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park,
ects. Trial applications on two construction projects found the Pa., 91-98.
method to be useful in identifying interference problems be- Tommelein, I. D., Castillo, J. G., and Zouein, P. P. (1992). "Space-time
characterization for resource management on construction sites." Proc.•
fore they occurred in the field. 8th Con! on Computing in Civ. Engrg., ASCE, New York, N.Y.,
The use of the method yields practical infonnation for plan- 623-630.
ning decisions in the fonn of a defined work flow through the Tomrnelein, I. D., Dzeng, R. J., and Zouein, P. P. (1993). "Exchanging
building, schedule of material delivery, and assigned storage layout and schedule data in a real-time distributed environment."
and work areas that will prevent interference problems. De- Proc., Computing in Civ. and Build. Engrg., ASCE. New York. N.Y.,
tailed space planning should be recognized by industry prac- 947-954.
Tommelein, I. D.• and Zouein. P. P. (1993). "Interactive dynamic layout
titioners as a technique for creating efficient construction se- planning." J. Constr. Engrg. and Mgmt., ASCE. 119(2).266-287.
quences. With the development of support tools, the space Zouein, P. P. (1995). "MoveSchedule: a tool for managing space on con-
planning method offers a usable process to create space plans struction projects," PhD dissertation, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
for multistory building construction. Mich.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1997.123:171-180.

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