A Critical Analysis of Valmiki's Ramayana and Its Implications To Management & Leadership Qualities

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International Journal of Academic Research and Development

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

ISSN: 2455-4197
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22
Volume 2; Issue 6; November 2017; Page No. 1002-1005

A critical analysis of Valmiki’s Ramayana and its implications to management & leadership qualities
Dr. Shilpa Bendale, *2 Punit Sharma
Institute of Management & Research, IMR Campus, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Prof., Institute of Management & Research, IMR Campus, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

The modern day management & leadership needs more learnings from the heroic character appeared in the ancient Indian
scriptures such as Valmiki Ramayana, one of the most admired texts of India has numerous lessons on management & leadership.
There are many characters involved in Ramayana apart of Rama from whom we can learn new aspects of management and can
easily correlate with modern principles of management. Many authors have researched on Ramayana by keeping Rama as an
integral part of their study, but we sneak up further to explore other characters as well through the perceptive of management,
managerial & leadership qualities to get extended lessons from such ignored intellectual characters. Therefore the need of extended
analysis on the epic Ramayana is become essential to preserve individual and family values, explore managerial & leadership skills
& ethics in work, while they are working hard to achieve success and happiness and we have found in our studies
that Ramayana can provide the critical way to solve these modern-day problems through the persuasion of management principles.

Keywords: Ramayana, Lord Rama, Indian mythological epic, Management through Ramayana, Rama as a leader, Leadership
qualities in Rama, Vibhishana, Kumbhakarna, Hanumana

Introduction coordinating the collective work so that the goals of an

Applicability of ancient Indian concept in modern business organization are achieved easily. There are numerous
management is of relevance because of the fact that without definitions of ‘management’. However, the most quoted
substantial management principles India could not have seen a definition is ‘to get things done through people’. Barnard
united and culturally advanced civilization like Indus Valley. (1986) has defined management as an organization as a
Valmiki Ramayana is one of the greatest Indian epics whose system of consciously coordinated activities of two or more
endeavor deserves much better study and recognition in the people. A quality sample of all leading business houses of
context of management. As a result, most of the people have India which have been around for more than a decade now –
been mesmerized by Rama’s impressive style of management Infosys, IOC, Bharti group, Birla, Reliance, Yes Bank,
but what they have ignored to notice is that the Ramayana has Mahindra and Tatas, for instance – is adequate confirmation
lot many characters that are capable to produce management that efficient in business management and ethical guardianship
lessons and are well intellectual, which can be applicable even for social responsibility. We did the detail study of Ramayana
today’s competitive corporate world. At 24,000 verses, it may through Management’s point of view and concluded few
seem smallish, but only in comparison to the Mahabharat. It is factors both together that describe how Rama & other
still longer than Homer’s Greek epics, the Iliad and the characters were scholar graduate of management and how
Odyssey, combined! Here are a few lessons that we can figure leadership qualities should be applied in practical working
out from Ramayana to show the extent to which the leadership with assuring goal achievement through efficient team
& management elements composed in Valimiki Ramayana leading.
can be applicable and meaningful to our modern society.
Team building & Leadership
Research Materials & Method Rama had a crystal clear vision to get back her wife from the
We have studies Valmiki Ramayana and explored many new demon king Ravana, who was the ruler of Sri Lanka; so far
concept and learnings from it through the Management’s point from his house Rama won the battle and emerged as the ideal
of view. We also studied the Indian corporates working style person for Hindu’s. Rama knew that this was not an easy task
to understand their learnings from Ramayana’s management for him to fight alone against the powerful and mighty
theories. We came on a conclusion after our deep study that Ravana, so he started to build his team of humans and
Ramayana is the best management book that can be animals. It was a team of people and animals that had
considered as a Bible or Geeta for managers and management distinguished powers and ability to perform under pressure
scholars. including Hanuman, a monkey king and the god of wind, who
had powers to fly at supersonic speed; he was blessed to
Analysis change over in any size or shape, he wants. He could have
Management is a process that regards integrating and been a bee or a dinosaur. Nal & Neel, the other monkey

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

princess who blessed with the powers that whatever they gifted his fourteen years of sleep to his wife. Once in the war,
throw in the water, would never sink; with the help of Nal & Meghnad, used Naagpaash weapon that imprisoned Rama &
Neel, Rama constructed a 30 kilometer long bridge of stones Lakshmana but Rama already had an idea of this, so he
from India’s end point to the entrance point of Sri Lanka. thought Hanuman to use Garuda weapon over Naagpaas to
Rama also took help of his younger brother Lakshmana, who relieved them from this tactic. When Rama understood that it
serves Rama and Sita reverently during the exile. In was not an easy task to kill Ravana so easily, he took help
Panchvati, Lakshmana constructed a lavish hut for Rama and from Ravana’s brother Vibheeshana, who believed in Rama.
Sita to live in. Lakshmana cuts off Ravana's Vibheeshana told the secret to kill Ravana as he was immortal
sister Surpanakha's nose in anger, when she tries to seduce in many sense. This was the turning point in the war, when
Rama and insults Sita. He played an important role in the war Rama convinced Vibheeshana to come to his side. Lord Rama
with Ravana and slays Ravana's son Indrajit. Rama motivated killed Ravana by using the weapon presided over by Lord
Jambuvan, the leaders of bears to focus on his supernatural Brahma called Brahmastra, which blazed Ravana & his
powers to find Seeta. Rama not only motivated the individuals chariot with fires. This also could be the reason of Dushhera
but also to the large group of animals like Vanar Sena, the being celebrated in certain way. Rama used all his resources
monkey army from southern part of India, who fought for effectively including Vasavi Shakti Astra; Brahma Astra;
Rama against the army of Ravana. Rama was helped by Jatayu Bramhashira Astra; Varuna Astra; Agneyastra; Brahmanda
as well, a powerful golden eagle who speaks in the voice of a Astra; Surya Astra; Jyothiksha Astra; Maheshwara Astra;
human being. He pledges his service to Rama. He informed Linga Astra; Shiva Astra; Sudharshana Astra; Venkatesa
Rama about the person who kidnaped Seeta and her nearest Astra; Narayanan Astra; Karma Astra; Bhumi Astra; Vayva
possible location that could be very important tip for Rama in Astra; Trimurti Astra; Garuda Astra; Bhakti Astra; Siddhi
the journey to find Seeta. Astra; Kali Astra; Durga Astra; Yama Astra; Indra Astra;
Chandra Astra; Asvini Astra; Rishi Astra; Gandharva Astra;
Perception Maya Astra; Deva Astra; Yaksha Astra; Parvata Astra
Rama had some supernatural qualities that made him like a weapons in the war.
living god, he was ambitious and visionary, humble & smart,
self-motivated and an excellent planner, a brave warrior, Cooperation & Reward Management
master of archery, who broke Lord Shiva’s bow Pinaak with Rama used this management concept as give and take policy
his bare hand and most significantly people had a perception in some ways and reward management in other ways. Rama
that he was the Avatar of Lord Vishnu, so everyone in the was known that cooperation is the key to get things done, so
army jubilantly associated with him and never felt fear or lost. he helped few of them and asked for favor in return. The same
No one ever felt guilt for killing enemy army because they concept can be seen in the modern day management system in
were motivated and inspired that they are helping divine god the name of incentive pay on extraordinary performance.
itself, so nothing wrong would go in their name as part of Sugriva the younger brother of Vali who was the ruler of
Karma. It is the same management policy, where a perception Kishkindha, because of some misunderstanding during a fight
is projected to communicate with employees and customers in with demon, brothers became bitter enemies and henceforth
order to build a brand and keep adding value’s to the product. Vali abducted Sugriva’s wife and asked Sugriva to leave his
The same divine perception of Rama worked smoothly on kingdom. Upset and lost Sugriva met with Rama, where Rama
Lakshmana, who attacked a woman, Hanuman, who stole a promised Sugriva that he would kill Vali and would reinstate
mountain, Vibheeshana & Sugriva, were involved in killing Sugriva as the king of the monkeys. In return, Rama took a
their brothers without feeling any sort of guilt or thought of promise from Sugriva that he would serve him with his army.
rendering a sin. The same give and take cooperation policy applied on
Vibheeshana, that if he would help Rama; Rama would help
Resources management him in return to make him the King of Lanka after the defeat
The strategic planning used by Rama during the war against of Ravana. For his dedicated and excellence service to Rama,
Ravana was bang on the target because Rama was fully aware Legend Hanuman, Jambavan, Mainda, Dvivida, and five other
of his available resources. He led an inferior & less armed Vanaras including Nila and Nala, are rewarded that they
army against the might of the Ravana’s elite army. Rama would be available to the devotees of Rama for as long as
researched on every single aspect of Ravana’s war tactic, his Rama’s names and stories were on people’s lips and said to be
commander’s abilities, the army strength and his powerful still alive today. It is therefore strongly believed that Hanuman
weapons. After the baffling calculation, he managed to is immortal & still present in places where Rama’s glory is
ascertain his resources in an effective way to lead the team sung. Angad, the son of Vali was rewarded as a king of Vanar
and win over the Ravana. During the war, he used sena after the end of war because he was the one who
Gandharvastra to kill almost 14000 demons, as this weapon distracted Ravana from doing a against Rama. While creating
compelled demons to think that the next person fighting to the bridge to get to Lanka, a squirrel was helping the
them is Rama thus they killed each other and killed monkeys; seeing a squirrel carry beach sand for the bridge,
themselves. Through his research and informers report, Rama some monkeys laughed at squirrel, Upset squirrel went and sat
guided his brother Lakshmana to use Indrastra weapon near Rama. Acknowledging the tiny creature’s dedication,
against Ravana’s mighty son Meghnad, the powerful warrior Rama cuddled its back and hence ever since, squirrels carry
of Lanka, who could only be killed by someone who has not white stripes as the finger signs of Rama’s reward
slept for fourteen years and that person was Lakshmana who management.

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

Through offering the best reward system to its employees to action what he was going to perform is wrong still he did it
channelize work motivation amongst them is global IT being a good team member and a great subordinate by proving
Company, RMSI, ranked first in India in terms of best place to a true follower of senior’s orders. Able to realize the mistakes
work with, like fast track growth option, numerous and wrongdoings of Ravana, even trying to interact and
workshops, tours & trips, sports and hobby activities in cautious at certain times, he is unable to openly oppose him,
company premises, work from home option and many more. feeling bound by his moral ethics. Fighting on what he knows
is the unethical and wrong side; he is in the end killed in the
Delegation of Authority war. When he was defeated after a tough fight, he surrendered
Rama set the best example of delegating authority in proper to Lord Rama and got rebirth. He not only sacrificed his life
hands. He divided Vanaras into four groups in search of Seeta. for the nation and his team but also he sent his two sons,
He not only delegated the authority but also guided them in Kumbha and Nikumbha, who too fought in the war against
appropriate direction. Hanuman was in the team of Rama and were killed. This sort of dedication and
Jamabvanta, who was a perfect planner. When Hanuman got commitment is needed in any organization to achieve desire
information that Seeta was abducted in Lanka, Jamabvanata goal.
motivated Hanuman to explore his lost powers to go there.
Hanuman visited Lanka four times during the Ramayana and Management lessons from Queen Mandodari
followed all the orders of Rama. Rama delegated each one of Mandodari was the wife of demon King Ravana, most
them certain authority as per their capabilities like Lakshmana beautiful, intelligent and blessed women, who always tried
was assigned on security of Seeta, Hanuman was assigned to warning Ravana. Knowing that her husband was walking on a
fly to Lanka and get the information, Angad appointed as a his path of his own demolition, she made all efforts to guide him
delegate to negotiate the peace talk with Ravana, Sushen was towards righteous path as she was the finest guide who not
elected as the chief medical officer, who suggested the only shown the ethical path to Ravana but also she begged
Sanjeevani butti that saved Lakshmana’s life. In short him to send back Sita to her husband, because she knew that
wherever Rama assigned the authority, all of them performed one day Rama would come and kill Ravavan, as per the curse
well, and this is not only because they were capable of doing pre written in his destiny. To achieve success and to
so but the most important lesson we get from this study that a accomplish goal, an organization needs a guide like her to
manager should know who should assign what! show the right path and monitor the direction and working
style so that nothing would go wrong. One more committed
Personal qualities: Difference between Rama Vs Ravana character to teach us a management lesson.
A successful manager should always focus on his personal
qualities to be improved continuously and he should always Management lessons from Vibhishana
have a few to lead a team to achieve desired goal. Rama had Vibhishan younger brother of Ravana, one more guide who
many qualities like he was self-motivated, wise decision always suggested Ravana that what he was doing was wrong
maker; he always had a positive attitude, he always kept his but unlike his brother Kumbhakarna, he chose to be at Rama’s
cool even in the disastrous situation, he was a good side. Throughout his life he ensured that they don't lead
commander and a fighter, he had sound knowledge of towards destruction. He was no less powerful than Ravana and
mythology, geography, archery, war strategy and psychology. Kumbakaran because he also did ‘Yajna ' for the same period
These qualities made him a winner in the battlefield of as they did. He had chance to get any kind of boon from
Ramayan aganst Ravana, a king who was greedy, self- brahmaji. Ravana chose power while he chose Peace and
centered, egoistic and manner less man, his over confidence spirituality. The same peace he wanted between Rama and
made him a loser in the war. On personal qualities account he Ravana, so he tried his level best to settle down the war and
was way behind to Rama and thus Rama is considered as god enlighten peace but Ravana refused his offer and thrown him
and Ravana as the biggest villain of all time. One fine quality out of his kingdom, then he went to Rama and shared all the
that Rama had was never give up with learning process, even dark secrets of Ravana that ultimately killed him. After
though Ravana was taking his last breathe, Rama sent Ravana’s defeat, he became the rules of Lanka and wisely he
Lakshmana to get some tips from him about good governance, ruled his tenure. In spite of his commitment towards peace, his
this shows his attitude towards learning and self-development efforts for opposing war and killing innocent people involved
where as Ravana was more conscious on his practices and in a war he is treated as a traitor in the history. What we can
blessings gifted by Lord Shiva. learn from Vibhishana, is that his effort to bring peace around
and in the organization so that everyone can live happily and
Management lessons from Kumbhakarna easily can achieve goal. Many corporates are facing the
According to Ramayana, Kumbhakarna is a rakshasa and problem of internal politics between employees that affects
younger brother of Ravana, despite his monstrous size and the working performance and a deep impact on desired goal.
great hunger, he was described to be of ethical character, So by applying Vibhishana’s teachings we can easily sort this
when he was informed of the circumstances of Ravana's war problem and may explore a good human being within
with Lord Rama, he tried to convince his brother that what he ourselves.
was doing was wrong. However, he chose to fight in the battle
against Rama due to his loyalty to his brother and towards his Management lessons from Hanumana
nation. This shows his dedication and commitment towards Hanumana was a mighty warrior monkey prince, an ape-man
the relationship and a combined motive yet he felt that the who served Rama throughout his life without any expectation.

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

Through the teachings of Management, he clradiy the role of

an employee in an organization that one should be polite,
humble and dedicated towards his superior and organisation,
one should never raised a query and or asked a question. In
fact whenever organization needs extra effort, one should
always stand by the team, just like he stood aside of Rama.
Once Seeta was about to commit suicide in depression, but
Hanumana gave her the spirit and confidence that soon Rama
will come to take her back by defeating Ravana. His role was
to accomplish what his peers in his lifetime considered
impossible and thus show the world that where there is a will
there is a way. He flied all the way to Himalaya ranges and
carried a complete mountain on his shoulder to save
Lakshmana’s life.

The Valmiki Ramayana is productive guide with several
lessons through several characters in the development of
managerial effectiveness, interpersonal development &
leadership qualities. Ramayana is one such write up that
provides quintessential management teachings that are
globally correlative. Rama & other characters of Ramayana
teaches us the power of self-control, self-belief, keeping
patience, values of justice, equality, anger management, wise
decision making power, being one with team, time
management, constantly focusing on the desired goal, utilizing
powers, importance of being an ethical being and most
important teaching amongst all is rather than being blissful, be
peaceful. Valmiki Ramayan is one of the world's most
remarkable classics and excels in its moral appeal. We can
take several lessons from the each character of Ramayana,
even though Ravana is considered as a villain still there is a
lot to study on him and to take some positive lessons from
him. Thus we believe the Ramayana is a perfect book for a
management scholar or manager.

1. Valmiki M. Ramayana, Gita Press Gorakhpur, 24000
Verses, 500 chapters,
2. Indiatimes.com article on published on most successful
business leaders under the age of forty. 2016, 20.


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