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ab Wealth


Understanding your Statement of Assets

Reference guide
About this guide
This guide will help you to understand your statement Types of Report Colour Coding
provided by UBS. There are two types of report that can be received: Within your Statement of Assets, there are four key
The format of the guide shows you typical examples A Statement of Assets report details a single portfolio sections that are colour coded.
of sections that can be found in a Statement of Assets position The colours will be replicated through this guide.
followed by a glossary of terms relative to that screen. A Consolidated Statement of Assets report details all of
your portfolios. Contents
Evaluation • Detailed positions • Further evaluation • Additional information

The majority of the sections can be found in both
Accounts and Investments on Call
Cover Page 4
reports. If a section only appears in one type of report,
Portfolio Matrix 6
it will be clearly indicated.
Amount (1) Market Value (8)
Displays the currency code and the value of the investment The current value of the investment in valuation currency.

Asset Allocation 8
in asset currency. The value of the investment is typically
the balance of the cash account. In the examples above, Accrued Interest (9)

Some sections of this guide may not be relevant to you,

the EUR cash account balance is 68,576.47. The amount of interest earned since the last interest
payment date.
Description (2)
Displays the account type e.g., Current Account and the % of GA (10)
Performance Summary 10
account number as shown in e-Portfolio.

Start Date (3)

This figure represents the value of the asset as a
percentage of your total gross assets. depending on the type of valuation you have requested
Date at which the deposit starts.

Maturity Date (4) and the variety of investments that you hold. Positions Overview 12
Date on which the deposit ends through cash or physical
settlement or expiration with no value.

Exchange Rate (5)

Detailed positions
The exchange rate used to calculate the value of the
investment. The exchange rate used will be at close of
business of the valuation date of the report.

Gross Est. Annual Inc. (6)

The amount of income that is estimated to be earned in
the next 12 months. This value is based on an interest
If you have any queries or questions regarding your Accounts and Investments on Call 16
Statement of Assets, please contact your client advisor.
calculation using the current balance on the cash account

FX Products and Derivatives 18

and multiplying this by the interest rate. This amount
will then be converted into the valuation currency of the
e.g. (68,576.47*4.109%)/1.228465 = 2,294.

Interest Rate (7)

FX Options 20
The gross interest rate applicable to the account on the
valuation date of the report. Formal Reports
Bonds, Equities, Alternative Investments,
Formal reports are produced through the end of month
Real Estate, Precious Metals and Commodities 22
process where the Statements are sent directly to the
Contingent Assets and Liabilities & Mortgages 24
mailing address you have designated. If electronic versions
of the statements are required, these will be available via Liabilities 26
our online system, e-Portfolio. If you require access to
Amount 1 Description 2 3 Start Date 4 Maturity Date Exchange Rate 5 Interest Rate 7 Market Value 8 % of 10
Gross Est. Annual Inc. 6 Accrued Interest 9 GA
Accounts and Investments on Call

EUR 68,576.47 Current Account
Account No.:
4.109% 55,823
e-Portfolio please contact your client advisor. Further evaluation
GBP 530,340.32 Current Account 1.000000 5.215% 530,340 1.78

Account No.:
26,388.43 Current Account
Account No.:
0.00 Statements can be requested on a monthly, quarterly or Transactions Pending Settlement 28
Subtotal Accounts 601,019 2.02

Total Accounts and Investments on Call



2.02 half yearly basis. Transaction List 30

Total Accrued Interest Accounts and Investments on Call 20,458 0.07
Total Gross Estimated Annual Income Accounts and Investments on Call 30,487
Unsettled Executed Orders 32
Ad-hoc Reports Private Equity Summary 34
Ad-hoc reports can be produced at any time and do not
form part of the formal end of month process. Additional information
Foreign Exchange Rates, Abbreviations
and Explanations & Important Information 36

Evaluation • Detailed positions • Further evaluation • Additional information

Cover page
The Cover Page of the Statement of Assets contains Contact Information (3)
key details regarding your portfolio details. The contact information in the top right-hand corner
displays the name, direct telephone and fax numbers and
Client Information (1) e-mail address of your client advisor.
This section details the name and number of the portfolio
that the Statement is applicable to. Dates (4)
There are two dates displayed on the cover page.
If you have multiple portfolios, you can choose how you The date alongside the ‘Statement of Assets’ or
wish to receive your reports. You can choose to receive ‘Consolidated Statement of Assets’ is the date that the
an individual Statement of Assets report for each Portfolio/Mandate is valued on. For example, a report as
portfolio or a single Consolidated Statement of Assets at 31 December 2008 will use the market price at close of
report for all of your portfolios within a single Mandate. business on this date.
Please note: Investments are valued using the available
Client Investment Profile (2) price sources. A lack of valuation indicates that no price
Valuation Currency: The currency that the statement was available at the time this valuation was prepared.
is valued in. For formal reports, the valuation currency The date shown below ‘Your client advisor’ on the top
will be the same as the reference currency. For ad-hoc right hand side of the statement is the date that the
reports (ad-hoc reports are produced outside the formal statement was physically produced.
valuation process and are designed for internal use) the
valuation currency can be specified by the requestor of
the statement. This can therefore vary from the reference
Reference Currency: The base currency that your portfolio/
mandate is valued is valued in. This would have been
specified at the time your account was opened with UBS.
For UK individuals, this reference currency is normally
shown in GBP. For non-UK individuals, the reference
currency can vary, for example EUR or USD.
Investment Strategy: The strategy applied to the portfolio
designed around the investors risk/return trade off.
Portfolio Type: The name defined for the portfolio,
e.g. Self-Directed, Discretionary.

1 Curzon Street
London W1J 5UB
3 Your Client Advisor:

Tel. +44 (0) 20 7568 XXXX Fax +44 (0) 20 7567 XXXX
E-mail: [email protected]

4 Produced on 20 January 2009

Statement of Assets as of 31 December 2008 4

Mailing Address 1 Client Information

Name: Portfolio:
Portfolio Number:

2 Client Investment Profile

Valuation Currency GBP
Reference Currency GBP
XXXXXX XXXX Portfolio Type Active Portfolio Advisory
Important Notes
See "Important Information" for details of Portfolio Definition


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Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. A member of the London Stock Exchange.

Evaluation • Detailed positions • Further evaluation • Additional information

Portfolio Matrix
The Portfolio Matrix page provides an overview of
your portfolios at asset class level. This option is
only available on Consolidated Statement of Assets.
This report is similar to the Asset Allocation page, shown
overleaf, with the exception that rather than showing the
market value at risk currency, the information is shown at
portfolio level.
The report provides an overview of your portfolios at asset
class level and overall mandate level.
Please see the descriptions for asset class on page 12 for
definitions of the headings.

Portfolio Matrix Mandate Number
Consolidated Statement of Assets as of 31 December 2008
UBS AG, produced on 20 January 2009

By Asset Class and Portfolio Valued in GBP

Portfolio Number Liquidity Bonds Equities Alternative Real Estate Precious Metals Other Total
Portfolio Type Investments & Commodities
139,700 1,085,429 1,225,129
Self-Directed 3.89% 30.22% 34.11%
914 315,100 316,014
Alternative 0.03% 8.77% 8.80%
Investment Adv.
803,640 852,163 362,377 32,755 2,050,934
Active Portfolio 22.37% 23.72% 10.09% 0.91% 57.10%
Total 944,253 0 852,163 677,476 0 32,755 1,085,429 3,592,076
26.29% 0.00% 23.72% 18.86% 0.00% 0.91% 30.22% 100.00%
Liquidity includes Liabilities

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Evaluation • Detailed positions • Further evaluation • Additional information

Asset Allocation
The Asset Allocation page provides an overview Precious Metals & Commodities Risk Currency (2)
of your assets, categorised by Asset Class and Risk Investments with risk exposure to the precious metals Risk currency is the currency that the instrument is exposed
Currency. (PM) or commodities (C) markets, i.e. markets where raw to. This reflects the currency which the value of the
materials of uniform quality are traded. instrument is dependant on or exposed to respectively. The
Asset Classes (1) selection of risk currency involves the analysis of which
PM&C primarily include agricultural and mining products,
The Asset Classes used conform to the Unified Asset as well as energy sources (traded on commodity currencies make up the majority of the expected cash
Classification (UAC) naming convention. There are seven exchanges). flows and whether the currencies are hedged against the
asset classes used within the reports: nominal currency of the investment.
Other Where FX Transactions are shown within the report,
Category used for Funds, Structured Products with mixed the Asset Allocation page will split the two sides of the
Instruments with main exposure in the money markets and exposure and instruments which do not belong to one of transaction into their respective risk currency.
FX markets, i.e. cash or term deposits, short-term bonds the existing classes, e.g. insurance linked certificates or
and currency certificates/derivatives. weather derivatives.
Instruments with main exposure in the fixed income
markets, i.e. interest rate and issuer risks. This includes
convertible bonds.
Graphical Representation
In addition to the Asset Allocation table, three pie charts Asset Class: The seven (UAC) asset classes listed above
Investments where the stock market is the main risk
will be displayed; Risk Currency: Please see description above
driver, i.e. exposure to corporate or sector risks. Includes
listed stocks from energy, commodity & real estate sectors The pie charts show the valuation currency value and Region: Geographical regions that the assets are quoted in
sectors. distribution of the assets within three categories. Namely,

Alternative Investments Gross Assets by Asset Class Gross Assets by Risk Currency Equities by Region

Investment vehicles where risks and performance are based

on investment skills and expertise rather than the exposure
to a specific market segment. Investments in Hedge
Funds & Private Equity generally have low correlation to
traditional asset classes, such as equities or bonds

Real Estate
Investments with direct exposure to the property markets, Liquidities
United Kingdom
Equities 6,468,932 59.24% USD 697,103 6.38% North America 1,004,007 15.52%
e.g. direct ownership in real estate, investments in Alternative Investments 555,221 5.08% NOK 410,862 3.76% Nordic Countries 477,892 7.39%
Real Estate 60 0.00% CHF 375,220 3.44% Pacific excluding Japan 299,697 4.63%
unlisted/private real estate securities or pure real estate 600 236,479 2.17% Various 1,370,850 12.55% Various 851,004 13.16%
Others 1,812,742 16.60%
funds with holdings predominantly in direct real estate.

Asset Allocation
Portfolio Number
Statement of Assets as of 31 December 2008
UBS AG, produced on 20 January 2009

Beginning Balance as of 30.11.2008: GBP 7,326,210 Valued in GBP

By Asset Class and Risk Currency, in an exposure view. See the explanation page for further details.
2 Risk Currency 1 Liquidity Bonds Equities Alternative Real Estate Precious Metals Other Total
Investments & Commodities
GBP 1,279,975 534,696 1,054,975 338,894 3,208,541
16.56% 6.92% 13.65% 4.39% 41.52%
EUR 579,419 580,302 984,485 2,144,206
7.50% 7.51% 12.74% 27.75%
USD 6,396 680,410 214,800 901,606
0.08% 8.81% 2.78% 11.67%
CHF 77,392 229,414 162,674 469,480
1.00% 2.97% 2.11% 6.08%
HKD 4,478 216,485 220,963
0.06% 2.80% 2.86%
Various 41,208 82,756 635,175 23,603 782,742
0.53% 1.07% 8.22% 0.31% 10.13%
Total Gross 1,988,868 2,107,579 3,268,594 338,894 0 23,603 0 7,727,538
25.74% 27.27% 42.30% 4.39% 0.00% 0.31% 0.00% 100.00%

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Performance Summary
The Performance Summary page details your Methodology
portfolios return against a specific benchmark. Performance figures are adjusted to account for
The performance summary page shows the portfolios contributions and withdrawals to your portfolio.
return (performance) versus a benchmark for the following The methodology used to calculate the performance
periods: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, Year to Date, Last figures is Modified Dietz, which is used industry wide as
12 months, last 3 years and last 5 years. the approximation of a real time weighted rate of return
Return figures for periods longer than one year are calculation.
annualised, making it easier to compare them to other The Modified Dietz Method is a calculation used to
performance figures over any period (usually annualised as determine the performance of an investment portfolio
well). It is market practice not to annualise figures covering based on time-weighted cash flow. In the absence of daily
less than 12 months. portfolio valuations, the Modified Dietz Method weights
individual cash flows by the amount of time that those
Benchmark cash flows are held (or absent) from the portfolio. The
A benchmark is typically a blend of indices against result is an approximation of time weighted return.
which the performance of a portfolio is measured. Return = End Value – Start Value – Sum of all cash flows
Where provided, benchmark data is sourced from RIMES
Technologies Corporation. Start Value + Sum of all cash flows multiplied by
the proportion of time invested
Monthly Portfolio Returns % (1)
A chart that shows the monthly portfolio return compared
against the benchmark in graphical format.

Cumulative Portfolio Growth (2)

A chart that shows the cumulative return for the portfolio
and the benchmark.

Performance Summary
Client name
Portfolio Number
Statement of Assets as of 31 December 2008
UBS AG, produced on 20 January 2009

Portfolio Last 1 Month % Last 3 Months % Last 6 Months % Year to Date % Last 12 Months % Last 3 Years % * Last 5 Years % * Benchmark
Portfolio B'mark Portfolio B'mark Portfolio B'mark Portfolio B'mark Portfolio B'mark Portfolio B'mark Portfolio B'mark
4.75 5.52 -5.07 -4.82 -1.19 0.20 -8.96 -7.43 -7.19 -3.97 3.08 6.73 MFP GBP TRADITIONAL
* Returns are annualised

1 2

Monthly Portfolio Returns % Fund Benchmark Cumulative Portfolio Growth Fund Benchmark

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Positions Overview
The Positions Overview page shows a high level view Table 1
at Investment Category level of the market value of
your investments. Reporting Investment Investment Reporting Investment Investment
Class Category Sub-category Class Category Sub-category
Investment Category (1)
Liquidity Accounts and Accounts Precious Precious Metals - Precious Metal
Investments are split by asset classifications into reporting Investments on Call Money Market Call Metals & and Commodities Accounts
class (Liquidity, Bonds, Equities etc), Investment Category Commo- Investments - Precious Metals
(Accounts and Investments on Call, Bond Investments) Liabilities Liabilities dities
- Commodities
and Investment Sub-category (Accounts, Hedge Funds, - Structured Products
Money Market Time Money Market Time
Private Equity). The table on the right provides a detailed with Precious Metals
breakdown of each class/category. FX Products and - Swap and Forward and Commodities
Derivatives Contracts Character
Market Value (2)
- FX Options Precious Metals - Swap and Forward
The current value of the investment shown in the - Structured Products and Commodities Contracts
Statement’s valuation currency. The price used is at close with FX Character Derivatives - Precious Metals and
of business of the report date. This does not include Commodities Options
accrued interest. Bonds Bond Investments - Bonds
- Convertible and Others Asset Allocation Funds Asset Allocation Funds
Accrued Interest (3) Warrant Bonds
The amount of accrued interest earned on your accounts - Structured Products Insurance Products - Non Fund-Linked Life
in asset currency up to the valuation date of the reports. with Bond Character Insurance
- Fund-Linked Life
In relation to cash accounts, the accrued interest shown is Interest Rate Swaps and Forward Rate Insurance
the amount that has been accrued since the last interest Derivatives Agreements
payment date. Interest is normally paid to clients on a Others Others
quarterly basis. Equities Equity Investments - Equities
- Structured Products Pro Memoria Mortgages Mortgages
In relation to bond investments, the accrued interest with Equity Character
shown is the amount of interest accrued since the last Contingent Assets and - Contingent Assets
payment date of the bond. Alternative Alternative - Hedge Funds Liabilities - Contingent Liabilities
For cash and bond investments, accrued interest is Investments Investments - Private Equity
Unvalued Custody Unvalued Custody
calculated on a daily basis. - Structured Products
Account Positions Account Positions
with Alternative
Total (4) Investments Character Non-Bankable Assets Non-Bankable Assets &
The combined total of the Market Value and the Accrued - Others & Liabilities Liabilities
Real Estate Real Estate - Real Estate Funds
% of GA (5) Investments - Structured Products
This figure represents the value of the asset as a with Real Estate
percentage of your total gross assets.
Positions Overview Portfolio Number
Statement of Assets as of 19 January 2009
Produced on 20 January 2009

Total Gross Assets by Investment Category

By Investment Category Valued in USD

1 Investment Category 2 Market Value 3 Accrued Interest 4 Total 5 % of

Accounts and Investments on Call 4,504,413 -2 4,504,411 87.66
Money Market Time 171,330 0 171,330 3.33
Bond Investments 219,525 0 219,525 4.27
Equity Investments 243,460 0 243,460 4.74
Total Gross Assets 5,138,728 -2 5,138,726 100.00
Liabilities -1,225,919 0 -1,225,919
Total Net Assets 3,912,808 -2 3,912,807
Accounts and Investments on Call 4,504,411 87.66%
Equity Investments 243,460 4.74%
Pro Memoria Bond Investments 219,525 4.27%
Contingent Assets and Liabilities -75,000 -75,000 Money Market Time 171,330 3.33%

Total Gross Assets by Asset Currency

GBP 3,721,728 72.43%

USD 1,436,768 27.96%
EUR 23,472 0.46%
KWD -43,242 -0.84%

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Detailed Positions
The Detailed Positions pages show all of your Each section (with the exception Accounts and Investments
holdings, listed by asset class, investment category on Call which will not have Total Cost Value) will have
and investment sub-category. subtotals that include:
A comprehensive list of asset classes, investment • Total Market Value of the assets held within the
categories and investment sub-categories can be found on category
the previous page. • Total Accrued Interest earned
Headings may differ for each category depending on the • Total Gross Estimated Annual Income
type of investment held.
• Total Cost Value
In addition to the Statement of Assets and Consolidated
The reports will also show an overall total at each of the
Statement of Assets reports, you have the option to
four levels mentioned above.
request a Short Form or Long Form version of the Detailed
Positions section. Please note that some figures contained within this
section, including market value, are rounded up or down
Short Form Statement to the nearest whole number.
The aim of a Short Form Statement is to provide a
concise summary of information that will enable you to
have a clear understanding of your investments and the
associated market value of your portfolio/mandate. The
information that is shown is restricted to set criteria that
will aid your understanding of the statements.

Long Form Statement

The aim of the Long Form Statement is to provide you with
more granular information relating to your investment
portfolio. Additional information contained in the long
form statement includes Market Price Date, Market Gains,
Exchange Gains and Sector.

The differences between the Short and Long Form

versions will be displayed under the relevant sections in
this guide.

If you would like to change your reporting style, please

contact your client advisor.

Evaluation • Detailed positions • Further evaluation • Additional information

Accounts and Investments on Call

Amount (1) Market Value (8)
Displays the currency code and the value of the investment The current value of the investment in valuation currency.
in asset currency. The value of the investment is typically
the balance of the cash account. In the examples above, Accrued Interest (9)
the EUR cash account balance is 68,576.47. The amount of interest earned since the last interest
payment date. If an account has been in an overdrawn
Description (2) position at any time since the last interest payment, a
Displays the account type, e.g. Current Account and the negative amount may be shown.
account number as shown in e-Portfolio.
% of GA (10)
Start Date (3) This figure represents the value of the asset as a
Date at which the deposit starts. percentage of your total gross assets.

Maturity Date (4)

Date on which the deposit ends through cash or physical
settlement, or expiration with no value.

Exchange Rate (5)

The exchange rate used to calculate the value of the
investment. The exchange rate used will be at close of
business of the valuation date of the report.

Gross Est. Annual Inc. (6)

The amount of income that is estimated to be earned in
the next 12 months. This value is based on an interest
calculation using the current balance on the cash account
and multiplying this by the interest rate. This amount
will then be converted into the valuation currency of the
e.g. (68,576.47*4.109%)/1.228465 = 2,294.

Interest Rate (7)

The gross interest rate applicable to the account on the
valuation date of the report.

Amount 1 Description 2 3 Start Date 4 Maturity Date Exchange Rate 5 Interest Rate 7 Market Value 8 % of 10
Gross Est. Annual Inc. 6 Accrued Interest 9 GA
Accounts and Investments on Call

EUR 68,576.47 Current Account 1.228465 4.109% 55,823 0.19
Account No.: 2,294 308 0.00
GBP 530,340.32 Current Account 1.000000 5.215% 530,340 1.78
Account No.: 27,657 20,107 0.07
USD 26,388.43 Current Account 0.562968 3.605% 14,856 0.05
Account No.: 536 44 0.00
Subtotal Accounts 601,019 2.02
20,458 0.07

Total Accounts and Investments on Call 601,019 2.02

Total Accrued Interest Accounts and Investments on Call 20,458 0.07
Total Gross Estimated Annual Income Accounts and Investments on Call 30,487

Evaluation • Detailed positions • Further evaluation • Additional information

FX Products and Derivatives

Currency (1) Market Rate (8)
The two currencies involved in the transaction. The Market forward rate of the contract as at valuation date.
currency shown on the first line is the lead currency in ISO
code. The second currency shown is the counter currency Net Present Value (9)
in ISO code. Net Present Value of counter currency forward contract in
The ISO code is the international standard describing three valuation currency.
letter codes to define the name of currencies (also known Net Present Value = Unrealised P/L – Dealt Value.
as currency codes).
Unrealised P/L (10)
Amount (2) Unrealised profit and loss of the position in valuation
The values of the currencies bought and sold when the currency. This is the difference between the Net Present
transaction was entered into. The first line shown is the Value and the Dealt Value.
amount in lead currency and the second line is the amount
in counter currency. For a sold amount this is shown as a % of GA (11)
negative figure. This figure represents the unrealised P/L of the asset as a
percentage of your total gross assets.
Description (3)
The description of the currency transaction, i.e. bought
EUR, sold GBP.
Additional Long Form Headings
Trade Date (4)
Order ID (12)
The actual date of the transaction.
Order reference number of the deal.
Expiration Date (5)
Settlement Account (13)
The date that the contract expires. Where this relates to
The account debited or credited.
foreign exchange transactions this is the date that the
contract settles.
Period (14)
Dealt Rate (6) Defines how many days the agreement is open for.
Dealt Rate of the forward contract.
Spot Price (15)
Dealt Value (7) Daily price of a given commodity.
Dealt Value of lead currency in valuation currency.

Short form headings

1 Currency 2 Amount Description 3 Trade Date 4 Dealt Rate 6 Market Rate 8 Unrealised P/L 10 % of 11
Expiration Date 5 Dealt Value 7 Net Present Value 9 GA
FX Products and Derivatives

Swaps and Forward Contracts

GBP -450,000 You sold GBP 01.10.2008 0.788100 0.791784 2,659 0.04
EUR 570,993.53 You bought EUR 06.03.2009 -568,907 571,566
Subtotal Swaps and Forward Contracts 2,659 0.04

Total FX Products and Derivatives 2,659 0.04

Total Accrued Interest FX Products and Derivatives 0 0.00
Total Gross Estimated Annual Income FX Products and Derivatives 0
Total Cost Value FX Products and Derivatives 0

Long form headings

Currency Amount Description Trade Date Dealt Rate Market Rate Unrealised P/L % of
Order ID 12 Expiration Date Dealt Value Net Present Value GA
Settlement Account 13 Period 14
Spot Price 15
FX Products and Derivatives

Swaps and Forward Contracts

JPY -463,000,000 You sold JPY 08.01.2008 207.090000 209.833153 31,841 0.11
GBP 2,235,742.91 You bought GBP 14.01.2009 -2,403,778 2,435,619
123456.12 209.833153
USD -24,830,000 You sold USD 08.01.2008 1.945700 1.952469 48,633 0.16
GBP 12,761,474.02 You bought GBP 14.01.2009 -13,978,487 14,027,119
123456.12 1.952469

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FX Options
Currency (1) Expiry Time (9)
The lead currency of the option in ISO code. Expiry time of the option with AM/PM information.
The ISO code is the international standard describing three
letter codes to define the name of currencies (also known Dealt Rate (10)
as currency codes). Traded price of the option position.

Amount (2) Market Rate (11)

The amount in lead currency of the option. If the lead Current price of the option at valuation date.
currency amount is positive, it is a long (bought) option.
If the lead currency amount is negative, it is a short (sold) Valuation (12)
option. Market Value of position in valuation currency.

Description (3) % of GA (13)

The description of the option transaction, showing details % of the market value of the position on the total gross
of the lead and the counter currency, the maturity date of assets.
the option and the rate of the option.

Strike Price (4)

Additional Long Form Headings
Price at which the underlying instrument (currency pair) is
bought or delivered when an option is exercised. Order ID (14)
The contract number of an option contract.
Spot Price (5)
Current delivery price of the underlying instrument Settlement Account (15)
(currency pair) being traded on the cash market. The cash account that will be debited or credited as a
result of the transaction.
Premium (6)
Premium currency in ISO code and premium amount. Barrier Type/Level (16)
Type of barrier and barrier prices for that barrier type.
Settlement Date (7)
The settlement date of the transaction. Option Type (17)
The type of an option, e.g. European, American.
Expiry Date (8)
Expiry date of the option.

Short form headings

1 Currency 2 Amount Description 3 Strike Price 4 Trade Date Expiry Date 8 Dealt Rate 10 Valuation 12 % of 13
5 Spot Price Settlement Date 7 Expiry Time 9 Market Rate 11 GA
Premium 6
FX Options
EUR -500,000 EUROPEAN OPTION 0.792500 19.12.2008 0.017049 -12,218 -1.96
GBP(P)/EUR(C)19DEC08/ 0.027354
0.7925 EUR -8,524.56

Long form headings

Currency Amount Description Strike Price Trade Date Dealt Rate Market Rate Valuation % of
Order ID 14 Spot Price Settlement Date GA
Settlement Account 15 Option Type 17 Expiry Date
Barrier Type/Level 16 Premium Expiry Time
FX Options
GBP -250,000 EUROPEAN OPTION 2.011500 0.019500 0.000060 -15 0.00
2.0115 13.11.2008
GBP -4,875.00

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Bonds, Equities, Alternative Investments, Real Estate,

Precious Metals and Commodities
Number/Amount (1) Yield (8) Exchange Rate (15)
The number of units held of the asset. The annual rate of return of an investment, expressed as a Shown below Cost Price: The exchange rate is the rate at
percentage. This is calculated as follows: Gross Estimated the time the holding was originally acquired. If more than
Description (2) Annual Income / Market Value. This is the same as the one tranche of share has been acquired this will be the
The description/name of the asset held. direct yield (DY) as shown in the long form reports). average exchange rate.
Shown below Market Price: The exchange rate used to
Cost Price (3) Market Value (9) calculate the value of the investment.
The price of the asset when purchased, shown in asset The current value of the investment in the Statement’s
currency. If multiple tranches are purchased, the average valuation currency. Last Purchase Date (16)
cost price will be shown. The last date that the asset was purchased.
Accrued Interest (10)
Cost Value (4) The amount of interest earned since the last interest Mkt. Price Date (17)
The book cost of the asset in valuation currency. This is payment date. Accrued interest will be shown for bonds, The price date of the Market Price.
the cost of the investment when originally purchased. All as this value is calculated on a daily basis. It is unlikely
amounts shown are converted to valuation currency. that any other asset class in this section will have accrued Market Gains (18)
interest. The unrealised profit/loss between the cost price and
Market Price (5) the current market price of the position shown as a
The mid price of the asset as at close of business on the % of GA (11) percentage.
valuation date. Shown in asset currency. This figure represents the value of the asset as a
percentage of your total gross assets. Exchange Gains (19)
Gross Est. Annual Inc. (6) The unrealised FX profit/loss between the FX rate at the
The amount of income that is estimated to be earned in time of the transaction and the current market FX rate.
the next 12 months. For fixed interest securities the value Additional Long Form Headings
is based on the interest rate of the asset multiplied by the
holding position. For equities and unit trusts, the value Sector (12)
is based on the previous 12 months dividend/interest The subset that the asset is categorised under.
payments multiplied by the holding position. All amounts
are converted to valuation currency. Rating (13)
The asset rating by Standard & Poors (S&P) or Moody’s
Profit/Loss (7) (M).
The profit or loss of the position in asset currency. This
includes any market gains and exchange gains. Duration (14)
A calculation of standard modified duration.

Short form headings

1 Number/Amount 2 Description 3 Cost Price Market Price 5 Profit/Loss 7 Market Value 9 % of 11

4 Cost Value Gross Est. Annual Inc. 6 Yield 8 Accrued Interest 10 GA
Bond Investments

EUR 310,000 GERMANY (FED REP) 3.75% 13.03.09 FED TSY 99.7780% 100.3300% 13.65% 277,844 4.52
NOTE 244,475 10,385 3.74% 8,877 0.14
CHF 340,000 SWISS CONFEDERATIO 3.25% 11.02.09 (CHF) 101.0570% 100.1400% 19.81% 205,086 3.34
171,183 6,656 3.25% 6,249 0.10
GBP 190,000 TREASURY 4% 07.03.09 100.0800% 100.3900% 0.31% 190,741 3.10
190,152 7,600 3.98% 2,790 0.05
USD 1,250,000 US TREASURY NOTES 3.375% 15.09.09 SER M- 101.8320% 101.8000% 21.01% 857,850 13.96
2009 708,920 28,440 3.32% 9,817 0.16
BRL 250,000 BRAZIL 12.5% 05.01.16 INT IN USD 53.7212% 102.6411% 8.30% 74,228 1.21
68,539 9,040 12.18% 352 0.01
Subtotal Bonds 1,605,748 26.12
28,084 0.46

Long form headings

Number/Amount Description Sector 12 Cost Price Market Price Market Gains 18 Market Value % of
13 Rating Exchange Rate 15 Exchange Rate Exchange Gains 19 Accrued Interest GA
Duration 14 Cost Value Profit/Loss Gross Est.
Yield Last Purchase Date 16 Mkt. Price Date 17 Annual Inc.
Bond Investments

EUR 310,000 3.75% GERMANY (FEDERAL UCL 99.7780% 100.3300% 0.55% 277,844 4.52
REPUBLIC) 3.75% 2007- S&P AAA 0.790384 0.893324 13.02% 8,877 0.14
13.03.2009 FED TSY NTE (EUR) 0.14 244,475 13.65% 10,385
Security ID: DE0001137172 3.74%DY 18.09.2008 31.12.2008
Subtotal Euro 277,844 4.52
8,877 0.14

Evaluation • Detailed positions • Further evaluation • Additional information

Contingent Assets and Liabilities & Mortgages

Number/Amount (1)
The currency and the value of the liability in asset currency.

Description (2)
The description of the liability.

Nominal Value (3)

The value of the liability in valuation currency.

Any Mortgages held will be displayed as a separate

section, using the same headings as above.

By Investment Category Valued in GBP

1 Number/Amount 2 Description 3 Nominal Value

Contingent Assets and Liabilities

Contingent Liabilities
EUR -15,000 UBS Charge Card: Liability -13,364
USD -15,000 UBS Charge Card: Liability -10,522
Subtotal Contingent Liabilities -23,887

Total Contingent Assets and Liabilities -23,887

Evaluation • Detailed positions • Further evaluation • Additional information

Amount (1)
The amount and the currency of the liability.

Description (2)
The description of the liability.

Start Date (3)

Date at which the liability starts.

Maturity Date (4)

Date on which the liability matures and cash settlement is

Exchange Rate (5)

The current exchange rate at the valuation date of the

Interest Rate (6)

The Gross Annual Rate applicable to the transaction
through the term.

Market Value (7)

The current value of the liability shown in valuation

Accrued Interest (8)

The interest earned since the last interest payment date.
If there has been an overdrawn position at any time since
the last interest payment, a negative amount may be

1 Amount 2 Description 3 Start Date 4 Maturity Date 5 Exchange Rate 6 Interest Rate Market Value 7
Accrued Interest 8
KWD -350,000 MoneyMarket: Fixed Loan: Placement 17.06.2008 17.06.2009 3.502627 4.250% -1,225,919
Trade No.: 114997 0
Total Liabilities -1,225,919
Total Accrued Interest Liabilities 0

Total Market Value 3,912,808

Total Accrued Interest -2
Total Net Asset 3,912,807

Evaluation • Detailed positions • Further evaluation • Additional information

Transactions Pending Settlement

The Transactions Pending Settlement pages lists all Order Type (6)
transactions that have been executed in the market Indicates the type of order that was undertaken. There are
but have not yet settled. two types of orders shown within the Statements of Assets
Assets that are shown within the Transaction Pending namely a Market Order or a Limit Order.
Settlement page will be reflected within the Detailed A Market Order is a purchase or sale in which the broker is
Positions Page, the Transaction List and within your cash to execute the order at the best price currently available.
account. A Limit Order is an order to a broker to buy a specified
For example, if a purchase has been made, the additional quantity of a security at or below a specified price, or to
holding and the associated market value will be shown sell it at or above a specified price.
within the detailed positions page and the relevant cash
account will reflect the debit of the transaction net value. Value Date (7)
The delivery date of funds traded for securities
Transaction Date (1) transactions. This is the same as settlement date.
Date that the position was traded.
Market Value in Account Currency (8)
Traded Time (2) The transaction net value shown in cash account currency.
Time of the transaction, stated in GMT or BST (depending This is the amount that is to be debited from your cash
on transaction date). account at settlement date.

Transaction Type (3) Market Value (9)

Description of transaction, i.e. purchase or sale. The transaction net value shown in valuation currency. This
will correspond to the figure shown within the Transaction
Description (4) List.
The short name description of the asset.

Exchange (5)
The stock exchange that the asset was traded on.

Transaction Pending Settlement Portfolio Number
Statement of Assets as of 31 December 2008
Produced on 20 January 2009

By Account Number Valued in GBP

Transaction Date 1 Transaction Type 3 Exchange 5 Value Date 7 Market Value in

8 Market Value 9
Traded Time 2 Description 4 Order Type 6 Account Currency
Current Account - GBP
Balance 31.12.2008 -221,086.07 -221,086.07

31.12.2008 PURCHASE LONDON STOCK EXCH. 05.01.2009 15,115.17 15,115.17

15:00 GMT PURCHASE OF 1,000.0000 Market Order
31.12.2008 PURCHASE LONDON STOCK EXCH. 05.01.2009 15,688.36 15,688.36
12:00 GMT PURCHASE OF 10,000.0000 Market Order
Balance in Statement of Assets as of 19 January 2009 -251,889.60 -251,889.60

Current Account - USD

Balance 31.12.2008 8,000,010.78 5,393,168.74

31.12.2008 PURCHASE FUND PRIMARY MARKET 05.01.2009 130.49 87.97

14:02 GMT PURCHASE OF 150.0000 Market Order
Balance in Statement of Assets as of 19 January 2009 7,999,880.29 5,393,080.77

Current Account - EUR

Balance 31.12.2008 -17,217.44 -15,380.75

31.12.2008 PURCHASE PRIMARY FUNDS 05.01.2009 40,000.00 35,496.47

15:04 GMT PURCHASE OF 50.0000 Market Order
Balance in Statement of Assets as of 19 January 2009 -57,217.44 -51,113.71

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Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. A member of the London Stock Exchange.

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Transaction List
The Transaction List details all Securities Transactions, Number/Amount (8) Stamp Duty & Fees (16)
Contract Transactions and Foreign Exchange The quantity or value of the asset traded. Total of Stamp Duty and PTM Levy or Market Fees.
Transactions within one page.
Tax at Source (9) Sale Price (17)
Any transactions shown within the Transaction List will have
their holdings reflected within the detailed positions page Any tax that has been deducted in relation to a transaction. The price attained on the sale of an asset. This is shown
and also any cash element within your cash account. This is not populated in the UK client reports. exclusive of any commission/fees.

Transaction Date (1) Brokerage Fee (10) Exchange Rate (18)

Date that the position was traded. Commission or fees charged by the broker for conducting The exchange rate at the time the asset was disposed of.
the transaction(s). This is not commission applied by UBS
Value Date (2) Market Gains (19)
Wealth Management.
The delivery date of funds traded for securities transactions. The realised profit/loss calculated by the difference between
UBS WM Commission (11) the cost price of the asset and the sale price, shown as a
This is the same as the settlement date.
Commission charged by UBS Wealth Management when percentage. This calculation is undertaken in asset currency.
Traded Time (3) undertaking the transaction.
Exchange Gains (20)
Time of the transaction, stated in GMT or BST (depending on
Description (12) The realised foreign exchange (FX) profit/loss is calculated by
transaction date).
The short description of the asset. a comparison of the FX rate used at the time the transaction
Transaction Type (4) was originally entered into and the FX rate that was used
Cost Price (13)
Description of transaction, i.e. purchase or sale (depending when the position was disposed of. This figure is shown as a
on transaction date). The cost price per share of an asset purchased shown in percentage.
asset currency. Where this relates to a purchase, the cost
Account (5) price is shown exclusive of commission/fees. Where this Profit/Loss (21)
The cash account that funds were debited or credited. relates to a sale, the cost price is shown inclusive of any The total realised P&L between the cost price and the sale
commission. price in portfolio currency. The calculation used is as follows:
Order Type (6)
(1 + market gain%) X (1 + fx gain%) = (1 + profit/loss%).
Indicates the type of order that was undertaken. There are Exchange Rate (14)
This figure is shown as a percentage.
two types of orders shown with the Statements namely a Where this relates to a purchase, the exchange rate is the
Market Order or a Limit Order. rate at the time the transaction was entered into. Transaction Net Value (22)
A Market Order is a purchase or sale in which the broker is Where this relates to a disposal, the exchange rate is the rate The net value of a transaction quoted in portfolio’s reference
to execute the order at the best price currently available. at the time the asset was acquired. If multiple tranches of currency. This is shown net of any UBS Commission/
shares are purchased this will be the average exchange rate. Brokerage Fee/Stamp Duty and Fees.
A Limit Order is an order to a broker to buy a specified
quantity of a security at or below a specified price, or to sell Cost Value (15) Accrued Interest (23)
it at or above a specified price indicates the type of order. The amount of interest earned on a specific asset during the
The total book cost of an asset held.
Exchange (7) specified time period. Where applicable, accrued interest is
shown before any tax is deducted.
The stock exchange that the asset was traded on.

Transaction List 01.10.2008 - 20.10.2008 Portfolio Number
Statement of Assets as of 20 October 2008
Produced on 30 January 2009

By Transaction Date Valued in GBP

1 Transaction/ Transaction Type 4 8 Number/Amount Description 12 13 Cost Price 17 Sale Price 19 Market Gains Transaction Net Value 22
Value Date 2 Account 5 9 Tax at Source 14 Exchange Rate 18 Exchange Rate Exchange Gains 20 Accrued Inte
rest 23
3 Traded Time Order Type 6 Brokerage Fee 10 15 Cost Value 21 Profit/Loss
Exchange 7 11 UBS WM Commission 16 Stamp Duty & Fees
01.10.2008 SALE 650.000 GAZPROM OAO ADR REPR 4 ORD USD 60.2361 69.0000 14.55% -25,333.97
06.10.2008 SHS REG-S 1.958430 1.770350 10.62%
10:00 BST Market Order USD Transaction No.: 5460443 19,992 26.72%
LONDON STOCK USD Security id.: US3682872078 USD
01.10.2008 SALE 4,700.000 ISHARES INC SHS MSCI BRASIL (FREE) USD 85.6657 15.0000 -82.49% -5,126.83
06.10.2008 IDX 1.966504 1.770349 11.08%
10:00 BST Market Order HKD Transaction No.: 5460444 204,743 -80.55%
NYSE GROUP INC- HKD Security id.: US4642864007 HKD
01.10.2008 SALE 8,910.000 KRAFT FOODS INC COM STK 'A' USD 30.2479 99.0000 227.30% -498,253.61
06.10.2008 Transaction No.: 5460445 1.919020 1.770350 8.40%
10:00 BST Market Order USD 1.78 Security id.: US50075N1046 140,441 254.78%
01.10.2008 SALE 4.000 LINDT & SPRUENGLI CHF100 REGD CHF 31,608.3150 1.5900 -99.99% -3.21
06.10.2008 SHS 2.407100 1.981308 21.49%
10:00 BST Market Order CHF Transaction No.: 5460449 52,525 -99.99%
SWISS EXCHANGE CHF Security id.: CH0010570759 CHF
01.10.2008 SALE 25.000 OPUS CREDIT FUND CLASS A1 SHS USD 123.0000 1,000.0000 713.01% -14,121.50
06.10.2008 (USD) 1.971129 1.770350 11.34%
10:00 BST Market Order USD Transaction No.: 5460448 1,560 805.21%
IRISH STOCK USD Security id.: KYG676671327 USD

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Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. A member of the London Stock Exchange.

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Unsettled Executed Orders

The Unsettled Executed Orders section shows Exchange (6)
all transactions that have been executed but are The stock exchange that the asset was traded on.
unconfirmed in the market.
Assets that are shown in the unsettled executed orders Description (7)
page are not shown as a position within the detailed The short name description of the asset.
positions section, or within the Transaction List or have
been debited/credited from/to your cash account. Dealt Price (8)
As this transaction is unconfirmed this does not affect the Price that the transaction was undertaken at.
overall market value of your statement.
Dealt Exchange Rate (9)
Trade Date (1) The exchange rate used when the transaction was entered
Date that the position was traded in the market. into. The exchange rate shown in formal statements is the
rate back to your reference currency of your portfolio.
Traded Time (2)
Time of the transaction, stated in GMT or BST (depending Settlement Currency (10)
on transaction date). The currency that the transaction is to be settled in.

Transaction Type (3) Settlement Account (11)

Description of transaction, i.e. purchase or sale. The cash account that will be debited or credited as a
result of the transaction.
Order Type (4)
Indicates the type of order that was undertaken. There are Transaction Value (12)
two types of orders shown with the statements namely a The net value of a transaction quoted in valuation
Market Order or a Limit Order. currency. This is shown net of any UBS Commission/
A Market Order is a purchase or sale in which the broker is Brokerage Fee/Stamp Duty and Fees.
to execute the order at the best price currently available.
Accrued Interest (13)
A Limit Order is an order to a broker to buy a specified
quantity of a security at or below a specified price, or to The amount of interest earned on a specific asset during
sell it at or above a specified price. the specified time period. Where applicable, accrued
interest is shown before any tax is deducted.
Number/Amount (5)
The quantity or value of the asset traded.

Unsettled Executed Orders as at 31.12.2008 Portfolio Number
Statement of Assets as of 31 December 2008
UBS AG, produced on 10 February 2009

By Transaction Date Valued in GBP

1 Trade Date Transaction Type 3 5 Number/Amount Description 7 8 Dealt Price rency 10

Settlement Cur TransactionValue 12
2 Traded Time Order Type 4 6 Exchange 9 Dealt Exchange Rate Settlement Account 11 Accrued Interest 13
26.09.2008 Purchase 2,501.000 UBS (LUX) DIVERSIFIED UK EQUITY FD GBP 92.4200 GBP 231,142.420
16:47 BST Market Order PRIMARY FUNDS SHS (GBP) -
30.09.2008 Purchase 50,000.000 UBS LIFE TRITON PROPERTY UNITS 'B' GBP 2.0887 GBP 104,435.000
10:46 BST Market Order FUND PRIMARY MARKET (GBP) -
30.09.2008 Purchase 1,500,000.000 UBS TRITON PROPERTY FUND (JERSEY) GBP 1.0785 GBP 1,617,750.000
30.09.2008 Purchase 8,000,000.000 CASH TRANSFER FOR SUBSCRIPTION TO GBP 1.0000 GBP 8,000,000.000
30.09.2008 Purchase 8,000,000.000CASH TRANSFER FOR SUBSCRIPTION TO GBP 1.0000 USD 8,000,000.000
01.10.2008 Purchase 1,000.000 BP PLC USD0.25 (GBP) GBP 4.6400 GBP 4,640.000
16:07 BST Market Order LONDON STOCK EXCH. -
23.10.2008 Purchase 1,200.000 ANGLO AMERICAN PLC NPV GBP 12.9500 GBP 15,540.000
11:27 BST Limit Order LONDON STOCK EXCH. -
23.10.2008 Purchase 1,200.000 ANGLO AMERICAN PLC NPV GBP 12.9500 GBP 15,540.000
12:05 BST Limit Order LONDON STOCK EXCH. -

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Private Equity Summary

The Private Equity Summary Page provides enhances Date of Last Distribution (6) Multiple2 (13)
information relating to your investment. This is the date when the last distribution was returned to This figure indicates the performance of the Private Equity
Due to the complexity of Private Equity investments, you. asset as at the last valuation. A value greater than 1
enhanced information has been provided within the indicates a positive return.
statement to aid the understanding of this new page. The Remaining Commitment – As of Last Valuation (7)
market value shown in the detailed positions page will This figure is calculated by working out the difference Market Value (14)
correspond to the private equity estimated asset value between the Total Commitment (in the Description The market value of the asset as at the last valuation date.
shown in the Private Equity Summary page. column) and the Capital Called as of Last Val. figure (in the Displayed in the statement’s valuation currency.
first column).
Capital Called – As of Last Valuation (1) Capital Called3 (15)
This figure shows the amount of capital called from the Remaining Commitment – Since Last Valuation (8) The Capital Called since the last valuation date. Displayed
total commitment (in the asset currency) as at the date of This shows the capital called since the last valuation. in the statement’s valuation currency. (See footnote 3 at
the last valuation. This is shown as a negative figure to enable the correct bottom of summary page.)
remaining commitment figure to be calculated correctly.
Capital Called – Since Last Valuation (2) Distributions4 (16)
The total amount of capital called from the total Distribution – As of Last Valuation (9) The distributions since the last valuation date. Displayed
commitment (in the asset currency) since the last valuation This figure displays the total amount of distributions as of in the statement’s valuation currency. (See footnote 4 at
date. the last valuation date. A distribution is cash returned to bottom of summary page.)
the investor aer the fund has exited from an investment.
Description (3) % of GA (17)
The description includes the name of the asset invested in Distribution – Since Last Valuation (10) This figure represents the value of the asset as a
and your total commitment in asset currency. This figure displays the total amount of distributions since percentage of the total gross assets.
the last valuation date as displayed in the third column.
Date of Last Valuation (4)
The last valuation date of investment, provided by the Market Value1 (11)
Fund Administrator. This Market Value is the value only of the Capital Called
as of Last Val. figure in the first column. (See footnote 1 at
Date of Last Capital Call (5) bottom of summary page).
The date when capital was last called. The Capital Called
Since Last Val. amount may not be the actual amount that Exchange Rate (12)
was called on this date, but could be a combination of two The rate used at the date of the valuation statement.
or more capital calls since the last valuation date.

Private Equity Summary Portfolio Number
Statement of Assets as of 31 December 2008
Produced on 20 January 2009

Valued in GBP

1 Capital Called - 3 Description 4 Date of Last Valuation Remaining Commitment - Distribution - Market Value (1) 11 Market Value 14 % of 17
As of Last Valuation 5 Date of Last Capital Call As of Last Valuation 7 As of Last Valuation 9 Exchange Rate 12 Capital Called (3) 15 GA
2 Since Last Valuation 6 Date of Last Distribution Since Last Valuation 8 Since Last Valuation 10 Distributions (4) 16
Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal Multiple (2) 13 Subtotal
USD 86,920 STRIPE XXX LP II 30.09.2008 USD 313,080 USD 9,600 USD 90,751 61,179
USD 20,000 Total Commitment 30.10.2008 USD -20,000 1.483360 13,483
USD 400,000 15.10.2008 USD 926 -624
USD 106,920 USD 293,080 USD 10,526 1.1545 74,038 1.21

Total Private Equity Estimated Asset Value - (5) 74,038 1.21

1 - Market value is the value of the remaining investments as at last valuation date in Asset Currency. This does not refer to capital contributed since last valuation, the remaining commitment
or any distributions made by the fund.
2 - Multiple = (Distribution as of last valuation + Market Value as of Last Valuation) / Capital Called as of Last Valuation
3 - Capital contributed since last valuation date in valuation currency.
4 - Distributions since last valuation date in valuation currency.
5 - Total private equity estimated asset value relates to the market value at date of last valuation in valuation currency plus any capital contributed since last valuation minus any distributions
since last valuation.

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Foreign Exchange Rates, Abbreviations and Explanations &

Important Information
The final two pages of each statement provide additional
information including;
• Foreign exchange rates used to calculate market
• Abbreviations used in the statement
• Description of asset classes
• Related portfolio numbers
• Legal disclaimer

Foreign Exchange Rates, Abbreviations and Explanations Portfolio Number
Statement of Assets as of 31 January 2009
Important Information Portfolio Number
Statement of Assets as of 31 January 2009
UBS AG, produced on 26 February 2009 UBS AG, produced on 26 February 2009

Abbreviations Portfolio Definition

DY Direct Yield GA Gross Assets TY Theoretical Yield Maturity Portfolio Related Items
Y Yield to End Maturity YE Yield to Earliest Maturity YP Yield on Single Premium
IM IM Commission refers to the commission charged
by your Investment Manager on your transactions, GBP Current Account
and not a UBS Commission
Asset Allocation
This document is provided for your information only. No Forward Exchange rates are oen used to hedge currency risk Securities are deposited with us or held in our name for your
Asset Allocation: Asset classes are to be categorised as Alternative Investments: Vehicles where risks and performance Others: Category used for Funds or Structured Products with representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied is made back to reference currency. Open Profit and Loss on forward account and at your risk by the depository.
follows: are based on investment skills and expertise rather than the mixed exposure (i.e. asset allocation funds), as well as for as to its accuracy or completeness. It is prepared for your positions is shown separately within the summary. Assets are
exposure to a specific market segment. Investments in Hedge instruments which do not belong to one of the other asset convenience and may not fully reflect all transactions that have valued at prevailing spot rates which should show an offsetting Cost Values are calculated based on historic transactions. In
Liquidity: Instruments with main exposure in money markets and Funds & Private Equity generally have low correlation to traditional classes. been carried out on your account to date. It does not constitute though not equal portfolio impact to that of the forward where certain cases the market price as at the date when the security is
foreign exchange markets, for example cash or term deposits, asset classes, such as equities or bonds. an account, portfolio transaction or performance statement. used as a hedge. received will be used as the cost price. Deviations from the actual
short term bonds and currency certificates/derivatives. cost price are therefore possible. In a consolidated valuation, the
Real Estate: Investments with direct exposure to the property Accordingly, you should rely on your regular statement(s) and not For collective investment scheme subscriptions, UBS will debit your cost value is a conversion of portfolio reference currency to
Bonds: Instruments with main exposure in fixed income markets, market, for example direct ownership in real estate, investments on this summary. In the event of any discrepancies between your account with the amount indicated in the subscription agreement. reporting currency at current valuation exchange rate.
for example interest rate and issuer risks. This includes convertible in unlisted/private real estate securities or pure real estate funds summary and your regular statement(s), the latter shall prevail. Prior to acceptance by the scheme of the subscription made on
bonds. with holdings predominantly in direct real estate. your behalf, the valuation of your beneficial holding in the scheme Where provided, benchmark data is sourced from RIMES
Investments are valued using available price sources and lack of is indicative only and is not confirmation by UBS of acceptance of Technologies Corporation.
Equities: Investments where the stock market is the main risk Precious Metals and Commodities: Investments with risk valuation indicates that no price was available at the time this any subscriptions of any collective investment scheme either
driver, for example exposure to corporate or sector risks. Includes exposure to the precious metals or commodities markets, for summary was prepared. Prices, rates, valuations and performance whole or in part. When confirmation is received an adjustment The above information is provided for information purpose only
listed stocks from energy / commodity & real estate sectors. example markets where raw materials of uniform quality are are to be regarded as approximate and indicative only and may will be made to your holding to reflect that confirmation and such and without any obligation, whether contractual or otherwise and
traded. This also includes agricultural and mining products, as well not be the price that at which assets are available to be bought or adjustment will be shown in your next valuation statement. is not binding on UBS. No warranty or representation is made as
as energy sources (traded on commodity exchanges). sold in the relevant market, nor correspond to official rates and to the correctness, completeness and accuracy of the information
values, nor necessarily reflect your true exposure of performance. Where you have requested not to receive individual security given, which might be derived from independent sources. UBS
transaction confirmation notices all relevant information in respect expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss or damage
Maturities and Pro Memoria The market value of your portfolio and underlying investments are of each transaction is detailed within the Transaction List of this of any kind arising out of the use of this valuation statement and
shown within this document rounded to the nearest whole summary. for the actions of third parties with respect thereto.
Expected Maturities and Income/Expenses: Maturity Income distributions from investment funds are similarly Pro Memoria: Mortgages, contingent liabilities, unvalued number.
repayments and income/expenses from money market included. custody account positions. Please check this statement of assets and inform UBS of any
investments and bonds are shown. Known dividend discrepancies within four weeks.
payments on shares are also shown.

Letter without signature

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The information contained in this guide is for information and illustration
purposes only, and is given without any obligation, whether contractual or
otherwise, and is not binding on UBS. No representation or warranty of any kind,
express or implied is made as to its accuracy or completeness.
No warranty or representation is made as to the correctness, completeness and
accuracy of the information given, which may be derived from independent
sources. UBS expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss or damage
of any kind arising out of the use of this user guide and for the actions of third
parties with respect thereto.

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