Inverted-T Capacity Calculation@Phase1v2

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fc 9.

0 ; Ec 57 ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
fc 1000 = 5.407 10 3 ; fy 66 ksi ; Es 29000 ksi

dledge 12 ; bledge 13 ; dstem 16 ; bstem 19.5 ; bw bstem = 19.5

hcap dstem + dledge = 28 ; bf 2 bledge + bstem = 45.5 ; a 36 ; av 6.5

af 7.688 ; h 13.5 ; c 24 ; S 84 ; W 15 ; L 8

de 10.75 ; df 10.125 ; CC 1

d_barA 0.875 ; A_barA 0.6 ; As 10 A_barA = 6

d_barB 0.75 ; A_barB 0.44 ; As' 10 A_barB = 4.4

d_barS 0.375 ; A_barS 0.11 ; S_barS 5.5 ; Av 2 A_barS = 0.22 ;

Ahr ―― = 0.11

d_barM 0.5 ; A_barM 0.2 ; S_barM 5.5 ; Avf1 1 A_barM = 0.2

d_barT 0.5 ; A_barT 0.2

d_barN 0.5 ; A_barN 0.2

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: Speci ied strength of concrete at 28 days (ksi)
: Modulus of elasticity of concrete
: Yield strength of longitudinal reinforcements (ksi)
: Modulus of elasticity of steel reinforcement
: Length of the shear span (in.)
dledge : Depth of the ledge
bledge : Width of the ledge
dstem : Depth of the stem
bstem : Width of the stem
: Effective depth of the inverted-T bridge cap(in.)
ρ : Longitudinal reinforcement ratio
: the effective distance between the positive bending reinforcements to the top
of the ledge
: effective depth from extreme compression iber to the centroid of the tensile
: width of bearing pad (in.);
: Length of bearing pad(in.);
: Spacing of bearing places (in.)
: Effective web width (in.)
: Effective ledge width (in.)
: The distance from the ledge end to the center of the exterior load (in.)
: Cohesion factor (c1 = 0 for corbeland ledges)
: Area of concrete considered to be engaged in interface shear transfer (in.2),
μ : The appropriate value of the coef icient of friction as given in ACI Code Section = 1.4 for normal weight concrete placed monolithically
: Nominal lexural resistance (
: Area of longitudinal reinforcements (in²)
: Effective depth of the inverted-T bent cap (in.)
: Depth of equivalent stress block(in.)
: Depth of cross section under compression under ultimate load (in.)
Av_min : Minimum transverse reinforcement
Vnf : Flexure capacity of the inverted-T bridge cap (ksi)
VnsUH : Nominal shear capacity estimated from the equations prescribed by UH
method (ksi)
VnsAASHTO : Nominal shear capacity estimated from the equations prescribed by
VnsACI : Nominal shear capacity estimated from the equations prescribed by
ACI-318:14 (ksi)

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VnipAASHTO : Nominal punching shear capacity of interior girders estimated from the
equations prescribed by AASHTO LRFD (ksi)
VnepAASHTO : Nominal punching shear capacity of external girders estimated from the
equations prescribed by AASHTO LRFD(ksi)
VnpAASHTO : Nominal punching shear capacity of inverted-T bridge cap estimated
from the equations prescribed by AASHTO LRFD(ksi)
VnipTxDOT : Nominal punching shear capacity of interior girders estimated from the
equations prescribed by TxDOT BDM-LRFD(ksi)
VnepTxDOT : Nominal punching shear capacity of exterior girders estimated from the
equations prescribed by TxDOT BDM-LRFD (ksi)
VnpTxDOT : Nominal punching shear capacity of inverted-T bridge cap estimated
from the equations prescribed by TxDOT BDM-LRFD (ksi)
Vnisf : Nominal shear friction capacity of interior girders estimated from the
equations prescribed by AASHTO LRFD(ksi)
Vnesf : Nominal shear friction capacity of external girders estimated from the
equations prescribed by AASHTO LRFD (ksi)
Vnsf : Nominal shear friction capacity of inverted-T bridge cap estimated from the
equations prescribed by AASHTO LRFD(ksi)
Vnih : Nominal hanger capacity of interior girders estimated from the equations
prescribed by AASHTO LRFD(ksi)
Vneh : Nominal hanger capacity of exterior girders estimated from the equations
prescribed by AASHTO LRFD(ksi)
Vnfli : Nominal lexure capacity of the ledge at interior girders estimated from the
equations prescribed by AASHTO LRFD(ksi)
Vnfle : Nominal lexure capacity of the ledge at exterior girders estimated from the
equations prescribed by AASHTO LRFD(ksi)

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The minimum transverse reinforcement as per AASHTO LRFD is given by :

‾‾ S_barS bw
Av_min 0.0316 fc ――――= 0.154 in 2

Av_provided Av = 0.22 in 2
∴ Ratio ――――― = 1.428

Ag dledge ((bf)) + dstem bstem = 858 in 2

1 1
dledge ((bf)) ― dledge + dstem bstem dledge + ―dstem
2 2
Ybar ――――――――――――――――――― = 11.091 in
bf dledge 3 1
Iledge ―――― + bf dledge Ybar - ―dledge = 2.07 10 4 in 4
12 2
bstem dstem 3 1
Istem ――――+ bstem dstem Ybar - dledge + ―dstem = 3.142 10 4 in 4
12 2
Ig Iledge + Istem = 5.212 10 4 in 4

hcap dstem + dledge = 28 in

fr 0.24 ‾‾
fc = 0.72 ksi BDM - LRFD - Ch4 , dessign - criteria ‥

yt hcap - Ybar = 16.909 in

S ―= 3.083 10 3 in 3
Mcr S fr = 2.219 10 3
Vcr ―― = 61.651 kips

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The lexure theory for beam members has been widely accepted for many years,
and it has only minor variations among the available design codes or guidelines. In
this section, the formulaefor the calculation of lexural strength as per AASHTO LRFD
(2014) which conforms to the ACI318-14, is presented. Thus, the nominal lexural
strength as per AASHTO LRFD (2014) can be calculated asfollows:

d hcap - CC - d_barS - d_barA = 25.75 ((in.))

βf if fc < 4.0
‖ .85

‖ fc 1000 - 4000
‖ 0.85 - 0.05 ―――――
‖‖ 1000

β1 βf = 0.6
As fy
cf ―――――= 1.896
0.85 fc β1 bf

ac cf β1 = 1.138
Mn As fy d - ― = 9.972 10 3 ((

∴ Vnf ―― = 276.993 (kips)

The shear capacity is predicted using the guidelines provided in the AASHTO
LRFD 2014, UH-Method(2014), and ACI318-14. The same inverted -T bent cap is
selected, and the detailed calculation is presented below:

ρ ――= 0.005
bf d

n ―― = 5.363

‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ 2
c' d 2 ρ n + (ρ n) - ρ n = 5.369

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a -0.7 ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ c'
VcUH 14 ― fc 1000 bw ――= 109.98 ((kips))
d 1000

VsUH Av fy ――― - 1 = 53.46 ((kips))

∴ VnsUH VcUH + VsUH = 163.44 (kips)

Aps 0 dp 0 fps 0 β 2.0 θ 45

Aps fps dp + As fy d
de ―――――――― = 25.75 ((in.))
Aps fps + As fy

dv max ―――――― , 0.9 de , 0.72 h = 25.181 ((in.))
As fy + Aps fps

VcAASHTO 0.0316 β ‾‾
fc bw dv = 93.1 ((kips))

Av dv fy 1
VsAASHTO ―――― = 66.478 ((kips))
∴ VnsAASHTO VcAASHTO + VsAASHTO = 159.578 (kips)

The nominal shear strength of reinforced concrete beams described by ACI

318-14 can be evaluated using Table Table as follows.

max VnsUH , VnsAASHTO bw d

VcACI1 1.9 ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
fc 1000 + 2500 ρ ―――――――― ――= 90.613
Mn 1000 (kips)

‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ bw d
VcACI2 1.9 fc 1000 + 2500 ρ ――= 96.937 (kips)

‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ bw d
VcACI3 3.5 1000 fc ――= 166.725 (kips)

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VcACI min VcACI1 , VcACI2 , VcACI3 = 90.613 (kips)

‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ bw d
Also VcACIN 2 fc 1000 ――= 95.272 (kips)

VsACI Av fy ―――= 67.98 ((kips))

∴ VnsACI VcACI + VsACI = 158.593 ((kips))

∴ Vns min VnsUH , VnsAASHTO , VnsACI = 158.593 (kips)

In this section, the punching shear strength is evaluated using the equations given
in (1) AASHTO LRFD 2014, (2) TxDOT BDM-LRFD 2015.
de dledge - CC - ―――= 10.75 ((in.))
df dledge - CC - d_barM - ――― = 10.125 ((in.))

The following equations give the punching shear capacity of the inverted-T beam
ledge as per AASHTO LRFD

VnipAASHTO 2 0.125 ‾‾
fc (W + 2 L + 2 de) de = 423.281 (kips)

VnepAASHTO 2 0.125 ‾‾
fc (0.5 W + L + de + c) de = 405.141 (kips)

∴ VnpAASHTO min VnipAASHTO , VnepAASHTO = 405.141 (kips)

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The TxDOT Bridge Design Manual 2015 recommends de be replaced by in all the
equations suggested by AASHTO LRFD, where = the effective distance between the
positive bending reinforcements to the top of the ledge.

VnipTxDOT 2 0.125 ‾‾
fc (W + 2 L + 2 df) df = 389.18 (kips)

Vnep1TxDOT 2 0.125 ‾‾
fc (W + 2 L + 2 df) df = 389.18 (kips)

Vnep2TxDOT 2 0.125 ‾‾
fc ((0.5 W + L + df + c)) df = 376.84 ((kips))

VnepTxDOT min Vnep1TxDOT , Vnep2TxDOT = 376.84 ((kips))

∴ VnpTxDOT min VnipTxDOT , VnepTxDOT = 376.84 ((kips))

The shear friction capacity of the ledge where the shear-friction reinforcement is
perpendicular to the shear plane is given by the equation speci ied in ACI Code Section
11.6.4, which conforms to the AASHTO LRFD, section as follows:

c1 0 μ 1.4 Pc 0

bsi min (W + 4 av , S) = 41 ((in))

Acvi de bsi = 440.75 in 2

Avfi Avf1 ―――= 1.491 in 2

Vnisf 2 (c1 Acvi + μ (Avfi fy + Pc)) = 275.52 (kips)

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c1 0 μ 1.4 Pc 0

bse min ((W + 4 av , S , 2 c)) = 41 ((in))

Acve de bse = 440.75 in 2

Avfe Avf1 ―――= 1.491 in 2

Vnesf 2 ((c1 Acve + μ ((Avfe fy + Pc)))) = 275.52 ((kips))

∴ Vnsf min ((Vnisf , Vnesf)) = 275.52 ((kips))

As per the AASHTO LRFD guidelines, the hanger capacity of the
transverse reinforcements will be calculated as follows:
Ahr ―― = 0.11

Ahr fy
Vnih_1 2 ――― S = 8.138 10 3 (kips)

‾‾ fy
Vnih_2 2 0.063 fc bf df + Ahr ―――((W + 2 df)) = 267.2 ((kips))

Vnih min (Vnih_1 , Vnih_2) = 267.2 (kips)

Ahr fy S
Vneh_1 2 ――― ―+ c = 4.132 10 3 (kips)
S_barS 2

‾‾ Ahr fy ((W + 2 df))

Vneh_2 2 0.063 fc bf df + ――――――― + c = 222.223 (kips)
S 2

∴ Vneh min (Vnih , Vneh_1 , Vneh_2) = 222.223 (kips)

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The lexure capacity of the ledge can be predicted as follows:
af av + CC + ―――= 7.688 ((in.))

bmi min (W + 5 af , S) = 53.438 ((in.))

Avf1 bmi
Afi ―――― = 1.943

Afi fy
cli ―――――― = 0.523
0.85 fc β1 bmi

al cli β1 = 0.314
Mnli Afi fy de - ― = 1.359 10 3 ((

Vnfli 2 ―― = 418.021 (kips)

bme min (W + 5 af , S , 2 c) = 48 ((in.))

Avf1 bme
Afe ―――― = 1.745

Afe fy
cle ―――――― = 0.523
0.85 fc β1 bme
ale cle β1 = 0.314
Mnle Afe fy de - ―― = 1.22 10 3 (

Vnfle 2 ―― = 375.486 ((kips))

∴ Vnfl min ((Vnfli , Vnfle)) = 375.486 (kips)

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