A Study On Hotel Industry

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A Synopsis




Synopsis submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of




ROLL NUM: 1408001255
Employee satisfaction at Halcyon Technologies

This is well known saying “knowledge without application is a waste”.

So it is very necessary to provide the practical knowledge along with the theoretical
knowledge. It is very easy to study the fundamental of management. But is somehow to
implement them within the through of the actual atmosphere of business. No doubt
classroom study is in important part for the knowledge of Business Environment, but
practical exposure provide some extra knowledge about the rhetorical concept.

My project is directed towards “EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION”. For this I have conducted

the survey and find out the relevant information.


"People don't leave their jobs, they leave their managers."

Although committed and loyal employees are the most influential factor to
becoming an employer of choice, it's no surprise that companies and
organizations face significant challenges in developing energized and engaged
workforces. However, there is plenty of research to show that increased
employee commitment and trust in leadership can positively impact the
company's bottom line. In fact, the true potential of an organization can only
be realized when the productivity level of all individuals and teams are fully
aligned, committed and energized to successfully accomplish the goals of the

As a result, the goal of every company should be to improve the desire of

employees to stay in the relationship they have with the company. When
companies understand and manage employee loyalty - rather than retention
specifically - they can reap benefits on both sides of the balance sheet i.e.,
revenues and costs.
On the revenue side of the balance sheet, loyal and committed employees are
more likely to go "above and beyond" to meet customer needs and are highly
motivated to work to the best of their ability.

On the cost side, loyal employees stay longer, resist competitive job offers, do
not actively look for other employment and recommend the company to others
as a good place to work. These four behaviors positively influence the cost side
of the balance sheet.

In other words, rather than focusing only on retention (that is, trying to retain
employees who have already decided to leave), organizations should
proactively recognize the benefits of understanding, managing and improving
employee satisfaction. The most successful organizations are those that can
adapt their organizational behavior to the realities of the current work
environment where success is dependent upon innovation, creativity and
Review of literature

Doing the survey, it was really an opportunity before me when I could convert
my theoretical knowledge into practical and of real world type. Fortunately, the
company I got is a true follower of the various principles of management and
also one of the leading companies in its segment of the industry. Halcyon
technology Ltd… is one of the renowned names in the Software and Hardware
sector of computer industry.

The graph of sales of these respective product lines is the best in the industry
as compared to their competitors. I did my summer training project at Halcyon
technology, where I found all the professionals are very much committed to
their work as well as they were all professionals enough.

As I would find any Project Report on the topic Employee behaviour towards
the various activities of the organization. So, I consult Indian Journal of Human
resources of last year for latest information.


 Could not interact with senior managers because they are always
busy with their work
 Due to busy with their work, co-operation of the respondent were
 The night workers were not consulted as they were not available at
the time of interview.
 The need for the study of Halcyon Technologies Ltd. taken place of
employees perception will help the organization in determining their
performance as well as promotion programs.
 The project work is concerned with the study of performance potential of
Halcyon technologies Limited.
 It is obvious that the Halcyon Limited, products are used in various places
with in the country. The various features established for the Products are
more important.
 Underpaying of workers.
 Not having the leadership required. People want to be led. They want to
work with people who inspire them and have a vision.
Objectives of the study

 Primary Objective :

Since this has been a startup company entering into second year, it wanted to
check out levels of satisfaction before coming up with new policies to take
future course of actions. I was given the task to understand the various
aspects related to Employees satisfaction in the organization.
Halcyon also wanted to make out an external survey in indentifying the
benefits other company offers to its Employees and compare those things
along with the benefits offered by the company.
Organization also wanted to know Employees understanding of company’s
mission and vision statement.
Company also wanted to check Employees satisfaction levels with their team
leaders, with the Management and within the team members.

Some of the secondary objectives that I identified were:

 To measure Employees satisfaction on Compensation and Benefits.

 To find out the expectations of Employees from Management.

 To compare the desired satisfaction with the actual one.

 To compare the satisfaction in different levels i.e. female and male

Employees, juniors and seniors and within different teams.
Research Methodology

Sources of data collection:

The primary data about Employee Satisfaction is collected from Employees

using a structured Questionnaire which contained both open ended as well as
closed ended Questions. A questionnaire of 95 questions was designed keeping
in view the objectives and other aspects which are mentioned below
 General
 Work Environment
 Compensation and Benefits
 Respect for Employees
 Respect for Management
 Opportunities for Growth
 Teamwork
 Communication
 Feed back
 Closing
Which latter on edited to 65 questions precisely. Our motive was to cover all
the areas which were related to Employees and measure his/her satisfaction
level in those areas.
In order to get a clear, unambiguous and confidential report we used the third
party tools for getting survey report. We used the web portal
www.custominsight.com, this web portal generally holds these kind of surveys.
We used this portal because of the fact that individually getting feedback may
not give the actual opinion as they may feel that their confidentiality may be
lost and the results may be biased due to influence of other’s opinions.
To carry out the survey we prepared the questionnaire of 65 questions divided
into various sections and we uploaded the questionnaire into the website and
the survey would be active for a stipulated period of time. The study of
Employee Satisfaction was done with a sample size of 21 Employees who were
at least three months old in the organization. We gave the access details like
user id & password to the employees, when they log on to the site it
automatically generates the passwords where in employees can log on for the
next time to complete the survey, it also gives you the flexibility to stop the
survey at any point of time and continue the survey at their leisure.
When the Employee finishes the survey it automatically generates the word
document of that report and sends it to survey mail id.
After accumulating all responses from Employees we generated reports on
various categories like
 Consolidated report
 Individual report
 Team wise report
 Reports based on gender
 Reports based on seniority
 Reports of Newcomers
All the reports were generated using the www.custominsight.com except the
consolidated report which was prepared manually using Ms-Excel. The reports
that I am enclosing would be consolidated report
About Custom insight:

Custom insight was founded in 1998 as a technology spin-off from a Silicon

Valley HR consulting firm. The technology behind the Custom insight survey
solution was developed in support of large-scale survey projects administered
by that firm for the purposes of executive development, cultural assessments,
and corporate consulting. The technology was so widely acclaimed; the
consulting firm recognized the value of the underlying technology to other
organizations wishing to run surveys. As a result, Custom insight was born.
Custom Insight’s mission is to provide end-to-end survey solutions to their
clients. Their core values include a commitment to technology excellence,
professionalism, and outstanding customer service.
Need for the Study

Why Measure Employee Satisfaction??

A company is only as strong and successful as its members, its employees, are.
By measuring employee satisfaction in key areas, organizations can gain the
information needed to improve employee satisfaction, retention, and
productivity. However, a recent study by the Society of Human Resource
Management (SHRM) indicated that often the HR department's perceptions of
employee satisfaction versus the true measure of employee satisfaction are not
always in sync.

Employees who aren’t satisfied with their jobs are very likely to leave. If they
don’t leave they can become a source of bad morale and do a great deal of
harm in the organization. In many cases employers without proper data will
assume the wrong reasons for employee dissatisfaction. Many bosses will
automatically think that money is the top reason for leaving a job. Wouldn’t it
be better to have real data and react accordingly?

Surveying employees on a regular basis is a great way to stay in touch with the
pulse of the business. Before launching a survey though it is important to
establish the ground rules.

Many employees will be unwilling to express their honest feelings if they think
they will be singled out. Make sure that the surveys are conducted with
anonymity. Be certain to have the support of company management all the
way to the top. Employees want to know that the leadership is behind the
survey and that their responses will be taken seriously.
Explain that employee comments are important to the company. State what
will be done with the results. And then live up to those statements. Employees
will become doubtful of management’s intentions if they don’t follow through.

There are many resources to assist companies in the survey process. However
most human resource managers are very capable of designing and conducting
their own employee satisfaction survey.

Organization of study

Table of contents:

1) Introduction
2) Need for the study
3) Objectives of the study
4) Scope of the study
5) Company profile
6) Methodology / approach
7) Graphical interpretation of the survey
8) Limitations of the study

 Findings
 Recommendations
 Bibliograp

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