He Tone Ews: S C W G, P Usa S 2010

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The Stone News

Stone Church of Willow Glen, Presbyterian USA September 2010

The annual Stone Church “Worship and Picnic in the Park” was a huge success, as usual! (more photos,, page 7

Okay ... at the very least, becom- to any community of faith, is really no
Why Become a ing Presbyterian has something to different from learning how to pray.
Presbyterian? do with becoming aware of God and If the idea of deepening your spiritual
Jesus Christ working in and through us, life by becoming a member at Stone
by Rev. Dr. Ken Henry so much so that we dare to tell others Church causes your heart to pound,
New Member through our actions and words. then I would say, “It’s time!” Again,
Classes: 11 am, So essentially, as I see it, becoming from the Book of Order:
Sept. 26, a Presbyterian means God in Christ A faithful member accepts Christ’s call
Oct. 3 & 10, Jesus reaching out to us, rather than to ... take part in the common life and
in Ken’s office the other way around. And because worship of a particular church ... to
God continues to reach out, to touch demonstrate a new quality of life within
Over the past twenty years, I have our lives, and to shape us, we are com- and through the church ... and to work
taught many new member classes. In pelled to explore and pursue the spiri- in the world for peace, justice, freedom
my office, on retreat, in someone’s tual life within a community of faith. and human fulfillment. (G-5.0102b,f,i)
home, through sermons and news- I remember as a youth, learning how Yes, if any of these words of invi-
letter articles, and on Sunday morn- and when to pray out loud in groups. tation light a fire within you, then I
ings after worship, I’ve attempted to Standing in a circle, holding hands, would say, “It’s definitely time!”
answer the question, “Why become a a leader said to us, “When you feel Of course, whether you feel ready to
Presbyterian?” your heart beating, it’s your turn to join the church or not, all are welcome
In our Book of Order, a book used talk to God.” to these new member classes. For three
for governance in the Presbyterian In other words, prayer, taken in this consecutive Sundays, in a small group
Church (USA), it states: light, isn’t always a matter of deciding setting, we’ll talk about Presbyterian-
One becomes an active member of the if and when to pray, but rather prayer ism and life at Stone Church, but these
church through faith in Jesus Christ as is about paying attention to one’s classes are also for exploring your ques-
Savior and acceptance of his Lordship pounding heart and, when becoming tions and getting to know the pastor.
in all of life. Baptism and a public pro- aware of the heart’s yearning for God, May you continue to follow your
fession of faith in Jesus as Lord are the allowing the words to flow. heart and discover God’s call for your
visible signs of entrance into the active For me, becoming a Presbyterian, life. Hope to see you in class.
membership of the church. (G-5.0100) and/or furthering our commitment Blessings, Ken
A New Church School The bulk of the funds is from recycla- Children ages 4 years – Kindergarten
Year Begins: Welcome bles that our Dumpster Diver, Fred Grop-
puso, collected during the year. Fred has
will meet in the preschool room. Chil-
dren in 1st through 5th grades will meet
Back Everyone! now turned that job over to our new in the Fireside Room. Release time is
by Mary Jo Blazek, recycling guru, Derk Johnson. 10:50 am to allow parents time to enjoy
Children’s Ministry Coordinator I cannot express enough our appre- Coffee Fellowship and to allow children
ciation for Fred’s many years of com- ample time for their lessons.
Fall is coming! Sunday, Sept. 12, mitment to the environment, to our We are always looking for helpers
is the kickoff for the new Church congregation, and to the children in Church School. If you would like a
School year. of Stone. We welcome Derk as he rewarding and fun-filled mission, please
On that day, we will celebrate Heifer continues in Fred’s footsteps. contact me about how you can help.
International. All summer long, the Heifer International is the ongoing A training class for middle/high
children have been learning about mission project for the Church School. schoolers who want to help with Church
how Heifer helps people around the The children are encouraged to bring School will be held Sept. 26, from 11:15
world, under the loving guidance of quarters to church to add to the quarter am to 12:15 pm, in the preschool room.
Rosaleen Zisch and her group of adult tower, which is all donated to Heifer. This is going to be an exciting and
angel volunteers. Starting Sept. 12, the children will joyful year! Remember – guests are
This month, Stone Church children attend Worship with their parents, always welcomed.
will send to Heifer the sum of $590.60, then leave for their classrooms after the Contact Mary Jo Blazek at the
which was collected over this past year. Children’s Message. Church Office.

Marcus Borg on
MIDDLE SCHOOL “Speaking Christian:
NEWS FLASH !! Reclaiming
Look for your evite Christian Language”
to our Fall Kickoff Marcus Borg, world-renowned
Biblical scholar and author, returns as Convention to Intention and Practice,
and our Henrietta Perdue Memorial Lecturer, and (3) Beyond Cultural Convention to
Oct. 22-23. Dr. Borg will discuss how Alternative Values and Community.
Yearly Calendar. important Christian words have lost their Tickets are available during Coffee
meaning and power over the centuries Fellowship, in the church office, and
Questions? and how their rich, illuminating, and at the event. Cost: $20 for Friday night,
powerful meanings can be redeemed. $30 for all three Saturday lectures, or
Contact Speaking Christian: Reclaiming Chris- $40 for the complete program. Reduced
tian Language is the Friday evening student prices: $10 Friday, $20 Satur-
Rosaleen Zisch overview lecture. Three lectures on day, $25 complete program. Child care
Saturday expand and explore this is available, but must be requested at
topic: (1) Beyond Literalism to a His- least two weeks in advance.
torical and Metaphorical Interpretation of Contact Pat Magee, Chair, Adult Study
Christian Language, (2) Beyond Christian Subcommittee, for more information.

Hazard Group Shares

Compelling Movie,
“Stranger with a Camera”
The Hazard Mission Trip group will resented the presence of filmmakers invites a provocative discussion on the
share the movie, Stranger with a Camera, on his property, shot and killed a pho- broader topic of ethics.
at 7 pm, Friday, Sept. 17. The group tographer, in part because of his anger In addition to showing and lead-
was privileged to meet filmmaker over media images of Appalachia that ing a dialogue about the movie, the
Elizabeth Barret while on their trip. had become icons of the nation’s mission group will also share some
This film is a moving exploration of War on Poverty. But more than just Tanglewood Pie and discuss their own
events in which a local landlord, who chronicling these events, the film also experiences in Hazard. - Donald Foster
Adult Study has Classes on Parenting, Gay/Lesbian Ordination, and More
Fascinating and varied Adult Study Sept. 19: Endowment Education: The pioneering leadership of Stone
classes are held every Sunday morning “Thinking about Tomorrow” (see page 6) Church, with the Covenant of Dissent and
at 11:15 am in the Fireside Room. Support (1998), will also be discussed.
Spend just an hour of your week to Sept. 26, Oct. 3: “The Historic Jesus
learn something new and inspiring! and His Resurrection, a Postmodern Oct. 31: “Speaking Christian:
Perspective,” with Tom Sheenan Redeeming Christian Language”
Sept. 12: “Raising Resilient Children in Tom Sheenan, Professor of Religion at The Henrietta Perdue Lecture Series,
a Stressful World,” with Dawn Predium Stanford University, presents an unusual featuring Marcus Borg on Speaking
Parents need fine-tuned stress man- (and perhaps controversial) postmodern Christian, will be held Oct. 22 - 23
agement skills to successfully guide approach to understanding the historic (see article, page 2).
children through the rough waters of Jesus and His resurrection. Adult Study presents a three-week
childhood and into their adult lives. discussion class to expand on these
Dawn Charron Predium discusses Oct. 10 & 24: “Ordination of Gays lecture topics.
techniques to support children in learn- & Lesbians: Past, Present & Future”
ing appropriate and healthy coping with Jody Meacham and Pat Magee There are no Adult Study classes on
skills to survive today’s hectic world. Jody Meacham and Pat Magee pres- Sept. 5 (Labor Day) or Oct. 17 (Consecra-
The nursery will be available during ent the history of the struggle for ordi- tion Sunday).
this class. Older children will go on an nation of gays and lesbians within the For more information, contact Pat Magee,
adventure hike with Ken Henry. Presbyterian Church, USA. Chair, Adult Study Subcommittee.

Church Library: “Linnea in Monet’s Garden” Reviewed, More Books Added

This month, Sue Evans provides a I Can Draw Animals In our special
review of a wonderful book, Linnea in by Ray Gibson sections:
Monet’s Garden. (1st Bks 743 Gib) The Art of Christian Lis-
And as always, we invite you to enjoy tening by Thomas Hart
all of the books in our library. (Spec Needs 248.8 Har), given
- Sue Williams, Library Coordinator by Rebecca Kuiken

Book Review: “Linnea in Monet’s

Garden” by Sue Evans Children’s Bible Dead Man’s Walk
Linnea in Monet’s Garden, by Christine Dictionary by by Larry McMurtry
Bjork (YA Biog MONET), is a delightful Debbie Butcher (Fic McM)
story that will be (J 220.3 But)
enjoyed by middle-
schoolers up through New on our
adults. Linnea and adult side: Big Alma: San Fran-
her neighbor, Mr. Congregational Fit- cisco’s Alma Spreckels
Bloom, take a trip ness: Healthy Practices by Bernice Scharlach
to Paris so they can for Layfolk by Denise (Biog SPRECKELS)
visit museums and Goodman (254 Goo)
Monet’s home – with
the famous water lily A Life on the Edge:
pond and Japanese bridge. Memoirs of Everest and
Linnea describes many flowers and Come Unto Me: Beyond by Jim Whittaker
the pink house in which Monet and his Rethinking the Sacraments (Biog WHITTAKER)
large family of eight children lived. for Children by Elizabeth
The pictures and drawings in the Caldwell (265 Cal), given Blue
book are lovely. I learned some interest- by Rebecca Kuiken Skies by
ing things about Monet and his master- Catherine Anderson
(JPEG Image, 360x500 pixels) - Scaled (99%)

pieces and his family members. (Lg Print Fic And)

New for our When

younger members: The Invisible Teenagers
The Raccoon Partners: How the Work: The
Next Door: Getting Male & Female in Psychological & Social Costs
Along with Urban Each of Us Affects our of Adolescent Employment by
Wildlife by Gary Relationships by John Ellen Greenberger & Laurence
Bogue (YA 591.7 Bog) Sanford (302.3 San) Steinberg (Fam-Teen 331 Gre)
StoneWorks is Busy as Ever Helping Others in our Community and the World
StoneWorks continues to provide Plan to hear them at 4 pm, Oct. 24,
many opportunities for us to help others at the First Congregational Church
here and throughout the world. of Palo Alto. Many Stone members
know about the challenges in Central
Helping Pakistanis Affected by Flood America firsthand because of their par-
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is ticipation in the past six delegations of
responding to the worst flooding in South Bay Sanctuary.
Pakistan’s history, which has left about Now is the time to consider joining
1.5 million homeless and has caused the March 2011 Delegation, as Roddy
the deaths of more than 1,600. and Rosie will meet with those inter-
With thousands still living in make- ested on Oct. 23, and it will be the only
shift shelters and still trying to recover chance to meet these savvy leaders in
from previous disasters, food and shel- our area before the Delegation. You
ter are the most urgent needs: can also speak with Stone members,
 Food packages are being distrib- Carolyn Clendenning and her grandson Chris Nilson or Dale Bracey.
were among the 11 Stone members who
uted directly to affected families. distributed lots of fresh, nutritious food Reservations are required for the Oct. 24
 Shelter kits include winterized to 1,231 individuals (for 1,038 family event, as it includes a Salvadoran pupusa
tents and plastic sheets. members), as part of the “Second Harvest and enchilada dinner. - Dale Bracey
Produce Mobile” project, on Aug. 14.
 Health care, through mobile
health units, includes patient Sacred Heart “Pack-a-Back Day”
examinations, providing essential These children in need will be given Stone had many won-
drugs and prenatal care. gift cards for clothes – and some fun. derful volunteers at
 Nutritional needs & status of chil- After we shop, we’ll enjoy a festive Sacred Heart’s annual
dren under 5 are being assessed. breakfast together at the store. This Pack-a-Back Day, on
And here is how you can help: year, we will be taking 25 children and Aug. 7.
 GIVE – On the secure PCUSA will need approximately 23 volunteers, As Sacred Heart’s
website (pcusa.org/pda), follow most to shop, some to drive the chil- Matt King said, “Your
the links from the Pakistan article dren to and from the store. service today helped
to Donate Now or send a check to: Last year, the coordinator at InnVi- ensure that more than
Presbyterian Church (USA) sion said, “The children were thrilled 1,650 children will
PO Box 643700 to experience the wonder of ‘all about have a great start to the
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700 me’ time ... it is a rarity in their world. school year, the first and most impor-
Put “DR000038 - Pakistan” on your The kind and loving hearts of the tant step to a life of self-sufficiency.”
check to designate it for this effort. Stone Church congregation volunteers Above: Guy Lohman
 ACT – Stay informed and share are appreciated more than you know.” and his daughter
information about this need with Come join us and give the gift of “all listen to instructions
at the start of Pack-
others. Sign up to receive PDA about me” time to these youngsters. a-Back Day.
Rapid Information Network email Where: Kohl’s Department Store,
notices to alert you of additional Santa Clara Left: Lea Lawrence &
needs (also at the above website). When: Sat., Sept 25, 7 - 9:30 am Sally Magee perform
“quality control” on
 PRAY – Lift up in prayer those Signups: During Coffee Fellowship the backpacks.
displaced from their homes by For more information, contact Alice
flooding, those in need of basic McNelis or Alison van Diggelen. “Dumpster Diver” Jobs Already Filled!
supplies, and those providing Stone members have already stepped
assistance. Pray that weather con- Focus El Salvador up to fill our wonderful Dumpster Diver
ditions improve so relief supplies Voices on the Border staff who advise Fred Groppuso’s shoes:
can be delivered. and lead South Bay Sanctuary’s work  Sue Evans: Weighing and taking
in El Salvador will be speakers at an the Communion Sunday food
Shopping with InnVision Children Oct. 24 event in Palo Alto. Roddy donations to Sacred Heart.
Do you enjoy shopping? Do you Hughes, Executive Director of Voices,  Derk Johnson: Taking recyclables
enjoy making a child’s day? Then put and Rosie Ramsey, In-Country Direc- to Recycle Center, changing pro-
this event in your calendar: our annual tor, have inspired hundreds with their ceeds into quarters, giving quar-
shopping trip with children (ages 5- vision, leadership of delegations, and ters to children for Heifer tower.
18) from InnVision (innvision.org) on counsel about how we can make a dif-  Charlotte Dickson: Taking old
Saturday, Sept. 25. ference in the lives of Salvadorans. cell phones to Next Door Solu-
InnVision is a San José shelter for They supervise the implementation of tions to Domestic Violence.
families fleeing domestic violence or projects, funded through South Bay  Maureen Ryan: Taking used batter-
who have fallen on hard times and lost Sanctuary, in the Lower Lempa region ies to Orchard Supply Hardware.
their homes. of El Salvador. - Maureen Ryan, StoneWorks Chair
Summer is over, so we gear up for anoth- Scholarships have been awarded CoordinatingTeam,9:30am,Sept.9,
er interesting year. Isn’t it also interesting for this year. Congratulations to all of Social Hall
that Labor Day starts the month? our recipients who are showing such Sapphire Circle, 7:30 pm, Sept. 13,
The August brunch was a wonder- dedication to their educations. First Joyce Summers’ home
ful event. We learned more about installments are coming from Stone’s Lunch Bunch, 11:30 am, Sept. 14,
Sacred Heart’s programs, which PW treasury, while the second are Taiwan Restaurant
Fair Trade Sales, 10:30 am, Sept. 19,
Presbyterian benefit many in our
so coming from the Hudspeth Trust.
(See the related article on page 8.) Social Hall
Women community.
It is hearten-
Many companies are offering
double coupons during their back
Book Group II, 2:30 pm, Sept. 20,
Rhonda Lakatos’ home, reading
ing to see how many Stone Church to school promotions. This gives us a Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
members volunteer there. chance to double our contributions by Jamie Ford
Have you seen the book, Telling to the schools we support. Focus Group, 9:30 am, Sept. 22,
Stories of Faith? This a compilation Coupons may be placed in the box Liz Shandera’s home
of memories from our members past on the library cart on Sunday morn- Bible Study with the
and present. A few ings or given to Dorothy Stevens. Rev. Marge Palmer, 9:30 am, Sept. 23,
copies are still avail- Don’t forget the 1.5% from Lucky Church Library. This study of the
able (see the article and Save Mart receipts. Book of Revelation is open to every-
below). If you do not have a S.H.A.R.E.S. one. The Rev. Marge is thankfully on
By the time you read card, just put your receipts in the the mend, so she can be with us.
this, it will be too late box. One of our more enterprising Prayer Shawl Ministry, 4 pm,
to register for the members even picks up discards from Sept. 23, Fireside Room. This group
Horizons Bible Study Day, with lunch others’ purchases for us. does more than just shawls – come
included, at San Francisco Theologi- and learn what else you can contrib-
cal Seminary on Sept. 11. However, Here’s the PW schedule for September: ute. Men are welcome.
if you are willing to take your lunch, Amethyst Circle, 1 pm, Sept. 1, Book Group I, 1 pm, Sept. 27,
you can probably still hear the Church Library Liz Shandera’s home, reading Stones
Rev. Dr. Barbara R. Rossing, author Emerald Circle, 9:30 am, Sept. 2, into Schools by Greg Mortensen
of this year’s study on Revelation. Carolyn Clendenning’s home - Catherine Amos

The Men’s Ministry of Stone Men’s Mission Team Worktrip

Church includes a mission work The Men’s Mission Team is “Telling
team, a book planning a worktrip to Zephyr
Men’s group, and a Point Conference Center. (At Stories
flying group.
For more
press time, the date was still bring
information There is always plenty of room, Faith”
about any of these activi- and all men are welcome to come.
ties, contact Parish Associate To sign up, or for more informa- Gets
David McCreath. tion, contact Leland Wong.
Men’s Semi-Annual Book Sale to Men’s Book Group, Sept. 20
Benefit Mission Projects, Oct. 24 The Men’s Book Group will Reviews
The Men’s Semi-Annual Book meet Sept. 20 to discuss The Omni-
Sale to support Stone Church mis- vore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of I am pleased with the reception that the
sion projects Four Meals, by Michael Pollan. book, Telling Stories of Faith, has received.
will be held in From a review: “It’s a fascinating This collection of stories was written by
the Social Hall journey up and down the food present Presbyterian Women and about past
on Oct. 24, chain, one that might change the Presbyterian Women. Many of you have
following way you read the label on a frozen told me you read it straight through, discov-
Worship. dinner, dig into a steak or decide ering things you had not known before.
This is a time whether to buy organic eggs. You’ll This book is the culmination of a one-year
both to con- certainly never look at a Chicken process that originated with the desire to
tribute your gently used books McNugget the same way again.” preserve these stories before they were
and to stock up for your late fall The discussion will start at completely lost to us.
and winter reading. 7:30 pm, at the home of There are still some books available;
Come and browse – you are sure Art Holtz. please contact me to purchase one.
to find interesting books to stimu- All men of the church are - Claudia Hamm
late your imagination. welcome to attend. (Books are $10 each.)
“Thinking about
Tomorrow” at Fall
Stone Church Sermon
Several members and friends of
Stone Church will discuss why they
are thinking about tomorrow at Stone
and the steps they are taking to bring
their ideas to fruition. On Sunday,
Sept. 19, come to the Adult Study
hour, from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm,
to hear about their dreams for our
church. You may be surprised at the Rev. Dr. Ken Henry has created a fall sermon Here is the schedule for this
choices some folks are making, even series, Journeys, which he describes below: fall sermon series:
during this difficult economic time. “In worship and through the sermon,
What are you wishing could happen we will focus on different aspects of Sept. 12: Making a Pilgrimage;
at Stone, that is, if you could influence the Christian journey. What is a spiri- Rev. Ken Henry, preaching
decisions with your support for a pro- tual journey? How does one journey Sept. 19: Pathways to Forgiveness;
gram, plan, or project? You are part toward God? And then, how do we Rev. Ken Henry, preaching
of the Stone community more than go forward when the journey ahead Sept. 26: Discerning Your Call
likely because you admire and/or are appears difficult or, perhaps, without Along the Way; Rev. Ken Henry,
nourished by existing programs. Are clear direction? preaching
there ways you would like to improve I hope this sermon series encourages Oct. 3: Peace: A Lifelong Journey;
who we are and what we do? us to explore our own spiritual walk, Rev. Ken Henry, preaching
Listening to stories from others lending us strength for the journey!” Oct 10: The Journey Never Ends
may give you ideas to implement a
strategy that will benefit Stone and
give you possible tax advantages
and/or additional income now.
Session Funds Simpson Portrait Restoration,
If you have questions that could “Organ and Organist” Celebration
be addressed at this event, contact
a member of the Endowment and At its regular meeting on Aug. 17, abuse of all types (including child and
Planned Giving Committee: Ruth the Session took care of several elder).
McCreath, Gary Weiss, Dick Kistler, business items: The emphasis on this issue ema-
Kathie Lloyd, or Mel Goertz. (1) Approved funding to restore nates from a case in another church in
- Ruth McCreath the portrait of founding pastor Tom the Presbytery, where a response was
Simpson. The portrait was embedded mishandled, leading to a lawsuit and
Presbytery Offers in the stonework wall of what is now substantial payment of damages by the
the education wing and was removed Presbytery.
“Safe Church” Training for the remodeling. Due to years of All active Elders and Deacons, pas-
The San José Presbytery is offering having a cement backing, it was irrevo- tors, and those who work with children
Mandatory Reporter and Abuse/Miscon- cably damaged by mildew. Lyn Johnson must be trained. A larger goal is to have
duct Prevention Training to support Safe found a restorer and shepherded the the congregation as a whole sensitive
Church Practices in the Presbytery. restoration to completion. to and knowledgeable of issues. (See
This training is for Ministers of (2) Approved funding for a celebra- the related article on training opportunities
the Word and Sacrament, Elders, tion of the 25-year anniversary of the to the left.)
Deacons, and Youth and Children’s installation of the Schoenstein pipe Sheri Cunningham, representing
Ministry Directors and will be held organ and the 40-year anniversary of Presbyterian Women, reported that
this fall, as follows: Joyce Rhodes as organist (a remarkable PW gave out nine scholarships, of $650
 Sept. 11, Foothill Pres., San José achievement). each, to Stone Church youth – a valu-
 Oct. 2, First Pres., Palo Alto (3) Approved funding to replace a able contribution. (See the related article
 Nov. 6, Immanuel Pres., San José bulletin board on the wall between the on page 8.)
Each class runs from 10 am to Sanctuary and Social Hall. Committee chairs met to discuss find-
3 pm, and lunch is provided. Mel Goertz and David McCreath ing new committee members. New lead-
Please RSVP by contacting Natasha came to Session to talk about Safe ership is an ongoing concern of the Ses-
at the Presbytery office. Church Practices. This is an initiative sion. Stone’s long term vitality depends
For more information, see: from the Presbytery of San José to make on each new generation coming forward.
the congregation aware of and trained
sanjosepby.org/SafeChurchPractices.htm in how to recognize and respond to - Alice Thorn, Clerk of Session


Stone Church Has Fun!

Family Camping Trip

The recent Family Camping Trip to Big Basin Redwoods State Park
was fun for all ages – some even got to relax! - photos: Julie Sailor

Below are some wonderful pictures from the “food-

Worship and Picnic in the Park and fun-filled” annual Worship and Picnic in the Park,
at History Park, San José. - photos: Dan Raby

Summer Sing at Zephyr Point

Dr. Steven Wirth, a Presbyterian
minister from Long Beach, led devo-
tionals on the theme of Living in the
Light: In this time of darkness, we are the
people who live in the light – the light of
Christ; we collect Christ’s light in our dark
world by listening to God’s Word, praying
and celebrating God’s Word with joy. members and directors from all over
The choral group practiced and is a rewarding and spiritual experi-
learned eleven pieces of music. Friend- ence. They also hope more Stone
Stone choir members Bill Downes, ships were renewed, and new friends choir members will join them in
Betty & Don D’Angelo, and Dan & were made. With more than 150 the future.
Jean Raby (pictured above) recently voices, the sound was awesome. And just prior to Summer Sing, Jean
attended Summer Sing, “a time of renew- This was the 11th year for Jean and was also at Zephyr to participate in the
al and re-tuning for those involved in Dan, and they hope to continue for Zephyr Point Handbell Conference.
worship and music,” at Zephyr Point. years to come. Being with other choir - article and photos by Dan Raby
College Presbyterian Women The Art and
Conundrums Award Scholarships Technology of
From Colin Fröhlich: I’m get- The Presbyterian Women of Stone Church Story Telling
ting ready to go to Medical School have again generously awarded our Stone Willow Glen in Motion’s first
in Poland in the city of Lodz (pro- Church college students with scholarships, open house, The Art and Technol-
nounced Wootsch in Polish – kind partly from the Ruby Hudspeth Trust and, ogy of Story Telling, is a dynamic,
of weird, I know). I’ll be there for for the first time this year, partly from the interactive workshop presented
four years, and I’m really excited PW Treasury. So, when you purchase PW by storyteller and educator,
about it. I’m thinking about spe- fairly traded products, you are helping our Deborah T. Simon.
cializing in Ear, Nose, and Throat college students with their education. Ms. Simon is an education
or Family Practice. Here is a summary of these generous administration professional who
From Stephanie Moffitt: I PW awards, from 1996-2010: is also a lecturer, writer, public
have been in Ireland this summer speaker, child advocate, and
doing a chemistry internship at College scholarships $63,710 * minister who talks stories. She
Trinity College in Dublin. It – paid to 33 students from 26 families, has recently published Whispered
was a great learning experience an average of $1,931/student Blessings: Stories That Inform, Illu-
because not only did I learn more Help to three seminary students $3,750 minate, and Inspire.
about academic research, but I Help to one vocational student $1,000** This free event will be held in the
also got to meet other interns Willow Glen Library community
from all over the world! * From PW Trust, except $2,925 from room, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, on
Please email Editor, The Stone News, PW Treasury, for larger grants in 2010 Sept. 29. For reservations, contact
with any news of our college-bound ** Half from PW Trust, half from PW Willow Glen in Motion (288-7886,
members and friends. Treasury (Statistics courtesy of Sue Williams) wgnmotion.com/first_event/).

Rabbi Gitin, Simpson, Stone’s organizing pastor, and,

when the sanctuary was completed, gave
Sacred Heart Donations
Giver of the light to the church. Karen Scott reports that recent
“Ner Tamid,” In Jewish tradition, the light is seen
up front in synagogues, hanging over
donations for Sacred Heart
included 23 bags of clothes,
has Died the ark that holds the Torah scrolls, the
sacred scriptures consisting of the first
nine bags of toiletries, two pairs
shoes, and two 2011 calendars.
The Rabbi who gave five books of the Bible. Thank you for your generosity!
Stone Church its ner Rabbi Gitin fought for civil rights,
tamid (usually trans- including gay/lesbian rights, equal voting
lated as eternal flame or rights, and equal housing. In 1996, he The Stone Church ofWillow Glen
eternal light) has died at received an honorary doctor of divin- Presbyterian Church (USA)
the age of 104. ity degree from Santa Clara University 1937 Lincoln Avenue
Rabbi Joseph Gitin for “promoting interfaith dialogue and (corner of Clark Way & Lincoln)
arrived in San José in 1950 as the city’s interracial cooperation.” San José, CA 95125-3499
only rabbi, serving Temple Emanu-El - Alice Thorn (partly based on the phone: 408-269-1593
until 1976. He became friends with Tom San José Mercury News obituary) fax: 408-269-8412

Ken Rev. Dr. Ken Henry, Pastor

Henry Claudia Hoagland, Office Manager
and Pat
The Stone News Staff:
McDaid June Tablak, Editor Emeritus,
recently Church Mouse
hiked at Emily Moak Meacham, Editor
Olympic Rhonda Lakatos, Pat Magee,
National Jody Meacham, Fred Oliver,
Park. Lizanne Oliver: Assistant Editors
Sylvia Snyder, Chief Photographer
Pat Plant, Matt King, Jody Meacham,
photo: pat
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