07 TT 01 Protecting-Power
07 TT 01 Protecting-Power
07 TT 01 Protecting-Power
Power transformers of various size and configuration are used throughout the power system. These transformers play an important role in power
delivery and the integrity of the power system network as a whole. Power transformers have operating limits beyond which transformer loss of
life can occur. This paper examines the adverse conditions to which a power transformer might be subjected.
Our discussion includes transformer windings are insulated from each other
overload, through fault, and over excitation and the core. Operational stresses can
protection. We discuss each operating cause failure of the transformer winding,
condition and its effect on the power insulation, and core.
transformer, and provide a solution in the
The power transformer windings and
protection scheme for each operating
magnetic core are subject to a number
of different forces during operation [3]:
I n g e n e r a l, t h e m a i n c o n c e r n w i t h
Expansion and contraction caused by
transformer protection is protecting the
thermal cycling.
transformer against internal faults and
ensuring security of the protection scheme Vibration caused by flux in the core
for external faults. System conditions that changing direction every half cycle.
indirectly affect transformers often receive Localised heating caused by eddy
less emphasis when transformer protection c u r r e n t s i n p a r t s o f t h e w i n d i n g,
is specified. induced by magnetic flux.
Overloading power transformers beyond Impact forces caused by through-fault
the nameplate rating can cause a rise currents.
in temperature of both transformer oil
Thermal heating caused by
and windings. If the winding temperature
rise exceeds the transformer limits, the
insulation will deteriorate and may fail ANSI/IEEE standards [1,2] provide operating
prematurely. Prolonged thermal heating limits for power transformers. Initially, these
weakens the insulation over time, resulting operating limits only considered the Fig. 1: Through-fault capability limit curve for
in accelerated transformer loss-of-life. thermal effects of transformer overload. liquid-immersed category I transformers.
Later, the capability limit was changed to
Po w e r s y s t e m f a u l t s e x t e r n a l t o t h e
include the mechanical effect of higher
transformer zone can cause high levels Category 1 transformers
fault currents through the transformer.
of current flowing through the transformer.
Power transformer through-faults produce Fig. 1 shows the through-fault capability
Through-fault currents create forces
physical forces that cause insulation limit curve for categor y I transformers.
within the transformer that can eventually
c o m p r e s s i o n , i n s u l a t i o n w e a r, a n d The cur ve reflects both thermal and
weaken the winding integrity.
friction-induced displacement in the mechanical considerations. For short-
A comprehensive transformer protection winding. These effects are cumulative and circuit currents at 25 – 40 times the base
scheme needs to include protection should be considered over the life of the current, the I 2t limit of 1250 defines the
against transformer overload, through- transformer. curve, where I is the symmetrical fault
fault, and over excitation, as well as current in multiples of the transformer base
protection for internal faults. This paper Table I shows four categories [1] for liquid- current and t is in seconds.
focuses on liquid-immersed transformers immersed power transformers, based on
the transformer nameplate rating. Current (I) is based on the transformer ’s
because the majority of medium and p e r- u n i t s h o r t c i r c u i t i m p e d a n c e. A
high-voltage transformers are of this type. To p r o v i d e a m o r e c o m p r e h e n s i v e transformer with 4% impedance will
representation of the long-term effects of have a maximum short circuit current of
Power transformer capability limits
system conditions on power transformers, 25 p.u. (0,04), which results in a time of
A power transformer consists of a set of each categor y includes through-fault 2 s (1250/252) for its throughfault capability
windings around a magnetic core. The capability limits, which are a function limit.
of the maximum current through the Category II and III transformers
transformer. The maximum current (in per
Category Single phase Three phase For Category II and III transformers, the
unit [p.u.] of the transformer base rating) is
kVA kVA IEEE standard provides an additional
calculated based on the transformer short-
through-fault capability limit curve. The
I 5 to 500 15 to 500 circuit impedance for category I and II
additional curve takes into account the
II 501 to 1667 501 to 5000 transformers. Maximum current calculation fault frequency that the transformer is
III 1668 to 10 000 5001 to 30 000
for categor y III and IV transformers is subjected to throughout its entire life. In
based on the overall impedance of the general, use a frequent-fault curve if fault
IV Above 10 000 Above 30 000
transformer short-circuit impedance and frequency is higher than ten through-faults
Table 1: Transformer categories. the system impedance. for categor y II transformers and higher
t = 408/I2 = 4,08
Category IV transformers
Power transformers play a significant role in power system
delivery. Proper application of relay elements that monitor a
transformer’s thermal state and through-faults can provide both
short and long term benefits. These benefits include:
Transformer overload protection, including cyclic overloads
Continuous transformer thermal status indication that allows
the system operator to make transformer loading decisions
based on transformer thermal state
Fig. 10: Transformer through-fault report. Fig. 12: Over excitation protection coordination curve.