An Innovative Approach To Controlling Plastic Grinders in Injection-Molding Plants

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An Innovative Approach to Controlling Plastic Grinders in

Injection-Molding Plants

Kevin Carpenter, Clark Energy Group

John Getlein, Plastic Molding Technology, Inc.


The standard plastic-injection molding process utilizes grinders that grind plastic scrap
for re-use in the process. Most commercially-available plastic grinders are turned on and off via
a simple button or switch. Due to the many responsibilities of a machine operator, a grinder is
typically turned on at the beginning of a production shift and then “left alone” to run
continuously. Grinding takes place for usually less than 5% of all production hours, leaving
motors to idle for the remaining 95%+ of time.
To reduce wasted idling energy, grinder-control systems that incorporate proximity
sensors and vibration detectors have been commercially developed. However, due to slow motor
start-up time when a sensor is triggered, plastic scrap often jams the grinder blade before the
motor can reach full speed. To avoid subsequent downtime and maintenance, machine operators
often override or disable this type of control system.
A novel control system has been developed and installed at a plastic injection-molding
plant to substantially reduce grinder idling time without compromising functionality. This
control system allows a user to manually switch on a grinder, and signals through a display light
when the motor has reached full speed and is safe for plastic to be loaded. The system shuts off
the grinder motor after a set period of idle-amperage detection. This control system saved over
95% of grinder energy-use at the injection molding plant, with no machine-jams or maintenance
needed. This paper presents the measured energy-saving results.

Plastic grinders (or granulators) are widely-used equipment in the plastics-processing
industry. Grinders are often characterized by their continuous operation throughout production
hours, despite grinding requirements of as little as 5% or less of the total hours. These operating
characteristics make grinders a major contributor to energy used in the plastics industry.
The U.S. plastics industry annually consumes approximately 1,070 trillion Btu of energy,
which equates to about 6% of overall U.S. industrial energy use (US DOE 2005, 3). Plastics
manufacturing plants have become prime targets for industrial energy reduction due to high
energy intensity and savings opportunities in their thermal processes and motor systems. Leading
industrial-energy sources, including the U.S. Department of Energy (2005), Southern California
Edison (2012), Pacific Gas and Electric (2006), Natural Resources Canada (2007), and the
European Commission (2006), have published numerous energy-savings strategies for the
plastics industry. These strategies primarily include improved injection-molding press power-
drive equipment, variable-volume/variable-speed hydraulic pumping control, extruder-barrel
insulation, material-dryer energy improvements, and best practices in lighting, compressed-air,
process cooling, and HVAC.

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Additionally, these industry sources identify plastic grinders to be a significant energy-
user in the plastics industry. For example, DOE describes a plastics-manufacturing facility whose
grinders account for approximately 13% of total plant electricity use (US DOE 2005, 28).
Grinders accounted for approximately 16% of the electricity used by the case-study facility
presented later in this paper, prior to retrofit. However, published sources seldom identify
effective methods to substantially reduce grinder energy usage. US DOE (2005) suggests turning
off grinders and other process equipment when not in use, and using premium-efficient motors.
Natural Resources Canada (2007) suggests using special rotors and cutters that require less input
energy for cutting, as well as high-efficiency motors. However, the lack of control that causes as
much as 95% of a total grinder’s energy to be wasted often goes unaddressed.
This paper presents controls solutions to substantially save plastic-grinder electricity
usage and the measured results of a recently-developed control system.

The Plastic Grinder

In virtually every plastics-manufacturing process, scrap is generated as a byproduct
and/or in defective parts. To be recycled and reused in the process, plastic scrap must be re-
ground into pellet form. Grinding is done via a plastic grinder that typically consists of a motor-
driven rotating blade. This blade is enclosed by housing; the top part of the housing has a chute
where plastic scrap is fed, and the bottom part of the housing has a hopper to where plastic
pellets fall. The rotating blade cuts plastic by passing over a stationary blade or blades, with a
clearance of a few thousandths of a centimeter (Lee 2006). A metal screen is located between the
rotating blade and lower hopper to ensure pellets are ground to a certain size before passing
through. Figure 1 is a photo of a plastic-grinder exterior with chute in front. Figure 2 shows the
plastic-grinder interior rotary blade.

Figure 1. Plastic Grinder Exterior Figure 2. Interior Grinder Blade

Grinder motors in most mid-to-large plastics facilities typically range from 1 hp to 25 hp,
but can exceed 50 hp for larger applications. Standard commercially-available grinders are not
built with sophisticated controls, but are simply equipped with a START button and STOP
button. However, aftermarket controllers can be installed as a retrofit on a grinder.

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Grinder Controllers
Due to the demand for energy reduction and longer equipment life, a market for plastic-
grinder controls has recently emerged.

Commercially-Available Controllers

The typical commercially-available start/stop plastic-grinder controller consists of a

central control box connected to a proximity sensor and vibration detector (IMS 2013). The
proximity sensor is installed at the grinder chute to signal the motor to turn on when triggered by
parts entering the chute. The vibration detector detects when grinding activity is complete and
then signals the motor to shut off after a user-defined period of inactivity.
The grinder controller just described can effectively save energy if used properly and if
plant staff is made aware of its operating characteristics. However, the major issue plastic
manufacturers have experienced with this type of controller is that production-staff sometimes
load large amounts of scrap-product into the grinder when the motor is off. Although the grinder
is triggered to start when product is loaded through the chute, the motor does not have sufficient
time to reach full speed before product comes in contact with the blade. This causes the blade to
jam or become damaged. Such events have resulted in maintenance and downtime costs that
exceed energy cost savings, and have caused multiple manufacturers to override or disable such
control systems.
A possible solution would be to launch an educational campaign to properly instruct
production-workers on how to use the grinder control system. However, employee turnover rates
along with the general probability for human-error have made such educational campaigns not
feasible for many plastics companies.

A Novel Controller Development

A new controller with unique start/stop triggers was recently designed, built, and installed
on all grinders at a plastic-injection molding plant in El Paso, TX. This controller is designed to
save grinder energy by controlling runtime while eliminating many of the issues associated with
the common commercially-available controller.
The new controller is user-interactive, thus mitigating the possibility of rapidly loading
product into a non-activated grinder out of unawareness or forgetfulness. An operator turns on
the grinder motor via a simple START button located on the controller. Red and green display
lights on the controller’s panel indicate to the operator whether it is safe to load product through
the chute. The red/green light status is controlled by a current transducer connected to the grinder
motor, with a programmed amperage threshold that is slightly higher than the motor’s steady-
state amp-draw. The red light is on when the motor is off. Upon motor startup, amp-draw is
elevated, causing the red light to stay on. When the motor approaches its rated speed after several
seconds, its amp-draw gradually decreases to a steady level; thus activating the green light and
indicating that it is safe for the operator to load product. If product is overloaded, the elevated
motor amp-draw will re-trigger the red light indicating that the operator must delay loading more
product until the grinder has processed enough to return to steady state. This unique feature that
alerts the operator of motor overload can lead to maintenance and productivity savings by

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mitigating equipment failure. When the current transducer senses amp-draw to be at an “idling”
level for two straight minutes, the controller is programmed to automatically shut off the motor.
The new controller was designed to mitigate grinder jams and increase user safety, and
has been successful thus far. Machine operators have given positive feedback, and no safety-
related or process-related issues have been reported. Operators have generally found the
controller to be user-friendly, with little difficulty in grasping how to use it.
Figure 3 is a photo of a grinder equipped with a new controller. Please note the START
button, EMERGENCY STOP button, and red and green display lights on the controller.

Figure 3. Grinder Equipped with New Controller

Novel Grinder Controller Application

This new grinder controller was designed, built, and one was installed on each of the 40
grinders at the Plastic Molding Technology (PMT) plant in El Paso, TX.

Plant Description

PMT is a plastic-injection molding company, located in El Paso, TX, that produces

components for the automotive, electronics, and medical-products industries. The PMT plant has
a continuous 24 x 7 operation that operates year-round. Forty grinders are present at PMT, with

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individual capacities ranging from 1 hp to 20 hp and with a total aggregate horsepower of 247
hp. None of the grinders were equipped with controls prior to the recent controller retrofit.

Logging Plan

To quantify grinder energy use before and after the controls retrofit, a sample of six (6)
grinders were each power-logged for a two-week period when not equipped with controllers and
for a two-week period when equipped with controllers. Of these six grinders, three are rated at 5
hp, two are 15 hp, and one is 20 hp. Because the plant is a 24 x 7 operation with consistent
machine runtimes throughout the year, it is assumed that 1) the six logged machines are a
representative sample of the remainder of the grinders, and 2) energy usage and savings can be
extrapolated on an annual basis for all grinders in the plant. Power-logging took place in 30-
second intervals, and the periods when all grinders were collectively drawing the highest
amounts of energy (similar to an electric-utility coincident-peak period) were noted.

Measured Energy Use and Savings

The following figures are the time-series pre-retrofit and post-retrofit power readings of
three of the six logged grinders. The remaining three grinders have similar profiles to the ones
shown below.
Figures 4 and 5 show a two-week power profile of Grinder #30 (15 hp) both prior to and
following the controller installation. The figures indicate that the grinder draws approximately 6
kW when idle, and generally between 7 and 12 kW when grinding parts. The power readings
indicate that the grinder ground parts for 2.8% of pre-retrofit logged hours and 4.9% of post-
retrofit logged hours. The grinder was on during the entire pre-retrofit logging period.

Figure 4. Grinder #30 (15 hp) Two-Week Power Profile Prior to Controller Installation

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Figure 5. Grinder #30 (15 hp) Two-Week Power Profile Following Controller Installation

For higher resolution, and to demonstrate the loading cycle, Figures 6 and 7 show a 1-day
power profile of Grinder #30 both prior to and following the controller installation.

Figure 6. Grinder #30 (15 hp) Power Profile on 2/23/11, Prior to Controller Installation

Figure 7. Grinder #30 (15 hp) Power Profile on 10/23/11, Following Controller Installation

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Figures 8 and 9 show a two-week power profile of Grinder #31 (5 hp) both prior to and
following the controller installation. The figures indicate that the grinder draws approximately
1.4 kW when idle, and generally between 1.7 and 4 kW when grinding parts. The power readings
indicate that the grinder ground parts for 3.4% of pre-retrofit logged hours and 0.2% of post-
retrofit logged hours. The grinder was off for 23% of pre-retrofit logged hours.

Figure 8. Grinder #31 (5 hp) Two-Week Power Profile Prior to Controller Installation

Figure 9. Grinder #31 (5 hp) Two-Week Power Profile Following Controller Installation

Figures 10 and 11 show a two-week power profile of Grinder #40 (5 hp) both prior to and
following the controller installation. The figures indicate that the grinder draws approximately 2
kW when idle, and generally between 2.5 and 5.5 kW when grinding parts. The power readings
indicate that the grinder ground parts for 1.3% of pre-retrofit logged hours and 2.6% of post-
retrofit logged hours. The grinder was off for 12% of pre-retrofit logged hours.

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Figure 10. Grinder #40 (5 hp) Two-Week Power Profile Prior to Controller Installation

Figure 11. Grinder #40 (5 hp) Two-Week Power Profile Following Controller Installation

The logged data of all grinders analyzed indicate that grinder motors draw substantial
power (25% - 50% of full-load power) when idling due to the friction on the motor shaft and the
air-resistance on the spinning blade. Of the logged grinders, grinding only took place on average
of 2% - 3% of the entire logging period, although the grinders were running for an average of
85% of all hours prior to retrofit. Some grinders were properly shut off during certain periods of
non-use prior to retrofit, but all grinders experienced periods of running idle for several straight
hours or days.
To demonstrate the electricity savings achieved by grinder controllers, Table 1 presents
the 2-week energy usage and coincident electrical demand numbers for all logged grinders prior
to and following controller installation.

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Table 1. Two-Week Energy and Demand Analysis of Grinders
Prior to and Following Control Installation
2‐Week Energy Usage Coincident Electrical Demand*
Logged  Motor 
Pre‐ Post‐ 2‐Week  Pre‐ Post‐
Grinder  Horsepower  %  Savings  % 
Retrofit  Retrofit  Savings  Retrofit  Retrofit 
Designation (hp) Savings (kW) Savings
(kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) (kW)
#6 5 271 36 235 87% 1.4 0.1 1.3 93%
#29 20 1,302 41 1,261 97% 4.1 0.1 4 98%
#30 15 2,035 115 1,920 94% 6.1 6.5 ‐0.4 ‐7%
#31 5 378 16 362 96% 2.7 0 2.7 100%
#33 15 2,345 19 2,326 99% 7.6 4.2 3.4 45%
#40 5 600 44 556 93% 2 0.3 1.7 85%
Totals 65 6,931 271 6,660 96% 23.9 11.2 12.7 53%
*Determi ned a s  the a vera ge power dra w of ea ch gri nder during the 30‐mi nute period of hi ghes t meas ured a ggregate
  energy us e of a l l  logged gri nders

The savings results in Table 1 were extrapolated to estimate the overall annual plant
energy and demand savings based on a 40-grinder plant with an aggregate horsepower of 247 hp.
The savings extrapolation assumes that 85% of the grinders typically operate in the plant (i.e. not
down for maintenance or in standby-reserve) for an average of 51 plant operating weeks per
year. Table 2 presents the extrapolated annual energy, demand, and cost savings estimated from
installing a controller on all grinders at the PMT plant.

Table 2. Extrapolated Annual Energy, Demand, and Cost

Savings Estimated from All Grinder-Controllers Installed
Extrapolated Plant Annual Energy Savings (kWh) 891,395
Extrapolated Plant Electrical Demand Savings (kW) 67
Estimated Annual Electrical Cost Savings* $58,183
*Ba s ed on el ectri c a voi ded cos ts  of $0.0506 per kWh a nd $16.35 per kW

Based on Table 2, the average annual electricity cost savings for each of the 40 grinders
is approximately $1,455 per grinder. Each controller was built and installed for less than $1,000
for this pilot project, resulting in a payback of less than nine months.

Summary and Conclusions

Grinders are a substantial energy user in the plastics industry, as indicated by industry-
leading references and field studies. The majority of energy used by an uncontrolled grinder is
wasted idling, and reducing this wasted energy has not been widely addressed. Commercially-
available grinder start/stop controllers exist, but are prone to user-error and are oftentimes
overridden or disabled due to the maintenance and productivity issues they cause.
A novel grinder controller was recently designed and built to be more user-friendly and
less prone to error than the abovementioned commercially-available controllers. The newly
designed controller was installed on each grinder at the PMT plant in El Paso, TX. A sample of
grinders was power-logged before and after grinder installation, and the following observations
were made:

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 Grinder motors were drawing 25% - 50% of full-load power when idle due to friction on
the motor and air resistance on the spinning blade.
 Grinding only took place during 2% - 3% of all logged production hours, on average.
 Electrical energy savings of 96% and electrical demand savings of over 50% were
 The project yielded a payback of less than nine months.

In addition to saving energy, this new controller’s user-friendliness has gained favor
among plant operators. The controller’s mechanism to alert operators when it is ready to accept
product has the potential to increase safety and reduce downtime and maintenance costs. All of
these effects contribute to a more energy-efficient and economical future for the plastics-
processing industry.

We would like to give special thanks to the El Paso Electric Company for sponsoring this
work and helping to fund this project through energy-efficiency incentives, and to CLEAResult,
Inc. for the tremendous support in these energy-saving efforts.

European Commission, Intelligent Energy Europe. 2006. Low Energy Plastics Processing.
Brussels, Belgium: Rapra Technology, British Plastics Federation, ASCAMM+, Danish
Technological Institute, Pole Europeen de Plasturgie, CRIF-Wallonie, AIMPLAS,
Fraunhofer Institut Chemische Technologie.

[IMS] Industrial Molding Supplies. 2013. IMS. 10 March 2013 <>

Lee, N. 2006. Practical Guide to Blow Moulding. Shrewsbury, UK: Rapra Technology Limited.

Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation. 2007. Guide to
Energy Efficiency Opportunities in the Canadian Plastics Processing Industry. C2007-
980163-3. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Plastics Industry Association.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 2006. Plastic Component Manufacturer Gets Serious About
Energy Efficiency. C-0489. San Francisco, CA: Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

Southern California Edison Company. 2012. Industrial Sectors Market Characterization:

Plastics Industry. Oakland, CA: KEMA, Inc.

[US DOE] U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
2005. Improving Energy Efficiency at U.S. Plastics Manufacturing Plants. DOE/GO-
102005-2111. Washington, DC: The Society of Plastics Industry, Inc.

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