Rizal'S Cogent Leadership Thought As A Model in Public Administration

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Civil servants play a very important role in public administration as the

partners of the government in bringing its affairs to the people, such as
delivery of basic services and carrying out its day-to-day-functions.
Often, civil servants or the bureaucrats are criticized for being
unresponsive to the public needs. Corruption remains a malady in the
bureaucracy up to now. There is very little respect for the people in the
government. We cannot blame the people for the common perception
that corruption is endemic in the government, considering that the
Philippines has consistently been on the list of the most corrupt
countries in Asia, according to surveys.

Corruption in the government had its origins during the time of the
ancient Filipinos. These were exacerbated by the abuses of the
Spanish friars and officials with the onset of the colonial rule. Jose
Rizal, our foremost hero, vehemently condemned and exposed these
abuses and cruelties in his two novels the Noli Me Tangere and El

One cause of corruption in the bureaucracy is the lack of

adherence to the principle of merit and fitness in the selection
process. To curb abuses in the government, Rizal asked that Filipinos
enjoy equal rights similar to those of the Spaniards by giving them the
same opportunity to work in the government. Rizal believed that the
adoption of a competitive government examination will ensure that
only qualified individuals regardless of race could serve in the

Today, political intervention and nepotism in the government are

very rampant. Many incompetent officials land a career in government
service- turning the bureaucracy into an inefficient organization prone
to corruption and manipulation of politicians.

Realizing the negative effect of corruption in the country,

progressive legislators have exerted efforts to reduce, if not eliminate
once and for all, the occurrence of graft and corruption in the
bureaucracy by passing several laws. But these laws have seemingly
remained powerless against the persistence of corrupt practices in the
government as shown by the public’s acceptance of corruption as part
of everyday life. Filipinos have taken notice of the catchphrase good
governance through good leadership as a possible solution in solving
the problems of the bureaucracy. For good governance to be achieved,
however, bureaucrats should not only possess competence, education
and skills, but also exhibit a great commitment and integrity to serve
the public. While the public has seen its fair share of efforts at
reforming the bureaucracy, its continued support remains essential to
the success of the government’s program of promoting efficiency in
the government service.

Jose Rizal had known this, and for him, the people are duty-bound
to be involved in the task of good government. In one of his writings,
he said: “Peoples and government are correlated and complementary,
an aimless government would be an anomaly among a righteous
people, just as corrupt people cannot exist under just rulers and wise
laws. Whatever social and political environments we are in are
products of men’s deliberate choice.” As Rizal emphasized: “There are
no tyrants where there are no slaves.”

Rizal was admired for being a good leader. He gained the respect
of his colleagues in the Propaganda Movement like Marcelo H. del Pilar
who was once his tough rival for the leadership of the organization. As
a leader, Rizal was transformational, charismatic, visionary, and most
importantly, incorruptible. He displayed a kind of leadership that was
not motivated by personal interest but the willingness to sacrifice
oneself for the good of the majority which he described in his novels
as the national sentiment.

A close study of Rizal’s novels reveals how he stressed the

importance of national sentiment as essential in guarding society
against all kinds of injustices, and bringing about social change. A
character in the novel El Filibusterismo, who lacked national
sentiment, was Señor Pasta, a wealthy lawyer. In a scene in the novel
where Isagani expressed his desire to help the students establish an
institute for the instruction of Spanish, Pasta expressed his surprise as
Isagani had already mastered the language. When Pasta made it clear
to Isagani that he was unwilling to help his noble cause for education
and even dissuaded him from pushing through with his plans, Isagani
remarked: “When I have gray hairs like those, sir, and turn my gaze
back over my past and see that I have worked only for myself, without
having done for the country that has given me everything, for the
citizens who have helped me live – then, sir, every gray hair will be a
thorn, and instead of rejoicing, they will shame me!”

Rizal clearly realized the idea of national sentiment and its value
that when developed and imbibed by the people, might bring about
common good. The essence of national sentiment is the subordination
of personal interests and comfort to the social good.

Basilio, also a character in the El Fili, demonstrated the lack of

national sentiment because he opposed the idea that justice be served
to his family. He feared that all his dreams would be shattered if he
would brought the matter to the government officials. Had he had been
brave enough to face social alienation, Basilio could have helped
prevent the acts of injustice that transpired later in the novel.

To his fellow propagandists, Rizal advised not to derive personal

benefit from their service to the country. In his letter of gratitude to
the members of the La Solidaridad for appointing him Honorary
President of the association, he wrote: “No member should expect
rewards or honors for what he does. He who does his duty in the
expectation of reward is usually disappointed, because almost no one
believes himself sufficiently rewarded. And so that there may not be
discontented or ill-rewarded members, it is advisable for each one to
do his duty just for its own sake and at best expect to be later treated
unjustly because in anomalous countries, injustice is the prize for
those who fulfill their duties. [London, 28 January].”

People who seek fortune should not find employment in the

government because the biggest reward from government service is
the attainment of the common good served with one’s good will,
integrity and a clear conscience. Public servants who accept bribe
compromise their integrity. Once, Rizal was offered P100, 000, a huge
amount that time, apart from a professorial chair at a university and an
estate of his own if only he would renounce his two novels, Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Rizal showed he was made of strong
moral fibre for he was not tempted by these bribes, giving up his
personal happiness for the welfare of his countrymen.

With the idea of good leadership that Rizal has bequeathed to us,
we can change the negative image of the bureaucracy, transforming it
into a more efficient instrument in bringing about social, economic and
political reforms in the country, a paragon of administration as well as
an agent for social change.

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