Aisi 4135
Aisi 4135
Aisi 4135
AISI 4135 steel is a commonly used material for high strength applications such as shafts, forgings and high pressure
steel cylinders. The mentioned steel is used in a variety of microalloying by Nb, Ti, V, N, respectively of those ele-
ments combinations. In this presented paper, three different microalloyed (by N and V) heats of mentioned steel
were studied. Three heat treatment modes were applied. The first mode was based on heating at 700 °C, subsequent
quenching and tempering at 470 °C. In the second and the third mode the material was heated at 890 °C and sub-
sequently different controlled cooling process followed in both modes. Microstructural and microfractographic
analyses compared with found mechanical properties were part of the solution.
Key words: AISI 4135, heat treatment, control rolling, microstructure, mechanical properties
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