Digital Detox

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How to achieve a
healthy digital diet


Supporting our children The right care at Get the most out
in times of disaster the right time of your medicines
Contents Calendar PREFER TO RECEIVE
3. FROM THE CEO AUGUST 2016 Opt in to receive the e-version of
10. WHAT YOUR SEX SAYS Healthmatters and we’ll email you
4. DISASTER MEDIA 22 – 28 Be MedicineWise Week - NPS Medicinewise
ABOUT YOUR HEALTH when a new issue is available. Visit
CHILDREN 12. SUPPORTING 22 – 28 VCFS22q11.2 Awareness Week - supporting the ‘Members’ area of our website
THE EDUCATION people affected by VCFS deletion 22q11.2 and, once you’re logged in, simply
COMMUNITY 26 Pink and White for 22q Day click on ‘Contact Details’, check your
email address is up to date and tick
‘yes’ for consent. It’s that easy!
SEPTEMBER 2016 For more information:

Dementia Awareness Month From the CEO

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Healthmatters is published by Teachers Federation Health Ltd.
ABN 86 097 030 414 trading as Teachers Health Fund.
1-7 National Asthma Awareness Week
RIO 2016 –
A Registered Private Health Insurer.

5 – 9 Women’s Health Week Welcome to the latest issue of We hear from the Trauma and Grief GOOD LUCK, KURT!
Healthmatters. We have listened to our Network who give us vital information on
5 – 11 Idiopathic Hypersomnia Awareness Week
HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS PHONE members and hope that you enjoy the how to support children and students when
8 R U OK? Day new larger format and updated design. seeing coverage of disasters in the media. Everyone at Teachers Health Fund
Level 4, Tower A, 1300 728 188
10 World Suicide Prevention Day If you would like to hear more from Ahead of this month’s Be Medicinewise would like to wish Paralympian and
260 Elizabeth Street Healthmatters electronically, simply opt in Week, NPS MedicineWise remind us to Teachers Health Fund Ambassador,
to receive the e-version of the magazine consider the medicines we take and how Kurt Fearnley the best of luck at
+61 2 8346 2111 and we will email you with each new issue. to ensure we get the most out of them. next month’s Paralympic Games
MAILING ADDRESS OCTOBER 2016 in Rio de Janeiro. We’ll all be
GPO Box 9812 FAX Teachers Health Fund is proud of the work Please check the Noticeboard on
Schoctober – Defibrillator Awareness Month supporting you!
Sydney, NSW 2001 we do to support the education community page 13 for important news and information
1300 728 388
Lupus Awareness Month through grants, sponsorships, scholarships from the Fund, including a reminder about For more information:
VISITING US IN PERSON EMAIL and health and wellbeing programs. In our Online Members Services portal and
Polio Awareness Month this issue we hear from Teachers Health mobile claiming for simple and convenient
35 Reservoir Street healthmatters@
Dwarfism Awareness Month Fund scholarship recipient, Jocelyn Brewer claiming.
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Twitter:
who updates us on the concept of ‘Digital
As always, your feedback is appreciated @kurtfearnley
68 Macquarie Street 3 Labour Day (Teachers Health Fund closed) Nutrition’ following her study tour of the
WEB so please contact us on
Parramatta, NSW 2150 USA. We also bring you news of just a few 10 World Mental Health Day [email protected] with
of the recipients who have benefited from
any suggestion for your Fund’s magazine.
142 Beaumont Street 15 Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day our School Staff Health and Wellbeing
Hamilton, NSW 2303 Grants Program in collaboration with the Thank you for your continued support of SPREAD THE WORD
20 World Osteoporosis Day NSW Department of Education. the only health fund exclusively for the
52 Bridge Road
22 – 29 International Brain Tumour Awareness Week I am also pleased to tell you about education community. If you love our amazing benefits
Richmond, Vic 3121
the quality, evidence-based health and services, then your family and
23 SUDEP Awareness Day Yours sincerely,
management programs and services friends probably will too! Don’t
23 – 29 International Lead Poisoning Prevention forget, as well as colleagues,
Healthmatters may not be reproduced in part or in full without the written
consent of Teachers Health Fund. All expressions of opinion are published Week
available to our members. We are
passionate about your health and
Brad Joyce eligible members can refer
on the basis that they are not regarded as representing the official opinion
of Teachers Health Fund unless expressly stated. Teachers Health Fund wellbeing and understand that navigating a partner, children, siblings,
accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the opinions, advice, healthcare services and providers can Brad Joyce, CEO grandchildren and parents! Eligibility
representations or information contained in this publication and readers The dates and events listed are major awareness days, criteria apply.
be a daunting experience. The programs
should rely on their own advice and enquiries in making decisions
affecting their own health, wellbeing or interest. weeks and months related to health and ageing. For offered include education and support and
For more information:
further information, please visit and click on can help you to achieve positive health
© 2016 Teachers Health Fund. All rights reserved. ‘Calendar of Events’. outcomes at any stage of life. spreadtheword
To unsubscribe from Healthmatters email:
[email protected]

Editor: Lauren Deering



After seeing coverage of a disaster, ƒƒAcknowledge their feelings of fear

it’s important for children and and other emotions and remind them
that they are safe, that you are with them
young people to regain a sense
and that you will look after them.
of emotional and physical safety,
for them to feel protected from the ƒƒSupport the child if they are upset

and comfort them with normal comforting
powerful and confronting forces
actions such as cuddling, stroking,
of the traumatic events seen in holding hands and sitting together. Quiet
the media. Being comforted and conversation and singing can also help
calmed will limit the potential to reassure them that they will be okay.

damaging effects of the coverage. ƒƒReassure the child that their
The maintenance of strong and thoughts, feelings and reactions are
supportive, trusted and safe primary normal. Accept the child’s responses
and don’t tell them to ‘be brave’ or ‘stop

and children
relationships, including parents,
being silly’.
extended family and teachers, are
vital in helping children and young ƒƒRemind them that there are also lots
people to cope with what they of good things happening in the world
(though these do not always receive the
may have seen. Support requires
same amount of coverage), highlight
patience and understanding. positive aspects of hope, resilience and
courage and keep an optimistic view.
ƒƒRestrict the amount of time that
they are able to watch TV or internet ƒƒEnjoy some extra fun activities to
Television, radio and the internet bring coverage of the disaster and distract remind them of normal life.
them from the coverage and other
coverage of disasters into our homes people’s conversations regarding the Remember, children will also often
coverage if necessary.
every day. The Trauma and Grief discuss what they have seen in the
ƒƒMake sure that you are there media with each other so, even though
Network (TGN) explains how parents with them when they are watching a child may not be seeing it on TV at
and teachers can help children to coverage of a disaster and encourage home, they are still exposed to it. Ask
them to talk about their fears. Ask them what they have heard from others
cope with this. them how they are feeling and what and discuss it to avoid rumours and
they are thinking – sometimes their
incorrect information from peers.
concerns are not what you might
expect. Do not force discussion if a Overall it’s important to ensure that
child is unwilling to talk, they may
children and young people feel safe
come back to you later when they
Media coverage during times of disaster is Overall it’s important that at school, can become hyper alert, want to talk. It’s also important to at home and at school after seeing
coverage of a disaster. Talking to
children feel safe at home
important. Whether it be a natural disaster, wary, distant and disconnected and be aware that it can be a sign that
violence or war, television, radio and the worried or anxious that the same children are not coping well if they are children and re-establishing and
internet can help to provide vital news and at school after seeing sort of disaster may happen to them talking about the event regularly. maintaining their familiar environments

coverage of a disaster.
and information. However, the media often or their family. Children may also and routines around sleeping, eating
ƒƒAnswer any questions that they
focus on the most frightening aspects of a feel unsafe in their relationships, the and regular activities will help them to
have to help them understand what
disaster and use powerful and sometimes physical or social environment and has happened and why. Answer feel safe and secure and to regain trust
disturbing images. Children can become The impact of disaster media coverage on children may experience separation problems, questions factually, clearly and in people and their wider world. Monitor
absorbed by the constant news stream about can vary depending on many things including emotional and behavioral changes, concisely (and age appropriately) and their reactions and feel confident to
the disaster and may find it distressing and individual characteristics of the child (such as nightmares and become cynical or if you do not have information, say so. seek and accept support and guidance
temperament, age and developmental stage), the Do not give false assurance that such from a qualified and experienced infant,
overwhelming. Parents and teachers need to over protective. The effects may settle
nature of the disaster, any pre-existing vulnerabilities events will never happen again. child or adolescent specialist or your
be mindful of how much exposure a child has quickly for some, while for others
to media covering disasters and help them to and the quality and timeliness of support they their reactions may last longer but family doctor if you’re concerned about
understand and cope with what they see and receive. Initial reactions often include shock, fear, the more media coverage they see, ongoing physical signs, worries or fears.
hear. being upset and a feeling of not being able to make the more likely that they will become
sense of their world. They may think a lot about the afraid or upset.
disaster, which can impact on their sleep and time The Trauma and Grief Network (TGN) connects families, carers and members of the community to
resources focused on the care of children and adolescents affected by the impact of trauma, loss
and grief and aims to reduce the mental health risks faced by children and adolescents by providing
information and support. For more information, visit

Health and

and services
Starting a family is an exciting time Do you need help in achieving and The privacy of your own home can be a
but it can be challenging. Our New maintaining your personal weight priceless support during rehabilitation.
Family program has been developed goals? We recognise the importance Through the Rehabilitation at Home
in collaboration with early childhood of a healthy lifestyle and its role in program, eligible members who have
experts, Safe Sleep Space & Nourish disease management and prevention approval from their treating doctor will
Perinatal Wellness to provide support and will work with you to achieve this. receive rehabilitation services from
during the first few months of life with Our range of weight management health professionals in the comfort of
a newborn. The innovative program programs are designed to help our their own home.
provides practical information and members to learn the lifestyle skills
support on a range of early parenting necessary to achieve healthy and
and settling matters. realistic weight management.

you with more than simply INCLUDES:
Living with a chronic disease such as Finding the right residential aged We understand that hospital stays can
health insurance. We’ve diabetes can be difficult but it can be care facility can be a complex and be stressful and reducing the length
listened to our members and ƒƒcoordinated care and organised health made easier with support. The Diabetes daunting process. At such an emotional of a stay can be beneficial to your
activities to ensure that the right care, tailored
understand your concerns that to individual needs, is received at the right time
Management program is designed to time, it’s easy to be confused by the wellbeing. Under the guidance of your
help members with either type 1, type 2, range of options available. To assist hospital medical team, you can receive
navigating healthcare services gestational diabetes or pre-diabetes to our members during this time, we hospital care at home, including wound
and providers can be a daunting ƒƒeducation and support to empower you manage their health and learn lifestyle offer our members the support of a and medication management and
experience. The programs and to overcome the day-to-day challenges skills to live the best life possible. dedicated aged care consultant to help selected home nursing interventions.
services we offer bring you the associated with chronic and complex health Advice and support from a credentialed you understand your options, make
right care at the right time. conditions diabetes educator, an accredited informed decisions and find the right ƒƒ Programs and services brought to members
through Teachers Healthcare Services, an
practising dietitian and an accredited residential aged-care facility.
initiative of Teachers Health Fund. For more
exercise physiologist are available to information, contact Teachers Health Fund on
ƒƒaccess to trusted resources and services
To further support your health and empower members participating in the [email protected] or call
that are designed to help you with your 1300 727 538.
wellbeing, we give eligible members program to adopt a healthy lifestyle
healthcare needs and promote independence
access to quality, evidence-based health and avoid, or minimise, potential short
management programs and services. We’re and long-term complications. ONLINE RESOURCES
determined to ensure that the very best
quality healthcare is received and positive With so much health and medical information available on the internet, it can be
health outcomes are achieved at any life hard to know what information you can trust. The team at Teachers Healthcare
stage and at no additional cost. Services has put together some online resources to provide you with trusted
health and wellbeing information on topics that we know impact many
members. Visit

Why we Following her ‘Digital

Nutrition’ study tour of the

need digital
USA, we touched base
with Jocelyn Brewer,

nutrition not
recipient of the 2014
Premier’s Teachers Health
Fund Health Education
Scholarship, to hear more

‘digital detoxes’ about what makes up a

‘healthy digital diet’.

2015 was a big year for research the myriad of issues relating to the way – those best consumed less often and to keep themselves safe is a key to think online impacts your feelings and Again, it’s not so much the network or
and debate about our use of digital that technology is shaping behaviour, with an understanding of the impacts of effective learning. other aspects of your life (like study). platform you’re using but the intention
technology, its role in education and society and learning. Digital Nutrition over-eating. and goals of what you’re using it for.
is about reclaiming the way we think Schools and parents need to work co- The three key aspects of Digital Nutrition
what makes up a ‘healthy digital diet’, Some ‘junk food’ on occasion is okay,
about our digital world and technology HOW CAN PARENTS AND operatively to provide the guidelines are mindful, meaningful and moderate.
especially when it comes to the impact but if eating the treat comes with guilt
on young minds. As I discussed in habits – rather than it being about TEACHERS SUPPORT DIGITALLY and information on how to use or negative thoughts then we need to
NUTRITIOUS LIVES FOR TEENS? technology and online activities in ways MINDFUL in that you are present to
my Healthmatters article last year, as restriction or detoxing (which gives the consider those thoughts, not just the
that contribute to their learning and your actions, you have awareness of
teachers it’s impossible to ignore the sense that its somewhat poisonous), I encourage parents and educators activity. To be able to do that we need
wellbeing. Importantly, adults should and responsibility over your activities
way that digital technology has not it’s about proactively designing a to refrain from perpetuating the sense to develop the ability to ‘tune in’ and be
be aware of the way that their own use online and how these impact not just
there is a divide between young present to our feelings and think through
other aspects of your life but other
It’s not about good or bad.
of technology is role modelled to young positive and helpful ways to engage with
people’s use of technology and their
people and keep a check of their own people too.
activities online.
The digital world is complex
own – recent research actually shows
technology habits and behaviours.
that Australian teens’ technological MEANINGFUL in that you have a
and nuanced.
The American Academy of Paediatrics Increasingly there are better ways to
skills are falling behind! There is a big sense of purpose and clarity in regard
abandoned their simplistic ‘screentime’ credential and review the apps and
difference between young people being to what you’re reading, commenting on
prescriptions in favour of more dynamic games we use and the provision of more
able to use social media skilfully and or participating in. The activities should
relationship with technology that is and descriptive principles for balanced nuanced and qualified evaluations of,
only shaped the way we teach, but its having the high level skills required in contribute, even in a small way, to your
healthy and sustainable. technology use, many of which echoed not just the popularity, but the social,
capacity to captivate the attention of our a 21st century economy (like coding goals and values.
the ideas underlying Digital Nutrition. emotional and cognitive skills which are
students. However, there is an important and data management). Sure, some
component missing: teaching the soft Digital Nutrition borrows from the MODERATE in that you’re able to required when using them. Sometimes
adults don’t have the skills and might
thinking around food nutrition and what WHAT ARE THE 3M’S OF DIGITAL young people really benefit from the
skills required to mediate and moderate not ‘get’ how to use technology (nor regulate and temper your habits and
makes a balanced diet and applies NUTRITION? input of the ‘adult lens’ being cast over
its use. why it’s so important to young people) usage and avoid negative impacts
these concepts to how we consume Think of these in the same way that you across other aspects of your life. The the social media platforms they use in
but this is an opportunity to connect and
My Digital Nutrition study tour of information and ideas digitally though might think of healthy food, you know activities are balanced and, like in order to point out possible issues which
communicate about the experiences
the USA, funded by the Premier’s our devices and social media. We what healthy food looks like and you Goldilocks, are done in amounts that might not create safe spaces or habits
and capabilities that young people
Teachers Health Fund Health Education can think of some online activities as can tune in and notice when you’re are ‘just right’! for young people.
have online. Giving people choices and
Scholarship, was well timed with the being more ‘nutritious’ from a social, full (or if you’ve eaten too much). The
guidance on how to shape their online To hear more from Jocelyn, including her
increasing demand in understanding psychological and cognitive perspective same applies to developing the skills full Premier’s Teachers Health Fund Health
worlds is important, empowering young It’s not about good or bad. The digital
and innovating our way of approaching and others being more like ‘junk’ foods to recognise how what you look at and Education Scholarship study tour and TEDx talk,
people with information and knowledge world is complex and nuanced. visit


WHAT YOUR SEX ƒƒPap tests: women aged

18-70 years who have been
family history of breast cancer
should have a mammogram


sexually active should have every two years. Those with a
a pap test every two years, family history of breast cancer
including those who have had should be guided by their
GP. Women aged 40-49 are

the Human Papillomavirus
also eligible to receive free
(HPV) vaccine. Women over
screening mammograms.
70 years who have had two
normal pap tests in the five ƒƒBe breast aware – it’s
years before turning 70 can important to know what is
generally stop having pap normal for you because
tests but should be guided by everyone is different. Women
their GP. should check their breasts
regularly and if they notice
ƒƒMammogram: women aged any changes, see their GP
50-69 years who do not have a

Life expectancy for Australian men Australian men and women share many health challenges.
is currently 80.3 years compared to Nearly one in three are insufficiently active and only one in 20
meet the Australian Dietary Guidelines for recommended daily
84.4 years for Australian women. We serves of both fruit and vegetables. However, men and women MEN
look at some of the factors that may ƒƒA trusted and open ƒƒUndertake regular at home/
differ in patterns of illness, disease risk factors and access to relationship with your GP self-checking and if you ƒƒProstate screening: screening ƒƒSkin, dental, optical, mental
shape the health of men and women. and use of health services. is critical to good health. notice any changes or have for prostate cancer is not done health, diabetes, immunisations,
Visit your GP annually for a any concerns, speak to your routinely but men who have bone density, heart health,
check-up (or more if directed doctor or health professional. any concerns should speak to bowel health and dietary health
by your health professional). their GP. (including weight and body
Visit the National Health ƒƒSee your doctor and measurements).
other health professional ƒƒTesticular self-examination –
Services Directory
WOMEN MEN ( for a list GPs
and other health services.
for regular check-ups and
age-appropriate screenings,
men should know what their
testes look and feel like and if
they notice anything different,
References: Australian Bureau of
Statistics, Australian Medical
health checks and Association, Better Health
like lumps or pain, should see Channel, World
immunisations – if you have
their GP immediately. Health Organisation, Royal
a personal or family history,
Australian College of General Practitioners
consult your doctor on, Andrology Australia
Women as a whole enjoy a postnatal period also times of Reports suggest that display destructive frequency of screenings.
longer life expectancy than mental health vulnerability. Australian men are more behaviours. While fewer
men but in general they likely to get sick from Australians overall are
also report more episodes Women’s role as primary serious health problems consuming alcohol in risky
of ill health, consult medical carers can also have a than women. They are quantities, men aged 18 and
practitioners and health significant impact on their less inclined than women over are more than twice as
professionals more frequently mental health and wellbeing to take an active role in likely to exceed recommend
and take medication more with carers experiencing maintaining their health amounts than women.
often. Cardiovascular disease poorer physical, mental and are less likely to Likewise, proportionally
is the leading cause of death and emotional health and seek professional help for more Australian men smoke
in women, with women aged wellbeing because of their problems, particularly those daily than women.
15 years and over more likely caring responsibilities. Many of an emotional nature, with
to be sedentary or engage carers neglect their own women aged between 25 One in six Australian men
in low levels of exercise than health care needs due to and 34 twice as likely to visit will suffer from depression
males of the same age. limited time or the ability to a doctor than men of the at any given time with men
afford treatments. same age. Consequently, more likely to resort to
Women’s health needs men die in greater numbers drug and alcohol abuse in
may also differ at different Because they tend to live an attempt to deal with it.
longer, women also represent than women from almost
times in their lives. Early every non-sex specific Depression is also a known
childhood experiences, such a growing proportion of older high-risk factor for suicide
people, with a corresponding health problem.
as adolescent body image, and Australian men of all
can play a significant role burden of chronic disease and Males, particularly ages suicide at a higher rate
in determining future mental the tendency to live longer teenagers, are also more than women.
health with pregnancy and the with a disability. likely to consider themselves
invulnerable and therefore

Supporting the

education community Melissa NEW WEBSITE

We’ve made improvements to our
website to help make things easier for
you! New features include an exclusive
‘Members’ section, so you can find
everything you need in one place. Visit to take a look.
In the last issue of Healthmatters,
we touched on the work that we’re You may have seen
doing with the education community Teachers Health Fund member, COMPETITION WINNER!
through grants, scholarships and Melissa Tinkler on our new
programs. We’re proud of this work website so we asked Mel to tell us Congratulations to Benjamin Dewson our
and would like to tell you a bit more a bit more about herself and why Feedback ASAP prize draw winner who

about one of our programs offered in she chose the Fund. has won a $1,000 Visa gift card. We hope
you enjoy your prize!
partnership with the NSW Department
of Education. Healthmatters: Hi Mel, can you tell us Also, our previous fund was for-profit
a bit about yourself? so, when I looked into Teachers Health ONLINE MEMBER SERVICES
Mel: Hi there! I work at Lara Lake Fund, I especially liked the fact that all
Primary School in Victoria where I teach profits are invested back into the Fund Online Member Services is an easy
The Teachers Health Fund School Staff YOGA included a walking group, surfing and a grade four class. I’ve been teaching so services can be maintained. and secure way to manage your
Health and Wellbeing Grants Program ukulele lessons! for 26 years now. membership. You can update your
To support staff at Budawang School
was designed to support schools in HM: Would you recommend Teachers
in working with students with special Feedback from the program has been personal details, change your cover,
implementing and maintaining initiatives HM: What made you look at Teachers Health Fund to family and friends?
needs, a yoga program was specifically hugely positive with participating check your waiting periods and claims
for teaching and administrative staff Health Fund? M: Yes, and I have! I tell them that the
designed to develop core strength to schools commenting that the program history plus much more! To register, click
which promote physical and mental M: I’d heard about the Fund from service is excellent, you can always
help ensure that staff can safely carry encouraged their staff to focus on their ‘Members’ at
health and wellbeing. other teachers and your Business speak to a real person but the online
out their duties. physical, social and emotional needs. and choose ‘login’ at ‘My Membership’.
Development Officers visiting my service is also easy to navigate.
Select ‘Register’, complete the required
A successful pilot of the program school. Colleagues had positive reviews Benefits can be paid on a huge range
ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION an outstanding information and ‘Submit’. It’s that easy!
achieved significant health outcomes of the Fund – easy claiming and great of services from hospital cover to all
Staff from Cabramurra Public School opportunity to focus on
and the program was subsequently benefits – and, as our current fund kept aspects of wellbeing from physio to
attended a weekend program at staff and their wellbeing
extended, with applications received altering our cover by reducing services dental to all types of support services.
from schools across the targeted Bournda Environmental Education and increasing our expenses, we We’ve claimed for physio, dental, MOBILE CLAIMING
networks. Each school’s needs were Centre. Designed to support mindfulness With busy schedules, the program decided to look into Teachers Health hospital, doctors, optical … you name it!
very different and were covered with a and wellbeing, the program included enabled participants to make time to Fund. We found a far better quality Don’t forget we’ve got a mobile claiming
range of activities designed to enhance walking sessions, bird watching, bike de-stress and focus on their health and of product and level of service which HM: What does Teachers Health Fund app for simple and convenient claiming.
the health and wellbeing of staff covered riding and a number of presentations. wellbeing. The programs undertaken matched our family’s needs perfectly. mean to you?
also further enhanced positive learning For more information and to download
in the applications. Here is a taster of M: It means that I can relax. My
HEALTH AND WELLBEING cultures, with reports of teaching and the app, visit
activities undertaken: HM: What do you like about Teachers husband and two children are also
Lavington East Public School enjoyed a non-teaching staff enjoying activities Health Fund? covered on our family policy so I
MINDFULNESS series of health and wellbeing sessions together, which also benefitted students M: I like the fact that there’s a fund feel rest assured that if any medical
A mindfulness program was undertaken delivered by a Bluearth Coach, including and their families. We look forward to that considers the high demands, emergencies arise, then we are R U OK?
by staff at Broulee Public School. The engaging physical activities to support building on these successes with the physically and mentally, of working in supported financially and have greater
program included a presentation by the needs of the group and individuals. next round of grants with programs education and is specifically designed options for the very best care at the Don’t forget to ask “Are you ok?” on
visiting international presenter, Jean including group personal training for teachers, whether it be medical or best hospitals with the best doctors. R U OK? Day (8 September). Visit
MUSIC LESSONS sessions, visits from a nutritionist, overall wellbeing. I don’t think you can This is particularly important to me as a for news, information and
Watson, and sessions for teaching,
support and administration staff with a A wellness and sporting program which drumming lessons, relaxation sessions fully understand the demands of being mother as I can choose the very, very tools to help you start conversations.
further session for parents. focussed on the importance of looking and pottery classes. a teacher without working in education best for my children.
after your health was developed for and the Fund knows what we need.
For more information on the grants program,
staff at Ulladulla High School. Activities
contact Jane Stower, National Partnerships
Manager on [email protected]


The first question to ask is ‘what is this medicine for?’. By asking

questions about your medicines or medical tests, you’ll get more
out of a visit to your doctor, pharmacist or other health professional.
Getting the information that you need about your medicines will
help you to make better informed decisions.

The process of ageing means that older Medicines don’t just come on prescription they also include over-
people’s bodies handle medicines slightly the-counter medicines from a pharmacy, supermarket or other
differently than younger people’s bodies store, as well as herbal remedies, vitamins and other supplements.
and may be more sensitive to the intended They come in many different forms, such as tablets, liquids and
effects, side effects and interactions. These creams, and different medicines do different things so it’s important
changes to the body need to be taken to consider all the medicines you’re taking and using.
into account regarding types and doses of
medicine. Being medicinewise also includes
finding ways to remember to take medicines Always ask ‘what is the active ingredient?’. The active ingredient
at the right time and the right dose and in the medicine identifies the chemical that makes it work. Many
how to deal with any complicated medicine medicines with the same active ingredient are available under
schedules. several different brand names and packaging. Your pharmacist may
offer you an alternative brand with the same active ingredient as
BE MEDICINEWISE WHEN the one on your prescription or the medicine you usually take.

Be Medicinewise
Some medicines are safe to use during It’s important that your doctor knows all the
non-prescribed medications you are taking.
pregnancy and breastfeeding, but some For more information, including questions
have risks. For pregnant women or those to ask your doctor or pharmacist and free
planning to be, it’s important to consider medicine list templates and downloads, visit
the effect any medicine may have.
When breastfeeding, remember that NPS MedicineWise is funded by the
medicines taken may pass into breast Australian Government Department of
Health and provide free, independent,
milk. It’s important to discuss any effects or not-for-profit, evidence-based information
interactions with your doctor and together to enable better decisions about medicines
We can find information about or over-dosing. It’s important to
weight up the benefits and risks. and medical tests. For more information,
medicines from many sources, read the label, know the active visit
This month marks ‘Be including the internet, the media, ingredient, dose ccording to weight
Medicinewise Week’ so family and friends, but being and age, understand possible side
medicinewise means being effects and keep accurate records
we hear more from NPS informed and using reliable, fact- of what, how much and when
MedicineWise about based sources of information. By medication has been administered.
considering the medicines being medicinewise you’ll know
what you’re taking, why and how BE MEDICINEWISE AS A
you take and how to get it could affect you and whether TEENAGER AND YOUNG
the most out of them. a medicine is the best option. ADULT
You’re never too busy to be The more you know, the more As you start taking care of your
confident you’ll be to talk about own health and medicines you
medicinewise! your options with your doctor. need to know the right questions to
ask and the correct medicinewise
practices. A teenage body is
growing and changing and it’s
We all take medicines but too often we Small mistakes can cause big important to understand not only
take them for granted. Having the right problems in little bodies so parents the benefits of medicines but also
information and understanding your and carers need to know how the risks, including side effects and
medicines will help you and those who to give medicines to children interactions to help reduce the
care for you to make better decisions safely, including accurately chances of a problem and ensure
about your health and importantly, get measuring and administering to you’re prepared.
the best results from your medicines. avoid accidental under-dosing

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