He Tone Ews: S C W G, P Usa A 2008

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The Stone News

Stone Church of Willow Glen, Presbyterian USA April 2008

Pastor’s Visit with Ken Brechler

“If you let me come
back alive, God,
I will kneel down
and kiss this earth.”
by The Reverend Doctor Ken Henry
Last summer, when I first visited
with Ken Brechler, in a hospital
room at Kaiser, he said, “I suppose
you want to hear my life story.” I
didn’t get to hear too much of it
that day, but I always remembered
his invitation. So, this past week, I
visited Ken at his current residence, Ken Henry and Ken Brechler
The Atrium, and listened to him
recall his past. “Someday I may want to apply for a Bridge, Ken remembers praying, “If
Ken was born on September 2, government job.” you let me come back alive, God, I
1912, in Curlew, Iowa, a town of In June of 1941, Ken married Mil- will kneel down and kiss this earth.”
about 200. He grew up on a farm dred Yenter, and that November, he And after being a part of five sepa-
where his father (Wieland Jacob received a telegram from the Dept. rate beach landings, being shot at
Benjamin Franklin Brechler) and of Justice offering him a job in New by snipers and strafing fire, and
mother (Pearl) planted corn, hay, York City. The pay was $500 more watching friends die in action, in
and wheat. He graduated from high a month than he was making, and 1945, Ken kept his promise. As he
school (in a class of 10), in 1931, he would be working for the Dept. got off the boat in San Diego, he
then matriculated to Drake Univer- of Immigration and Naturalization. knelt down on the pier and kissed
sity, where he played basketball for So, Ken became an inspector and his homeland.
the Drake bulldogs (and this year, investigator for those wishing to “I don’t understand how I sur-
has been following the team’s suc- become American citizens and was vived. War makes you wonder
cess with great enthusiasm). stationed on Ellis Island. about life. War is hell. No, I think
After college, Ken took a high “Every day, my ferry went right by it’s worse than hell.”
school coaching and teaching job the Statue of Liberty.” After the war, his work with the
in Ute, Iowa, for a whopping salary Of course, on December 7, 1941, Dept. of Justice sent him to Ger-
of $85 a month. He taught social everything changed — 13 months many, France, Greece, Turkey, Leba-
science and math for six years later he went through basic train- non, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Iran,
before taking another teaching job ing and entered the Counter-Intel- and Israel.
in Mapleton, Iowa. ligence Corp, where he performed a “It was a strange feeling to walk
very unusual service for his country around where Christ was and to
in an effort to stop security leaks. put my hands up against the wail-
Working undercover, in civilian ing wall.”
clothing, Ken spoke to servicemen, Later on, in 1984, at First Presby-
in the bars of New York, to see if terian Church, Palo Alto, Ken met
they were disclosing too much about Betty Moran, a professor at Santa
our nation’s military secrets. Clara University. The two quickly
Later, Ken learned to drive every- became great friends and traveling
Ken Brechler, high school coach, at left thing from a motorcycle to a Sher- companions.
man tank. He received training from “Betty is one of the best ladies I’ve
In 1941, Ken drove a friend to both the CIA and FBI. ever known,” he told me. “I still see
Sioux City, Iowa, to take the Civil In 1942, Ken was sent into the her twice a week.”
Service Examination. Although Ken Pacific Theatre as a counter-intel- Betty and Ken became members
had not signed up for it, he asked if ligence officer. As his troop ship of Stone Church of Willow Glen
he could also take the test, thinking, sailed underneath the Golden Gate in 1999.
Adult Study: Faith Journeys, El Salvador, General Assembly
The wonderful gift of learning awaits April 20: El Salvador Trip Report by their election process, the election of
you every Sunday. Stone’s Adult Study South Bay Sanctuary Covenant Group a new Stated Clerk, a recommended
classes are stimulating, informative and total revision of the Book of Order,
May 4 - June 15: Introduction to the
always full of lively and fascinating dis- the ordination status of gays and les-
cussion. 2008 General Assembly bians, and other major justice issues
Every General Assembly is signifi- to be considered at GA. Volunteer
March 30; April 6, 13, 27: Faith cant in the life of the PCUSA, and the opportunities to assist at GA will also
Journeys at Stone Church 218th GA in San Jose on June 21 - 28 be presented.
Each week, a different Stone Church will be no exception. Two honorably The class will be held at the 11:15
member shares his or her life story, retired pastors who worship at Stone, am Adult Study time, May 4 - June 15
with emphasis on the impact of living Bill Lytle (former moderator of GA) (except May 18, which is the annual
within the Stone Church faith com- and David Zuverink, will discuss “the Congregational Meeting), and on con-
munity. ins and outs” of a GA meeting and help secutive Sunday evenings, May 11 - June
March 30: Carol Campbell us understand how key issues progress 15, at 7:30 pm. Members of the other
April 6: Steve Nelson from committee debate to vote by the churches in the Presbytery have been
April 13: Ken Henry full GA. invited to attend the evening classes.
April 27: Alice McNelis The series will include discussion Contact Pat Magee, Adult Education
of the moderatorial candidates and coordinator, if you have any questions.

Church Library: Remembering Judy Dilts & Reading about Ecology

If you poke around our library, you Sharing Nature with Chil- Psalms Anew in Inclu-
can find some volumes that are trea- dren by Joseph Cornell sive Language by Nancy
sures. (Ecol 144 Cor) and Schreck and Maureen
These include two remembrances of God Is Leach (223 Sch), from
our long-time friend Judy Dilts, who Green: Betty Moran
passed away on February 28, 2008. Ecology for Other
These two treasures are A Day in Christians Council
September (YA Dav), a very successful by Ian F i r e s
novel she wrote under her maiden Bradley Were Here Before Ours: A
name Joyce Davies, and Rooted in (Ecol 231.7 Bra) and Classic Native American
Faith: Women Who Touched the Lives of Teach- Creation Story by Jamie
Others (Women 248.092 B), contain- ing My Sams and Twylah
ing a brief statement by Judy about her Daughter to Nitsch (398.2 Sam)
grandmother. Mulch: Gardening Medita-
Stop by the library after church or tions by Donna Schaper New books for our younger members:
anytime when the office is open. (Ecol 242 Sch) and
- Sue Williams, Library Coordinator Befriend- The Story of the
ing the Dream Catcher & Other
New to our special sections: Earth: A Native American Crafts
Theology of Reconciliation by Suzanne Lord (J
Simpler Living Com- Between Humans and the 745 Lor)
passionate Life: A Chris- Earth by Thomas Berry
tian Perspective ed. by (Ecol 261.8 Ber), all
Michael Schut (Soc. four given by Rebecca If You Lived with
Iss. 261.8 Sch), from Kuiken the Iroquois by
Rhonda Lakatos Ellen Levine (J
Additions to our adult 970 Lev)

Remaking Society: The Book of Psalms by If You Lived with

Pathways to a Green Robert Alter (223 Alt), the Sioux Indians by
Future by Murray given by Rhonda Laka- Ann McGovern (J
Bookchin (Ecol tos in honor of Marge 970 McG)
361.6 Boo) Palmer


Rosaleen’s Column children and youth will take part in
God Stuff Planning ahead for VCS, Aug 4-8 one of the summer programs at West-
Vacation Church School, Stone’s minster Woods. They offer a camp
by Rosaleen Zisch, Interim traditional fun-filled week of Bible experience for grades 2 to 12, which
Children’s Ministry Coordinator Stories, will take place in a different Stone supports.
time period this year: August 4 - 8. Brochures are available in the
Jesus loves me this I know. The Rainforest Adventure will rein- church office, or to register, go to
As he loved so long ago, force our church’s mission of being westminsterwoods.org. For questions,
Taking children on his knee, green. Kate Wheatley will head up the contact Christine Gough, program
Saying, “Let them come to me”. team that creates a unique experience manager (707-874-2426, ext 615).
for kids and adults. Middle School News
This spring, the Christian Educ- During the week, we will have the The Middle School recently learned
tion Children’s Subcommittee will be crafts, games, and music we love, about César Chávez Day of Service &
turning Room Four in the basement plus hands-on science experiments Learning, which remembers the life
into a Sacred Place. to help us understand the importance and work of César Chávez on March
This labyrinth-type activity will of water. So plan to join us to give, 31. He was a deeply religious man,
invite the children to take a Godly grow, love and praise God under the which is not always pointed out in
Walk. Following this spiritual practice rainforest canopy this August. textbooks. Some of his quotes include:
can help children and adults in their Westminster Woods “When people come together who
daily lives. The goal is for the walk A Christian camp experience is what believe in something very strongly
experience to connect our children helped my children become followers – whether it is religion or politics or
to God’s presence. of Jesus Christ. A week in the woods unions – things happen.” ... and ...
If you are interested in knowing lets kids get in touch with the love of “The non-violent technique depend-
more about this project or in being God and where they fit in the great ed on the unfailing assistance of God
involved as we create a sacred space, scheme of life. for its success.” Our César Chávez
please get in touch with me. Once again, we hope many of our poster is hanging in the stairwell.

The Session welcomed three new Jose Presbytery.” Session voted to LEND A HAND AT GA
members to Stone, at its regular retain Lynn Stutz, Attorney at Law,
meeting on March 18. Larry Olm- and member of Stone, to handle all For a complete, list of job descriptions
stead joins his wife Michelle Chan- legal services. Lynn’s work is a gift needed at June’s General Assembly, and
dler and their son Jordan, who to Stone Church. an easy signup procedure if you have
joined previously. A second major discussion con- internet access, go to pcusa-ga08.org.
Session Jean Prizant trans-
fers from Wash-
cerned a possible proposal for fund-
ing to train leaders of a Stephen
If you prefer a hardcopy form, see Bill
Lakatos, Stone’s Local Church Con-
ington State. Sam Ministry. Stone had a Stephen Min- tact. More details will be published in
Beat Hudson Crim is istry in the past, but the Session had upcoming Sunday bulletins.
welcomed as one not yet had a formal discussion of
who grew up in this church com- whether to reinstate the program.
munity. Some members were unsure of
The Session spent considerable whether there was congregational
time hearing from Pastor Ken support for the program. It is known
Henry about his process of selling that there are several Stone church
a home in Eugene, Oregon, and members who have been trained
getting housing in San Jose. In as Stephen Ministers and who very
the high-cost housing market here, much want the program brought
finance is a primary concern. To back. In the end, Session voted to
that end, the Session established have conversations in the congrega-
a shared equity fund to be a per- tion about re-establishing the Minis-
manent revolving fund for use of try, and to postpone consideration
future pastors, as well as for Ken of the grant application until there
and his wife Heather. The Session are answers about congregational
also authorized Stone to enter into support.
a shared equity agreement with Ken Finally, the Buildings and
and family, “the agreement to be Grounds committee was asked to Sue Williams and Rev. Lee Hayward,
whom we welcomed as a guest
properly and legally structured as identify additional handicapped minister at Stone in March.
required by the policies of the San parking spots. - Alice Thorn
Church & World now “Stone Works” to Embody All That We Do
Last month, the Church & World is a hygiene kit. A
Committee asked the Session to hygiene kit, unlike
approve a change to its name. The new a survival sack, is a
name is Stone Works. The name comes supplement for
from James 2:26: those on limited
For just as the body without the spirit is funds – a baggie
dead, so faith without works is also dead. cont aining a
The purpose of this committee is toothbrush, razor,
to serve as the congregation’s driving small or travel-size
force for mission. And the works of a toothpaste, soap,
congregation are its mission projects. lotion, and sham-
We feel the name Stone Works truly poo. The kits,
embodies this idea. when requested,
are given out with
Bike to Church Day! food packages. All
As a way to encourage you to go too often, there The El Salvador Delegation (pictured here, Maureen Ryan , Chris Nilson,
green and get healthy, Stone Works are no kits to give. and Rosie Ramsey, staff member of Voices on the Border) met with
Oscar Luna, the National Government’s Ombudsman for Human Rights
wants you to get out of your car, get on Could you help
your bike and ride to church. Come with this ongo-
one, come all, come young, come old ing need? If you are not a shopper, El Salvador Delegation
– bicycling is for everyone! money is always welcome. Items may Why did we travel to El Salvador?
Stone Works also needs volunteers be placed in a labeled basket in the What did we learn? We brought back
for this event. Interested in helping? Donation Corner; they are taken to many photos, memories and ideas to
Contact Jonathan Miller. The date Sacred Heart weekly. Both Karen Scott share with you, especially since you,
will be announced in the church bul- and Joyce Degan volunteer there and the Stone congregation, so generously
letin very soon. are available for any questions. gave $2,195 in cash, plus four laptop
computers, children’s toys, school
Sacred Heart Hygiene Kits Needed Refugee Backpacks Available supplies, work supplies, and books!
Every week, hundreds of people come If you would like to fill a back- We have photos of the cook stoves
to Sacred Heart Community Service. pack for refugees, please contact you helped build, the large truck you
While a few are truly homeless, most Bill Palmer; he has some extra helped purchase, and the school you
just need help getting through the backpacks that he will give you continuously help to support. Now,
month. One item frequently requested without charge. villagers can cook with little smoke,
protecting their children
against asthma. Sugar cane,
corn, and livestock can be
taken to market. And chil-
dren can attend schools
equipped with excellent
teachers and materials.
On Sunday, April 20, at
11:15 am, the delegation will
present a trip report. Then
on Sunday, April 27, at 5
pm, South Bay Sanctuary
Covenant (SBSC) invites you
to Growing Bonds of Friendship
and Solidarity, in Palo Alto.
Look for more about this
event, which will include a
delicious Salvadoran pupusa
dinner. -Carrie Giorgianni,
Stone Works Moderator
The El Salvador Delegation, which
included Stone members Chris
Nilson, Dale Bracey, Maureen
Ryan, Suzanne Wolf, and former
member, Linda Buckley.
April showers bring May flowers ... may The Kitchen Kabinet has been hard at Sapphire Circle, April 14, 7:30 pm,
be true in many places but not here. work. They wish us to know that all the Sally Magee’s home
We are already enjoying the bountiful manuals for our appliances can now Lunch Bunch. April 15, 11:30 am,
flowers and green- be found in the bottom drawer of the Taiwan Restaurant, Lincoln Avenue
News ing trees with which
we are blessed. Of
cabinet next to the dishwasher.
Gifts of Women Sunday will be on
Fair Trade Coffee Sales (and other
products), April 20, Coffee Time
from PW course, we continue
to welcome the rain.
May 4. It was postponed because most
of our gifted women were on retreat in
Book Group I, April 7, 1 pm, Liz
Shandera’s home, reading A Thousand
Presbyterian Women March. The Rev. Sharon Stanley will Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
in the Presbytery of lead worship. Book Group II, April 21, 2:30 pm,
San Jose will hold This month, the coupons we are tar- Nancy Weiss’s home, reading The
its annual Spiritual geting are Scott Tissue and Ziploc Bags. Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Zafon
Nurture Retreat on Look for the coupons on the clear wrap- Focus Group, April 15, 9:30 am, Liz
April 26. The theme ping of the Scott products. (Please look Shandera’s home
is Connections ... with at the list on the PW bulletin board or Prayer Shawl Group (knitting and
our Spiritual Mothers. Led by the Rev. take a list from the library cart found other handwork), April 24, 4 pm,
Evie Macway, it promises to be a restor- in the social hall each Sunday.) Fireside Room. Janice Goertz empha-
ative time for our lives of faith. Our circles welcome new members: sizes this activity is not gender-specific.
NetWorkers Mother’s Day cards will we are called circles because there is Don’t know how to knit? Come and
again be available on the last three Sun- always room to expand! learn from great teachers.
days in April. Thousands of women Alas, there is no Bible Study by the
and children have been protected PW Schedule for April Rev. Marge in April and May. She
from malaria thanks to the generosity Amethyst Circle, April 2, 1 pm, doubled up and covered two lessons
of Presbyterians who have sent over Church Library last month. Now, she can take a well-
130,000 NetWorkers Mother’s Day Emerald Circle, April 3, 9:30 am, deserved vacation on the last Thursday
cards to loved ones (see page 8, also). Rhonda Lakatos’s home of the month. - Catherine Amos

Men’s Book
Group Reads
Lerner Book
The Men’s Book Group
selection for April is The Left
Hand of God by Rabbi Michael
Lerner. Of the book, Publish-
er’s Weekly said, in part: Guy Lohman took this picture of the Men’s Flying Group. Left to right: Ira Lohman (Guy’s
Rabbi Lerner addresses both 92-year-old father), Gabriel Faber, Art Holtz, Bill Ribble (pilot) and Bob Wagner (pilot)
the “intolerant and militaristic” On Sunday, March 9, members of of the afternoon visiting the Hiller Avia-
tactics of the political right and Stone’s Men’s Flying Group enjoyed tion Museum in a hangar adjacent to the
the “visionless ... often spiritu- a perfect spring day for a local flying airport. The museum offered a fascinat-

ally empty” tenets of the politi- adventure. Departing from ing look at the history of aircraft develop-
cal left with an even hand. His Reid-Hillview Airport in ment, especially in the Bay Area, includ-
vision of a country devoid of two private planes, they first ing early aircraft built by two 15-year-old
poverty, homelessness, unem-
ployment and uninsured Flying flew south and west over
the Santa Cruz mountains
twins, the dirigibles housed at Moffett
Field, a piece of the Boeing Super-Sonic
citizens comes with an actual near Watsonville, then pro- Transport prototype, several unusual heli-
blueprint, in which Americans ceeded up the coast to Half copters developed by the Hiller Aircraft
rededicate themselves to tradi- Moon Bay. With no fog Company in Palo Alto, a spy plane called
tional values of love, kindness, along the coast, the views of the green the Condor with a wing-span as long as
respect and responsibility. hills, white surf and sand, and bright the hangar, and the nose portion of a real
The discussion will be on yellow fields of mustard were spectacular Boeing 747, complete with a cockpit visit
April 21, beginning at 7:30 pm. from the air. After landing at Half Moon with its former captain.
Steve Buckley will be the host. Bay airport, a short walk led to the Mezza The flight back to Reid-Hillview over
All men of the congregation Luna restaurant for lunch. the Bay Area capped a wonderful day
are welcome. After lunch, it was a quick hop back of flying. Many thanks to the two pilots
-David McCreath over the Santa Cruz Mountains to San who made this possible: Bill Ribble and
Carlos Airport, where they spent the rest Bob Wagner. - Guy Lohman
Rhonda & Bill Lakatos Experience Perils & Frustrations of Greening
For the past month, Bill and I have mostly available only in very expensive  Several handsome lighting
been having two bathrooms remod- sheets, much larger than we needed. fixtures
eled. Because we’ve heard religious They were produced far away which Interestingly, our painter asked why
leaders tell that care of the planet, and added shipping costs and trucking we wanted to use the paint without
the people, plants and animals that pollution. We had to acknowledge many VOCs. “Well,” we said, “because
live on it, is a way to act out our faith, that we just couldn’t choose them. we don’t want to be emitting those
we wanted to go green with these bath- As to lighting, one fixture that adver- compounds into the air, and because
rooms. Not as easy as we thought! tised that it could use CFLs actually we care about workers and don’t want
Online, and at several green home couldn’t, unless you wanted to see you to be breathing bad things.” He
improvement centers, we found won- them below the fixture. was taken aback. “No one ever said
derful products to cover floors and So, what did we end up with? they cared about me before.”
vanity tops. We found very efficient,  Some cool linoleum flooring, We know we’ll enjoy our new bath-
low-flow toilets, spicy new fluorescent which is not made using petro- rooms and feel grateful we had the
lighting fixtures and paints with very leum and is recyclable, should means to do what we did. We look
low amounts of volatile organic com- anyone ever need to replace it. forward to more retail-friendly green
pounds (VOC). The first problem we  Great toilets products as time goes on. Now, I’ll
encountered was that the vanity top  Good paint grab up my cloth shopping bags and
products, which included everything  Standard tile that will be long head to the farmer’s market to drown
from bits of recycled aluminum to lasting, at least (one aspect of my sorrow in some organic, locally
previously used glass and paper, were eco-purchasing) grown produce. - Rhonda Lakatos

Women’s Retreat Both Spiritual and Spirited Stone’s Website - NTBM!*

Sixty-two women gathered over the meditations on scripture passages. Stone Church’s well-designed website
weekend of March 7 to 9, at the St. On Saturday night, the group proved (stonechurch.org), lovingly maintained
Francis Retreat Center in San Juan once again that Stone women can by Webmaster Rod
Bautista, for the 20th annual Stone laugh at themselves at the traditional Thorn, is an impor-
Church Women’s Retreat. In the talent show, with emcee Pauline Moore, tant part of our
midst of lush green fields and gnarled dressed in black trousers, white shirt, church’s ministry,
and ancient oaks, the women renewed red cummerbund, and black cape. especially for those
friendships, sang and talked, and lis- The retreat has been held for a seeking a church
tened to Lisa Fullam, Assistant Profes- number of years at St. Francis. The home, but also for all church members.
sor of Moral Theology at the Jesuit main house of the center was destroyed Have you visited the website lately? Here
School of Theology, Berkeley. by a spectacular fire two years ago, and is a summary of recent website news:
Lisa guided the group to a greater the Franciscans are using portable  Visits to the website continue to
understanding of Ignatian Spirituality, buildings for dining hall and offices. grow. In January, we had over
a spirituality based on the love of God, They plan to break ground on a new 2700 visitors with over 4500 pages
through explanation and the use of building in June. -Alice Thorn viewed. In February, we had over
2500 visitors with almost 4000
pages viewed. A year ago seeing 70
visits per day was unusual; now over
100 visits per day is quite common.
 Selected Sermons is a new area with
links to some of the sermons
preached at Stone. The newest
addition is Rev. Dr. Ken Henry’s
sermon, Can Too Much Religion Get
You Killed?, delivered Feb 10, 2008.
 A Page for Families is a new area sum-
marizing all the ways Stone works to
make family members feel welcome
and involved in our community life.
Be sure to check out these and other
website attractions. And the next time you
see Rod Thorn, thank him profusely for
his devotion to this very valuable resource
to our church. (*not to be missed!)
Getting to To help us all get to know our newest members, we asked them to tell us a little about themselves and how
Know You! they got to Stone Church. The Stone News, May Edition, will include even more of these introductions.
Aby Ryan: I was born in Michigan, Nora Kelly: Born in frigid Min- Don Skipwith: I grew up in Ken-
but grew up at the San Jose Swim & nesota, I moved with my parents tucky, Indiana and Pennsylvania.
Racquet Club play- to Southern California as a small After receiving my undergraduate
ing tennis with my child. I grew up in an degree from the Uni-
parents, Mike and LA suburb, during the versity of Kentucky, I
Nancy Brayton. hippie era. Granted, LA served as a US Army
Tennis became an was not as cutting edge Air Defense officer in
obsession and even- as living in SF, but I did El Paso, TX, and South
tually a career. I was manage to become a Korea. I came to Sili-
blessed to travel the Deadhead, wear tie-dye con Valley in 1980 after
world, receive a college scholarship, and have all the requisite experi- getting my MBA from Penn State.
and have a professional life as a player, ences of a youngster growing up in Most of my professional life has
teaching pro and coach at Santa Clara the late 60s/early 70s. been in sales for telecom electronics
University for more than nine years. I was exposed to many different and technical services companies.
The best part of it was meeting my spiritual paths growing up, and as My wife, Martha Duke, and I met
husband, Mike Ryan, at the San Jose a young woman. My mother was nine years ago on the youth soccer
Swim & Racquet Club in 1995 while Greek Orthodox, my father lapsed and baseball fields as a result of our
working as the tennis director. Catholic, my grandmother a Meth- sons Colin (sophomore at Pioneer
In 2003, I retired (at age 34) from odist. I attended temple with my HS) and Chris (sophomore at Bran-
tennis to pursue a new life – I had no Jewish best friend, tried to be a ham HS) being on the same teams
idea what I wanted to do. It was a cou- Hindu (when the Beatles were every season for two years. I also
rageous move, and it paid off. Hindu), married a Buddhist, experi- have two daughters – Ashley, who
In 2004, we were blessed with our mented with Shamanism. (whew!) will receive her Masters from NYU
daughter. We adopted her from a won- I resisted Christianity. I had way in May, and Sarah, who will gradu-
derful young woman at birth in Visalia, too much exposure to evangelicals, ate from Pioneer and start Chico
CA. She is the light of our lives. who left a bad taste in my mouth. State in the fall.
The past four years, I have begun a A couple of years ago, my daughter Martha’s and my first adven-
career in non-profit management and and I happened to come to Stone ture was owning a Willow Glen
have been blessed with meaningful to see her friend, Gordon. I met the restaurant – Siena Bistro – for 5
work at the San Jose Conservation Meachams. Something happened ... ½ years – giving it up Aug. 2007.
Corps & Charter School and the and to this day, I am not sure what, Our second adventure – marriage
Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative but my heart was opened ... along – began Dec. 2002 at Fogarty’s
(BAWSI). with my mind. Not long afterward, Winery with Stone’s Rev. Art Mills
Currently, I am job searching while the father of my children died. The officiating.
playing at home with my daughter and outpouring of love and support we Martha and I enjoy traveling,
my two dogs. received from Stone sealed the deal. food, wine, books, playing games
Our family loves to play outside – I’ve been attending regularly since and watching our kids play soccer,
tennis, golf, hiking, biking, swimming, (ok, more the Taize services, because lacrosse and volleyball. We are
running. We are avid sports fans, and I’m not a morning person) ... and interested in joining/beginning
attend many events in the bay area. now, I’ve taken the plunge. a Stone group that wants to play
We are grateful to have found a spiri- I’m happy to be part of this bridge while sharing wine, food
tual home at Stone Church. family. and stories.

Kaye Moore: I was born in Illi- Chico, San Jose felt like an intimidat- probably about six months ago, but I
nois, but I grew up in Modesto, ing big city (and compared to Chico, it hadn’t been here long before I knew
CA. My husband definitely was), but now we really love that it was the place for me to be.
Matthias and I met at living here. The wonderful and diverse library
Chico State when we I am fortunate enough to have (along with Sue Williams always help-
were both enrolled as landed a full-time Librarian position ing me to find unusual books) gave
undergraduates, and at the Almaden Branch of the San Jose me my first inkling that it was the
moved to San Jose in Public Library, a job that has exceeded right church for me, but the friendly
2004 so I could pursue my highest expectations. I find it ful- people and thinking theology sealed
my Master’s in Library filling on many different levels, and I the deal.
and Information Science. come home from work happy. I’m happy to be here at Stone
When we first moved here from I started attending Stone Church Church.
Send a Most Loving
Mother’s Day Card
Walk In the time it takes to say the word,
“Malaria,” ten people, mostly children
for the and pregnant women, will have con-
tracted the disease and begun fight-
Hungry ing for their
lives. Malaria

claims two
people each
Sunday, year. But the
use of insec-
April 27 ticide-treated
mosquito nets, along with malaria-
prevention education, has significant-
ly reduced these tragic statistics.
Stone Church walkers are again Ask Lizanne Oliver or Emily NetWorkers, a ministry of the
invited to help end hunger at home Meacham for more information as PCUSA, is working to eradicate this
and around the world! The South you sign up to walk at the Stone insidious disease, and you can help
Bay CROP Walk (one of 1600 in the Works table during Coffee Time this Mother’s Day.
United States) is your chance to make You can even raise funds online For a small $10 donation, you can
a difference in the lives of hungry this year. help to save lives, while receiving a
people. Second Harvest and Sacred Please join us on this lovely Rose beautiful card to send to your mother
Heart are two local organizations Garden walk for such a good cause and loved ones. Visit the PW table at
that benefit from your efforts. – no one should ever be hungry. Coffee Time on April 13, 20 & 27.

The Stone Church ofWillow Glen

Presbyterian USA
1937 Lincoln Avenue
(corner of Clark & Lincoln)
San Jose, CA 95125-3499
Church Office:
Phone: 408-269-1593
Fax: 408-269-8412
The Reverend Doctor Ken Henry, Pastor
Claudia Hoagland, Office Manager
The Stone News Staff:
Emily Moak Meacham, Editor
Pat Magee, Fred Oliver, Lizanne Oliver,
Rhonda Lakatos, Jody Meacham:
Assistant Editors
Sylvia Snyder, Chief Photographer
Dale Bracey, Guy Lohman, Ken Henry,
Ann Pierce, Kathleen Oliver and Dulcie Janzen enjoy dinner Dan Raby, Jan Keifer: Additional Photos
and fellowship at the recent Stone Church Women’s Retreat at Jan Keifer: Production Director
the bucolic St. Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista. Catherine Amos, Fred Gardner,
Dulcie Janzen, Jerry Keifer, Della Smith
To read more about the retreat, please see page 6. Sylvia Snyder: Production Staff

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