Difference Between KRA and KPI
Difference Between KRA and KPI
Difference Between KRA and KPI
Fulfilling the resource $hould fulfill minimum !"# of requirements within the time the requirements as pro*ected in frame specified in the approved the HRRF forms HRRF Quality resources selection is $he $echnical Intervie rating done through effective HR / shoul% be &'()* Technical Interview Process
Employment Verification mployment verification should Conduct mployment !erifications of %e completed ithin + %ays all candidates after issuing the ,ffer -etter Coordinate with respective personnel for "ffer #etter should %e given ithin ( %ays from the issuing "ffer #etter / $alary %rea&up for completion of the Final the short listed candidates ,ssessment %y -.H 'aintain proper documentation of all the records relating to the Candidate(s) lined up / selected and provide the status on demand to the HR Head Hard copies of the Interview Forms should %e maintained %y the recruitment team till the offer letter is released and the same has to %e handed over to Core HR team once offer is given
Status Reporting Provide status report on recruitments to ,n a ee.ly basis the Head HR No Sho Ratio nsure that the candidates who are The /o0$how ratio should %e offered employment are continuously less than +"# in a month followed up till they *oin the organi+ation and avoid offer re*ection ratio
HR Startup Kit
Proper salary structure should %e created 1 maintained for various positions with nsure that the 5Internal Parity6 in the company %asing on the parameters are ta&en into Qualifications 1 2perience3 nsure the consideration during salary ma2imum fitment on the salary is fi2ation maintained
Initiating Process Improvement 0 ,%ility to %ring in new ideas to To introduce minimum 7 process the place of wor&3 Readiness to improvement initiative in a initiate action voluntarily and period of 8 months a%ility to thin& and implement new approaches that ena%le the organi+ation to meet/e2ceed the customer requirements 1ommunication 2 Co0operation and co0ordination with su%ordinates4 peer group and superiors nsure proper customer communication with Internal / 2ternal Customers Communicate the organi+ational goals4 policies4 procedures effectively across the organi+ation