Introduction To Classical Test Theory With CITAS: Nathan A. Thompson, PH.D

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Introduction to Classical

Test Theory with CITAS

Nathan A. Thompson, Ph.D.

Chief Product Officer
Table of Contents
What is Classical Test Theory?.............................................................................................................. 1
Classical analysis at the test level ..................................................................................................... 1
Classical analysis at the item level .................................................................................................... 2
Option Statistics ................................................................................................................................ 4
What is CITAS?....................................................................................................................................... 5
Classical test analysis with CITAS ...................................................................................................... 6
Classical item analysis with CITAS..................................................................................................... 7
Distractor analysis with CITAS .......................................................................................................... 8
Summary statistics of item statistics ................................................................................................ 9
Summary ..............................................................................................................................................10
Further reading ...................................................................................................................................10

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Tests are used to make decisions on people every day. In many cases, these are important
decisions. Unfortunately, most of the tests in the world are still of low quality. They are not built
according to international guidelines and best practices, and never evaluated for performance to
check whether they are even producing reliable scores.

This white paper is intended for any individual that is interested in learning how to make tests
and assessments better, by helping you apply international best practices for evaluating the
performance of your assessments. CITAS provides basic analytics necessary for this evaluation,
and it does so without requiring advanced knowledge of psychometrics or of software
programming. However, if you are interested in more advanced capabilities and sophisticated
psychometrics, I recommend that you check out for Classical Test
Theory and for Item Response Theory.

What are the guidelines? There are several resources, and can differ based on the use of the
test as well as your country. General guidelines are published by APA/AERA/NCME and the
International Test Commission. If you work with professional certifications, look at the National
Commission for Certifying Agencies or the American National Standards Institute. In the US,
there are the Uniform Guidelines for personnel selection.

This paper will begin by defining the concepts and statistics used in classical item and test
analysis, and then present how the CITAS spreadsheet provides the relevant information. CITAS
was designed to provide software for quantitative analysis of testing data that is as
straightforward as possible – no command code, no data formatting, no complex interface.

What is Classical Test Theory?

Why is it called “classical?” This is to differentiate this type of analysis from the modern
test analysis approach called item response theory (IRT) or sometimes modern test theory. IRT is
much more powerful, but only works with sample sizes numbering in the hundreds or larger.
This makes it extremely important in large-scale testing, but completely inappropriate for
classroom-sized samples or other small-scale situations (N<100).

Classical analysis at the test level

Classical test analysis is based primarily on number-correct (NC) or sum scores. CITAS
calculates descriptive statistics of the NC scores, as well as two important indices from classical
test theory: KR-20 (α) reliability, and the standard error of measurement (SEM).
Reliability is a classical concept that seeks to quantify the consistency or repeatability of
measurement. If a test is producing consistent scores, then we say it is reliable. As to whether
the scores actually mean what is intended, is part of a larger and more difficult issue called
validity. What is meant by consistency? Let us assume that a student has a true score of 44
items out of 50. If they took the test multiple times (assuming that we wiped their memory of

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the test), they might get a 45, or a 43, etc. This is consistent. If they were to score a 34, then a
47, then a 39, it would be an unreliable test.
There are several approaches to indexing reliability, the most common of which is
internal consistency using the Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20) index. Another index called
coefficient α is also common, but is nothing more than a generalization of KR-20 to polytomous
(rating scale or partial credit) data.
KR-20 ranges in theory from 0.0 to 1.0, with 0.0 indicating random number generation
and 1.0 indicating perfectly consistent measurement. In rare cases, it can even dip below 0.0.
Therefore, a higher number is regarded as better. However, KR-20 is partially a function of test
length, and tends to be higher when the test has more items. So for shorter tests like 20 or 50
items, it is unrealistic to expect KR-20 values near 1.0. In some cases, a value of 0.7 might be
KR-20 is also important because it is used in the calculation of the SEM. The SEM takes
the concept of measurement consistency and applies it to student scores. If we take plus or
minus 2 SEMs around a student’s observed score, that gives us a range we are 95% confident
contains their true score. If this number is very small, this means that we have an accurate
estimate of the true score. If it is large, we do not have an accurate estimate. Suppose the SEM
is 5.0. Then the interval is plus or minus 10. For a student with a test score of 39, this means we
expect their true score to be anywhere from 29 to 49: hardly an accurate test!

Classical analysis at the item level

The statistics presented so far only provide information at the level of the entire test.
Classical test theory also has statistics for evaluating individual items from a quantitative
perspective. The goal of item analysis is to use detailed statistics to determine possible flaws in
the item, and then decide whether to revise, replace, or retire the item. This can be something
as specific as identifying a bad distractor because it pulled a few high-ability examinees, or
something as general as “this item is harder than I prefer for my students.”
In large-scale or high-stakes testing, item analysis is typically performed before the test
goes “live” to ensure only that quality items are used. Often, it is done after pretesting the items
on some small set of the population, perhaps by inserting them as unscored into the test the
year before they are to be used as scored items. In cases where pretesting is not feasible, item
analysis (as well as equating and standard-setting) can take place after the live administration.
However, this requires that scores be reported much later, in some cases weeks or months later.
This is of course unacceptable for classroom assessment, but CITAS allows you to evaluate items
immediately after test delivery.
Item analysis is important because it is analogous to quality control of parts used in the
assembly of a final manufacturing product. Nobody wants bad tires or bad brake pads in their
car. Releasing tests with bad or untested items is like releasing cars off the assembly line with
bad or untested brake pads. Both prevent plenty of opportunities for litigation.
In classical test theory, there are primarily two concepts we are interested in assessing:
item difficulty and item discrimination. Item difficulty is a simple concept in classical test theory;
it simply refers to the proportion of students that correctly answered an item. This is called the
P-value. Yes, I know, we already use “p-value” as the term for statistical significance, but it’s too

Intro to Classical Test Theory with CITAS Page 2

late to change a 100-year-old theory. If 95% correctly answered it, the item is quite easy. If 30%
correctly answer, then the item is quite difficult, especially when you consider that a four-option
multiple choice item presents a 25% chance of guessing the correct answer! For this reason,
items with P < 0.50 are generally considered to be quite difficult, while we typically see them
more in the 0.70 to 0.80 range. However, specific tests might produce different ranges of
statistics, requiring you to shift the paradigm somewhat.
Just what is too difficult or too easy? That is a judgment call that you have to make while
taking into account the content of the item, the purpose of the test, and the sample of students.
A test that is designed to be extremely difficult might have an average P of 0.60. Conversely, a
test that is given to a group of extremely high ability examinees can be expected to have an
average P of 0.90. Regardless of the average P, it is often preferable to have items with a range
of difficulty. If you have no items with P < 0.70, it means that all the items were fairly easy, and
there was not a single item on the test to “separate the men from the boys.” This might be
acceptable if the purpose of the test is just to assess entry level knowledge to a topic, but if the
purpose of the test is to identify the top students, a test with all item P values above 0.70 would
not do a good job.
Because the scale is conceptually reversed (an easy item has a high number, and a
difficulty item has a low number), some textbooks refer to this as item facility. But this is a
Item discrimination refers to the power of the item to differentiate between examinees
with high and low levels of knowledge or ability. But of course we never know the true score of
any examinee. The best estimate we have is the total NC score on the test. Therefore, item
discrimination is typically defined as the correlation between item scores (scored 0/1) and total
test scores, called the item-total correlation. The equation used to calculate this is called the
point-biserial correlation, or rpbis, though some researchers prefer to use its cousin called the
biserial correlation. This provides an index of whether students who get the item correct are
scoring highly, which is the hallmark of a good item.
The item-total correlation has the advantage that it is interpreted as any other
correlation, which many people are used to working with. An rpbis of 0.0 indicates that there is
no correlation, which means that there is no relationship between the item and the total scores.
This means that the item is providing no information, and item responses are essentially random
with respect to total scores. But as rpbis increases, it indicates a stronger relationship between
the item and total score. A value of 0.20 means a decent item, and highly discriminating items
will have values in the 0.50 or 0.60 range.
On the other hand, a negative rpbis is very bad news. This means that there is an inverse
relationship, namely that low-scoring students performed better on the item than high-scoring
students did. This typically indicates one of three things:

1. A key error;
2. A very attractive distractor;
3. This item is so easy/hard that there are few examinees on one side of the fence,
making it difficult to correlate anything.

All three things are issues with the item that need to be addressed.

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For completeness’ sake I must mention another statistic, sometimes called the classical
difficulty index or the top-bottom index. This was developed before the rpbis but is occasionally
still used. It is based on the same concept that we want high-ability students to get the item
correct more often than low-ability students. So we divide the sample in half, and find the
proportion of the top half correctly answering and subtract the proportion of the bottom half
correctly answering (sometimes done with the top and bottom 27%). Like the rpbis, a positive
value indicates a better quality item.
A very important thing to note about the item statistics: like all statistics, their stability
depends on sample size. In general, we need 20 or 30 people to get marginally useful statistics,
and they start becoming statistically stable near 50 examinees. Therefore, while CITAS results
with 20 students will provide some helpful information, do not consider the item statistics to be
perfectly stable.

Option Statistics
If you wish to dig even deeper into the performance of an item, the next step is an
evaluation of option statistics. With multiple choice items, the word option refers to the possible
answers available. The correct answer is typically called a key and the incorrect options called
Evaluating the option statistics for telltale patterns is an important process in diagnosing
items that have been flagged for poor P or rpbis values at the item level. This is done by
evaluating P and rpbis at the option level. In general, we want two things to happen:

1. The P for the key is greater than the P for any of the distractors. That is, we don’t
want more students choosing one of the distractors than the key. In many (but not all) cases,
this means the distractor is arguably correct or the key is arguably incorrect.
2. The rpbis for the distractors should be negative but the rpbis for the key should be
positive. If an rpbis for a distractor is positive, this means that smart examinees are choosing it,
and we usually want the not-so-smart examinees selecting the incorrect answers. However, this
pattern is very susceptible to fluctuations in small sample sizes; if only 4 examinees select an
option and one or two are of very high ability, that is often enough to produce a positive rpbis and
therefore flag the item.

An even deeper analysis is called quantile plots. This methodology splits the sample into
quantiles based on ability (total score) and then evaluates the option P values for each, plotting
them on a single graph. We want to look for the same pattern of performance, which usually
means that the line for the key has positive slope (positive rpbis) and that the lines for the
distractors have negative slope (negative rpbis). An example of this, from Iteman, is below.

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What is CITAS?
The Classical Item and Test Analysis Spreadsheet (CITAS) is a simple tool to statistically
analyze small-scale assessments, available at CITAS is a Microsoft Excel®
spreadsheet with all necessary calculations programmed in as formulas, which means that all the
user is required to do it type or paste in the student responses and the correct answers, or keys.
CITAS will then score all students with number-correct (NC) scoring, as well as populate

Intro to Classical Test Theory with CITAS Page 5

important statistics. Statistics include both test-level statistics such as reliability, and item-level
statistics such as difficulty (P) and discrimination (rpbis). CITAS statistics are listed in Table 1.

Table 1: Statistics in CITAS output

Test-level statistics Item statistics

Number of examinees P
Number of items rpbis
NC score mean Number correct
NC score standard deviation Number incorrect
NC score variance Mean score correct
Minimum NC score Mean score incorrect
Maximum NC score Response frequencies
KR-20 (alpha) reliability Response mean scores
Standard error of measurement (SEM)
Mean P
Minimum P
Maximum P
Mean rpbis
Minimum rpbis
Maximum rpbis

Classical test analysis with CITAS

CITAS provides both the KR-20 and SEM, as well as simple descriptive statistics of the
student scores. Table 1 explains the summary statistics found on the “Output” tab

Table 2: Summary test-level statistics in CITAS output

Summary Statistic Definition

Examinees: Number of students
Items: Number of items
Mean: Average NC test score
SD: Standard deviation of NC scores
Variance: Variance of NC scores
Min: Lowest score
Max: Highest score
KR-20: Reliability of measurement
SEM: Standard error of measurement

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Example output is shown in Table 3. This test has 72 items, which were answered by 100
students. The test was quite fairly difficult, with an average score of 40.32 out of 72. There was
a wide spread of scores, with an SD = 11.01 and a range of 14 to 69. The test had sufficient
reliability, with a KR-20 of 0.89 and SEM of 3.67.

Table 3: Summary test-level statistics in CITAS output

Statistic Value
Examinees: 100
Items: 72
Mean: 40.32
SD: 11.01
Variance: 121.29
Min: 14
Max: 69
KR-20: 0.89
SEM: 3.67

Classical item analysis with CITAS

CITAS presents the P and rpbis for each item as well as some supplemental statistics based
on the correct/incorrect dichotomy. The first is the number of correct and incorrect responses.
This is obviously a repackaging of the P value, but provides an alternative method of looking at
difficulty if you prefer to use it. Additionally, CITAS presents the mean scores for students who
got the item correct and incorrect. If the item is discriminating well, the mean score will be
higher for the “correct” students. Similarly, this is a repackaging of the rpbis, but provides an
alternative method of evaluating item discrimination.
Table 4 presents example results from a test of 20 items. Let us go through the results
for the first five items and interpret the statistics.
Item 1 is a fairly easy item with a P of 0.942, and has a minimal but still positive rpbis at
0.18. This positive discrimination is reflected in the mean scores; the average score for
examinees responding correctly is higher than examinees responding incorrectly.
Item 2 is similar to Item 1, but is more discriminating, with an rpbis of 0.33 and wider point
difference. This item is a solid item for the test even though it is relatively easy.
Item 3 presents an ideal item from the classical perspective. It is more difficult than the
first two items, but still not all that difficult in an absolute sense with 61% of the examinees
responding correctly. More importantly, it has a very strong discrimination; the rpbis is 0.49 and a
wide point difference. Items like this are very powerful, as we can achieve decent test reliability
with only a few items.
Item 7 is an item that should be flagged and reviewed. While 77% answered correctly,
the discrimination is negative, indicating that an option was probably too strong of a distractor.
Item 8 represents a very difficult item, yet strong. Only 40% of students responded
correctly, but the discrimination is still 0.49.

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Table 4: CITAS item statistics

Number Number Mean score Mean score

Item P Rpbis correct incorrect correct incorrect
1 0.94 0.18 94 6 40.84 32.50
2 0.89 0.33 89 11 41.63 29.91
3 0.61 0.49 60 39 44.78 33.49
4 0.81 0.37 81 19 42.33 31.84
5 0.82 0.34 82 18 42.10 32.33
6 0.58 0.43 58 42 44.38 34.76
7 0.77 -0.08 76 23 39.83 41.91
8 0.40 0.49 40 60 47.08 35.85
9 0.62 0.45 61 38 44.31 33.95
10 0.90 0.22 90 10 41.17 32.90

Distractor analysis with CITAS

In addition to evaluating items as a whole, statistics can be used to evaluate individual
options of items. The statistics for the correct option serve as the statistics for the item as a
whole, because 90% of the students answered the correct answer of “A” then 0.90 is both the
proportion of students who answered “A” and the proportion of students who answered
correctly. But what makes option statistics useful is the evaluation of the incorrect options,
known as distractors. This provides even greater detail about the performance of the item, as
we will see.
CITAS provides a method to evaluate distractors by presenting the average scores for
examinees with a given response. If the item is performing well, examinees that res pond
correctly will have the highest average score. Examinees responding incorrectly will have a lower
average score. When examining individual options, the option that is the most incorrect should
have the lowest average score. For example, if “A” is correct, “B” and “C” are incorrect, and “D”
is not even close, then we would expect student who selected “A” to have high scores, and
students who selected “D” to have low scores.
The final tab of CITAS presents statistics for distractor analysis, as seen in Table 5. We
saw in Table 4 that 94 examinees responded correctly to the first item, while 6 responded
incorrectly. Table 5 shows us that of those 6 incorrect responses, 3 chose “A,” 1 chose “B,” and
2 chose “D.”

Table 5: CITAS distractor analysis for example form 1

Intro to Classical Test Theory with CITAS Page 8

Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Key C B B B D C B A C B
Option N
A 3 3 16 7 12 7 2 40 14 3
B 1 89 60 81 0 8 76 5 10 90
C 94 5 9 6 6 58 13 18 61 2
D 2 3 14 6 82 27 8 37 14 5
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Option P
A 0.03 0.03 0.16 0.07 0.12 0.07 0.02 0.40 0.14 0.03
B 0.01 0.89 0.60 0.81 0.00 0.08 0.76 0.05 0.10 0.90
C 0.94 0.05 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.58 0.13 0.18 0.61 0.02
D 0.02 0.03 0.14 0.06 0.82 0.27 0.08 0.37 0.14 0.05
E 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

A 0.02 -0.13 -0.33 -0.30 -0.22 -0.18 0.15 0.49 -0.26 -0.05
B -0.20 0.33 0.49 0.37 ##### -0.19 -0.08 -0.26 -0.24 0.23
C 0.18 -0.24 -0.21 -0.05 -0.25 0.43 -0.02 -0.19 0.45 -0.06
D -0.19 -0.17 -0.17 -0.23 0.34 -0.25 0.08 -0.23 -0.16 -0.24
E ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### #####

Here, we can see the general pattern of the key having a strong (positive) rpbis while the
distractors have negative rpbis. The exception, of course, is Item 7 as discussed earlier. There,
the key (B) has rpbis =-0.08 while both A and D have positive rpbis, albeit with small N. This means
that those two distractors happened to pull some smart students, and should be reviewed.
In some cases, you might see a straying from the desired pattern. In Item 1, we see that
A has a positive but small rpbis (0.02). There are only 3 examinees that selected A, so this is a case
of the aforementioned situation where it takes only one smart examinee to select a distractor
and it might be flagged as a positive rpbis. This item is likely just fine.

Summary statistics of item statistics

CITAS provides one additional level of information: summary statistics of the individual
item statistics. These are presented in the lower right of the “Output” tab. Example results are
show in Table 6. We again see that this is an fairly difficult test; the average P value was only
0.56, meaning that the average score was 56% correct. The most difficult item had a P of 0.18
and the easiest item had a P of 0.94.
The discrimination power of this test was quite good. The average rpbis was 0.34, and the
lowest was item 5 with a value of -0.09.

Intro to Classical Test Theory with CITAS Page 9

Table 6: Summary statistics in CITAS output

Summary Statistic Value

Mean P: 0.56
Min P: 0.18
Max P: 0.94
Mean Rpbis: 0.34
Min Rpbis: -0.09
Max Rpbis: 0.59

Item analysis is a vital step in the test development cycle, as all tests are composed of
items and good items are necessary for a good test. Classical test theory provides some
methods for evaluating items based on simple statistics like proportions, correlations, and
averages. However, this does not mean item evaluation is easy. I’ve presented some guidelines
and examples, but it really comes down to going through the statistical output and a copy of the
test with an eye for detail. While psychometricians and software can always give you the output
with some explanation, it is only the item writer, instructor, or other content expert that can
adequately evaluate the items because it requires a deep understanding of test content.
Although CITAS is quite efficient for classical analysis of small-scale assessments and
teaching of classical psychometric methods, it is not designed large-scale use. That role is filled
by two other programs, FastTest and Iteman 4. Iteman 4 is designed to produce a
comprehensive classical analysis, but in the form of a formal MS Word report ready for
immediate delivery to content experts; please visit to learn more.
FastTest is ASC’s comprehensive ecosystem for test development, delivery, and analytics. It can
produce Iteman reports directly from the system if you utilize it to deliver your tests.

Further reading
Downing, S.M., & Haladyna, T.M. (Eds.) (2006). Handbook of test development. Philadelphia:
Taylor & Francis.

Furr, R.M., & Bacharach, V.R. (2007). Psychometrics: An introduction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Shultz, K.S., & Whiney, D.J. (2005). Measurement theory in action. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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