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Installation Guide 130


Eclipse Mark IV Combination

Gas/Oil Burners
Series "MF"
Copyright income, or damage to material arising in connection with
the sale, installation, use of, inability to use, or the repair
Copyright 1986 by Eclipse, inc. All rights reserved
or replacement of Eclipse’s products.
worldwide. This publication is protected by federal
regulation and shall not be copied, distributed, Any operation expressly prohibited in this manual, any
transmitted, transcribed or translated into any human or adjustment, or assembly procedures not recommended or
computer language, in any form or by any means, to any authorized in these instructions shall void the warranty.
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Eclipse, inc. Document Conventions
There are several special symbols in this document. You
Disclaimer Notice must know their meaning and importance.
In accordance with the manufacturer’s policy of continual
product improvement, the product presented in this The explanation of these symbols follows below. Please
brochure is subject to change without notice or obligation. read it thoroughly.

The material in this manual is believed adequate for the How To Get Help
intended use of the product. If the product is used for If you need help, contact your local Eclipse
purposes other than those specified herein, confirmation representative. You can also contact Eclipse at:
of validity and suitability must be obtained. Eclipse
1665 Elmwood Rd.
warrants that the product itself does not infringe upon any
Rockford, Illinois 61103 U.S.A.
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Phone: 815-877-3031
Fax: 815-877-3336
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We have made every effort to make this manual as Please have the information on the product label available
accurate and complete as possible. Should you find errors when contacting the factory so we may better serve you.
or omissions, please bring them to our attention so that we
may correct them. In this way we hope to improve our
product documentation for the benefit of our customers.
Please send your corrections and comments to our
Technical Documentation Specialist. Product Name
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It must be understood that Eclipse’s liability for its product, S/N
whether due to breach of warranty, negligence, strict DD MMM YYYY
liability, or otherwise is limited to the furnishing of
replacement parts and Eclipse will not be liable for any
other injury, loss, damage or expenses, whether direct or
consequential, including but not limited to loss of use,

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal
injurt hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid
possible injury or death.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death

or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

WARNING death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

CAUTION minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE Is used to address practices not related to personal injury.

NOTE Indicates an important part of text. Read thoroughly.

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................. 4
Product Description ................................................................................. 4
Audience.................................................................................................. 4
Mark IV Documents ................................................................................. 4

Safety ............................................................................................................ 5
Safety Warnings ...................................................................................... 5
Capabilities .............................................................................................. 5
Operator Training .................................................................................... 5
Replacement Parts .................................................................................. 5

Installation .................................................................................................... 6
Introduction.............................................................................................. 6
Handling & Storage ................................................................................. 6
Approvals of Components ....................................................................... 6
Checklist Before Installation .................................................................... 7
Mounting the Burner ................................................................................ 7
Electrical Connections ............................................................................. 8
Sequence of Operation for Suggested Control Panel ............................. 9
Bill of Materials ........................................................................................ 10
Gas, Oil and Atomizing Air Piping ........................................................... 11
Initial Lightoff ........................................................................................... 12

Adjustment, Start & Stop ............................................................................ 13

Linkage Adjustment - 100 and 200 MF.................................................... 13
Combustion Air Flow Adjustment - 100 and 200 MF ............................... 13
Linkage Adjustment - 300 and 500 MF.................................................... 15
Combustion Air Flow Adjustment - 300 and 500 MF ............................... 15
Gas Flow Adjustment - all models ........................................................... 17
Oil Flow Adjustment - all models ............................................................. 17

Maintenance & Troubleshooting ................................................................ 18

Appendix....................................................................................................... i

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Introduction 1
Product Description Audience

Eclipse Mark IV Burners are packaged, nozzle-mixing, This manual has been written for people who are already
combination gas/oil burners for use in process heating familiar with all aspects of a nozzle-mix burner and its add-
applications including ovens and dryers. Mark IV burners on components, also referred to as “the burner system”.
can be used with any commercially available fuel gas and
with fuel oils up to #2 oil. These aspects are:
• Design / Selection
Mark IV burners have been used to dry paint, paper and • Use
paper products, fabric, food products, ink, laminates,
• Maintenance
packaging film, carpets and a wide variety of other
products. In addition, the Mark IV is capable of firing The audience is expected to have previous experience
boilers, furnaces, incinerators, metal smelters and other with this type of equipment.
equipment requiring a combustion block.
Mark IV Documents
Installation Guide 130
• This document
Datasheet 130
• Required to complete design and selection
Related Documents
• EFE 825 (Combustion Engineering Guide)
• Eclipse Bulletins and Info Guides: 684, 710, 732,
756, 760, 902, 930

Figure 1.1 Mark IV Burner

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Safety 2
Important notices which help provide safe burner a well-ventilated area and wear approved personal
operation will be found in this section. To avoid personal protective safety equipment for these chemicals.
injury and damage to the property or facility, the following
warnings must be observed. All involved personnel should
read this entire manual carefully before attempting to start NOTICE
or operate this system. If any part of the information in this
manual is not understood, contact Eclipse before ■ This manual provides information regarding the
continuing. use of these burners for their specific design
Safety Warnings purpose. Do not deviate from any instructions or
application limits described herein without written
approval from Eclipse.
■ The burners, described herein, are designed to mix Only qualified personnel, with sufficient mechanical
fuel with air and burn the resulting mixture. All fuel aptitude and experience with combustion equipment,
burning devices are capable of producing fires and should adjust, maintain or troubleshoot any mechanical or
explosions if improperly applied, installed, electrical part of this system. Contact Eclipse for any
adjusted, controlled or maintained. needed commissioning assistance.
■ Do not bypass any safety feature; fire or explosion Operator Training
could result. The best safety precaution is an alert and trained
■ Never try to light a burner if it shows signs of operator. Train new operators thoroughly and have them
damage or malfunction. demonstrate an adequate understanding of the
equipment and its operation. A regular retraining schedule
should be administered to ensure operators maintain a
WARNING high degree of proficiency. Contact Eclipse for any needed
site-specific training.
■ The burner and duct sections are likely to have Replacement Parts
HOT surfaces. Always wear the appropriate Order replacement parts from Eclipse only. All Eclipse
protective equipment when approaching the approved valves or switches should carry UL, FM, CSA,
burner. CGA and/or CE approval where applicable.
■ Eclipse products are designed to minimize the use
of materials that contain crystalline silica.
Examples of these chemicals are: respirable
crystalline silica from bricks, cement or other
masonry products and respirable refractory
ceramic fibers from insulating blankets, boards, or
gaskets. Despite these efforts, dust created by
sanding, sawing, grinding, cutting and other
construction activities could release crystalline
silica. Crystalline silica is known to cause cancer,
and health risks from the exposure to these
chemicals vary depending on the frequency and
length of exposure to these chemicals. To reduce
the risk, limit exposure to these chemicals, work in

Installation 3
Introduction Gas Piping
In this chapter you will find information and instructions All the gas piping must comply with all applicable local
needed to install the burner and system components. codes and/or standards such as:

Handling & Storage • NFPA Standard 54

• ANSI Z223
• EN 746-2
• Make sure that the area is clean.
• Protect the components from the weather, damage, Where to Get the Standards:
dirt and moisture. The NFPA Standards are available from:
• Protect the components from excessive National Fire Protection Agency
temperatures and humidity. Batterymarch Park
• Take care not to drop or damage components. Quincy, MA 02269
• Make sure that the components are clean and free The ANSI Standards are available from:
of damage. American National Standard Institute
1430 Broadway
• Store the components in a cool, clean, dry room.
New York, NY 10018
• After you have made sure that everything is present
and in good condition, keep the components in the
original package as long as possible. The UL Standards are available from:
333 Pfingsten Road
Approval of Components Northbrook, IL 60062
Limit Controls & Safety Equipment
All limit controls and safety equipment must comply with The FM Standards are available from:
all applicable local codes and/or standards and must be 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike
listed for combustion safety by an independent testing PO Box 9102
agency. Typical application examples include: Norwood, MA 02062
• American: NFPA 86 with listing marks from UL, FM,
CSA Information on the EN standards and where to get
• European: EN 746-2 with CE mark from TuV, them is available from:
Gastec, Advantica Comité Européen de Normalisation
Stassartstraat 36
Electrical Wiring B-1050 Brussels
All the electrical wiring must comply with all applicable Phone: +32-25196811
local codes and/or standards such as: Fax: +32-25196819
• NFPA Standard 70
• IEC60364 Comité Européen de Normalisation Electronique
Stassartstraat 36
• CSA C22 B-1050 Brussels
• BS7671 Phone: +32-25196871
Fax: +32-25196919

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Checklist Before Installation 4. An adequately sized opening must be provided in the
appliance wall to grant clearance for the burner firing
Intake tube. If the appliance wall is insulated, 4" additional
To admit fresh combustion air from outdoors, provide an cleareance should be provided all around the firing
opening in the room of at least one square inch per 4,000 tube so air can circulate around the tube and protect
Btu/h (1.17 kW). If there are corrosive fumes or materials the firing tube from overheating in the area of the
in the air, then supply the burner with clean air from an insulation.
uncontaminated area, or provide a sufficient air filtering 5. If the burner has been supplied with a combustion
system. block, refer to P-5 Installaiton Instructions covering
Exhaust combustion blocks and block holders.
Do not allow exhaust fumes to accumulate in the work
area. Provide some positive means for exhausting from
the furnace and the building. Insulation

Firing Gasket
Make sure that you install the burner in such a way that
you can gain easy access for inspection and
Make sure the local environment matches the original
operating specifications. Check the following items:
• Voltage, frequency and stability of the electrical
• Type and supply pressure of the fuel
• Availability of enough fresh, clean combustion air Burner
• Humidity, altitude and temperature of air
• Presence of damaging corrosive gases in the air
Appliance Wall
• Prevent direct exposure to water
Mounting the Burner Figure 3.1. Mounting with Access to Inside of
(see Figures 3.1 and 3.2) Appliance
1. Figure 3.1 illustrates burner mounting when there is
access to the inside of the appliance wall. This method
is preferred since the tube can be removed for Insulation
replacement or to allow servicing of the nozzle without
disturbing the burner or its linkage and piping. Figure Gasket
3.2 illustrates burner mounting when there is no access
to the inside of th appliance wall. The studs are pressed Firing Tube
in or welded to the wall. The burner and the tube mount
from the outside. The nozzle can be removed through
the rear of the burner in these installations.
2. If the burner weight is to be supported entirely by the
appliance wall, the wall must be at least 1/4" thick plate.
If it is not, support must be provided for the burner.
3. Bolts or studs can be utilized to mount the burner and
firing tube to the appliance wall. Care should be taken
to match the mounting bolt pattern to the burner Gasket Burner
mounting flange bolt circle. All Mark IV burners and Body
firing tubes have (8) 9/16" diameter holes for mounting.
Bolt circle diameters are as follows: 100 and 200 MF, Appliance Wall
10-1/2"; 300 and 500 MF, 14-5/8". Bolts or studs used
for mounting should be 1/2" NC
Figure 3.2. Mounting with No Access to Inside of

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Electrical Connections the customer’s responsibility to provide a compatible
relay in the control panel. If the Mark IV burner has
1. All electrical equipment furnished with the "complete" been ordered without one of the three scanner mount-
Mark IV burner is prewired to a terminal strip. See ing parts groups, it is also the customer’s responsibility
Figure 3.3.
to provide a scanner for mounting on the burner and all
2. A combustion control panel is required for all Mark IV wiring from the scanner to the relay.
burners. Figure 3.4 illustrates the suggested control
panel wiring diagram and operating sequence.
Interface wiring between the control panel and the NOTICE
burner terminal strip must be done correctly and elec-
trical sources supplying power to the burner must be of ■ Do not attempt to operate this burner without
proper voltage and frequency. The three phase motor adequate flame monitoring equipment. The owner/
supplied with the Mark IV burner to drive the combus- user and/or his insurance underwriter must
tion air fan has been wired for the voltage requested on assume responsibility for the acceptance, use, and
the customer’s order. If motor voltage is questioned, proper maintenance of the limit controls and other
check motor nameplate and physical wiring in the safety devices included with this burner. They
motor terminal box. must also assume responsibility of the flame
supervision provided in the control panel, the
The Eclipse Mark IV burner is not supplied standard interfacing of all electrical equipment, and the
with flame monitoring equipment. Eclipse offers three sequencing of burner operation between the
different scanner mounting parts groups: a PCI scan- control panel and the burner.
ner; a Honeywell scanner; or a Fireye scanner. If
ordered, each is installed on the burner with necessary
fittings and conduit and wired to the terminal strip. It is
Use T1, T2 and T3 for 3ph
Use T1 and T2 for 1ph

To Temp

LV (common)

Low (closed)
High (open)

115 VAC

Pressure Switches Combustion Control Equipment Limit Switches

T1 T2 T3 2 3 4 33 34 5 6 35 36 7 8 9 10 40 41 12 13 15 16 17 18 24 25 22 23



LFLS is shown


held in low fire position





Figure 3.3. Terminal Strip Wiring Diagram for MF-CGO-IRI (FIA) Burner

A Combustion Blower Motor K Vent Valve

B Low and High Gas Pressure Switches L Main Oil Shutoff Valves, #1 and #2
C Low and High Oil Pressure Switches M Atomizing Air Valve
D Combustion Air Flow Switch N
E Atomizing Air Pressure Switch P Ultraviolet Flame Detector
F Pilot Valve Control Motor M941-A with Cover Mounted
G Ignition Transformer (115/6000 V)
R High Fire Proving Limit Switch (optional)
H Automatic Main Gas Valve
S Low Fire Proving Limit Switch (optional)
J Automatic Gas Shutoff Valve

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Sequence of Operation for Suggested Oil Operation Sequence
Control Panel Power on, fuel selector in "OIL" position.
Gas Operation Sequence 1. The "start" push button is depressed, powering the
Power on, fuel selector in "GAS" position. motor starter (MS) coil through the "MS-OLS" NC
1. The "start" push button is depressed, powering the 2. The MS NO auxiliary contacts close; to hold in the start
motor starter (MS) coil through the "MS-OLS" NC circuit and initiate the FS limit circuit.
3. The combustion blower motor starts to run and the
2. The MS NO auxiliary contacts close; to hold in the start combustion air flow switch (CAFS) closes, causing the
circuit and initiate the FS limit circuit. "blower on" yellow light to illuminate.
3. The combustion blower motor starts to run and the 4. If the customer’s external limiting circuit (ELC) is closed
combustion air flow switch (CAFS) closes, causing the and all necessary fuel pressure switches are closed,
"blower on" yellow light to illuminate. power will pass through both the "gas-oil" selector
4. If the customer’s external limiting circuit (ELC) is closed switch and the TR2 and CR2 NC contacts to energize
and all necessary fuel pressure switches are closed, the CR1 relay.
power will pass through both the "gas-oil" selector 5. The CR1 NC and NO contacts reverse to drive TCA
switch and the TR2 and CR2 NC contacts to energize control motor to the high fire (open register) position.
the CR1 relay.
6. The high fire proving limit switch (HFLS) closes to
5. The CR1 NC and NO contacts reverse to drive TCA power the pre-purge timer (PPT) and illuminate the
control motor to the high fire (open register) position. "purging" amber light through PPT NC contact.
6. The high fire proving limit switch (HFLS) closes to 7. When the 0 - 5 minute adjustable, pre-purge timer times
power the pre-purge timer (PPT) and illuminate the out, it switches to energize the CR2 relay and turn off
"purging" amber light through PPT NC contact. the "purging" amber light.
7. When the 0 - 5 minute adjustable, pre-purge timer times 8. The CR2 NC contact opens to de-energize the CR1
out, it switches to energize the CR2 relay and turn off relay, and the CR2 NO contact closes for the PPT timer
the "purging" amber light. holding circuit.
8. The CR2 NC contact opens to de-energize the CR1 9. The CR1 NC and NO contacts return to normal position
relay, and the CR2 NO contact closes for the PPT timer and the TCA control motor drives back to low.
holding circuit.
10. The low fire proving limit switch (LFLS) closes to
9. The CR1 NC and NO contacts return to normal position power terminal 1 on the protectofier and starts the
and the TCA control motor drives back to low. ignition cycle.
10. The low fire proving limit switch (LFLS) closes to 11. Protectofier terminal 3 powers the ignition transformer
power terminal 1 on the protectofier and starts the through TR1 NC contact, the pilot valve through TR2
ignition cycle. NC contact, and the TR1 timed relay (10 seconds).
11. Protectofier terminal 3 powers the ignition transformer 12. Protectofier terminal 5 powers the "flame on" blue
through TR1 NC contact, the pilot valve through TR2 light.
NC contact, and the TR1 timed relay (10 seconds).
13. After a 10 second delay, the TR1 NC contact opens to
12. Protectofier terminal 5 powers the "flame on" blue de-energize the ignition transformer, the TR1 NO
light. contact closes to hold in the circuit around the PPT
13. After a 10 second delay, the TR1 NC contact opens to timer and the LFLS, and the TR1 NO contact closes to
de-energize the ignition transformer, the TR1 NO energize the atomizing air valve.
contact closes to hold in the circuit around the PPT 14. The atomizing air pressure switch (AAPS) should
timer and the LFLS, and the TR1 NO contact closes to close shortly after the atomizing air valve is powered.
energize the main gas valve, the gas shutoff valve and This will power the main oil valves, which will illuminate
the vent valve. the "oil burner on" green light and energize the TR2
14. When the main gas valve is fully opened, it switches timed relay (10 seconds).
to illuminate the "gas burner on" green light and to 15. After a 10 second delay, the TR2 NC contact opens to
energize the TR2 timed relay (10 seconds). reset the purge timer, the TR2 NC contact opens to de-
15. After a 10 second delay, the TR2 NC contact opens to energize the pilot gas valve, and the TR2 NC and NO
reset the purge timer, the TR2 NC contact opens to de- contacts reverse to release the TCA control motor from
energize the pilot gas valve, and the TR2 NC and NO low fire start.
contacts reverse to release the TCA control motor from 16. The burner is now on (flame proven) and operating
low fire start. from the temperature controller.
16. The burner is now on (flame proven) and operating
from the temperature controller.

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Bill of Material
MF Burner Equipment
LGPS Low Fire Gas Pressure Switch
HGPS High Gas Pressure Switch
LOPS Low Oil Pressure Switch
HOPS High Oil Pressure Switch
CAFS Combustion Air Flow Switch
AAPS Atomizing Air Pressure Switch
LFLS Low Fire Proving Limit Switch (optional)
HFLS High Fire Proving Limit Switch (optional)
PGV Pilot Gas Valve
PIT Ignition Transformer (115 / 6000V)
VGV Vent Valve (NO)
SGV Automatic Gas Shutoff Valve
MGV Automatic Main Gas Valve
MOV1 Mail Oil Shutoff Valve #1
MOV2 Mail Oil Shutoff Valve #2
AAV Atomizing Air Valve
UVS Ultravoilet Flame Detector
TCA Control Motor (Electric - Honeywell shown)

Panel Equipment
CB Circuit Break or Disconnect Switch
(See Note 1)
MS Motor Starter (See Note 1)
CCT Control Circuit Transformer
(See Notes 1 and 3)
FI Fuse
PPT Pre-Purge Timer (0 - 5 minute adjustment)
7256BH PCI Protectofier Combustion Safeguard
AH Alarm Horn (Flame Failure Lockout)
CR1 Relay, Drive Control Motor to
High Fire Position
CR2 Relay, interrupts power to CR1 and
provides holding circuit for purge timer
TR1 Timed Relay (10 seconds) interrupted
ignition, FS holding circuit and delay on
energizing main fuel valves
TR2 Timed Relay (10 seconds) interrupted
pilot, low fire start and purge timer reset

External Equipment
ELC External Limiting Circuit (example: high
temperature limit switch)
TC Temperature Controller (Partlow shown)

Figure 3.4. Wiring Diagram for Suggested Control Panel

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Gas, Oil and Atomizing Air Piping 6. It is the customer’s responsibility to supply #2 or lighter
(see Figure 3.5) fuel oil to the burner at the steady pressure indicated in
the table on page 12. The fuel supply must be clean
1. All field piping, particularly the fuel oil and atomizing air and it is the customer’s responsibility to supply filters
supply pipes, should be inspected during field and strainers capable of removing particles larger than
assembly to insure they are free from foreign material 40 microns in the oil pipe line. The oil filter on the burner
and pipe scale. Use of clean pipe will help ensure should be considered only as a final filter.
trouble-free startup and operation. 7. It is the customer’s responsibility to supply compressed
2. Never use Teflon tape for field piping connections. air to the atomizing air valve train at the pressure
Since commercial piping usually does require some indicated in the chart. The atomizing air must be clean
type of sealant on the threads to ensure leak-free (40 micron maximum particle size) and dry (dew point
connections, Eclipse suggests the use of Loctite Teflon 30°F below ambient). The customer is to supply
Pipe Sealant #92-31. Any pipe sealant used should be adequate dryers and filters in the atomizing air supply
applied with care and excess sealant should be piping. The filter and moisture separator supplied on
removed before joints are made up. Fittings should be the burner assembly should be considered only as a
torqued to 60 in. lb. +/- 20 in. lb. final filter and separator.
3. Eclipse recommends that suitable pipe union 8. All piping should be checked for leakage before
disconnects be used in the pipe trains as near to the attempting initial lightoff.
burner as is convenient. Burner pipe sizes supplied on 9. See "Pressure Settings" table on page 12 for pressures
the burner are adequate for short piping runs. If longer at locations A, B, C and D on Figure 3.5.
piping runs are to be utilized, piping loss must be taken
into consideration and pipe sized accordingly. Figure 3.5 shows the order in which the components
4. Refer to the "Inlet Pressure Requirements" table on appear in the valve trains and the approximate location
page 12 for pressures required at the burner valve train where the valve trains connect to the burner. The pressure
inlets. checking cocks are also shown in their approximate
locations. This schematic is NOT an exact representation
5. It is the customer’s responsibility to supply #2 or lighter of the burner’s appearance and is intended only to aid in
fuel oil to the burner at the steady pressure indicated in
identification of the various components.
the table on page 12. The fuel supply must be clean
and it is the customer’s responsibility to supply filters
and strainers capable of removing particles larger than
40 microns in the oil pipe line. The oil filter on the burner
should be considered only as a final filter.

Figure 3.5. Component Identification

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Inlet Pressure Requirements*
Burner Catalog Natural Gas, Propane, Atomizing Air Required
#2 Fuel Oil
Number 0.65 sp. gr. 1.52 sp. gr. Flow and Pressure
100 MF 14" - 28" w.c. 6" - 12" w.c. 75 - 100 psig 3.25 scfm @ 65 - 100 psig
200 MF 14" - 28" w.c. 6" - 12" w.c. 75 - 100 psig 3.25 scfm @ 65 - 100 psig
300 MF 14" - 28" w.c. 6" - 12" w.c. 75 - 100 psig 13.0 scfm @ 65 - 100 psig
500 MF 14" - 28" w.c. 6" - 12" w.c. 75 - 100 psig 14.5 scfm @ 65 - 100 psig

*Figures are for complete burners only and are taken at the valve train inlets.
Pressure Settings
Burner Natural Gas Propane
Combustion Air Atomizing Air Oil Landing
Catalog Pressure, Pressure,
Pressure Pressure Pressure
Number 0.65 sp. gr. 1.52 sp. gr.
Low Fire High Fire High Fire High Fire Low Fire High Fire High Fire
100 MF 0.2" w.c. 7.3" w.c. 6.4" w.c. 2.6" w.c. 20 psig 45 psig 50 psig
200 MF 0.15" w.c 5.5" w.c. 12.0" w.c. 4.8" w.c. 20 psig 45 psig 50 psig
300 MF 0.2" w.c. 6.0" w.c. 5.8" w.c. 2.3" w.c. 10 psig 45 psig 50 psig
500 MF 0.2" w.c. 6.0" w.c. 4.6" w.c. 1.8" w.c. 20 psig 45 psig 50 psig

NOTE: All above pressure settings are approximate. For actual settings, refer to the tags supplied with the burner.
Initial Lightoff 3. Begin the ignition sequence on the control panel. Check
for spark and opening of the pilot solenoid valve.
1. The burner has been test fired and adjusted at the
factory. If duct suction/pressure varies no more than 4. Several trials for ignition may be required if the piping
was inadequately purged.
0.5" w.c. from neutral, no further adjustments should be
required to put the burner in operation. 5. If, after several tries, ignition cannot be established with
the pilot solenoid valve open and the spark present, it
2. On a new installation, the gas pipe line usually requires will be necessary to adjust the adjustable orifice pilot
some purging to remove trapped air from the gas line. cock.
On a new installation it is recommended that the oil
pipe line be bled before attempting a startup. This is to 6. To adjust the pilot cock, remove the top screw and top
screw washer. This gives access to the adjusting
remove the foreign materials normally found in new
screw. Turn the adjusting screw "in" for less gas or "out"
for more. Replace the washer and the top screw.
3. Before attempting initial lightoff, refer to any instructions
Main Flame Ignition
included with the control panel and familiarize yourself
with the sequence of operation that is under control of 1. Once the pilot is established, open the gas cock (gas
the panel. operation ONLY). The motorized gas valves or oil
solenoid valves should open.
4. When observing the burner fuel and air controls, it
shoud be noted that the control motor (air or electric) 2. Check the gas or oil pressure and atomizing air
and the connected flow control valves (air, gas and oil) pressure (oil ONLY) at low fire. If they are not the same
move through na arc of approximately 90°. The flow as those on the test tags, adjustments will be
necessary (see "Linkage Adjustment 100 and 200 MF"
control valves are preset at the factory, however, the
section or "Linkage Adjustment 300 and 500 MF"
linkage can be readjusted to obtain the exact low and section).
high fire capacities desired (see "Linkage Adjustment
100 and 200 MF" section or "Linkage Adjustment 300 3. Check the gas or oil pressure and atomizing air
and 500 MF" section). pressure (oil ONLY) at high fire. If they are not the same
as those on the test tags, adjustments will be
Pilot Ignition necessary (see "Linkage Adjustment - 100 and 200
MF" section or "Linkage Adjustment - 300 and 500 MF"
1. Read the control panel instructions and set the panel for
the desired fuel.
4. After all adjustments have been made, run the burner
2. Open the inlet lubricated plug cock and the adjustable through its complete operating range, from full off to
orifice pilot cock. high fire, several times.

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Adjustment, Start & 4
Linkage Adjustment - 100 and 200 MF Combustion Air Flow Adjustment - 100 and
1. The components involved in the linkage are as follows 200 MF
(see Figure 3.5): rod A and driven arm A transfer the 1. Close the lubricated plug cock and the oil solenoid
motion of the control motor to the jackshaft; driving arm valves, set the control motor at low fire and start the
B, rod B and driven arm B1 transfer motion from the combustion air blower.
jackshaft to the combustion air butterfly valve; driving
2. Loosen the link and rod connecting points at arm B1,
arm C, rod C and driven arm C1 transfer motion from
set the butterfly valve to give a differential pressure
the jackshaft to the gas butterfly valve; driving arm D,
between the burner windbox and the firing chamber of
rod D and driven arm D1 transfer motion from the
approximately 0.25" w.c. (low fire).
jackshaft to the oil metering valve.
3. Tighten the loose connecting points.
2. All linkage arms move in an upward direction when
going from low to high fire. 4. Drive the control motor to high fire. The differential
pressure should be 6" w.c. If it is not, return to low fire,
3. When adjusting linkage, start with the driving and driven
loosen the link and rod connecting points at either arm
arms approximately parallel to each other. (Does not
B or B1 and move the link connecting point in the
apply to the gas butterfly valve. See Figure 3.6 for
appropriate direction (see step 4 under "Linkage
approximate position).
Adjustment - 100 and 200 MF" above) without moving
4. Lengthening the distance between the rotating center of arms B and B1 or changing the low fire air flow rate.
the driving arm and the link connecting point on the
driving arm will cause the driven arm to move through 5. Tighten the loose connecting points and recheck the
high fire differential pressure. Once the burner is firing,
a larger angle. Shortening this distance will cause the
it may be necessary to readjust the air flow slightly.
driven arm to move through a smaller angle. Making
these adjustments on the driven arm will reverse the
5. All linkage adjustments, including those which will alter
the high fire rate, must be made with the burner at low
fire. Care should be taken not to alter the low fire
setting, as it serves as a constant reference point.
Making an adjustment at the link connecting point
ONLY will alter both the high and low firing rates. To
maintain one firing rate while changing the other, the
link and rod connnecting points must both be loosened.
6. Adjust rod and arm A so that the jackshaft will rotate 90°
as the control motor drives from low to high fire.

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Figure 3.1. 100 and 200 MF

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Linkage Adjustment - 300 and 500 MF Combustion Air Flow Adjustment - 300 and
1. The components involved in the linkage are as follows 500 MF
(see Figure 3.5): rod A and driven arm A transfer the 1. Close the lubricated plug cock and the oil solenoid
motion of the control motor to butterfly shaft B; driving valves, set the control motor at low fire and start the
arm C, rod C and driven arm C1 transfer motion from combustion air blower.
butterfly shaft B to the gas butterfly valve; driving arm
2. Loosen the link and rod connecting points at arm A and
D, rod D and driven arm D1 transfer motion from
the shaft connecting points for arms C and D, and set
butterfly shaft B to the oil metering valve.
the butterfly valve to give a differential pressure
2. All linkage arms move in an upward direction when between the burner windbox and the firing chamber of
going from low to high fire. approximately 0.25" w.c. (low fire).
3. When adjusting linkage, start with the driving and driven 3. Tighten the loose connecting points.
arms approximately parallel to each other.
4. Drive the control motor to high fire. The differential
4. Lengthening the distance between the rotating center of pressure should be 6" w.c. If it is not, return to low fire,
the driving arm and the link connecting point on the loosen the link and rod connecting points at arm A and
driving arm will cause the driven arm to move through move the link connecting point in the appropriate
a larger angle. Shortening this distance will cause the direction (see step 4 under "Linkage Adjustment - 100
driven arm to move through a smaller angle. Making and 200 MF" above) without moving arm A or changing
these adjustments on the driven arm will reverse the the low fire flow rate.
5. Tighten the loose connecting points and recheck the
5. All linkage adjustments, including those which will alter high fire differential pressure. Once the burner is firing,
the high fire rate, must be made with the burner at low it may be necessary to readjust the air flow slightly.
fire. Care should be taken not to alter the low fire
setting, as it serves as a constant reference point.
Making an adjustment at the link connecting point
ONLY will alter both the high and low firing rates. To
maintain one firing rate while changing the other, the
link and rod connnecting points must both be loosened.

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Figure 3.2. 300 and 500 MF

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Gas Flow Adjustment - all models Oil Flow Adjustment - all models
1. Make sure the burner is in the gas operation mode. 1. Set the oil pressure regulator for a static output of 60 -
Refer back to the Initial Lightoff section above, light the 65 psig. Set the atomizing air filter regulator for a static
burner and set the control motor for low fire. output pressure of 55 psig.
2. If the butterfly valve does not go to the full "off" position 2. Make sure the burner is in the oil operation mode. Refer
or it it is at full "off" and there is not sufficient leakage back to the Initial Lightoff section above, light the
past the butterfly to maintain a stable low fire, loosen burner and set the control motor for low fire.
the link and rod connecting points at arm C1 and move 3. Read the low fire atomizing air pressure at the nozzle
arm C1 in the appropriate direction (see step 4 under gauge. If it is not the same as on the test tag, adjust it
"Linkage Adjustment - 100 and 200 MF" above). using the screw on top of the atomzing air proportioning
3. Tighten the loose connecting points. regulator. Be sure to tighten the locking nut after the
adjustment is made.
4. Drive the control motor to high fire. If the gas pressure
is not within 1/2" w.c. of that indicated on the test tag, 4. Low fire oil pressure is adjusted by loosening the rod
adjust the gas pressure regulator togive the required and link connecting points at arm D1 and moving arm
pressure. D1 until the oil pressure is as indicated on the test tag.
This pressrue can be read at the loading line gauge on
5. If the required high fire pressure cannot be achieved by
the atomizing air proportioning regulator.
adjusting the regulator, return to low fire, loosen the link
and rod connecting points at either arm C or C1, and 5. Tighten the loose connecting points, drive the control
move the connecting point in the appropriate direction motor to high fire and check the atomizing air pressure
(see step 4 under "Linkage Adjustment - 100 and 200 at the nozzle gauge. If it is as indicated on the test tag,
MF" above) without moving arms C and C1 or changing proceed to the next step below, if it is not, adjust the
the low fire flow rate. atomizing air filter regulator.
6. Tighten the loose connecting points and recheck the 6. If the oil pressure is not as indicated on the test tag,
gas pressure at high fire. return to low fire, loosen the link and rod connecting
points at either D or D1 and move the connecting point
in the appropriate direction without moving arms D and
D1 or changing the low fire oil pressure.
7. Tighten the loose connecting points and recheck the oil
pressure at high fire.

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Maintenance & 5
1. Air, oil and compressed air filters must be cleaned
rountinely, depending on ambient conditions.
2. Fuel oil must be purchased from a dependable source
and be free of impurities, and especially, free of sulfur.
3. Kerosene or hydro-treated oil may be required for the
product being processed.
4. Linkage and valves must be lubricated and inspected to
assure proper operation.
5. Flame monitoring equipment must be cycled, tested
and understood.
6. Ignition system - spark plugs, transformer and lead
wires - must be maintained in topnotch conditions.
7. Oil spills, leaks, etc. must be cleaned up - just good
8. Fuel oil piping must be tight, air must be purged from
the system, and the oil must be filtered.
9. Compressed air must be of sufficient quantity, DRY, and
free of oil and dirt. Air pressure should be steady so it
doesn’t affect any of the burner controls.
- If there is a large amount of water present at a
burner, this can be reduced considerably by putting
an air/oil separator at each burner with an automatic
water drain. The burners already have a filter with a
visible bowl to remove the moisture but the amount
of water in an air supply may exceed the ability of
this filter regulation unit to remove the large quantity
of water present. There are several makes of filters
available that can be supplied with automatic water
drains. This is strictly a stopgap or final filter ahead
of the burner, and the least desirable solution.
- The preferred method is to remove the moisture from
the air to a saturation point below the lowest
expected temperature to which the air piping is likely
to drop. For most piping in factories or mills, a
temperature of 50°F should be low enough for this
purpose. This degree of saturation can only be
achieved with refridgeration-type air drying
Reducing the saturation point of air down to 50°F
reduces the moisture down to 4.076 grains per cubic
foot. This compares to 7.980 at 70°F. This is a very
significant reduction in water content. Reducing the
saturation point below 70°F is a very good improve-
ment in removing water content from air lines.

Eclipse Mark IV Combination Gas/Oil Burner, Series “MF”, Installation Guide 130, 3/1986
Conversion Factors
Metric to English
From To Multiply By
actual cubic meter/h (am³/h) actual cubic foot/h (acfh) 35.31
normal cubic meter/h (Nm³/h) standard cubic foot /h (scfh) 38.04
degrees Celsius (°C) degrees Fahrenheit (°F) (°C x 9/5) + 32
kilogram (kg) pound (lb) 2.205
kilowatt (kW) Btu/h 3415
meter (m) foot (ft) 3.281
millibar (mbar) inches water column (“w.c.) 0.402
millibar (mbar) pounds/sq in (psi) 14.5 x 10-3
millimeter (mm) inch (in) 3.94 x 10-2
MJ/Nm³ Btu/ft³ (standard) 26.86

Metric to Metric

From To Multiply By
kiloPascals (kPa) millibar (mbar) 10
meter (m) millimeter (mm) 1000
millibar (mbar) kiloPascals (kPa) 0.1
millimeter (mm) meter (m) 0.001

English to Metric

From To Multiply By
actual cubic foot/h (acfh) actual cubic meter/h (am³/h) 2.832 x 10-2
standard cubic foot /h (scfh) normal cubic meter/h (Nm³/h) 2.629 x 10-2
degrees Fahrenheit (°F) degrees Celsius (°C) (°F - 32) x 5/9
pound (lb) kilogram (kg) 0.454
Btu/h kilowatt (kW) 0.293 x 10-3
foot (ft) meter (m) 0.3048
inches water column (“w.c.) millibar (mbar) 2.489
pounds/sq in (psi) millibar (mbar) 68.95
inch (in) millimeter (mm) 25.4
Btu/ft³ (standard) MJ/Nm³ 37.2 x 10-3

© Eclipse, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Installation Guide 130, 3/1986

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