c01 Proe wf3
c01 Proe wf3
c01 Proe wf3
• Drawing a Point
Choose the Create points button from the Sketcher Tools toolbar to place a
point. One of the applications of a point is that it is used to dimension a sketch
if placed at the corners of the sketch.
• Drawing a Line
To create lines, there are three tool buttons available in the Sketcher Tools toolbar. To
view the tools available to draw lines, choose the black arrow on the right of the
Create 2 point lines button. The flyout appears with the three tool buttons.
• Drawing a line using the Create 2 Point lines button
The Create 2 point lines button is used to draw a line by selecting two points.
• Drawing a Rectangle
Choose the Create rectangle button from the Sketcher Tools toolbar to
draw a rectangle.
• Drawing a Circle
To draw a circle there are four tool buttons and one button to draw an ellipse in the
Sketcher Tools toolbar. To view the tool buttons available to draw circles and
ellipses, choose the black arrow on the right of the Create circle by picking the
center and a point on the circle button. The flyout appears with five tool buttons.
• Drawing a circle using the Create circle by picking the center and a point on the
circle button
As the name suggests, the Create circle by picking the center and a point
on the circle button is used to draw a circle by specifying the center of the
circle and a point on it.
• Drawing a circle using the Create circle by picking its 3 points button
To draw a circle by selecting three points, choose the Create circle by picking
its 3 points button.
• Divide
The Divide an entity at the point of selection button is used to divide an entity
into any number of parts or entities by specifying the points on the entity.
Mirroring the Sketcher Entities
The Mirror selected entities button is used to mirror sketched geometries about a
centerline. This tool button helps to reduce the time consumed for creation of
symmetrical geometries and the process of dimensioning the symmetrical entities.
Drawing Display options
You can enlarge or reduce the drawing display using the various drawing display
options provided in Pro/ENGINEER.
• Zoom In
• Zoom Out
c. Draw lines using the tool button for creating lines, see Figure D.
e. Dimension the sketch and then modify the dimensions of the sketch, see
Figure F.
Figure E Sketch with all the entities, Figure F Sketch with dimensions and
weak dimensions, and weak constraints constraints
c. Dimension the sketch and then modify the dimensions of the sketch, see
Figure C.