Reading 03 Psychometric Principles

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3 The psychometric principles

The four principles of classical psychometrics are reliability, validity, standardization, and
equivalence. Reliability has been defined as the extent to which the test is free from
error, and validity as the extent to which it is measuring what it is purported to measure.
If a test is unreliable, it is impossible for it to be valid, so it would be a logical im-
possibility to have a test that is valid but completely unreliable. On the other hand, a test
can be reliable but invalid. Standardization represents the method by which a score on a
test is interpreted, either in comparison with other people who have taken the same test
or by saying what skills or attributes a person with that particular score is likely to have.
Equivalence is the requirement that a test be free from bias.

Reliability is often explained in terms of the measuring process in physics or engineering.
When we measure the length of a table, for example, we assume that our measurements
are reasonably reliable. We could check this by taking several length measurements and
comparing them. Even if we aim to be precise, it is unlikely that we will get exactly the
same length each time. On one occasion, the length of the table may be 1.989 meters,
and on another 1.985 meters. But in most circumstances, we would still be reasonably
happy if the errors were only this small.
In the social sciences, on the other hand, the unreliability of our measures can be a
major problem. We may find that, for example, a student scored 73 on a geography test
on one occasion, and then two weeks later, scored 68 on the same test, and we would
probably feel that these figures were as close as we could reasonably expect in a classroom
test. However, if the test in question were for entrance to university, and the scoring
system gave a grade of B for 70 and above and C for below 70, and if the student were a
university applicant who required B grades, we would certainly have cause for concern.
It is because apparently reasonable levels of reliability for a test can have such devastating
effects that we need first to make tests that are as reliable as possible, and second to take
account of any unreliability in interpreting test results. All published tests are required to
report details of reliability and how it was calculated, and whenever a test is constructed
and used, information on reliability must be included.

Test–retest reliability
There are several techniques for estimating the reliability of a test. The most straight-
forward is test–retest reliability, which involves administering the test twice to the same
The psychometric principles 39
group of respondents, with an interval between the two administrations of, say, one
month. This would yield two measurements for each person: the score on the first
occasion and the score on the second occasion. A correlation coefficient calculated on
these data would give us a reliability coefficient directly. If the correlation were 1.00,
there would be perfect reliability, indicating that the respondents obtained the same
score on both occasions. This never happens (except, perhaps, by fluke) in psychological
or educational settings. If the correlation between the two occasions is 0.00, then the test
has no reliability at all: whatever score was obtained on the first occasion bears no
relationship whatsoever to the score on the second occasion; and by implication, if the
respondents were tested again, they would come up with another completely different
set of scores. In these circumstances, the scores are quite meaningless. If the correlation
between the two occasions is negative, this implies that the higher the respondent’s score
the first time, the lower it would be the second time (and vice versa). This never occurs
except by accident, and if it does, a reliability of 0.00 is assumed. Thus, all tests can be
expected to have a test–retest reliability between 0.00 and 1.00, but the higher the better.
One advantage of using the correlation coefficient to calculate test–retest reliability is
that it takes account of any differences in mean score between the first and second
occasion. Thus, if every respondent’s score increased by five points on the second oc-
casion but was otherwise unchanged, the reliability would still be 1.00. Only changes in
relative ordering or in the number of points between the scores can affect the result.
Test–retest reliability is sometimes referred to as test stability.

Parallel-forms reliability
Although the test–retest method is the most straightforward, there are many circum-
stances in which it is inappropriate. This is particularly true in knowledge-based tests that
involve some calculation in order to arrive at the answer. For these tests, it is very likely
that the skills learned on the first administration will transfer to the second, so that tasks
on the two occasions are not really equivalent. Differences in motivation and memory
may also affect the results. A respondent’s approach to a test is often completely different
in a second administration (e.g., they might be bored, or less anxious). For these reasons,
an alternative technique for estimating reliability is the parallel-forms method. Here, we
have not one version of the test, but two versions linked in a systematic manner. For
each cell in the test specification, two alternative sets of items will have been generated,
which are intended to measure the same construct but are different (e.g., 2 + 7 in the
first version of an arithmetic test and 3 + 6 in the second). Two tests constructed in this
way are said to be parallel. To obtain the parallel-forms reliability, each person is given
both versions of the test to complete, and we calculate the correlation between the scores
for the two forms.
Many consider the parallel-forms method to be the best form of reliability; how-
ever, there are pragmatic reasons why it is rarely used. When a test is constructed, our
main aim is to obtain the best possible items, and if we wish to develop parallel forms,
not only is there twice the amount of work but there is also the possibility of ob-
taining a better test by taking the better items from each version and combining them
into a “super test.” This is generally a more desirable outcome, and frequently where
parallel forms have been generated in the initial life of a test, they have later been
combined in this way, as for example in the later versions of the Stanford-Binet
Intelligence Scales.
40 The psychometric principles
Split-half reliability
For this technique, a test is split into two to make two half-size versions. If this is done in
random fashion, a sort of pseudo-parallel form is obtained, where—although there are
not necessarily parallel items within each cell of the test specification—there is no sys-
tematic bias in the way in which items from the two halves are distributed with respect
to the specification. It is a common convention to construct the two forms from the odd
and even items of the questionnaire, respectively, so long as this does indeed give a
random spread with respect to the actual content of the items. For each individual, two
scores are obtained—one for each half of the test—and these are correlated with each
other (again using the correlation coefficient). The resultant correlation itself is not a
reliability. It is, if anything, the reliability of half of the test. This is of no immediate use,
as it is the whole test with which we have to deal. However, we can obtain the reliability
of the whole test by applying the Spearman–Brown formula to this correlation:

rtest = 2 × r half /(1 + r half ),

where rtest is the reliability of the test and rhalf is the correlation obtained between the two
halves of the test. This tells us that the reliability is equal to twice the correlation between
the two halves, divided by one plus this correlation. Thus, if the two halves correlate
0.60 with each other, then

reliability = (2 × 0.60)/(1 + 0.60) = 1.20/1.60 = 0.75.

It is worth noting that the reliability is always larger than the correlation between the
two halves. This illustrates the general rule that the longer the test, the more reliable it is.
This makes sense, because the more questions we ask, the more information we obtain;
and it is for this reason that we will generally want our tests to be as long as possible,
provided that there is time for administration and the respondents are cooperative. Of
course, this only applies so long as the items are discriminating—that is, they are making
a real contribution to the overall score.

Interrater reliability
All these types of reliability particularly relate to objective tests, i.e., tests in which the
scoring is completely objective. However, there are additional forms of reliability that
are applicable where the degree of objectivity is reduced. For example, different markers
of the same essay tend to give different marks, or different interviewers may make
different ratings of the same interviewee within a structured interview. Reliability here
can be found by correlating the two sets of marks or the two sets of ratings, respectively,
using the correlation between the scores of the two raters. This form of reliability is
known as intermarker or interrater reliability.

Internal consistency
The internal consistency of a test represents the extent to which all the items within it
correlate with each other. Sometimes called Cronbach’s alpha or coefficient alpha, it is
frequently used as a surrogate for reliability and is an extension of the logic behind
The psychometric principles 41
split-half reliability, but this time the test is being deconstructed right down to the item
level rather than just into two halves. In many ways, it is a functional average of all
possible splits; however, this only applies to the extent that such splits are random. Many
have argued that it is not a true reliability, and there is a good case for this argument.
However, in practice, the value obtained for coefficient alpha is generally very similar to
that obtained for split-half reliability on the same test, so this argument is in many ways
moot. The internal consistency can be open to abuse by unscrupulous test developers,
as it can be inflated by repeating the same or almost identical items several times. This
ruse can be used to increase a disappointing reliability in a test under development
above some critical value (normally 0.70). In fact, if all the items in a test were
identical—which is clearly not desirable—then the coefficient alpha should be 1.00. An
overpedantic devotion to statistical methodology can lead to the oddest conclusions. The
moral? Do not aim for a reliability of 1.00; aim for the expected level for a suitably broad
set of items for the construct under measurement. This would sensibly be between
0.70 and 0.80 for a personality test and between 0.80 and 0.90 for an ability test.

Standard error of measurement (SEM)

From True Score Theory (see Chapter 4) we know that the observed score on a test is a
summation of two components: the true score, which is unknown, and an error asso-
ciated with its measurement. We also know that if we average the score over repeated
observations, this average is an increasingly accurate estimation of the true score. The
standard deviation of these repeated observations is known as the standard error of
measurement (SEM), and it gives us important information on how accurately the
observed score reflects the true score. If the SEM is very small, we can have a high
degree of confidence that our observation is accurate; with a wide-ranging SEM, much
less so. In order to calculate the SEM, we need two pieces of information: the standard
deviation of the test and its reliability. Given this information, the error of measurement
is equal to the standard deviation of the test multiplied by the square root of the result
when the reliability is subtracted from 1. For example, if a test has a known reliability of
0.90 and a standard deviation of 15, then the SEM

= 15 × the square root of (1 0.90),

= 15 × the square root of 0.10,
= 15 × 0.32, =5(approximately).

This SEM is the standard deviation of errors associated with individual scores on the test.
From this, we have some idea of the distribution of error about the observed score. If it is
assumed that errors of measurement are normally distributed, this then enables us to
calculate a confidence interval (CI) for the observation. A CI sets upper and lower limits
within which we can have a certain amount of confidence that the true score truly lies.
Confidence intervals vary depending on the amount of certainty that is required. It may
be important that certainty be high: we may want to risk being wrong only one time in
1,000, and this would mean we want the 99.9% CI. Or we may want just a rough-and-
ready estimate such that the risk of being wrong is as high as one in 10 (the 90% CI).
Although it is good to be accurate, the more accuracy that is required, the wider the
confidence interval, and thus the greater the general uncertainty. For example, if a
42 The psychometric principles
person had an observed score of 43 on a general-knowledge test and we knew the SEM,
we could obtain upper and lower limits for various levels of confidence. The 95% level
may give us the information that we can be 95% certain that the person’s true score lies
between 40 and 46, for example. If we need to be 99.9% certain, we may have to say
only that the true score lies between 35 and 50—perhaps too wide for useful application.
The usual convention is to use the 95% confidence interval for most purposes, so that
there is a one-in-twenty chance of being wrong. Looked at in percentile terms, this
means that anything between the 2.5 percentile and the 97.5 percentile is “within
range.” The excluded 5 percentiles (that is, 2.5 at the lower end plus 2.5 at the upper
end) represents the one-in-twenty probability that we are mistaken in placing the true
score within this range. From the properties of the normal curve, we can easily find that
this percentile range lies between 1.96 standard error units above and below the score in
question. The 95% limits themselves are thus obtained by multiplying the SEM by 1.96.
With an error of measurement of 5 (as in the example, obtained from a reliability of
0.90 and a standard deviation of 15), an observed score of 90, and a 95% CI, we can say
that the true score lies between 90 plus or minus 5 multiplied by 1.96—that is, between
about 80 and about 100. We could tell from this that another person with a score of 85
would not be significantly different, given the known amount of error that we have
obtained from our knowledge of the test’s reliability. This might be important if we
needed to decide between these two people. In fact, this example could easily have been
obtained from scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), which
does indeed have a reliability of about 0.9 and a standard deviation of 15. We can see
from this why so many psychologists are unhappy about using intelligence tests on their
own when making decisions about individual children.

Comparing test reliabilities

One of the major uses of the reliability coefficient is in the evaluation of a test. Generally,
different types of tests have different acceptable reliabilities. Thus, individual IQ tests
generally report reliabilities in excess of 0.9 and tend to average about 0.92. With per-
sonality tests, reliabilities of greater than 0.7 are expected. Essay marking tends to produce
notoriously low interrater reliabilities of about 0.6, even when complex agreed-upon
marking schemes are worked out in advance between the examiners. Creativity tests are
notoriously even less reliable. For example, the Alternative Uses Test—which contains
items such as “How many uses can you think of for a brick?”—rarely has a reliability higher
than 0.5. The problems with this type of test are intrinsic to its design. If the number of
reported uses is to simply represent the score, then how do we define “different”? Thus “to
build a shop” and “to build a church” should probably count as one response, but it is not
possible to define very precisely what counts as the same response. The lowest reliabilities
are found in projective tests, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, where reliabilities of 0.2
and lower are not unusual. Here again, it is very difficult to be completely objective in the
scoring. A test with such a low reliability is useless for psychometric purposes, but can be of
use in clinical settings to provide a diagnostic framework.

Restriction of range
When interpreting reliability coefficients, the spread of the scores of the sample under
scrutiny must also be considered. This can only really be done by ensuring that the
The psychometric principles 43
reliability has been calculated on a similar group to the one to which it is being applied. If
a sample selected on some narrow criterion is used, such as university students, then
reliability coefficients will be much smaller than for the general population. This phe-
nomenon is called the restriction-of-range effect. Generally, the larger the standard
deviation of the group, the higher the expected reliability. However, when calculating
the SEM, the lower standard deviation of the restricted group will be balanced by its
lower reliability (when calculated on this group alone), so that the SEM is particularly
resilient to the restriction-of-range effect.

The validity of a test also has many different forms. There are several categorization
systems used, but the major groupings are face validity, content validity, predictive
validity, concurrent validity, and construct validity.

Face validity
Face validity concerns the acceptability of the test items, to both test user and respondent,
for the operation being carried out. This should never be treated as trivial. If respondents
fail to take the test seriously, the results may be meaningless. For example, some adults with
cognitive impairment may be expected to have the same overall score on intelligence tests
as eight-year-old children, but they may well object to the use of childish materials in a test
designed for them. Similarly, applicants for a job may be disenchanted if presented with a
test designed primarily for the detection of psychiatric symptoms. Evaluation of the
suitability of a test must include consideration of the style and appropriateness of the items
for the purpose at hand, in addition to any other formal test characteristics.

Content validity
The content validity of a test examines the extent to which the test specification under
which the test was constructed reflects the particular purpose for which the test was
developed. In an educational setting, content validation will generally involve a com-
parison between the curriculum design and the test design. In the use of a selective test for
employment, the content validity will be the extent to which the job specification
matches the test specification. Content validity is thus the principal form of validity for the
functional approach to psychometrics, and it has sometimes been described as criterion-
related or domain-referenced validity in circumstances where the test designer is using the
criterion-referenced framework for skills learning and curriculum evaluation. Content
validity is fundamental to psychometrics and is the main basis by which any test con-
struction program is judged. Content validity must be judged qualitatively more often
than quantitatively, as the form of any deviation from validity is usually more important
than the degree. Essentially, if the test specification is not reflecting the task specification,
it must be reflecting something else, and all else is a potential source of bias.

Predictive validity
Predictive validity is the major form of statistical validity and is used wherever tests are
used to make predictions, for example, for job selection or for a program of instruction
44 The psychometric principles
where the test is intended to predict eventual success in these areas. Predictive validity is
represented as a correlation between the test score itself and a score of the degree of
success in the selected field, usually called success on the criterion. Thus, for example, in
the use in England and Wales of A-level grades from secondary schools to select can-
didates for university, it might reasonably be assumed that the number and grades of the
A-levels obtained by a candidate are related to their likelihood of success at university.
We could generate scores on the test by combining A-level grades in some way (e.g., for
each person, grade A++ = 6, A+ = 5, A = 4, B = 3, and so on, the scores for all
examinations being summed). Similarly, a score of success at university could be gen-
erated by assigning 0 to a fail, 1 to a pass or third-class degree, 2 to an upper second-class
degree, and 3 to a first-class degree. A simple correlation coefficient between A-level
scores and degree-class scores would give a measure of the predictive validity of the A-
level selection system. If the correlation were high—say, over 0.50—we might feel
justified in selecting in this way, but if it turned out to be 0, then we would certainly
have misgivings. This would mean that students’ success at university had nothing to
do with A-level scores, so that many people with only one B grade, for example, could
have had as good a chance of getting a first-class degree as those with three A grades.
The A-level selection procedure would then have no validity.
One common problem with predictive validity is that individuals who are not selected
do not go on to produce a score on the criterion (people who do not go to university
have no scorable degree class), so that the data are always incomplete. In these cir-
cumstances, the calculated predictive validity will nearly always be an underestimate. It is
normal practice to use the data available and then justify extrapolation downward. Thus,
if individuals selected with three B grades do worse than individuals selected with three
A grades, it would be extrapolated that those with three Cs would have fared even less
well. However, there must always be some uncertainty here.

Concurrent validity
Concurrent validity is also statistical in conception and describes the correlation of a new
test with existing tests that purport to measure the same construct. Thus, a new in-
telligence test ought to correlate with existing intelligence tests. This is a rather weak
criterion on its own, as the old and new tests may well both correlate and yet neither be
measuring intelligence. Indeed, this has been one of the major criticisms directed against
validation procedures for intelligence tests, particularly when the conceptualization of
intelligence in the later test is derivative of the conceptualization in the first, thus pro-
ducing a “bootstrap” effect. However, concurrent validity—although never enough on
its own—is important. If old and new tests of the same construct fail to correlate with
each other, then something is probably seriously wrong.

Construct validity
Construct validity is the primary form of validation underlying the trait-related approach
to psychometrics. The entity that the test is measuring is normally not measurable di-
rectly, and we are only able to evaluate its usefulness by looking at the relationship be-
tween the test and the various phenomena that theory predicts. A good demonstration of
construct validation is provided by Eysenck’s validation of the Eysenck Personality
Inventory, which measures extraversion/introversion and neuroticism. It was not possible
The psychometric principles 45
for Eysenck to validate this scale by correlating respondents’ scores on the extraversion
scale with their “actual” amount of extraversion. After all, if this were known, then there
would be no need for the scale. However, he was able to suggest many ways in which
extraverts might be expected to differ from introverts in their behavior.
Based on his theory that extraverts had a less-aroused central nervous system, he
postulated that they should be less easy to condition, and this led to a series of experi-
ments on individual differences in conditionability. For example, it was shown that in an
eyeblink conditioning experiment—with a tone heard through headphones as the
conditioned stimulus and a puff of air to the eye as the unconditioned—extraverts de-
veloped the conditioned eyeblink response to the tone on its own more slowly than
introverts did. He suggested that extraverts should also be less tolerant of sensory de-
privation, and that the balance between excitation and inhibition in the brain would be
different between extraverts and introverts, which led to a series of experiments. He also
suggested that the electroencephalogram (EEG) would vary, with extraverts showing a
less-aroused EEG, and this again could be tested. Finally, Eysenck was able to point to
some simulations of extravert and introvert behavior, for example, the effect of alcohol
that produces extraverted behavior by inhibiting cortical arousal. The validation of the
construct of extraversion consists of a whole matrix of interrelated experiments. From
this, Eysenck concluded that extraverts condition more slowly, are less tolerant to
sensory deprivation, are less sensitive to inhibiting drugs, and are generally different from
introverts on a whole variety of other psychophysiological and psychophysical tests. He
claimed that his theory that extraversion had some biological basis was supported because
it was able to provide a unified explanation for all these findings. Construct validation is
never complete but is cumulative over the number of studies available.

Differential validity
Construct validity demands not only that a test correlate highly with some other measures
that it resembles but also that it not correlate with measures from which it should differ.
Thus, a test of mathematics reasoning that had a correlation of 0.6 with numerical rea-
soning but of 0.7 with reading comprehension would be of dubious validity. It is not
enough that the test and the criterion simply be correlated. We need to exclude the
possibility that the correlation has come about because of some wider underlying trait such
as general intelligence before we can make the claim that a specific form of ability has been
assessed. Differential validity refers to the difference between the correlation between a test
and its anticipated construct (convergent validity) and the correlation between the test and
its possible confound (divergent validity). Classically, differential validity is assessed using
the multitrait–multimethod approach, which involves the assessment of three or more
traits using three or more different methods. Thus, in a personality-testing situation,
extraversion, emotionality, and conscientiousness could be assessed using self-report,
projective techniques, and peer ratings. High predicted correlations between the same
personality trait measured by whatever method should be accompanied by low correlations

Simply knowing someone’s raw score on a test tells us nothing unless we know
something about the test’s standardization characteristics. For example, a person may be
46 The psychometric principles
delighted if you tell them that their score on a test is 78, but the delight will fade if you
tell them that everyone else who took the test scored over 425. There are two types of
standardization: norm referenced and criterion referenced. Criterion-referenced tests tell
us what a person with a certain score or higher can or cannot be expected to know or do.
Norm-referenced tests tell us how someone’s score compares with the score of a sample
of others who took the test.

Norm referencing
The easiest way to norm-reference a test is simply to place everyone’s scores in order and
find out the rank order of the person in question. Peter, for example, may come 30th out
of 60. It is more usual to report this sort of ordering as a percentile, as this takes account
of the sample size. Thus, Peter’s score of 30 out of 60 becomes 50% or the 50th per-
centile. These percentile scores are ordinal (ranked data), and so it is easy to convert
them into an easily interpretable framework. The 50th percentile is the median (this is
the average for ordinal data). The 25th and 75th percentiles are the first and third
quartiles respectively, while the 10th, 20th, and 30th percentiles become the first,
second, and third deciles. This form of reporting norm-referenced data is quite common
for some occupational tests. However, a disadvantage of this approach is that it throws
away information coming from the actual sizes of the differences between raw scores,
something that is lost when data are ranked. For example, if candidates with scores of 45,
47, and 76 are ranked, these data become first, second, and third—and the meaning of
the small difference between the first two and the large difference between the second
and the third are lost. Our ability to make use of the distance between adjacent scores
depends on our assumptions about the nature of the underlying measurement.

Types of measurement
Classical measurement theory tells us to differentiate three types of measurement:
nominal, ordinal, and interval. Nominal data are simply categorized. For example, the
numerical country code for the UK is 44, while that for France is 33, but these are just
labels. We can use data categorized in this way within a statistical analysis, but clearly
need to be cautious about how they are interpreted. It makes no sense to add, subtract,
multiply or divide with them. Ordinal data are ranked, as when an interview panel
arranges the order in which they see the suitability of candidates for a job. Although
numbers are assigned—e.g., ranks of 1 to 10 where there 10 candidates—this does not
mean that the intervals between these categories have any special significance. For ex-
ample, candidates 1 to 4 may have all seemed like very plausible candidates, and the panel
was hard-pressed to rank them, while candidates 5 to 10 may have been felt to be of far
lower caliber and were essentially seen as nonstarters. With interval data, the size of the
difference between scores becomes significant. Thus, with candidates scoring 45, 50, and
60 on a test, it would make sense to say that the difference between the second and third
candidates was twice as large as the difference between the first and second candidates.
We need interval data in order to apply the more powerful parametric model.
The average and variation parameters of a set of data vary according to its type of
measurement. For nominal data, the average is the mode, defined as the most frequently
occurring category. For ordinal data, the average is the median, the value such that half
the scores are below it and half above it. For interval scales, the average is the mean, the
The psychometric principles 47
sum of all the scores divided by the number of scores. If data have a normal distribution,
then the three forms of average—the mode, the medium, and the mean—should be the
same. If, however, the data are not normal, then they will differ. Looking at national
salary income, for example, the data are heavily skewed so that most workers earn a
lower amount, with a few earning a great deal. With positively skewed data of this type,
the mode will be much lower than the mean, with the median lying in between. (A fact
frequently used selectively by politically biased commentators, each putting their chosen
slant on the interpretation of the “average” income and its implications for the state of
the nation.) The variation parameters for the three types of measurement are, respec-
tively, the range of frequencies, the interquartile range, and the standard deviation.
Statistical models vary depending on the measurement level of the data. Those for in-
terval data that also have a normal distribution are described as parametric, and those for
nominal and ordinal data as nonparametric. Classical psychometricians have striven for the
more powerful parametric approach—so much so that wherever possible, data that at first
seem to be nominal or ordinal in nature have been treated as interval or converted to some
simulation of interval. Thus, giving the correct or incorrect answer to a question generates
two nominal categories: right and wrong. But if we assume a latent trait of ability, make a
few other assumptions, and have enough items, we can treat these as interval data with a
certain degree of plausibility. Similarly, the ranked data from an item in a personality
questionnaire to the response categories “never,” “hardly ever,” “sometimes,” “often,” and
“very often” can be treated in the same way.

Using interval data

If the scale is truly interval and its data normally distributed, then we can use the more
powerful parametric statistical procedures in the analysis and interpretation. But we must
first know something about the distribution of the data. The first step in obtaining this is
to plot the frequency distribution of the raw data in the form of a histogram. To do this,
we simply ascribe bins to ordered groups of data. If, for example, we have 100 people,
each with a score out of 100 on a test, we can create bins of 0 to 9, 10 to 19, 20 to 29,
and so forth—up to 90 to 100—and count how many people have scores within each
bin. This information is then plotted, with frequency as the vertical y axis and the
ordered bin categories as the horizontal x axis. The shape of the frequency histogram we
obtain tells us whether the data are normally distributed. If they are, then norm refer-
encing is relatively straightforward. The statistic for the average in an interval scale is the
mean, obtained by summing all the scores and dividing them by the number of scores.
With this alone, we would be able to say whether a person’s score was above or below
average—but a more important question is “How much above or below average?” and
the answer will depend on how much variation there is in the data. If the mean of a set of
scores is 55, then a person with a score of 60 may be only a little above average if the
range of scores is large, or very much above average if the range of scores is low. The
statistic used to measure the amount of variation in a normal distribution is the standard
deviation. This then becomes the unit by which deviations from the mean are measured.
A person may, for example, be one standard deviation above the mean, or two, or 1.7.
Their score may also be below the mean by a similar degree of standard deviation units.
Norm-referenced standardization for interval data thus has two elements: first, the need
to obtain information on the test scores of a population by taking appropriate samples; and
second, the need to obtain a set of principles by which raw data from the test can be
48 The psychometric principles
transformed to give a set of data that have a normal distribution. And this latter becomes
particularly important if the scores will need to be subjected to statistical analysis, as is
usually the case. Parametric statistical tests, factor analysis, and most of the advanced
techniques available strive to obtain data that are normally distributed.
If the only information that is available after the administration of a test is one re-
spondent’s score, then it will tell us nothing about that person. For example, suppose we
are told that Bernard scores 23 on an extraversion test. Is this high or low? Before we can
make an interpretation, we need to know what a score of 23 represents. This may be from
norm-referenced information, given by knowledge of the general-population mean and
standard deviation for extraversion scores. With this extra information, we can say how
extraverted Bernard is in comparison with everyone else. Or it may be criterion related;
for example, there may be information from the test handbook to tell us that people with
extraversion scores of 22 and higher like going out all the time or have difficulty settling
down for a quiet read.
Comparison or criterion information of this type must be made available when a test is
published. Norm-referencing procedures are much more common than criterion refer-
encing, largely because they are easier to carry out and because for many tests it is ex-
tremely difficult to give clear and specific criteria. In order to obtain comparison data for a
norm-referenced test, a population must be specified that is directly comparable to the
population of intended use. Thus, a test of potential to do well in business—used to select
persons for admission to business school—must be standardized with business-school
applicants. If the potential sample is large, then the information can be obtained by a
process of random or stratified random sampling. For information on the whole popu-
lation of adults in a country, a random sample might be taken from the electoral register.
Comparison data may be presented in raw form, as for example in the Eysenck
Personality Inventory, where we are able to read in the handbook that the average ex-
traversion score is about 12, with a standard deviation of about 4. We can tell from this
that a person with an extraversion score of 22 is 2.5 standard deviations above the mean.
As extraversion scores in the population are known to be approximately normally dis-
tributed, we can quickly derive that less than 1% of the population has a score this high.
The normal population data may sometimes be given separately for different groups, and
this often enables a more precise interpretation. A situation where this might be useful
could be in assessing mathematics ability among applicants for university places in
mathematics courses. Here, we would be interested in how applicants compared with
each other, and the fact that they all performed in the top 50% of ability in mathematics in
the population at large would be relatively uninformative.

Standard scores and standardized scores

The interpretation of scores in terms of percentages within the general population is
easy to understand, and it maps very well onto the pattern of the normal curve. Thus,
we know that a person who is above average is in the top 50%, a person who is one
standard deviation above the mean is in the top 16%, a person who is more than two
standard deviations below the mean is in the bottom 2%, and so on. For this reason, the
comparison of an individual’s score with the norm is often given in terms of the
number of standard deviations by which it differs from the mean. This is called a
standard score or z score. In the earlier example of Bernard with an extraversion
score of 22, it is clear that with a mean of 12 and a standard deviation of 4, his score is
The psychometric principles 49
2.5 standard deviations above the mean. This score of 2.5 is referred to as the standard
score and is given more formally by the formula z = (score − mean score)/(standard
deviation); in this case, z = (22 − 12)/4 = 2.5. The process of determining the
population data and using them to provide a method for transforming raw scores to
standard scores is called test standardization (see Table 2.5).


Standard scores—that is, scores in standard-deviation units on a test—normally range

between −3.0 and +3.0 and have a mean of 0. This is not a very convenient way to
present an individual’s score; for example, schoolchildren might tend to object if told
that their score on a test was −1.3! There is therefore a set of conventions that are applied
to these standard scores to make them more presentable. The most common of these are
the T score, the stanine, the sten, and the IQ formats. For T scores, we multiply the z
score by 10 and add 50. Thus, a standard score of −1.3 becomes (−1.3 × 10) + 50 = 37;
much more respectable. The advantage of this format is that it turns the scores into
something that resembles a traditional classroom mark, which normally has a mean of
about 50 with most scores lying between 20 and 80. Unlike most classroom marks,
however, it is very informative. If we were told that someone had scored 70 on a
classroom mathematics test, we would not have any information unless we knew the
marking scheme—it might be that the teacher involved always gives high marks.
However, if the scores were transformed into T scores, then because we already know
that T scores have a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10, it is immediately clear
that a score of 70 is two standard deviations above the mean. This is equivalent to a z
score of 2, which is in the top 2% of scores on that test.


The stanine technique transforms the standard scores into a scale running from 1 to 9,
with a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 2. This standardization is widely used, as a
set of scores from 1 to 9 (rather like marking out of 10) has much intuitive appeal. There
are no negatives and no decimals (by convention, they are rounded off to the nearest
whole number). The advantage of the stanine over the T score is that it is sufficiently
imprecise not to be misleading. Most tests have only a limited precision. A T score of 43,
for example, would be equivalent to a stanine score of 4, as would a T score of 41. In a
personality test, the difference between T scores of 41 and 43 would be much too small
to be of any real significance, but their bold statement within the T score format does
give a misleading impression of precision.


The sten score is a standardization to a scale running from 1 to 10, with a mean of 5.5
and a standard deviation of 2. Again, as with the stanine, there are no negatives and no
decimals. The sten and stanine seem very similar, but there is one important difference.
With the stanine, a score of 5 represents an average band (ranging before rounding from
4.5 to 5.5, which is from 0.25 standard deviation below the mean to 0.25 standard
deviation above the mean). With the sten, on the other hand, there is no average as such;
a score of 5 is below average, and a score of 6 is above average.
50 The psychometric principles

The IQ format originated when the definition of an IQ score in the Stanford–Binet tests of
intelligence was changed from one based on the ratio of mental age to chronological age
(the original meaning of “intelligence quotient”) to the now widely used standardization
approach. The IQ transformation is based on a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of
15; thus, a standard score of −1.3 becomes an IQ score of (−1.3 × 15) + 100 = 80.5
(or 80 when rounded). An IQ score of 130—that is, 100 + (2 × 15)—is two standard
deviations above the mean, and an IQ score of this value or higher would be obtained by
less than 2% of the population.
Some IQ tests use different standard deviations; for example, Cattell uses 24 scale
points rather than 15. IQ-style scores are best avoided by psychometricians today. They
have become something of a cult, and their extrapolations bear very little relation to
normal scientific processes. IQs of 160, for example, often appear as news items in the
media, yet 160 would be four standard deviations above the mean. As such, a high score
would occur in the general population only three times in 100,000, and we would need
to have had a norm group of about one million individuals to obtain the relevant
comparisons. Usually, tests are standardized with less than 1,000. Even the WISC, with
its standardization group of 2,000, had relatively few respondents at each comparison
age. The behavior of individuals at probability levels of less than three in 100,000 is not
something that can meaningfully be summarized in an IQ score. The whole conception
of a unitary trait of intelligence breaks down at these extremes.

All these standardization techniques (z score, T score, stanine, sten, and IQ format)
assume that scores for the general population already have a distribution that is normal,
or at least approximately normal. There are often good reasons why a normal dis-
tribution might be expected, and it is common practice in classical test development to
carry out item analysis in such a way that only items that contribute to normality are
selected. However, there are occasions when sets of test scores have different distribu-
tions (perhaps with a positive or negative skew, or having more than one mode), and
here alternative techniques for standardization are required. Statistical techniques are
available to test for the existence or otherwise of normality. Perhaps the most straight-
forward of these is to split the data into equal interval categories (say, about five), and to
compare (using the chi-square goodness-of-fit test) the actual number of scores in each
with the number that would be expected if the data had a normal distribution. However,
tests of normality are not particularly powerful, so if there is doubt, it is best to attempt to
normalize the data in one of the following ways.


The easiest technique for normalization is algebraic transformation. If the distribution of

scores is very positively skewed, for example, with most of the scores being at the lower
end of the scale, then taking the square root of each score will usually produce a set of
transformed scores with closer to a normal distribution. The square-rooting process has a
stronger effect on the large, more extreme, figures. With extreme positive skew, log
transformations can alternatively be used. All these techniques are particularly important
The psychometric principles 51
if the data are to be analyzed statistically, as most statistical tests assume a normal dis-
It has been argued that this transformation procedure is unnatural and does not do full
credit to the true nature of the data. However, this view is based on a misunderstanding.
For norm-referenced tests, the data really only have a true nature in relation to the scores of
other individuals, while even in criterion-referenced tests, the data are rarely at the interval
level of measurement—the minimum level required for distribution effects to have much
meaning. Furthermore, the data only have functional meaning in relation to the tasks to
which they are put (t tests, correlations, etc.), and these generally require normally dis-
tributed data. If the data “make more sense” when untransformed, then they can still be
reported in this way, with the caveat that tests of statistical significance were carried out
using the transforms.


For some data samples (particularly where there is more than one mode), the deviations
from normality of the raw population scores are too complicated to be eliminated by a
straightforward algebraic transformation. These situations can generally be dealt with by
the construction of a standardization transformation based on the expected standard
deviation of each percentile within a normal distribution.
To standardize in this way, the scores are first ranked, and then cumulative percentages
are found for each point on the rank. Thus, for a sample with 100 respondents in which
the top two respondents score 93 and 87, respectively, we mark 99% at 93 and 98% at 87,
and so on. With different sample sizes, it will not be quite so straightforward, but the
appropriate scaling can still achieve the desired results. We can then use the known
relationship between the z score and the percentile to give us standard score equivalents
for each raw score; z = 0 is equivalent to the 50% cumulative percentile, z = 1 to the 84%
cumulative percentile, z = −1 to the 16% cumulative percentile, and so on. In the current
example, a raw score of 93 would be equivalent to a z score of 2.33, and a raw score of 87
to a z score of 2.05. These would then normally be transformed into standardized scores
(e.g., T scores).

Criterion referencing
Although comparison against the norm can be useful, there are many situations where
such comparisons are irrelevant and where the performance of the respondent would be
more appropriately measured against some outside criterion. When a test has been
constructed in this way, it is said to be criterion referenced, although the terms content
referenced, domain referenced, and objective referenced are used by some authors. This
contrasts with the norm-referencing situation, where the major characteristic is that the
score of a respondent on a test is compared with the whole population of respondents.
However, attempts to contrast norm- and criterion-referenced testing too strongly can
be misleading, as the two approaches do have much in common.
First, all items must be related to some criterion. Indeed, given that there is an in-
tention that tests be valid, each item must relate to the purpose of the test itself. This
purpose can only be judged in terms of criteria, and thus criterion referencing is a ne-
cessary aspect of validity for all tests, whether criterion or norm referenced. In fact, the
situations in which it is possible to lay down a strict single criterion for a task are
52 The psychometric principles
extremely limited, and in practice the circumstances in which we are pleased if everyone
answers all the items correctly on a test are unusual. This is not because people are less
than delighted at success, but rather because the only occasions in which this occurs seem
to be those in which the information could probably be known with no testing at all. If
we do take on the considerable task of constructing a test, we hope to gain some in-
formation from the results, and the conclusion from a 100% success rate is more often
that the test was probably rather too easy for the group in question. If all the many
applicants for a single job were tested and shown to be equally good, we would of
necessity need to question our criterion. Of course, there are many instances in which all
we wish to know is whether a particular person can do a particular task or not. But this
situation is not one that stands apart from traditional psychometrics; it is rather a special
case within it.

Testing for competencies

The widespread skepticism around psychometrics during the latter half of the last century
saw the emergence of the competency testing movement, within which it was argued
that ability testing was completely ineffective as a tool for selection in employment
settings. The view was promulgated that neither ability tests nor grades in school were
effective in predicting occupational success. This was consistent with the antitesting
zeitgeist of the time, and its influence is still present to this day. Its proponents also put
forward the view that such tests were intrinsically unfair to minorities, and that any
relationships that had been found between ability and performance were spurious, re-
sulting from social-class differences.
The belief that criterion-referenced “competencies” would be better able to predict
important behaviors than would “more traditional” norm-referenced tests became
widespread. Indeed, the emphasis on competencies rather than ability was central to the
model on which the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) assessment system was
founded. The more extreme proponents of this approach argued that the traditional
psychometric requirements of reliability and validity no longer applied to these new
types of test—for them, anything associated with traditional testing was ideologically
suspect. However, once we dismiss this view and insist on the same level of psycho-
metric rigor for both types of tests, it becomes apparent that the distinction between
competencies and other test items is largely semantic, and that none of the tests desig-
nated as competency tests were fundamentally different from traditional tests. Where to
norm-reference or criterion-reference them was always a matter of choice in both cases.

The fourth psychometric principle demands that psychometric tests be as fair and free
from bias as possible. In psychometric circles, this is normally formulated as a require-
ment that tests be equivalent. This puts it in line with the other positive requirements
that tests be reliable, valid, and standardized—it seemed somewhat incongruous that a
principle should require the absence of something (in this case, bias). Test equivalence is
not simply desirable in a fair society, it is a matter of law in many countries. However,
we should distinguish between fairness and bias. A selection procedure that is free from
bias may still be perceived as unfair by candidates. Also, bias in a test may go un-
recognized where it is hidden from sight, so that neither the candidate nor society at
The psychometric principles 53
large sees the results as unfair. Cases of bias, as opposed to perceived unfairness, nearly
always involve issues of group membership. Indeed, we can say that bias in a test exists
if the testing procedure is unfair to a group of individuals who can be defined in some
way. The major issues of test bias involve ethnicity and gender, linguistic minorities,
religious and cultural differences, and disability—although other categorizations are
in particular circumstances (educational level, height, age, sexual orientation, physical
attractiveness, and so on).
Of course, it is important that all tests be fair and be seen to be fair in their use.
However, fairness only makes sense when viewed within a wider social and psychological
perspective. Taken from an individual perspective, unfairness occurs whenever a wrong
decision is made about an individual based on a test result. Yet wrong decisions are made
all the time, particularly when an individual’s score is near the cutoff. If, for example, a
student needs a A grade to gain entrance to a degree course, the examiners have decreed
that an A is equivalent to 80% on the test, and the student has obtained 79%, then there
must be a good statistical chance that a mistake has been made simply because of error of
measurement. From the point of view of the examiners, who will be looking at the overall
perspective, the best that can be hoped for is that mistakes will be kept to a minimum.
Given the limited number of places available and the lack of definitive knowledge of what
makes for success in a course, it would be unrealistic to hope for any high degree of
accuracy near the cutoff point. Yet it is unlikely that the unsuccessful student will find
this argument acceptable. A consideration of this issue rapidly shows us that there exists a
series of social conventions within society concerning what is considered fair and unfair in
these circumstances; these conventions are informative, as they often do not agree with
conceptions of bias as viewed by the statistician.
For example, consider a situation where half of the students taking an examination go,
of their own volition, to a rather lively party the night before. Suppose that all of these
students score on average five points lower on the examination than all other students. In
these circumstances, it could be argued from a statistical point of view that the scores of
the partygoers would be subject to statistical bias, and it would be reasonably easy to
adjust for this bias—say, by adding five points to the score of any person who was at the
party. Now it is clear that this procedure, which may give a statistically better estimate of
the true score, would be extremely unlikely to be accepted by the examinees or by
society, and would even make the partygoers feel a little uncomfortable.
There is a general set of conventions about what examinees will accept as fair. If an
examinee studies a set of possible examination questions that, although plausible, do not
in fact occur in the examination, then a low mark will tend to be put down to bad luck
rather than unfairness, even though a case for the latter could certainly be made. The
ideology of these conventions is complex, as has been found by examination boards and
employers who have to make allowance for dyslexia. Exceptions for dyslexia used to be
allowed so long as it could be diagnosed as a medical condition by an appropriately
qualified professional. Today, equal-opportunity legislation requires that any claim to
dyslexia by a candidate has to be taken at face value regardless of the lack of supporting
evidence. There are also conventions regarding corrections for guessing. These are often
applied where all the items in a test are statements that have to be endorsed as either true
or false; students who guess have a 50% chance of getting the correct answer for each. If
there are, say, 100 items, then a student who knows nothing but guesses will have an
expected score of 50. One way of reducing this effect is to use multiple-choice items
54 The psychometric principles
rather than true/false; however, even here there can be a guessing artifact. If there are
five alternative responses within the multiple-choice questions, then the student still has
a 20% chance of getting the item right by guessing, giving them a score of 20 on a 100-
item test. A technique for tackling this problem is to apply a correction for guessing.
There are several formulae for this in the literature, but the most common is

C = (R –(W /(N –1))

where C is the corrected score, R is the number of correct responses, W is the number of
incorrect (wrong) responses, and N is the number of alternatives available. With true/
false-style items, the number of alternatives is two, so the formula reduces to number
right minus number wrong. Despite this logic, such corrections are not popular. Many
guesses are not random but inspired, and hence have a larger chance of being correct
than the formula gives credit for. Also, to guess correctly is often seen as more than just
luck. Children, in particular, do not take kindly to having their correct guesses thrown
away by this procedure. From their perspective, if an item is guessed and the right answer
is achieved, there is an entitlement to the mark obtained.
While bias can exist anywhere that persons are divided by group, countries differ as to
their priorities. Most countries have regulations requiring that selection procedures be
free from ethnic bias, making it illegal to select individuals based on racial characteristics
alone. For example, the Equality Acts in the UK and a number of US states lay down the
law concerning racial discrimination in employment, not just in terms of job selection
but in promotion as well. They also forbid most instances of sex discrimination that result
from the inappropriate use of psychometric tests. Both direct and indirect discrimination
are illegal under these acts. (Indirect discrimination occurs when, even in the absence of
overt discrimination, the chance of obtaining a job or a promotion is dependent on a
requirement that is more likely to be met by one group than by another.) These acts also
cover disability, age, and other forms of discrimination. In addition to acts of Parliament
or Congress, statutory bodies in many countries have been established to oversee policies
generally. They act by supporting test cases, investigating employers suspected of
discrimination, and providing guidelines for good practice.
All this legislation has had a profound influence on how psychometric tests are used.
In the US, many of the older tests are unable to meet the stringent requirements for
fairness defined in the constitution or put in place by the courts. Indeed, many in-
telligence tests, including the earlier versions of the Stanford–Binet Tests of Intelligence
and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), were outlawed last century in
many states within the US. Test development since then has been far more systematic in
its attempts to eliminate bias, and new versions of tests, including the fourth and fifth
revisions of the WISC, have adopted stringent procedures to achieve fairness in use.
Traditionally, there were three major categories of bias: item bias, now generally referred
to as differential item functioning (DIF); intrinsic test bias, now generally referred to as
lack of test invariance; and extrinsic test bias, now generally referred to as adverse impact.
The presence or absence of bias can never be a yes-or-no matter, as groups will always
differ to some degree, given a large enough sample size. The important question is: What
amount of difference is acceptable? This is particularly important when tests are used for
selection. As the alternative is not selecting at all, the question is not “Is this test biased?”
but rather “How biased is this test in comparison to the possible alternative modes of
selection?” Thus, the focus shifts away from the demonstration of statistical significance
The psychometric principles 55
per se and toward the analysis and estimation of effect sizes. It is prudent to note that
with huge sample sizes, such as those achieved in educational testing, it will always be
possible to detect bias at some level when statistical power is so high. This contrasts with
legal requirements for tests to be “bias free.” Clearly, freedom from bias can only be
demonstrated to a certain degree; there will always be some level of bias that should be
considered ignorable.
The same or similar issues and problems affect tests used in medicine, education,
special-needs diagnosis, and recruitment testing in the business world.

Differential item functioning

Item bias (differential item functioning [DIF]) is the most straightforward form of bias,
insofar as it is easy to identify and therefore to remedy. It describes a situation where the
bias exists within the individual items of which the test is composed. For example, items
developed in the US that ask about money in terms of dollars and cents would not be
appropriate for use in other countries. Linguistic forms of DIF are the most common,
especially where idiomatic usage of language is involved. This is a difficulty with a
diverse and widely used language such as English. If a person learns international sci-
entific English rather than idiomatic English, they may well be perfectly fluent within a
work situation but still be disadvantaged by items generated by users of English as a first
language. Similarly, dialects that use different grammatical structures in, for example, the
use of double negatives may again be sites of bias. In most languages, repeating a negative
represents emphasis; in standard English, the negatives cancel each other out, resulting in
a positive. Hence expressions such as “I ain’t got no time for breakfast” are grammatically
ambiguous and demand contextual information to interpret. Also, items in the
Embedded Figures Test found in many nonverbal pattern-recognition tests benefit those
whose written language makes them more familiar with ideographic character forms (for
example, Chinese).
An issue related to DIF or item bias is that of item offensiveness. This is not the same
thing, as many offensive items can be unbiased and many biased items may appear in-
offensive. For example, in a well-known Stanford–Binet item dating from 1938, the
child is asked to say which of two pictures of a girl or boy is ugly and which is attractive.
Offensive items may interfere with performance on the subsequent items in the test. But
regardless of this, offensive items should not be included for simple reasons of politeness.
Items that may be sacrilegious should obviously be avoided, as should items with irre-
levant sexual connotations. Racism and sexism in items are normally illegal, and it should
be remembered that items that draw attention to prejudice can often be as disturbing as
the items that exhibit it. Examples here might be the use of anti-Semitic passages from
Dickens or racist passages from Shakespeare within English-literature examinations. The
use of stereotypes, for example men and women within traditional male and female roles,
conveys expectations about what is normal and should also be avoided.

Measurement invariance
Intrinsic test bias (lack of test invariance, also referred to as measurement invariance)
exists where a test shows differences in the mean scores of two groups that are due to the
characteristics of the test. This may be independent of or in addition to any difference
between the groups in the trait or function being measured. Absence of measurement
56 The psychometric principles
invariance can be due to the test having different reliabilities for the two groups or to
group differences in the validity of the test (e.g., the same trait being measured in dif-
ferent proportions in the two groups, the measurement of an additional trait in one
group, the measurement of unique traits in each group, or the measurement of nothing
in common when applied to the two groups). Thus, for example, if a general-knowledge
test were administered in English to two groups—one of speakers of the language as a
mother tongue and the other of second-language learners—then while the test may
be measuring general knowledge in one group, it would be highly contaminated by a
measure of competency in English in the other group. The validities in the two groups
would thus be different. Differential content validity is often a primary cause of mea-
surement invariance. Thus a test that has been constructed to match the characteristics of
successful applicants from one particular group may not be so valid when applied to
another, and hence it is particularly likely to produce lower test scores for them. Items
that might in fact have favored the second group would simply not have been included
in the test.
One way to reduce the impact of measurement invariance is to apply different cutoff
scores for different groups—normally a lower pass mark for the groups that have been
disadvantaged—an approach that goes under the general term of positive discrimination.
However, over the decades this has had a controversial history, particularly in the US,
where recourse to the Constitution has frequently led to such procedures being declared
illegal, most specifically in terms of university entrance requirements. In the UK, it is
illegal under the 2010 Equality Act, as it breaches the principle of equal treatment for all.
All of this has been in spite of attempts by many psychometricians to model the para-
meters involved statistically. These generally fell out of favor when it was recognized that
in most real-world situations, the reasons for differential selection at the group level
rested on differences in society rather than psychometric inadequacies in the tests
themselves. For this reason, positive-discrimination programs have largely been replaced
by systems based on proportionally representative quotas designed to address the adverse
impact of all the factors contributing to inequality.

Adverse impact
Adverse impact is found when decisions leading to inequality are made following the use
of the test, regardless of whether the test has measurement invariance. This can occur
when two different groups have different scores on a test due to actual differences be-
tween the groups. For example, children of an immigrant group that lives in a deprived
inner-city area—where the schools are of poor quality—are less likely to succeed at
school and achieve the qualifications necessary for university entrance, and consequently
to gain access to more desired occupations. Where the community suffers deprivation for
several generations, the lack of opportunity is reflected in a lack of encouragement by
parents, and a cycle of deprivation can easily be established.
Most societies have legislation in place to address the concerns of groups that are
underrepresented in important employment positions or have a high rate of un-
employment. Such groups are designated as having “protected characteristics.” In the
US, these include race, gender, age (40 and over), religion, disability status, and veteran
status. In the UK, they additionally include marriage and civil partnerships, pregnancy
and maternity, belief, sexual orientation, and gender reassignment. Discrimination of this
type can be defined as either direct (roughly translated as deliberate) or indirect—that is,
The psychometric principles 57
coming about from some incidental cause. The reasons for indirect discrimination are
complex, varied, and often hard to pin down. Evidence for such discrimination is very
often obscure or unclear, and hence is minimally defined by the existence of an adverse
selection ratio described as the four-fifths rule. This occurs where a selection rate for any
protected group is less than 80% (that is, four-fifths) of that for the group with the
highest rate.
Where breaches occur, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has
issued guidelines for selectors in situations prone to adverse impact. They argue that
affirmative-action programs should in general de-emphasize race and emphasize instead
the educational level of the parents, the relative educational level of the peer group, the
examination level, the quality of schooling, and the availability of compensatory facil-
ities. They further recommend job respecification, introduction of specific training
programs, and equalization of numbers of applications by changing advertising strategies.

Once a test has been constructed, it is necessary to be able to describe some of its general
properties and to present the test in a form in which it can be easily used. The reliability of
the test must be found and quoted in a clear and precise form, such that future users are
able to obtain some idea of the amount of error that might be associated with the use of
the test for their own purpose. Data on the validity of the test must be given for as broad a
range of applications as possible. Data must be provided on the population norms, both
generally and for subgroups that may be of interest. Information should be given on the
way the data should be normalized and transformed into a common format to enable
comparisons between the results of different studies. Finally, the test should be as free as
possible from sources of bias: differential item functioning, lack of test invariance, and
adverse impact. DIF has proved to be the most amenable to direct amendment, parti-
cularly given recent advances in the application of advanced statistical modeling techni-
ques. Lack of measurement invariance has received very wide consideration by
psychometricians and policy makers alike, with the result that today, the use of any test in
the US must be accompanied by positive proof that it is not biased in this way. Issues of
adverse impact have led to a much closer collaboration between psychometricians and
policy makers generally, and to a recognition that ideological issues are of fundamental
importance to the theoretical basis of psychometrics. The political links between psy-
chometrics and popular conceptions of human rights continue to develop through the
legal structures at both legislative and individual-case levels in many countries.

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