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2018 19 Upstreamcatalog

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2018-19 Upstream Training and Development Guide

NEW in 2018-19
• Advanced Practices in Exploration and Development of
Unconventional Resources (pg 16)
• Advanced Project Management Workshop (pg 57)
• Applied Environmental Management Systems (pg 46)
• Applied Occupational Health and Safety Management
Systems (pg 46)
• ArcGIS Pro Essentials for Petroleum (pg 50)
• Artificial Lift for Unconventional Wells (pg 41)
• Computer-Based Subsurface Mapping (pg 9)
• Management Systems Lead Auditor (pg 46)
• Managing Non-Technical Risks (pg 51)
• NEW PetroAcademy Virtual/Blended Learning Options:
- Basic Drilling, Completion, and Workover Operations
(pg 6)
- Basic Geophysics (pg 15)
- Basic Reservoir Engineering (pg 29)
- Completions and Workovers (pg 37)
- Production Technology for Other Disciplines (pg 38)
Message from the CEO
A competent workforce has always been critical for our industry’s success, but it MULTI-DISCIPLINE TRAINING
is even more important with challenging product prices. Doing more with less is 6 Basic Drilling, Completion and Workover Operations – BDC
how we can thrive in hard times, but that requires a very competent workforce. (Also available as a Virtual/Blended course)
6 Basic Petroleum Engineering Practices – BE
This guide presents the industry’s most comprehensive workforce development 5 Basic Petroleum Technology – BPT
programs – focused on building competent people. PetroSkills brings together 5 Basic Petroleum Technology Principles (Virtual/Blended
course) - BPTP
industry-driven and industry-approved programs that deliver flexible, practical, 7 Evaluating and Developing Heavy Oil Resources – HOED
fit-for-purpose training and development. This guide can help you find ways to 7 Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources – SRE
6 Field Study – Heavy Oil Resources – HOFS
advance your technical competence and build your company’s value. 7 Overview of Heavy Oil Resources – HOOV
6 Overview of the Petroleum Industry – OVP
Since the first offerings of Production Operations 1 and the Campbell Gas
Course® over 50 years ago, PetroSkills instructor-led training programs have set GEOLOGY
the standard for excellence from subsurface to downstream. This guide presents hundreds of sessions offered
worldwide by top industry experts in each technical discipline across the value chain. Our competency-based 8 Geology Progression Matrix
11 Analysis of Structural Traps in Extensional Settings – ESS
programs are designed and delivered under the direction of the PetroSkills Alliance which includes some 8 Basic Petroleum Geology – BG
of the top petroleum companies worldwide, working together, to offer an industry-driven and vetted set of 11 Basin Analysis Workshop: An Integrated Approach – BA
courses, products and services. 9 Carbonate Reservoirs – PCR
12 Compressional and Transpressional Structural Styles – CPST
9 Computer-Based Subsurface Mapping - CSM
NEW courses to look for in this edition include: 12 Deep-water Turbidite Depositional Systems and Reservoirs – DWT
• Advanced Practices in Exploration and Development of Unconventional Resources (EDUR) - see 12 Development Geology – DG
12 Geochemical Techniques for Solving Reservoir Management and
page 16 Field Development Problems – GTS
• Advanced Project Management Workshop (APMW) - page 57 10 Geochemistry: Tools for Effective Exploration and Development
• Applied Environmental Management Systems (AEM) - page 46 – MGT
10 Geological and Geophysical Characterization of Heavy Oil
• Applied Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (HSM) - page 46 Reservoirs – HORC
• ArcGIS Pro Essentials for Petroleum (GISP) - page 50 10 Geomechanics for Heavy Oil – HOGM
• Artificial Lift for Unconventional Wells (ALUW) - page 41 13 Integrated Carbonate Reservoir Characterization – ICR
9 Mapping Subsurface Structures – MSS
• Computer-Based Subsurface Mapping (CSM) - page 9 13 Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Geologic and Engineering Analysis
• Management Systems Lead Auditor (AUD) - page 46 – FR
13 Operations Geology – OG
• Managing Non-Technical Risks (MNTR) - page 51 10 Petroleum Systems Analysis - PSA
In addition to our instructor-led programs, our digital learning solutions and professional services continue to 10 Production Geology for Other Disciplines – PGD
13 Prospect and Play Assessment – PPA
lead the industry. This guide outlines our electronic solutions ePilot™, ePetro™, ActiveLearner®, Compass® 9 Sandstone Reservoirs – SR
and PetroCore® - see page 4 for more details. 11 Sequence Stratigraphy: An Applied Workshop – SQS
11 Structural Styles in Petroleum Exploration – ST
We are also proud to announce the expansion of our blended/virtual learning program, PetroAcademy™.
This unique course model delivers the same competency development as our face-to-face courses via
virtually delivered Skill Modules™, available from anywhere in the world. 14 Geophysics Progression Matrix
17 3D Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization – SARC
The following blended/virtual courses are available now and we will be adding more throughout 2019. For 16 Advanced Practices in Exploration and Development of
more information, see the back cover, or petroskills.com/blended. Unconventional Resources - EDUR
17 Advanced Seismic Stratigraphy: A Sequence – Wavelet Analysis
• Applied Reservoir Engineering – page 29 • Completions and Workovers - page 37 Exploration – Exploitation Workshop – ADS
• Basic Drilling, Completion, and Workover • Foundations of Petrophysics - page 24 17 Applied Seismic Anisotropy for Fractured Reservoir
• NODAL Analysis Workshop – page 39 Characterization – ASAF
Operations - page 6 16 AVO, Inversion, and Attributes: Principles and Applications – AVO
• Basic Geophysics - page 15 • Production Operations 1 – page 37 15 Basic Geophysics – BGP (Also available as a Virtual/Blended
• Basic Petroleum Technology • Production Technology for Other Disciplines - course)
Principles – page 5 page 38 16 Introduction to Seismic Stratigraphy: A Basin Scale Regional
• Scale Identification, Remediation, and Exploration Workshop – ISS
• Basic Reservoir Engineering - page 29 15 Seismic Acquisition Technology in a Regulatory Era – SATR
• Casing Design Workshop – page 20 Prevention Workshop – page 44 15 Seismic Imaging of Subsurface Geology – SSD
14 Seismic Interpretation – SI1
I hope you find this guide useful. If there is any way that we can help you, your team, 16 Seismic Velocities and Depth Conversion – SVDC
or your organization, please don’t hesitate to contact me personally at [email protected], 17 Use of Full Azimuth Seismic and Microseismic for Unconventional
Plays – FAMS
or contact our Customer Service Department at +1.918.828.2500.
Ford Brett
18 Well Construction / Drilling Progression Matrix
CEO PetroSkills 18 Basic Drilling Technology – BDT
19 Casing and Cementing – CAC
20 Casing Design Workshop – CDW (Virtual/Blended course)
21 Cementing Practices – Cementing II – CEP
Cover Image: 21 Deepwater Well Engineering – DWE
22 Directional, Horizontal, and Multilateral Drilling – DHD
22 Drill String Design and Optimization – DSD
Shotover River Mouth, 19 Drilling Fluids Technology – DFT
19 Drilling Practices – DP
Queenstown, New Zealand. 20 Fundamentals of Casing Design – FCD
22 Managing Wellsite Operations – MWC
20 Offshore Drilling Operations - ODO
22 Practical Drilling Skills - PDS
21 Primary Cementing – Cementing I – PCE
23 Solids Control Systems – SCS
21 Stuck Pipe Prevention – Train Wreck Avoidance™ – SPP
19 Well Design and Engineering – WDE


24 Petrophysics Progression Matrix 37 Production Operations 1 – PO1 (Also available as a 57 Essential Leadership Skills for Technical Professionals – OM23
27 Applied Rock Mechanics – ARM Virtual/Blended course) 58 Essential Technical Writing Skills – ETWS
26 Capillarity in Rocks – CIR 38 Production Technology for Other Disciplines – PTO 59 Making Change Happen: People and Process – MCPP
27 Cased Hole Formation Evaluation – CH (Also available as a Virtual/Blended course) 59 Managing and Leading Others – MLO
25 Coring and Core Analysis – CCA 44 Sand Control – SNDC 59 Meeting Management and Facilitation for the Petroleum Industry
24 Foundations of Petrophysics – FPP (Also available as a 44 Scale Identification, Remediation and Prevention Workshop – MMF
Virtual/Blended course) – SIR (Virtual/Blended course) 58 Negotiation Skills for the Petroleum Industry – NSPI
26 Integration of Rocks, Log and Test Data – ILC 38 Surface Production Operations – PO3 59 Presentation Skills for the Petroleum Industry – PSPI
25 Mudlogging – MDLG 45 Surface Water Management in Unconventional Resource Plays 58 Team Building for Intact Teams – TB
26 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Petrophysics – NMRP – SWM 58 Team Leadership – TLS
25 Petrophysics of Unconventional Reservoirs – PUR 39 Unconventional Resources Completion and Stimulation – URCS
26 Shaly Sand Petrophysics – APS 45 Water Management in Heavy Oil Resource Operations – HOWM INTEGRATED - HEAVY OIL
27 Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation of Dipmeters and 38 Well Stimulation: Practical and Applied – WS
Borehole-Imaging Logs – SSI
25 Well Log Interpretation – WLI (Virtual/Blended option coming 7 Evaluating and Developing Heavy Oil Resources – HOED
soon) HEALTH, SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT 6 Field Study – Heavy Oil Resources – HOFS
27 Wireline Formation Testing and Interpretation – WFT 10 Geological and Geophysical Characterization of Heavy Oil
46 Applied Environmental Management Systems – AEM Reservoirs – HORC
RESERVOIR ENGINEERING 46 Applied Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – 10 Geomechanics for Heavy Oil – HOGM
HSM 7 Overview of Heavy Oil Resources – HOOV
46 Competent Person Fall Protection – FPST 33 Reservoir Modeling of Heavy Oil Resources – HORM
28 Reservoir Engineering Progression Matrix 45 Water Management in Heavy Oil Resource Operations – HOWM
29 Applied Reservoir Engineering – RE (Also available as a 47 Fundamentals of Process Safety – PS2
Virtual/Blended course) 46 Management Systems Lead Auditor - AUD
29 Basic Reservoir Engineering – BR (Also available as a 47 Risk Based Process Safety Management – HS45 UNCONVENTIONAL RESOURCES
Virtual/Blended course)
31 Capillarity in Rocks – CIR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE
30 Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Fundamentals – EORC 40 Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing – AHF
34 Decline Curve Analysis and Diagnostic Methods for Performance 16 Advanced Practices in Exploration and Development of
Forecasting – DCA 49 Applied Maintenance Management – OM21 Unconventional Resources – EDUR
30 Enhanced Oil Recovery Fundamentals – ORE 49 Maintenance Planning and Work Control – OM41 27 Applied Rock Mechanics – ARM
31 Enhanced Oil Recovery with Gas Injection – EORG 41 Artificial Lift for Unconventional Wells - ALUW
34 Gas Reservoir Management – GRM 6 Basic Petroleum Engineering Practices – BE
32 History Matching and Reservoir Optimization – HMRO PETROLEUM DATA MANAGEMENT 5 Basic Petroleum Technology – BPT
34 Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Analysis and Design – HML1 37 Completions and Workovers – CAW
32 Integrated Reservoir Modeling – GRD 50 ArcGIS Coordinate Reference Systems for Petroleum – GISC 22 Directional, Horizontal, and Multilateral Drilling – DHD
34 Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Geologic and Engineering 50 ArcGIS Data Management for Petroleum – GISD 7 Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources – SRE
Analysis – FR 50 ArcGIS Essentials for Petroleum – GISE 24 Foundations of Petrophysics – FPP
35 New Opportunities in Old Fields – NOF 50 ArcGIS Pro Essentials for Petroleum – GISP 43 Gas Production Engineering – GPO
32 Oil and Gas Reserves Evaluation – OGR 49 Introduction to Data Management – IDM 34 Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Analysis and Design – HML1
32 Reservoir Characterization: A Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach 49 Seismic Positioning Data Management – SPDM 45 Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Completions and Stimulation
– RC – HML2
30 Reservoir Engineering for Other Disciplines – REO 40 Hydraulic Fracturing Applications – HFU
31 Reservoir Fluid Properties: Preparation for Reservoir Engineering PETROLEUM BUSINESS 10 Petroleum Systems Analysis - PSA
and Simulation Studies – RFP 25 Petrophysics of Unconventional Reservoirs – PUR
33 Reservoir Management – RM 52 Advanced Decision Analysis with Portfolio and Project Modeling 37 Production Operations 1 – PO1
33 Reservoir Management for Unconventional Reservoirs – RMUR – ADA 55 Project Management in Upstream Field Development – FPM2
33 Reservoir Modeling of Heavy Oil Resources – HORM 51 Basic Petroleum Economics – BEC3 33 Reservoir Management for Unconventional Reservoirs – RMUR
33 Reservoir Simulation Strategies – RSS 52 Cost Management – CM 45 Surface Water Management in Unconventional Resource Plays
35 Streamlines: Applications to Reservoir Simulation, 52 Economics of Worldwide Petroleum Production – EWP – SWM
Characterization and Management – SRS 51 Expanded Basic Petroleum Economics – BEC 35 Unconventional Resource and Reserve Evaluations - URRE
35 Unconventional Resource and Reserve Evaluation - URRE 53 Fundamentals of International Oil and Gas Law – IOG 39 Unconventional Resources Completion and Stimulation – URCS
31 Waterflooding A to Z – WF 53 International Petroleum Contracts – IPC 17 Use of Full Azimuth Seismic and Microseismic for Unconventional
30 Well Test Design and Analysis – WTA 51 Introduction to Petroleum Business – IPB Plays – FAMS
51 Managing Non-Technical Risks - MNTR 19 Well Design and Engineering – WDE
PRODUCTION AND COMPLETIONS 53 Petroleum Finance and Accounting Principles – PFA 30 Well Test Design and Analysis – WTA
ENGINEERING 52 Petroleum Risk and Decision Analysis – PRD
53 Strategic Thinking: A Tool-Based Approach – STT
36 Production / Completions Engineering Progression Matrix 60 INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES
40 Acidizing Applications in Sandstones and Carbonates – ASC
40 Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing – AHF PROCUREMENT / SUPPLY CHAIN
45 Applied Water Technology in Oil and Gas Production – PF21 PETROSKILLS SPECIAL FEATURES
41 Artificial Lift Systems – ALS
54 Contracts and Tenders Fundamentals – SC41
41 Artificial Lift for Unconventional Wells - ALUW 2 PetroSkills Alliance
55 Cost/Price Analysis and Total Cost Concepts in Supply
41 Beam Pumps – BP 3 In-House Training
Management – SC64
38 Coiled Tubing Interventions – CTI 4 PetroSkills Solutions - Competency Development
54 Effective Materials Management – SC42
37 Completions and Workovers – CAW (Also available as a Virtual/ 5 PetroAcademy - Blended Learning Solutions
54 Inside Procurement in Oil and Gas – SC61
Blended course) 7 Sign Up for Emails
54 Strategic Procurement and Supply Management in the Oil and
40 Downhole Remediation Practices for Mature Oil and Gas Wells 23 Unconventional Course Progression Matrix
Gas Industry – SC62
– DRP 35 ePetro - Online Learning for Petroleum Professionals
55 Supplier Relationship Management – SC63
41 Electrical Submersible Pumps – ESP 42 Testimonials - Our Participants Say It Best
43 Flow Assurance for Offshore Production – FAOP 47 ePilot - HSSE e-Learning
43 Formation Damage: Causes, Prevention, and Remediation – FD PROJECT MANAGEMENT 48 Field Trips
42 Gas Lift – GLI 70 Tip of the Month
43 Gas Production Engineering – GPO 71 PetroSkills Conference Center
43 Gas Well Deliquification – GWD 57 Advanced Project Management – FPM62 72 In-House Training
45 Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Completions and Stimulation 57 Advanced Project Management II – FPM63 Inside Back Cover Regional Contacts and Registration
– HML2 57 Advanced Project Management Workshop - APMW Inside Back Cover CEU/PDH Certificates
40 Hydraulic Fracturing Applications – HFU 56 Managing Brownfield Projects – FPM42 Back Cover PetroAcademy - Blended Learning Solutions
39 NODAL Analysis Workshop – NAW (Virtual/Blended course) 55 Petroleum Project Management: Principles and Practices – PPM
39 Performance Analysis, Prediction, and Optimization Using 56 Managing Project Controls for Contractors and Owners - PC21
Nodal Analysis – PO2 56 Project Management for Engineering and Construction – FPM22
42 Plunger Lift – PLS 55 Project Management in Upstream Field Development – FPM2
44 Production Chemistry – OGPC 56 Risk Management for Upstream Capital Projects – PMRM
44 Production Logging – RMP
What Sets PetroSkills Apart? The Alliance.

Created in 2001 by BP, Shell, and OGCI, the PetroSkills Alliance provides “important but not unique” high quality, business-relevant,
competency-based training. Through its growing membership, the Alliance has successfully evolved into an industry-driven and approved
program that spans the value chain.

Build competent petroleum professionals by delivering learning and development

Mission: when, where, and how customers need it.
• Provide the highest quality, business relevant programs that span all
ALLIANCE technical processes, and give management assurance they have the skilled
The Member Advisory Board provides
industry-led guidance, and member Detailed Competency Maps, people needed to maximize asset value
subject matter experts ensure that continually updated and reviewed,
content aligns with industry need provide the industry- • Offer added value to employees via new, broad-reaching courses that fill
through technical discipline benchmark framework for
networks. development. gaps, deliver the ability to perform, and provide the assurance to prove it
PetroSkills • Ensure PetroSkills instructors are the best available
Alliance • Develop and continuously improve PetroSkills Competency Maps and
COMPETENCY (collaboration) CONTENT - progression trees; continue to align Competency Maps with corporate
Software, consulting, workforce
development, and tailored solutions
• Lower internal training costs by reducing administrative burdens,
Instructor-led training in multiple delivery
ensure organizational competency. models, PetroCore® Reference for on-demand improving economies of scale, and/or eliminating marginal courses
technical information, effective web-based
learning modules, and blended coaching/ • Increase the availability of courses in both the number of offerings and the
mentoring accelerate time to competency.
number of delivery locations, thereby delivering competencies at the lowest
total cost

For more information on membership, go to petroskills.com/membership


In-house courses deliver private, on-site training

to your group, whenever, wherever, and however
you need it.

Save time, money, and travel hassles by bringing

our course to your site, or to any location that suits you.

If you do not have enough participants for an in-house session,

we may be able to schedule an on-demand public session in
your location.

For more information, or to reserve training for your team,

go to petroskills.com/inhouse
How do you meet the challenges of competency development?

PetroSkills Solutions


Blended Learning Skill Modules. Integrating

live classroom activities, online learning and
technical coaching.
Pilot and
e-Learning. Online learning libraries deliver
effective training anytime, anywhere.

Competency Maps
Industry Benchmarks. Developed with
industry-leading Alliance members.

Learning and Compliance Management System.

Online, on-the-job access to learning programs,
progress tracking, and curriculum development.

Competency Management. Web-based software
that builds, manages, and assures competency.

Technical Reference. Online, on-demand access
to technical knowledge, documents, and articles.


Basic Petroleum Basic Petroleum

Technology Technology – BPT
Principles – BPTP
PetroAcademy This course provides the participant with an

understanding of basic petroleum technology in

the context of the Petroleum Value Chain and
Blended Learning Solutions PetroAcademy
Asset Management, from exploration to
abandonment. Unconventional shale (tight oil and
gas) and conventional oil and gas are covered.
BLENDED LEA RNING The participant will understand how and when
Reduced time to competency geoscience and engineering professionals use
technology to determine and then optimize the
This course will be delivered virtually through
Eliminated travel expense PetroAcademy providing participants with the
economic value of an oil and gas field. This
enables the participant to maximize their
knowledge they need at their convenience. professional and administrative contribution in
Flexibility—less time away from work This course provides the participant with an
their organization. Participants first learn and
understand why various global oil and gas
understanding of basic petroleum technology production types and plays (unconventional and
Learning applied at point of need in the context of the Petroleum Value Chain,
from exploration to abandonment. The
conventional) have different value. The participant
learns which technologies are used by the
participant will understand how and when geoscience and engineering departments during
PetroAcademy Blended Learning Programs may include activities geoscience and engineering professionals use each stage of the asset life cycle and WHY! This
technology to find, then determine and optimize E&P lifecycle context accelerates an
such as reading assignments, self-paced e-Learning, virtual the economic value of an oil and gas field. This understanding of basic petroleum technologies
instructor-led sessions, discussion forums, group exercises, enables the participant to maximize their and the oil industry. This learning is achieved
case studies, quizzes, field trips, and other activities. These professional and administrative contribution in through guided discussions, videos, animations,
their organization. and progressive team exercises utilizing ‘Our
continuous development activities increase knowledge retention, Reservoir’ and ‘Our Well’ as working models.
reduce time to competency, and provide just in time learning at Those who need to achieve a context and
This course is appropriate for those who need to
the point of need. understanding of E&P technologies, and the achieve a context and understanding of E&P
role of technical departments in oil and gas technologies in conventional and unconventional
Blended Learning Program Example: operations. An understanding and use of fields, and/or the role of technical departments in
oilfield terminology is developed. oil and gas operations, and/or be able to
understand and use the language of the oilfield.
Virtual Instructor-Led YOU WILL LEARN
• Historical petroleum occurrences and usage
Training Session • The objectives and processes of the • The E&P Process and how it differs in
exploration phase of the E&P asset life cycle conventional vs unconventional plays, the role
• The objectives, processes, and economic of each technical department and specialist,
PetroCore® and the technologies used
metrics of the appraisal phase of the E&P
Reference Articles assest life cycle • The economic value and properties of
• Basic reserves and production value reservoir fluids
Moderated concepts • Petroleum geology for exploration and
• The Earth's structure, continental drift, and production
Discussion Forum • About oil and gas reservoirs, both
plate tectonics role in oil and gas exploration
• Rock types and classification in an oil and conventional and unconventional, and
understand the key differences
E-Learning gas context
• Exploration and appraisal technologies
• The relationship between depositional
• Drilling operations for exploration,
environments and geological settings
development and production
• Exploration concepts • Production - well completions and production
• Elements of a successful petroleum system technology
• Key differences between unconventional and • Reservoir recovery mechanisms through
conventional petroleum systems primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery
• Features of structural contour and isopach • Surface processing of produced fluids
• The basic reservoir rock properties and the COURSE CONTE N T
significance of core samples World hydrocarbon production and consumption
• The roles involved in exploration review including reserves, benchmarks, and the
• Rig type classification and selection for impact of shale resources • Reservoir fluid
onshore and offshore drilling properties • Petroleum geology • The
• and more... petroleum reservoir, conventional and
unconventional • Exploration technologies for
COURSE CONTENT conventional and unconventional reservoirs
E&P industry and asset life cycle • Petroleum including initial reserve estimates and
geology • Hydrocarbon reservoirs • Rock and consequent field development • Drilling and
fluid properties • Surface/subsurface operations • Well completions and workovers •
exploration • Drilling operations and well Production operations • Reservoir recovery
completions • Production operations mechanisms • Surface processing

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

HOUSTON, US 8-12 OCT 2018 $4140
Self-paced, virtual course 11-15 MAR 2019 $4225
- start anytime. 8-12 JULY 2019 $4225
7-11 OCT 2019 $4225
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 3-7 DEC 2018 $4970
18-22 NOV 2019 $5120
LONDON, UK 5-9 NOV 2018 $4790+VAT
NEW ORLEANS, US 6-10 MAY 2019 $4170

For more information, visit petroskills.com/blended

Basic Petroleum Basic Drilling,
Overview of the Field Study – Heavy Oil
Engineering Practices Completion and
Petroleum Industry Resources – HOFS
– BE Workover Operations
OVP presents an overview of the Petroleum This course is a basic introduction to most This course presents the basics of drilling and FIELD TRIP
Industry from the point of view of the Asset Life aspects of the Petroleum Engineering discipline, completion operations, plus post-completion This course is geologically and technically
Cycle. Participants will gain an understanding of which includes reservoir, production, and drilling enhancement (workovers). Participants will learn focused but instructed in such a manner that all
Exploration, Appraisal, Development and engineering as well as related topics. This to visualize what is happening downhole, disciplines and experience levels will
Production phases with particular emphasis course lays the groundwork for further discover what can be accomplished, and learn understand. Technologies for mining and in-situ
being placed on actions they can personally specialized training in advanced courses for oil how drilling and completion can alter reservoir production of bitumen from the Athabasca oil
take within each phase to support value company and service company personnel. The performance. Learn to communicate with sand region are reasonably recent commercial
creation. Through use of lecture, multimedia course focuses on the field and application drilling and production personnel. No experience
applications and the future levels of production
and class interactive exercises, a breadth of approach and includes classroom exercises, or prerequisites are required.
face uncertainty because of highly debated
upstream business acumen will be delivered fundamental engineering problems, and basic
DES IGNED FOR environmental challenges. The field course
covering economic, business, geoscience and field exercises. Basic Petroleum Engineering
Technical, field, service, support, and takes the participant to the rock; explaining
engineering topics. Discussions will include Practices will set the foundation for technical
supervisory personnel desiring to gain an complex relationships and issues emanating
topics related to all types of resource plays professionals with regards to technology and its
awareness of wellbore operations. Excellent for from the depositional and structural framework.
including deepwater, shale oil/gas and engineering applications. The course starts out
enhanced oil recovery technologies. with a brief introduction of the history and cross-training of other technical disciplines such
current state of the oil and gas industry. Next, as reservoir and facility engineers, geoscientists,
DES IG NE D F O R Anyone of any discipline who wants a hands-on
reservoir fluids, petroleum geology, and supervisors, service personnel, and anyone who
Both technical and business oriented understanding of the Athabasca Oil Sands.
petroleum reservoirs are discussed. Then, interacts with drilling, completion or workover
professionals who are either new to the engineers.
various facets of exploration technology, drilling Y OU WILL LEARN
upstream oil and gas industry or experienced in
engineering and operations, well completion • How to understand the depositional and
one part, but could benefit from a wider point of Y OU WILL LEA RN
technology, and production technology are stratigraphic framework of the McMurray
view. OVP will likewise deliver for non-industry • How to comprehend drilling and workover
covered before finishing with surface processing Formation
personnel a broad, basic knowledge set of reports
of produced fluids. • How to understand the structural setting and
multiple E&P topics. Legal, Financial, • What can be done within open-hole
and cased wells, as a part of reservoir relationships of timing, emplacement and
Accounting, Management, and Service DESI GN ED FOR
management preservation of Alberta's bitumen/heavy oil
Company team members will certainly benefit. Engineers, engineering trainees, technical
• How drilling practices can optimize cash flow resource
YO U W IL L L E A R N managers and assistants, technicians, • The complex lithologic heterogeneities of the
and ultimate recovery
• The critical importance the industry plays geologists, geophysicists, chemists, physicists, McMurray and their effect on mining and in-
• How to communicate with drilling and
on the world's economic stage, including service company personnel, sales situ production
production personnel
discussions of pricing, global reserves and representatives, and data processing personnel. • To appreciate the challenges and progress
key short/long-term energy trends. COURS E CONTENT of environmental preservation efforts for the
• Business and exploration elements critical Overview of the drilling process • Language of development and production of Alberta's
• Basic petroleum geology drilling, completing, and well intervention • Drill bitumen resource
to the success of organizations in search of
• Reservoir fluid and rock properties string components: bits and accessories •
new reserves
• Fundamentals of reservoir fluid flow Drilling fluids and hydraulics • Hole problems, COURS E CONTE N T
• Methods by which new field prospects are
• Oil and gas reservoir classification, definition, stuck pipe, side-tracking and fishing • Cores and Overview of the geology, history and
evaluated and risk factors assessed (Geology,
delineation, and development coring • Electric logging, MWD, LWD • Casing development of Canada oil sands • McMurray
Geophysics, Petrophysics)
• Unconventional resources design and installation • Primary and remedial oil sand stratigraphy • Depositional details of
• How exploration rights are acquired (Land
• Fundamentals of drilling, well completion, and cementing • Directional, horizontal, multilateral the McMurray formation • Overview of
themes, International Concessions)
production operations and under-balanced drilling • Wellhead structural evolution and bitumen resources • Oil
• The basic process for drilling and evaluating
• Basics of casing design and primary equipment and trees • Options for completions sand mining methodology • Environmental
an exploration well (Drilling, Petrophysics, and workovers • Tubing, packers and completion
cementing challenges for Alberta's bitumen resources •
Testing) equipment • Safety and flow control devices •
• Primary and enhanced recovery mechanisms Current status and future plans for reclamation
• Major steps required to appraise a new Open hole completions • Perforating • Coil
• Surface operations mining activities
discovery and estimate its commerciality tubing operations • Wireline techniques • Well
(Reservoir Engineering) C OU RSE C ON T EN T stimulation - surfactants, solvents, acidizing,
• Strategies to maximize the value of an oil or Reservoir fluid properties • Petroleum geology • hydraulic fracturing • Formation and sand control
gas field asset Reservoir properties and evaluation • - mechanical retention, chemical consolidation,
• How geology and reservoir management Unconventional resources • Exploration and gravel packing • and more...
plans are used to guide new field technology • Drilling engineering • Well
development completion, stimulation, and workover • Well
• Major steps in the design, construction, and testing and formation damage • Production
commissioning of facilities operations • Recovery methods BDC is also available as a self-
• Basic technical and operational steps
required to produce an oil or gas field
Surface processing paced, virtual course which
(Production Engineering) is an enhanced version of the
• Types of opportunities to optimize older fields face-to-face public session.
and increase production
The business of E&P • Hydrocarbon origin • PETROSKILLS.COM/VIRTUAL-BDC
Exploration - acquisition of exploration/
development rights • Exploration - prospect
generation and evaluation • Appraisal - asset
characterization and reserve quantification • 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
Development - drilling, completion, and facilities ABERDEEN, UK 18-22 FEB 2019 $4935+VAT
• Produce Asset - recovery optimization BAKERSFIELD, US 13-17 MAY 2019 $4170
CALGARY, CAN 23-27 SEPT 2019 $4170+GST
strategies 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) DALLAS, US 8-12 OCT 2018 $4140
ABERDEEN, UK 13-17 MAY 2019 $4980+VAT 14-18 OCT 2019 $4170
DENVER, US 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4140 DENVER, US 8-12 JULY 2019 $4220
16-20 SEPT 2019 $4265 HOUSTON, US 3-7 DEC 2018 $4140
HOUSTON, US 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $4140 8-12 APR 2019 $4225
10-14 JUNE 2019 $4270 26-30 AUG 2019 $4225
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 22-26 JULY 2019 $5165 9-13 DEC 2019 $4225 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) LONDON, UK 3-7 DEC 2018 $4790+VAT KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 15-19 OCT 2018 $4970 FORT MCMURRAY, CAN† 26-28 AUG 2019 $6015+GST
HOUSTON, US 17-18 SEPT 2018 $2485 9-13 DEC 2019 $4980+VAT 21-25 OCT 2019 $5120
28-29 OCT 2019 $2555 OKLAHOMA CITY, US 29 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $4215 LONDON, UK 12-16 AUG 2019 $4935+VAT † includes field trip

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.

Overview of Heavy Oil Evaluating and Evaluating and

Si rece con
to able
gn iv te
Resources – HOOV Developing Heavy Oil Developing Shale


up e nt
Resources – HOED Resources – SRE
This course is sufficiently detailed and widely Cold production, oil sands mining and in-situ This course will cover current practices for
focused to appeal to a broad audience, thermal production methodologies are important evaluating, drilling, and completing these
including non-technical, administrative, and contributors to the world’s oil production. The challenging reservoirs. Discussions and
business groups, as well as scientists and course takes an unbiased practical approach to exercises will include a focus on the limitations
engineers, seeking an introduction to the
business of heavy oil. Heavy oil is a large
component of the world's oil resource.
the applications, citing benefits and limitations.
The course provides an overview and details of
specific occurrences of the geology, evaluation,
of many of the current tools and technologies.
Information and opportunities for many current
and international shale plays will be described.
Available to You
Commercial mining and current in-situ thermal development and commerciality of heavy oil/in- The participant should leave the course with a
production methodologies are important situ oil sands resources. Each attendee should foundational understanding of value-adding
contributors to the world's oil production. These come away with a great foundational knowledge shale gas resource practices and an insight into
technologies are reasonably recent commercial of the business of evaluating and developing determining the critical reservoir and stimulation
applications, and the future levels of production heavy oil resources. parameters used to predict a potential
face uncertainty because of highly debated commercial resource play.
environmental challenges. This course takes an DESI GN ED FOR
unbiased practical approach to the recent Anyone from any discipline who needs a better DES IGNED FOR
commercial applications of commercial mining understanding of heavy oil/oil sands resources, Reservoir, production and completion engineers,
and in-situ thermal production of heavy oil but more specifically designed for geoscientists petrophysicists, geologists, geophysicists, and
resources, citing benefits and limitations. The or engineers with a need to better understand other professionals who desire a thorough
course provides an overview of the aspects of the challenges of evaluating and developing overview of shale resource development.
the geology, development and commerciality of heavy oil/oil sands resources.
heavy oil resources. This course contains Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO • Describe the resource potential and economic
exercises and class problems to support the
• Evaluate and develop heavy oil/oil sands importance of shale gas and shale oil
resources • Describe the similarities/differences between
DES IG NE D F O R • Understand the importance of heavy oil/ shale gas, tight gas, and coalbed methane
Anyone from any discipline who needs a better oil sands resources in today's world energy • Recognize and describe shale play
understanding of heavy oil resources. market differences and critical reservoir properties to
• Contrast heavy oil/oil sands resources identify the sweet spots
YO U W IL L L E A R N as compared to conventional and other • Estimate gas and oil in place
• The geologic and engineering challenges to unconventional resources with aspects of • Apply different resource evaluation
finding, developing, and producing heavy oil finding, developing, and producing techniques recognizing the advantages and
resources • Understand the geology, critical attributes, disadvantages of each technique
• About the importance of heavy oil resources and commerciality of the Canadian heavy oil/ • Apply drilling, completion, and stimulation Keep current and
in today's world energy market
• How to evaluate the challenges and
oil sands
• Collect the appropriate data and evaluate the
technology to shale gas and shale oil
ensure you always
opportunities for understanding and
improving the environmental footprint
critical geologic and reservoir parameters of
various types of heavy oil/oil sands resources
• Evaluate and forecast individual well and
reservoir performance
have the latest
required to develop and produce heavy oil • Recognize and evaluate the environmental • Determine how to estimate well reserves in information by
• The contrast between heavy oil resources
challenges required to develop and produce
heavy oil/oil sands resources
both PDP (proved developed producing) and
PUD (proved undeveloped) categories joining our email
versus conventional and other unconventional
resources with aspects of finding, developing,
• Understand the process and methodology to
evaluate, select, plan, design, and implement COURS E CONTENT
and producing a heavy oil/oil sands recovery project Current shale plays and their global impact •
• The process and methodology to plan, • Become knowledgeable of the worldwide Reservoir characterization and evaluation:
design, implement, and evaluate heavy oil distribution and geologic setting of the more organic quality, rock quality and mechanical
• About the geology and commerciality of the
significant heavy oil occurrences quality properties; geological setting; rock
properties; petrophysical considerations; the
You Will Receive:
C OU RSE C ON T EN T role of seismic data in field evaluation • Drilling:
Canadian Oil Sands
Bitumen and heavy oil introduction and vertical vs. horizontal wells; pilot holes; fluids;
• Complimentary learning and
• About the world-wide distribution and
geologic setting of the more significant heavy definitions • Comparison of conventional and MWD and LWD; wellbore sizes and lateral; development resources
oil occurrences including Venezuela unconventional reservoirs • Worldwide heavy drilling challenges; mechanical considerations •
oil/oil sands resources and occurrences • Completions: cased vs. open hole; perforation • Information on new courses and
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Geology and overview of Venezuela and Trinidad schemes; stimulation design and instructors
Comparison of conventional and unconventional heavy oil resources • Introduction of United considerations; case histories • Field trials and
reservoirs • Worldwide heavy oil resources and States heavy oil occurrences (Utah, California, pilots: strategies for implementing a pilot • Additional public course
occurrences • Bitumen and heavy oil definitions and Texas) • Geology, history, and development program to optimize well drilling, completion,
and introduction • Geology, history, and of Canada heavy oil/oil sands • Heavy oil/oil understanding Stimulated Rock Volume (SRV)
locations and dates
development of Canada oil sands • Oil sand sands characteristics and development using microseismic, fiber optics, production
characteristics and development strategies • Oil strategies • Oil sands mining details and logs, and other resources • Production
• Invitations for PetroSkills
sand mining details and reclamation • Oil sands reclamation • Environmental challenges for oil forecasting and reserve calculations: events and conferences
in-situ project review • Introduction of Steam sands resources • Heavy oil and in-situ oil sans volumetrics; performance analysis; simulation;
Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) • Other recovery process review • Introduction to Steam resource development; decline curve analysis;
commercial thermal in-situ methodologies • Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) • Other handling uncertainty in estimates • Logistics,
Environmental challenges for heavy oil commercial thermal in-situ methodologies • pad design, field development, water resources
resources • Geology and overview of Venezuela Commercial application of Cold Heavy Oil and the social license Simply go to
and Trinidad heavy oil resources • Commercial
application of Cold Heavy Oil Production with
Production with Sand (CHOPS) in Canada and
other non-thermal heavy oil recovery methods •
Sand (CHOPS) in Venezuela • Introduction of Field examples and development strategies of
United States heavy oil occurrences (Utah, heavy oil and in-situ oil sands recovery projects 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
California and Texas) • Overview of thermal well completions and DENVER, US 5-9 NOV 2018 $4240
production facilities • Reserves and economics 11-15 NOV 2019 $4320
HOUSTON, US 12-16 AUG 2019 $4325
LONDON, UK 2-6 SEPT 2019 $5035+VAT
MIDLAND, US 10-14 JUNE 2019 $4270
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) PITTSBURGH, US 29 APR-3 MAY 2019 $4320
CALGARY, CAN 22-23 AUG 2019 $2520+GST CALGARY, CAN 29 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $4270+GST * plus computer charge

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Geology Basic Petroleum
Geology – BG
Course Progression Matrix
What is Basic Petroleum Geology? For all
practical purposes it closely resembles the
The Course Progression Matrix below shows how the Geology courses in this section are structured within each topic, from
freshman level course that a non-science major
Basic to Specialized. On either side of the Geology section, you will see courses in associated disciplines for cross-training. These at a university would take to satisfy the science
matrices are ideal for building training plans for early-career staff or finding the right course to build upon existing knowledge requirement. Presentation is oriented toward
and experience. topics of interest to the petroleum industry.
While high school chemistry and physics might
As demonstrated by the FIELD TRIP icon next to our course titles, many of our courses include field trips. These courses bring
help in understanding a very few selected
material from the classroom into the field and allow participants to get an up-close view of geological concepts. topics, the course is designed for those with no
technical training (and those who studiously
The following instructors have been selected and approved by the PetroSkills Curriculum Network: avoided science in school). Primary objectives of
the course are to broaden your geological
Mr. Jeff Aldrich Dr. James Granath Ms. Randi Martinsen Dr. John Sneider vocabulary, explain selected geological
Mr. Peter Bartok Mr. Andrew Harper Dr. Mark McCaffrey Mr. Mehrdad Soltanzadeh principles and processes, and describe how
Dr. Steven Boyer Dr. Howard Johnson Dr. Tim McMahon Dr. Tom Temples certain petroleum reservoirs and source rocks
Mr. Satinder Chopra Mr. John Keasberry Mr. James Morse Dr. William Wade are formed.
Mr. John Dillon Mr. Jeff Lelek Mr. Larry Moyer
Dr. Michael Grammer Mr. Larry Lens Dr. John Pigott Petroleum industry personnel in need of basic
geological training, including engineering,
Geophysics Geology Petrophysics Production geophysical, technical support, and
and Drilling administrative personnel.
Wireline • About plate tectonics and petroleum

Advanced Formation Naturally • About geological time and history

Seismic Testing and Fractured • The fundamentals of rock formation and
Stratigraphy Interpretation Reservoirs deformation
(Page 17) (Page 26) (Page 13)
• The essentials of various depositional
environments and the reservoirs created
by them
Integration of • The distribution of porosity and permeability
Rocks, Log and in reservoirs produced in different
Test Data
(Page 25) depositional environments
Compressional • How rock characteristics are related to
and Deep-water Structural and modern geological processes and applied to
Transpressional Turbidite Stratigraphic

Structural Depositional Interpretation of the ancient record

Styles Systems and Dipmeters and • About petroleum reservoir and source rocks
Introduction (Page 12) Geochemical Reservoirs Basin Analysis Borehole-Imaging Reservoir • Of petroleum origin, migration, and trapping
to Seismic
Techniques for (Page 12) Workshop Development Logs Characterization
Stratigraphy (Page 11) Geology (Page 26) (Page 33) • How to correlate electric logs and recognize
(Page 16)
Analysis of Solving Reservoir (Page 12) depositional environments on logs
Structural Management Integrated
Traps in and Field Carbonate Prospect Petrophysics of Integrated • How to make contour maps and cross
AVO, Inversion, Extensional Development Reservoir and Play Operations Unconventional Reservoir sections
Attributes Settings Problems Characterization Assessment Geology Reservoirs Modeling
(Page 16) (Page 11) (Page 12) (Page 13) (Page 13) (Page 13) (Page 24) (Page 32) • Elements of geophysics and exploration
• How geology bears directly on engineering
Subsurface COURS E CONTE N T
Mapping (Page 9)
Minerals and rocks • Plate tectonics •
Mapping Geological time • Weathering and erosion •
Structures Well Log Deposition • Diagenesis • Reservoirs •
(Page 9) Interpretation Structural geology and petroleum • Origin,
(Page 24)
ArcGIS migration, and trapping of petroleum
Well Test Design

Sequence Geomechanics for Heavy Oil (Page 10) Coordinate Coring and and Analysis
Stratigraphy Reference Core Analysis (Page 30)
(Page 11) Carbonate Systems for (Page 24)
Reservoirs Petroleum
Geochemistry: (Page 50) Production
Structural Tools for (Page 9) Foundations of Technology for
Styles in Effective Petroleum Production ArcGIS Petrophysics Other Disciplines
Seismic Petroleum Exploration and Sandstone Systems Analysis Geology for Essentials for (Page 23) (Page 38)
Interpretation Exploration Development Reservoirs (Page 10)
Other Disciplines Petroleum (Also available as a (Also available as a
(Page 15) (Page 11) (Page 10) (Page 9) (Page 10) (Page 50) Virtual/Blended course) Virtual/Blended course)

Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources (Page 7)

(Page 15) Basic Drilling
(Also available as a Technology
Virtual/Blended course) (Page 18)

Geological and Geophysical Characterization of Heavy Oil Reservoirs Basic Reservoir

(Page 10) Engineering

(Page 29)
Basic Petroleum Geology (Page 8) (Also available as a 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
Virtual/Blended course) HOUSTON, US 8-12 OCT 2018 $4140
Petroleum Geology for Early Career Geoscientists and Engineers (see website) 13-17 MAY 2019 $4335
LONDON, UK 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4790+VAT
Basic Petroleum Technology (Page 5) 7-11 OCT 2019 $5045+VAT
Basic Petroleum Technology Principles (Page 5) (Virtual/Blended course)
Computer-Based Carbonate Reservoirs Sandstone Reservoirs Mapping Subsurface
Subsurface Mapping – PCR – SR Structures – MSS


NEW This rigorous workshop is a must for This course is essential for geoscientists and Not just a collection of rules of thumb, this class
For geoscientists, contour maps have long been geoscientists dealing with exploration for and engineers involved in the exploration and presents the fundamental concepts and
one of the most common tools used to convey exploitation of carbonate reservoirs. The development of clastic reservoirs. It focuses on techniques required to accurately construct
information. In the modern petroleum industry, seminar emphasizes the complexity of methods that can be used to improve the structure maps in 3D so that you will get the
contour maps are generally derived from grids carbonate porosity. Its modification and prediction of reservoir size, shape, trend, and most out of your data. Principles and techniques
created in interpretation software packages. evolution will be discussed in a sea-level driven quality through detailed analysis of depositional are illustrated by solving numerous exercises by
Maps, or the grids themselves, are used to sequence stratigraphic framework. Case environments. The sedimentary characteristics hand (with drafting tools and a calculator) using
evaluate prospectivity, estimate prospect histories and exercises from around the world of each of the principal clastic depositional strategies and workflows analogous to those
volumes, pick drilling locations, and are the will be utilized throughout to illustrate important systems are presented in detail, using examples that participants will use back at the office using
inputs for basin models, and static reservoir concepts. These exercises and case histories from recent environments, outcrops, cores, computers. Participants will be prepared to
models. Despite the importance of these maps give the participant experience in developing wireline logs, and test/production data from oil develop more accurate structural models of
and the underlying grids, there is often a poor viable exploration and exploitation strategies for and gas fields in various parts of the world reservoirs, avoid dry holes, find new traps in old
understanding of how the grids are generated carbonate terrains. (United States, North Sea/Atlantic, Africa, Middle fields, extract the maximum information from
and what the implications may be for the final In 2013 a new book, Carbonate Reservoirs, was East, Far East, etc.). Practical exercises are exploration wells, and validate or recognize
map. The underlying theme in this course is to prepared by Drs. Moore and Wade specifically taken from each of the principal depositional errors in existing interpretations. Dr. Richard
think about what you are mapping. Common to accompany this course and is furnished to all settings and involve detailed mapping, Groshong's book, 3D Structural Geology, is
gridding algorithms and parameters are course participants. interpretation of core and log characteristics, included with the course materials.
reviewed, with an emphasis on their strengths and integration of data from FMI logs. Emphasis
is placed on the application of fundamental DES IGNED FOR
and weaknesses for different geological DESI GN ED F OR
Exploration and development geologists, sedimentary principles (modern, ancient, and Development geoscientists and those exploring
problems and input data sets. Participants are
exploration and development managers, and subsurface) to actual subsurface data so that mature areas; early-career geoscientists and
asked to generate a variety of maps from
geophysicists as well as engineers with some the participants can immediately use the technologists who make structure maps; those
different input data types, seeing the impact
geologic background will benefit. information in their exploration and development who need to judge the validity of maps and
that varying parameters can have on a single
activities. cross sections.
input data set. Participants will also utilize
various methods of quality control, grid editing, YOU WI L L L EARN H O W TO
and grid manipulation (operations). • Recognize basic characteristics of carbonates
important to reservoir development Geologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists, • Recognize common contouring pitfalls
• Understand how sequence stratigraphy reservoir and production engineers, exploration- • Find thickness in deviated wells
can be applied to carbonates and mixed production managers, all team members • Use thickness maps to interpret structure
Geoscience professionals and support staff who
carbonate-siliciclastic systems involved in reservoir characterization, and • Construct predictive cross sections
generate structure, isochore, and other
• Understand the complexities of carbonate technicians working with clastic reservoirs. The • Apply the best techniques for projecting data
subsurface maps using interpretation or
pore systems course provides a refresher in new concepts in • Make fault maps and integrate them with
mapping software.
• Recognize the nature of carbonate porosity this field for geoscientists at a foundation level. horizon maps
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO modification during diagenesis and the role of • Build a complete 3D interpretation
• Understand the impact of different algorithms sea-level and climate in porosity modification YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO • Recognize valid and invalid fault surfaces
on output maps and gross reservoir heterogeneity • Interpret clastic depositional environments • Interpret folds and faults from dipmeters
• Determine appropriate choice of algorithm • Develop viable exploration and exploitation using data from cores, cuttings and wireline • Construct juxtaposition (Allan) diagrams for
and gridding parameters for different data strategies in carbonate terrains by working logs (including FMI) fault trap and seal analysis
types and geologic scenarios with subsurface datasets • Apply new sequence stratigraphic concepts • Map structures with multiple overlapping
• Create structure, thickness, and attribute to clastic reservoirs faults
grids using different techniques C OU RSE C ON T EN T • Correlate wells using knowledge of
depositional environment COURS E CONTE N T
• Quality control and edit grids and contours Basic nature of carbonates • Carbonate facies
models • Basic concepts of sequence • Predict reservoir size, shape, trend and Manual and computer contouring techniques •
• Use grid operations to manipulate existing
stratigraphy • Relationship of stratigraphic quality Using dip in mapping • Different measures of
grids and create new grids through simple
patterns to changes in subsidence rates • thickness • Thickness in deviated wells •
and complex operations
Sequence stratigraphic models including the COURSE CONTENT Thickness maps • Dip-domain cross sections •
• Generate Combined Risk Element Maps
ramp, the rimmed shelf, the escarpment Genetic stratigraphic analysis • Depositional Data projection • Trend and plunge of folds on
• Generate detailed gross rock volume grids
margin, the isolated platform, and the mixed architecture • Basins and units • Wireline logs tangent diagrams • Composite-surface maps •
C OUR S E C O N T E N T carbonate-siliciclastic shelf • Characteristics of and conventional cores • Seismic and sequence Fault shapes and displacement distributions •
Introduction to mapping • Contouring review • carbonate pore systems • Diagenesis, porosity stratigraphy • Recognition of depositional Relationships between stratigraphic separation
Coordinate system overview • Gridding evolution, and porosity distribution at the time of systems • Process-response facies models • and heave & throw • Faults on isopach maps
introduction • Gridding algorithms overview • burial • The fate of early-formed porosity during Integrated genetic stratigraphy • Analysis of Mapping across faults • Structural quality-
Creating structure maps from well data • burial • The potential value of dolomitization, clastic depositional systems • Alluvial fan • control techniques • Multiple-surface map
Creating maps from seismic data • including by hydrothermal processes • The Fluvial • Eolian • Deltaic • Shoreline • Shelf • compatibility • Map validation using implied
Incorporating faults in structure maps • problem of H2S in carbonate reservoirs • Deepwater systems • Incised sequences • fault contours • Finding faults and fault
Creating isochore/attribute maps from well data Natural fractures in carbonates • Case histories Shelf margins and linked downslope systems • orientations with SCAT analysis of dipmeters •
• Grid quality control • Grid editing • Grid and exercises from the Americas, Europe, and Characteristic log patterns • Flow units • Soft linked and hard linked faults • Relay and
operations • Creating and combining stoplight Asia • Exploration and exploitation strategies in Prediction of reservoir size, shape, trend, quality branching fault patterns • Mapping sequential
maps • Volumetrics carbonate and mixed terrains • How to select optimum well locations • cross-cutting faults
Lateral continuity and quality of seals •
Sedimentary controls on porosity, permeability,
saturation • Reservoir exploration and
production case histories • Exploration and
production scaled case histories

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

CALGARY, CAN 3-7 DEC 2018 $4190+GST
21-25 OCT 2019 $4270+GST
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) DENVER, US 22-26 JULY 2019 $4320
DUBAI, UAE 11-15 NOV 2018 $5340+VAT
HOUSTON, US 8-12 APR 2019 $4325
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 23-27 SEPT 2019 $5220 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 17-21 NOV 2019 $5445+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4240
LONDON, UK 2-6 DEC 2019 $5035+VAT HOUSTON, US 12-16 NOV 2018 $4265 4-8 MAR 2019 $4325 HOUSTON, US 1-5 APR 2019 $4325
* plus computer charge 11-15 NOV 2019 $4355 LONDON, UK 3-7 JUNE 2019 $5035+VAT * plus computer charge

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Geochemistry: Tools for Geomechanics for Petroleum Systems Production Geology for
Effective Exploration Heavy Oil – HOGM Analysis – PSA Other Disciplines – PGD
and Development – MGT


Undiscovered reserves in prolific, mature basins This course introduces an integrated workflow This course addresses the fundamentals of the Have you ever wondered why it seems like
and bypassed petroleum in developed fields are for reservoir containment evaluation and Petroleum System, and a holistic view of how Geologists rarely give you a straight answer?
key targets for increasing reserves at minimal caprock integrity assessment in thermal it works, which is essential for geoscientists Are there never-ending qualifiers tacked to the
cost. Geochemical tools can dramatically operations such as SAGD and CSS in heavy oil and engineers involved in today’s challenging answers they provide? "Usually, for the most
improve discovery and development success by reservoirs. The essential fundamentals of conventional and unconventional exploration part, chances are, often, almost all the time,
identifying and characterizing these targets in petroleum-related rock mechanics will be and development projects. The elements maybe, could be, should be, can be, it
both conventional and unconventional systems. presented, and the processes of data collection, of the Petroleum System Charge, Trap, and depends..." What do you do with the ranges of
Participants learn to interpret geochemical logs, geomechanical characterization, and building Reservoir, are described systematically within the interpretations offered? This course will
map organic facies variations, identify petroleum Mechanical Earth Models (MEMs) will be the framework of play and prospect evaluation. clear these questions... you will understand
systems using multivariate data, predict vertical discussed in details with an emphasis on data The charge element begins with the deposition what makes the production geosciences tick;
and lateral variations in oil quality and gas-to-oil uncertainty. The course provides a of the source rock and the establishment of you will be able to phrase the appropriate
ratios, and how to integrate geochemical, comprehensive picture of the geomechanical its volumetric potential, or feedstock, for the questions, and then you will be able to deal with
geological and engineering data to identify behavior of heavy oil fields in response to system. Charge access involves converting this the answers. This course assumes the
reservoir compartments, allocate commingled thermal operations and shows how different potential to expelled volumes, making, and then participant has some understanding of
production, identify completion problems, and modeling approaches may be implemented to moving, the volumes from source bed to trap/ elementary geology, but it will provide a review
monitor flood progression. The class gives predict this behavior and its associated reservoir. In the case of some unconventional of key geological principles and environments of
special attention to three key applications of oil geomechanical risks. It presents the application reservoirs, this is within or adjacent to the deposition, all keyed to focus on the practical
fingerprinting to unconventional reservoirs: (i) of modeling in mitigating the adverse effects of source bed itself. A trap receives charge and impact of geological models and uncertainty on
Characterization of frac height, (ii) Quantification these risks and determining safe-operating petroleum columns build along its edges, until appraisal and development. Without a common
of the contribution of multiple formations to criteria such as maximum operating pressure. the container limit of the critical weak point understanding between geologists and
commingled production contacted by the Different aspects of field monitoring and real- is reached, or it spills. Reservoir rock storage engineers, there can be no real communication
induced fractures and (iii) Identification of ‘cross time updating are discussed. and deliverability are modified by mechanical or teamwork in reservoir development and
talk’ between wells completed in adjacent and chemical compaction, and fluid properties, production activities.
formations. The course also explains how to C OU RSE C ON T EN T
fundamentally affecting project economics.
optimize development by predicting vertical and Reservoir containment evaluation • Caprock DES IGNED FOR
Fluid properties further impact economics via
lateral variations in API gravity and viscosity. integrity assessment • SAGD and CSS in heavy Production/completion/reservoir engineers,
the product value itself. This 5-day class uses
oil reservoirs • Fundamentals of petroleum- financial staff, professional staff from disciplines
new purpose-designed materials, and draws
related rock mechanics • Processes of data other than geology, and managers involved with
Exploration and development geologists, on a global database and familiarity with many
collection • Geomechanical characterization • reservoir management, and development/
geophysicists, geochemists, petroleum different styles of producing basin, play, and
Mechanical Earth Models (MEMs) production, who might require an understanding
engineers, managers, and technical personnel. accumulation.
of geological data, its variability, and the effects
No background in geochemistry is needed. 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
DES IGNED FOR of the data, and its interpretation, on their
CALGARY, CANADA 1-3 OCT 2018 $3130+GST
7-9 OCT 2019 $3205+GST Geologists, geophysicists, and petrophysicists projects and jobs. This course is also
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO appropriate for geologists early in their career
• Characterize exploration risk in conventional * plus computer charge
working on basin, play, prospect or reservoir
evaluation, and reservoir engineers seeking a development that are slated for production or
and unconventional petroleum systems development positions.
• Integrate geochemical, geological and bottom up understanding of the genesis of their
engineering data to identify reservoir
Geological and reservoir, or field. The course provides a
compartments, allocate commingled Geophysical refresher in new concepts in this field for
• Understand the sources of geological data
production, identify completion problems, and geoscientists at a fundamental level.
Characterization of Heavy and the interpretation of that data, including
monitor flood progression to optimize field maps, cross-sections, electric logs, and
development Oil Reservoirs – HORC Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
seismic sections
• Assess frac height in unconventional • Employ Petroleum System concepts as
BASIC 3-Day a holistic approach to risk and volume • Recognize the relationships between
reservoirs, and identify ‘cross talk’ between paleo-environmental interpretations and the
frac networks in adjacent wells estimation in play, prospect, and reservoir
As both heavy oil and bitumen are a global evaluation practical application of these interpretations
• Quantify the abundance of frac water vs
resource, they are fast becoming an asset base • Predict and confirm source rock distribution to field development
formation water in the produced fluids from
for many energy companies. Economic from rock and fluid data, and estimate • Recognize and appreciate uncertainty in
recently drilled unconventional wells
development of heavy oil reservoir requires volumetric potential geological and geophysical data/interpretation
• Use geochemical tools, including TOC,
Rock-Eval pyrolysis, vitrinite reflectance, accurate characterization of the rocks as well as • Predict the temperature, timing, volumes, • Understand the uncertainty surrounding the
geochemical logs, gas chromatography, the fluids contained therein. As heavy oil compositions and phases expelled from geologist's interpretation
stable isotope ratios, biomarkers, mud gas properties are different from conventional oil, its kitchens, and the controls exerted by • Recognize ways in which geological data is
isotope data, and mud gas compositions exploration and production requires special hydrodynamics and capillarity on migration presented for evaluation in integrated asset
• Determine if hydrocarbon ‘stray gases’ seismic strategies and rock physics models. from source bed to trap/reservoir teams
found in an aquifer are, or are not, related to Geophysical characterization of heavy oil • Describe a trap in terms of the critical weak • Understand and more realistically evaluate
petroleum drilling activities in a given area reservoirs is therefore at the heart of production points on its edges geological data and interpretation
• Design geochemical studies and collect of this resource. • Estimate column heights containable by • Understand geological interpretation impact
samples those edges on production and development...pro and con
• Recognize pitfalls in geochemical C OU RSE C ON T EN T
• Understand the Petroleum System controls
interpretations Mechanisms for the formation of heavy oil • COURS E CONTE N T
on reservoir rock quality
General phase behavior of hydrocarbons and Correlation and stratigraphy • Structural
• Understand reservoir and reservoir fluid
C OUR S E C O N T E N T heavy oil • Properties of heavy oil and rock interpretation • Seismology • Clastic/carbonate
properties that govern deliverability, well
Assess source rock quality, maturity, and physics analysis • Geophysical approaches to deposition including an introduction to
recovery, and economics (rate, product value)
petroleum-generating potential • Applications of characterization of heavy oil reservoirs • Unconventional Reservoirs • Reservoir geology
mud gas isotope data and mud gas Measuring and monitoring heavy oil properties Reservoir characterization and modeling •
compositions • Assess reservoir continuity, • Methods of extraction of heavy oil (CHOPS, Volumetrics • Well planning • Reservoir
lateral and vertical changes in oil gravity and SAGD, etc.) • Challenges for heavy oil appraisal • Field development • Uncertainty
viscosity • Geochemical assessment of frac production • Seismic monitoring of hot and cold analysis
height • Geochemical allocation of commingled heavy oil production • Optimization of Canadian
production • Case studies • Determining the heavy oil production through reservoir
origin of hydrocarbon gases found in aquifers characterization • Environmental issues • 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
Jeopardy exercises on each of these units HOUSTON, US 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4240
9-13 SEPT 2019 $4325
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 12-16 NOV 2018 $5070
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 18-22 NOV 2019 $5220
HOUSTON, US 26-30 NOV 2018 $4240 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) LONDON, UK 22-26 JULY 2019 $5035+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
18-22 NOV 2019 $4435 CALGARY, CAN 27-29 MAY 2019 $3145+GST MIDLAND, US 1-5 APR 2019 $4270 HOUSTON, US 10-14 JUNE 2019 $4325

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Basin Analysis
Sequence Stratigraphy: Structural Styles in Analysis of Structural
Workshop: An
An Applied Workshop Petroleum Exploration Traps in Extensional
Integrated Approach
– SQS – ST Settings – ESS
– BA
FIELD TRIP Even with the best of data, the correct FIELD TRIP Basin analysis demands an integrated approach
interpretation of a subsurface structure usually from explorationists. It can be both inappropriate
Sequence stratigraphy, based on sedimentary Extensional structures provide some of the
requires recognition of the fundamental and misleading to suggest that the tectonic-
response to changes in relative sea level gives world's largest known oil reservoirs and remain
characteristics of the assemblage in which it thermal-sedimentologic evolution of any one
the explorationist and the development one of the major frontier plays of the immediate
occurs and the range of trap styles to be basin is an established fact, or even that all
geoscientist a powerful new predictive tool for future, both onshore and, particularly, in deep
expected. This course provides an overview of basins submit to the same simple and equivocal
regional basin analysis, shelf to basin water offshore. 3D seismic has revolutionized
all hydrocarbon-bearing structural assemblages models. This five-day course provides the theory,
correlation, and reservoir heterogeneity. Perhaps structural mapping. However, the most realistic
and their associated trap types. The processes methods, and practice for participants to develop
most importantly, sequence stratigraphy gives geologic interpretation of these structures is
that produce the structures and control their and optimize their own individual basin
the geoscientist a superior framework for the only as good as our ability to recognize and
styles are interpreted in terms of basic rock- evaluation and modeling modus operandi.
integration of geologic, geophysical, and exploit the fundamental characteristics of the
mechanical principles. Classic outcrops, Incorporated as practical problems for workshop
engineering data and expertise. The particular forms that are possible. This course presents
physical models, 2D and 3D seismic, and analysis and significant group discussion are
strength of this seminar is the application of outcrop, subsurface, seismic sections, and
mature-field log-based interpretations from case histories from throughout the world utilizing
these basic principles to actual subsurface data model analogs that will provide the starting
around the world provide analog examples for geologic, geophysical, and geochemical data. In
sets gathered into a series of well-founded point for structural interpretation in a wide range
practical interpretation. Participants will learn addition, students construct and interpret their
exercises. In recent courses the data sets of extensional environments. Interpretations are
the major structural trap geometries and the own geohistory subsidence curves using
included Miocene delta complexes in Venezuela, validated by restoration and comparison to
structural concepts for predicting the geometry BASINMOD, the industries standard computer
Cretaceous incised valleys in the US, Paleozoic balanced models. This course covers the latest
where data are absent, misleading, or software for basin modeling. Each participant
mixed carbonate clastic basin floor fans and low restoration techniques and the use of predictive
conflicting. The principles of section balancing should bring a hand calculator to class.
stand prograding complexes in the US, and kinematic models appropriate for rifted and
and restoration are covered as tools for
Jurassic basin floor and slope fans in France. other extensional and transtensional areas. The DESIGNED FOR
validating interpretations and for documenting
instructors of this course are happy to accept Geoscientists who require a practical familiarity
DES IG NE D F O R structural evolution. Practical interpretation skills
examples from your company for analysis in the with the application of a variety of state-of-the-
Geologists, geophysicists, biostratigraphers, and are developed in numerous exercises, most of
class as one of the demonstration exercises. art conventional and unconventional tools of
engineers (with some knowledge of geology) which use seismic data.
Please contact PetroSkills for a list of the hydrocarbon evaluation to sedimentary basins.
needing a fundamental understanding of the information and support data required, as well
principles and applications of sequence as the necessary lead-time. YOU WILL LEARN H O W TO
Exploration geologists, geophysicists, engineers,
stratigraphy. • Systematically assess the evolution of a
and geoscience managers.
DES IGNED FOR basin's petroleum system criticals through
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO Exploration and development geologists,
YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO space and time through a non-linear parallel
• Identify unconformities and sequence geophysicists, engineers, and managers
• Recognize all the different hydrocarbon- approach integrating geology, geophysics,
boundaries responsible for the interpretation and drilling of
bearing structural styles in map and and geochemistry
• Identify parasequences and utilize in extensional structures.
cross- section • Deconstruct a basin through space and time
• Distinguish the characteristics of each and build predictive basin models useful in
• Identify incised valleys Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
structural style on seismic reflection profiles exploration
• Visualize and interpret deep water fans and • Distinguish the characteristics of extensional
• Recognize the arrangement of structural • Evaluate the geomechanical fundamentals
their geometries and transtensional deformation for both
styles and traps within structural families controlling a basin's burial history through
• Recognize seismic signatures of deep water basement-involved and thin-skinned styles
• Apply mechanical-stratigraphic concepts to tectonic subsidence analysis
deposits • Apply mechanical-stratigraphic principles
understand and predict trap geometry • Determine the thermal history of a basin
• Relate sequence stratigraphy to basin governing the formation and evolution of
• Use restoration and balance to validate and its importance upon source maturity
architecture and relative sea levels extensional structures and apply restoration
an interpretation and show the structural dynamics
• Build predictive stratigraphic models and balancing techniques
evolution • Relate organic source quantity and quality to
• Utilize sequence stratigraphy to develop • Predict structural geometry from sparse or
sedimentary processes and environments
exploration/production strategies C OU RSE C ON T EN T inconsistent data using kinematic models
• Delineate migration pathways through space
Comparative structural geology • Structural • Recognize typical extensional and
C OUR S E C O N T E N T and time
families and styles • Mechanical principles transtensional petroleum-trapping geometries
Seismic geometries • Unconformities • Relative • Characterize the essentials of reservoir and
governing fold and fault geometry • Predicting seal quality
sea level • Eustasy • Parasequences and their COURS E CONTENT
structure from stratigraphy • Folding vs. faulting • Construct and analyze petroleum events chart
stacking patterns • Parasequences as a Extensional structural styles and their plate
• Palinspastic restoration of cross sections • • Geovalidate the model
correlation tool • Relationship of stratigraphic tectonic habitats • Models for rifting and
Structural validation criteria • Sequential • Rank and quantify petroleum system risk
patterns to changes in subsidence rates as passive continental margin evolution •
restoration and growth history • Regional deterministically and stochastically using
driven by regional and earth scale tectonic Transtensive structures • Detached and
arches and domes • Compaction and substratal Monte Carlo methods
processes • Cycle hierarchy • World-wide cycle basement-involved styles • Map patterns • Half
solution • Wrench faults: simple, convergent, • Construct and analyze a decision tree
chart and its application • The sequence grabens and full grabens • Footwall uplift •
and divergent • Conjugate and domino-style • Classify basins for optimizing their exploration
stratigraphic model • LST sequence Pre-inversion normal faults • Ramp-flat and
strike-slip regimes • Thin-skinned fold-thrust and development
boundaries, incised valleys, slope fans, basin listric-fault related structures • Rotated block
belts • Fault-related folds • Duplexes •
floor fans, and prograding complexes • TST with keystone graben style • Structural
Basement-involved contraction • Vertical and COURSE CONTE N T
incised valley fill, source rock and reservoir seal validation criteria • Selecting the best balancing
rotational block uplifts • Inversion: dip-slip to Introduction to the Petroleum System and
• HST alluvial, deltaic, shoreline complexes and and restoration technique • Flexural-slip
strike-slip • Thin-skinned extension • Petroleum System Criticals • Geomechanical
shelf sands • Sequence stratigraphy in a mixed restoration and predication • Vertical and
Basement-involved extension • Half-graben and fundamentals of basin formation • Burial history
clastic/carbonate province • Exploration and oblique simple shear • Rigid-block restoration •
full graben rift systems • Domino-style curve • Tectonic subsidence analysis •
production scaled case histories and strategies Area-depth technique for section validation,
extension • Diapirs • Salt sheets • Roho and Geothermics: steady state and rifting • Organic
depth to detachment, bed-length changes and
counter-regional pseudoextensional fault geochemistry: quantity, quality, and maturity •
fault prediction • Effect of detachment-zone
systems • Plate-tectonic habitats of structural Migration pathways • Reservoir-traps-seals and
thickness • Transition from horizontal to vertical
assemblages • Tectonic synthesis and analogs • Critical points • Basin classification •
displacement • Extensional drape folds •
exploration project Quantifying uncertainty, minimizing risk, and
Trishear models of drape folds • Sequential
making decisions • Synthesis
restoration of growth structures • Fracturing in
extensional structures
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 1-5 APR 2019 $4425
DENVER, US † 5-9 AUG 2019 $4495 LONDON, UK 8-12 JULY 2019 $5135+VAT
HOUSTON, US 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $4240 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) PARIS, FRANCE 19-23 NOV 2018 $4990
7-11 OCT 2019 $4325 HOUSTON, US 22-26 OCT 2018 $4260 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 25-29 NOV 2019 $5135
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 17-21 JUNE 2019 $5220 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 12-16 NOV 2018 $5090 LAS VEGAS, US † 14-18 OCT 2019 $4720 SINGAPORE 22-26 JULY 2019 $5320
† includes field trip 25-29 NOV 2019 $5220 † includes field trip * plus computer charge

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Geochemical Techniques
Compressional and Deep-water Turbidite Development Geology for Solving Reservoir
Transpressional Depositional Systems – DG Management and Field
Structural Styles – CPST and Reservoirs – DWT Development Problems
Compressional and transpressional structures This course provides a unique opportunity to Successful field appraisal, development, and During field development and production,
provide some of the world's largest known examine modern, ancient, and subsurface management requires a fundamental numerous problems can be solved through
hydrocarbon reservoirs and remain major examples of data from turbidite reservoirs. The understanding of the reservoir pore space integration of geochemical, geological, and
frontier plays. 3D seismic has revolutionized process of iteration of data types, including distribution. Participants learn, through engineering data. Geochemical approaches for
structural mapping, but making the most analog data that was collected expressly to hands-on exercises, to compile a development solving these problems are appealing for several
realistic geologic interpretation of these solve subsurface issues, will be offered to plan that emphasizes optimal recovery. reasons. 1) They provide an independent line of
structures requires an ability to recognize and validate subsurface interpretations. The course Emphasis is placed on rock, log and test data to evidence that can help resolve ambiguous
exploit the fundamental forms. This course combines review of state-of-the-art and distinguish reservoir and non-reservoir rock geological or engineering data. Example:
presents outcrop, subsurface, seismic sections, historical theories for turbidite and debris-flow properties. Structural, stratigraphic, deposition geochemical data can reveal whether small
and model analogs that provide structural deposition and process including many case and diagenetic concepts are used to locate drill differences in reservoir pressure reflect the
interpretation in a wide range of compressional studies of reservoir architecture and sand-body sites and describe reservoirs. The input required presence of a barrier between the sampling
and transpressional environments. quality and distribution with an introduction to to construct a geologic reservoir model is points. 2) They are far less expensive than
Interpretations are validated by restoration and new concepts, ideas, and methods in turbidite reviewed. Participants learn the importance of engineering alternatives. Example: geochemical
by comparison to balanced models. This course reservoir geology. Participants will be introduced modifying development plans as a field allocation of commingled production costs only
covers the latest restoration techniques and the to the limitations of conventional models for becomes more mature. Techniques for mature 1-5% as much as production logging. 3) They
use of the predictive kinematic models for turbidite reservoirs and taught how to build field rejuvenation are discussed through case have applicability where other approaches do
thrust-fold belts. enhanced predictive models using a histories. not. Example: geochemical allocation of
combination of subsurface, outcrop, and commingled production can be performed on
DES IG NE D F O R modern sea-floor data. Through practical DESIGNED FOR highly-deviated or horizontal wells and on wells
Geologists, geophysicists, engineers, and exercises and discussions, participants will Reservoir, development, and exploration with electrical submersible pumps - well types
managers responsible for the interpretation and experience the relative importance of a broad geologists; geophysicists; petrophysicists; log not amenable to production logging. This course
drilling of compressive and transpressive range of subsurface data. 3D seismic data from analysts; petroleum engineers; and experienced explains how geochemistry complements other
structures. a range of locations will illustrate the quality and technicians. reservoir management tools. Case studies and
level of reservoir resolution possible when using exercises illustrate key points. Computer-based
modern data. Modern sea floor data from exercises illustrate the utility of certain key
• Distinguish the characteristics of • Select optimum drill sites for field
several turbidite basins will be available and software packages. Sampling pitfalls and
compressional and transpressional development
participants will receive instruction on sources of contamination are discussed. The
deformation including distinguishing thin- • Use log and rock data to identify reservoir
interpretation. Criteria for identification and course will NOT cover PVT (Pressure-Volume-
skinned and basement-involved styles rock, non-reservoir rock, and pay
interpretation of injected sandstones will be Temperature) relationships or equation of state
• Identify the fundamental characteristics of the • Determine fluid distribution in a field and
discussed. Special note: sessions in Nice and calculation.
wrench assemblage identify reservoir compartments
Kilkee will include field trips. The seven-day
• Identify the characteristics of inversion • Estimate field reserves through the life of DES IGNED FOR
sessions will be combined field and classroom
structures a field Development geologists, petroleum engineers,
based sessions. There will be four days in the
• Use the area-depth relationship to validate • Characterize carbonate and clastic rocks by managers, and technical personnel.
classroom with lecture material and oilfield
cross sections and predict sub-resolution productivity
exercises on exploration and production, and
structures • Construct geologic reservoir models Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
three days in the field examining spectacular
• Apply mechanical-stratigraphic principles • Determine field drive mechanism • Use mud gas isotopes to identify and
deepwater sections of either the Annot
to predict the formation and evolution of • Apply seismic analysis to reservoir characterize pay zones
Sandstone Formation in Nice, Ross Sandstone
structures development • Use the geochemistry of produced fluids
Formation in Kilkee, or the Point Lobos
• Apply restoration and balancing techniques • Determine depositional characteristics to (oil, gas, water) and/or core material to:
Submarine Canyon and Pigeon Point Formation
• Predict structural geometry from sparse or optimize development identify missed pay, assess reservoir
in Monterey, California. For Nice session, a
inconsistent data using kinematic models • Compile a development plan compartmentalization, allocate commingled
moderate degree of physical fitness is required.
• Recognize typical oil-field locations • Use economic techniques to evaluate production, identify completion problems
For Kilkee, the going is easier in the field.
and geometries in compressional and different development plans (tubing leaks, poor cement jobs, etc.),
transpressional structures DESI GN ED FOR characterize induced fractures (e.g., fracture
COURSE CONTENT height), monitor the progression of floods
Exploration and production geologists and
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Characteristics that impact field development • (water, gas, or steam), predict vertical and
geophysicists, stratigraphers, reservoir
Compressional structural styles and their plate- Determining recoverable hydrocarbons • lateral variations in fluid viscosity and gravity,
engineers, and petrophysicists.
tectonic habitats • Wrench assemblage • Reservoir fluid properties • Influence of and identify the geological processes which
Transpressive structures • Detached (thin- YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO capillarity reservoirs • Volumetric reserve control fluid properties in a given field
skinned) styles including forearc, backarc, • Interpret turbidite depositional environments estimation and calculation • Stratigraphic • Use certain key software packages (including,
collisional, and deep-water thrust-fold belts • using data from cores, cuttings, and wireline influence on production • Controls on reservoir PeakView, ReserView, OilUnmixer, Excess
Basement-involved styles including logs rock, barriers, and hydrocarbon distribution • Pressure calculations, etc.)
compressional drape folds, predictive models • Prepare predictive facies maps Describing reservoir rock in carbonate and
for rotated blocks, and subthrust plays • • Apply modern stratigraphic concepts to clastic rocks • Determining recoverable COURS E CONTE N T
Inversion • Structural validation criteria • turbidite reservoirs hydrocarbons • The impact of drive mechanism Using fluid compositions as natural tracers for
Selecting the best balancing and restoration • Predict reservoir size, shape, trend, and • Seismic applications • Development drilling: tracking fluid movement and
technique • Flexural-slip restoration • Area- quality optimizing hydrocarbon recovery • Economic compartmentalization • Understanding
depth technique for section validation, depth to impact on field development • Subdividing the processes that cause compositional differences
detachment, bed-length changes, and fault C OU RSE C ON T EN T reservoir into working units • Reservoir pore between fluids (e.g., differences in source
prediction • Fault-bend folds • Fault-tip folds • Review of turbidite settings, processes, models space configurations • Building a static facies, source maturity, biodegradation, water
Fault-propagation folds • Detachment folds • • Turbidite systems at outcrop • Rock analogs reservoir model using deterministic and washing, evaporative fractionation, etc.) •
Buckle folds and the break-fold model • for the subsurface (including injected sands) • stochastic techniques • Key factors affecting Integrating geochemical, geological, and
Duplexes • Triangle zones • Growth folds • Modern deepwater systems • Alternative the development of fractured reservoirs • engineering data to identify missed pay,
Fracturing in compressional structures • reservoir geometrics • Seismic character of Impact on barriers on field development • characterize reservoir compartmentalization,
Summary of oil and gas fields deepwater systems • Borehole/wireline Secondary and tertiary field development • allocate commingled production, identify well
characteristics • Significance and use of various Rejuvenating old marginal fields
tools • Correlation of reservoir units • Predictive completion problems, predict fluid viscosity/
models for sand distribution • Critical data input gravity, and monitor floods • Basics of oil, water,
to reserve models • Definition of pay gas, and mud gas compositional analyses
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
BAKERSFIELD, US 8-12 APR 2019 $4370 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 22-26 OCT 2018 $4340
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 4-8 NOV 2019 $4425 HOUSTON, US 1-5 OCT 2018 $4340
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 24-28 SEPT 2018 $4340 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 8-12 JULY 2019 $5320 24-28 JUNE 2019 $4425
HOUSTON, US 5-9 AUG 2019 $4425 26-30 AUG 2019 $4425 LONDON, UK 12-16 AUG 2019 $5135+VAT * plus computer charge

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Naturally Fractured
Integrated Operations Geology Prospect and Play
Reservoirs: Geologic
Carbonate Reservoir – OG Assessment – PPA
and Engineering
Characterization – ICR
Analysis – FR
This course will review the controls on At the end of this integrated course, participants This fully revised and updated course is a fully This course covers geologic and engineering
carbonate reservoir heterogeneity from the pore will be able to contribute effectively to the modern approach to defining prospect and play concepts, methodology, and technology used to
architecture scale to the geometrical attributes preparation of planned wells and their volumetrics, uncertainties in defining these characterize, evaluate, and manage naturally-
at reservoir-scale and how these parameters concurrent operations during the exploration, volumes and the risk that the accumulation fractured reservoirs. Applications and limitations
can be incorporated and integrated into the appraisal, and development phases. As exists. This course offers the industry quantitative, of geologic and engineering procedures and
development of viable petrophysically-based geoscientists, petroleum engineers, well probabilistic play and prospect assessment tools are discussed. Field examples and case
reservoir models for carbonates. In-class engineers, and production technologists are procedures that are consistent and repeatable studies demonstrate the importance of
exercises are used to reinforce the potential increasingly assembled in asset, project, or allowing for direct comparisons play to play or integrated geologic and engineering studies in
integration of various data sets to provide operational teams they must not only prospect to prospect. In addition, the methods developing effective, economical reservoir
students with experience in carbonate reservoir understand each other in technical matters, but offer measures of the play prospectiveness based management strategies for different types of
characterization. should also contribute to each other's efforts in on the number and resource size distribution of reservoirs.
these aspects: a driller should know why it is potential future fields. Tools include
DES IG NE D F O R comprehensive assessment forms for prospects DES IGNED FOR
important to cut a core or log a particular
Exploration and development geoscientists, and plays, and graphs, data tables, and Engineers and geoscientists interested in a
interval despite potential drilling problems, and
petrophysicists, reservoir engineers, guidelines for making all assessment decisions. multi-disciplinary approach to evaluating and
geostatistical modelers and research/ geoscientists should understand drilling
operations and their inherent hazards and predicting the overall effect of natural fractures
development staff. DESIGNED FOR
problems. All should be able to understand and on subsurface fluid-flow and subsequent
All exploration team members and leaders
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO prepare daily drilling reports with a full reservoir performance.
including geologists, geophysicists,
• integrate various aspects of carbonate rocks appreciation of the various subjects. Cuttings, geochemists, analysts, reservoir engineers,
cores, logs, and well tests should be analyzed, Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
for improved carbonate reservoir architecture economists, planners and managers who
cross-correlated, and compiled to mesh with • Detect and predict subsurface natural
and flow unit characterization make business decisions based upon
prognoses and existing data to effectively fracture occurrence and intensity from cores
• Apply knowledge of petrophysical, exploration data.
sedimentological petrologic tools to manage the impact on the field development and well logs
characterize and evaluate carbonate reservoirs plan. Correct procedures in tendering and YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO • Determine fractured rock properties affecting
• Recognize and better understand well log contracting should be followed to minimize the • Calculate geological risk and uncertainty in reservoir performance
responses in carbonate systems and to learn duration of the operations and to maximize the exploration prospects • Design and analyze pressure transient tests
to utilize data from formation evaluation tools quality of the operations services provided. • Determine prospect resource volume in naturally-fractured reservoirs
to determine reservoir quality Understanding of all operations should greatly estimates • Evaluate reservoir performance in naturally-
• Identify potential stratigraphic variations in improve the effectiveness of the Operations • Assess resource distribution in a play fractured reservoirs
carbonate pore architecture and its effect on Geologist. Note: A basic knowledge of geology • Understand the differences between • Develop and apply numerical simulation
permeability and/or petroleum geology is advisable if not stochastic and probabilistic estimates and models to fluid-flow in naturally-fractured
• Better understand the relationship of primary required to fully appreciate the course contents. have the knowledge to know when to one or reservoirs
depositional facies, sequence stratigraphic the other. • Apply coupled geomechanics/fluid-flow
framework, and diagenetic history to pore DESI GN ED FOR • Predict the number and size distribution of behavior to reservoir management strategies
architecture and reservoir quality All geoscientists, petroleum engineers, well potential future fields in a play in naturally fractured reservoirs
• Better understand fracturing in carbonates, engineers, and technical personnel, who in the • Describe and calibrate risks associated with • Evaluate the impact of natural fractures on
relating fracture density, aperture, length to course of their career will attend or direct discovering a successful play hydraulic fracture stimulation
facies, lithology, and diagenesis subsurface and wellsite operations.
• Distinguish controls on carbonate reservoir COURSE CONTENT COURS E CONTE N T
heterogeneity, sub-reservoir to reservoir scale YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO Geological controls of oil and gas occurrence • Characterization of natural fractures and
• Better understand carbonate reservoir • Plan and prepare for a drilling location and for Review of common assessment methods • fracture systems • Influence of mechanical
heterogeneity and the value of 3D geological services Application of volumetric prospect assessments: stratigraphy and structure on fracture
geostatistical model building to better manage • Identify drilling operations and geological techniques, comparative data, and graphs to development • Detection and prediction of
the development of carbonate reservoirs drilling hazards estimate input factors, such as trap volume, subsurface natural-fracture occurrence and
porosity, net/gross saturation, hydrocarbon fill intensity from cores and well logs • Fractured
• Understand and apply logging services
C OUR S E C O N T E N T fraction, formation volume factors, and recovery rock properties affecting reservoir performance
• Understand well testing services
Importance of understanding the various scales efficiencies • Probability methods • Risk • Classification of naturally-fractured reservoirs
• Evaluate drilling reports analysis • Hydrocarbon charge assessment:
of heterogeneity in carbonate reservoirs • • Describe drilling cuttings and cores with reservoir examples and potential
Carbonate deposition, diagenesis, mineralogy, procedures for estimating possible amounts of
• Evaluate the impact on the field development production problems • Naturally-fractured
rock textures, and pore types • Carbonate rock oil and gas generated, migrated, and trapped in
plan prospects • Prospect assessment workshop • reservoirs: fluid-flow, well performance and well
and carbonate pore system classification • • Prepare and compile operations reports testing, reservoir performance, numerical
Carbonate rock properties and core analysis • Play assessment techniques: estimating the
possible numbers, sizes, and associated risks simulation • Geomechanics/fluid-flow •
Well log response, limitations, and strengths in C OU RSE C ON T EN T Behavior and stimulation of naturally-fractured
for potential fields, with useful data on field
carbonates • Determination of lithology, Petroleum geology and its systems • Operations reservoirs • Effects of natural fractures on
densities, field-size distributions, oil versus gas
porosity, and permeability • Fracture geology: prospect to well planning, provision of reservoir permeability, anisotropy, drainage area,
relationships, and dependent versus
identification and distribution • Porosity/depth geological services • Wellsite geology: independent risks • Play recognition and and waterflood sweep efficiency
relationships in limestone and dolomite geological sampling, sample analysis, and well mapping: play classification and subdivision,
reservoirs • Importance of sequence stratigraphy, cutting, and core description •
and play maps that high-grade the most
boundaries to development of pore architecture Structural geology: fractures, faults, borehole
favorable areas with minimal geologic risks •
• Variations in carbonate pore architecture and geology • Drilling Operations: bits, fluids, casing
Play assessment workshop: projects supplied
its effect on permeability • Relationship of and cement, drilling problems and well control,
either by the instructor or by participants,
primary depositional facies, sequence directional drilling, geosteering • Logging
operations: acquisition, tools, quick look worked by teams and reported to the entire
stratigraphic framework and diagenetic history group • Aggregation of assessment results:
to pore architecture and reservoir quality • interpretation, MWD/LWD, geosteering • Well
testing and fluids: reservoir properties, rock and summing, derisking, and preparation for
Controls on reservoir heterogeneity, from sub- economic analysis • Limitations, pitfalls, uses,
fluid interaction, permeability, averaging, data
reservoir to reservoir scale • Value of analogs and discovery concepts: the philosophy of
gathering and interpretation • Impact on FDP:
for development of petrophysically-based judging and using assessment results and the
case histories • Tendering and contracting •
reservoir models • Value and limitations of 3D Reporting: geological data, petrophysical data, importance of basic geologic concepts
geostatistical models to understand reservoir pressure data • Exercises: cores, cuttings, quick
heterogeneity and architecture look, pressures, daily drilling report 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 11-15 MAR 2019 $4425
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 8-12 OCT 2018 $5170
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 12-16 AUG 2019 $4425 30 SEP-4 OCT 2019 $5320 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 24-28 JUNE 2019 $4595 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 26-30 NOV 2018 $5170 LONDON, UK 15-19 JULY 2019 $5135+VAT HOUSTON, US 14-18 OCT 2019 $4525
LONDON, UK 11-15 NOV 2019 $5305+VAT 9-13 DEC 2019 $5320 * plus computer charge LONDON, UK 15-19 JULY 2019 $5235+VAT

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Geophysics Seismic Interpretation
– SI1
Course Progression Matrix
Can I observe the reservoir on seismic? How
The Course Progression Matrix below shows how the Geophysics courses in this section are structured within each topic, large is the reservoir? Did the well cut a fault?
from Basic to Specialized. On either side of the Geophysics section, you will see courses in associated disciplines for cross- Can seismic help me tie a set of wells? What
kind of a structural trap did I drill into? Is the
training. These matrices are ideal for building training plans for early-career staff or finding the right course to build upon structure valid or a seismic artifact? Are these
existing knowledge and experience. reflections real or multiples? How can I combine
structural and stratigraphic interpretations to
The first two courses in this section, Basic Geophysics – BGP and Seismic Interpretation – SI1, are two of our most develop a structural and depositional history?
How does seismic data acquisition and
popular and build the foundation of the discipline. For unconventional plays, be sure to check out Use of Full Azimuth
processing impact my interpretation? Will my
Seismic and Microseismic for Unconventional Plays – FAMS on page 17. Also, be sure to take a look at our new well encounter hazards such as abnormal
course, Advanced Practices in Exploration and Development of Unconventional Resources – EDUR, on pressure or shallow gas? The participant learns
page 16. to answer these and related questions by
gaining an understanding of the seismic system,
its limitations and pitfalls, and by interpreting 2D
The following instructors have been selected and approved by the PetroSkills Curriculum Network: and 3D seismic examples of structural and
M r . P eter B artok M s . N ancy H ouse D r . W alter L ynn D r . J ohn P igott stratigraphic features associated with actively
M r . B ob B rune M r . J ohn L ogel D r . K en M ahrer D r . T om T emples producing hydrocarbon areas.
M r . S atinder C hopra D r . H eloise L ynn D r . D avid M uerdter DESIGNED FO R
Geologists, geophysicists, and engineers who
want to use seismic data for petroleum
Reservoir, exploration and/or production. Familiarity with
Geology Geophysics Petrophysics Production geological terminology will be helpful.
and Drilling
• Understand the seismic process, interpret
3D Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization (Page 17) seismic sections, develop a geologic model,
and prepare maps
Applied Seismic • Relate the subsurface stratigraphy to well

Anisotropy for
Fractured Reservoir data
Characterization • Identify different structural styles from
(Page 17) Advanced Seismic Stratigraphy (Page 17)
seismic data
Use of Full Azimuth Seismic and Microseismic for Applied Rock • Create a basic stratigraphic framework using
Unconventional Plays (Page 17) Mechanics (Page 26) seismic stratigraphy

• Basics: geological controls on the
propagation, reflection, and refraction of

seismic waves
Advanced Practices in Exploration and Development of Unconventional Resources • Data acquisition and processing with
Basin Analysis
Workshop (Page 11) (Page 16) emphasis on its potential impact on
Prospect and Play AVO, Inversion, and Attributes: Principles Introduction to Seismic Stratigraphy Characterization • 2D and 3D interpretation techniques
Assessment (Page 13) and Applications (Page 16) (Page 16) (Page 33) • Seismic interpretation of different structural
styles: extensional, compressional, strike-slip,
inverted, salt, and gravity dominated basins
Adv Practices in Mapping Subsurface • Seismic velocities
Seismic Imaging of E&D of Unconven- Structures (Page 9)
Subsurface Geology tional Resources • Sequence stratigraphy and seismic facies
(Page 15) (Page 16) analysis
ArcGIS Coordinate • Acoustic impedance
Reference Systems
Seismic Velocities and Depth Conversion for Petroleum • DHI's
Well Log

(Page 16) (Page 50)

Interpretation • AVO
(Page 24)
Seismic Acquisition ArcGIS Essentials
Technology (Page 15) for Petroleum Production
(Page 50) Foundations of Technology for
Petrophysics Other Disciplines
Production Geology Seismic Positioning Seismic Geomatics: Geodesy (Page 23) (Page 38)
for Other Disciplines Data Management Interpretation and Cartography (Virtual/Blended (Virtual/Blended
(Page 10) (Page 50) (Page 14) option available) option available)
(Page 49)

Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources (Page 7)

Geology for Early
Career Geoscientists
and Engineers
(see website)

Basic Petroleum
Geology (Page 8)
(Virtual/Blended option Basic Drilling

coming soon) Technology (Page 18)

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
Geological and Geophysical Characterization of Heavy Oil Reservoirs (Page 9)
Basic Reservoir CALGARY, CAN 17-21 JUNE 2019 $4270+GST
Engineering (Page 29) HOUSTON, US 25-29 MAR 2019 $4325
Basic Geophysics (Page 15) (Virtual/Blended option available) KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 23-27 SEPT 2019 $5220
LONDON, UK 5-9 NOV 2018 $4890+VAT
Basic Petroleum Technology (Page 5) 18-22 NOV 2019 $5035+VAT
Basic Petroleum Technology Principles (Page 5) (Virtual/Blended course)

Basic Geophysics – BGP Seismic Acquisition Seismic Imaging of

Technology in a Subsurface Geology
Regulatory Era – SATR – SSD


This course is designed to familiarize anyone using seismic data with the nature of the Around the world, we are in an age of Basic seismic imaging principles and
data and what they specifically represent. One of the key goals of the course is to explain increasingly more stringent challenges for techniques are introduced at the outset of the
the large and confusing amount of jargon that is used by the geophysical community when seismic acquisition to meet regulatory class to establish the purpose, underlying
they use seismic data. The course is supplemented by a large number of case histories requirements. Meanwhile, the acquisition of principles, parameterization, and limitations of
that concretely illustrate the principles in the course material. These are updated with geophysical data has become increasingly more the various processing steps leading to final
every course presentation to keep up with the rapidly developing technology in this field. diverse, with a broad range of operational seismic images provided by current state-of-
Each section of the course is supported with a classroom exercise. The course participants practices and technologies utilized. Regulatory the-art imaging techniques. The course focuses
are given a thumb drive that contains the case histories, class exercises, and all of the and environmental issues are assuming a key on 3D seismic data. By the end of the course,
extensive PowerPoint animations used in the classroom. driving role in seismic source design, in source the participant will understand and appreciate
strength, in footprint/impact of surveys, and the many steps leading to final interpretable
other ways. To meet evolving requirements, images and will be able to recognize possible
creative new technologies and practices will be problems introduced or not mitigated by the
needed. There are a number of highlights in processing flow. Moreover, the participant will
Geoscientists, engineers, team leaders, geoscience technicians, asset managers, and understand how seismic acquisition and data
current seismic acquisition technology trends.
anyone involved in using seismic data that needs to understand and use this data at a processing steps affect seismic amplitudes to
basic level or to communicate with others that use it. This course provides the broad technical
background for these highlights, and for the assess their validity as input to various post-
creative design of surveys to proactively address imaging seismic attribute and inversion
regulatory and environmental requirements. processes.
Y OU W I L L L E A R N Participants are encouraged to bring along DESIGNED FOR
• How seismic data represent subsurface rock parameters including the relative structure, information and questions regarding any special Seismic interpreters, geophysicists, geologists,
lithology, and pore filling material or unusual surveys from their experience. and exploration team members who use
• How land and marine seismic data are acquired and processed to produce both two-
seismic data and need to understand the
and three-dimensional seismic images DES IGNED FOR
purpose and implications of the data acquisition
• The limits of vertical and horizontal resolution inherent in the seismic data Geophysicists who work in seismic acquisition, and processing steps that lead to the final
• How seismic data are used to measure reservoir parameters and how data guide seismic interpreters, seismic processors, seismic images and derivative attributes. Also,
reservoir development; this includes a detailed discussion of AVO and other seismic engineers with involvement/interest in seismic the course is appropriate to early-career
attributes surveys, and the full scope of E&P staff with processing geophysicists seeking a rigorous
• The various approaches to seismic imaging and how the velocity model relates to this interest in seismic acquisition and HSE issues. foundation of the principles of data processing
Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO and seismic imaging.
• How new technologies including seismic inversion have helped us define rock properties
including pore filling material, pore pressure, water saturation, and fracture orientation • Describe technology concepts behind the full YOU WILL LEARN H O W TO
• How to value developments such as time lapse seismic surveys for reservoir monitoring scope of different types of surveys acquired • Assess and determine data processing flows
purposes today for a variety of acquisition and reservoir
• Recognize the many interwoven technical and scenarios
operational factors in successfully designing • Determine the most cost-effective imaging
and executing surveys, with an emphasis on or migration technique given acquisition and
COUR S E C O N T E N T the diversity and limitations of technologies
• The nature of seismic data structural scenarios
used • Recognize various noises and how best to
• What is wave propagation • Understand commercial, regulatory, and
• What causes seismic reflections and how they relate to rock properties including pore mitigate them
environmental issues, allowing participants • Assess and appreciate the sensitivity of data
filling material to undertake an advocacy role in dealing with
• The wavelet in the seismic data and its limit of resolution processing parameters on final images
these increasingly more important issues • Estimate the vertical and lateral resolution of
• Seismic velocities as they relate to rock properties and the imaging process • Understand the many choices and risk
• The relationship between seismic velocities and pore pressure the processing and attribute products
factors that come into play while successfully • Understand and examine data acquisition and
• Pore pressure prediction acquiring data of optimal value for E&P
• Seismic data processing and seismic migration processing quality control displays
• Prestack, poststack, time and depth imaging COURS E CONTENT • Ask appropriate questions during data
• Direct hydrocarbon indicators and AVO Land sources, receivers, recording systems, processing steps
• Seismic inversion for rock and fluid properties survey design, noise, multicomponent, HSE, and • Communicate effectively with specialists in
• Seismic attributes permitting • Marine sources, streamers, seismic data acquisition, processing, and
• Time lapse reservoir monitoring (4D seismic surveys) recording, vessels, survey designs, HSE issues interpretation
• Recent developments in seismic acquisition, processing, and interpretation • Transition zone and ocean bottom seismic • • Appreciate and evaluate the trade-offs
Ancillary topics such as navigation, geodesy, between costs, turn-around time, and
mapping, data storage, selected wave sophistication of processing and imaging
BGP is also available as a self-paced, virtual course propagation topics • Specialty surveys such as steps
which is an enhanced version high-resolution site surveys, micro-seismic, 4D, COURSE CONTE N T
downhole seismic, and permanent reservoir
of the face-to-face public session. monitoring • Commercial, regulatory, and
Review of basics of reflection seismology: wave
propagation and seismic amplitudes • Seismic
environmental issues imaging techniques and principles • Overview
2 3 AP R - 1 9 J U N 2 0 1 9 $3900
of 3D seismic data acquisition and quality
18 JUN - 14 AUG 2019 $3900 control • Improving seismic resolution:
1 0 SE P - 6 N OV 2 0 1 9 $3900 deconvolution, inverse-Q filtering, and spectral
whitening • Velocity estimation, velocity field
PETROSK ILLS.C OM / BLE N DE D- BGP building, and velocity uncertainty implications •
Near-surface problems and solutions: seismic
datums and statics corrections • Noise
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) identification and suppression: coherent noises,
DENVER, US 11-15 MAR 2019 $4220
multiples, linear noises, and incoherent noises •
HOUSTON, US 26-30 NOV 2018 $4140 Advanced seismic imaging techniques: pre-
22-26 APR 2019 $4225 stack time and pre-stack depth migration •
29 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $4225 Migration velocity analysis techniques
18-22 NOV 2019 $4225
LONDON, UK 22-26 OCT 2018 $4790+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
8-12 JULY 2019 $4935+VAT See website for dates and locations. HOUSTON, US 4-8 MAR 2019 $4325

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Advanced Practices Introduction to Seismic
Seismic Velocities and in Exploration and AVO, Inversion, and
Stratigraphy: A Basin
Depth Conversion – SVDC Development of Attributes: Principles
Unconventional Resources Scale Regional Exploration
and Applications – AVO Workshop – ISS
This course will teach you how to use velocity NEW The subject of direct hydrocarbon indicators and One of the most revolutionary, most effective,
information and structural inputs to build a In this course, participants will learn and AVO has rapidly expanded to include AVO yet most under-utilized tools introduced into
consistent velocity model and/or calibrate ones practice the techniques used by various inversion, offset AVO inversion, and 4D AVO exploration this century is that of seismic
that have been created during seismic data disciplines to evaluate unconventional inversion. A significant part of the course deals stratigraphy. It is not a tool exclusive to
processing. This class is designed for the resources. The objective is to understand the with rock physics as it relates to the other topics geophysicists, nor is it a tool only for geologists.
interpreter so that he or she understands the significance and limits of the various tools in in the course. Further insight into the seismic Seismic stratigraphic techniques are based
theory and practice of how to estimate depths order to optimize integration, improve data is supplied by looking at seismic attributes. upon an integration of firm, well-established
from older time-migrated data, as well as how communication, and allow for greater efficiency The technology has provided the interpreter with geological and geophysical fundamentals. When
to quality control (QC) and calibrate newer in follow-up projects. In addition to covering the a very new and exciting package of tools that properly applied, seismic stratigraphy provides a
PSDM data. Also covered in this class are when techniques, many of the exercises and problems allow us to look at the seismic image as being powerful foundation for geohistory analysis,
to reprocess the data and how to communicate use data from active producing unconventional truly representative of both the rock properties helping describe a basin's evolution and the
with the processor in order to produce the best basins. Several spreadsheets are provided to and the pore filling material. This course is resulting effects upon its spatial and temporal
velocity model and depth image. allow for quick look reviews. intended to provide the users with a clear and variation in hydrocarbon potential. Seismic
useable understanding of the current state of stratigraphy chronostratigraphically constrains
D E S IG NE D F O R DESI GN ED FOR these technologies. The focus of the course is both the sedimentological and fault-mechanical
Early-career geoscientists and engineers, Geoscientists, engineers, and managers who on both understanding and application. stratigraphy of a basin. Furthermore, it can
especially seismic interpreters, and anyone who need an enhanced understanding of Exercises: Each topic in the course outline is provide a predictive model extrapolated beyond
needs to understand the basic theory and assessment techniques for unconventional reinforced by an exercise that gives the the borehole as to aspects of the quality of
procedures for creating velocity models and resources and how to integrate them. participants many practical and simple methods potential reservoirs and seals, their sedimentary
converting seismic data from time to depth. This of integrating the course material into their environments of deposition, and in some cases,
is a foundation level course. It is neither YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO everyday work. even their paragenesis. In this rigorous
designed nor paced for the experienced velocity • How to use engineering and geoscience workshop, participants pragmatically apply the
modeler or processor. methods to analyze unconventional well data DESIGNED FOR seismic stratigraphic method to optimizing their
• To reduce risk by understanding the strengths Geophysicists, geologists, explorationists, exploration efforts by working in teams on
YOU W IL L L E A R N H O W TO and limitations of various assessment tools seismic interpreters, technical support
• How to effectively collect and integrate data projects selected from diverse settings around
• Understand the various types of velocities, personnel, seismic data processors, exploration,
their calculation, and the validity of their from multiple sources the world. Areas for the projects include
production, and acquisition managers who need borehole-constrained seismic data drawn from
interpolation and extrapolation • The essential functions of each key discipline
a clear understanding of the details of such regions as the Alaska North Slope, Gulf of
• Compare, quality control, smooth, and in order to become a valuable member
of the integrated team, contributing and implementation and application of this Mexico, Red Sea, Southeast Asia, South
combine the various velocity types into an
integrated velocity model communicating effectively technology. America, and Western Africa.        
• Validate model quality by examining the YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
changes in velocity needed to tie the seismic C OU RSE C ON T EN T DES IGNED FOR
Introduction to shale classification, mineralogy, • Clearly understand how hydrocarbons affect Geophysicists, geologists, explorationists, and
• Use the model to convert horizons, faults, and
seismic data from time to depth physical and chemical attributes • Determining the seismic image managers who are interested in an introduction
• Understand at an introductory level, how porosity, permeability, and water saturation in • Use direct hydrocarbon indicators and AVO in or review of the theory and application of
velocity models are used for other studies unconventional reservoirs • Biostratigraphy, the assessment of projects contemporary seismic stratigraphic techniques
such as forward modeling and pore-pressure sequence stratigraphy, and anoxia in • Understand the limits of seismic resolution to exploration.
prediction unconventional reservoirs • Petrophysical and • Integrate these technologies into an
geophysical techniques in unconventional interpretation project Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
COUR S E C O N T E N T reservoirs; rock physics and brittleness • • Better understand the nature of the seismic • Apply geophysical fundamentals to
Velocity: definition and comparison of the many Geochemistry, kerogen typing, thermal effects, image as it relates to hydrocarbons uncovering the geological information
types of velocity including average, interval, RMS, and reserve estimation • Physical parameters • Utilize the information available in the embedded within seismic
stacking, migration, P-wave, and S-wave • affecting unconventional resources: capillary literature from experts in this rapidly • Understand the premises behind the Vail
Velocity Inputs: accuracy and regional extent of properties, pressure, seal capacity, etc. • Using developing part of seismic imaging seismic sequence paradigm
each, including check shots, VSPs, sonic logs, global and regional stress maps • Application of • Construct and interpret chronostratigraphic
time/depth functions, well picks and pseudo the Mohr circle • Determination of frac gradients COURSE CONTENT charts, sea level curves, and seismic facies
velocities, seismic velocities, and horizons for Seismic fundamentals as they relate to defining maps
• Leak-Off Test (Minifrac) and microseismic •
structural control • Synthetic Seismograms: the appearance of hydrocarbons in the data •
Water disposal and aquifer contamination • • Interpret clastic and carbonate depositional
creation, upscaling, and tie to seismic data. An inventory of direct hydrocarbon indicators,
Advanced synthetics including synthetic gather Economic evaluation of unconventional reservoirs system responses to allocyclic and autocyclic
• Volumetric assessment considering free and including AVO • Risk rating prospects that processes and the effects upon reservoir
creation, Zoeppritz equations, AVA, and AVO • display AVO anomalies • Understanding rock
Matching Synthetics to Seismic: calibrating the adsorbed gas • Risk assessment, common risk architecture and seal potential
segment (CRS) analysis properties and the effect of pore filling material • Systematically reconstruct a basin's
seismic data to the well data • Seismic Velocities:
semblance analysis, velocity picking, multiples, • AVO and how it relates to the typical geohistory which provides the critical
and how seismic velocities differ from well production zones around the world with various foundation for its petroleum system analysis
velocities • Migration and Migration Velocities: ages and depths of burial • Various methods of and effective exploration
introduction to pre- and post-stack algorithms, displaying AVO effects in the seismic data •
tomography, and iterative velocity analysis • Acquisition and processing considerations to COURS E CONTE N T
Velocity Model Building: workflows to integrate display hydrocarbons as a pore filling material • Introduction: philosophy and history •
stacking velocities, time/depth curves, well picks Various approaches to seismic modeling and Geophysical fundamentals • Breaking out
associated with seismic horizons (pseudo- fluid replacement • Rock properties and pore operational sequences • Introduction to fault
velocities), and structure from horizons • filling material from seismic inversion • Spectral interpretation • Chronostratigraphy construction
Time-to-Depth Conversions: vertical stretch, decomposition and seismic attributes as other and interpretation • Sea level curves,
inverse raytracing, migration, and uncertainty • ways of extracting reservoir information from accommodation space, and cycle orders • Vail
Introduction to Advanced Topics: anisotropy, pore- the seismic image • Methods of combining sequence theory and sequence hierarchy •
pressure prediction, geostatistics, and forward attributes as they relate to prospectivity Carbonate sequences • Siliciclastic sequences
modeling • Seismic facies • Paleo-environmental analysis
• Geohistory reconstruction • Optimizing
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
DUBAI, UAE 9-13 DEC 2018 $5340+VAT
22-26 SEPT 2019 $5445+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 6-10 MAY 2019 $4325 DUBAI, UAE 9-13 DEC 2018 $5440+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 22-26 OCT 2018 $5070 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 8-12 DEC 2019 $5545+VAT HOUSTON, US 24-28 SEPT 2018 $4390
18-22 NOV 2019 $5220 DENVER, US 22-26 APR 2019 $4420 HOUSTON, US 29 APR-3 MAY 2019 $4425 21-25 OCT 2019 $4525
LONDON, UK 3-7 SEPT 2018 $4890+VAT HOUSTON, US 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $4340 LONDON, UK 15-19 JULY 2019 $5135+VAT KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 29 JUL - 2 AUG 2019 $5420
* plus computer charge 21-25 OCT 2019 $4425 * plus computer charge LONDON, UK 24-28 JUNE 2019 $5235+VAT

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Advanced Seismic Applied Seismic Use of Full Azimuth
3D Seismic Attributes Stratigraphy: A Sequence
Anisotropy for Seismic and Microseismic
for Reservoir – Wavelet Analysis
Exploration – Exploitation Fractured Reservoir for Unconventional Plays
Characterization – SARC – FAMS
Workshop – ADS Characterization – ASAF
The primary objective of this course is to gain Seismic stratigraphy is a powerful tool for This course is designed to enable you to For surface seismic, participants will learn to
an intuitive understanding of the kinds of exploration and exploitation. The methods used perform professional geophysical work to evaluate azimuthal seismic in fractured
seismic features that can be identified by 3D in this workshop do not rely upon either evaluate fractured reservoirs and/or reservoirs reservoirs or resource intervals needing hydro-
seismic attributes, the sensitivity of seismic cosmetic processing or interpretation as an art; that require hydrofracturing to produce. The fracturing. The course presents reflection
attributes to seismic acquisition and processing, instead, practical methods of seismic emphasis of the lectures is steered to the seismic and microseismic acquisition-design,
and how independent seismic attributes are stratigraphy are employed as a science, based participants' work assignments. Field data case processing, interpretation, and integrating
coupled through geology. We will also discuss upon firm, tested principles that are applied to a histories and laboratory data illustrate the support data narrow-azimuth seismic, well logs,
alternative workflows using seismic attributes spectrum of tectonic structural styles and principles and practices of calibrating azimuthal production tests, VSPs, and core work. For
for reservoir characterization as implemented by depositional environments. Participants learn travel times and azimuthal prestack amplitudes microseismic, participants will learn the
modern commercial software and practiced by how to make seismic modeling-interpretation against independent measurements of in-situ strengths, weaknesses, limitations, and benefits
interpretation service companies. Participant judgments as a basis for seismic-facies and horizontal stresses, and natural fractures that of microseismic imaging of hydraulic fractures.
discussion centered around case studies, reflection character analysis. Case studies for flow fluids. The course covers acquisition design
attribute recipes for particular objectives, exploration and development incorporate 2D and Q/C, azimuthal processing, interpretation, DES IGNED FOR
reservoir workflows and seismic attribute and 3D seismic data with well data selected and modeling to test different interpretations. For surface seismic, experienced geoscientists
jeopardy exercises will be the main focus of the from around the world. Each participant should The skills that you will learn also involve working seismic to evaluate unconventional
course. bring a hand-held calculator to class. integrating the support data - well logs, resources, and/or fractured reservoirs that
production testing, VSP, core work - with your require hydraulic stimulation. For microseismic,
DES IG NE D F O R DESI GN ED FOR all professionals using microseismicity to plan,
Geophysicists, geologists, and explorationists reflection seismic data. This includes identifying
Seismic interpreters, processors, stratigraphers monitor, evaluate, and diagnose stimulations will
who have completed the PetroSkills course, the effects of the two types of seismic
and structural geologists, reservoir engineers, find this course useful.
Introduction to Seismic Stratigraphy: An anisotropy on seismic data. You will learn how to
and students of geophysics.
Exploration Workshop: A Basin Scale Regional employ anisotropy to accomplish your reservoir-
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO Workshop, or have comparable training and related goals. Seismic anisotropy is everywhere
• Specify what geologic and/or engineering
• Use attributes to enhance subtle faults and desire a challenging workshop, which will in the layered sedimentary rocks, but in the
questions need to be asked about your
folds, as lithologic indicators, and quality improve exploration and development skills. past, geophysicists have often ignored it,
reservoir and your play
control the choice of processing parameters sometimes because they didn't collect the data
• Specify the geophysical data that need to
• Evaluate and exploit attribute expressions that reveal its presence, and other times
• Evaluate rock-fluid information from wavelet be acquired; design acquisition; specify the
for different depositional environments to because they didn't understand the benefits
analysis (frequency, velocity, Q. seismic processing sequence
better characterize reservoirs by adopting that properly recorded and processed
attributes, and AVO) • Interpret the final processed data and test
appropriate workflows and multi-attribute anisotropic data provide. The class is usually
• Understand the strengths and weaknesses of different interpretations
tools designed as lectures in the morning, with field-
geovalidation using and misusing synthetics, • Identify the support data required for the
• Identify geological features highlighted by data analysis in the afternoons. If the course is
seismic inversion, and VSP successful fracture and in-situ horizontal
attributes, limitations to seismic processing taught as an in-house course, with your own
• Determine fault mechanical stratigraphy stress characterization
through attributes that may result in smeared properly acquired and properly processed 3D
through proper interpretation of fault imaging • Extract engineering benefits and meaning
attribute images from multi-azimuth and data, then software applications useful for
• Understand the differences, weaknesses, and from microseismic data
multi-offset data, limits of attribute analysis fractured reservoir analysis will be used during
strengths of both the Vail with the Galloway • Appraise the utilities, capabilities, and
on data that have been poorly imaged and the class.
sequence paradigms and when to optimally limitations of microseismic imaging
good and bad color display practices employ them DESIGNED FOR • Develop insights and fundamental questions
• Develop sea level curves from Working, interpretation geophysicists and other for microseismic projects
micropaleontology geoscientists assigned to evaluate fractured • Identify the support data needed to give a
Types of attributes • Impact of seismic data
• Construct detailed seismic facies maps and reservoirs or reservoirs requiring hydro- complete picture of the results
quality on seismic attributes • Methods for understand their relationship to Walter's law fracturing to produce. • Weigh field deployment options
preconditioning of seismic data • Introduction of • Classify deltas based upon their seismic • Assess stimulation designs
various algorithms for attribute computation, characteristics YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
their limitations and performance strengths • • Differentiate basin floor fan facies and • Ask necessary geotechnical questions COURS E CONTE N T
Attribute expression of structure and parasequence sets about your reservoir and play; identify the Fundamentals of reflection seismology; seismic
stratigraphy in terms of tectonics and diapirism, • Interpret clastic and carbonate depositional geophysical data needed to answer those anisotropy - its causes and uses • Issues,
clastic and carbonate depositional systems and system responses to allocyclic and autocyclic questions; design acquisition and processing goals, and pitfalls in seismic full-azimuth
geologic hazards • Multi-attribute analysis tools processes and the effects upon reservoir procedures; quality-check during processing; acquisition • Seismic data processing -
• Reservoir characterization workflows • architecture and seal potential interpret the final processed data; model nonazimuthal and azimuthal • Interpretation of
Physical demonstration of attributes on real • Optimally interpret parasequence set fairways different interpretations. azimuthal interval velocities and azimuthal
seismic data for exploration • Identify the support data required for amplitudes for in-situ stress and natural
• Geophysically characterize reservoirs for successful fracture / in-situ stress analysis. fractures; evaluation • Fundamentals of seismic
optimizing development Recognize seismic anisotropy, its causes, modeling for anisotropy, especially common
and what happens to projects that ignore assumptions in different modeling packages •
C OU RSE C ON T EN T Microseismic: opening statements and
ubiquitous anisotropy. Identify the two types
Review of philosophy and epistemology • discussion, historical background, Yeoman
of seismic anisotropy, and how each appears
Application of geophysical fundamentals (wave science 101 • Hydraulic fracture technology, in-
in seismic data.
theory, attributes, frequency substitution, and situ and other studies of hydraulic fracture
• Use anisotropy for your benefit. Classic
coherency) • Amplitude variation with offset geometries • Earthquake seismology and
(lithologies, fluids, gases, porosities, and analysis of azimuthal anisotropy requires
seismic reflectors, that is, your reservoir must hydraulic-fracture-induced microseismology •
pressures) • Fault mechanical stratigraphy •
be within a sedimentary rock sequence. If The means and the methods of microseismic
Vail and Galloway sequence theory and
your reservoir is in fractured basement rocks, imaging • Examples I: results - the dots •
application • High resolution sea level curve
you will learn practical techniques to evaluate Examples II: interpretation and integration •
generation from micropaleo • Shallow and deep
the reservoir and guide the drilling program. Pitfalls, benefits, FAQs • Wrap-up discussion
water siliciclastic sequences • Seismic facies
and paleo-environmental analysis • Reservoir • Bring your properly acquired and recorded
scale geophysics using the wavelet • Imaging dataset(s) - they could demonstrate the
hydrocarbons • Geohistory reconstruction • principals of the morning lectures.
Optimizing exploration and development COURSE CONTENT
Fundamentals seismology • and more...
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 5-9 AUG 2019 $4525 HOUSTON, US 1-5 OCT 2018 $4600
LONDON, UK 1-5 OCT 2018 $5140+VAT 28 OCT-1 NOV 2019 $4690 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
30 SEP-4 OCT 2019 $5235+VAT LONDON, UK 1-5 JULY 2019 $5400+VAT HOUSTON, US 8-12 APR 2019 $4525 HOUSTON, US 24-28 JUNE 2019 $4525

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Well Construction / Basic Drilling
Drilling Technology – BDT

Course Progression Matrix BASIC 5-Day

The Course Progression Matrix below shows how the Well Construction/Drilling courses in this section are structured within each topic, from This course addresses the technology used to
Basic to Specialized. On either side of the Well Construction/Drilling section, you will see courses in associated disciplines for cross-training. drill wells from a fundamental view point.
Equipment and procedures involved with drilling
The first two courses in this section are two of our most popular and build the foundation of the discipline. Basic Drilling Technology oil and gas wells are described for those who
– BDT provides a basic overview of the drilling process, while Well Design and Engineering – WDE on page 19 integrates all are interested regardless of academic
background. The overall drilling process is
major well design technologies. If you need to build a foundation around directional and horizontal wells, be sure to see Directional,
presented along with definitions and
Horizontal, and Multilateral Drilling – DHD on page 21. Also, be sure to check out our exciting deepwater course Deepwater descriptions of drilling equipment. This provides
Well Engineering - DWE on page 21. the vocabulary to understand the drilling
process. The various components and
The following instructors have been selected and approved by the PetroSkills Curriculum Network: procedures are discussed in greater detail with
explanations of the basic science concepts
Mr. Peter Aird Mr. Richard Carden Mr. Steve McKeever Dr. Don Schmidt Mr. Larry Wolfson which guide these processes. Subjects include
Mr. George Armistead Mr. Kevin Cuyler Mr. Steve Metcalf Dr. Subhash Shah Mr. Dick Wright descriptions of drill bits, directional drilling,
Mr. James Bobo Mr. Mark Hackler Mr. Hector Moreno Mr. Marc Summers drilling fluids, solids control, cementing, casing,
Mr. Jerry Calvert Mr. Aaron Klein Dr. Leon Robinson Mr. Bob Westermark well bore stability, well control, measurement-
Production and Petroleum Business while-drilling techniques, stuck pipe, lost
G&G Petrophysics Health, Safety,
/ Reservoir Well Construction / Drilling and Professional
Environment circulation, and well bore hydraulics. Some
Engineering Development
technology enhancements are included to
all participants, with or without a science
Horizontal and background. A discussion of clay mineralogy

Multilateral helps understand well bore instability and

Applied Rock Completions and drilling fluids. A discussion of pressure and
Mechanics Stimulation pressure effects helps explain many of the
(Page 26) (Page 45) Solids Control Systems (Page 23) procedures and problems associated with
drilling wells. Rocks behave differently under
pressure and understanding this behavior helps
Drill String Design and Optimization (Page 22) in understanding drilling performance. Some
Cementing Practices - Cementing II discussions of drilling include mathematical
(Page 21) explanations for those involved with the
engineering aspects of drilling operations;
Managing Wellsite Operations (Page 22)

however, the concepts and intent of these

Practical Drilling Skills (Page 22) mathematical equations will be explained in
Petroleum simple terms. After all various components and
Directional, Horizontal, and Project procedures are discussed, the information
Multilateral Drilling (Page 22) Management: contained in morning reports is explained and
Formation Principles and
Damage Casing Design Workshop Practices used as a summary of the course content.
(Page 43) (Page 20) (Virtual/Blended course) (Page 56)
Deepwater Well Engineering (Page 21)
Petroleum and production engineers, completion
engineers, geoscientists, managers, technical
Production supervisors, service and support personnel, entry
Technology level drilling engineers, drilling operations
for Other Well Design and personnel, drilling office support staff.
Disciplines Engineering Stuck Pipe Prevention - Train
(Page 38) (Page 19) Wreck Avoidancetm (Page 21)
(Also available as a Y OU WILL LEARN
Virtual/Blended course)
Fundamentals of Casing Design • About drilling equipment and how it is used

Foundations of (Page 20) Applied • Drilling terminology and abbreviations

Completions and
Workovers Petrophysics Environmental • Keys to planning a successful well
(Page 37) (Page 23) Primary Cementing - Cementing i Management • Common drilling problems and avoiding them
(Also available as a (Also available as a (Page 21) (Page 47)
Virtual/Blended course) • How to read a morning report
Virtual/Blended course) Petroleum
Drilling Fluids Technology (Page 19) Risk and Applied HSE • Technology behind info in a morning report
Production Evaluating and Developing Shale Decision Analysis Management
Operations i Resources (Page 7) Drilling Practices (Page 19) (Page 52) (Page 47) COURS E CONTE N T
(Page 37) Drilling process and equipment • The language
(Also available as a Mudlogging Offshore Drilling Operations (Page 20) Team Leadership Applied Safety of drillers - understanding their terminology •
Virtual/Blended course) (Page 24) (Page 58) (Page 47)
Understanding the abbreviations and acronyms
associated with drilling • Rig equipment and types
• Types of drill bits • MWD • Drill strings • Drilled
Technical Writing solids management • Mud tank arrangements •
Skills (Page 58) Drilling fluid properties • Well control • Cementing
Basic Petroleum
Geology (Page 8) Casing and • Casing design • Hole problems (stuck pipe, lost
(Virtual/Blended Cementing Essential circulation) • Well control • Directional drilling
option coming soon) (Page 19)
Skills for operations and tools • Safety
Basic Reservoir Basic Drilling, Completion and Workover Operations (Page 6) Professionals

Engineering (Page 57) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

(Page 29) Basics of
Basic Drilling Technology (Page 18) HOUSTON, US † 26-30 NOV 2018 $4315
Introduction to Environmental 22-26 APR 2019 $4500
Basic Petroleum Engineering Practices (Page 6) Data Management Management 15-19 JULY 2019 $4500
(Page 49) (See Website)
16-20 DEC 2019 $4500
Basic Petroleum Technology (Page 5) Basics of HSE LONDON, UK 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4790+VAT
Basic Petroleum 16-20 SEPT 2019 $5035+VAT
Economics Management
Basic Petroleum Technology Principles (Page 5) (Virtual/Blended course) (Page 51) (Page 46) † includes field trip

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.

Casing and Cementing Well Design and Drilling Fluids Drilling Practices – DP
– CAC Engineering – WDE Technology – DFT


This course builds a firm foundation in the Well Design and Engineering integrates all LAB VISIT The two-week course is designed for engineers
principles and practices of designing, planning major well design technologies from pre-spud and field personnel involved in the planning and
This course is designed for engineers and field
and conducting successful casing and cement to TD. Participants are actively engaged in every implementation of drilling programs. The
personnel involved in the planning and
jobs. The course uses a process-based aspect of the technical activities required to seminar covers all aspects of drilling technology,
implementation of drilling programs. The
perspective that takes participants from initial deliver a cost-effective well plan while also emphasizing both theory and practical
seminar covers all aspects of drilling fluids
casing depth and size selection, casing and liner gaining valuable perspective on how the overall application. Drilling is a complex operation
technology, emphasizing both theory and
design procedures, casing running practices, process should be managed in a dynamic team requiring the marriage of different technologies
practical application. Hands-on laboratory
and planning and executing primary cementing environment. The workshop content is often and disciplines. Today's drilling personnel must
exercises are included in the five-day Houston
through remedial cementing and plugging customized to address technologies and have a working knowledge of all these
sessions. Drilling is a complex operation
operations. In addition to the necessary practices that may be specific to a project or disciplines in order to effectively drill a well. The
requiring the marriage of different technologies
technical information and procedures, the operational situation. The single most important course provides all the fundamentals necessary
and disciplines. Today's drilling personnel must
course is laced with considerable practical, goal of the workshop is to draw the linkages to drill a well whether it is a shallow well or a
have a working knowledge of drilling fluid in
experience-based content. Participants will be between the design topics and to leave the complex, high pressure well. Computer
order to effectively drill a well. The course
furnished Dr. Byrom's textbook, "Casing and participants with an understanding that each programs are used to design many aspects of
provides the fundamentals necessary to drill a
Liners for Drilling and Completion," and decision has influence on those that follow. the modern well and the course will provide the
well, whether it is a shallow well or a complex,
computer spreadsheets to facilitate routine Intensity mounts as the course progresses and participants with the theory behind most
high pressure well. This course is valuable for
calculations. each design topic builds on those that came programs along with practical implementation.
anyone who needs to understand the
before. Design iterations are commonly Participants are required to bring a scientific
DES IG NE D F O R fundamental aspects of drilling fluids.
required, and seemingly unrelated decisions calculator. For in-house courses, the instructors
Personnel responsible for planning, overseeing, push the teams into situations of uncomfortable DES IGNED FOR of this course will accept examples from your
and conducting casing and cementing operational risk. On the last day, each team Drilling supervisors, drilling engineers, tool company for analysis in the class as one of the
operations; operator and service personnel. presents their completed design before the pushers, managers, and technical support demonstration exercises. Please contact
class and an invited panel of industry personnel involved with drilling operations. PetroSkills Training for a list of the information
professionals. A scientific calculator is required and support data required, as well as the
• Selection of casing sizes and setting depths and a laptop computer is strongly Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO necessary lead-time.
to achieve well objectives recommended. • Use clays and polymers to achieve desired
• Determination of casing loads for design mud properties DES IGNED FOR
purposes DESI GN ED FOR • Apply water chemistry to the treatment of Drilling supervisors, drilling engineers,
• To design casing properties to meet burst, Drilling engineers, completion engineers, and drilling fluids toolpushers, managers and technical support
collapse, and tensile strength requirements drilling supervisors involved with drilling • Perform complete water-based fluid as personnel.
• To conduct casing running operations safely operations and well planning. well as non-aqueous fluid tests using API
and successfully Recommended Practice 13B/ISO 10414-1*
• Specification of cement slurry properties and YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO • Review drilling data and plan the well
• Evaluate and apply the results of an API
volumes to meet well objectives • Understand the responsibilities of a well • Incorporate completion plans into the drilling
drilling fluids report to maximize drilling
• Determination of best procedures for planner as a designer and project manager plan
operations and minimize non-productive time
attaining successful primary cementing • Review offset analysis and data gathering • Drill a well cost effectively and maximize
• Identify critical drilling fluid contaminants and
• To conduct stage jobs, squeeze jobs, and set • Understand the influence of completion penetration rate
prescribe corrective treatments for effective
cement plugs design and production requirements on well • Evaluate stuck pipe problems and avoid
drilling fluid management
design potential problems
C OUR S E C O N T E N T • Calculate the chloride concentration of the
• Identify trajectory design issues and their • Evaluate and maintain drilling fluids
Selecting casing and hole sizes • Setting depths drilling fluid in order to maintain wellbore
influence on torque and drag, wellbore • Optimize hole cleaning
• Casing loads • Selecting casing and stability
stability, and future intervention • Design casing, drill string and BOP/wellheads
connections • Casing stress calculations • • Select non-aqueous fluids to meet drilling
• Develop specific casing design skills including • Evaluate and implement cementing programs
Cement and cement additives • Selecting requirements and environmental concerns
casing point selection; design load case • Design and implement bit and hydraulics
appropriate slurries • Mud removal and cement • Manage non-aqueous drilling fluid systems
development; burst, collapse and tension programs
placement • Stage cementing, squeezes, and • Minimize formation damage to optimize well
calculations; controlling load and safety factor • Incorporate directional drilling and deviation
plugs • Preventing gas migration • Cementing producibility
determination and select appropriate size, control
calculations • Cementing equipment • Well • Evaluate options for drilling fluid waste
weight and grade • Recognize and evaluate well control problems
head equipment management
• Perform cement slurry and displacement
volume calculations COURS E CONTE N T
• Complete drill string and BHA designs and Planning including requirements for the
Composition and properties of water-based
failure prevention assessment for each completion and testing, AFE preparation • HSE
drilling fluids • Analysis of API water-base mud
hole section, and review for directional well at the rig site • Cost control, evaluating
and non-aqueous drilling fluid report •
applications alternative drilling methods and maximizing
Identification and treatment of drilling fluid
• Understand different bit types and penetration rate • Hole cleaning, sloughing
contaminants • Composition and properties of
applications, and perform calculations to shale, lost circulation, stuck pipe and fishing
water-based and non-aqueous drilling fluid
support bit run economics operations • Drilling fluids • Lifting capacity of
systems • Selection of water phase salinity for
• Optimize hydraulics for each hole interval drilling fluids, pressure losses in the circulating
borehole stability • API water-based and non-
based upon wellbore, fluids and drill string system and ECD • Maximizing hydraulics in the
aqueous drilling mud tests* • Adjustment of
configurations planning phase and at the rig • Bit selection
non-aqueous drilling fluid properties •
• Compile risks to well delivery, and develop and application • Casing and drill string design,
Managing invert emulsion fluid systems: rig
mitigations and contingency plans selection of casing seats, BOP equipment •
preparation and displacement • Non-aqueous
• Develop minimum rig capability specifications Cement, cement additives and displacement
drilling fluids designed for environmental
to deliver well requirements mechanics • Deviation control, directional
• Present and defend a well plan to drilling and horizontal drilling • Pressure control,
management *Based on laboratory availability routine and special problems • Project post
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
ABERDEEN, UK † 12-16 NOV 2018 $5140+VAT
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 11-15 NOV 2019 $5285+VAT
DUBAI, UAE 25 AUG-5 SEPT 2019 $9990+VAT DENVER, US 8-12 APR 2019 $4320
HOUSTON, US 5-16 NOV 2018 $7970 DUBAI, UAE 14-18 JULY 2019 $5445+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
4-15 NOV 2019 $8325 HOUSTON, US † 15-19 OCT 2018 $4415 CALGARY, CAN 27 MAY-7 JUNE 2019 $7475+GST
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 17-28 JUNE 2019 $9990 21-25 OCT 2019 $4500 DUBAI, UAE 9-20 DEC 2018 $9370+VAT
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) LONDON, UK 15-26 OCT 2018 $9210+VAT LONDON, UK 3-7 JUNE 2019 $5035+VAT 8-19 DEC 2019 $9530+VAT
HOUSTON, US 29 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $4225 7-18 OCT 2019 $9690+VAT † includes lab visit HOUSTON, US 12-23 AUG 2019 $7570

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Fundamentals of Casing Offshore Drilling
Design – FCD Operations – ODO
Casing Design Workshop – CDW
Casing design is an integral part of a drilling This course is designed to familiarize personnel
engineer's work scope. This course provides a with unique aspects of offshore operations,
comprehensive overview of the design process, structures, and vessels, and how drilling rigs

emphasizing the working stress approach interact with them over the life of an asset. All
currently used in the industry. On completion of styles of rigs are analyzed, including bottom-
this course, successful participants will be able BLENDED LEA RNING supported and floating, mobile and fixed.
to select casing points, identify tubular C OU RSE DESC RI PTION Advantages and disadvantages of specific rig
requirements and loads, and design and specify applications are considered when clarifying
the required casing string. Through a selection criteria, especially HSE performance,
combination of lecture and extensive hands-on
INTERMEDIATE - Virtual Instructor-led Training
technical capabilities, and full-cycle efficiency.
examples, the fundamentals of casing design Casing design is an integral part of a drilling
- Online Learning Activity/Reading
are imparted to the attendees. Estimation of engineer's work scope. This workshop provides - Exercise(s) DESIGNED FOR
standard and special loads is covered in detail. a comprehensive overview of the design Operator staff including engineering,
Standard theories of strength and failure are process, emphasizing the working stress Hours geoscience, operations supervision and
discussed as well as advanced considerations Week Subject technical support, and HSE, drilling contractor
approach currently used in the industry. Upon (Approx)
for combined loads. In addition, safe handling, completion, participants will be able to select rig crew and technical support personnel, and
running, and hanging practices are covered. casing points, identify tubular requirements, 1 1 Opening Session: Overview service company and logistics support
Participants will be furnished Dr. Byrom's loads, and present a design which incorporates personnel.
textbook, 'Casing and Liners for Drilling and life cycle considerations. Estimation of
2.5 Introduction to Casing Design YOU WILL LEARN H O W TO
Completion,' and computer spreadsheets to standard and special loads is covered in detail. • Identify differences between onshore and
facilitate routine design calculations. Standard theories of strength and failure are offshore operations
discussed as well as advanced considerations 2 3 Select Casing Depth and Sizes • Clarify HSE and other risks associated with
for combined loads. Topics related to safe offshore operations (helicopter operations,
Drilling engineers, service personnel involved in
handling, running and hanging practices will boat operations, crane and deck operations,
developing well plans, and managers interested 0.5 Select Casing Depth and Sizes
additionally be covered. simultaneous operations, emergency
in learning about the well design process.
DESI GN ED F OR response)
Engineers, site supervisors, and technical 3 Calculate Collapse and Burst • Identify offshore structures commonly used
• Select casing setting depths based on pore Loads in the oil and gas industry and their typical
managers responsible for casing design and/or
and fracture pressure data as well as other applications (bottom-supported or floating,
review of the casing design for the full life
criteria fixed or mobile, moored or dynamically
cycle of the well. Participants should have at 1 Calculate Collapse and Burst
• Determine casing and bit sizes, and positioned, single use and multi-use
least one year of drilling-related experience
alternatives for contingencies and special Loads structures)
AND be in a role that requires that they
clearance situations • Identify various styles and designs of marine
perform a detailed casing design.
• Identify and define load cases to meet risers, subsea and surface BOPs, wellheads
specific design requirements 3 Casing Load Determination
YOU WI L L L EARN H O W TO and trees
• Apply standardized design factors to meet • Incorporate well objectives and offset data • Determine differences between various rig
specific design requirements and identify to assure wellbore integrity through its life 3 3 Make Preliminary Casing types and how they interact with offshore
the controlling design load for each string cycle Selection, Adjust for Axial Loads structures over the life of an asset (platform
in the well • Incorporate risk mitigation strategies into rigs, barge rig, jackup rig, semi-submersible,
• Use and understand casing and connection well design drillship)
specifications and select casing to satisfy the • Apply alternative design approach to 1 Make Preliminary Casing • Identify operational effectiveness differences
controlling design requirements address unanticipated torque/drag forces, Selection, Adjust for Axial Loads between various configurations of rig
• Understand the limits of single load etc. equipment, especially multiple activity centers
specifications and adjust the basic design for • Conduct pre-job safety analysis and identify • Specify rig selection criteria
combined loading effects
3 Casing Selection for Collapse,
potential well control trouble spots • Clarify logistical drivers for drilling and
• Design casing for high pressure fracturing in Burst, and Axial Design completion operations
• Walk through key equipment and hazards
horizontal wells associated with running, landing and
• Apply practical safe handling, running, and cementing casing 4 Calculate Combined Load Effects, COURSE CONTE N T
hanging Adjust and Make Final Selection Surface and subsurface characteristics unique
C OU RSE C ON T EN T to the offshore environment • HSE consider-
COUR S E C O N T E N T Introduction to casing design • Select casing ations for offshore and how it impacts planning,
Goals of casing design • Types of oilfield depth and sizes • Calculate collapse and burst 1 Calculate Combined Load Effects, operations, and logistics • Design options for
tubulars and connections • Casing point loads • Casing load determination • Make Adjust and Make Final Selection offshore and onshore installations (platforms;
selection and size determination • Load preliminary casing selection, adjust for axial FPSOs, risers, and pipelines; wellheads and
estimation methods for casing and liners • loads • Casing selection for collapse, burst, trees; shorebase; how these choices impact rig
Typical design factors • Theories of strength and axial design • Calculate combined load
1 Final Casing Design with selection and project economics) • Drilling rig
and failure (standard collapse, burst, axial; yield effects, adjust and make final selection • Final Combined Loads styles (design capabilities, advantages and
basis for combined loads) • Design examples casing design with combined loads • disadvantages, rig selection criteria, multiple
and exercises for all key loads and strings • Additional load considerations • Workshop activity centers to compress the critical path, rig
4 3 Additional Load Considerations
Casing handling, running, and hanging practices wrap-up strategy) • Well construction sequences
(surface and subsea wellheads, casing and
1 Additional Load Considerations cementing program strategies, drilling fluids
selection, wellbore stability, NPT avoidance) •
Transition to completion/intervention (barrier
3 Workshop Wrap-up maintenance, job sequencing, intervention
5 2 Optional session - Creating
Detailed Design for Portfolio Well

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) Virtual Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 19-23 AUG 2019 $4325 25 MAR - 18 APR 2019 $4325 PETROSKI L L S. COM/
19 AUG - 19 SEP 2019 $4325 See website for dates and locations.
* plus computer charge CASI N G-DESI GN -WORKSHOP

Primary Cementing – Stuck Pipe Prevention Cementing Practices – Deepwater Well

Cementing I – PCE – Train Wreck Cementing II – CEP Engineering – DWE
Avoidance™ – SPP
Cementing is a key factor in the well The Stuck Pipe Prevention Train Wreck Cementing is a very important phase of the well This is a five-day course designed to promote
construction plan. The base cement used in the Avoidance workshop provides the most construction plan. Operating company understanding of well design and engineering
designing of cement slurries may or may not be comprehensive coverage in the industry for personnel must have a good working knowledge capabilities unique to the deep water
API class cement. The operating company and understanding and preventing the underlying of cements, cementing additives, and environment. Participants are actively engaged
the service company personnel should have a causes of Stuck Pipe, Wellbore Instability, Loss placement procedures. The use of temperature in the skills and activities required to deliver a
good working knowledge of cement slurry Circulation, and other sources of non-productive modeling, computer programs used for job cost-effective well plan, while also gaining
design, cement additives, and placement time (NPT) in drilling operations. The workshop design, and placement of the cement has valuable perspective on the role of a DW drilling
procedures. The majority of the operating also focuses on correct responses by individuals caused some operating companies to retain a engineer as a project manager. Suggested
companies do not have cement testing and teams, early warning signs, and minimizing cement service company representative on a course prerequisites include 3+ years'
laboratories; therefore, the laboratory testing is the impact to drilling operations. Through world- full-time basis to assist in the overall cementing experience in drilling and 2+ years in a well
conducted by service companies. This course is class presentations, practical discussion, and operations. The operator is critical to the planning role for onshore or shallow water
designed to give a good understanding of how the best reference and instructional materials success of the job. This course covers the applications.
the cement slurries are tested and under what available, delegates hone their knowledge of importance of the cement sheath integrity DESIGNED FOR
conditions depending on given well parameters. basic drilling technology and how it relates to during the life of the well, which will require Experienced drilling engineers, drilling
This course will also cover casing hardware avoiding NPT. additional mechanical properties of the cement supervisors, and other petroleum professionals
(both internal and external), cement blending, sheath than just the unconfined compressive that are new to deep water (DW) who will
cement additive blending (dry and/or liquid), on- DESI GN ED FOR strength in many cases. The parameters that become involved or responsible for DW well
site mixing equipment and job execution on Entire drilling and completions team, including the cement sheath will be subjected to must be planning or oversight of non-operated DW wells.
location. operator, drilling contractor, and service considered. There are a number of joint industry The ten day, Well Design and Engineering (WDE)
companies. Agendas are typically customized to projects addressing this area of work. The course, or its equivalent, is highly recommended
DE S IG NE D F O R address topics relevant to the team. course covers the use of cement formulations, as a pre-requisite.
Operating and service company personnel cement additives, casing hardware, cement
responsible for planning, designing, laboratory YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO YOU WILL LEARN H O W TO
blending, on-site mixing equipment, and a well-
testing, overseeing, and executing cementing • Identify mechanisms and risk factors that • Understand and manage technologies,
planned job procedure. Cementing guidelines
operations. lead to stuck pipe incidents practices, and design methodologies unique
that aid in overall job performance will be
• Anticipate, prevent, recognize, and resolve to the DW environment
stuck pipe due to wellbore instability, hole • Analyze and utilize offset well data important
• Design cement slurries using API and/or field cleaning, differential sticking, and wellbore DES IGNED FOR for DW planning and well design
adapted procedures and laboratory testing geometry Operating company and service company • Identify key issues and risks related to
procedures • Assess mechanics of wellbore stresses and personnel responsible for planning, overseeing, floating operations and rig selection
• Use cement additives in designing cement the impact on wellbore stability and executing cementing operations. • Manage challenging logistics and unique
slurries to improve job success and/or reduce • Analyze trends to identify early warning signs equipment/supply chain issues
overall job costs of developing wellbore problems Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO • Clarify the potential impact of geohazards,
• Design cement jobs to include casing, multi- • Use hole cleaning factors in both vertical and • Use cementing additives properly to improve such as shallow gas and water flows,
stage, liner, and tie-back strings deviated wellbores and reduce job costs hydrates, salt, and tar
• Design and perform remedial (squeeze) • Apply mechanics of jars and how to use them • Interpret laboratory test results • Identify well control constraints and calculate
cement jobs to include selection of tools effectively • Perform primary cementing operations to kick tolerance
• Design cement plug slurries and selection of • Implement effective drilling and tripping include: casing cementing, liner cementing, • Develop specific casing design skills,
tools to improve overall job success practices multi-stage cementing including impact of metocean environmental
• Make cost-effective choices in planning • Conduct squeeze jobs and selection of conditions on structural pipe design, casing
C OUR S E C O N T E N T fishing operations squeeze tools point selection, annular pressure buildup
Basic cements • Cement additives • Laboratory • Perform cement plug operations to improve design strategies, and use of US GOM Well
testing • Casing hardware • Blending C OU RSE C ON T EN T overall job success Containment Screening Tool
equipment • Mixing equipment • Primary Stuck Pipe Prevention • Rock mechanics • • Assess DW cementing technologies and
• Interpret cement sheath evaluation logs
cementing • Remedial cementing • Plug Wellbore stress • Wellbore instability • Trend make appropriate choices for a DW well
cementing recognition • Hole cleaning • Differential COURS E CONTENT • Develop designs for DW drill strings, BHAs,
sticking • Wellbore geometry • Tripping The overall cementing operation • Primary and landing strings
practices • Fishing practices cementing • Remedial cementing • Plug • Clarify well design issues for both riserless
cementing • The use of cement additives • and post-riser phases of well construction
Laboratory testing • Casing hardware • Cement • Define drilling fluids for a DW well; assess
sheath integrity • Cement sheath evaluation • and address any unique issues
• Compile risks to well delivery; develop
Mixing equipment • Special cement systems •
mitigations and contingency plans
Cement guidelines • Current documents
• Consider abandonment requirements in well

Floating drilling rigs and equipment • Unique
challenges of deepwater • Shallow hazards •
Deepwater planning cycle • Subsea BOP
equipment • Subsea well control issues •
Structural pipe design for bending • Riserless
drilling • Casing shoe depth considerations in
DW • Annular pressure buildup in casing strings
• Regulatory requirements • Subsea cementing
process • Subsea wellheads and trees •
Hydrates • Drilling fluid issues in DW • Slip
crushing for drillstring design • Landing string
design • Salt drilling • Relief well planning for
DW • DW risks • Abandonment of subsea wells
• Awareness of the basics of Managed Pressure
• Drilling and other emerging technologies
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
DENVER, US 30 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $4060 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 22-25 OCT 2018 $3980 HOUSTON, US 10-12 DEC 2018 $3165 HOUSTON, US 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $4515 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
16-19 SEPT 2019 $4070 2-4 DEC 2019 $3245 28 OCT-1 NOV 2019 $4600 HOUSTON, US 13-17 MAY 2019 $4425

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Directional, Horizontal, Drill String Design and Managing Wellsite Practical Drilling Skills
and Multilateral Drilling Optimization – DSD Operations – MWC – PDS


This course builds a firm foundation in the We have been presenting Drill String Design Managing Wellsite Operations is an interactive This course teaches how to listen to the well,
principles and practices of directional drilling, workshops for over 12 years for all types of course that teaches participants to successfully perform simple tests on the rig, and make
calculations, and planning for directional and operations around the world. We are constantly manage wellsite operational plans, resource proper decisions unique to each well. The intent
horizontal wells. Specific problems associated updating our materials to reflect the latest time management, and control measures. is to eliminate visible and invisible Non-
with directional/horizontal drilling such as technology applications for both near-vertical Interpersonal skills associated with the art of Productive Time (NPT). Visible NPT includes
torque, drag, hole cleaning, logging, and drill and high-angle well designs while maintaining a managing the Johari window through active stuck pipe, conditioning drilling fluid, lost
string component design are included. thorough grounding in the fundamentals. listening and conducting crucial conversations is circulation, etc. Invisible NPT is often far more
Participants will receive instruction on planning Workshop content is often customized to exercised throughout the course. This course expensive and includes drilling much slower
and evaluating horizontal wells based on the address customer-specific operational situations brings together documented case histories of than is possible, wearing out the bits
objectives of the horizontal well. The basic and software applications. Course tuition complex well operations and techniques to prematurely, and bad cement barriers.
applications and techniques for multi-lateral includes a copy of DS-1 Drill String Design manage associated human factors. Participants Considerable attention is devoted to correcting
wells are covered in the course. Additionally, Standard 4th Ed. Vol.2. will learn to build effective teams by assuming drilling fluid properties and controlling filter cake
they will become familiar with the tools and roles in class exercises of the company quality. This eliminates many seen and unseen
techniques used in directional drilling such as DESI GN ED FOR representative, rig contractor, and supplier
Operator, drilling contractor, and service obstacles for drilling a trouble-free hole as
survey instruments, bottomhole assemblies, personnel. Critical issues are identified to cheaply as possible. This involves proper drilling
motors, steerable motors, and steerable rotary company engineers; drilling supervisors and improve safety and reduce trouble time.
superintendents. This is an intensive technical fluid processing in the surface tanks. No
systems. Participants will be able to predict Improving the facilitation of wellsite action discussion will be presented of fishing tools,
wellbore path based on historical data and workshop. A calculator is required and a laptop planning, rig instructions, and work processes is
is strongly recommended. Class size is typically they should rarely be needed after this course.
determine the requirements to hit the target. exercised to improve operator, contractor, and Bring a calculator, you will need it.
limited to 18-20. service provider performance metrics.
Drilling, production and operations engineers, YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO DES IGNED FOR
• Place the drill string design process in Experienced people on drilling rigs who want to
field supervisors, toolpushers, managers, and Drilling and completion well supervisors, wellsite drill cheaper, specifically drilling rig personnel,
technical support personnel. context with other planning and operational engineers, superintendents, operations
considerations drilling engineers, drilling rig supervisors, tool
managers, senior drilling contractor, and wellsite pushers, drilling managers, and service
YOU W IL L L E A R N H O W TO • Refresh underlying physics of drill string service personnel.
• Make survey calculations failures and mechanical properties of drill company personnel. This course is NOT
• Interpret TVD, polar and rectangular string materials Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO recommended for inexperienced personnel or
coordinates, and vertical section • Clarify performance properties of drill string • Manage key relationships between surface – people not directly involved with actual drilling
• Interpret dogleg severity and the problems components and how to apply design subsurface parts of the well program operations. You should have completed the
associated with dogleg severity margins • Manage technical and interpersonal skills Basic Drilling Technology course or have several
• Plan a two-dimensional directional well • Design cost-effective BHAs and match them associated with complex operations years of drilling experience to gain the most
• Plan horizontal wells based on the objectives to your bit • Manage self and rig team situational from the course.
of the well • Gain specific application experience analyzing awareness and competencies YOU WILL LEARN H O W TO
• Determine the best multi-lateral completion common load cases for both near-vertical • Manage communications to improve wellsite • Calibrate a mud logger's gas unit curve
for an application and high-angle situations: tension loads, performance and build effective rig teams • Interpret gas unit curves
• Determine declination and non-magnetic torque loads, combined tension-torque loads, • Manage the well monitoring program to • Determine pore pressure
drilling collar selection fatigue loads, buckling loads reduce lost time risks • Select the correct nozzle sizes and flow rate
• Apply the best survey instrument for the job • Understand the basis for industry software to make the fluid strike the bottom of the
• Directionally drill with rotary BHAs, jetting, design tools, including torque and drag, COURS E CONTENT
Rig team priorities and success measures • hole with the greatest force possible or the
whipstocks, motor, steerable motors, and casing wear, and hydraulics greatest power available
rotary steerable systems • Identify drilling tools and operational practices Focusing on wellsite challenges, distractions,
and sensitivities • Managing reports and rig • Select drilling fluid yield point needed to clean
• Drill horizontally underbalanced to reduce both torque and drag and casing the vertical portion of the well
• Interpret torque and drag and determine what wear documentation • Rig meetings and drills • Well
monitoring, limits, alarms, and suspension of • Extend the life of drill bits and have the
factors will affect the torque and drag • Diagnose and mitigate vibration to reduce maximum drilling rate by determining the
• Determine cementing requirements for drill string damage and failure operations • Reducing unscheduled events,
technical limits, and drilling/completing well on flounder point of a roller cone or PDC bit
directional wells • Optimize your drill string inspection program • Avoid poor cementing jobs by creating a thin,
using the latest industry standards paper techniques • Managing complex
COUR S E C O N T E N T situations associated with tripping, slick, compressible filter cake
Applications for directional drilling • Directional C OU RSE C ON T EN T displacements, and testing • Decrease vibration which seriously impacts
profiles • Extended reach wells • Survey Drill string and BHA failure prevention • Low- PDC bit performance by eliminating drilled
calculations and accuracy • Dogleg severity angle design applications • High-angle design solids
calculations and problems associated with applications • Torque, drag, and casing wear • Arrange equipment for a proper PIT
doglegs • Planning directional and horizontal mitigation • Vibration monitoring and avoidance • Read Pressure Integrity charts
wells • Horizontal drilling methods and • Drill string handling and inspection • Evaluate dull bits to select the best next bit
applications • Logging high angle wells • Hole- • Understand well bore instability
cleaning • Multi-laterals • Types of survey COURSE CONTE N T
instruments • Tools used to deflect a wellbore • Interpretation of mud logger gas units •
Torque and drag calculations • Cementing Determining pore pressure • On-site hydraulic
optimization • Selecting proper bit loading
(weight on bit and rotary speed) for the fastest,
cheapest hole • Interpreting pressure integrity
tests • Hole problems (such as, stuck pipe, lost
circulation, and ballooning) • Borehole stability
• Operating guidelines • Drilling fluid properties
necessary to maximize drilling performance •
Discussion of polymers in drilling fluids • Solids
control equipment arrangement to assure best
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) drilled solids removal
DENVER, US 15-19 JULY 2019 $4420
HOUSTON, US 3-7 DEC 2018 $4340
29 APR-3 MAY 2019 $4425 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
9-13 DEC 2019 $4425 HOUSTON, US 8-12 JULY 2019 $4585 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
OKLAHOMA CITY, US 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4290 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 15-19 OCT 2018 $5320 HOUSTON, US 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4340
23-27 SEPT 2019 $4370 14-18 OCT 2019 $5480 9-13 SEPT 2019 $4425 See website for dates and locations.

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Explore the Unconventional.
Solids Control Systems

Drilling fluids containing too many drilled solids Unconventional Course Progression Matrix
increase trouble costs or visible and invisible
volumes of drilling fluid, as well as cementing
problems and barrier failure.
All drilling fluid surface treatment systems MULTILATERAL WELLS:
should have three identifiable sections: Suction, ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
Addition, and Removal. The suction section - HML1
must blend the fluid so that the mud weight in SPECIALIZED
the drill pipe is the same from top to bottom for RESERVOIRS: ADVANCED HORIZONTAL AND
reliable well control. Tank volumes, agitation, ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES MULTILATERAL WELLS:
mud guns, and additional procedures are - CMR COMPLETIONS AND
discussed to ensure a homogeneous fluid.
are large. Solids control starts with cuttings PLAYS - FAMS MECHANICS - ARM EVALUATION - URRE FRACTURING - AHF
removal at the drill bit to eliminate regrinding
and reduced drilling rate. Removal of drilled
solids requires an understanding of the SURFACE WATER
performance of shale shakers, hydrocyclones, MANAGEMENT IN
mud cleaners, and centrifuges. PETROPHYSICS OF RESOURCE PLAYS - SWM

Analysis procedures applicable for all drilling UNCONVENTIONAL

rigs, large and small, as well as any drilling fluid,
will be discussed. Procedures will be presented

Only people interested in eliminating non- ARTIFICIAL LIFT FOR
productive time while drilling; such as: drilling - ALUW
engineers, drilling rig supervisors, tool pushers,
drilling managers, operating company personnel UNCONVENTIONAL
and reservoir engineers. RESOURCES COMPLETION
• Evaluate the effect of drilled solids on the

total cost of a well PRODUCTION

• Remove drilled solids expeditiously from OPERATIONS 1 - PO1
beneath the drill bit
• Transport drilled solids to the surface DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACE
• Arrange each component of a drilling fluid PRODUCTION SYSTEMS
processing plant for proper performance - PO4
• Determine the Equipment Solids Removal
• Evaluate the effect of drilled solids on drilling EVALUATING AND DEVELOPING SHALE RESOURCES - SRE DEVELOPMENT -
fluid properties
• Minimize drilling fluid discarded

Analysis of different aspects of drilling affected BASIC PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY - BPT
by drilled solids • Solids transport capabilities of
a drilling fluid • How shale shakers separate
drilled solids • The new API shaker screen
designation and how it works • Types of motion
of shale shakers • How hydrocyclones and
centrifuges separate drilled solids • How
equipment should be arranged on a drilling fluid Breakthroughs in technology have placed unconventional resources at the center of the US E&P and
processing plant • Selecting the proper Midstream sector growth. Interest continues to expand internationally. PetroSkills Unconventional
centrifugal pump impeller • Mud tank agitation Resource offerings enable participants to develop and hone critical competencies associated with
• Mud gun placement • Degasser operation the development and management of shale oil/gas, tight gas, and coalbed methane resource plays.
and objective • Guidelines for effective drilled Challenges with developing unconventional resources require enhanced project management
solids removal • Trip tank operation • expertise, more cost-effective testing and completion protocol, enhanced production operations
Calculating Solids Removal Efficiency • techniques, and greater efficiencies in the process and treating of produced fluids and gases.
Evaluating mud cake compressibility •
Developing a thin, slick compressible filter cake Count on PetroSkills to help build your organizational capability in the Unconventionals.
in a well bore, maintaining a homogeneous fluid
to fill drill pipe

See website for dates and locations. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE PROGRAMS,
VISIT US AT www.petroskills.com/unconventional
Petrophysics Foundations of
Petrophysics – FPP
Course Progression Matrix
Petrophysics is fundamental to all aspects of the
The Course Progression Matrix below shows how the Petrophysics courses in this section are structured within each topic, from petroleum business. Principles, applications,
and integration of petrophysical information for
Basic to Specialized. On either side of the Petrophysics section, you will see courses in associated disciplines for cross-training.
reservoir description will be discussed in depth.
These matrices are ideal for building training plans for early-career staff or finding the right course to build upon existing Through a combination of class discussion and
knowledge and experience. exercises/workshops, participants will learn how
to conduct competent quick-look evaluations.
Using data from open hole logs, logging-while-
Foundations of Petrophysics - FPP on page 24 and Well Log Interpretation - WLI on page 25 are essential as drilling, and core data you will evaluate porosity,
foundation Petrophysics courses. We are also happy to offer two newer courses, Mudlogging – MDLG on page 25 and permeability, and saturation in a variety of
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Petrophysics – NMRP on page 26. reservoirs. Knowing how to integrate
petrophysical information with other data
sources will improve participants' ability to
assess technical risk when examining
The following instructors have been selected and approved by the PetroSkills Curriculum Network: hydrocarbon opportunities.

Dr. Ahmed Badruzzaman Ms. Laura Foulk Mr. Roberto Peveraro Dr. Carl Sondergeld
Geoscientists and engineers with less than
Dr. Andrew Chen Mr. Paul Gardner Mr. Steve Sadoskas Dr. John Spivey twelve months' experience using petrophysical
Dr. Amr Elewa Mr. Bob Lippincott Dr. Robert Skopec Dr. E.C. Thomas data and other technical staff at all experience
Mr. Eric Foster Mr. David Patrick Murphy Dr. John Sneider Dr. Jack Thomas levels wanting a fundamental background in the
petrophysics discipline.

Geology and Reservoir Production
Geophysics Petrophysics Engineering and Drilling • Understand and apply a basic level of theory
and operation of major petrophysical tools
from core and log sources for improved
saturation calculations

Cased Hole Naturally

Applied Rock Formation Fractured • Apply basic open hole logging, borehole
Wireline Formation Testing and Interpretation (Page 27) Mechanics (Page 27) Evaluation (Page 27) Reservoirs (Page 34) seismic, image, and LWD/MWD
• Analyze and integrate log, core, geoscience,
and engineering well data for well and field
development projects
• Select petrophysical tool combinations for
Capillarity in specific applications
Rocks (Page 26) • Assess the impact of petrophysical analyses
on technical uncertainty estimates of
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Petrophysics (Page 26)

Shaly Sand Petrophysics (Page 26) COURSE CONTE N T

Fundamental concepts of petrophysics •
Integration of Rocks, Log and Test Data (Page 26) Depositional systems and petrophysical
rock parameters • Nature of porosity and
Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation of Dipmeters permeability • Basic rock properties; theory
and Borehole-Imaging Logs (Page 27) Production
Logging (Page 44) and quicklook techniques • Mudlogging •
Reservoir Core analysis, acquisition, interpretation, and
Operations Characterization
Geology (Page 13) Petrophysics of Unconventional Reservoirs (Page 25) (Page 33) quality checks • Theory and basics of resistivity,
radioactivity, acoustic tools • LWD/MWD versus
open hole logging • Determination of rock types
using core and logs • Petrophysical impact on
economic uncertainty • Evolving petrophysical
Coring and Core technologies • Overview of cased hole logging
Well Log Interpretation (Page 25) Analysis (Page 25)
Carbonate Production
Reservoirs (Page 9) Technology for

Foundations of Petrophysics (Page 24) (Also available as a Virtual/Blended course) Reservoir Other Disciplines
Engineering for (Page 38)
FPP is also available as a
Sandstone Other Disciplines (Also available as a
Reservoirs (Page 9) Mudlogging (Page 25) (Page 30) Virtual/Blended course) self-paced, virtual course
which is an enhanced version
Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources (Page 7)
of the face-to-face public
Basic Geophysics
(Page 15)
(Also available as a Basic Drilling,
Virtual/Blended course) Completion and
Basic Reservoir Workover

Engineering (Page 29) Operations (Page 6) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
Basic Petroleum Geology (Page 8) (Virtual/Blended option coming soon)
HOUSTON, US 1-5 OCT 2018 $4240
18-22 MAR 2019 $4390
Basic Petroleum Technology (Page 5) 30 SEP-4 OCT 2019 $4390
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $5070
Basic Petroleum Technology Principles (Page 5) (Virtual/Blended course) 21-25 OCT 2019 $5285
LONDON, UK 26-30 NOV 2018 $4890+VAT
2-6 DEC 2019 $5100+VAT

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.

Well Log Interpretation Coring and Core Mudlogging – MDLG Petrophysics of

– WLI Analysis – CCA Unconventional
Reservoirs – PUR


The most universal, comprehensive, and concise LAB VISIT Mud logging, also known as surface logging, is Petrophysics is central to the integration of a
descriptive documents on oil and gas wells are the creation of a detailed record of a borehole wide spectrum of related geoscience and
logs. They impact the work of almost every oilfield More than three-quarters of current additions to
by examining the bits of rock or sediment engineering disciplines. However, students
group from geologists to roustabouts to bankers. the world's reserves come from better
brought to the surface by the circulating drilling should also be familiar with at least two or more
Familiarity with the purposes and optimum management of existing reserves. Core-based
medium (most commonly mud). Mud logging is of the following topics: horizontal well drilling,
applications of well logs is essential for people measurements offer the most tangible and
usually performed by a third-party mud logging wireline logging and log analysis, coring and
forging their careers in the oil business. The direct means of determining critical reservoir
company. This provides well owners and core analysis, petrophysics, geophysics,
instructor uses a novel approach to help parameters. Core analysis can play a vital role in
producers with information about the lithology geochemistry, formation testing, rock
participants develop a good grounding in field equity or unitization and is often considered
and fluid content of the borehole while drilling. mechanics, hydraulic fracturing, and petroleum
understanding and applying well logging to be the ground truth to which other
techniques. General principles of physics are Historically it is the earliest type of well log. economics.
measurements are compared (e.g., wireline
presented to explain the functioning of modern logging). Using a multidisciplinary approach, DESIGNED FOR DES IGNED FOR
logging tools. Wherever possible, the physics of participants are taken through the steps New hire geologists and geophysicists; and Geoscientists involved with the evaluation and
logging measurements is related to everyday tools necessary to obtain reliable core analysis data
and applications. Participants develop an reservoir, petroleum, and drilling engineers. exploitation of unconventional reservoirs
and solve formation evaluation problems. including tight gas sands, shale gas, and coal-
appreciation for the constraints and limitations of Throughout the course, participants are given YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
operating in the borehole environment. A number bed methane.
hands-on problems and practical laboratory and • Make well to well correlation
of actual log examples are related to basic
field examples, which reinforce the instruction. • Understand well drilling Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
principles in the description of reservoir properties
such as porosity, mineralogy, formation factor, *Laboratory visit with core analysis • Understand mud logging equipment • Interpret petrophysical data gathering from
saturation, and hydrocarbon type for essentially measurement demos (where feasible). • Calculate the lag time and advanced volumes unconventional reservoirs from both core
clean reservoirs. Cross-plotting and calculations and log data
DESI GN ED FOR • Describe the formation cuttings • Assess TOC and maturity indicators
reconnaissance techniques quickly and efficiently
discriminate between water, oil, and gas. Petrophysicists, reservoir engineers, exploration • Integrate the cuttings evaluation with the • Evaluate measurement provided by service
Participants gain realistic experience by working and development geologists, core and log drilling parameters companies
in teams on a comprehensive log interpretation analysts, geophysicists, drilling and completion • Interpret all the acquired geological and • Gauge gas-in-place and reserves in
exercise. engineers, and oil company research and engineering data at the rig site unconventional reservoirs
development staff. • Evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of the • Recognize consequences and magnitudes of
D E S IG NE D F O R formation shale anisotropy
Petrophysicists, geologists, geophysicists, YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO
• Deal with drilling mud rheology and • Interpret NMR and capillary pressure
engineers, technicians, or anyone interested in a • Design coring programs and maximize core
hydraulics measurements made on shale
solid understanding of the principles of borehole recovery
• Handle, process and describe cores • Interpret microstructural imaging of shale
geophysics. • Preserve core to minimize rock alteration
• Evaluate different types of pressure
• Take and analyze sidewall cores COURS E CONTE N T
YOU W IL L L E A R N H O W T O • Handle formation pressure to minimize
• Use cores to estimate porosity, permeability, Overview of unconventional reservoirs •
• Identify reservoirs borehole risks
and fluid saturation (basic core analysis) Geochemistry of unconventional rocks • Special
• Determine mineralogy, porosity, and saturation • Understand special core analysis (e.g.,
in various lithogies COURSE CONTENT coring and core analysis techniques for
wettabililty, relative permeability, capillary Introduction • Petroleum geology • Rig types unconventionals • Wireline logging of
• Recognize the importance of electrical pressure, and reservoir fluid distribution
properties of earth materials and their components • Drilling and completing unconventional reservoirs • Assessment of
for reservoir engineering and petrophysical a well • Sampling and cuttings analysis • formation organic content (TOC) and maturity •
• Highlight oil mobility
• Interpret pressure profiles evaluation) Volume calculations • Advanced sample Gas-in-place and reserve and flow potential
• Understand optimum tools and logging • Prevent/spot errors in core analysis vendor evaluation • Formation pressures • Borehole estimates • Geomechanics and fracturing
programs reports (quality control) problems
• Apply quick-look methods of formation • Select samples for special core studies
evaluation • Correlate core and log data

Logging objectives • Invasion profile • Challenge of Coring and core analysis objectives • Coring
borehole geophysics • Passive electrical properties hardware and maximizing core recovery • Core-
of earth materials • Resistivity measuring tools, handling, wellsite procedures, and preservation
normal, induction, laterolog • Reservoir/non- methods • Sidewall coring and analysis •
reservoir discrimination • Matrix-sensitivity logs, Organizing effective laboratory programs •
GR, SGR, Pe • Depth measurements and control • Porosity, permeability, and fluid saturation •
Borehole calipers • Porosity-mineralogy logs, Unconventional Reservoir Analytical Protocol •
density, neutron, sonic • Porosity determination in Quality control in core analysis • Petrography
clean formations • Formation resistivity factor • and mineralogy • Special core analysis sample
Conductivity of shales • Porosity log crossplots and selection and statistical data analysis • Core-log
mineralogy identification • Partially saturated rock correlation (includes nmr log calibration,
properties and Archie Equation • Linear movable oil
acoustic, nuclear, and electrical properties) an
plot • Reconnaissance techniques, Rwa, FR/FP,
logarithmic scaler • Porosity-resistivity crossplots • introduction to rock mechanics • Wettability,
Permeability relationships • Nuclear magnetic relative permeability, capillary pressure, and
resonance • Use of pressure measurements • reservoir fluid distribution • Data integration in
Computerized log evaluation • Sidewall coring • reservoir simulation • Final problem: design of
Recommended logging programs coring and core analysis program

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

ABERDEEN, UK 25 FEB-1 MAR 2019 $5065+VAT
CALGARY, CAN 29 APR-3 MAY 2019 $4300+GST
DENVER, US 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4240
9-13 SEPT 2019 $4350
DUBAI, UAE 7-11 APR 2019 $5475+VAT
HOUSTON, US 10-14 DEC 2018 $4240
18-22 FEB 2019 $4355 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
17-21 JUNE 2019 $4355 HOUSTON, US † 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4415
16-20 DEC 2019 $4355 6-10 MAY 2019 $4500
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 29 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $5250 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS † 22-26 OCT 2018 $5170 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
LONDON, UK 12-16 NOV 2018 $4890+VAT LONDON, UK † 29 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $5285+VAT HOUSTON, US 8-12 OCT 2018 $4240 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
11-15 NOV 2019 $5065+VAT † includes lab visit 30 SEP-4 OCT 2019 $4325 HOUSTON, US 8-10 JULY 2019 $3305

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Capillarity in Rocks Integration of Rocks, Nuclear Magnetic Shaly Sand
– CIR Log and Test Data – ILC Resonance (NMR) Petrophysics – APS
Petrophysics – NMRP


The course provides detailed knowledge of how This course provides the background necessary NMR today is a must-have technology for many This course tackles the important and nontrivial
capillarity affects hydrocarbon distribution in a to address the more complex reservoir companies because of the value-added to problem of practical formation evaluation in shaly
reservoir rock, and how the magnitude of evaluation and productivity challenges within formation-evaluation. Some of the applications sand provinces. The presence of clay minerals
capillary forces can be used to deduce valuable exploration, field appraisal, and field include: Matrix-independent, 'sourceless' and shale laminations strongly affects the
information about rock properties including pore development. The key fundamentals of rock porosity, low-resistivity/low-contrast, fresh-water physical properties of the reservoir rock and
throat sizes, pore network geometry, porosity, properties, logging tools, and engineering data reservoirs, and carbonates. NMR completes the induce significant effects on the response of most
and permeability. required to solve these problems are reviewed. formation-evaluation story for many companies logging tools; these perturbations often result in
The concepts are illustrated with a series of real now using the technology regularly because it low resistivity/low contrast pay zones that can be
DES IG NE D F O R world examples that become increasingly either validates conventional log and test data or significant hydrocarbon producers but are often
Geoscientists, petrophysicists, reservoir complex as knowledge is gained in the class. it independently provides an answer unavailable overlooked. A properly designed analytical
engineers, and research and development staff Emphasis is placed on solving problems in a from other sources. Certainly, in many program (cores and logs) for the evaluation of
who want to gain fundamental insight into the workshop format. instances, the absence NMR data too frequently shaly sands can add significant reserves in
capillary properties and hydrocarbon distribution leaves the formation-evaluation story existing fields and can allow for the rapid
in reservoir rocks. DESI GN ED FOR incomplete and uncertain. This four-day, identification of potential by-passed pay zones in
Petrophysicists, petroleum reservoir engineers, PetroSkills NMR Petrophysics course will exploration wells. The course is practical and
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO geologists, and geophysicists who have a basic provide geoscientists and engineers with a participants are given laboratory and field
• Select the appropriate capillary pressure understanding of petrophysics, geology, and basic to intermediate skill-level for using NMR problems to emphasize the instruction. At the end
measurement method for a set of desired engineering and need a more advanced data in reservoir characterization workflows. of the course, the participants will be able to
results understanding of how to integrate the different Course design is a balance between information identify and evaluate pay intervals in shaly sands.
• Closure correct a set of mercury/air capillary data sets together to more completely transfer, discussion, training, and practical
pressure data understand reservoir performance. It is DES IGNED FOR
exercise. The expectation is that participants will
• Fit and analyze capillary pressure data using recommended that participants have a basic Petrophysicists, geologists, geophysicists,
return to their jobs with the skill-set shown
Thomeer, Leverett-J, and Brooks-Corey methods knowledge of logging fundamentals. The basics engineers, and explorationists involved in all
• Determine the representativeness of a set of logging will be reviewed in the class. phases of reservoir evaluation in shaly sand
of capillary pressure curves within a zone DESIGNED FOR provinces.
of interest YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO Geoscientists and engineers interested in
• Estimate permeability from a mercury/air • Identify clastic and carbonate rock types learning how NMR technology fits within the Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
capillary pressure curve based on productivity differences reservoir characterization/reservoir modelling • Determine the nature, volume, and
• Calculate pore throat sizes from a capillary • Determine the key reservoir rock parameters workflow and how to use the data to best distribution of clay minerals and shales in
pressure curve needed for a more accurate reservoir advantage. shaly sands and their impact on the analyses
• Create a synthetic capillary pressure curve evaluation of cores and logs
and estimate the air permeability from a • Use cuttings, sidewall cores, and cores to YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO • Integrate petrographic, core, and log data to
petrographic analysis determine reservoir parameters • Understand how NMR works for petrophysical significantly improve reservoir evaluation in
• Obtain values for interphase tension • Design an integrated interpretation applications shaly sands and other rock types containing
• Convert mercury/air capillary pressure curves • Calculate Vclay • Understand the language of NMR technology significant amounts of microporosity
to hydrocarbon/water capillary pressure curves • Calculate porosity using porosity logs in (mnemonics) • Bring order out of chaos on porosity-
• Determine saturation-height distribution in a complex lithologies • Use NMR data for core and log applications permeability cross-plots using rock typing
single-pore system rock or in a multiple- pore • Determine what percentage of porosity • Understand how NMR fits into predictive • Evaluate effective and total porosity, fluid
system rock contributes to production rock-typing schemes saturations, and producibility of shaly sands
• Determine irreducible water saturation • Calculate Sw using different methods • Plan core and log acquisition programs using time-tested specific methods
• Estimate the length of a transition zone • Determine pay and pay classes • Identify data quality indicators and what they • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of
• Determine clay-bound water using Klein-Hill- • Tie rock and well log information to mean advanced logging tools for characterization
Shirley method production performance • Use core data for log calibration of shaly sands
• Compare/contrast capillary pressure data • Use contractor deliverable to produce an
with NMR data C OU RSE C ON T EN T interpretation COURS E CONTE N T
• Determine the maximum column of Objectives of integration • Key rock properties • Fit NMR data with conventional log data Review of log interpretation techniques in clean
hydrocarbon that a specific sealing layer can for formation evaluation • Impact of depositional • Process raw data formations • Core analyses and applications of
sustain without leaking environment and rock properties • specific core tests • Petrographic analysis (thin
Petrophysical rock type • Texture, porosity, and COURSE CONTENT section, X-ray diffraction SEM/EDS) for shaly
C OUR S E C O N T E N T permeability • Clay impact • Summary of basic Basics of NMR technology • NMR Core Analysis sand evaluation • The nature of clay minerals
Capillary pressure applications in reservoir logging tools • Subsurface rock sampling • Use • Rock typing from NMR core data and its and shale laminations and how they are
characterization • Rock properties from mercury/ of subsurface pressure data and evaluation • relationship to logs • Pore geometry and what it distributed in shaly sands • Influence of clay
air capillary pressures • Capillary pressure data Relative permeability • Capillary pressure means for the interpretation of NMR data • minerals and shale laminations on petrophysical
representativeness • Capillary forces in reservoir application to pay determination • Basic NMR logs • Job planning • Log quality control properties • Occurrence of clay minerals and
rocks; their measurement • Capillary pressure methodology for an integrated interpretation • • Working with NMR data (various exercises shale laminations in reservoir rocks and relation
data fitting methods • Representing a large Rock typing • Catalog approach • Clastic and throughout the course) to depositional environment and diagenesis
number of capillary curves (averaging) • carbonate rock types • Important reservoir rock Integration of petrographic, core, and log data
Permeability from capillary pressure curves and parameters • Cementation and saturation for evaluation of shaly sands • Effects of clay
petrography • Saturation-height functions • components CEC fluid sensitivity • Review of minerals and shale laminations on log
Surface phenomena, capillarity, wettability, and production profiles • Overview of pressure responses in shaly sands: various methods of
shale content evaluation • Models for porosity
interphase tension • The competition between transient analysis • Calculation of Vclay/Vshale
and saturation determination: total and effective
capillary and gravity forces • Relationships calibration of core and logs • Calculation of
porosity; and Archie, Waxman-Smits, Dual
between initial and residual saturations • porosity using porosity logs in complex
Water and Juhasz saturation methods •
Interpretation of single and multiple pore system lithologies • What is effective porosity • Prediction of permeability and producibility from
rocks • Clay-bound water • Capillary pressure Calculation of SW using different methods • logs in shaly sands: identification of bypassed
vs. NMR • Seal capacity Determining pay and pay classes pay • Use of advanced logs (NMR, BHI,
Dipmeters) integration with core data for
purposes of evaluation
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 24-26 OCT 2018 $3225 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
29 APR-1 MAY 2019 $3305 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) DENVER, US 29 APR-2 MAY 2019 $3965 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
23-25 OCT 2019 $3305 ANCHORAGE, US 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4290 DUBAI, UAE 3-6 NOV 2019 $4980+VAT HOUSTON, US 12-16 NOV 2018 $4415
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 22-24 JULY 2019 $3975 HOUSTON, US 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $4340 HOUSTON, US 12-15 AUG 2019 $3975 4-8 NOV 2019 $4465
LONDON, UK 16-18 DEC 2019 $3835+VAT 11-15 NOV 2019 $4425 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 10-13 DEC 2018 $4635 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 3-7 SEPT 2018 $5245
* plus computer charge LONDON, UK 5-9 AUG 2019 $5135+VAT * plus computer charge LONDON, UK 1-5 JULY 2019 $5175+VAT

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Structural and Stratigraphic
Applied Rock Cased Hole Formation Wireline Formation
Interpretation of Dipmeters
Mechanics – ARM Evaluation – CH Testing and
and Borehole-Imaging Logs
– SSI Interpretation – WFT
FIELD TRIP Understanding the stress, strain, and failure This course teaches skills necessary to practice Formation testing and sampling tools (FTs) with
mechanics of rocks and their response to earth the art and science in accurately determining wireline and while-drilling are widely used in
Dipmeters are micro-resistivity logs that detect
stresses can lead to enormous economic remaining hydrocarbons using modern dual- exploration/appraisal and reservoir development
the orientations of bed boundaries and borehole
benefits in all phases of petroleum reservoir detector and emerging multi-detector pulsed projects. Over the past two decades, modern
elongations. Borehole-imaging logs provide
development. Over the last ten years, rock neutron (PN) tools. The latter can compute tools, such as MDT, RCI, RDT, and FRT, have
video, density, gamma-ray, acoustic, and/or
mechanics has emerged as a critical technology multiple petrophysical parameters emerged to become as one of the critical
electrical images of the borehole face.
capable of lowering financial risk in drilling and simultaneously and delineate gas better, formation evaluation means in drilling projects
Dipmeters and borehole images can be run in
well completions, qualifying exploration and especially in low porosity, but add to data and with high cost/risk and high reward
water-based or oil-based mud; on wireline or
development opportunities, and improving interpretation complexity. The course discusses environments. In recent years, FT tools while-
LWD. They are used structurally to detect, orient,
hydrocarbon productivity. Rock mechanics is a measurement-to-interpretation techniques used drilling provide alternatives of formation testing
and quantify natural and induced fractures,
vital decision-making tool for high-angle and by various players and thus offers an insight into at earlier timing, flexible operational sequences
faults, fold axes, unconformities, and in situ
horizontal drilling, unconventional reservoirs, their effectiveness in conditions of increasing in complicated wellbores access to reservoirs.
stress. Stratigraphically, dipmeters and borehole
deepwater drilling, massive hydraulic fracturing, wellbore and formation complexities. The user FT pressure data and fluid samples are acquired
images are used to identify paleocurrent
and completing poorly cemented formations. will gain a better understanding of why tools for predicting hydrocarbon resource sizes and
directions, bounding surfaces, facies, thin beds,
Borehole instability, casing shear, subsidence, from different service companies, often accessing key development uncertainties. This
net-sand, and secondary porosity. The key
stuck pipe, and sand control issues cost the recording similar raw data in near-identical course is designed to satisfy the interdisciplinary
objective of dipmeter and borehole-image
petroleum industry many billions of dollars conditions, may differ significantly in their needs of geoscientists, petrophysicists, and
interpretation is to describe structural and
annually. New theory and experimental methods predictions. The course will help users of the reservoir engineers with an increasing use of FT
stratigraphic features encountered by a
as well as straightforward computer modeling technology make targeted tool choices, plan data. Practical and hands-on exercises are
wellbore, commonly in the absence of core. This
techniques have provided insight into logging jobs better, and perform in-house worked in the class.
course provides numerous hands-on exercises
developing prospects in complex geological interpretation if needed.
and case studies that emphasize DES IGNED FOR
basins and harsh drilling environments. In
sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and structural DESIGNED FOR Geoscientists, petrophysicists, wellsite
Applied Rock Mechanics, students are provided
applications of these widely run, but generally Geologists, formation evaluations specialists, supervisors, reservoir engineers, and geodata
with basic theory, laboratory demonstrations,
underutilized logging tools. completion, reservoir and production engineers, technologists of multidisciplinary formation
hands-on exercises, and computer modeling
demonstrations. In addition to a comprehensive and managers who may be making technology- evaluation and development teams engaging in
manual, software is provided for the student to and tool-choice decisions. explorations, appraisals, and field development
Petrophysicists, geologists, geophysicists, and
perform wellbore stability calculations. The activities.
team members involved in reservoir YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
characterization. practical application of rock mechanics is
• Determine adequacy of PNC capture vs. C/O Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
emphasized. Applied Rock Mechanics is
logging methods for saturation calculation, • Apply formation testing and sampling:
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO designed to familiarize engineers and
especially through complicated well bores technologies, applications, and limitations
• Interpret dipmeters and borehole-imaging geoscientists with the necessary tools for
and in complex formations • Understand how FTs work; configure tool
logs and understand the physical principles immediate field application.
• Calculate water and steam saturations from strings and design/ plan a test program
behind them
DESI GN ED FOR Pulsed Neutron Capture (PNC) Logs • Perform QA/QC pressures and sampling data
• Detect and quantify faults and fractures,
Petrophysicists, drilling engineers, completion • Correct petrophysical calculations for the in real-time
determine in situ stress orientations, improve
engineers, exploration and development influence of shaliness • Interpret pressure gradient data for fluid
horizontal well placement, provide input into
geologists, reservoir engineers, core and log • Distinguish gas/steam from liquids densities and contact levels
flow simulations
analysts, geophysicists, and oil company • Compute oil saturation directly from Carbon/ • Understand reservoir connectivity/continuity
• Determine paleocurrent orientations, define
research and development staff. Oxygen technique and compartmentalization
stratigraphic compartments, quantify
• Locate water entry and judge zonal • Quantify uncertainties of data interpretation
vuggy porosity, detect thin beds, analyze
YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO communication results
depositional characteristics, interpret image
• Determine the stress, strain, and failure • Judge where specialty methods, such as • Interpret graphical techniques (scatterplot,
mechanics of rocks Log-Inject-Log to estimate remaining oil vs. excess pressures, normalization)
• Apply image data in reservoir characterization
• Apply rock mechanics concepts and generate residual oil saturation, pseudo-density, etc., • Design and interpret Mini-DST and VIT data
C OUR S E C O N T E N T economic benefits in all phases of reservoir may not work
development • Make appropriate tool choices COURS E CONTE N T
Applications and types of dipmeters and
• Perform interpretation QC and plan logging Why formation testing and sampling • How FT
borehole images • Data acquisition and
C OU RSE C ON T EN T jobs tools work; measurement principles; test types;
processing • Quality control and artifacts •
Introduction to rock mechanics and drawdown mobility; data quality QA/QC •
Generation and use of stereonets and rose
geomechanical principals • Basic mechanics • COURSE CONTENT Pressure fluid gradient and contact level
diagrams • Quantitative analysis using
Rock mechanical properties • Pressure, Basics and application of nuclear logging in interpretation principles • Graphical pressure
cumulative dip plots, vector plots, and SCAT
stresses, and loads • Geomechanics and general (briefly) and cased-hole logging in interpretation techniques: scatter-plot for
plots • In situ stress from borehole breakout
structural geology • Wellbore and field particular • Attributes of various modern dual- gradient, FWL, and compositional gradient;
and drilling induced fractures • Horizontal wells
measurement of in-situ (earth) stresses • detector and emerging multi-detector excess pressure plot for compartmentalization;
• Identification and classification of fractures,
Overview of common rock mechanics tests (lab cased-hole logging tools used in the industry • normalization plot for depleted reservoir •
faults, sub-seismic scale faults, micro-faults,
demonstrations) • Stress orientation techniques Cased-hole application of pulsed neutron Multiple well pressure trends for reservoir
and unconformities • Fracture spacing and
• Elastic, plastic, and viscous models of rock capture (PNC) methods in clean and shaly compartmentalization, continuity, and extent •
wellbore bias correction • Thin bed analysis and
behavior • Borehole stability • Sand control • formations, carbon/oxygen logging in low or Qualification and quantification of interpretation
net-sand counts • Carbonate porosity and
Fracture mechanics • Unconventional reservoir variable salinity conditions in water and steam uncertainties • Mud filtration phenomena
facies interpretation • Sedimentology from
applications • Reservoir engineering floods where PNC methods do not work, and dynamics; dynamic gradient; supercharging;
borehole images: burrows, cross beds, scoured
applications • Wireline log predicted mechanical direct neutron (PNN) methods to Locate oil/ wettability/capillary effects • Optical property
surfaces, slumps • Determination of
properties • Data integration water, gas/liquid, or steam/liquid contacts • measurement of reservoir fluids and
paleocurrent directions • Interpretation of
Compute water, oil and gas/steam saturation (in contamination control; sampling principles and
borehole images in various depositional settings
steam floods), and residual saturation using log- fluid sample QA/QC procedures; in-situ fluid
• Application of image data in geocellular
inject-log methods • Application of above in PVT analysis • Permeability test; mini-DST and
modeling and reservoir characterization •
open-hole completions • Differences in VIT; practical aspects of well productivity and
Integration of image data with core, mapping,
saturation interpretation methods across deliverability potential estimates
seismic, petrophysical, and production data
vendors • Oxygen activation to locate water
entry • Job planning and best practice
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) parameters for successful monitoring
DENVER, US † 1-5 OCT 2018 $4615
7-11 OCT 2019 $4735 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 13-17 MAY 2019 $4565 HOUSTON, US 3-5 DEC 2018 $3285 HOUSTON, US 15-18 OCT 2018 $3965 DUBAI, UAE 16-20 JUNE 2019 $5645+VAT
† includes field trip 18-20 NOV 2019 $3365 14-17 OCT 2019 $4055 HOUSTON, US 22-26 APR 2019 $4525

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Reservoir Engineering
Course Progression Matrix

The Course Progression Matrix below shows how the Reservoir Engineering courses in this section are structured within each topic, from Basic to Specialized. On either side of the
Reservoir Engineering section, you will see courses in associated disciplines for cross-training. These matrices are ideal for building training plans for early-career staff or finding the right
course to build upon existing knowledge and experience.

Basic Reservoir Engineering – BR leads off the section as a perfect basic overview for anyone working with reservoir definition, development, or production. The next course,
Applied Reservoir Engineering – RE on page 29, represents the core of our reservoir engineering program and the foundation for all future studies in this subject.

The following instructors have been selected and approved by the PetroSkills Curriculum Network:
Mr. Jeff Aldrich Mr. Greg Ernster Mr. Timothy Hower Mr. David Patrick Murphy Dr. George Slater
Dr. Rosalind Archer Dr. Chris Galas Dr. Chun Huh Dr. Grant Robertson Dr. John Spivey
Dr. Asnul Bahar Mr. Curtis Golike Dr. Russell Johns Ms. Deborah Ryan Dr. Dave Waldren
Dr. Rodolfo Camacho-Velazquez Mr. Mason Gomez Dr. Mohan Kelkar Dr. Helmy Sayyouh
Dr. Akhil Datta-Gupta Dr. Ton Grimberg Mr. Stanley Kleinsteiber Mr. Richard Schroeder
Dr. Mojdeh Delshad Dr. Greg Hazlett Dr. Larry W. Lake Mr. John Seidle
Dr. Iskander Diyashev Mr. Richard Henry Dr. Kishore Mohanty Mr. Rod Sidle

Geology and Production Petroleum Business Health, Safety,

Geophysics Petrophysics Reservoir Engineering and Drilling & Professional Development Environment


Resource and Reserve
Evaluation (Page 35)
Chemical Enhanced
Decline Curve Oil Recovery
Streamlines: Applications to Reservoir Gas Reservoir Analysis (Page 34) Fundamentals
Simulation, Characterization Management (Page 34) (Page 30)

Applied Rock and Management (Page 35)

Mechanics (Page 26) Horizontal and
New Opportunities Multilateral Wells: Enhanced Oil Horizontal and
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Geologic in Old Fields Analysis and Design Recovery with Gas Multilateral Wells:
Wireline Formation and Engineering Analysis (Page 34) (Page 35) Injection (Page 31)
Testing and (Page 34) Completions and
Interpretation Stimulation
(Page 26) Coalbed Methane Reservoirs: Advanced Analysis Techniques (see website) (Page 45)

Integration of
Rocks, Log and Reservoir
Test Data (Page 25) History Matching Management
and Reservoir (Page 33)
Production Optimization (Page 32)

Logging (Page 44) Oil and Gas

Reservoir Modeling of Integrated Reserves Evaluation
Capillarity in Heavy Oil Resources Reservoir Modeling (Page 32)
Rocks (Page 31) (Page 33) (Page 32)
Reservoir Formation Damage:
Petrophysics of Reservoir Reservoir Management for Causes, Prevention
Unconventional Simulation Characterization Unconventional and Remediation Petroleum Project
Reservoirs (Page 24) Strategies (Page 33) (Page 32) Reservoirs (Page 33) (Page 43) Management (Page 56)

Well Test Enhanced Oil

Coring and Core Design and Analysis
Analysis (Page 24) Recovery
(Page 30) Fundamentals
(Page 30)
Well Log Reservoir Fluid Properties: Preparation Production
Geomechanics Interpretation
for Heavy Oil for Reservoir Engineering Waterflooding Operations 1 Economics of Applied HSE
(Page 24) and Simulation Studies (Page 31) Worldwide Management

(Page 10) A to Z (Page 31) (Page 37)

(Also available as a Petroleum (Page 47)
Foundations of Reservoir Engineering for Other Disciplines (Page 30) Virtual/Blended course) Production (Page 52)
Production Geology Petrophysics (Page 23) Applied Safety
for Other (Also available as a
Disciplines (Page 10) Applied Reservoir Engineering (Page 29) (Also available as a Virtual/Blended course) Production Petroleum Risk (Page 47)
Virtual/Blended course) and Decision
Technology for
Other Disciplines Analysis (Page 52)
Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources (Page 7) (Page 38) Applied
(Also available as a Team Leadership Environmental
Evaluating and Developing Heavy Oil Resources (Page 7) Virtual/Blended course) (Page 58)
Management (Page 47)

Essential Leadership
Skills for Technical
Petroleum Geology Basic Drilling, Professionals
for Early Career Completion

(Page 57)
Geoscientists and and Workover
Engineers (see website) Basic Reservoir Engineering (Page 29) Operations (Page 6) Expanded Basic
Petroleum Basics of HSE
Basic Petroleum Engineering Practices (Page 6) Economics (Page 51) Management (Page 46)

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.

Basic Reservoir Applied Reservoir Engineering – RE

Applied Reservoir
Engineering – BR
Engineering – RE


This course is designed to help the participants This course represents the core of our reservoir engineering program and the
develop a more complete understanding of the foundation for all future studies in this subject. Numerous engineering practices PetroAcademy

characteristics of oil and gas reservoirs, from are covered, ranging from fluid and rock properties to simulation and field
fluid and rock characteristics through reservoir development planning. Proficiency in using Microsoft Excel to perform
definition, delineation, classification, calculations and make graphs is desirable. Reservoir engineering is also BLENDED LEA R N IN G
development, and production. Data collection, presented in the context of a modern, multi-disciplinary team effort using
integration, and application directed toward supporting computer technology. An extensive manual and set of references are
maximizing recovery and Net Present Value are included. Are you ready to attend a PetroSkills Applied Reservoir Engineering - Virtual Instructor-led Training
stressed. Basic reservoir engineering equations course training class, school or short course? This is the best time to register. - Online Learning Activity/Reading
are introduced with emphasis directed to
parameter significance and an understanding of Week Hours Subject
the results. Engineers or geoscientists who will occupy the position of reservoir engineer, (Approx)
and any other technically trained individual who desires a more in-depth
DES IG NE D F O R 1 1.0 Orientation Webcast
foundation in reservoir engineering than is offered in the one-week Basic
Geologists, geophysicists, engineers, Reservoir Engineering and Reservoir Engineering for Other Disciplines courses. 1.0 This is Reservoir Engineering - Online Learning
engineering trainees, technical managers,
technical assistants, technicians, chemists, YOU W I LL L EARN HOW TO 2 9.0 Reservoir Rock Properties - Online Learning
physicists, technical supervisors, service • Determine critical properties of reservoir rocks fluid (oil, water, and gas) PVT
1.5 • Session 1
company personnel, sales representatives, data
processing personnel, and support staff working • Calculate hydrocarbons initially in place using several methods 3 1.5 Reservoir Fluid - Session 1
with reservoir engineers and wanting to • Assess reservoir performance with dynamic techniques
understand the process of reservoir definition, • Determine the parameters that impact well/reservoir performance over time 11.0 • Online Learning
development, and production, or engineers • Analyze well tests using standard well testing principles and techniques 1.5 • Session 2
newly placed in a reservoir engineering position • Characterize aquifers
that want a first reservoir engineering course at • Determine reservoir drive mechanisms for both oil and gas reservoirs 4 1.5 Reservoir Flow Properties Fundamentals -
the Basic level. • Apply oil and gas field development planning principles Session 1
• Forecast production decline
YO U W IL L L E A R N 9.0 • Online Learning
• How to collect and analyze the data needed C OU RSE C ON T EN T
1.5 • Session 2
for reservoir engineering tasks Asset life cycles, professional roles, hydrocarbon reservoir descriptions •
• Fundamentals of fluid flow in porous media Porosity, permeability, compressibility, capillary pressure, wettability and relative 5 3.0 Reservoir Material Balance - Online Learning
• How reservoirs are characterized by fluid type permeability, averaging reservoir property data • Phase behavior of reservoir
and drive mechanisms fluids, gas properties, oil properties, water properties, PVT sampling, and 6 1.5 Reservoir Material Balance - Session 1
• The basis for reservoir fluid distribution understanding PVT laboratory reports • Calculate original hydrocarbons in- 4.0 • Online Learning
• About oil and gas well performance and place with volumetric methods, build hydrocarbon volume vs depth
pressure buildup analysis relationships, and review reserve booking guidelines • Oil recovery material 1.5 • Session 2
• About oil displacement and optimizing balance, Havlena-Odeh method, gas material balance, volumetric, compaction,
reservoir performance
7 2.0 Decline Curve Analysis and Empirical
water drive, and compartmentalized reservoirs • Oil well testing: radial flow
• The basics of enhanced oil recovery theory, wellbore storage and skin, drawdowns, buildups, curve shapes, type Approaches - Sessions 1 and 2
• How oil and gas in place can be estimated curve solutions, pseudo steady state, steady state, average pressure estimates, 11.0 • Online Learning
and recovery predicted PI and IPR relationships • Gas well testing: pressure, pressure squared, real
gas pseudo pressure solutions, rate sensitive skins, multi-rate testing, gas well 8 6.0 Reserves and Resources - Online Learning
C OUR S E C O N T E N T deliverability • Hurst van Everdingen, Carter Tracy, and Fetkovitch methods of
Reservoir fluid properties • Coring practices and 4.0 Pressure Transient Analysis - Online Learning
aquifer analysis and description • Immiscible displacement: fluid displacement
reservoir rock properties • Fundamentals of process, fractional flow, Buckley Leverett, Welge • Description of coning, 9 4.0 Rate Transient Analysis - Online Learning
fluid flow • Reservoir fluid distribution • cusping, and over/under running, critical rates calculations, breakthrough times,
Reservoir classification • Reservoir drive horizontal well applications • Gas reservoirs: volumetric, water drive and 10 3.0 Reservoir Fluid Displacement - Online Learning
mechanisms • Oil and gas well performance, compaction drive-oil reservoirs: water drive, water flood, gravity drainage, gas
including inflow and outflow concepts • 11 2.0 Reservoir Fluid Displacement - Sessions 1
cap expansion, combination drive, naturally fractured and critical reservoir fluid and 2
Pressure buildup analysis • Oil displacement reservoirs • Gas field developments: characteristics, deliverability issues,
concepts • Estimation of oil-in-place and gas- contracts, planning tools - oil field developments: development phases, 7.0 • Online Learning
in-place • Recovery techniques reservoir characterization, sweep and recovery, production policies • Reservoir
simulation: why simulate? Various simulation models, simulator types, setting 12 4.0 Enhanced Oil Recovery - Online Learning
up a simulator model 13 2.0 Improved Oil Recovery - Session 1
BR is also available as a
self-paced, virtual course 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 4.0 • Online Learning
which is an enhanced version ABERDEEN, UK 1-12 APR 2019 $8810+VAT 14 4.0 Reservoir Simulation
of the face-to-face public ABU DHABI, UAE 18-29 AUG 2019 $9530+VAT
session. CALGARY, CAN 15-26 OCT 2018 $7360+GST 15 4.0 Reservoir Surveillance - Online Learning
DENVER, US 13-24 MAY 2019 $7575
1 0 SEP - 16 N OV 2018 $3900 HOUSTON, US 5-16 NOV 2018 $7445 1.5 Reservoir Surveillance Fundamentals -
(See web s ite for 2019 d a tes. ) 11-22 MAR 2019 $7570 Session 1
PETR O SK ILLS.C OM/ BR- BLE N D E D 15-26 JULY 2019 $7570
11-22 NOV 2019 $7570 6.0 • Online Learning
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 22 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $8890 1.5 • Session 2
7-18 OCT 2019 $9135
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) LONDON, UK 3-14 DEC 2018 $8580+VAT 16 6.0 Reservoir Management - Online Learning
ABERDEEN, UK 3-7 DEC 2018 $4790+VAT MIDLAND, US 10-21 SEPT 2018 $7360
9-13 DEC 2019 $4935+VAT 2-13 DEC 2019 $7475 1.5 • Session 1
ABU DHABI, UAE 6-10 OCT 2019 $5345+VAT
BAKERSFIELD, US 19-23 AUG 2019 $4170
* plus computer charge 3.0 Reservoir Management Fundamentals -
DENVER, US 29 APR-3 MAY 2019 $4220 Online Learning
HOUSTON, US 26-30 NOV 2018 $4140
18-22 FEB 2019 $4225 RE is also available as a self-paced, virtual course which is an 1.5 • Session 2
17-21 JUNE 2019 $4225
2-6 DEC 2019 $4225 enhanced version of the face-to-face public session.
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 8-12 OCT 2018 $4970 T O LE AR N M O R E , VI S I T
LONDON, UK 20-24 MAY 2019 $4935+VAT 10 SEP 2018 - 18 JAN 2019 $6985
(See website for additional 2019 dates.)
Reservoir Engineering Well Test Design and Enhanced Oil Recovery Chemical Enhanced Oil
for Other Disciplines Analysis – WTA Fundamentals – ORE Recovery Fundamentals


This course gives the non-reservoir engineer a This course stresses practical application of well One-third to one-half of the original oil-in-place This course gives an overview of oil recovery
better understanding of reservoir engineering test theory to design and interpret pressure may remain in a reservoir as it reaches processes that involve the use of polymer,
practices and limitations. The course is designed transient tests. An integrated approach to well abandonment due to its economic limit. This surfactant, alkali, gel, and a combination of
to provide a good understanding of reservoir test interpretation is emphasized throughout the course covers the recovery improvement them. Furthermore, it reviews reservoir
engineering processes, the required data, and course. Class exercises involving hand possibilities that present themselves at all engineering fundamentals and describes the
the limitations on the engineers' analysis and calculations and simple spreadsheet stages in the reservoir life cycle. It thereby principles for a variety of chemical enhanced oil
interpretations. The course also provides persons applications will reinforce the concepts enables one to timely select the most beneficial recovery processes. The current status of these
who are already well trained in the other illustrated by both synthetic data sets and real method and set realistic expectations on technologies is discussed and guidelines are
upstream petroleum industry technical field examples. Participants will be able to apply production behavior changes and recovery presented for initial screening for each process
disciplines with an understanding of the current the knowledge and skills they gain in this course improvement. The impacts of the selected corresponding to particular field conditions.
state-of-the-art practice of reservoir engineering. to their job assignments upon course method on personnel training, technology Examples of laboratory and field performances
completion. transfer, and facility modification are also are presented. Simulation exercises are used for
DES IG NE D F O R covered. It utilizes case studies from projects each process.
Engineers and geoscientists now working in an DESI GN ED FOR around the world; their analyses and
asset environment where they need to better Engineers and geoscientists who want to interpretations aid the participant in DES IGNED FOR
understand the practices and limitations of the understand well testing principles and understanding of the material. Engineers, geoscientists, management
methods and procedures employed by the interpretation techniques to design, analyze, personnel or other technical personnel with at
reservoir engineers with whom they work. report, evaluate results or intelligently participate DESIGNED FOR least a B.S. degree and some experience in
Participants should have three or more years of in the well testing process. Previous experience Engineers responsible for sustaining or reservoir engineering. The course benefits
technical experience in the upstream petroleum increasing oil and gas production and
in production and/or reservoir engineering is individuals who are responsible for the design,
industry. enhancing oil recovery from reservoirs under
recommended. Previous experience in well implementation and management of chemical
primary depletion, pressure maintenance by
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO testing is helpful but is not required. EOR projects. However, the contents of this
water or gas injection, and enhanced oil
• Utilize the tools and techniques of the recovery schemes. Also, other professionals and course are also beneficial for other technical
YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO personnel involved in numerical simulation
reservoir engineer managers participating in the above effort on a
• Analyze drawdown and buildup tests in oil studies, screening, and planning of EOR
• Apply the principles of reservoir engineering multi-disciplinary team who need to gain better
• Develop reservoir, well performance and and gas wells applications. This course may interest new
understanding of various conventional and
asset management options • Identify flow regimes using the log-log recruits as well as experienced professionals
emerging technologies.
diagnostic plot who want to gain a better understanding of the
C OUR S E C O N T E N T • Describe characteristic pressure behavior for YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO concepts, practices, benefits, and limitations of
Distribution of Reservoir Properties: structure, common bounded reservoir geometries • Develop recovery expectations from chemical EOR methods.
fluid contacts, water saturation, and pressure • • Identify well test data affected by various reservoirs under primary depletion or
Rock Properties: porosity, permeability, capillary wellbore and near-wellbore phenomena pressure maintenance utilizing water or Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
pressure, and relative permeability • Fluid • Design a well test to meet desired objectives immiscible gas injection • Evaluate benefits and limitations of different
Properties: phase behavior of reservoir fluids; • Estimate average drainage area pressure • Determine reasons and causes for less than chemical EOR processes
properties of gas, oil, and water; PVT Sampling; • Analyze well tests in hydraulically fractured theoretically possible recovery • Select laboratory tests and perform scoping
and PVT laboratory reports • Volumetric wells, horizontal wells, and naturally fractured • Choose appropriate methods for improving simulations for pilot and field designs
Calculation of Initial Hydrocarbons in Place: oil in reservoirs oil recovery from reservoirs under primary • Screen these techniques for particular fields
place, gas in place, addressing uncertainty depletion or pressure maintenance utilizing • Set expectations on incremental oil recoveries
using probabilistic methods, reserve booking C OU RSE C ON T EN T water or immiscible gas injection and the economics
practices, and reservoir recovery efficiencies • Introduction to well testing • Radial flow • Log- • Enhance oil recovery beyond waterflooding or • Determine impact of these recovery
Material Balance Methods: oil reservoir material log type curve analysis • Pressure transient immiscible gas injection project techniques on production facilities and
balance, Havlena Odeh method, gas testing for gas wells • Flow regimes and the
material balance, volumetric, compaction, water • Understand mechanisms responsible for personnel training
log-log diagnostic plot • Bounded reservoir recovery improvement in various EOR
drive, and compartmentalized reservoirs • Fluid
behavior • Wellbore and near-wellbore methods COURS E CONTE N T
flow and well performance: radial and linear
flow, transient, pseudosteady state, steady state phenomena • Well test interpretation • Well test • Important variables that control recovery Review of areal and vertical sweep efficiencies
flow regimes, productivity of vertical and design • Estimation of average drainage area improvement in various EOR methods • Heterogeneity and vertical sweep efficiency •
horizontal wells • Aquifer influx • Immiscible pressure • Hydraulically fractured wells • • Select EOR methods using screening criteria Residual oil saturation • Enhanced Oil Recovery
Displacement: fluid displacement process, Horizontal wells • Naturally fractured reservoirs • Use designing procedures - theoretical, (EOR) methods • Chemical EOR methods •
fractional flow, Buckley Leverett, Welge, water laboratory tests, and field pilots Polymer flooding - polymers and their properties
under running, and gas overriding • Coning and • Plan and implement EOR processes • Laboratory screening • Polymer flood field
Cusping: description of process, critical rates, employing the proper empirical, analytical, design and example field results • Overview of
using horizontal wells • Reservoir Types and and simulation tools reservoir simulators for polymer flooding •
Drive Mechanisms: gas reservoirs - volumetric, • Forecast rate-time and recovery-time Example simulations • Surfactant/polymer (SP)
water drive and compaction drive; oil reservoirs behavior under various EOR methods and methods • Surfactant-brine-oil phase behavior
- solution gas drive, water drive, water flood, analyze reservoir performance • Microemulsion properties • Capillary
gas cap expansion, combination drive, naturally • Assess risks and ways to minimize their desaturation and oil mobilization • Laboratory
fractured and critical reservoir fluid reservoirs • impact on project economics screening • Field examples and designs •
Reservoir Simulation: why simulate, types of • Monitor reservoir/well behavior Reservoir simulators for SP • Example
simulators and simulation models, setting up a simulations • Alkaline/Surfactant/Polymer (ASP)
simulation model, conducting a simulation study COURSE CONTENT
methods • Effect of alkali on phase behavior •
• Field Development Planning: characteristics, Reservoir life cycle and recovery process • Life
planning tools, deliverability issues, determining under primary recovery phase: recovery targets Laboratory screening • Field examples and
a well count and rate forecast and ways to improve • Life under secondary designs • Reservoir simulators for ASP •
recovery phases: immiscible gas injection, Example simulations • Performance Control/
waterflooding, recovery targets, ways to improve Water Shutoff Methods • Overview of
• Life under enhanced oil recovery phase: conformance control options (i.e. bulk gel, CDG,
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) increasing complexity, cost/benefit consideration PPG, Bright Water) • Gel properties •
ABERDEEN, UK 26-30 NOV 2018 $4890+VAT • Miscible methods • Chemical methods • Laboratory screening • Field examples and
18-22 NOV 2019 $5035+VAT Thermal methods • Technical challenges: designs • Reservoir simulators for conformance
DENVER, US 8-12 JULY 2019 $4320 current and future R&D directions, facilities control methods
HOUSTON, US 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $4240 modifications and personnel training
28 OCT-1 NOV 2019 $4325 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 12-16 NOV 2018 $5070 HOUSTON, US 8-12 OCT 2018 $4265
2-6 DEC 2019 $5220 7-11 OCT 2019 $4325 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
THE HAGUE, NLD 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4890 LONDON, UK 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4915+VAT HOUSTON, US 26-30 NOV 2018 $4265 HOUSTON, US 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $4440
23-27 SEPT 2019 $5035 9-13 SEPT 2019 $5035+VAT 9-13 DEC 2019 $4325 29 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $4525
* plus computer charge * plus computer charge LONDON, UK 12-16 AUG 2019 $5035+VAT * plus computer charge

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Reservoir Fluid Properties:
Enhanced Oil Recovery Waterflooding A to Z Capillarity in Rocks
Preparation for Reservoir
with Gas Injection – WF – CIR
Engineering and
– EORG Simulation Studies – RFP
This course gives a comprehensive This course goes beyond the usual description Waterflooding has long been proven as the The course provides detailed knowledge of how
understanding of immiscible gas and of reservoir fluid properties. The underlying simplest and the lowest cost approach to capillarity affects hydrocarbon distribution in a
compositionally enhanced recovery processes purpose is to be able to prepare the most maintaining production and increasing oil reservoir rock, and how the magnitude of
and the important variables that influence the accurate possible set of values of fluid recovery from an oil reservoir. However, these capillary forces can be used to deduce valuable
gas flooding process. The course contains both properties for use in other engineering benefits may fall far short of the expectations information about rock properties including pore
theoretical and practical material so that an calculations. An understanding of the unless the time-tested concepts and practices throat sizes, pore network geometry, porosity,
engineer can apply learned knowledge to his/ advantages of the application of both laboratory are clearly understood and judiciously and permeability.
her unique reservoir. The course discusses data and correlations will be provided. Extensive implemented. These concepts and practices
process optimization to reduce production costs exercises are used to illustrate the principles aim at process optimization - reducing DES IGNED FOR
while maximizing oil recovery and income. and to test the consistency of measured data. production cost while minimizing waste and Geoscientists, petrophysicists, reservoir
Compositional simulation using equations-of- Accordingly, participants are encouraged to maximizing oil recovery and income. This course engineers, and research and development staff
state are used to demonstrate how to optimize bring their own PVT laboratory data to is light on theory but heavy on proven and who want to gain fundamental insight into the
gas design parameters for water-alternating- deconstruct in class. Equations of State successful practices. Published case histories of capillary properties and hydrocarbon distribution
gas floods. Published case histories from calculations are introduced, and a tuning projects around the world are reviewed to in reservoir rocks.
around the world are reviewed to provide an exercise is conducted on commercial software. provide an understanding of divergent points-of-
understanding of what works where, what fails, view, what works where, what fails when, and
DESI GN ED FOR • Select the appropriate capillary pressure
and why. The course is supplemented with the why. This training covers all elements of a
Reservoir, production and facilities engineers measurement method for a set of desired
SPE Fundamentals of Enhanced Oil Recovery waterflood project from A to Z - from source
who have a need to model the flow of oil, gas results
textbook and the monograph on Practical water selection to produced water disposal and
and water through reservoirs, wellbores, and • Closure correct a set of mercury/air capillary
Aspects of CO2 Flooding. everything in between. Participants are grouped
surface facilities. pressure data
into small multi-disciplinary teams. All
DES IG NE D F O R • Fit and analyze capillary pressure data using
classroom discussions and problem-solving
Petroleum engineers who want an in-depth YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO Thomeer, Leverett-J, and Brooks-Corey methods
sessions are handled in an asset management
knowledge of immiscible and miscible gas • Identify the type of fluid in a particular • Determine the representativeness of a set
team format. Simulation studies are done in
flooding techniques. The participant should have reservoir and predict how that fluid will of capillary pressure curves within a zone
class to evaluate basic waterflooding physics as
some basic knowledge of flow through porous behave during production of interest
well as to optimize the development of a
media and should already understand water • Read and QC PVT Reports • Estimate permeability from a mercury/air
hypothetical field.
flooding fundamentals, including black-oil PVT • Use laboratory data to determine values capillary pressure curve
behavior, Buckley-Leverett flow, and of fluid properties for use in engineering DES IGNED FOR • Calculate pore throat sizes from a capillary
optimization of well placement based on calculations, including Equation of State Reservoir, production, facilities, and operations pressure curve
reservoir characterization. • Use correlations to determine values of fluid engineers who are involved with some aspects • Create a synthetic capillary pressure curve
properties in the absence of laboratory data of a new or existing waterflood project; and estimate the air permeability from a
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO • Select the best available fluid property geoscientists and professionals who want to get petrographic analysis
• Distinguish rock and fluid characteristics that correlations for oils, gases, and oilfield waters a better feel for the entire process of planning, • Obtain values for interphase tension
influence gas flooding recovery • Shape PVT data to get the best results out of development, management, and recovery • Convert mercury/air capillary pressure curves
• Understand key factors and process analytical and numerical software optimization of a waterflood project. to hydrocarbon/water capillary pressure curves
fundamentals that affect volumetric sweep • Determine saturation-height distribution in a
and displacement efficiency C OU RSE C ON T EN T Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO single-pore system rock or in a multiple- pore
• Estimate key parameters through problem Fluid fundamentals • Dry gas models • Brine • Distinguish rock characteristics and fluid system rock
assignments and spreadsheets models • Wet gas models • Dead oil models • properties that control displacement of oil and • Determine irreducible water saturation
• Specify components of a well-designed gas Black oil models • Volatile oil models • Gas thereby control oil recovery • Estimate the length of a transition zone
flooding process condensate models • Fluid sampling • • Predict incremental oil recovery and develop • Determine clay-bound water using Klein-Hill-
• Evaluate each field project based on physical Laboratory tests • Reading a PVT report • production and injection profiles using a Shirley method
principles and select the proper solvent and Quality checks on a PVT report • Corrections to variety of tools. • Compare/contrast capillary pressure data
injection scheme laboratory data • Equations of State • Tuning • Estimate injection water requirements in with NMR data
• Use compositional simulation to address Equations of State terms of volumes, timing, and composition • Determine the maximum column of
basic recovery mechanisms and perform • Create early warning systems for flood hydrocarbon that a specific sealing layer can
process optimization management and optimize oil recovery sustain without leaking
• Identify problems, key parameters, and trends through new and existing technologies
from field case studies • Specify components of a well-designed COURS E CONTE N T
waterflood plan Capillary pressure applications in reservoir
C OUR S E C O N T E N T characterization • Rock properties from
Reservoir characterization and phase behavior • COURS E CONTENT mercury/air capillary pressures • Capillary
Flow regimes and sweep • Immiscible gas/ Overview and terminology • Effect of rock pressure data representativeness • Capillary
water flood mechanisms • First contact properties • Effect of heterogeneity and forces in reservoir rocks; their measurement •
miscibility mechanisms • Multi-contact anisotropy • Effect of fluid properties • Capillary pressure data fitting methods •
miscibility mechanisms • Reservoir simulation, Wettability • Capillary pressure • Relative Representing a large number of capillary curves
WAG design, and performance forecasting • permeability • Physics of water displacing oil • (averaging) • Permeability from capillary
Performance and monitoring of field projects Statistical forecasting • Analytical forecasting • pressure curves and petrography • Saturation-
Numerical forecasting • Injector monitoring • height functions • Surface phenomena,
Producer monitoring • Integrated monitoring • capillarity, wettability, and interphase tension •
Effect of water impurities • Surface processing The competition between capillary and gravity
of injection and produced water • Water shut- forces • Relationships between initial and
off • Pattern rotation • Natural and hydraulic residual saturations • Interpretation of single
fractures • Horizontal well applications • and multiple pore system rocks • Clay-bound
Downhole separation • Enhanced waterfloods • water • Capillary pressure vs. NMR • Seal
Waterflood planning • Many case histories capacity

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

BAKERSFIELD, US 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $4240 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
28 OCT-1 NOV 2019 $4270 HOUSTON, US 24-26 OCT 2018 $3225
CALGARY, CAN 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4190+GST 29 APR-1 MAY 2019 $3305
9-13 SEPT 2019 $4270+GST 23-25 OCT 2019 $3305
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 3-7 JUNE 2019 $4325 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 22-24 JULY 2019 $3990
HOUSTON, US 20-24 MAY 2019 $4725 HOUSTON, US 1-5 APR 2019 $4325 LONDON, UK 19-23 AUG 2019 $5035+VAT LONDON, UK 16-18 DEC 2019 $3835+VAT
* plus computer charge * plus computer charge * plus computer charge * plus computer charge

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
History Matching and Integrated Reservoir Oil and Gas Reserves
Characterization: A
Reservoir Optimization Modeling – GRD Evaluation – OGR
– HMRO Multi-Disciplinary Team
Approach – RC
This course is designed to cover state-of-the-art As the oil companies define business units and Key objectives of this course are to learn various The modern team approach to Reservoir
techniques/workflows for history matching asset teams, it is becoming increasingly compliant methods of preparing reserves Characterization describes productive zones
geologic and reservoir models for both important that all the team members estimates, learn to estimate and understand the more reliably through the integration of
conventional and unconventional reservoirs. The understand the workflow in developing impact of economics on those estimates, and disciplines, technology, and data. Increase your
course will discuss manual and assisted history integrated reservoir description for that asset. A properly classify those reserves using the proven reserves, discover by-passed pay,
matching methods and also, inverse modeling proper development of reservoir description is current reserves definitions. Recent case reduce development time and costs, improve
techniques and the pros and cons of the helpful in managing daily operations of the studies, SEC audit questions, and class production rates, and rejuvenate old fields
methods. The production/history data can be in asset, as well as long-term planning. Integration problems are used extensively to develop an through the skills learned in this course.
the form of pressure or rate transient tests, involves using all the available information about understanding of those skills and include ethical The course is process-based and focuses upon
tracer tests, multiphase production history, or the reservoir to develop better understanding of issues that arise when calculating and reporting understanding the applicability of
interpreted 4D seismic information. Field the reservoir. This process is inherently reserves. measurements and interpretations from the
examples will be presented to illustrate the interdisciplinary and requires understanding of participant's discipline to other adjacent
current state of the art and limitations. The use all the disciplines. Although soft skills are DES IGNED FOR
Geologists, geophysicists, reservoir engineers, disciplines, understanding information from
of history matched models for optimizing important in working in an interdisciplinary other disciplines, and the uncertainties and risks
reservoir development and management team, this course concentrates on the hard reserves managers, bankers, and government
officials involved in reserves reporting, reserves involved in its gathering/interpretation,
strategies will be discussed. The course will skills required to develop a realistic reservoir awareness of the latest technologies and
involve a combination of theoretical discussion, description. Starting with collecting information auditing, and reserves estimations.
working principles evolving on the cutting edge
practical applications, and computer exercises and assessing the need for additional data, the of the industry, managing a complex project to
using public domain software to provide the course will cover all the topics from structural solve business problems in the most efficient
• Correctly interpret and apply the SPE-PRMS
participants with hands-on training on the and geological modeling, estimation of reservoir manner, particularly when working in a difficult
reserves definitions and principles
workflows that can be applied using available petrophysical properties using geostatistical environment (multi-disciplinary teams, sponsors
• Interpret and apply the SEC Modernization
commercial software. tools, upscaling to simulator model and finally, and bosses outside your expertise, cross
of Oil and Gas Reporting definitions and
proper history matching and future predictions purposes from disciplines), and working with
D E S IG NE D F O R guidelines
in the presence of uncertainties. This course is both probabilistic and deterministic multiple
Practicing geoscientists and engineers • Generate compliant reserves estimates and
important to reservoir modelers involved in any working hypotheses throughout a hydrocarbon
performing geologic modeling, reservoir reports using either set of definitions
phase of the description work. This is intended project
simulation, and optimization studies. • Understand and use various traditional
to expose various geoscientists and engineers
engineering and geoscience techniques to During the course, particular attention will be
to the entire process of integrated reservoir
YOU W IL L L E A R N H O W TO satisfy reserves reporting requirements paid to uncertainties and risks. It will be shown
description and the geostatistical tools that can
• Recognize the difficulties and sources of error • Incorporate modern, reliable technology into how these can be handled and their impact on
be used to achieve the goals. The course will
in history matching your reserves estimates the economics of hydrocarbon projects. The
develop improved appreciation of the other
• Define limitations of various techniques • Document your reserves estimations instructor is willing to accept examples from
disciplines' needs as well as the necessity of
for both conventional and unconventional • Prepare for an SEC, third party, or bank audit your company for analysis in the class as one of
the feedback during the integration process.
reservoirs of your work the demonstration exercises. It is also possible
The instructor of this course is willing to accept
• Apply theory of streamlines and streamline- • Successfully defend your estimates during to design a course specifically for your own
examples from your company for analysis in the
assisted history matching for waterflooding an audit company around such a case study. Please
class as one of the demonstration exercises.
• Understand the background and theory of • Conduct a thorough audit of another party's contact PetroSkills for a list of the information
commercially available assisted/automatic DESI GN ED F OR reserves report and support data required, as well as the
history matching tools and algorithms Geologists, geophysicists, engineers, necessary lead-time.
• Apply concepts of experimental design/ COURS E CONTENT
petrophysicists or others involved in reservoir
response surface/surrogate models Purpose and uses of reserves estimates • DESIGNED FOR
• Use learnings from case studies for a Types of reserves studies • How to read and Geologists, geophysicists, reservoir engineers,
systematic procedure for history matching YOU WI L L L EARN H OW TO understand a reserves report • SPE-PRMS production engineers, petrophysicists,
and well placement optimization in a mature • Develop the work flow in the reservoir reserves definitions • SEC reserves definitions exploration and production managers, team
field, well rate optimization/allocation in a integration process • Compliant reserves estimation methods using: leaders, and research scientists.
mature field, and well completion optimization • Evaluate and quantify uncertainties in various analogies, volumetric analysis, performance
for an unconventional reservoir sources of data analysis, and material balance • Supplemental YOU WILL LEARN H O W TO
• Use permeability predictions, facies • Build a geo-cellular model using geostatistical compliant estimation techniques incorporating: • To develop a business proposal for any
identification, and upscaling tools and upscale it to capture essential probabilistic analysis and simulation • Reservoir Characterization project
• Use commercial tools for history matching heterogeneities Economics and reserves • Special reserves • To apply the concept of correlation length to
• Develop criterion for objective history estimation topics - reserves reporting in low understand reservoir continuity
COUR S E C O N T E N T matching permeability reservoirs, shale gas reservoirs, • To define hydraulic flow units in a reservoir
History Matching: fundamentals and workflow • • Utilize seismic data in different phases of CBM, and EOR projects • To assess the economics of oil and gas
Simulation equations • Reservoir Simulation: reservoir description and integrate them projects across their entire life cycle
background • History Matching: mathematical using geostatistics • To carry out the integrated Reservoir
background • Drainage volume calculations and • Use various description tools in a judicious Characterization process
completion optimization • History matching of manner
unconventional reservoirs • Practical • Use public domain software to apply many of COURSE CONTE N T
considerations • Streamline-based history the techniques discussed in class Business value drivers and selection criteria •
matching • Streamline Simulation • Streamlines: The scale and resolution of data • Variograms,
C OU RSE C ON T EN T correlation length • Time, rock, and flow units •
mathematical background • Streamlines:
applications • Streamline-based history matching Basic statistical principles • Spatial modeling • Seismic attributes • Upscaling, streamline
• History matching and uncertainty analysis • Structural modeling • Estimation of properties simulation • Decision trees; value of information
Experimental design and surrogate models • at well locations • Conditional simulation • • Giving and receiving feedback • The future of
Multiscale history matching with grid coarsening Facies/rock type modeling • Petrophysical Reservoir Characterization
• Case Study: history matching and rate properties simulation • Ranking of realizations •
optimization • Case Study: history matching and Construction of simulator input model • History
well placement optimization • History Matching: matching • Future predictions and
new developments quantification of uncertainty

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) DUBAI, UAE 17-21 MAR 2019 $5545+VAT
HOUSTON, US 5-9 NOV 2018 $4415 HOUSTON, US 10-14 DEC 2018 $4340 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4340
16-20 SEPT 2019 $4425
11-15 NOV 2019 $4425 9-13 DEC 2019 $4425 DENVER, US 29 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $4475 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 26-30 NOV 2018 $5170
LONDON, UK 5-9 AUG 2019 $5135+VAT LONDON, UK 13-17 MAY 2019 $5135+VAT HOUSTON, US 18-22 MAR 2019 $4480 25-29 NOV 2019 $5320
* plus computer charge * plus computer charge * plus computer charge LONDON, UK 22-26 JULY 2019 $5135+VAT

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.

Reservoir Management Reservoir Management Reservoir Modeling of Reservoir Simulation

– RM for Unconventional Heavy Oil Resources Strategies – RSS
Reservoirs – RMUR – HORM


The principles of sound reservoir management This course in unconventional reservoir As conventional oil reserves decline, more This course is designed to give an introduction
are presented with emphasis on practical management is aimed at all petro-technical emphasis is placed on heavy oil and bitumen. to the fundamental and practical aspects of
applications. Actual case histories are used to professionals who have little experience with Heavy oil and bitumen are plentiful in many modern reservoir simulation. Particular
study both successes and failures. An these resource types but who wish to quickly developed oil provinces, as well as in areas with emphasis is placed upon the available data and
interdisciplinary synergistic approach to efficient learn some key elements and issues associated no conventional oil. As with conventional oil, the its integration into a data set that reflects a
reservoir management is detailed with the goal with the exploitation of unconventional reservoirs reservoir engineering aspects of the coherent model of the reservoir. These aspects
of optimized profitability. The significance of (tight gas, tight oil, and shales). The course is built development of heavy oil and bitumen is aided are reinforced with small practical examples run
each component and the importance of timing around the role of the reservoir engineer and, by modeling of various kinds. For heavy oil and by groups of the course participants. The course
and cost/benefit analysis are emphasized. hence, concerns itself with the integration and bitumen, the modeling is complicated by the is organized in morning lecture sessions and
Reservoir management models for optimum use of information to make well rate and high oil viscosity and the need for enhanced oil afternoon practical sessions.
field development and field operating plans are recoverable volumes estimates, making decisions recovery techniques, usually involving heating of
analyzed. The interdisciplinary reservoir on desirable data collection, and planning the reservoir to produce the oil at commercial DES IGNED FOR
management approach shows how each answers to common questions such as choice of rates. In this course, modeling is understood as Reservoir and petroleum engineers who will be
technology or function contributes to the plan initial development spacing and the value of a part of reservoir engineering and includes the actively using reservoir simulation.
and how checks and balances are developed. subsequent infill drilling. Attendees should leave use of analogues and analytical modeling, as
this course with an improved understanding of Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
well as numerical simulation. The emphasis is
DES IG NE D F O R unconventional reservoir exploitation. • Apply the principles of reservoir engineering
on numerical simulation, but analytical
Reservoir, production, and operations engineers, to numerical modeling
DESI GN ED FOR techniques are also examined in some detail,
geologists, geophysicists, managers, • Set up, run, and analyze the results for
All petro-technical professionals who have little since they provide considerable insight into the
experienced technicians, and service company single-well, pattern, and full-field models
experience with unconventional reservoirs but recovery process. The emphasis of the course is
personnel responsible for improving the • Prepare fluid and rock property data in the
who need or desire to start developing some on HOW to perform a successful heavy oil
performance of petroleum reservoirs. manner required for simulation studies
understanding of important basic concepts and simulation study, including factors to be
• Identify and eliminate causes of numerical
methods associated with these resource types. considered, pitfalls to avoid, testing of models,
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO problems
The course is focused on reservoir management examination of output, and ensuring results are
• Apply the principles of sound reservoir • Perform a history match
issues for tight gas, tight oil and shale reservoirs. reliable.
management • Use the matched model to predict future
• Use the interdisciplinary synergistic approach CBM reservoirs are not addressed. performance under a variety of assumptions
to efficient reservoir management YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO Petroleum and reservoir engineers who will be
• Include each reservoir management COURS E CONTE N T
• Plan solutions to common reservoir actively working on studies, and be involved in
component and the importance of timing and Buckley Leverett displacement • One
management problems for unconventional assessing the results of studies.
cost/benefit analysis dimensional water oil displacement • Model
• Develop checks and balances Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO components, types, and modern gridding
• Apply approaches to estimate rate and
recoverable volumes for wells prior to • Select the type of modeling required to meet methods • Two dimensional displacement •
C OUR S E C O N T E N T development in an unconventional reservoir the aims of the study Grid orientation and refinement • Routine and
Definition of reservoir management: an • Use classical and current non-simulation • Design different types of modeling studies special core analysis • Single phase up-scaling
integrated, interdisciplinary team effort • Goal methods for estimating wells rates and to achieve the aims of the study (feasibility, of geo-cellular model parameters
setting, planning, implementing, monitoring, and recoverable volumes using production data operating strategy, development plan,
evaluating reservoir performance • Field from unconventional reservoirs ultimate recovery, etc.)
development and field operating plans to • Better understand the limitations of these rate • Collect and select the data for the study
optimize profitability • Efficient monitoring of and recoverable volume prediction methods • Incorporate field observations into the study
reservoir performance • Minimizing drilling of • Address the development of a life-of-field (production data, pressure data, 4D seismic,
unnecessary wells • Wellbore and surface surveillance plan for an unconventional observation well data)
systems • Well testing and automated reservoir • Set up, run, and test the model(s)
production systems • Economic impact of • Better understand the use, design and analysis • Assess the adequacy of the history match(es)
operating plans • Identifying and acquiring of pressure transient tests appropriate for • Create and run different development options
critical data, data acquisition, and analysis • the characterization of unconventional well/ and assess the results
Maximizing economic recovery and minimizing reservoir systems (DFITs & PBUs) • Assess the results of third party studies (in-
capital investment, risk, and operating expenses house or external)
• Timing of field implementation of reservoir C OU RSE C ON T EN T
management plan • Case histories and analysis Reservoir Management and the role of the COURS E CONTENT
• Importance of reservoir characterization and reservoir engineer • Unconventional reservoirs: Introduction (definitions of heavy oil, types of
drilling and operating plans • Primary recovery, quality recognition and development life-stages • study, types of modeling, design of study, grid
pressure maintenance, and secondary and A review of the fundamentals of volumetric in effects, binary screening) • Basic reservoir
tertiary recovery • Responsibilities for team unconventional reservoirs • Rate and recoverable engineering and reservoir characterization
members volumes prediction: before development • Rate (overview of reservoir engineering techniques
and recoverable volumes prediction: after and their limitations for heavy oil, types of
development • Pressure transient testing: geological models, introduction to geostatistical
appropriate methods; design and analysis • Life-
models) • Rock and fluid data for heavy oil (oil
of-field surveillance planning • Solving common
viscosity, thermal properties of reservoir,
unconventional reservoir management problems:
temperature dependence of relative
setting initial spacing • Solving common
unconventional reservoir management problems: permeability, etc.) • Non-thermal recovery of
valuing and planning infill drilling • Solving heavy oil (cold heavy oil production with sand,
common unconventional reservoir management chemical flooding, VAPEX, immiscible gas
problems: development drilling sequence • flooding) • Thermal recovery using steam (cyclic
Reservoir simulation versus non-simulation tools steam stimulation, steamflood, steam-assisted
• Uncertainty issues gravity drainage) • Thermal recovery without
steam (in-situ combustion, electrical heating,
hot water flood, steam with additives)
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
CALGARY, CAN 24-28 JUNE 2019 $4370+GST
DENVER, US 12-16 NOV 2018 $4340
21-25 OCT 2019 $4420
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 20-24 MAY 2019 $4425 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
DENVER, US 5-9 AUG 2019 $4450 LONDON, UK 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4990+VAT HOUSTON, US 8-12 JULY 2019 $4425
HOUSTON, US 4-8 MAR 2019 $4455 MIDLAND, US 4-8 MAR 2019 $4370 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) LONDON, UK 1-5 OCT 2018 $4990+VAT
LONDON, UK 24-28 JUNE 2019 $5165+VAT OKLAHOMA CITY, US 19-23 AUG 2019 $4370 CALGARY, CAN 13-15 MAY 2019 $3265+GST 7-11 OCT 2019 $5135+VAT
* plus computer charge * plus computer charge * plus computer charge * plus computer charge

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Decline Curve Analysis Horizontal and Naturally Fractured
Gas Reservoir
and Diagnostic Methods Multilateral Wells: Reservoirs: Geologic
Management – GRM
for Performance Analysis and Design and Engineering
Forecasting – DCA – HML1 Analysis – FR
Decline curve analysis has been called the most Natural gas production has become a major The complex, interdisciplinary decisions in This course covers geologic and engineering
commonly used and misused technique for part of every petroleum company's asset base advanced well projects are emphasized in this concepts, methodology, and technology used to
forecasting future production and remaining and continues to grow in importance throughout course. The application and benefits of characterize, evaluate, and manage naturally-
reserves. This course will give the learner a better the world. This course will help participants horizontal and multilateral wells are analyzed. fractured reservoirs. Applications and limitations
understanding of how fundamental reservoir understand the engineering drivers on gas The process of candidate screening and of geologic and engineering procedures and
properties and drive mechanisms affect the reservoir management and how a gas selection, involving geological, reservoir, and tools are discussed. Field examples and case
shape of the production decline curve and how to reservoir's value can be maximized through production characteristics are considered, as studies demonstrate the importance of
avoid many of the mistakes commonly found in sound engineering practices. A full spectrum of well as constraints on drilling and completion integrated geologic and engineering studies in
decline curve forecasts. The course also gas reservoir engineering techniques is options. Methods to predict well performance developing effective, economical reservoir
examines the use of modern production decline addressed and their application to a large and recovery from horizontal and multilateral management strategies for different types of
type-curves to evaluate reservoir properties and variety of gas resource management options is wells are presented with integration of inflow reservoirs.
predict future performance. discussed. and wellbore flow performance for individual
and multilateral wells. Well completion options DES IGNED FOR
DES IG NE D F O R DESI GN ED FOR and its impact on well performance for Engineers and geoscientists interested in a
Engineers or technical assistants who are Engineers actively involved with the operation horizontal and multilateral wells are multi-disciplinary approach to evaluating and
responsible for making forecasts of future and management of gas reservoirs; summarized. The improvement by well predicting the overall effect of natural fractures
production using decline curves analysis. geoscientists working with gas reservoirs in field stimulation (multistage hydraulic fracturing and on subsurface fluid-flow and subsequent
Economists, managers, or geoscientists who are
development and expansion planning would matrix acidizing) is evaluated. Economic and risk reservoir performance.
interested in developing a greater working
also benefit from attending this course. analysis are also presented with a number of
knowledge of decline curve methods and how to Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
make better forecasts will also benefit from this COMMENTS FROM PREVIOUS PARTICIPANTS: case histories to highlight the performance and
benefits of horizontal wells and the elements of • Detect and predict subsurface natural
course. “Very good practical approach to the material - fracture occurrence and intensity from cores
course is highly recommended.” risk and uncertainty at the initial design stage.
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO and well logs
“Instructor did a great job relating the theory to • Determine fractured rock properties affecting
• Use the exponential, hyperbolic and harmonic DES IGNED FOR
potential applications.” reservoir performance
decline curve equations “Exercises were practical and useful.” Geologists, reservoir engineers, production and
• See the relationships between reservoir completion engineers, and development, asset, • Design and analyze pressure transient tests
recovery mechanisms and decline curve types YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO and project managers. in naturally-fractured reservoirs
• Identify and understand how the transient flow • Evaluate gas reservoir data and prepare this • Evaluate reservoir performance in naturally-
period can lead to overestimation Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO fractured reservoirs
data for engineering calculations
• Use multiple methods to avoid overestimating • Apply frequently used gas reservoir • Identify the applications of horizontal, • Develop and apply numerical simulation
reserves engineering techniques multilateral, and intelligent wells from models to fluid-flow in naturally-fractured
• Recognize reservoir performance • Perform production decline type curve geological and reservoir aspects reservoirs
characteristics based on field examples analysis and use other advanced reservoir • Assess multidisciplinary inputs for successful • Apply coupled geomechanics/fluid-flow
• See the impact of reservoir heterogeneities calculations such as simulation screening of advanced well projects behavior to reservoir management strategies
such as faulting, permeability variance, and • Solve reservoir engineering calculations • Predict horizontal and multilateral well in naturally fractured reservoirs
layering through the use of many practical exercises productivity with integrated reservoir flow and • Evaluate the impact of natural fractures on
• Account for changing operating conditions well flow models hydraulic fracture stimulation
• Perform analysis on a multi-well basis without C OU RSE C ON T EN T • Evaluate formation damage and well
introducing common errors Gas reservoir fluid properties: gas condensate completion effects on advanced well COURS E CONTE N T
• Use alternative methods including diagnostic sampling and understanding laboratory reports performances Characterization of natural fractures and
performance plots (e.g., log WOR vs. Np, • Gas reservoir fluid flow and well testing: • Diagnose problems in advanced wells and fracture systems • Influence of mechanical
Stagg's, P/Z vs. Gp, etc.) for rate and reserves deliverability testing and non-darcy flow, testing conduct the necessary sensitivity analyses stratigraphy and structure on fracture
analysis for hydraulically fractured wells, horizontal wells, • Evaluate well stimulation treatments, development • Detection and prediction of
• Use advanced decline curve and production and gas condensate reservoirs • Determination including multiple-stage fractured horizontal subsurface natural-fracture occurrence and
data analysis for reservoir characterization of original gas-in-place: material balance well performance and matrix acidizing results intensity from cores and well logs • Fractured
techniques for various drive mechanisms and • Intelligent well concept, design and field rock properties affecting reservoir performance
C OUR S E C O N T E N T applications • Classification of naturally-fractured reservoirs
Conventional decline curve equations: reservoir types, alternate plotting techniques,
production decline type curves • Gas flow in • Minimize technical and economic risk in with reservoir examples and potential
exponential, hyperbolic and harmonic rate versus advanced well projects production problems • Naturally-fractured
time and rate versus cumulative production wellbores and pipelines: the gas production
system, pressure drop in wellbores and reservoirs: fluid-flow, well performance and well
relationships, selecting the proper equation based COURS E CONTENT testing, reservoir performance, numerical
on reservoir properties and drive mechanisms • flowlines, restrictions to gas production •
Prediction of future performance and ultimate Technical and economic benefits of advanced simulation • Geomechanics/fluid-flow •
The effects of transient production: how to well systems • Reservoir applications for various Behavior and stimulation of naturally-fractured
recognize transient production, how transient recovery: decline curves, coupled material
balance and deliverability techniques, reservoir well types • The screening of applications for reservoirs • Effects of natural fractures on
forecasts can overestimate remaining reserves, advanced well applications • Geological structure
simulation, gas well spacing and infill drilling • reservoir permeability, anisotropy, drainage area,
how to properly constrain transient forecasts • characteristics • Classification of advanced wells
Special topics • Reservoir management of and waterflood sweep efficiency
Forecasting during displacement processes:
water-drive gas reservoirs, predicting gas • Reservoir inflow performance at different
using trends like water-oil ratio and versus
condensate reservoir performance, coalbed boundary conditions • Wellbore flow and
cumulative oil production to estimate ultimate oil
methane reservoirs integrated well performance • Commingled
recovery, converting these trends into an oil rate
versus time forecast • Difficult situations: layered production and cross flow in multilateral wells •
and compartmented reservoirs, downtime, Formation damage in horizontal and multilateral
workovers, changing facility conditions and facility wells • Well completion and combined effect of
constraints, forecasting groups of wells, common completion and damage on well performance •
mistakes • Production decline type-curves: Well stimulation evaluation by productivity
introduction and historical background, how to improvement • Optimal design of stimulation •
use modern Fetkovich type-curves for forecasting Reservoir simulation considerations •
production • Brief discussion of unconventional Applications of intelligent completion in advanced
gas/oil reservoir decline analysis and production wells • Risk identification and assessment

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
BAKERSFIELD, US 5-6 NOV 2018 $2575 HOUSTON, US 24-28 JUNE 2019 $4525
4-5 NOV 2019 $2640 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 15-19 JULY 2019 $5420
HOUSTON, US 10-11 JUNE 2019 $2675 LONDON, UK 3-7 SEPT 2018 $5090+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
OKLAHOMA CITY, US 22-23 JULY 2019 $2640 2-6 SEPT 2019 $5235+VAT HOUSTON, US 14-18 OCT 2019 $4525
* plus computer charge * plus computer charge See website for dates and locations. LONDON, UK 15-19 JULY 2019 $5235+VAT

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Streamlines: Applications
New Opportunities in
Old Fields – NOF
to Reservoir Simulation,
Unconventional Resource
and Reserve Evaluation Need Effective
Characterization and
Management – SRS
– URRE e-Learning?
Don't buy or sell a producing property before
This course is designed to cover introductory
This five-day advanced course is designed to
We Can Help!
taking this course! There is nearly always upside and advanced concepts in streamline expose attendees to the understanding and
in mature oil and gas fields that may be technology and its applications for reservoir application of the latest approaches, techniques,
particularly profitable because of existing wells characterization, reservoir management/ and requirements being applied to reserves
and infrastructure. The keys to successful optimization and field development strategy. evaluation within unconventional resources.
exploitation of new opportunities include 1) This course is not limited to streamline Particular focus is given to actions and
recognition of the new opportunities, 2) simulation but exposes the power of streamlines methodologies that are necessary to enhance
quantification of the reserves, 3) evaluation of in general. A copy of the SPE textbook the reserve categorization. Discussion and class
alternative methods of exploitation, and 4) Streamline Simulation: Theory and Practice examples will emphasize the testing protocols
economic analysis of depletion scenarios. Case along with streamline simulation software will necessary within the exploration, appraisal, and
studies and class problems address each of be provided to each course participant. development phases of the resource life cycle.
these key items and illustrate how new
DESI GN ED FOR The course is based around the Petroleum
opportunities can be recognized and evaluated
Practicing geoscientists and engineers. No Reserve Management System (PRMS).
for many different types of oil and gas reservoirs.
The computer-based problems will provide the formal training in reservoir simulation is required Variations needed to conform to other national
standards such as the SEC, NI-51, SORP, NPD,
delegate with utility programs and solution
templates that can be used in the real world.
other than knowledge of basic mathematics.
Chinese, as well as other standards, is taught as Online Learning for
• Apply the fundamentals of streamlines
a stand-alone module. A majority of the offering
is focused on shale oil and shale gas resources, Petroleum Professionals
Reservoir and production engineers, and streamline simulation, and analyze the with selected coverage of tight gas, coalbed
development geoscientists, asset team leaders, advantages and limitations over conventional methane, and coal seam gas plays also being Ideal for both technical
acquisition and divestiture managers, and other simulation included, depending on participant interest.
technical personnel involved in evaluation and • Simulate flow and visualize results at the and business-oriented
exploitation of reserves in mature fields. geologic model scale DES IGNED FOR professionals, this online
• Calculate swept areas and drainage volumes Reservoir engineers and geoscientists working e-learning series incorporates
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W T O • Optimize infill wells in integrated teams in unconventional
• Recognize production and reservoir • Perform reservoir surveillance and flood assessments. Managerial staff requiring an topics across the value chain
characteristics of old fields that indicate the optimization using streamlines understanding of unconventional reservoir including:
potential for increasing reserves and value • Integrate streamlines with finite-difference reserve and resource evaluation standards will
• Understand whether existing recovery factors simulators also benefit. Modern Oil & Gas Industry
are consistent with those than can be realized • Validate upscaled and upgridded geologic
with effective utilization of the natural drive models Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO E&P Asset Life Cycle
mechanism(s) and the appropriate use of • Perform streamline assisted history matching • Differentiate reserve estimation approaches
improved recovery methods of reservoir models within shale oil\gas, tight gas, CBM\CSG, and Reservoirs
• Identify under-performing wells or field areas • Apply streamline simulation for complex hybrid plays
and recommend appropriate intervention
Petroleum Geology
reservoir geometries and flow processes • Compute gas\oil in place and estimated
• Determine the upside potential of a field, ultimate recovery in unconventional resources Exploration and Appraisal
distinguishing between incremental reserves C OU RSE C ON T EN T • Design a data collection program appropriate
and reserve acceleration Basic governing equations • Line source and within the exploration, appraisal and Drilling Operations and Systems
• Examine alternative re-development sink solutions • Streamfunctions and development phases of an asset life cycle
strategies by studying case histories and streamtubes • Tracing streamlines in 3D • The • Apply analysis of core analysis, well test data, Well Completion / Stimulation
working example industry problems streamline time of flight and its significance • and proximate analyses to enhance reserve
Use of streamlines with finite-difference models estimation Production Technology
C OUR S E C O N T E N T • Streamline simulation • Flow simulation • Describe the advantages and disadvantages
Why Opportunities Emerge: nature of reserves through geologic models • Streamline vs. finite between various reserve estimating Hydrocarbon Recovery
growth; operating practices and their effect on difference • Analytical/numerical solutions techniques including decline curve, rate
new opportunities; the contribution of evolving along streamlines • Modeling gravity and cross- Surface Processing
transient, and the probabilistic approach
technology • Recognizing Opportunities: streamline mechanisms • Compressibility
reservoir characteristics and production effects • Mapping and material balance errors
• Differentiate between various reserve and Midstream Overview
resource accounting methods
performance indicative of new opportunities, • Practical considerations and limitations •
unraveling limited data, linking operator Flow visualization • Primary recovery and
• Differentiate between prospective resources, Pipelines and Storage Systems
practices to new opportunities • Reserves contingent resources and reserves
drainage volume calculations • Swept volume Gas Processing Overview
versus Upside Potential: review of reserve calculations and optimizing infill wells pattern • Summarize the concepts of ‘reasonable
classification, risk assessment, value of new balancing/rate allocations • Improved certainty’ and ‘reliable technology’
• Create a unconventional reserve growth Refining Fundamentals
information, data quality control and integration waterflood management • Waterflood field
• Reservoir Heterogeneity and New tracer interpretation • Hybrid methods •
• Minimize unconventional reserve write-downs
Introduction to Petrochemicals
Opportunities: categories of heterogeneity and Miscible flood modeling and predictions •
their implications for new opportunities, Model ranking and uncertainty assessment
Steam Cracking
reservoir compartmentalization, application of dynamic • Reservoir characterization upscaling/
3D seismic in old fields, identification of net pay, upgridding • Streamline-based history matching Fundamentals of unconventional reservoirs • Introduction to Solvents
fractured reservoirs • Exploitation Opportunities: • History matching: workflows • Assisted The Petroleum Reserve Management System
reservoir enhancement through fluid injection, history matching of finite-difference models • (PRMS) • Probabilistic analysis as applied to
redevelopment of mature waterfloods, infill Streamline-based sensitivity computations unconventional resources • Exploration data
drilling, its utility, application, and value; production • Data integration • Field case collection programs • Prospective resource
horizontal and multilateral wells including their studies • Advanced topics discussion and evaluation • Appraisal data collection programs
use in displacement projects, re-completions in wrap-up • Fractured reservoir modeling and • Contingent resource evaluation • Reserve
stratified reservoirs, de-bottlenecking gathering applications • Corner point geometry and faults data collection programs • Reserve evaluations
systems, produced water management, co- • Compositional modeling • Time step and • Reserve portfolio management • Alternate
production of water for improved recovery stability considerations • Front tracking evaluation approaches • Ethics and public
methods • Streamline vs. finite difference: information releases
advantages and limitations
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
BAKERSFIELD, US 1-5 APR 2019 $4470 DENVER, US 24-28 JUNE 2019 $4520
Please visit
17-21 NOV 2019
22-26 OCT 2018
16-20 DEC 2019
22-26 OCT 2018

21-25 OCT 2019
17-21 JUNE 2019

21-25 OCT 2019
25-29 MAR 2019
or email us at
* plus computer charge See website for dates and locations. * plus computer charge [email protected]
Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Production and Completions Engineering
Course Progression Matrix

The Course Progression Matrix below shows how the Production and Completions courses in this section are structured within each topic, from Basic to Specialized. On either side
of the Production and Completions section, you will see courses in associated disciplines for cross-training. These matrices are ideal for building training plans for early-career staff
or finding the right course to build upon existing knowledge and experience.
Production Operations 1 – PO1 leads off this section on page 37 and represents the core foundation of the production engineering course curriculum and is the foundation
for future studies in the discipline. The next course, Completions and Workovers – CAW, is an introduction to many facets of completion and intervention technology, and is
one of our most popular courses. For all of your Hydraulic Fracturing needs—both applied and advanced—see page 40.

The following instructors have been approved by the PetroSkills Curriculum Network:
Dr. Ahmed Badruzzaman Dr. Shari Dunn-Norman Mr. Larry Harms Mr. John Martinez Mr. Bob Nichol Mr. Richard Schroeder
Dr. Omar Barkat Dr. Dale Fitz Mr. Aaron Horn Dr. Howard McKinzie Dr. Phil Notz Dr. Subhash Shah
Mr. Paul Barry Mr. Rafael Gay-de-Montella Dr. Satish Kalra Mr. Jeffrey McMullan Mr. William Ott Mr. Kyle Travis
Mr. Michael Berry Dr. Ali Ghalambor Dr. Mohan Kelkar Mr. Steve Metcalf Dr. Carlos Palacios Mr. Hugo Vargas
Mr. Larry Britt Mr. Dan Gibson Dr. James Lea, Jr. Mr. Patrick Moran Dr. Cliff Redus Mr. Bob Westermark
Dr. Iskander Diyashev Mr. Mason Gomez Mr. Diego Londono Mr. Manickam Nadar Mr. Kenneth Saveth Mr. Scott Wilson

Data Management,
Geology, Petroleum Business,
Well Construction / Health, Safety,
Geophysics, and Reservoir
Drilling Production and Completions Engineering Facilities and Professional Environment
Petrophysics Development


Horizontal and

Horizontal and Multilateral Wells:

Multilateral Wells: Completions and
Applied Rock Analysis and Design Stimulation Advanced Hydraulic
Mechanics (Page 26) (Page 34) (Page 45) Fracturing (Page 40)

Sand Control Hydraulic Fracturing

Gas Production (Page 44) Applications (Page 40)
Engineering (Page 43)
Surface Water Management in Unconventional Gas Lift (Page 42)
Flow Assurance for Resource Plays (Page 45)
Offshore Production Plunger Lift (Page 42)
(Page 43) Production Chemistry
(Page 44) Beam Pumps (Page 41)

Production Logging
(Page 44) Formation Damage: Causes, Prevention, Electrical Submersible
and Remediation (Page 43) Pumps (Page 41)
Petrophysics of Reservoir Water Management
Unconventional Characterization in Heavy Oil Resource Acidizing Applications in Sandstones and Gas Well Petroleum Project
Reservoirs (Page 24) (Page 33) Operations (Page 45) Carbonates (Page 40) Deliquification (Page 43) Management (Page 56)
NODAL Analysis Workshop (Page 39) (Virtual/Blended course)
Scale Identification, Remediation and
Prevention Workshop (Page 44)
(Virtual/Blended Course)

Performance Analysis, Prediction, and Optimization Using Nodal Analysis (Page 39) Fundamental and
Practical Aspects of
Coiled Tubing Interventions (Page 38) Produced Water
Treating (see website)
Operations and Downhole Remediation
Development of Practices (Page 40) Artificial Lift Applied Water

Surface Production for Unconventional

Technology in Oil and
Systems Unconventional Resources Completion and (Page 41)
Gas Production
Production Geology (see website) Stimulation (Page 39) (Page 45)
for Other Disciplines Applied HSE
(Page 10) Artificial Lift Gas Conditioning and Management (Page 47)
Completions and Workovers (Page 37) (Virtual/Blended option coming soon) Systems (Page 41) Processing (See Website)
Foundations of (Also available as a Applied Safety
Petrophysics (Page 23) Production Technology for Other Disciplines (Page 38) (Also available as a Virtual/Blended course) Virtual/Blended course) (Page 47)
(Also available as a Well Test Design
Virtual/Blended course) and Analysis (Page 30) Production Operations 1 (Page 37) (Also available as a Virtual/Blended course) Oil Production & Applied Environmental
Processing Facilities Team Leadership Management
Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources (Page 7) (See Website) (Page 58) (Page 47)

Casing and Cementing Introduction to Data

Basic Reservoir (Page 19) Management (Page 49)
Engineering (Page 29) Concept Selection
and Specification of EssentialTechnical
(Also available as a Virtual/ Basic Drilling Surface Production Well Stimulation: Production Facilities
Blended course) Technology (Page 18) Operations (Page 36) Practical and Applied (Page 38) Writing Skills (Page 58)
in Field Development
Projects (See Website) Essential Leadership

Basic Petroleum Basic Drilling, Completion and Workover Operations (Page 6) (Also available as a Virtual/Blended course) Skills for Technical
Geology (Page 8) Basics of
Overview of Gas Professionals (Page 57) Environmental
Basic Petroleum Engineering Practices (Page 6) Processing (See Website) Management
Basic Petroleum (See Website)
Basic Petroleum Technology (Page 5) Economics (Page 51)
Basics of HSE
Basic Petroleum Technology Principles (Page 5) (Virtual/Blended course) Management (Page 46)

Completions and Production Operations 1 – PO1

Workovers – CAW Production Operations 1
– PO1


An integrated introduction to many facets of PO1 represents the core foundation course of PetroSkills' production engineering
completion and intervention technology. The curriculum and is the basis for future oilfield operations studies. Course participants will

material progresses through each of the major become familiar with both proven historical production practices as well as current
design, diagnostic, and intervention technologies technological advances to maximize oil and gas production and overall resource recovery.
concluding with some common remedial measures BLENDED LEA RN IN G
The course structure and pace apply a logical approach to learn safe, least cost, integrated
and well abandonment. The course focuses on the WORKSHOP STRU C TU RE
analytical skills to successfully define and manage oil and gas operations. Applied skills
practical aspects of each of the technologies, using guide the participant with a framework to make careful, prudent, technical oil and gas - Virtual Instructor-led Training
design examples - successes and failures - to
business decisions. Currently emerging practices in the exploitation of unconventional - Online Learning Activity/Reading
illustrate the key points of the design and the risks/
uncertainties. The overall objectives of the course resources including shale gas and oil, and heavy oil and bitumen complement broad,
specific coverage of conventional resource extraction. Hours
focus on delivering and maintaining well quality. Week Subject
DESI GN ED FOR 1 1 Orientation Webcast
Graduates or engineers with experience, engaged Petroleum engineers, production operations staff, reservoir engineers, facilities staff,
drilling and completion engineers, geologists, field supervisors and managers, field 4 Production Principles
in drilling operations, production operations,
workover, and completions; petroleum engineering technicians, service company engineers and managers, and especially engineers starting 2 Well Performance and
in both the service and operating sectors a work assignment in production engineering and operations or other engineers seeking a Nodal Analysis Fundamentals
well-rounded foundation in production engineering. 1.5 • Session 1
YOU W I LL L EARN HOW TO 5 • Online Learning
• Develop a high level completion strategy for wells
in a variety of situations • Recognize geological models to identify conventional and unconventional (shale oil and 1.5 • Session 2
• Select tubing, packers, and completion flow gas and heavy oil) hydrocarbon accumulations 3 Onshore Well Completion
control equipment • Understand key principles and parameters of well inflow and outflow
4 • Conventional
• Appraise/design a flow barrier strategy • Build accurate nodal analysis models for tubing size selection and problem well review
• Identify key design considerations for vertical and • Design and select well completion tubing, packer, and other downhole equipment tools
4 • Unconventional
inclined wells, horizontal, multilateral, HPHT, and • Plan advanced well completion types such as multilateral, extended length, and 4 4 Primary and Remedial Cementing
unconventional resource wells intelligent wells
• Select intervention strategy/equipment 4 Perforation
• Design both conventional and unconventional multi stage fractured horizontal wells
• Identify key features/applicability of the main • Apply successful primary casing cementing and remedial repair techniques 5 4 Rod, PCP, Plunger Lift, and Jet
sand control and well stimulation options • Select equipment and apply practices for perforating operations Pump
• Assess/specify concerns/remedial measures for • Plan well intervention jobs using wireline, snubbing, and coiled tubing methods
formation damage/skin removal 6 Reciprocating Rod Pump
• Manage corrosion, erosion, soluble and insoluble scales, and produced water handling
C OUR S E C O N T E N T 1.5 • Session 1
Basic well completion design, practices, and • Apply well completion and workover fluid specifications for solids control and filtration
strategies • Well quality and integrity • Safety • Employ the five main types of artificial lift systems 5 • Online Learning
aspects of well design • Wellheads, trees, • Identify formation damage and apply remedial procedures 1.5 • Session 2
subsurface safety valves, and flow control • Design and execute successful carbonate and sandstone reservoir acidizing programs 7 1.5 Gas Lift and ESP Pump
equipment • Material selection guidelines based • Understand the causes of sand production and how to select sand control options
on corrosion and erosion conditions • Interpretation • Understand the proper use of oilfield surfactants and related production chemistry 8 Gas Lift Fundamentals
of inflow and tubing performance to aid tubing • Identify and successfully manage organic paraffin and asphaltene deposits 1.5 • Session 1
size selection • Tubing design and selection • • Choose cased hole production logging tools and interpret logging results 5 • Online Learning
Considerations for designing deviated horizontal, • Understand modern conventional fracture stimulation practices 1.5 • Session 2
multilateral, and multi zone reservoir completions • Understand multistage, horizontal well shale gas and shale oil massive frac job design
• Basic completion principles and considerations and operations 9 ESP Fundamentals
for subsea, HPHT, and unconventional wells • • Review heavy oil development and extraction including mining operations and current 1.5 • Session 1
Perforating job selection and design • Formation modern thermal processes 5 • Online Learning
damage mechanisms and remediation •
Stimulation design considerations • Sand control
1.5 • Session 2
options and their selection • Wireline, coiled tubing, Importance of the geological model • Reservoir engineering fundamentals in production 10 4 Formation Damage and
and hydraulic workover rig operations • Snubbing operations • Understanding inflow and outflow and applied system analysis • Well testing Remediation
methods applicable to production operations • Well completion design and related Matrix Acidizing Fundamentals
equipment • Primary and remedial cementing operations • Perforating design and 1.5 • Session 1
CAW is also available as a applications • Completion and workover well fluids • Well intervention: wireline, hydraulic 5 • Online Learning
self-paced, virtual course which workover units, and coiled tubing • Production logging • Artificial lift completions: rod
1.5 • Session 2
is an enhanced version of the pump, gas lift, ESP, PCP, plunger lift, and others • Problem well analysis • and more...
11 4 Flow Assurance and Production
face-to-face public session. Chemistry
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
18 SEP-16 NOV 2018 $4200 4 Sand Control
(See website for 2019 dates.) CALGARY, CANADA 20-31 MAY 2019 $7750+GST
DENVER, US 17-28 JUNE 2019 $7850 12 Sand Control Fundamentals
HOUSTON, US 22 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $7470 5 • Online Learning
4-15 MAR 2019 $7845
22 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $7845
1.5 • Session 2
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 28 OCT-8 NOV 2019 $7845 13 4 Hydraulic Fracturing
ABERDEEN, UK 18-22 MAR 2019 $5540+VAT KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 7-18 OCT 2019 $9410
CALGARY, CANADA 12-16 AUG 2019 $4695+GST LONDON, UK 3-14 DEC 2018 $8605+VAT
4 Production Problem Diagnosis
DENVER, US 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $4660 2-13 DEC 2019 $9085+VAT and Intervention Planning
8-12 APR 2019 $4745 MIDLAND, US 22 APR-3 MAY 2019 $7750
DUBAI, UAE 7-11 APR 2019 $5990+VAT 14 4 Production Logging
HOUSTON, US 1-5 OCT 2018 $4665 * plus computer charge Production Logging
18-22 FEB 2019 $4760
15-19 JULY 2019 $4760
7-11 OCT 2019 $4760 PO1 is also available as a self-paced, virtual course which is 1.5 • Session 1
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 3-7 SEPT 2018 $5420 an enhanced version of the face-to-face public session. 5 • Online Learning
19-23 AUG 2019 $5740
LONDON, UK 12-16 NOV 2018 $5380+VAT
1.5 • Session 2
10 SEP 2018 - 11 JAN 2019 $6990
13-17 MAY 2019 $5540+VAT 11 MAR - 21 JUN 2019 $7595 T O LE AR N M O RE , VI SI T
11-15 NOV 2019 $5540+VAT
27 MAY - 20 SEP 2019 $7595
MIDLAND, US 3-7 JUNE 2019 $4695
16 SEP 2019 - 17 JAN 2020 $7595 PETROSKILLS.COM/PO1-BLENDED
Production Technology Well Stimulation: Surface Production Coiled Tubing
for Other Disciplines Practical and Applied Operations – PO3 Interventions – CTI
– PTO – WS


PTO is an asset team course, as it introduces a Too often in today's dynamic oil and gas This course presents a basic overview of all Coiled Tubing is one of the most common
broad array of important daily Production industry, not enough attention is paid to the typical oilfield treating and processing technologies used for well intervention on a
Technology practices. Terminologies, details of well stimulation treatments. This can equipment. Participants should learn not only daily basis throughout the oil industry during
expressions, axioms, and basic calculations result in poor and/or less than optimum results. the purpose of each piece of equipment but drilling, completion, and mainly production
regularly utilized by production techs are Those involved in the planning, execution, and how each works. Emphasis is on gaining a basic phases of oil and gas wells around the world.
covered. Emphasis is upon proven technology evaluation of stimulation treatments need to understanding of the purpose and internal This course covers the surface and pressure
required to effectively develop and operate an have the background and training in the basics workings of all types of surface facilities and control equipment, the bottomhole assembly
asset in a multidiscipline development so better decisions can be made resulting in treating equipment. A major goal of this course components, the details of the different types of
environment. Practical application of technology is to improve communication among all interventions performed with Coiled Tubing and
more gas down the line or oil in the tank! This
is emphasized. Nodal analysis examples to disciplines, the field, and the office. Better how to deal with fatigue and corrosion.
assess well performance are set up. Well practical course is designed for those involved communication should enhance operational
in all aspects of well stimulation. To be better Participants will also learn to calculate the string
completion equipment and tools are viewed and efficiencies, lower costs and improve production operating limits and the volumes and rates
discussed. Exercises include, basic artificial lift able to make decisions it is important to have a economics. Example step-by-step exercises are
basic understanding of the types of formations during nitrogen interventions. The final part
designs, acidizing programs, gravel pack worked together with the instructor to drive
and basic reservoir properties with which we presents an extensive coverage of emergency
designs, and fracturing programs. Shale gas home the important points. Daily sessions
deal. For this reason, time is spent in the early responses and contingencies to deal with in a
and oil development challenges are thoroughly include formal presentation interspersed with a
explained. Horizontal and multilateral technology portion of the course setting the geological and good number of questions, discussion and wide variety of scenarios. A generous amount of
reservoir property stage for vertical, horizontal, time is spent in practical exercises, and technical
is presented. problem solving.
and multilateral wells prior to developing the concepts are enhanced with pictures, videos and
DES IG NE D F O R DESIGNED FOR numerous real field cases and problems.
basic formation damage, acidizing, and
Exploration and production technical All field, service, support, and supervisory Participants will gain the knowledge to actively
hydraulic fracturing concepts. The course
professionals, asset team members, team personnel having interaction with Facilities and efficiently participate in Coiled Tubing
includes acidizing and fracturing quality control,
leaders, line managers, IT department staff who Engineers and desiring to gain an awareness interventions's planning, design, and/or
conducting the treatment, monitoring pressures,
work with data and support production level understanding of the field processing of execution.
and other critical parameters during and after
applications, data technicians, executive production fluids. This course is excellent for
the treatment. An important part of the course is DES IGNED FOR
management, and all support staff who require cross-training and delivers an understanding of
a more extensive knowledge of production class teamwork whereby the attendees divide Drilling, completion, production, surface/
all the fundamental field treating facilities.
technology and engineering. into teams to evaluate and select optimum subsurface, operations, and field engineers; and
stimulation treatments. These exercises bring YOU WILL LEA RN service company managers, supervisors and
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO out many important parameters discussed • A practical understanding of all the operators.
• Apply and integrate production technology during the course. This subject is briefly covered fundamental field treating facilities: what they
principles for oilfield project development in the PetroSkills Production Operations 1 are, why they are needed, how they work Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
• Choose basic well completion equipment course (Foundation Level) as well as in the • The properties and behavior of crude oil and • Plan, design, manage, and execute coiled
configurations Formation Damage: Causes, Prevention, and natural gas that govern production operations tubing interventions
• Perform system analyses (Nodal Analysis™) Remediation (Intermediate Level) course. • Field processes for treating and conditioning • Improve the overall operational performance
to optimize well tubing design and selection However, this course focuses in more detail on full wellstream production for sales or final during coiled tubing interventions
• Perform basic artificial lift designs the basics of stimulation than either of the two disposition • Select or recommend coiled tubing equipment
• Apply the latest shale gas and oil extraction previously mentioned courses. • The basics of oilfield corrosion prevention, for given field conditions and applications
technologies detection, and treatment • Select the proper pressure control equipment
• Understand the chemistry and execution of DESI GN ED FOR • Internal workings of separators, pumps, for any particular well condition
sandstone and carbonate acid jobs Those involved in the planning, execution and compressors, valves, dehydrators, acid • Calculate the appropriate size of accumulators
• Design sand control gravel pack completions evaluation of well stimulation treatments in gas treatment towers, and other treating for a coilded tubing unit
• Evaluate well candidate selection to conduct conventional as well as unconventional plays, equipment • Select the most commonly used downhole
a hydraulic fracturing campaign including the shales. This includes completion, • A wide range of produced fluid measurement tools and explain their function
• Apply new production technology advances and metering devices • Calculate and define coiled tubing string limits
production, reservoir, and drilling engineers;
for smart well completions • A description of treating equipment whether • Recognize, prevent, and manage corrosive and
• Maximize asset team interaction and field supervisors; production foremen; located on the surface, offshore platform, or
engineering technicians; and geologists. sour conditions and their impact
understand the dynamics between production sea floor • Work safely with liquid nitrogen
technology and other disciplines YOU W I LL L EARN • Calculate nitrogen volumes required for a given
• How to select stimulation techniques best application
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Properties of fluids at surface • Flowlines,
suited for various formation types and • Take appropriate actions during emergency
Role and tasks of production technology • piping, gathering systems; solids and liquid
Completion design • Inflow and outflow situations limits • Oil - water- gas - solids - contaminants responses and contingencies
performance • Artificial lift well completion systems • To apply basic non-acid and acidizing • Separation and treatment • 2-3 phase
concepts COURS E CONTE N T
(beam pump, gas-lift, ESP, PCP, plunger lift) • separators, free water knockouts, centrifugal,
• To apply basic hydraulic fracturing concepts Introduction • Surface equipment • Pressure
Formation damage and well acidizing • Perforating filter • Storage tanks, gun barrels, pressure/
practices • Sand control • Hydraulic fracturing • vacuum relief, flame arrestors • Stabilizers • control equipment • Bottomhole assembly
Shale gas and oil development • and more... C OU RSE C ON T EN T Foams, emulsions, paraffins, asphaltenes, components • Pumping operations •
Geological/basic reservoir properties • hydrates, salts • Dehydrators • Water treaters: Mechanical operations • CT drilling operations
Formation damage - how and why it happens • SP packs, plate interceptors, gas floatation, • Coiled tubing strings • Operational limits •
PTO is also available as a self-paced, Non-acid damage removal techniques • coalescers, hydrocyclones, membranes • Acid Life estimation (fatigue) • Corrosion • String
virtual course which is Acidizing - objectives, types, additives • gas treatment: coatings, closed system, management • Checklists • Nitrogen •
Acidizing placement techniques and the chemicals, solvents, conversion; stress cracking Emergency responses and contingencies
an enhanced version of • Valves: all types; regulators • Pumps/
pressure chart • Quality control and safety •
the face-to-face public session. Hydraulic fracturing materials and their Compressors: centrifugal, positive displacement,
importance to success, including gel and slick rotary, reciprocating, ejectors • Metering: orifice,
4 MA R -2 4 MAY 2019 $420 0 water treatments • The frac chart • Hydraulic head, turbine, and others • Corrosion/Scales:
2 0 MAY - 2 3 AU G 20 2019 $4200 fracturing quality control and safety • Energized inhibition and treatment
9 SEP - 6 D E C 2019 $420 0 fluids - application and safety
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) DUBAI, UAE 16-20 DEC 2018 $5240+VAT
15-19 DEC 2019 $5345+VAT
HOUSTON, US 19-23 AUG 2019 $4350 HOUSTON, US 5-9 NOV 2018 $4140
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 10-14 DEC 2018 $5095 11-15 NOV 2019 $4225
25-29 NOV 2019 $5245 LONDON, UK 24-28 JUNE 2019 $4935+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
THE HAGUE, NLD 5-9 NOV 2018 $4915 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) MIDLAND, US 1-5 OCT 2018 $4090 DUBAI, UAE 7-11 OCT 2018 $5340+VAT
22-26 JULY 2019 $5060 HOUSTON, US 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4140 16-20 SEPT 2019 $4170 6-10 OCT 2019 $5445+VAT
* plus computer charge 12-16 AUG 2019 $4225 SAN ANTONIO, US 15-19 JULY 2019 $4170 HOUSTON, US 5-9 AUG 2019 $4325
Performance Analysis,
Prediction, and
Resources Completion
and Stimulation – URCS
Optimization Using Nodal NODAL Analysis Workshop – NAW
Analysis – PO2
This course will focus on some of the key Nodal analysis views the total producing system
elements of well completions and stimulation as a group of components potentially
practices as they apply to horizontal wells in encompassing reservoir rock/irregularities,

tight and unconventional reservoirs. completions (gravel pack, open/closed

Optimization studies will be shown and used to perforations, open hole), vertical flow strings,
highlight the importance of lateral length, restrictions, multi-lateral branches, horizontal/hilly BLENDED L E A RN IN G
number of fractures, inter-fracture distance, terrain flow lines/risers, integrated gathering COURSE DESCRIPTION
fracture half-length, and fracture conductivity. networks, compressors, pump stations, metering
These results will be used to discuss the various locations, and market/system rate/pressure
completion choices such as cased and constraints. An improper design of any one INTERMEDIATE
- Virtual Instructor-led Training
cemented, open hole with external casing component, or a mismatch of components, Well Inflow/ Outflow NODAL Analysis is an
packers, and open hole pump and pray adversely affects the performance of the entire - Online Learning Activity/Reading
integral part of a production or completion
techniques. This course also will address key system. The chief function of a system-wide engineer’s work scope, and is often applied - Exercise(s)
risks to horizontal wells and develop risk analysis is to increase well rates. It identifies throughout a well’s life to maximize value -
mitigation strategies so that project economics bottlenecks and serves as a framework for the from the beginning of the completion design
can be maximized. In addition, tight and design of efficient field wide flow systems, process through underperforming well Hours
Week Subject
unconventional gas field case studies will be including wells, artificial lift, gathering lines and diagnostics. This workshop provides a (Approx)
used to illustrate the application of these design, manifolds. Together with reservoir simulation and comprehensive overview of this analysis
optimization, and risk mitigation strategies for analytical tools, Nodal analysis is used in planning technique, emphasizing real world application
horizontal wells in tight and unconventional gas new field development. Software is used through multiple problems from different 1 1 Kick-off Session: Overview
reservoirs. extensively during the class. However, if the perspectives.
attendee chooses not to supply his/her own
DES IG NE D F O R software, nodal analysis, and gas deliverability Upon completion, participants will be able to
Petroleum and production engineers, planning programs can be provided. approach a problem recognizing potential 4 Online Activity Overview
completion engineers, stimulation engineers, solution methods, prepare data for the
geologists, managers, technical supervisors, DESI GN ED FOR analysis, identify sources of error, perform an
service and support personnel. Production, operations, and reservoir engineers; analysis with industry software, and present a
senior technicians and field supervisors with an holistic recommendation. Topics related to
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO engineering background.
2 3 Inflow/Outflow Models in SNAP
perforating, components of skin, matching
• Use key multi-disciplinary tools for transient test data, outflow limitations,
successful completions and stimulations in YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO selecting artificial lift, liquid loading, and
unconventional resources • Apply nodal analysis concepts viewing the incorporating fluid PVT properties will be
• Understand the importance of geo-mechanics total producing system as a whole from covered. 4 Exercises
and rock mechanics to the success of the reservoir rock through the completion,
transverse multiple fractured horizontal wells well bore and gathering system, to the DES IGNED FOR
in unconventional resources market while honoring system rate/pressure Operating Company and Service Company
• Understand unconventional resource play constraints engineers and technical managers responsible 3 Components of Skin Perforating
completion options and selection processes • Avoid improper design where any one for performing or reviewing well systems
• Apply principals and design of well component, or a mismatch of components, analysis from at least one perspective
stimulation treatments in unconventional adversely affects the performance of the (perforating design, tubing sizing, post
resources entire system stimulation evaluation, etc.). Participants 4 Exercises
• Employ critical data needs and collection • Perform a system-wide analysis to increase should be in a role that requires that they
techniques with minimal operational impact well rates by identifying bottlenecks and regularly perform or are required to technically
design an efficient field-wide flow system, review well inflow/outflow analysis.
C OUR S E C O N T E N T including wells, artificial lift, gathering lines,
Geo-mechanics: what makes an unconventional and manifolds Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO 3 3 Outflow Basics, Advanced
shale reservoir prospective • Introduction to the • Use nodal analysis, together with reservoir • Recognize the application and limitations of Outflow, HZ and Frac
completions and multiple fracture stimulated simulation and analytical tools, for planning traditional well systems analysis
horizontal wells • Horizontal well objectives in new field development • Identify data requirements for a meaningful
Unconventional Reservoirs • Basis of fracture analysis
design in horizontal wells • Horizontal well C OU RSE C ON T EN T • Accurately model the various components of 4 Exercises
stimulation objectives • Completion planning for Nodal Analysis Overview • Inflow Performance: skin, including perforating
horizontal wells • Horizontal well risks and risk Basics, well-test pros and cons, best models for • Assess outflow performance, including liquid
mitigation strategies • Horizontal well case all well types, IPR curves • Completions: loading, tubing constraints, and artificial lift
histories Modeling basics, flow patterns in gravel packs, • Confidently approach well systems analysis 2 Artificial Lift and Transient tests
pressure drop in perforations, gravel packs and from multiple perspectives and select the
wellbore, optimal perforation density • Tubing correct diagnostic strategy for your well
Performance: Videos of flow patterns, flow conditions
dynamics, logging in horizontal wells, slugging
6 Integrated Problem Set
and pressure changes in all completion types,
friction drop in horizontal wells, unloading
techniques and examples • Flowlines: Pressure
drop models, bottlenecks in a gathering
network, line loops and jumpers, gathering 4 1 (Optional) Delta 1 and Delta 2
systems • Forecast: Field forecasts, economic
optimization, evaluation of options • Artificial
Lift: Gas lift design, ESP and other methods
basics • Liquid in gas streams, what is a dry 1 Workshop Wrap-Up
gas well, loaded wells, predicting temperatures

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
CALGARY, CANADA 26-30 AUG 2019 $4270+GST DENVER, US 12-16 AUG 2019 $4345
DENVER, US 1-5 APR 2019 $4320 HOUSTON, US 3-7 JUNE 2019 $4350
18-22 NOV 2019 $5245
7-11 OCT 2019 $4325 See website for dates and locations. N ODAL - V IRTUAL
PITTSBURGH, US 22-26 JULY 2019 $4320 * plus computer charge
Downhole Remediation Hydraulic Fracturing Advanced Hydraulic Acidizing Applications
Practices for Mature Oil Applications – HFU Fracturing – AHF in Sandstones and
and Gas Wells – DRP Carbonates – ASC
Downhole Remediation for Mature Oil and Gas The course reviews the basic concepts of Although acidizing is the oldest method of well
Wells is presented from a practical point of view. hydraulic fracturing and the broad applications This advanced course is designed for those who stimulation, it is often applied with mixed
Discussions include decision processes for of the technique. Fracturing technology benefits have a practical understanding of the results. It remains, however, a valuable tool for
selection, design, and application of methods and limitations in all types of sandstone and applications of hydraulic fracturing and want to improving well productivity. The key to acidizing
that are supported by field experiences and carbonate reservoirs are explained. It considers expand their knowledge. The course will provide success is in the understanding of how it works,
research results. Principal focus is production- the critical components of the fracturing the details and discussion of fracturing concepts the optimum conditions for its application, and
related near wellbore damage and remedial process, and it expands on the steps and data usually accepted or assumed in fracturing proper evaluation of well response after the
water control practices. input requirements to effectively select applications. The strengths and limitations of acidizing treatment. The instructor will present
stimulation candidates, plan, design, and various approaches to fracturing treatment many of the practical aspects of acidizing
DES IG NE D F O R implement hydraulic fracturing treatments. The design will be covered. Attendees should leave applications and help provide a better
Asset managers, drilling and completion use of modeling as an important tool to design the advanced course with a better understanding of acidizing as a tool for
engineers, petroleum engineers and geologists, and analyze treatments, how it can be understanding of the hydraulic fracturing enhancing well performance.
independent producers, production managers effectively used in practical applications, and its process and how it relates to post-frac well
and engineers, reservoir managers and limitations are explained. In addition to the performance. DESIGNED FOR
engineers, field supervisors, company technical presentation, the course contains Engineers and other personnel involved with the
executives and officials, field personnel with DES IGNED FOR daily operation and management of producing
many practical exercises and class problems Production, operations, and completions
operating and service companies. based on case histories. oil and gas wells; production engineers and
engineers who are actively involved in hydraulic reservoir engineers involved with well
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO DESI GN ED FOR fracturing applications and desire a more in- stimulation applications would also benefit from
• Diagnose and develop removal and Production, reservoir, and drilling engineers, and depth understanding of hydraulic fracturing attending this course.
prevention techniques for wellbore damage others who have a basic understanding of theory and applied concepts. It is designed for
due to scale, paraffin, asphaltenes, corrosion, hydraulic fracturing and need to enhance their engineers that have some fracturing experience YOU WILL LEARN H O W TO
and erosion knowledge about fracturing concepts and or those who have already attended the • Assess a well's need for stimulation
• Understand sources, causes, and effects of applications. PetroSkills intermediate level Hydraulic • Recognize the strengths and limitations of
water production Fracturing Applications course. acidizing
• Design remediation applications (both YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO • Investigate production problems from
mechanical and chemical) for reducing • Identify what are the data requirements Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO the standpoint of damage removal and
excess water production and steps to implement to properly design • Better understand rock properties and rock improvement in well production
• Design sand control applications and hydraulic fracturing treatments mechanics related to fracturing applications • Apply acid treatments strategically to improve
understand how to fix damaged screens and • Evaluate and select stimulation candidates, • Better understand fracturing fluid mechanics success
gravel packs and apply hydraulic fracturing concepts and proppant transport • Approach acidizing applications from a
• Understand how and when to apply remedial to various types of reservoir conditions to • More effectively design fracturing treatments practical viewpoint
cementing practices and what tools and job optimize well productivity through better understanding of factors • Recognize opportunities for enhancement of
considerations are critical • Recognize opportunities for substantial influencing hydraulic fracturing applications acidizing treatments using non-acid fluids
• Apply these techniques to a specific well production improvements by application of • Use pre-frac injection test data and real-
problem that you bring into the classroom effective hydraulic fracturing treatments time fracturing treatment data in fracturing COURSE CONTE N T
from your current field assignment • Collect pertinent well data and information applications to define fracture parameters Well stimulation objectives • Types of formation
to plan, design, implement, and evaluate and improve frac treatment design damage • Influence of skin factor • Production
C OUR S E C O N T E N T fracturing treatments for the most common • Consider factors influencing post-frac improvement with skin removal • Well
Production-related near wellbore damage • types of reservoirs fracture conductivity and well cleanup stimulation and reservoir management •
Scale • Paraffin • Asphaltenes • Corrosion • • Realize the strengths and limitations of • Realize the strengths and limitations of Perforating techniques and well stimulation •
Erosion • Well diagnostics • Removal hydraulic fracturing theory as it relates to field existing hydraulic fracturing technology and Acidizing for well stimulation • Chemistry of
techniques • Prevention techniques • Wellbore applications fracture models sandstone acidizing • Chemistry of carbonate
stabilization • Understanding unwanted water • Become an active participant in the different • Expand fracturing applications to fit a wider acidizing • Acid additives • Treatment diversion
production • Extent of the problem • Causes phases of typical hydraulic fracturing range of reservoir types and conditions • Acid fracturing • Rules of thumb • Types of
and effects of water production • Monitoring treatments acids • Sandstone acidizing guidelines •
and evaluation techniques • Diagnostics • COURS E CONTENT Carbonate acidizing guidelines • Re-stimulation
Defining required attributes and placement C OU RSE C ON T EN T Rock properties and fracture mechanics related of acidized wells • QA/QC in acidizing
controls • Fitting solutions to problems • Introduction to the fracturing process and to the fracturing process • Fracturing fluid applications • Safety precautions
Remedial water control • Challenges and mechanics • Fracture design concepts and mechanics • Proppant transport • Pre-frac
solutions • Environmental considerations • In- methodologies • Fracturing fluid additives and injection test analysis • Fracture closure •
wellbore control • Near-wellbore techniques • proppant • Strengths and limitations of Fracture monitoring and fracture measurement
Matrix applications • Fractures and voids • fracturing applications • Production increase • • Fluid leak-off • Re-fracturing considerations •
Water control • Bringing it all together • Factors involved in field implementation • Acid Review of existing fracture modeling software •
Engineered process • Initial screening • vs. proppant fracturing • Frac packing concepts Evaluation of post-frac well performance
Reservoir characterization • Simulation • Case • Waterfracing concepts • Horizontal well
studies fracturing • QA/QC of fracturing treatments •
Methods to evaluate fracturing treatment

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

BARCELONA, SPAIN 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4890
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
9-13 SEPT 2019 $5095 DENVER, US 8-12 APR 2019 $4520
HOUSTON, US 10-14 DEC 2018 $4240
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 8-12 JULY 2019 $4525
16-20 DEC 2019 $4385 HOUSTON, US 1-5 OCT 2018 $4340 MIDLAND, US 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4390 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 8-12 JULY 2019 $5280 7-11 OCT 2019 $4425 9-13 SEPT 2019 $4470 HOUSTON, US 13-17 MAY 2019 $4425

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Artificial Lift for
Artificial Lift Systems Beam Pumps – BP Electrical Submersible
Unconventional Wells –
– ALS Pumps – ESP


This course blends lecture, hands-on exercises, NEW This course will allow the user to become ESPs have advantages over some of the other
and seminar teaching styles to enhance familiar with the beam pump system and when artificial lift methods because they can generate
learning. Participants work with software that This course addresses artificial lift methods and it should be used. It has been said that beam a higher formation drawdown, and achieve a
allows them to design and analyze artificial lift practices for unconventional wells for oil and pumping is the most economical form of higher rate. However, their performance is
designs, which points the way to improved gas producers, as well as associated industry artificial lift and should be used when it is impacted by gas interference and formation
efficiency, higher production and less downtime service providers and contractors. The focus of economically possible. It is the most common sand production, both of which have to be
due to failures. Participants learn how to design the course is optimizing value from upfront well form of lift compared to ESP/ Gas Lift/ addressed when setting ESPs in production
and troubleshoot rod pumping, continuous gas planning through the end of life of Hydraulic/ PCP pumps. All components will be wells. This course will familiarize the user with
lift, and electric submersible pump systems. unconventional wells by selecting, installing and described in detail including the prime mover, the ESP system and it's optimum application. All
Other methods such as PCP, plunger lift, jet operating artificial lift effectively. Upon belts/ sheaves/ gear box, PRs, wellhead/ components will be described in detail. The
pump, hydraulic pump, and intermittent gas lift completion of this course, the participant will stuffing box, sucker rods/ sinker bars and course uses computer software for numerous
are presented as viable AL techniques. understand how to choose and implement downhole pumps. Design and analysis will be design and analysis class problems. Some films
Participants gain experience in solving problems artificial lift and be able to utilize best practices done using industry computer software. Films will be shown to illustrate the installation,
by hand and also by using industry computer to resolve and reduce issues and challenges will be shown mostly illustrating either new operation, and removal of failed equipment, new
software. Troubleshooting is an important part of that frequently occur during the life cycle of products or best practices. A few problems will products, and best practices. Comparisons are
artificial lift operations and several typical unconventional wells. The course focuses on be solved by class participants each day. made to other lift methods to help facilitate AL
surveillance problems are solved. The class optimizing production and recovery by ensuring Comparisons with other systems to select the method selection. Problems addressing solids,
includes pictures and videos of the most the proper artificial lift technology is used in best system for a given well, whether it may be gas handling and viscosity are addressed. Best
important equipment components being conjunction with optimum surface pressure and beam pumping or another method of lift; practices are stressed throughout so that a long
applied. The course emphasizes techniques to related facilities in a holistic approach. example problems will also be shown lasting system can be developed for maximum
maximize production. New developments at Participants will understand the steps necessary throughout the class. Problems addressing profit. SCADA controls and VSDs are discussed.
various stages of application are also covered. A to develop an effective artificial lift strategy for solids, gas handling, and viscosity are Participants will learn the function of the various
discussion of modifications necessary for wells specific to areas/plays. All participants will addressed. Best practices are stressed components, and the concerns about
horizontal or unconventional wells for all be asked to bring a challenge they are currently throughout so that a long lasting system can be installation, operation, and removal of failed
methods of lift is included. Examples of how facing in artificial lift for unconventional wells developed for maximum profit. New material will equipment. Participants will be able to evaluate
these techniques are being applied in producing and will present the challenge (Day 2) and their also be presented on beam pumps and rod the design of a system for current and future
unconventional wells are presented. Distinct path forward based on what they have learned protection in horizontal wells, placement of conditions, analyze an installed system, and
features of all lift methods are presented (Day 5). pump, deviation surveys, and performance of many other operational concerns of the ESP
allowing the attendee to know how to select the DESI GN ED F OR gas separators. New methods of deepening the system. New developments are added to the
best lift for well or field conditions. Production and artificial lift engineers. It will be point of intake for horizontal and unconventional course as they become available to the industry.
valuable for engineers (working for operators, wells are presented with field cases. One Although the course uses industry computer
DES IG NE D F O R personal computer is provided, at additional software for design and analysis, much of the
Engineers, technicians, field supervisors, and service companies or as consultants) who may
have artificial lift knowledge on conventional cost, for every two participants. material is devoted to best practices, which is
others who select, design, install, evaluate, or useful to both engineers and technicians. The
operate artificial lift systems. wells or individual lift methods that want to DES IGNED FOR
expand their ability to deliver more optimal common practice of using ESPs in
Engineers and field technicians who are unconventional wells with sharply declining
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO holistic artificial lift solutions specific to responsible for the selection, operation, and
unconventional wells and the latest practices. production rates is also discussed.
• Techniques to maximize oil production maintenance of beam pumping systems
economically with artificial lift systems DES IGNED FO R
• Make basic PVT properties and inflow YOU WI L L L EARN H O W TO Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
• The importance of identifying and agreeing Engineers and field technicians who are
performance calculations related to artificial • Design for best efficiency, economical responsible for the selection, operation, and
lift on the objectives of production optimization optimum production, longer life between
and artificial lift early in the well planning maintenance and monitoring of ESP systems.
• Understand and apply multiphase tubing and failures, best energy efficiency and safe
pipe flow principles cycle operations considering field constraints Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
• Select the appropriate artificial lift system by • The critical differences and requirements for • Maintenance and monitor using POC's (on/off • Economically maximize oil production using
examining the drawdown potential of each applying artificial lift to unconventional vs. and VSD types) ESP systems
method, the initial and operating expense and conventional wells • Identify components of the system and select • Identify components of the ESP system and
the range of production and depth possible • The effect of changing Inflow Performance optional components for best operation their function, and how to select optional
with each method; special problems such as Relationship (IPR) over time, how to construct characteristics components and add-ons
sand/scale/deviation etc. are discussed with and profitably use relevant IPR curves • Design and analyze a system using computer • Design and analyze a system using computer
each method • Benefits and challenges of applying software software
• Specify components and auxiliary equipment Systems Nodal Analysis in artificial lift for • Monitor with SCADA systems • Implement best practices for longer system
needed for each system unconventional wells • Apply best practices for longer system life life
• Know what best practices are available to • The strengths and weaknesses of each major • Improve power efficiency of the system
extend the life of equipment and installed artificial lift method used COURS E CONTENT • Manage gas, solids, corrosion, and viscosity
lift systems • Challenges and issues in operating artificial Reservoir considerations • Overview of artificial in the produced fluids
• Apply basic design and analysis concepts lift and how to troubleshoot/mitigate them lift • Design and analysis of the beam pump • Compare to other artificial lift methods
• Design and operate system features for each • How to select an effective artificial lift method system • Prime mover • Belts • Sheaves • • Monitor systems and the types of sensors
method under harsh conditions for individual wells Gear box • Unit • Polished rod • Wellhead/ that are available
• How to analyze staging of artificial lift stuffing box • Rods • Pump • Tubing • Artificial
C OUR S E C O N T E N T methods over time to enhance value lift efficiency • Heavy oil considerations • Gas COURS E CONTE N T
Overview of artificial lift technology • Criteria for • and more... separation/handling • Best practices for Introduction to artificial lift and electrical
selection of artificial lift system • Reservoir operation • Component design • System submersible pumping • Introduction for
performance: inflow and outflow relationships • C OU RSE C ON T EN T analysis • Pump off controllers reservoir and production considerations •
Artificial lift screening • Economic analysis Artificial lift objectives, value, rate and recovery, Description of all components of the electrical
includes initial and operating costs, production cost • Differences between conventional and submersible system starting at the surface •
potential, etc. • and more... unconventional wells • Applying Nodal Analysis Installation considerations and cautions •
for artificial lift selection in unconventional wells Design of an ESP system to fit current and
• and more... future well conditions • and more...

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

CALGARY, CANADA 8-12 APR 2019 $4295+GST 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 10-14 DEC 2018 $4265 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
DENVER, US 1-5 APR 2019 $4320
15-19 JULY 2019 $4350 HOUSTON, US 23-27 SEP 2019 $4325 MIDLAND, US 8-12 OCT 2018 $4290
LONDON, UK 14-18 OCT 2019 $5060 MIDLAND, US 25 FEB - 1 MAR 2019 $4270 28 OCT-1 NOV 2019 $4370
* plus computer charge OKLAHOMA CITY, US 15-19 JUL 2019 $4270 See website for dates and locations. * plus computer charge

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)

Gas Lift – GLI Plunger Lift – PLS
Gas lift is one of the most widely used artificial
lift techniques. Participants will investigate the
impact of tubing sizing, gas lift valve selection,
There are about 400,000 gas wells in the USA
and most are liquid loaded. Solving this problem
may increase production as much as ~40%.
gas lift mandrel spacing, gas lift valve design, Plunger lift is a very popular method of gas well
casing pressure, surface choke size, gas dewatering as it is initially inexpensive and can
volume, etc., on well design and operation. last a long time with no outside energy required
Participants practice mandrel spacing design for most wells. The components of plunger
and gas lift valve design, surveillance, and systems are described and the cycles of each
optimization at the well and field level using method are shown in detail and tools for
actual field data including the use of software analysis are provided to participants. Methods
programs. After attending this course, of analysis include analysis by shape of the
participants will be able to identify, diagnose, SCADA traces of CP, TP, rate, and LP. Also,
analyze, and solve gas lift problems. Computer analysis of the cycles is facilitated by use of a
software will be used/demonstrated during the provided spreadsheet that allows determination
course. The class includes pictures and videos of the cycle slug size, the CP required to lift it at
of most important equipment components while the correct speed, the minimum time for shut-in
being applied, to further participant for the plunger to fall, the maximum liquid
understanding. The course emphasizes possible, the cycle times, and other information
techniques to maximize production. New on the plunger cycle. Proven methods of how to
developments at various stages of development adjust cycles to increase production is

“The instructor proctiv vided a holistic and and application are also covered. presented. Other details of plunger lift operation
hen sive per spe e to the course material. are presented with the focus on trouble free
compre and taught with clarity DESIGNED FOR cycles and more gas production. Continuous
He was ver y eng agi ng, Production engineers and operations staff
ion s. ” (bypass), conventional, gas assisted and casing
through dem ons trat responsible for designing gas lift installations plunger lift are presented. Special equipment
JESSICA BASIC GEOPHYSICS • and/ or performing surveillance and optimization and techniques used in unconventional or
on wells using gas lift; appropriate for staff at all horizontal wells are discussed. The course will
levels of gas lift expertise and has been given consist of slide presentations, example
with good results to both production engineers problems, and discussion. A few videos will be
new to gas lift as well as industry gas lift shown. Some programs and SS will be
consultants. distributed to the participants. Effects of
subject deviation on operation are presented. One
my knowledge on the
“I definitely improvedthe previously known unsorted
YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO personal computer is provided, at additional
• Select the appropriate gas lift systems and
and systematized all equipment
cost, for each two participants..
information.” • Design continuous-flow gas lift systems
DIAS 3D SEISMIC ATTRIBN • SARC • HOUSTON • Analyze operating gas lift systems
CHARACTERIZATIO Engineers and field technicians that design,
• Increase production from your wells using operate, monitor, and optimize plunger lift
gas lift technology and optimization operations.
• Improve the economics of gas lift operation
COURSE CONTENT • Recognize liquid loading in a gas well using
Gas lift concepts and data • Inflow/Outflow • field symptoms, using critical velocity, and
Nodal analysis • Equilibrium curves • Gas lift nodal analysis. Use of decline curve is
equipment and valve mechanics • Valve presented.
selection and calibration • Unloading • Mandrel • Understand the advantages and
spacing and step-by-step, complete gas lift disadvantages of various methods, including
gaging, and design for a well • Temperature effects on
very interactive, en
plunger, and under what conditions each one
“The course was ally with such an experienced valves • Determine the Ptro • Orifice sizing works best
educative, especi vast knowledge in various fields in techniques • Lift gas rates for best economics • Apply, design, and diagnose continuous
instructor. He has • Causes and solutions of instability • Gas lift plunger lift and conventional plunger lift
the oil industry.” ION AND
surveillance and measurement • Analysis of • Increase production when operating plunger
PERFORMANCEUSI ANALYSIS, PREDAN ALYSIS flowing pressure gradient surveys • Analysis of lift
OPTIMIZATION I GL surface charts and measurements • Gas • Know when conventional plunger ceases
• PO2 • DUBA allocation and field optimization • Use of to work, what are other workable plunger
computer software for gas lift design, related systems to switch to for continued
troubleshooting, and optimization production
• Recognize important considerations for
unconventional and horizontal wells
and was
very knowledgeable, COURSE CONTE N T
“The instructor was stration of the material. He was Introduction of loading, solution methods •
effective in his demon vant case histories and real life Comparison of various AL methods to
great at providing rele drawdown capabilities • Continuous Plunger Lift
examples.” VER • Conventional Plunger Lift • Trouble shooting
DEREK BASIC DRILLING, COM• BAKERSFIELD using decline curves, SCADA traces, and cycle
set points • Drawdown capability of plunger lift
• IPRs for plunger lift • Systems used to track
plunger in the well • What systems to use when
Listen to what course attendees are saying! Go to 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) conventional plunger no longer works
petroskills.com/listen DUBAI, UAE 28 OCT-1 NOV 2018 $5465+VAT
1-5 SEPT 2019 $5570+VAT
HOUSTON, US 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4365
8-12 APR 2019 $4450
MIDLAND, US 15-19 JULY 2019 $4395
* plus computer charge See website for dates and locations.

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.

Flow Assurance for Formation Damage: Gas Production Gas Well Deliquification
Offshore Production Causes, Prevention, and Engineering – GPO – GWD
– FAOP Remediation – FD
Flow assurance is a critical component in the Formation damage seems to be inevitable and it Learn the latest methods for calculating gas As gas wells deplete, the velocity in the tubing
design and operation of offshore production is costing your company money! Whether well performance from reservoir to sales. drops and eventually liquids from the well and
facilities. This is particularly true as the industry formation damage can be prevented, removed Reservoir performance covers the fundamentals from condensation begin to accumulate in the
goes to deeper water, longer tiebacks, deeper economically, or must be accepted as the price of reservoir gas flow and details the best tubing. This increase of liquids in the tubing
wells, and higher temperature and pressure for drilling and producing a well will depend methods for testing wells, according to the time adds back pressure on the formation, which in
reservoirs. Although gas hydrate issues upon many factors. Concerns for formation and money available. Reserve calculations and turn reduces flow or even stops flow all
dominate the thermohydraulic design, waxes, damage have been with our industry from the diagnostic testing from production data are together. The course introduces this problem
asphaltenes, emulsions, scale, corrosion, early days. These concerns become more covered. The importance of flow regime and and discusses how to recognize liquid loading
erosion, solids transport, slugging, and prevalent as we embark on more challenging non-Darcy flow on test design and interpretation as opposed to other possible well problems. The
operability are all important issues which require reservoirs utilizing even more challenging is emphasized for new wells and for the course will then cover the various methods of
considerable effort. The participant will be drilling, completion, and production methods. possibility of improving the performance of older solving the problem of liquid loading, showing
presented with sufficient theory/correlation Additional concerns relate to the common lost wells. Also discussed are performances of tight how to apply the various solutions and the
information to be able to understand the basis production or injectivity following workovers in formations, horizontal wells, fractured wells, and advantages and disadvantages of each method.
for the applications. This intensive five-day these challenging environments. These subjects methods for estimating gas reserves. Solution methods include use of surfactants,
course has considerable time devoted to and many more are addressed in this fast- Participants will learn to calculate and velocity strings, compression, use of plunger lift,
application and design exercises to ensure the paced, informative course covering all aspects determine the effect of each system component various other pumping methods, gas lift, and
practical applications are learned. of formation damage. Examples, case histories, on total well performance, which permits the injection of fluids below a packer so gas can
and class team exercises are used throughout optimum sizing of tubing, flowlines, separators, flow up the annulus. Participants will learn to
DES IG NE D F O R the course to emphasize key points on this and compressors. Problem-solving sessions recognize the problems and symptoms of liquid
Engineers, operators, and technical managers important industry subject. This subject is briefly allow participants to evaluate field problems. loading, determine which methods can solve the
who are responsible for offshore completions, covered in the PetroSkills Production Operations Participants receive complimentary software at problem and select the optimum method/s after
production, and development; technical staff 1 course (Foundation Level) as well as in the the end of the course. attending the course. There are about 400,000
needing a foundation in principals, challenges, Well Stimulation: Practical and Applied (Basic gas wells in the USA and most are liquid loaded.
and solutions for offshore flow assurance. The Level) course. However, this course is more DESIGNED FOR Solving this problem may on the average
course is also appropriate for persons involved concentrated, detailed, and applied in the Production, reservoir and facilities engineers, increase production by ~40% per well. Special
in produced fluids flow in onshore production subject matter than either of the other courses. and others involved in gas production, considerations for the use of each system in
operations. transportation, and storage including field unconventional or horizontal wells are also
DESI GN ED FOR supervisors. discussed.
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO Production, completion, reservoir, and drilling
• Identify the components of a complete flow engineers; geologists concerned with well YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO DES IGNED FOR
assurance study and understand how they performance and production enhancement; field • Apply proven techniques to field problems Engineers, field technicians, field supervisors,
relate to the production system design and supervisors, production foremen, engineering which increase profitability and others who select, design, install, monitor
operation technicians, production and exploration • Calculate gas well performance from the and evaluate, or operate artificial lift systems for
• Interpret and use sampling and laboratory managers; those involved in vertical, horizontal, reservoir to the sales line use in dewatering gas wells.
testing results of reservoir fluids relative to and multilateral wells, conventional and • Optimize gas well production
flow assurance unconventional reservoirs. • Relate reservoir and well performance to time Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
• Understand the basic properties of reservoir • Predict when a well will die due to liquid loading • Maximize gas production using optimized
fluids and how they are modeled for the YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO dewatering techniques
production flowline system • Recognize formation damage and damage COURSE CONTENT • Recognize liquid loading in a gas well using
• Understand the thermohydraulic modeling of mechanisms in carbonates, sandstones, Gas properties: real gas behavior equations of field symptoms, critical velocity, and nodal
steady state and transient multiphase flow in and shales state, impurities, mixtures, phase behavior dew analysis
offshore production systems • Prevent and overcome damage, when it point, retrograde behavior, flash calculations; • Recognize the advantages and disadvantages
• Evaluate and compare mitigation and exists, through the application of non-acid classifying gas reservoirs • Reservoir of various methods of liquid removal
remediation techniques for: gas hydrates, approaches, acidizing, and small fracturing performance: gas well testing flow after flow, • Best install and troubleshoot the various
paraffin (waxes), asphaltenes, emulsions, treatments isochronal, stabilized inflow performance; methods
scale, corrosion, erosion and solids transport, turbulence and skin effects; perforation effects; • Understand economics of each method
C OU RSE C ON T EN T tight well analysis; horizontal wells; hydraulically
and slugging covered
Geological/depositional environment, reservoir fractured wells • Reserve calculations: P/Z plots,
• Understand the elements of an operability
properties review • Properties influencing energy plots, water influx, abnormal pressure COURS E CONTE N T
report for subsea production facilities,
formation damage • Damaging sandstones, effects; diagnostic testing based on production Recognize symptoms of liquid loading in gas
flowlines, and export flowlines data • Flow in pipes and restrictions: pressure
shales and carbonates, clay mineralogy • wells • Critical velocity to analyze welss loading
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Damage mechanisms and causes of damage: loss tubing, flowlines, chokes, safety valves; or not • Optimize techniques with nodal
Overview of flow assurance • PVT analysis and fluids and polymers, during drilling, running pipe effects of liquids-liquid loading, liquid removal analysis • Sizing tubing • Compression:
fluid properties • Steady state and transient and cementing, from perforating, during well methods, multiphase flow correlations; erosional selection, sizing, and operation • Plunger lift:
velocity • Compression: types of compressors;
multiphase flow modeling • Hydrate, paraffin, completions, during production (fines migration, cotinuous (bypass), conventional and gas
compressor selection reciprocating and
and asphaltene control • Basics of scale, paraffin, scale, etc.), during workovers, and assisted • Use of foam to deliquefy gas wells •
centrifugal; effects of variables; capacity and
corrosion, erosion, and sand control • Fluid damage to injection wells • Evaluating damage Hydraulic pumps • Use of beam pumps to
horsepower • Total system analysis: tubing and
property and phase behavior modeling • potential: laboratory testing • Evaluating wells flowline size effects; perforating effects; relating deliquefy gas wells • Gas lift • Electrical
Equations of state • Fugacity and equilibrium • that may be damaged: production performance, deliverability to time; evaluating compressor submersible pumps • Progressive cavity pumps
Viscosities of oils • Thermal modeling • pressure analysis, production logging • Damage installations; analyzing injection wells • Flow • Other methods to solve liquid loading
Multiphase pressure boosting • Slugging: removal: non-acid approaches, acidizing, and measuring: orifice metering design, accuracy, problems
hydrodynamic, terrain induced, and ramp up • bypassing damage with hydraulic fracturing troubleshooting; other metering methods •
Commissioning, start-up, and shutdown Condensate reservoirs: reservoir types - wet gas,
operations retrograde; reserve estimates, laboratory
simulation; gas cycling • Field operations
problems: interpreting P/Z plots; hydrate formation
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
ABERDEEN, UK 10-14 SEP 2018 $4990+VAT
19-23 AUG 2019 $5135+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
CALGARY, CANADA 3-7 JUNE 2019 $4370+GST CALGARY, CANADA 19-23 NOV 2018 $4315+GST
HOUSTON, US 4-8 MAR 2019 $4425 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 18-22 NOV 2019 $4395+GST
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 3-7 DEC 2018 $5170 HOUSTON, US 26-30 NOV 2018 $4340 HOUSTON, US 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4365
2-6 DEC 2019 $5320 16-20 SEPT 2019 $4450
LONDON, UK 20-24 MAY 2019 $5135+VAT
18-22 NOV 2019 $4425
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 29 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $5345 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 15-19 OCT 2018 $5170
PERTH, AUS 9-13 DEC 2019 $5340+GST 7-11 OCT 2019 $5320 LONDON, UK 20-24 MAY 2019 $5160+VAT HOUSTON, US 17-21 JUNE 2019 $4450
* plus computer charge LONDON, UK 10-14 JUNE 2019 $5135+VAT * plus computer charge * plus computer charge

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Production Chemistry Production Logging Sand Control – SNDC
Scale Identification, – OGPC – RMP
Remediation and
Prevention Workshop – SIR
This course covers the selection and use of Production logging refers to acquiring a suite of Sand causes a wide variety of costly problems
chemicals used in oil and gas production. As logging measurements in a completed well that when oil and gas are produced from
oilfields mature more water is produced which is either on injection or production to evaluate unconsolidated reservoirs. The most costly

requires the use of more chemicals to maintain the flow performance of the well or the problem is usually the loss of production
production. Chemicals used for controlling reservoir. Special purpose production logging resulting from formation damage caused by
corrosion, emulsions, foaming, mineral scales, instruments can evaluate the well completion or poorly planned and/or executed sand control
INTERMEDIATE paraffins (waxes), asphaltenes, gas hydrates, look behind the pipe to evaluate the formation applications. This course will identify the
hydrogen sulfide scavengers, and water and its fluids in the near-well bore vicinity. parameters that must be considered when
Scale Identification, Remediation and clarifiers are covered. The course includes Production logs are playing an increasing role in selecting the sand control technique to be used.
Prevention is an essential part of a methods to determine the need for chemical modern reservoir management by providing the Examples, problems, and case histories will be
production or workover engineer’s scope of treating, how to select the proper chemicals, only means of directly identifying downhole fluid examined to illustrate key points. Sand control
work. This workshop provides a and how testing for chemical compatibility with movement. This course will cover single-phase failures will be used to illustrate the types of
comprehensive overview of dilemmas in the formation and other chemicals is performed. and multi-phase fluid flow in pipes, the problems that can lead to early well failures. The
operating producing and injection wells Requirements for environmentally friendly theoretical bases of production logging course will also teach how to perform quality
relating to the presence of a variety of products and products for deep water techniques, production log interpretation, and control checks during the sand control
oilfield scale types – primarily reduction in production are discussed. The course will operational considerations in acquiring application to help insure successful wells.
pipe carry capacity and localization of include how the use of chemicals can prevent production logs. Numerous field examples are Because Sand Control in horizontal wells often
corrosion attack – deposition mechanisms, problems, improve production and economics, used to illustrate the principles of production log proves to be short-lived when incorrectly
identification methods, various removal and extend the life of the production equipment. interpretation. applied, examples and class problems will focus
techniques and methodologies for its This course can be offered on an in-house basis on correctly choosing successful completion
prevention. Upon completion, participants with expansion of some sections and deletion of DESIGNED FOR techniques for horizontal wells. Several new
will be aware of the scale problem, others to suit the needs of individual clients. Petroleum and drilling engineers and managers, promising sand control technologies have been
understand ways to remediate it and reservoir engineers, subsurface engineers, introduced in the last few years, such as
prevent it subsequent deposition. Specific DESI GN ED FOR production engineers/technologists, expandable screens of several different types.
mathematical scale prediction methods are Production engineers, facilities engineers, petrophysicists, log analysts, and anyone The proper application of these new
presented and numerous preventive chemists, and technicians involved with interested in understanding production logs and technologies will also be covered. Attendees will
methods, both chemical and unique production systems from the wellbore through cased-hole surveys. leave this course with a thorough understanding
approaches, are covered. the topside production equipment, transmission of what is necessary to design and implement
pipelines, and storage facilities who are YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
cost-effective sand control in both producing
D E S IG NED F O R responsible for recognizing and treating • Measure zonal inflows in producing wells
and injection wells.
Asset managers, drilling and completion problems which might require treatment using temperature measurements
engineers, petroleum engineers and chemicals. • Measure multi-phase flow using temperature, DES IGNED FOR
geologists, independent producers, spinner (flowmeter), and fluid holdup Drilling, completion, production, and research
production managers and engineers, YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO measurements engineers; field supervisors and production
reservoir managers and engineers, field • Recognize corrosive conditions and monitor • Define injection profiles using temperature, foremen; technical personnel who supply
supervisors, company executives and corrosion rates radioactive tracer, and spinner (flowmeter) services and equipment.
officials, field personnel with operating • Select and apply corrosion inhibitors measurements
and service companies. Participants • Predict and treat emulsions • Identify flow behind pipe with temperature, Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
should have at least one year of • Understand causes and control of foaming radioactive tracer, or noise logs • Determine the causes of sand production
operations-related experience and be in a • Predict scale forming conditions • Interpret cement bond logs and ultrasonic • Determine the need for sand control
supervisory or support role. • Select and apply scale inhibitors logs to determine cement quality • Select the best sand control method
• Control gas hydrate formation • Measure flow inside and outside casing with • Prepare the well for the proper application of
Y OU W ILL L E A R N A B O U T • Predict and control paraffin (wax) deposition pulsed neutron tools sand control
• How to determine scaling potential and • Evaluate methods for asphaltene control • Apply specialty tools (array holdup and • Apply best practices to ensure successful
the solubility of various scales • Scavenge low concentrations of H2S spinners and pulsed neutron tools) for flow sand control completions
• Two principle methods for scale • Select and apply water clarifiers profiling in high angle/horizontal wells • Conduct successful frac packs
identification and recognize various • Select chemicals for use in deep water • Confirm the location of some types of • Evaluate sand control performance
methods and their application for • Select environmentally friendly chemicals completion components using pulsed neutron • Minimize production losses
removing scale depending on its measurements • Evaluate new technologies for proper
composition C OU RSE C ON T EN T • Design a logging program using the applications
• Precipitation tendency variables and Corrosive agents • Corrosion inhibitor selection appropriate production logging services for
locations for various scale deposits – and application • Predicting and monitoring well diagnosis and reservoir surveillance COURS E CONTE N T
especially iron and be familiar with three corrosion rates • Basics of oilfield emulsions • Sand control techniques • Radial flow and
mathematical models that predict scaling, Demulsifier selection and field application • COURSE CONTENT formation damage • Causes and effects of sand
including a popular software program Foams • Defoamers • Foam basics • Field Wellbore environment and tool deployment production • Predicting sand production •
• How to properly prevent and inhibit scale application of foams • How defoamers work • considerations • Depth control issues and Gravel pack design • Slotted liners and wire
formation and deposition using various Compounds that cause scaling • Prediction of natural gamma ray logging • Cement bond logs wrapped screens • Gravel pack completion
scaling tendency • Scale inhibitors • Solvents
methods • Ultrasonic imaging logs • Conventional equipment and service tools • Well preparation
to dissolve scales • Requirements for gas
hydrates to form • Types of compounds used to temperature logs • Conventional spinner for gravel packing • Perforating for gravel
COUR S E C O N T E N T (flowmeter) logs • Conventional fluid holdup placement techniques • Perforation prepacking
Overview scale, water and deposition • control hydrate formation • Causes of paraffin
(wax) problems • Paraffin treatment chemicals logs (gamma density, capacitance, differential- and enhanced prepacking • Frac packing •
Scaling potential: Factors affecting pressure • Radioactive tracer logs • Noise logs Open hole gravel packing • Expandable screens
• Asphaltene stability tests • Asphaltene
deposition • Scale identification and treatment chemicals • Chemicals used as H2S • Temperature from fiber optic cable • Pulsed • Gravel pack performance • Horizontal well
removal • Scaling tendency/LSI: Rice U scavengers • Application of H2S scavengers • neutron capture logs (including oxygen completions
ScaleSoftPitzer software • Scale prevention Oil carryover in water • Removal of oil and oily activation and nonradioactive tracers • Pulsed
and inhibition solids • Tests required for chemicals used in neutron spectroscopy logs • Array mini-spinner
deep water • Green chemicals (environmentally logs • Array fluid holdup logs (optical,
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) friendly chemicals) capacitance, and resistance) • Multiphase flow
and slip velocity • and more...
VIRTUAL 4-20 SEPT 2018 $1630
(See website for 2019 dates.)
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
DUBAI, UAE 7-11 OCT 2018 $5440+VAT HOUSTON, US 15-19 OCT 2018 $4390
T O LEA RN MORE, V ISIT HOUSTON, US 11-15 MAR 2019 $4425 HOUSTON, US 10-14 DEC 2018 $4340 14-18 OCT 2019 $4425
LONDON, UK 8-12 JULY 2019 $5135+VAT 16-20 DEC 2019 $4425 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 24-28 JUNE 2019 $5320
PETR OS KIL L S.C OM/ S C A L E MIDLAND, US 17-21 JUNE 2019 $4370 * plus computer charge LONDON, UK 5-9 AUG 2019 $5135+VAT
Surface Water Horizontal and
Water Management Applied Water
Management in Multilateral Wells:
in Heavy Oil Resource Technology in Oil and
Unconventional Completions and
Operations – HOWM Gas Production – PF21
Resource Plays – SWM Stimulation – HML2
Water management in unconventional resource This course will review basics of heavy oil Successful multilateral and horizontal wells This course provides an overview of the main
plays has become a critical topic to the oil and gas extraction, characteristics, quantities, and typical require new considerations, interdisciplinary water handling systems typically encountered in
industry in the last decade. In order to establish ratios of waters in heavy oil extraction. It will planning, and special techniques. This intense upstream (E&P) production operations, both
and implement an optimized water management review alternative discharge limitations, offshore course focuses on the critical need for a proper onshore and offshore. The chemistry of the
plan for hydraulic fracturing operations, operators discharge, and treatment for well injection. understanding of all aspects of horizontal and main water-related problems of mineral scales,
and service companies need an understanding of Suspended and oil/crude separation, with multilateral design and completion. It also corrosion, bacteria, and oily water will be
a broad array of subjects, including water traditional and new equipment, will be covered. addresses basic stimulation design and analysis reviewed both from the theoretical and practical
chemistry, systems modeling, water treatment The course will review the scientific basis and concepts. It is designed for those planning or aspects. Produced water treatment equipment
technology, the regulatory landscape, and best
principles of softening, lime softening (hot, working with horizontal and multilateral wells and typical water quality specifications will also
practices for field operations. This course first
establishes a foundation of knowledge regarding warm, including sludge disposal), strong acid and interested in effective use of the latest be reviewed, as well as water injection and
water awareness, water chemistry, fluid dynamics, exchange (SAC), weak acid exchange (WAC), technology. Basic understanding of important disposal systems. An exercise will be given to
and water analysis tools. Upon this foundation the ion exchange, boiler feed water chemistry reservoir characteristics, hole stability, formation identify typical system problems and to apply
course will build a model for optimizing water (including once through steam generator), and damage, crucial zonal isolation, and hydraulic the knowledge you gained to propose solutions.
management in support of hydraulic fracturing cooling tower cases. Technologies for produced fracturing are just some of the critical issues Emphasis will be placed on understanding and
operations, providing reviews of best practices water recovery will be discussed. addressed by this course. Hydraulic fracturing resolving operational problems in process
and the latest industry technology, while always aspects of unconventional resources plays, equipment.
considering key stakeholders. This course is DESI GN ED FOR including conductivity, proppant selection, and
designed for the practitioner; for the people who Central processing facility operators and practices, are discussed. A combined practical DES IGNED FOR
will design and implement all or part of a water process designers dealing with heavy oil and technical theme is employed, with Managers, engineers, chemists, and operators
management plan in unconventional resource produced water separation, recovery, and emphasis on economy and efficiency in needing to understand water-related problems
plays. treatment for reuse or disposal. Personnel designing, completing, and producing horizontal in oil and gas production and their solutions.
involved in establishing, improving, optimizing, and multilateral wells.
DES IG NE D F O R or supervising the implementation of technology Y OU WILL LEARN
Production, completion, operations, and surface improvements. This course will be useful to DES IGNED FOR • The basics of oilfield water chemistry
facilities engineers; operations managers, managers in completion, production, and Completion, production, reservoir, and research • How to monitor and control corrosion, scale,
logistics coordinators, field superintendents; any and bacterial growth in produced water and
optimization of operations. The course is a great engineers; geologists; managers in completion,
personnel involved in establishing, improving, or water injection/disposal systems
supervising the implementation of an reference parameter for water technologies in production, drilling, and exploration; others
mining and heavy industry, with some examples involved in various phases of horizontal and • How to implement system surveillance
organization’s water management plan; programs to detect potential problems before
personnel in service organizations seeking a of cases and treatment for discharge and spills. multilateral wells or interested in gaining an
interdisciplinary up-to-date understanding of system damage occurs
more thorough understanding of the water
YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO this continually evolving technology. • Produced (oily) water treatment options and
system in unconventional resource plays.
• Understand and analyze technology options, related treatment equipment
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO advantages, and limitations Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO • How to use the knowledge gained to identify
• Design and implement a water management • Choose the most advantageous technology • Successfully design and optimize horizontal typical system problems and be able to
plan for an unconventional resource play given the site conditions and multilateral well completions propose solutions
• Assess the regional hydrological cycle in the • Design or specify the equipment capable to • Engineer wells, taking into account limitations
operational area fulfill the operations intended imposed by well bore stability and borehole COURS E CONTE N T
• Adopt emerging best practices regarding • Optimize design conditions and operating friction Water chemistry fundamentals • Water
water management efficiency • Determine the appropriate zonal isolation sampling and analysis • Water formed scales •
• Establish a water sampling and analysis • Choose suppliers when comparing basic methods for horizontal and multilateral wells Corrosion control • Water treatment
program principles and design • Identify key components of fracture design microbiology • Produced water discharge/
• Design and run a water treatment technology • Synthetize and define the applicability and analysis in horizontal wells disposal and treatment principles • Produced
pilot test conditions of technologies • Design damage removal, stimulation, and water treating equipment - theory of operation,
• Find the lowest cost solution for sourcing fluid • Troubleshoot field situations, learned from workover operations advantages and disadvantages, and the
for hydraulic fracturing operations importance of oil droplet size • Water injection
field cases, discussions, and debates in class
• Select a water treatment technology for a COURS E CONTENT and disposal systems - theory of operation,
project • Understand water mass and ionic/solids
balance Reservoir characteristics for horizontal and corrosion, scale, and biological control • Case
• Manage the primary service/equipment multilateral well applications • Well performance study
providers critical to water management • Estimate and calculate equipment
requirements, predesign and specify prediction • Wellbore stability of horizontal wells
• Establish basic water quality requirements
necessary for frac fluid equipment • Stress field effect on drilling, completion,
• Build a water management plan that • Predict efficiencies or performance of production, and stimulation • Geosteering •
complies with regulations equipment, anticipate remediation of spills Multilateral well structure, junction, and
• Build a water management cost model to application • Formation damage and its effect
use as a tool to optimize water management C OU RSE C ON T EN T on horizontal well performance • Well
Heavy oil review and basic definitions, heavy oil completion and its effect on horizontal and
COUR S E C O N T E N T around the globe • Thermo-extraction produced multilateral wells • Intelligent completion:
Global water awareness and the oil and gas water, the process (SAGD and CSS) ratios • De- downhole monitoring and control • Well
industry’s impact • Flowback and produced oiling technologies, traditional, deviations, and trajectory and completion optimization •
fluid • Basic water chemistry focused on oilfield future • Alkalinity and hardness concepts, Horizontal well fracturing • Acidizing of
concerns • Water quality considerations for softening and silica removal, hot and warm lime horizontal wells • Other stimulation methods
hydraulic fracturing operations • Water
softening • Ion exchange softening technology,
sampling and analysis, in the field and in the lab
• Water treatment for reuse and recycling SACs and WACs technologies, the in and out of
programs • Acquisition, storage, transportation, vessel regeneration • Boiler feed water final
disposal, and treatment of water • Holistic field treatment, standard requirements and chemical
water management • Regulations applicable to conditioning • Evaporator alternatives and zero
water management • Water management liquid discharge technology • Mining bitumen
system cost modeling extraction, tailings pond, process affected
waters, their treatment and reuse • Cooling
tower requirements, water conditioning, and
treatments • Deep well injection of waste water:
requirements and treatment 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 3-7 DEC 2018 $4440
HOUSTON, US 5-7 NOV 2018 $3225 18-22 MAR 2019 $4525
13-15 MAY 2019 $3305 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) OKLAHOMA CITY, US 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4390 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
PITTSBURGH, US 10-12 SEPT 2018 $3220 CALGARY, CANADA 10-12 SEPT 2018 $3190+GST 7-11 OCT 2019 $4470
HOUSTON, US 19-23 AUG 2019 $4325
9-11 SEPT 2019 $3295 9-11 SEPT 2019 $3265+GST * plus computer charge LONDON, UK 1-5 APR 2019 $5035+VAT

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Applied Environmental Applied Occupational
Competent Person Fall Management Systems
Management Systems – Health and Safety
Protection – FPST Management Systems – Lead Auditor – AUD
This comprehensive training program is for NEW NEW NEW
anyone who develops or impacts fall protection Since the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit (UNCED) Every 15 seconds, somewhere in the world, a Our Lead Auditor course provides a rigorous
policy, as well as those involved with design held in 1992, environmental issues have been worker is killed and over 150 others are injured. approach to conducting a risk-based internal
practices, facility or production modifications drawn to the forefront of organizations’ Our members’ and clients’ experience is that audit of any structured means of control aligned
and equipment procurement. The goal of operations and possibly their reputations. A committed application of an Occupational to the international standard guidance ISO
training is to provide participants with the review of the world’s press often reveals Health and Safety Management System 19011. We use ISO 14001 (environment) and
knowledge to solve fall protection issues before spillages, toxic releases, fires, and other (OHSMS) can reduce such incidents, while ISO 45001 (health and safety) as reference
they arise. Attendees will acquire the tools pollution events. There are efficiency providing a platform for sustained cultural frameworks, but our approach could be applied
required to become certified OSHA competent opportunities from better use of energy, water change. We call this ‘predict and prevent’ to ISO 9001 (quality) or your own organization’s
persons and the skills to develop and implement and from reducing waste in a systematic way. instead of the unstructured approach of ‘react management systems. A copy of the best-
a comprehensive, cost effective and attainable Participants will receive a template and remedy.’ Participants will receive a template selling book Health and Safety, Environment and
fall hazard control system. The course provides Environmental Management System (EMS) OH&S-MS manual for their own use as part of Quality Audits – A Risk-based Approach is
interactive instruction, multimedia resources, manual for their own use as part of the study the study materials. This class provides a included for each participant. For the duration of
and knowledge check that have been developed materials. This class provides a complete review complete review of the new international the class, participants are assigned to a
to train attendees to the competent person level. of the international standard for environmental standard for occupational health and safety 5-6-person audit team, led by an experienced
management, ISO 14001:2015, as well as management, ISO 45001:2018, as well as an Lead Auditor. This course allows participants to
DES IG NE D F O R other environmental management techniques. overview of other common OH&S-MS (HSG65, relate audit to the essential principles of
This course is intended for safety directors, Over five days, the class works through the ILO OSH-2001, IOGP HSE-MS) that can be corporate governance and risk management. It
safety professionals, fall protection program PDCA improvement cycle provided by ISO aligned to organizations’ own systems. Over five also adds value for senior management from
administrators, managers, facility engineers, 14001, teaching the tools and techniques of days, the class works through a Plan, Do, the auditing process through provision of a
production supervisors, and maintenance excellent practice. The course includes a week- Check, Act improvement cycle teaching the high-level, future-focused opinion. The course
supervisors. long practical implementation case study set in tools and techniques of excellent practice. The includes a week-long practical implementation
the fictional highly-realistic setting of oil course includes a week-long practical case study set in the fictional highly-realistic
YO U W IL L L E A R N products distribution company Clansman Baltra implementation case study set in the fictional setting of oil products distribution company
• To recognize myths and facts surrounding where the new learning is validated through highly-realistic setting of oil products distribution Clansman Baltra where the new learning is
fall protection application. Please see www.clansmangroup. company Clansman Baltra where the new validated through application. Please see www.
• To describe how fall protection fits into the com for more information. learning is validated through application. Please clansmangroup.com for more information.
core elements of your safety program see www.clansmangroup.com for more
• To determine the key resources for identifying DESI GN ED FOR information. DES IGNED FOR
fall hazards Environmental professionals seeking a deeper
knowledge of environmental management New management system auditors, experienced
• To rank abatement options using objective criteria DESIGNED FOR
auditors aspiring to progress to Lead Auditor
• Regulatory requirements for access, surfaces, systems (EMS) and/or external certification to Health and Safety (H&S) professionals who want
status, department managers wanting to
and edge protection ISO 14001, H&S managers wanting to broaden to take advantage of the new improvement
understand the audit process or prior to
• About lift equipment including requirements their knowledge in a related discipline, project opportunities presented by ISO 45001 (or seek secondment to an internal audit team.
for vacating or entering an aerial lift managers, other staff with delegated external certification), project managers,
• The regulations and standards for scaffolding environmental responsibilities such as those contract managers, members of H&S
• How to minimize the dangers of falling objects related to energy, waste, or water. committees, directors of smaller organisations
• Lead/participate in an audit or review in line
• About the initial ANSI fall protection standards with limited access to specialist H&S advice.
YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO with the standards of the auditing profession,
and the new ones within the Z359 family including ISO 19011
• The difference between certified and non- • Successfully design and use the principle YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
elements of an environmental management • Successfully design and use the principle • Initiate an internal audit plan
certified anchorages • Prepare a risk-based audit plan to steer the
• How to recognize how ANSI applies to various system in a typical petrochemical elements of an OH&S-MS in a typical
organisation petrochemical organisation conduct of any audit
equipment components • Conduct audit fieldwork including the
• Identify and integrate key tools associated • Identify and integrate key tools associated
• How to inspect fall hazard equipment necessary reviews and tests to substantiate
with Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) with OH&S management, including HazID,
• About typical roof fall hazards findings
management, including environmental risk assessment, JSA, PTW, LOTO, active and
• About fall clearances including sample fall • Report the audit results and present to senior
impact assessment, setting and progressing reactive monitoring
clearance calculations environmental objectives, emergency management
• Reflect on, shape and initiate improvements
• To identify the elements of a horizontal lifeline preparedness, and incident investigation in the safety culture of an organization COURS E CONTE N T
system and recognize the pitfalls • Reflect on, shape, and initiate improvements • Communicate a powerful improvement
• The importance of preplanning a fall Risk management and business control •
in the environmental (HSE) culture of an message to a team of senior leaders Principles of auditing (ISO 19011) • Initiating
protection rescue as a part of a pre-task plan organization
• To develop a rescue procedure for a specific and planning a management systems audit •
• Communicate a powerful improvement COURSE CONTENT
personal fall arrest system Review and test • Effective interview skills •
message to a team of senior leaders Context of the organization • Leadership and Legal and ethical aspects of auditing
commitment • OH&S policy • Roles, •Developing audit findings and writing
C OUR S E C O N T E N T C OU RSE C ON T EN T responsibilities, and authorities • Actions to recommendations • Reporting audit results and
Fall protection program overview • Fall hazard Context of the organization • Leadership and address risks and opportunities • Objectives
risk assessment • Fall hazard abatement • following up
commitment • Environmental policy • Roles, and planning to achieve them • Support
Engineering controls • Lift equipment • responsibilities, and authorities • Actions to (competence, awareness, communication,
Scaffolding • OSHA requirements and ANSI address risks and opportunities (aspects, documentation) • Operational control •
standards • Equipment inspection • Roof fall compliance, objectives) • Resources, Emergency preparedness • Performance
protection • Fall clearances • Anchorages • competence, awareness, communication, evaluation (monitoring, internal audit,
Horizontal lifelines • Rescue documentation • Operational planning and management review) • Improvement
control • Emergency preparedness and
response • Monitoring, measurement, analysis,
and evaluation • Internal audit • Management
review • Improvement

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

BAKERSFIELD, US 10-14 DEC 2018 $4090
9-13 DEC 2019 $4170
DUBAI, UAE 20-24 OCT 2019 $5345+VAT Clansman Clansman Clansman
HOUSTON, US 22-26 OCT 2018 $4140 Baltra Baltra Baltra
Case Study Case Study Case Study
23-27 SEPT 2019 $4225
LONDON, UK 12-16 NOV 2018 $4790+VAT
18-22 NOV 2019 $4935+VAT
PITTSBURGH, US 13-17 MAY 2019 $4220 See website for dates and locations. See website for dates and locations. See website for dates and locations.

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.

Fundamentals of Risk Based Process

Process Safety – PS2 Safety Management
– HS45
The course will cover the fundamentals of This course introduces process safety
Process Safety for all staff levels of processing management in the oil and gas industry, the
facilities in the upstream and downstream oil, elements and benefits of process safety
gas, and petro chemical industry. To identify management systems, and tools for
how different disciplines and roles can have an implementing and managing a system. In this
impact on Process Safety performance, there is course the participant will learn to use tools and
a rolling case study (Project COLEX) throughout techniques for managing process safety. The
the course that involves the installation of a Center for Chemical Process Safety’s (CCPS)
separator vessel, and the Process Safety book titled “Guidelines for Risk Based Process
considerations and implications are explored Safety” or “RBPS Guidelines” will be the text for
and discussed at the various stages, from this course. Participant centered exercises and
design to full operation. selected case studies will be used to build on
the concepts that CCPS advocates for risk
based process safety.
How can you minimize health,
safety, security and environment
The course will benefit all staff associated with
the operation, maintenance, and governance in Throughout the course, participants will be
production and processing facilities and is challenged to think how their process safety
relevant to roles, including senior management,
project and engineering support teams, HSE
management system can be enhanced and
modified to meet the concepts of risk-based risks—anytime, anywhere?
support, supervisors, and operator and decision making. An individual action plan will
maintenance technicians. It provides an be developed to apply the information from the
understanding of the design basis and course to the workplace.
essentials for safe operations, without
addressing the more detailed calculation
aspects covered in Process Safety Engineering
HSE professionals, operations and maintenance Pilot e-learning
technicians, engineers, supervisors and project
managers requiring a basic foundation in
YOU W IL L L E A R N H O W TO developing and managing process safety. The
• Identify the systems and processes required more technical aspects of process safety Many employers are struggling with limitations on their training
to create process safety in a high hazard engineering are covered in PS4, Process Safety resources. Yet the need to stay up-to-date with safety and
installation Engineering.
regulatory mandates is critical. A single gap in knowledge can
• Identify and choose appropriate techniques
and tools to qualitatively assess process
YOU WI L L L EARN H OW TO seriously jeopardize every safety and quality improvement effort
• Identify processes applicable to Process and a company’s good standing with regulatory compliance
Safety Management (PSM) and describe
• Determine appropriate risk reduction
relevant terms used agencies.
strategies and identify effective risk reduction
• Identify which standards are to be applied for
measures to prevent, control, and mitigate
managing process hazards PetroSkills ePilot™ HSSE Library can help you:
process safety risk
• Apply programs and tools for managing a
• Recognize and develop systems to manage
Process Safety in operations through
PSM system • Identify knowledge gaps quickly and
• Choose appropriate decision making methods
operating procedures and operating limits,
and tools to identify process hazards generate pathways to proficiency
ensuring plant integrity through maintenance
• Describe and use techniques available for
and inspection
control of hazards associated with process • Achieve compliance goals with compliance-
• Use a management of change process to
minimize risk of change
designs focused management and reporting
• Describe the criteria and methods of
• Identify and monitor key performance • Reduce time-to-proficiency, enable
selecting equipment and safe guarding
measures and verifications to maintain and
improve safety performance
controls refresher training, and improve on-boarding
• Research and apply the performance
COUR S E C O N T E N T parameters for the safety systems in • Reduce expenses of classroom scheduling,
Business context for Process Safety • Risk operations
• Explain the role of all disciplines and their travel, and instructor fees
assessment [hazard identification, hazard
scenarios, consequence & likelihood analysis, contribution to the management of potential
and risk analysis and tools & techniques] • Risk HSE hazards Hearing Protection

reduction measures (barriers) [types and

hierarchy of risk reduction measures (barriers)] Types of Respirators

Process safety culture and competency •

• Management of process safety in operations
Compliance with standards • Understand
[operating procedures, design and operating
hazards and risk • Operating procedures and
limits, human factors, inspection and
safe work practices • Asset integrity and
maintenance, and emergency response] •
reliability • Management of change • Conduct
Management of change • Learning from
of operations • Incident investigation
previous incidents and near misses • Self-
(associated with plant failures) • Measurement
verification and measurement • Process safety
and metrics • Management review and
key performance indicators • Management
continuous improvement
review and auditing • Process safety leadership
[governance and culture]

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) For more information, please visit
DENVER, US 22-26 JULY 2019 $4320
DUBAI, UAE 24-28 MAR 2019 $5445+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) www.petroskills.com/elearning
HOUSTON, US 8-12 OCT 2018 $4240 DUBAI, UAE 7-11 OCT 2018 $5340+VAT
30 SEP-4 OCT 2019 $4325 6-10 OCT 2019 $5445+VAT or email [email protected]
LONDON, UK 26-30 NOV 2018 $4890+VAT HOUSTON, US 8-12 APR 2019 $4325
25-29 NOV 2019 $5035+VAT LONDON, UK 29 JUL-2 AUG 2019 $5035+VAT

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)

Extend Learning into the Field



18 BASIC DRILLING TECHNOLOGY - BDT Houston, US 16-20 Jul 2018

18 BASIC DRILLING TECHNOLOGY - BDT Houston, US 26-30 Nov 2018


CO2 SURFACE FACILITIES - PF-81 Midland, US 12-15 Nov 2018

25 CORING AND CORE ANALYSIS - CCA Houston, US 17-21 Sep 2018

25 CORING AND CORE ANALYSIS - CCA Kuala Lumpur, MYS 22-26 Oct 2018

19 DRILLING FLUIDS TECHNOLOGY - DFT Aberdeen, UK 12-16 Nov 2018

19 DRILLING FLUIDS TECHNOLOGY - DFT Houston, US 15-19 Oct 2018


42 GAS LIFT - GLI Aberdeen, UK 13-17 Aug 2018


Houston, US 17-21 Sep 2018
website EXCHANGES - ME-43





27 Denver, US 1-5 Oct 2018

For a full list of field trip courses, see petroskills.com/geoexpro


Applied Maintenance Maintenance Planning Introduction to Data Seismic Positioning

Management – OM21 and Work Control Management – IDM Data Management
– OM41 – SPDM


No matter the price of oil, safe, efficient No matter what the price of oil is, safe facilities This course provides an overview of data While both seismic navigation and trace data
operations require well managed, integrated operations require effective maintenance work management in E&P, focusing on the topics are covered, there is a greater focus on
asset management. Effective, well organized control. ISO 55000 (PAS 55) is the asset subsurface domain. The need to deliver good the geo-spatial component of trace data, with
maintenance management is the key. In this management standard everyone is moving data management is increasingly being seen as respect to navigation and positioning. The
course, participants will receive a sound, towards. This course is designed to build providing competitive advantage across the E&P course will offer insight into geodetic
integrated, basic knowledge of the maintenance competency in Work Control as a primary skill industry, since wise business decisions depend considerations to ensure removal of geo-spatial
function and how to progress towards world- set required to achieve these new standards. It on sound data and information. Participants will data ambiguity using case studies of data
class performance. Individual action plans will will focus on the six phases of work leave this course with an understanding of the acquisition, processing, data loading, and
carry course learning into the work environment. management: work identification, planning, core E&P data types, their use in the business, proposed well location selection. Preservation of
A pre and post seminar self-assessment will be prioritization, scheduling, execution, and history and data management issues and challenges metadata and compliance to international
given to indicate delegates’ competency capture. These essential skills are the key facing companies. You will have the knowledge standards in data exchange provide the integrity
improvements. The assessment is taken from components of integrity management, safety, and tools necessary to participate in developing backbone to enhancing data quality and
the PetroSkills industry standard competency efficient resource utilization, and reliable a structured data management framework, removing any ambiguity with respect to geo-
map for Maintenance Management. operation. A pre and post self-assessment will which will deal with these issues in a practical referencing and legal ownership. Ensuring
be used to measure competency improvement. and effective manner to ensure business interpreters interpret and are not deviated from
DES IG NE D F O R In order to improve facility asset management, efficiency and value is realized. This course their activities by having to resolve mis-ties
Maintenance supervisors, team leaders, or each participant will develop an action plan to provides an understanding of essential E&P within the data is key to enhancing efficiency at
managers needing to improve their help their organizations in the long-term effort data management principles and concepts a critical stage of the project cycle.
maintenance programs. This course is a broad to become more efficient and safe. using an interactive classroom format;
survey of essential aspects of maintaining a participants will have the opportunity to learn DES IGNED FO R
safe, efficient, and reliable facility asset. DESI GN ED FOR from presentations, exercises, and interactive This course is aimed at a wide audience and
Maintenance managers, superintendents, discussions. Course instructors are experienced will be of particular benefit to technicians, data
YO U W IL L L E A R N supervisors, team leaders, and planners loaders, and data analysts. Those involved with
data management practitioners, who have
• World class maintenance standards and how engaged in work management, planning, and seismic data processing can preserve data
delivered services and projects to many E&P
to apply them scheduling. quality and obtain geo-spatially accurate
companies, from small independents to super
• Key performance indicators for your imaging of subsurface features by applying
dashboard YOU W I LL L EARN techniques covered in the course. Asset team
• Essential elements of work planning and • To develop world class planning and work DESIGNED FOR members responsible for maintaining seismic
scheduling control As this course is foundational it will be of most data and data loading to interpretation
• Optimization of preventive and predictive • To employ business process analysis benefit to those with little or basic prior workstations can enhance their processes by
maintenance techniques in work control understanding of technical data used in the E&P applying techniques covered.
• To focus your resources on critical equipment • How to use a gap analysis on your work industry. Course attendees may hold a variety of
• How to work with contractors more effectively management system roles such as data or information managers, Y OU WILL LE A RN H O W TO
• Development of organizational competence • Step-by-step work control from identification technical managers and assistants, • Assess data quality and manage seismic
through using work history technologists, geologists, geophysicists, etc. trace and navigation data related to seismic
C OUR S E C O N T E N T • Optimization of preventive and condition- data acquisition, processing and data loading
World class standards • Maintenance strategies monitoring activities YOU WILL LEA RN • Apply best practices to enhance and preserve
• Planning and scheduling • Optimizing • Techniques: critical equipment analysis, • What is data management, why it is data integrity and ensure seismic data
preventative and predictive maintenance • critical spares control, and emergency important, understanding of data as an sets are fit for purpose and do not contain
Identifying critical equipment • Developing response work asset, its lifecycle, benefits of good data geophysically significant errors
organizational competence • Presenting your management, and its potential value • Preserve metadata and maintain compliance
action plan C OU RSE C ON T EN T • The core data types in the E&P industry and with international standards for data
Work identification • Planning prioritization • valuable best practices for them exchange
Scheduling execution • History records • • Common data management issues and
Optimizing preventive maintenance • Predictive challenges, and the impact on the business COURS E CONTE N T
maintenance planning • Critical equipment • The important components of a data Seismic navigation data principles • Basic
focus • Emergency response management framework geodesy • 2D data loading exercises • Data
• How to map issues onto a data management quality control and practical examples thereof •
framework 2D data editing and exporting • 3D bin grid
data definitions and exercises for importing,
COURSE CONTENT analyzing, editing, and exporting • Applied
Data types: definitions • Common data geodesy Introduction to EPSG database • Trace
management issues: causes of data issues, data Licensing • Acquisition • Storage • Import
data management best practices, business and quality assessment • Formats and
impact • Overview of data management: conversions • Best practices
definition, data lifecycle, importance and value
of data management, benefits of good data
management, business case aspects and
barriers • Data management framework:
governance, architecture, security, reference
and master data management, data quality

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

DUBAI, UAE 14-18 OCT 2018 $4870+VAT
13-17 OCT 2019 $4925+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 10-14 SEPT 2018 $3840 DUBAI, UAE 21-25 OCT 2018 $4970+VAT
19-23 AUG 2019 $3915 20-24 OCT 2019 $5025+VAT HOUSTON, US 10-11 JUNE 2019 $2595
ORLANDO, US 9-13 DEC 2019 $3965 HOUSTON, US 1-5 APR 2019 $4015 See website for dates and locations. * plus computer charge

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
PetroSkills is proud to offer our technical resources as a tool for oil and gas professionals worldwide. These come in the form of Video Series, Webinars, Articles, and
E-Books and range across the full spectrum of topics covered by our oil and gas training courses. If there is any way we can help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
[email protected] or 918.828.2500.

Jim Blecha


M U LT I - D I S C I P L I N E T R A I N I N G
e-Book - Best Tips of the Month - Subsurface Topics

Video Series - Basic Petroleum Geology - Four-part video series covers topics such as plate tectonics, depositional environments, carbonates,
and more.
Video Series - Mapping a Faulted Surface in 3D – Three-part video series covers topics from our Mapping Subsurface Structures course.

Webinar - Hilbert Transfer Attributes-Unplugged
Video Series - Seismic Interpretation – Three-part video series covers topics such as overview of seismic interpretation, interpretation
techniques, recognition of direct carbon indicators, and more.

Webinar - SHE Auditing: A Management Systems Approach

Article - Budgeting Exploration Activities
Article - Budgeting Production Activities
Article - Resolving Decision Dilemmas

Webinar - The ‘Sneaky’ Influence of Clay Minerals on Formation Evaluation


Video Series - Completions and Workovers – Three-part video series covers topics such as well stimulation, unconventional wells, workover
planning, and more.

Webinar - How to Build a Performance-Ready Drilling Engineer

Additional resources available on Gas Processing, LNG, Instrumentation, Mechanical, and Pipeline.
Go to www.petroskills.com/technicalresources to choose one of these informative tools!

Introduction to Basic Petroleum Expanded Basic Managing Non-

Petroleum Business – IPB Economics – BEC3 Petroleum Economics Technical Risks


Creation of shareholder value should be at the Could you answer the following three questions Could you answer the following three questions NEW
heart of every business decision. This course is for your next project? What will it cost? What is for your next project? What will it cost? What is Non-technical or societal risks have become the
designed for technical professionals in the it worth? Will it earn sufficient profit? Before it worth? Will it earn sufficient profit? Before main source of business delays and budget
petroleum industry who want to understand the undertaking any project, these questions should undertaking any project, these questions should overruns in the oil and gas industry. Non-
nature of the petroleum business and how you be answered, and this course will provide the be answered. This course will provide the technical risks typically are related to political,
will contribute to the financial success of your fundamentals necessary to enable you to do so. fundamentals necessary to enable you to do so. regulatory, health, safety, security, environmental,
company. The course will introduce delegates to Contractual arrangements, which also Budgeting and financing, accounting, and and social issues. Mitigation requires good
the structure of the petroleum business significantly impact the economic viability of a contractual arrangements, which also external awareness and stakeholder engagement
including supply and demand, how oil project, are covered. Participants practice cash significantly impact the economic viability of a skills, but also the willingness of technical and
companies are organized and financed and flow techniques for economic evaluations and project, are covered. Participants practice cash commercial teams to work closely together with
what it takes to be financially successful. investigate frequently encountered situations. flow techniques for economic evaluations and the non-technical disciplines to accommodate
Success will be explored through an Each participant will receive Economics of investigate frequently encountered situations. non-technical perspectives in project designs
understanding of how we calculate long-term Worldwide Petroleum Production, written Participants are invited to submit their own and plans. This course looks at both the internal
shareholder value both at the corporate and specifically for PetroSkills courses. economic problems (in advance), if appropriate. and the external challenges that a company may
project level as well as the valuation of Each participant will receive Economics of face related to stakeholder engagement. On the
competitive advantage and incorporation of risk DESI GN ED FOR Worldwide Petroleum Production, written external side, we look at current trends in
assessment in our models. Delegates will be Managers, engineers, explorationists, field specifically for PetroSkills courses. western and non-western societies, we study key
introduced to the primary accounting financial accounting supervisors and other personnel
stakeholder groups, in particular those seen as
statements and what they tell us about a who need to develop or improve their skill and DESIGNED FOR
'difficult to deal with,' and then cover the
company. Common accounting and economic understanding of basic economic analysis and Managers, engineers, explorationists, field
practicalities of creating and maintaining
terms and metrics will be reviewed. Participants profitability of petroleum exploration and accounting supervisors and other personnel
effective relationships. However, a company will
should bring a PC with excel software to production. who need to develop or improve their skill and
not be effective in its response to the external
complete exercises. understanding of basic economic analysis and
YOU W I LL L EARN world if it is not well organized internally.
profitability of petroleum exploration and
• How to evaluate the economic viability of a Therefore, this couse will also look at processes
DES IG NE D F O R production.
project and tools to ensure internal alignment and
Engineers, geologists, geophysicists, landmen,
• Cash flow techniques applicable in economic YOU WILL LEA RN cooperation with the aim to link external
HR and other non-finance and accounting
evaluations • How to evaluate the economic viability of a perspectives to business decision making. A key
professionals who need an introduction to the
• How to use economic criteria to choose project methodology is the quanitification of non-
business aspects of the petroleum industry
investments • Cash flow techniques applicable in economic technical risks becuase it helps prioritization and
including the interplay of finance and economic
• Models to weigh risk and uncertainty evaluations focusing of resources and mitigating activities.
evaluation in the creation of long-term
shareholder value. • Models to weigh risk and uncertainty
• Techniques to determine expected value
Forecasting oil production • Defining: All oil and gas business professionals who are
YO U W IL L L E A R N • The effect finance, budgeting, and contractual
“reserves”, operating expenses, capital directly or indirectly involved in the management
• How the petroleum business is structured agreements have on a project
expenditures, inflation, factors effecting oil and of non-technical risks. Specifically, managers
and capital is raised • The basic principles of accounting
gas prices • Cash flow techniques • Economic with accountability for business delivery, that is,
• What is shareholder value and how it is
criteria: interest, hurdle rate, time value of COURSE CONTENT projects or operations; managers of technical
money, selection, ranking criteria • Risk, Forecasting oil production • Defining: reserves, and commercial teams that support projects or
• The critical importance of seeking competitive
uncertainty: types of risk, mathematical operating expenses, capital expenditures, operations; and professionals in Health, Safety,
techniques, probabilistic models, uncertainty in inflation, factors effecting oil and gas prices • Security & Social Responsibility; Government
• Economic and accounting terminology
economic analysis • Tips on economic factors Cash flow techniques • Economic criteria: Relations; and Communications.
• How to make an economic valuation of
an investment and assess its competitive in computer spreadsheet analysis • Ethics in interest, hurdle rate, time value of money,
advantage economic analyses selection, ranking criteria • Risk, uncertainty:
• About important trends in the relationship
• How value creation impacts share price types of risk, mathematical techniques,
between business and society
• How shareholder value is measured probabilistic models, uncertainty in economic
• To make the business case for active
• What is risk and how is it assessed in analysis • Financing, ownership in the oil and
management of non-technical risks
economic evaluations gas industry: business arrangements between
• Essential concepts of stakeholder engagement,
operators, between mineral owners •
including dealing with activist stakeholders
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Accounting versus cash flow: accounting
• How to set up the internal structure and
The importance of creating value for principles and definitions, differences between
collaboration model to respond effectively to
shareholders • History and characteristics of accounting cash numbers, depreciation,
the external world
the oil and gas business • Introduction to depletion, amortization • Budgeting: types,
• How to apply the tools to identify, assess,
Economic Evaluation including Net Present processes, selecting of projects for the budget •
quantify, and mitigate non-technical risks
Value, Internal Rate of Return, and risk • Economic analysis of operations • Computer
• How to integrate non-technical risks into
Introduction to the key accounting financial economics software • Tips on economic factors
business decision-making processes
statements and terms • The need for in computer spreadsheet analysis • Ethics in
competitive advantage and how it is measured economic analyses COURS E CONTE N T
• How to develop spreadsheets to conduct Trends in western and non-western societies
economic evaluations affecting oil and gas companies • The business
impact of non-technical risks: the case for action
• An overview of modern stakeholder
engagement models • Methods to deal with
NGO's, activist investors, and communities •
Insight in the power and limitations of multi-
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
stakeholder initiatives • Leave with a blueprint
ABU DHABI, UAE 16-18 JUNE 2019 $4025+VAT ABU DHABI, UAE 16-20 JUNE 2019 $5345+VAT
DENVER, US 26-28 AUG 2019 $3175 DENVER, US 26-30 AUG 2019 $4220
for implementation in your own company • and
HOUSTON, US 15-17 OCT 2018 $3105 HOUSTON, US 15-19 OCT 2018 $4140 more...
11-13 FEB 2019 $3185 11-15 FEB 2019 $4225
29 APR-1 MAY 2019 $3185 29 APR-3 MAY 2019 $4225
15-17 JULY 2019 $3185 15-19 JULY 2019 $4225
14-16 OCT 2019 $3185 14-18 OCT 2019 $4225
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 22-24 JULY 2019 $3855 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 22-26 JULY 2019 $5120 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
LONDON, UK 3-5 SEPT 2018 $3595+VAT LONDON, UK 3-7 SEPT 2018 $4790+VAT
HOUSTON, US 10-12 SEPT 2018 $3105 16-18 SEPT 2019 $3715+VAT 16-20 SEPT 2019 $4935+VAT DUBAI, UAE 14-17 APR 2019 $4820+VAT
16-18 SEPT 2019 $3185 SAN FRANCISCO, US 12-14 NOV 2018 $3070 SAN FRANCISCO, US 12-16 NOV 2018 $4090 HOUSTON, US 18-21 FEB 2019 $3815
* plus computer charge 11-13 NOV 2019 $3145 11-15 NOV 2019 $4170 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 19-22 AUG 2019 $4620

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Advanced Decision
Economics of Petroleum Risk and Cost Management – CM
Analysis with Portfolio
Worldwide Petroleum Decision Analysis – PRD
and Project Modeling
Production – EWP – ADA
In the area of corporate and international Good technical and business decisions are based Quality forecasts and evaluations depend upon Few problems threaten the petroleum
petroleum production, do you know how to on competent analysis of project costs, benefits well-designed project and portfolio models that businesses more than uncontrolled costs.
choose the best investments? Can you properly and risks. Participants learn the decision analysis are based upon clear decision policy, sound Economic realities have made it necessary for
evaluate investment opportunities? Do you know process and foundation concepts so they can professional judgments, and a good decision most companies to operate with a “lean and
what investment criteria really mean and which actively participate in multi-discipline evaluation process. In this course participants learn to build mean” philosophy. As the price of our products
criteria to use for best results? Answers to these teams. The focus is on designing and solving good models. We use the familiar Microsoft fluctuates widely, the most vulnerable
questions will greatly improve your ability to decision models. About half the problems relate to Excel spreadsheet as the platform for project and companies are those that are ineffective in
make profitable decisions. Techniques for exploration. The methods apply to R&D, risk risk assessment models. Add-in software understanding and managing their costs. The
management, and all capital investment decisions. provides Monte Carlo and decision tree
predicting profit, production, operating costs, ability to properly manage costs is now
Probability distributions express professional capabilities. The course emphasis is on the
and cash flow enable the analyst to evaluate judgments about risks and uncertainties and are paramount in a company’s success and even
decision alternatives for optimum results. evaluation concepts and techniques, rather than their ultimate survival. As the energy industry
carried through the calculations. Decision tree and particular software programs.
Understanding cost of capital, financial influence diagrams provide clear communications goes through its most monumental changes
structure, risk and uncertainty, present worth, and the basis for valuing each alternative. The since the 1970s, the companies that can
rate of return, and other economic yardsticks complementary Monte Carlo simulation technique identify efficiencies and inefficiencies will be
Evaluation engineers, analysts, managers,
enhances the quality and the value of economic is experienced in detail in a hand-calculation planners, and economists. This course is intended able to react to the challenges of the global
analysis. Discussion of real-life examples with exercise. Project modeling fundamentals and for professionals involved with developing project market place, thus generating higher profits.
participants from many different countries basic probability concepts provide the foundation evaluation, portfolio, and other forecasting and This seminar is an introduction to Practical Cost
enhances the value of the course. for the calculations. The mathematics is assessment models. Prior background in decision Management techniques designed to help the
straightforward and mostly involves only common analysis is expected. Before registering, please participant better understand the underlying
DES IG NE D F O R algebra. This is a fast-paced course and dynamics of cost using recent events and
visit http://www.decisionapplications.com/ada-
Managers, supervisors, and operating personnel recommended for those with strong English trends, using relevant exercises, timely case
pre-read/ to review a course prerequisites list and
concerned with costs, profitability, budgets, the listening skills. This course is intended as the studies and role-playing techniques.
prerequisite for the Advanced Decision Analysis to take a short self-assessment quiz. You may
company bottom line and other aspects of
with Portfolio and Project Modeling course. login using ‘ada’ (no quotes) as the password.
economic analysis of petroleum production on a DES IGNED FOR
project, corporate, and worldwide basis, who YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO Operating managers, field personnel, project
have had some previous experience in this area. DESI GN ED FOR managers, technology managers, budget
Geologists, engineers, geophysicists, managers, • Frame, build, and evaluate decision models
Due to similarity in content, PetroSkills and extract key insights managers, or anyone wanting to manage costs
recommends that participants take this course if team leaders, economists, and planners. more efficiently and effectively. A familiarity with
• Apply the exponential utility function for
they have some previous experience in this field YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO risk policy finance is helpful but not required.
as the course content is more advanced than • Describe the elements of the decision • Design investment portfolio optimization
Expanded Basic Petroleum Economics. Take one models that include constraints, Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
analysis process and the respective roles of
or the other, but not both courses. management and the analysis team requirements, and typical interrelationships • Understand the different cost classifications
• Express and interpret judgments about risks between projects and cost drivers
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO and uncertainties as probability distributions • Use decision tree software for value of • Determine and monitor the behavior of costs
• Use cash flow techniques in economic and popular statistics imperfect information analysis • Build your own activity dictionary
evaluations • Represent discrete risk events in Venn • Use Monte Carlo simulation software with • Design management control system that works
• Evaluate and choose investment opportunities diagrams, probability trees, and joint optimization • Understand the principles of Activity
• Use models to weigh risk and uncertainty probability tables • Develop quality Excel models for projects Based Cost Management (ABCM) and its
• Evaluate decision alternatives using predictive • Solve for expected values with decision trees, and portfolios development and implementation
techniques payoff tables, and Monte Carlo simulation • Analyze capital projects using the proper
• Evaluate how projects effect the corporation (hand calculations) COURSE CONTENT tools and techniques
• Craft and solve decision models Decision Modeling: application of DA process • Manage and not mismanage costs
C OUR S E C O N T E N T • Evaluate investment and design alternatives for modeling; influence diagrams; judgements • Develop tools to use for managing costs
Pricing: natural gas, marker crudes, OPEC, spot with decision tree analysis and biases; sampling error bias; sensitivity Evaluate costs for effectiveness
and futures markets, transportation • • Develop and solve decision trees for value of analysis; documentation and good modeling
Production rate: mathematical models • Cash information (VOI) problems practices; real options overview • Monte Carlo COURS E CONTE N T
flow: revenue, capital and operating costs, Simulation: multi-pay prospect risking (similar Defining costs, classifications and terminology for
spreadsheet exercises • Economic evaluation: C OU RSE C ON T EN T to play analysis); calculating probabilities and an E&P company • Determining cost objects,
present value concepts, sensitivity and risk Decision Tree Analysis: decision models, value distributions with simulation; modeling and cost drivers and their behaviors • Analyzing
of information (a key problem type emphasized optimizing investment portfolios; valuing added
analysis, decision trees, royalty, sources of different types of cost management systems •
in the course), flexibility and control, project control and flexibility; stopping rules; ways to
capital, incremental economics, sunk costs, threats and opportunities • Monte Carlo Using Activities Based Management (ABM) to
inflation • Budgeting: examples and exercises, model correlation • Decision Tree Analysis: monitor costs and processes Building and using
Simulation: Latin hypercube sampling, portfolio value of information review; sensitivity analysis;
long-range planning • Cash versus write-off problems, optimization, advantages and an activity dictionary • Using value added costs
decision: depreciation, depletion, and solving with utility for risk aversion • Decision versus non value-added costs for improvement
limitations • Decision Criteria and Policy: value Policy: portfolio optimization to maximize
amortization • How to read an annual report: measures, multiple objectives, HSE, capital Distinguishing between cost effectiveness and
statements, financial ratios, what is and is not economic value; efficient frontiers; multi-criteria cost efficiencies • Developing productivity
constraint, risk aversion • Modeling the decisions; risk policy as a utility function;
included, reading between the lines • Decision: influence diagrams, sensitivity measurements that work • Operating Cost
calculating expected utility and certain
Worldwide business operations: concessions, analysis, modeling correlations • Basic Management using the budgets efficiently and
equivalent; insurance and hedging; optimizing
licenses, production sharing contracts, joint Probability and Statistics: four fundamental rules effectively Using GAP analysis in measuring
including Bayes’ rule (the easy way), calibration working interests • Implementation: eliciting a
ventures, cost of capital, sources of funding, productivity of costs • Support departments cost
and eliciting judgments, choosing distribution decision maker’s or organization’s preferences for
debt and equity • Performance appraisal: buy/ trade-offs among objectives, time value, and risk allocations Transfer pricing • Determining the
sell assessments • Computer economics types, common misconceptions about break-even cost and volumes • Using variance
probability • Evaluating a multi-pay prospect attitude; decision analysis presentation agendas
software • Tips on format and inclusion of and formats; special topics from the instructor’s analysis budget for monitoring performance •
economic factors in computer spreadsheet (team exercise), and more Optimizing the supply chain • Developing and
own research and experience
analysis • Ethics in economic analyses analyzing capital investment projects Replace
versus maintain • Life Cycle Costing • Using
different scenarios to more effectively manage
costs Performance • Measurement using
capacity management techniques
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 3-7 DEC 2018 $4240
10-14 JUNE 2019 $4325 HOUSTON, US 10-14 DEC 2018 $4440
2-6 DEC 2019 $4325 17-21 JUNE 2019 $4525 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 9-13 DEC 2019 $4525
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 15-19 JULY 2019 $5220 HOUSTON, US 10-14 DEC 2018 $4240
HOUSTON, US 20-24 MAY 2019 $4325 LONDON, UK 8-12 OCT 2018 $4890+VAT LONDON, UK 15-19 OCT 2018 $5090+VAT 23-27 SEPT 2019 $4325
LONDON, UK 17-21 SEPT 2018 $4890+VAT 7-11 OCT 2019 $5035+VAT 14-18 OCT 2019 $5235+VAT LONDON, UK 15-19 OCT 2018 $4890+VAT
4-8 MAR 2019 $5035+VAT TULSA, US 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4190 * plus computer charge 11-15 NOV 2019 $5035+VAT

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.

Petroleum Finance and Fundamentals of International Petroleum Strategic Thinking:

Accounting Principles International Oil and Contracts – IPC A Tool-Based Approach
– PFA Gas Law – IOG – STT


Making the most efficient use of your resources International petroleum transactions occur You will learn the philosophy, evolution, and This course is a hands-on case-based course
is critical to the success of any company. within a complex legal environment that limits fundamentals of international petroleum focused on enhancing strategic thinking
Finance and accounting comprise the universal what petroleum companies, host governments contracts and have an opportunity to see how capabilities of decision makers in the oil and
business language and help you manage those and service companies can do, and interprets each of these actually works. You will take part gas industry including those responsible for
resources effectively. Planning and decision and enforces many of their promises. Petroleum in life-like negotiating sessions mastering many building and sustaining successful strategic
making that occur in an informal financial professionals often lack the broad negotiating techniques, where a mistake is a plans. Participants are presented with several
context permit better application of resources understanding of what makes up this legal learning experience not a disaster. As you strategic tools for analyzing different aspects of
and promote competitive advantage. The aim of environment and how it can have an impact on prepare for each session, you use a the petroleum business from both a macro and
this course is to improve delegates’ job their work. This course is designed to give computerized economic model to assess the micro perspective. There is a major emphasis
performance by enhancing their understanding participants a basic understanding of the legal value of contract terms. This enables improved on understanding how the petroleum industry
of current international practices in finance and fundamentals that make their international planning of negotiating strategies to achieve the has developed over the last 150 years including
accounting within the E&P industry. The latest transactions work, including the principles that desired goals by parties on both sides of the both successful and unsuccessful strategies
issues are discussed. apply to interpreting and enforcing their negotiating table. The classes include that were used. This provides a basis for
agreements, the procedures for resolving their participants from both national oil companies evaluating game changers that are now
DES IG NE D F O R disputes, addressing interpretational issues and foreign contractors, which adds further transforming the industry and positioning our
Personnel new to the oil and gas accounting posed by common contract provisions, and realism to the exercises. Host governments and businesses to maximize shareholder value.
industry - accounting, finance, or economists, avoiding liability under environmental and outside contractors are on opposite sides of the Case studies during this course provide
others desiring to understand or refresh their bribery laws. The course will teach participants negotiating table, but they are not adversaries. A opportunities for individualized and team-based
knowledge of basic petroleum accounting to confidently identify potential legal problems, win-win business arrangement should be the learning. Teaching approach follows an iterative
concepts, financial personnel needing to address them before they become serious, and objective of both parties, as a signed contract process of interactive discussions, application of
understand unique issues as they relate to the facilitate the smooth interaction between oil and makes them partners. A viable contract cannot materials, discussion of results, and re-
petroleum industry, and technical or asset team gas professionals, host government be negotiated without an effective application of materials to new contexts.
members looking for the basic concepts of representatives, and their lawyers. understanding of the underlying economics.
accounting and finance. Participants are Negotiating strategies will determine contractual DES IGNED FOR
encouraged to bring their company’s financial DESI GN ED FOR terms ultimately defining the economic benefits Geologists, geophysicists, engineers, managers,
reports. This course may qualify for up to 34 Petroleum managers who deal with international to be realized. and executives responsible for defining,
hours of CPE for US CPAs. oil and gas legal matters in the course of their assessing, and developing business alternatives
business, and legal professionals with little Concessions and production sharing and strategy in the petroleum industry.
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO formal, specialized training in oil and gas law, agreements are two of the contract types to be
• Understand financial reporting requirements but expect to deal with international oil and gas evaluated. Each participant receives a disk copy Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
for oil and gas companies under IFRS and law matters. of the spreadsheets used in the negotiation • Summarize, present, and discuss strategic
U.S. GAAP workshop and a manual, which explains the management topics and issues
• Apply basic concepts and terminology for YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO fundamental principles of E&P contracts, • Determine the factors that influence
accounting and finance in oil and gas • Recognize differences between international presents examples of economic analysis, and organizations to change their level of strategic
• Create accounting statements, including a legal systems and transactions includes a model contract. thinking
cash flow statement from data accumulation to • Understand legal fundamentals behind • Identify, understand, analyze, and evaluate
audited financial statements international transactions DES IGNED FOR the strategies of their own units/divisions
• Distinguish between the different financial Exploration and production managers, national and other businesses in light of current and
statements and their roles C OU RSE C ON T EN T oil company managers, government potential game changers
• Distinguish between financial, managerial, and Law governing international petroleum representatives, and others in the oil industry • Describe, apply, draw, and defend
contract (joint operations) accounting transactions (including significant differences who expect to be involved in negotiating, conclusions from strategic analysis tools
• Recognize the different oil and gas accounting between various national legal systems, and the administering, reviewing, managing, directing,
methods sources, principles, and limits of international and overseeing international exploration and COURS E CONTE N T
• Determine the difference between profits and law as applied to petroleum transactions) • production contracts between host governments Review of the history of strategic thinking •
cash flow Interpretation and enforcement of treaties and and outside contractors. Assessment of the petroleum industry from a
• Apply capitalization rules and depreciation private contracts • Effects of international trade strategic perspective as a supplier of energy •
(and producing country) agreements such as Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO Understanding of how the industry responded
methods • Distinguish between different types of
• Recognize accounting treatments of joint the E.U., NAFTA, Mercosur, and OPEC • Dispute strategically to historical events and what are
resolution approaches, including litigation and contracts the game changers that are now framing its
ventures such as Production Sharing • Understand the economics terms of an E&P
Agreements arbitration • Procedures under and enforcement future • STEEPLE framework • Michael Porter’s
of common arbitration provisions • Legal contract value chain analysis • Competitive Advantage:
• Evaluate capitalized assets using a ceiling-test • Determine the economic value of various
• Read and understand those confusing defenses available to foreign companies, states, defined theoretically and quantitatively • SWOT
and state-owned or connected entities, and contract terms (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
footnotes • Negotiate and assess the value of contractual
• Prepare, read, and use the disclosures for oil recognition and enforcement of judgments and analysis • Strategic thinking as a craft •
arbitration awards • Basic legal concepts of terms Scenario analysis and planning • Six sigma •
and gas companies
• Recognize how accounting decisions can ownership of mineral rights (onshore, offshore, COURS E CONTENT
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) growth share
affect earnings, cash flows, and operational and deep sea bed) • Expropriation and Types of international petroleum contracts • matrix • Personal application of strategic
decisions compensation issues • State-owned entities Important principles and terms in all contracts • thinking
• Calculate, understand, and analyze financial and privatization • Laws bearing on Host governments and contractors contract
reports and basic oil and gas ratios development rights • Legal interpretational objectives • Specific features of different types of
issues of common contract provisions contracts; dividing the production • Outline of a
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Interpretational issues for service contracts • typical contract for E&P • Contract operating
Getting started: financial terms and definitions, Transfer and protection of technology and issues • Funding petroleum development
the language of business; accounting rules, confidential business information • Operating programs • How the contractor is paid •
standards, and policies • Constructing the basic agreements and unitized operations • Contractor's risk • Contract economics • Non-
financial statements • Classifying revenues, Environmental protection laws • Criminal and financial issues • Analysis of contract provisions
assets, liabilities, and equity • Comparing civil liability for oil spills • Indemnification and • Model contract • Natural gas production under
different accounting elements • Accounting for guaranty issues • Bribery laws • Marketing and international contracts • Negotiations workshop
joint operations • Accounting and reporting transportation • Petroleum futures • Ethics in international petroleum operations

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

HOUSTON, US 29 OCT-2 NOV 2018 $4340
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 28 OCT-1 NOV 2019 $4425
HOUSTON, US 3-7 JUNE 2019 $4375 KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 2-6 DEC 2019 $5320 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
LONDON, UK 8-12 OCT 2018 $4890+VAT LONDON, UK 24-28 SEPT 2018 $4990+VAT HOUSTON, US 12-14 NOV 2018 $3335
4-8 NOV 2019 $5085+VAT See website for dates and locations. 11-15 MAR 2019 $5135+VAT 11-13 NOV 2019 $3365

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Strategic Procurement
Contracts and Tenders Effective Materials Inside Procurement in
and Supply
Fundamentals – SC41 Management – SC42 Oil and Gas – SC61
Management in the Oil
and Gas Industry – SC62
This three-day course is designed to help This three-day course covers practical This course will expand the industry The development and implementation of
companies award the right contracts to the best considerations essential to achieve major understanding of supply chain professionals and carefully crafted strategies for the procurement
providers. Contracting involves many roles that improvements in planning, buying, storing, and increase their value-added in a global, fast of all goods, equipment, materials, and services
must work together to negotiate, document, and disposing of the vast array of materials and changing environment. Participants will learn has become a critical issue for all those in the
ensure a reliable supply of goods and services spare parts needed in the oil and gas industry. what each industry segment requires from oil and gas industry wishing to reduce operating
for capital projects and ongoing operations. Evolving best practices by major oil and gas procurement and be given insights to maximize cost while improving quality and productivity.
Everyone involved in contracting with suppliers companies are explored under three inter- value delivery and increase their contribution. This program explores key concepts forming the
and service providers must understand the related modules - inventory management, The course includes an online, interactive forum basis of strategic supply management, and
entire process, the keys to success, and what is warehousing, and investment recovery. with the instructor, and pre-read materials moves today’s supply management organization
required of their role if contracts are to be designed to familiarize course attendees with from its typical tactical focus to the strategic
effective in managing supply risks. Materials DESI GN ED FOR relevant issues. Attendees will leave better focus needed to successfully implement the
and exercises in this course are specifically built Professional and management personnel who prepared to create and support procurement processes and methods needed to reach world-
around oil and gas industry issues. have responsibility for materials, spare parts, strategies that meet stakeholder needs, whether class performance.
and supplies needed to support any refinery, for projects or operations support.
DES IG NE D F O R gas plant, onshore/offshore production, or other DES IGNED FOR
Individuals involved in any aspect of sourcing, industry operations. DESIGNED FOR Managers and professionals in supply
tendering, selecting, forming, and executing Supply chain professionals with 2-7 years’ management, procurement, purchasing,
contracts with suppliers of goods and services YOU W I LL L EARN experience either inside or outside the oil and contracts, materials, inventory control, projects,
to the oil and gas industry. Included are project • How to provide better customer service for gas industry. The course is for anyone who maintenance, operations, finance, as well as all
technical roles such as facilities engineers, long lead or critical materials and spare parts needs a better understanding of procurement other professionals interested in lowering total
drilling engineers, project engineers, essential to the success of any well field value creation in the oil and gas industry and cost and increasing productivity and profit
commissioning engineers, contracts engineers, operation, offshore platform, refinery, gas includes buyers, procurement specialists, contributions from better supply management
and planning engineers. plant, or chemical processing facility logistics specialists, business analysts, team operations.
• How to establish the best methods of leaders, project managers, commodity
YO U W IL L L E A R N inventory analysis and create performance managers, materials managers, and new Y OU WILL LEARN
• How to better manage project and legal risks measures for min/max and order point sourcing specialists or category managers. • Stages to world class supply management
with the contracting process systems • Skill sets in supply management
• How to successfully manage disputes and • How to use supplier stocking programs, YOU WILL LEA RN • Organizing the spend profile
contract performance issues consigned inventory, and integrated supply • How industry is structured, including host • Greater abilities in leading continuous
• What is required in a successful tender agreements country and strategic relationships improvement programs
package • How inventory systems use forecasting • Business drivers and interface issues to be • Ways in dealing with economic uncertainties
• How to identify the appropriate contract techniques and what can be done to improve supported by procurement • Questions for internal surveys to enhance
price strategy to minimize financial risks and them • The role of industry economics in dictating purchasing performance
contract costs • How to improve warehousing efficiency, procurement good practices in cost • How to develop a “Purchasing Coding
• The difference between cost and price layout, and space utilization for better management System”
analysis and how to use each technique to inventory management • Industry global compliance needs and how • Steps in the development of a Composite
evaluate a proposal • How to improve inventory record accuracy procurement can add value Purchase Price Index
• Appropriate commercial and legal contract and physical control of materials to lower • How the industry is modeled in the E&P • How to get more time to work on strategic
terms and conditions inventory levels and increase space utilization (upstream), midstream, and downstream issues
• Best practices used to manage surplus or value chains • Negotiation planning and strategies
C OUR S E C O N T E N T inactive assets and increase investment • The E&P Asset Management Cycle and Total • To understand the elements of cost that
Overview of the contracting process • Key recovery dollars Cost of Ownership concepts make up a supplier’s price
issues in forming a contract in the oil and gas • Characteristics of supply markets to oil and • Categories in a purchased materials/services
industry • Establishing risk management C OU RSE C ON T EN T gas and the emphasis on market intelligence strategic plan outline
priorities throughout the contracting process • Setting comprehensive inventory goals and practices and managing supply risks
The legal environment and best use of legal objectives • Understanding carrying costs and • What constitutes effective procurement/ COURS E CONTE N T
counsel in contracting • Avoiding and managing economic order quantity theory • Improving supply chain metrics for performance Stages to world class supply management •
contract disputes in a challenging industry • material identification and coding • Segmenting improvement Change and becoming more strategic • Supply
The tendering process and key documents in inventory for analysis • Using formal procedures • Procurement challenges unique to the management skill sets • Defining supply
the tender package • Buyer and seller pricing for making the decision to stock • Determining industry management • Examples of job descriptions for
objectives to consider when tendering • Tools safety stock levels and order points • Improving supply management • Developing the spend
used in tendering to address financial key risks min/max systems and settings • Understanding COURSE CONTENT profile • Creating time to be strategic • The
• Types of contracts and examples of industry and using material forecasts • Establishing a Industry overview for procurement including ABC (Pareto) analysis and what to do with it •
applications • Using economic price adjustment warehouse scorecard • Creating best practices host country and strategic relationships • Key Material/services purchasing code development
clauses in lump sum agreements • Bid in the physical control of materials • Measuring business drivers and interface issues between • Elements of cost that make up the price •
evaluation and award considerations including record accuracy and improving cycle counting projects (CAPEX) and operations (OPEX) • Developing “should cost” • Producer price
price/cost analysis • Using a formal contract systems • Increasing the use of warehouse Procurement’s role in oil and gas value chain indexes • Requesting supplier’s cost and pricing
change control process technologies • Improving warehouse safety and management - upstream, midstream, and data • Dealing with economic uncertainties,
security • Preventing and reducing surplus downstream • E&P asset management cycle when, where, and how to use “Economic Price
materials • Understanding investment recovery and total cost of ownership • Economics of oil Adjustment” clauses • Internal surveys to
techniques • Using the disposition value chain and gas that drive procurement value creation • improve purchasing performance • Total cost of
for investment recovery Industry regulatory and contractor safety ownership concepts • Cost containment
compliance issues • Industry market methods • Cost reductions and cost avoidance
intelligence practices in procurement • Industry • Savings reporting procedure • Developing
spend analysis characteristics and strategies • purchased materials/services strategic plans •
Creating industry category management (sector) Developing the purchase price index for your
strategies • Key procurement and supplier organization • Negotiation skill sets • Steps in
performance metrics • Trends in global sourcing
negotiation preparation • Positional negotiations
and local content requirements • Oil and gas
• Final points before the negotiation
law and global contracting risks • Influence of
eCommerce and eProcurement initiatives in oil
and gas

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 13-15 NOV 2018 $2790 HOUSTON, US 5-7 NOV 2018 $2790 See website for dates and locations. HOUSTON, US 8-10 OCT 2018 $2890

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Cost/Price Analysis and
Supplier Relationship Project Management Petroleum Project
Total Cost Concepts in
Management – SC63 in Upstream Field Management: Principles
Supply Management
Development – FPM2 and Practices – PPM
– SC64
Continuous improvement in all aspects of the Managing and reducing cost continues to be A project does not stand alone. Not only does a Successful petroleum operations need a blend of
supply chain is necessary to remain competitive one of the primary focal points of PSCM in oil project manager need to stay focused on technology, business savvy, and people
in today’s global economy. The traditional and gas today. In many organizations, more project cost, schedule and performance targets, skills. If you have a firm grasp of exploration or
adversarial relationship and transactional focus than half of the total revenue is spent on goods he or she must take a broader view. Many production technology, boost its impact by
of buyers and suppliers cannot meet this and services, everything from raw material to projects are a part of a larger field development applying project management techniques.
demand for continuous improvement in lead- overnight mail. Maintaining a competitive program. Maintaining cadence among related Running a staged program that integrates
time, quality, and overall supplier performance. position and even survival will depend on the projects is essential to success. This course will reservoir modelling, production estimating,
As a result, significant changes are occurring in organization’s ability to use all of the continuous help you effectively deliver facility and drilling, and facility design is challenging. The
the philosophies and approaches that define the improvement strategies that have been infrastructure projects that are crucial for timely tools and techniques covered in this course will
relationship between purchasers and sellers in developed to reduce cost across the entire oil and gas production. Upon completion you will help you meet that challenge. Upon completion
world-class organizations. Simply put, Supplier supply chain for the life of the product or know how to use fit-for-purpose project you will know how to make better decisions in
Relationship Management (SRM) and service. Fundamental to developing and management control tools for good project field development that lead to high value and low
collaboration provide an organizational focus on implementing these strategies is knowledge of results; work the project management, drilling cost; develop integrated plans to run the overall
communicating with suppliers on the many cost/price analysis, value analysis, and total cost and completion, HSE, land, production, program; and develop key deliverables for each
steps of the Supply Management process. This of ownership concepts. This course provides the and transportation disciplines together for stage of development to reduce uncertainty.
focus reduces the lead-time and total cost of concepts that are essential skill sets in success; and control interfaces among different Instruction, guided discussions and in-depth
acquisition, transportation, administration, and developing and implementing the strategies projects and contractors. This course addresses work tasks are used. You may choose a case
possession of goods and services for the benefit required to achieve the high levels of cost key requirements for repetitive projects in oil study from several real-life situations that are
of both the buyer and seller, and as a result, reductions possible from the supply chain. and gas programs. These projects include well based on the instructor’s petroleum experience.
provides a competitive advantage and improved SC64 is also available as a 5-day in-house flow lines, tank batteries, booster compressors, Or you may bring the details of one of your own
profits. course with expanded content. short pipelines, and meter stations that are a current programs.
part of a larger field development program.
DES IG NE D F O R DESI GN ED FOR Emphasis is on both conventional and DES IGNED FOR
Managers and professionals involved in Managers and professionals in purchasing, unconventional resources, such as shale oil and Exploration and production personnel with a
purchasing, projects, contracts, supply procurement, and contracts as well as those coal bed methane. The course is taught using a background in geoscience, petroleum
management, operations, maintenance, involved in operations, engineering, blend of instruction, guided discussion, and engineering or drilling should attend. If you are a
engineering, quality, and other activities that maintenance, quality, projects, and other hands-on exercises based on the instructor's facilities engineer, we refer you to our
expose them to dealings with suppliers for company activities that expose them to petroleum successes and failures. The exercises Project Management for Engineering and
goods, equipment, and services in the oil and suppliers and buying activities for production, will include both individual and group activities. Construction (FPM22) and Project Management
gas industry. maintenance, equipment, MRO, services, and for Upstream Field Development (FPM2)
other outside purchased requirements. DESIGNED FOR courses.
YO U W IL L L E A R N Early career project managers, leads, engineers,
• The Supplier Relationship Management YOU W I LL L EARN and services personnel who are on field Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
Maturity Model • Importance of price/cost analysis in development project teams. This includes • Navigate the staged development process
• Importance of SRM in continuous continuous improvement programs operations and facility reps, cost and schedule • Manage the interfaces among exploration,
improvement • The difference between price and cost controllers, and buyers and logistics specialists. drilling and facility groups
• Critical steps in developing trust with analysis This course is also for the business, finance and • Properly define a scope of work
suppliers • Methods of price analysis land reps as well as other non-engineers who • Create a realistic, integrated schedule
• Supplier segmentation models • How to manage volatile markets would benefit from an overview of oil and gas • Find and reduce petroleum development risks
• 8 Step Strategic Alliance Development • Use of Producer Price Indexes project and programs. • Develop a high-performance team
• The difference between SRM and • Methods of cost analysis • Capture lessons learned
collaboration • Development of “Should Cost” YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
• Define the project work to be done COURS E CONTE N T
• Best practices in managing supplier relations • Types of TCO models
• Develop scopes of work, cost estimates, and The staged development process • Scope
• Key elements in improving the supplier
C OU RSE C ON T EN T schedules definition • Scheduling tools • Manpower
Use of price indexes • Cost/price analysis • • Prepare project execution plans resources • Finding and mitigating risks •
• Best practices in supplier qualification,
Total cost of ownership • RFQ/tendering as a • Plan actions to overcome progress Learning, continuous improvement, and quality
measurement, and recognition
price analysis tool • Cost estimating constraints control • Project team management •
• The importance of reengineering in SRM
relationships • Purchasing savings impact on • Track and control progress Petroleum case studies and exercises
• Supplier risk management process
the bottom line • Developing the spend profile •
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Sources of spend data • How to perform the COURSE CONTENT
The organizational challenge • Defining the ABC analysis • Examples of using pivot tables Field development programs • The project
supply management mission and vision • in Excel for data mining • Continuous delivery system • Organizing resources •
Critical supply strategies • Defining Supplier improvement skill sets • Difference between Engineering • Construction • Execution
Relationship Management (SRM) • The SRM cost and price analysis • Selection tool • planning • HSE and project risk • Procurement
Maturity Model • Major components of SRM • Methods of price analysis • Historical analysis • and contracting • Cost estimating • Planning
Defining levels of the organization’s SRM Developing company purchase price • Index and scheduling • Progress and change
Maturity • Critical ABC analysis • Commodity methods of cost analysis • Major elements of
and service coding • Segmentation of the cost • Requesting supplier cost info • Sources
supplier base • Defining the alliance • The of cost information • What and how important
alliance process • Success factors and barriers are supplier overheads • How much profit
to alliances • Focusing on high value activities should the supplier make economic • Price
• Reengineering • Detailed mapping of adjustment clauses • Total costs of ownership
processes • Developing the skills and defining models • How to combine price and
the organization’s mission in building supplier performance to obtain TCO
relationship • Best practices for managing
supplier relations • A survey for letting the
supplier rate you • Maintaining good supplier
performance • Who and what to measure •
Monitoring supplier performance • Developing 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
and maintaining a supplier performance index • HOUSTON, US 5-9 NOV 2018 $4340
Supplier recognition and expectations • Supply 4-8 NOV 2019 $4425
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 1-5 OCT 2018 $5170
Risk and trends leading to greater risk • Typical 17-21 JUNE 2019 $5320
risk management process LONDON, UK 3-7 SEPT 2018 $4990+VAT
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2-6 SEPT 2019 $5135+VAT
HOUSTON, US 3-5 DEC 2018 $3165
See website for dates and locations. HOUSTON, US 24-26 SEPT 2018 $2890 4-6 NOV 2019 $3245 * plus computer charge

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Project Management Managing Brownfield Managing Project Risk Management
for Engineering and Projects – FPM42 Controls for Contractors for Upstream Capital
Construction – FPM22 and Owners - PC21 Projects – PMRM
Many petroleum projects fail to meet their Why is it so difficult to manage projects inside This course addresses project controls This five-day, intermediate level course for
authorized cost, schedule or operability targets. operating facilities? Keeping the scope from principles and practices as they relate to project managers, project engineers, and
To be successful, today’s project leader needs a growing is a constant battle. Operations priorities fabrication as well as engineering, procurement, integrated project team discipline members
comprehensive set of technical, business and maintenance needs hamper work and construction contractors. The focus of the addresses the key areas associated with capital
and interpersonal skills. This course addresses productivity. To be successful, brownfield course is using project controls effectively to project risk management. The course focuses
those critical skills. Seasoned instructors projects need strong control, effective liaison, work with the client, maintain project on managing risk throughout the entire project
tackle the issues and challenges found in and good interface management. They must be profitability, make schedule, and deliver a quality life cycle. This course is very much hands-on
concept selection, development planning, facility managed differently than greenfield projects. and safe project. Upon completion of this with class exercise case studies that focus on
design, procurement, and construction activities. Experienced instructors will share tools and course, the participant will understand the participant development of risk management
The specific training received in techniques that will help you work in this critical success factors for cost estimating, deliverables. The class also addresses the
schedule and cost management, risk mitigation, dynamic, operations-centric project environment. scheduling, and progress measurement and be methods that project team leaders can utilize to
and the proper use of scarce resources (people Upon completion you will know how to examine able to utilize these best practices to resolve ensure that project team members and
and materials) will help you make better existing documentation and confirm field issues and challenges experienced by EPC management buy in and are part of the risk
decisions. Upon completion you will know how conditions to improve scope control; frame a contractors on their projects. Participants will management process.
to improve engineering and service discipline project and select the best concept for understand all the steps necessary to develop
work relations, use execution plans to integrate development; and coordinate the work effectively an effective EPC project controls plan and staff DES IGNED FOR
the work, and effectively employ cost and with operations, maintenance and shipping. it to increase the likelihood of success. The Project managers, project engineers, and all
schedule control tools. Instruction, guided discussion, and in-depth course focuses on completing contract disciplines that work on integrated project
This course is taught using a combination of work tasks based on the instructor’s requirements during the detailed engineering, teams for upstream onshore and offshore
instruction, facilitated discussion, and indepth brownfield project management experience are procurement and construction phases of project developments. Case studies include deep-water
exercises based on the instructor’s petroleum used. Offshore and onshore examples development. How to use project controls for projects with complex production components,
development successes and failures. The are used. The sharing of experience in this effective decision making and client as well as unconventional shale projects that
exercises will include both individual and group course make the sessions challenging and management is also addressed. The course is require significant infrastructure investment.
activities that provide you with a practical insightful. taught using a combination of 30% instruction
application of the principles and practices and 70% facilitated workshop sessions that
DESI GN ED F OR • Apply risk management to a capital project
necessary to keep your project on track. address real-world issues and challenges. The
This course is for team members that work throughout the entire life cycle
workshop sessions include both individual and
D E S IG NE D F O R projects installed in existing facilities. • Write a risk management plan and gain
group activities that will provide each participant
Project managers, facility engineers, Engineers, operations leads, and maintenance alignment with key stakeholders
with a hands-on application of the principles
construction representatives, schedulers, cost reps should attend. Services personnel in • Engage management and project team
and practices discussed throughout the course.
controllers, operations personnel, and supply cost, schedule, procurement, and quality members in the risk management process
chain specialists including team leaders and functions will also benefit. This course helps DESIGNED FOR • Systematically identify risks for your project
others who participate on or consult with multi- business, commercial and finance and other This course addresses the special requirements • Determine those risks that are owned
discipline development teams. This course is non-engineers who want a greater awareness of associated with project controls for EPC by the project team and those owned by
also suitable for business development, finance brownfield project challenges. contractor or fabricator professionals. It is management
and land specialists as well as other non- intended for EPC project managers, project • Use risk assessment to analyze and prioritize
engineering personnel who would benefit from YOU WI L L L EARN H O W TO engineers, project team members, project risks for treatment
an understanding of oil and gas project • Deal with competing priorities controls professionals, planner/schedulers, and • Develop robust risk mitigation plans
management. • Stage development to manage plant project discipline team leads. • Control and monitor risk
complexity • Incorporate risk planning into project cost
YOU W IL L L E A R N H O W TO • Minimize surprise work with due diligence YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO and schedule
• Define development stages and skillfully surveys • Understand the critical role that project • Use the role of probabilistic cost and
execute them • Resolve issues using an oversight board controls plays in developing a well-planned schedule in risk management
• Develop scopes of work and execution plans • Tailor contracting strategy for brownfield and executable EPC proposal for both cost
• Utilize project control techniques and earned projects COURS E CONTE N T
and schedule
value analysis • Tackle unique brownfield constructability Risk management planning • Roles/
• Set progress measurement metrics so that responsibilities, governance, and risk ownership
• Develop engineering design checklists to issues the client, contractor management and team
ensure key deliverables for each phase are • Ensure operations staff buy into objectives • Identify, analyze, and respond to risk events •
members understand the potential to meet Types of risks: threats vs. opportunities • Risk
addressed project cost and schedule
• Guide teams through technical reviews and C OU RSE C ON T EN T analysis and prioritization • Risk mitigation and
Brownfield stage gate system • Staffing the team • Support a successful outcome from Front End contingency planning • Monitor and control risk
secure needed approvals
• Communications needs in an operating facility Engineering Design through execution with • Risk reporting and communication • High
• Measure progress during construction
• Challenges in concept choice • Key value necessary project controls activities (cost, level overview of probabilistic cost and schedule
COUR S E C O N T E N T improving practices • Due diligence in the schedule, and earned value management) peer reviews
Project development systems for the oil and gas existing facility • Quality in engineering, • Develop a robust EPC Project Controls
industry • The stage-gate system • Key procurement, and construction • Increased Plan and associated staff with roles and
knowledge areas for leaders • Leadership • brownfield risks • Change management • responsibilities to support the plan
Design engineering • Contracting • Execution Contract strategy • Procurement, logistics, and • Manage project changes when requested by
planning for design, procurement, and material management • Construction the client
construction • HSE management • Risk management and HSE • Managing cost/ • Forecast the final project cost and the final
identification and mitigation • Organization schedule expectations • Performance reporting project completion date using progress
types and resource deployment • Work • Commissioning and startup • Roles and measurement or earned value
breakdown structure • Planning and scheduling qualities of successful project managers • Use Monte Carlo simulation to reveal
• Progress measurement • Cost estimating • problems with a proposal’s cost and schedule
Change control • Reviews and approvals
In the context of Project Controls, a case study
will address: • Supporting project execution •
Cost estimating • How to realize when you have
under-bid the project • How to schedule when
owner is causing delays • Unrealistic schedule
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) • Handling conflicts • and more...
CALGARY, CANADA 22-26 JULY 2019 $4370+GST 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 8-12 OCT 2018 $4340 HOUSTON, US 8-12 JULY 2019 $4425 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
20-24 MAY 2019 $4425 LONDON, UK 5-9 NOV 2018 $4990+VAT 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 10-14 SEPT 2018 $4340
14-18 OCT 2019 $4425 4-8 NOV 2019 $5135+VAT HOUSTON, US 5-7 AUG 2019 $3305 16-20 SEPT 2019 $4425

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.

Advanced Project Advanced Project Advanced Project Essential Leadership

Management – FPM62 Management II – FPM63 Management Workshop Skills for Technical
– APMW Professionals – OM23


Mega projects are complex. A program This five-day, advanced level course for NEW In the oil and gas industry, skillful and
composed of these super projects is highly experienced project management professionals competent leadership is extremely important for
This course will not follow the traditional lecture-
complex. For a very large project, addressing addresses the fundamental principles and safety, productivity, and asset management. The
style format, instead it will be an interactive
linked issues is key to improving the chances of techniques of project management and how to 21st century brings new emphasis on leaders,
hands-on workshop where the participants will
success. In a larger program, these key issues apply them on large international projects. This new communication technologies, increased
work on several case studies directly related to
interact producing unexpected results. course will cover all the project phases, with focus on safety, information overload, workforce
the selected topics. This workshop will take an
Instructors will explore critical issues in hands-on content directly supported by practical dynamics, asset integrity, and many other
EPC contractor perspective while also
contracting, decision making, and facility design. case studies. concerns which challenge even the most
highlighting how Owner companies (NOCs &
Interface control and risk reduction are proficient leader/manager. How do we blend
DESI GN ED FOR IOCs) interact with their EPC contractors to
examined. Non-technical problems in these new challenges with tried and true
Experienced project managers, project develop and execute their projects. The
stakeholder relations, partner ventures, and wisdom of success? There are skills to learn
engineers, project controls managers, and workshop material covers both onshore and
approvals, are also tackled. Upon completion that will help you be more effective, with less
construction managers who are working on offshore projects. The main objective of this
you will know how to deal with the program stress. In this seminar/workshop you will explore
large international projects or about to start new workshop is to present several real-life
complexity and surprise effects; improve your internal drivers and learn how to combine
assignments on international projects. Practical scenarios of different types of project issues
program strategies and deliver the projects on them with new skills for greater effectiveness.
case studies will cover the entire spectrum of a encountered by contractors and work through
time; address both project and program resource This seminar/workshop will include self-
large international project and will include these issues to show how they should be
concerns. Instruction, guided discussion, and assessment, discussion, lecture, readings,
offshore and onshore capital investment. addressed to arrive at an optimum resolution.
in-depth work tasks based on the instructor’s role-playing, games, video examples, and
This workshop will focus more on practice and
petroleum experience are used. The work will creation of participant action plans. This course
YOU W I LL L EARN less on theory. In addition to the case studies
include both single and group activities. will help you unleash natural motivation in your
• Why international projects fail and the early created and provided by PetroSkills, it is
team. Your stress level can be lowered by
DE S IG NED F O R warning signs to look for recommended that attendees provide a few
working more efficiently and effectively by
Experienced project and program personnel. • The principles of project management that scenarios from their current or past projects to
tapping the emotional intelligence of your team
Directors, managers, and team members in ensure project success be used in the workshop as case studies.
and co-workers.
engineering, procurement and construction will • How to build a strong and effective Project
Management Team (PMT) DES IGNED FOR
benefit from attending. Project services This course is designed for senior project DES IGNED FOR
personnel in the cost, schedule, contracts, • How to identify and manage project Anyone who has new responsibilities to lead a
stakeholders management staff of EPC contractors working
procurement and quality functions are on large international projects in the energy team. Supervisors, team leads, managers, and
encouraged to attend. This advanced course is • How to conduct business and yourself in the others interested in becoming a better leader
international arena industry with a focus on the Middle East Region.
suitable for business, commercial, and It is recommended for experienced project and a contributing team member will greatly
finance and other non-engineers who want a • How to select an effective contracting benefit from this one-week experience. Many
strategy and the appropriate negotiation style managers, project engineers, project controls
greater awareness of mega project managers, construction managers and may want to take this seminar/workshop more
challenges. • The practical approach for global engineering, than once for continuous improvement.
procurement, logistics, fabrication, discipline leads.
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO construction, and commissioning Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
• Improve complex decision making • How to conduct project risk management • Allocate contract risk between owner and • Become a more effective leader by
• Develop contracts for prompt work completion throughout the entire project lifecycle contractor overcoming the “tyranny of the urgent” with
• Evaluate risks in technology and design • How to apply effective leadership and • Address terms and conditions at bidding better time management
• Address key stakeholders needs strategy on your international project stage • Make better decisions by assessing when to
• Establish a process to manage critical • Handle owner-provided FEED as basis of bid make what kind of decisions
interfaces C OU RSE C ON T EN T • Help others develop themselves by
• Finalize terms and conditions before contract
• Lessen the impact of risks on cost, schedule, Why projects fail • Project Management unleashing their career motivation
signing, contract administration, and records
and operations principles (PMT, scope, cost, schedule, safety, • Have more effective communications with
• Navigate approvals challenges to advance and quality) • Stakeholders management on technical and non-technical teams by
• Understand and negotiate liquidated
your project international projects • Host country - business developing the patience to let the team do
damages applied to project milestones
and culture contracting • Strategies and its work
• Handle change orders, suspension of work by
C OUR S E C O N T E N T negotiations • Global engineering - from • Recognize and resolve conflicts before
owner or contractor, and contract termination
Key aspects of a stage-gate process • Effects of concept through detailed design procurement they get out of control by early detection of
for cause or convenience
markets on contracting • How governance and logistics • Fabrication, construction and conflicts, when they’re simpler and have
• Prepare for dispute resolution and claim by
affects decision making • How limited resources commissioning • International project risk less impact
affect technology and design • Advanced management • Leadership and strategy • Develop the ability to lead an empowered
• Determine when negotiation, mediation,
methods for influencing stakeholders • team of technical professionals by more
arbitration, and litigation are necessary
Challenges with partners • Critical factors in effective delegation
• Identify governing laws in the contract
interface control • Risk methods that preserve • Reduce your own stress level by teaching
• Determine cost of claims and who is
mega project value • Managing peer reviews, yourself how to lower your stress with clearer
responsible for payment
assists, and approvals thinking
• Protect yourself from claims by owner against
contractor • Learn assessment techniques for yours
• Prevent claims where possible and other’s people skills by raising the
• Identify project risks and determine their competency levels of yourself and your team
impact during engineering, procurement and • Walk your talk by getting buy-in for your ideas
construction phases and vision
• Apply risk management on a project at the • Leading by example
right time
• and much more...
The nature of teams • Leadership vs.
COURS E CONTENT management • Self-centering and tangential
Why projects fail • EPC contracts • Dispute leadership • Listening • Motivation • Group
resolution and claims • EPC risk management dynamics • Conflict management • Team-
• Scope changes • Cost and schedule building • Critical thinking and taking action
management • Project planning and execution
• Working with owner (client) and their PMC
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
DENVER, US 16-20 SEPT 2019 $4220
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 22-26 APR 2019 $4225
CALGARY, CANADA 1-5 APR 2019 $4470+GST CALGARY, CANADA 17-19 JUNE 2019 $3325+GST ORLANDO, US 3-7 DEC 2018 $4190
HOUSTON, US 23-27 SEPT 2019 $4525 See website for dates and locations. DUBAI, UAE 25-27 AUG 2019 $4205+VAT 2-6 DEC 2019 $4270

Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Essential Technical Negotiation Skills for Team Building for Team Leadership – TLS
Writing Skills – ETWS the Petroleum Industry Intact Teams – TB


Writing for work-related purposes ought to be This course helps you to develop strong This workshop is most effective when attended This program will develop and refine the skills
brief, clear, informative and, above all, readable. interpersonal skills in the art and science of by an entire team. Team members will develop essential for leading a high performance team.
In this practical hands-on course, you gain a negotiation. You will learn to apply these skills to and refine the skills essential for high Emphasis is placed on the leader’s role in
solid foundation in technical writing skills. The complex organizational issues and individual performance teams. Emphasis is placed on effectively enhancing total team functionality
primary theme for the course is that a writer needs. The course includes a Negotiating Style learning more effective ways to enhance total and maximum team productivity. Individual
must “think constantly about their readers.” Profile self-assessment to determine your team functionality and maximum team communication styles will be assessed and
Examples and exercises provide hands-on preferred negotiation style(s). Various tools and productivity. Individual communication styles will examined to identify the most appropriate
experience. You may choose to bring a sample techniques are used to negotiate differences be assessed and examined to identify the most communication style to use with your team. This
of your writing for one-on-one feedback. and disagreements to produce positive results. appropriate uses of team strengths. This will be will be an active experience. In addition to
A group workshop conducting a collaborative an active experience. In addition to receiving receiving individual assessment information,
DES IG NE D F O R negotiation, allows attendees to engage in, individual assessment information, participants participants will be exposed to team concepts,
All engineers, managers, IT/computer support comment on, and improve their competencies will be exposed to team concepts, theories, and theories, and skill development through the use
staff, team leaders, supervisors, and individuals in negotiation skills. skill development through the use of a variety of of lectures, videos, readings, role plays, case
responsible for writing letters, memos, reports, learning techniques. This course has been studies, and discussions. This course has been
procedures, test results, and proposals that are DESI GN ED FOR constructed to maximize opportunity for intact constructed to maximize opportunity to improve
clear, concise, and professional. Petroleum industry personnel who are teams to strengthen team performance and both knowledge and practical skills in leading a
responsible for negotiating the best possible team productivity. team and being a team player. (This is a great
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO terms of an agreement in public and private course to attend immediately following
• To focus on the reader as the receiver of the sectors and those negotiating resources and DESIGNED FOR PetroSkills’ course titled: Leading and Managing
information deliverables in projects and programs. Any intact team interested in becoming a Others.) In addition to this program designed
• To develop quality writing that will: stronger and more productive team, such as specifically for Team Leaders, PetroSkills has a
• Improve business relationships and YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO project teams, leadership teams, cross- 2-day course titled: Team Building for Intact
communication • Follow a step-by-step method to the functional teams, production teams, quality teams.
• Enable you to write better and faster structure, techniques, and approaches improvement teams, etc.
• Make your writing more credible available to positively influence an effective DES IGNED FOR
• Make you more confident in your negotiation YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO Team leaders, supervisors, managers, and
writing • Adapt negotiation at each stage of the • Characterize high performance teams others responsible for leading a team and
negotiation • Ensure that your team has clarity of goal and interested in establishing and/or being a part of
C OUR S E C O N T E N T • Leverage the power of Best Alternative To worthiness a highly productive team.
Develop essential technical writing skills to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), Worst • Jointly develop a team charter
convey a convincing message • Compose clear Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement • Gain commitment of all members Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
messages using a structured writing approach (WATNA), Zone of Possible Agreement • Build team collaboration and trust • Characterize high performance teams
• Adapt your writing style to your audience’s (ZOPA), and Walk Away Price (WAP) • Establish and follow group operational norms • Gain clarity of goal and worthiness
needs • Edit at the word level to improve • Modify your communication style to achieve • Work through the stages of team • Develop a team charter
persuasiveness and impact • Write precise and desired results development • Gain commitment
concise memos, letters, summaries, and reports • Respond to tough negotiators • Define team roles and relationships • Build team collaboration and trust
• How to best display visual information • • Select a strategy for your negotiation • Understand system influences • Establish operational norms
Create informative content using lists, bullets, • Use the Agree, Bargain, Control or Delay • Promote conditions for effective team building • Recognize stages of team development
and short paragraphs as the primary writing (ABCD) method • Conduct individual and team assessments • Define team roles and relationships
mode • Practice your negotiation skills in real world • Improve team communications • Understand system influences
practice sessions • Improve group dynamics • Promote conditions for effective team building
• Apply what you’ve learned to plan a • Problem solve in teams • Conduct individual and team assessments
negotiation back on the job using the • Develop a team plan to improve team • Improve team communications
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and effectiveness • Improve group dynamics
Threats (SWOT) model • Lead when necessary • Develop personal plans to improve team
• Monitor team progress effectiveness
C OU RSE C ON T EN T • Foster team leadership
Learn a step-by-step method to the structure, COURSE CONTENT • Monitor team progress
techniques, and approaches available to Purpose of teams • Characteristics of a high
positively influence an effective negotiation • performance team • Gaining clarity of goal and COURS E CONTE N T
Know what behavior to adapt at each stage of worthiness • Developing a team charter • Definition and purpose of teams •
the negotiation • Leverage the power of Best Gaining commitment • Team collaboration and Characteristics of a high performance team •
Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), trust • Establishing group operational norms • Gaining clarity of goal and worthiness •
Worst Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement Working through the stages of team Developing a team charter • Gaining
(WATNA), and Walk Away Price (WAP) • Adjust development • Effective team roles and commitment • Team collaboration and trust •
your communication style to achieve desired relationships • Dealing with system influences Establishing operational norms • Stages of
results • Deal with tough negotiators • Craft a • Conditions for effective team building • team development • Team roles and
strategy for your negotiation • Use the Agree, Individual and team assessments • Team relationships • System influences • Conditions
Bargain, Control or Delay (ABCD) method • communications • Group dynamics • Problem for effective team building • Individual and team
Practice your negotiation skills in real world solving in teams • Developing personal plans to assessments • Team communications • Group
activities • Apply what you’ve learned to plan a improve team effectiveness • Taking the lead • dynamics • Developing a personal team
negotiation back on the job Effective team meetings • Monitoring team leadership plan • Monitoring team progress •
progress Developing a team leadership action plan

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

DUBAI, UAE 31 OCT-1 NOV 2018 $3185+VAT
HOUSTON, US 9-10 MAY 2019 $2595
See website for dates and locations. See website for dates and locations. See website for dates and locations. LONDON, UK 8-9 NOV 2018 $2915+VAT

+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
Meeting Management
Presentation Skills for Making Change Managing and Leading
and Facilitation for the
the Petroleum Industry Happen: People and Others – MLO
Petroleum Industry
– PSPI Process – MCPP
One of the prime requisites for oil and gas Attendees will work in teams to overcome the Meetings remain a boon or curse to corporate Why would any company expend hundreds of
professionals is to be able to deliver problems encountered when making changes in communication. Properly planned and thousands of dollars to seek, recruit, and hire
presentations in as clear, concise, and well- their organizations. You will also learn how to managed, meetings are extremely positive and the best employees then leave their
designed a way as possible. Some industry develop the ability to effectively handle dynamic ways to exchange ideas, shape policy, development and performance to lucky chance
technical professionals are naturally gifted organizational changes by examining the eight- resolve problems, effect change, etc. However, through ineffective leadership and management
designer/speaker/presenters, others are not. step change process and understanding your when poorly designed and implemented, practices? Unfortunately, that chance occurs
However, with the proper training and practice own, and others, needs and responses to each meetings accomplish little. They become virtual every time an employee is promoted to a
any oil and gas professional can learn to make step in the change process. A group workshop breeding grounds for confusion, tension, leadership, supervisory or management position
a convincing and persuasive presentation, and allows attendees to engage in, comment on, frustration, boredom, and negativity. This course without training in the techniques and practices
do so in a confident, assured, comfortable, and and improve their competencies in managing is for petroleum industry professionals who plan of effective leadership and management.
relaxed manner. This course is for individuals change. and conduct meetings. During this interactive Managers and supervisors, regardless of
who are required, as part of their jobs, to deliver 2-day session, participants will learn how to technical expertise, can make an error setting
presentations in-house or in public, and who DESI GN ED FOR perfect meeting facilitation skills; master off an uncontrolled and disastrous chain
wish to perfect the art and craft of dynamic All managers, team leaders, supervisors, and meeting agenda design skills; and polish reaction unless he/she has command of
presentation-making in order to do so. individuals responsible for ensuring change is meeting communication skills so that they'll be principles and practices leading to employee
Participants will participate in a full array of implemented successfully. able to run meetings efficiently, effectively, and effectiveness, productivity, and teamwork. The
hands-on class exercises to improve smoothly. Participants will be given ample first-line and mid-level supervisor has more
presentation-making skills, vocal techniques, opportunity to practice what they're learning in direct effect on employees and the productivity
• Profile individual and group behavior
social interaction skills, visual aid preparation, class and to receive feedback about those areas of a work group than any other single entity in
exhibited during change
etc. Attendees will deliver two presentations in of meeting management and facilitation they do the organization. This course increases the
• Improve individual and team dynamics for
class, both of which will be videotaped to well and those areas that they'll need to confidence and productivity of leaders,
high performance
measure improvement, and will discuss their improve. supervisors and managers who may be
• Apply the GROW model to coach and sustain
performances in one-on-one private scientific or technical specialists, but have
individuals undergoing organizational change DESIGNED FOR
conversations with the instructor at the end of minimal training in the science and art of
• Design a practical framework for positive Petroleum industry professionals who plan,
the course. Participants’ progress will also be leading others. Skills in human relations,
engagement with organizational change conduct, and manage meetings.
charted to quantifiably show areas in which communication, motivation, and leadership are
actual improvement has taken place. C OU RSE C ON T EN T essential tools for the supervisor and manager.
Explore the characteristics of change • Build an This course provides techniques enabling
DES IG NE D F O R • Run efficient face-to-face and/or on-line
integrated change strategy • Embrace change leaders to efficiently use one of the greatest
Industry personnel who wish to acquire the meetings
positively using the power of vision • Use resources a company has, its people. This
skills and techniques needed to design and • Prepare and implement meeting agendas
people and process to make change happen • interactive learning program will assist you in
deliver technical material clearly, confidently, • Incorporate meeting facilitation techniques
Craft an effective measurement process to expanding your options for leading others.
and convincingly either face-to face or online. and tools
evaluate change • Facilitate change and • Understand meeting roles and responsibilities DES IGNED FOR
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO overcome resistance through effective • Use meeting facilitation tools Anyone responsible for leading others in the
• Design and deliver a presentation both in communication • Master meeting management skills, i.e., daily performance of a work, including soon to
person and on-line using time wisely, avoiding topic confusion, be leaders, front-line leaders, new and
• Keep an audience engaged through use of handling personal attack, avoiding 'traffic' experienced supervisors and managers, team
various delivery methods problems, dealing with individual and group leaders, coaches, and mentors.
• Appropriately use technology and visual aids communication, and maintaining topic
• Speak confidently in front of groups (agenda) focus Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
• Recognize and understand the various roles • Apply concepts of leadership and
C OUR S E C O N T E N T that a facilitator plays during the course of management to real work situations
Communication and the role it plays in a meeting • Coach and supervise a diverse and dispersed
presentation-making • Overcoming fears • The • Speak in front of others workforce
similarities and differences between face-to- • Set appropriate goals and manage
face and on-line presentations • The four COURSE CONTENT performance and change to ensure these
fundamental basics to effective presentation- Speaking skills •Time management in meetings goals are reached
making Presence/demeanor/appearance: • Agenda creation • Conflict management • • Empower your workforce to exceed
posture, movement, and physical comfort • Meeting facilitation aids expectations
Delivery: the voice, gestures/facial expressions, • Develop effective communication skills
skill in using silence, rhythm, and language •
Production: flow/rhythm, skill in using visual COURS E CONTE N T
aids/technology, skill in using time, skill in The role and function of the leader, supervisor,
listening/observing/questioning, skill in using and manager • Understanding and applying
the venue, connectivity, eye contact, knowledge essential behavioral management concepts •
of audience, and skill in handling audience/ Understanding and increasing employee
situation • Construction and organization: motivation • Understanding and applying
design (presentation), design (PowerPoint leadership concepts • Effectively supervising a
slides/other visuals), and integration diverse workforce • Basic skills in interpersonal
(presentation with visuals) communications • Performance management •
Coaching • Working with difficult employees •
Goal setting • Empowering subordinates •
Creating positive and functional thinking about
work • Making ongoing change for growth and
improvement • Taking personal responsibility •
Developing personal plans to improve team

2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD)

DUBAI, UAE 28-30 OCT 2018 $3990+VAT
2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2018-19 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 6-8 MAY 2019 $3245
HOUSTON, US 22-24 JULY 2019 $3245 See website for dates and locations. HOUSTON, US 25-26 JULY 2019 $2595 LONDON, UK 5-7 NOV 2018 $3655+VAT

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60 Our Instructors

MR. PETER AIRD has 38 years’ experience as an oilfield drilling, well for well design, a splitter wellhead and mud line suspension wellhead systems international oil and gas consulting engineer since 1993 involved in projects
engineering, and operations specialist. Peter initially served and trained as a and an extended reach planning and screening technique. George has a great related to surface production operations, upstream facilities, field development,
marine engineer officer working with major shipping companies world-wide. interest in well design, innovative drilling and completion methods, adhering oil and gas production systems performance optimization, equipment selection,
His skills then transferred to the oil and gas industry. He re-trained from 1980- to technical excellence in drilling engineering and knowledge sharing and petroleum fluids treating and processing and fluids disposal management.
1987 as a drilling supervisor, then worked in staff-based positions with Shell mentoring. George Armistead is a registered professional petroleum engineer From 1980 to 95, he worked on several oil and gas production technical issues
International and BP until 1993. Further skills, knowledge, and experience were in the states of Texas and Louisiana. George graduated with honors from and led research and development projects in areas such as: cement slurries,
gained in various global consultancy positions from 1993-2015. Peter worked Mississippi State University with a BS degree in Petroleum Engineering in hydraulic fracturing fluids, proppant transport, emulsions, drilling muds,
in frontier Exploration Appraisal and Development subsea, deepwater, HPHT, 1974. W/D formation damage, cutting transport, H2S/CO2 corrosion, fluid flow and
and horizontal drilling projects. He often worked with complex wells. Project- rheology, drag and pour point reducing agents and petroleum processing. He
based work experience was gained in the early 1990’s with offshore UK
MR. STEPHEN ASBURY is the author of six internationally has successfully designed and delivered several short courses, seminars and
published books on safety and risk management, and a highly experienced HSE
deepwater and HPHT wells, and frontier exploration wells in North America, lectures in a variety of oil and gas topics throughout the world. He is a former
practitioner and instructor. He is a Chartered Safety and Health Practitioner
South East Asia (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, China), North Atlantic, tenured university full professor in Louisiana and Oklahoma, a current member
(CFIOSH), a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv, FIEMA), and a Professional
West of Britain, Norway, Faeroes, Greenland, the Black Sea, South Atlantic, of several international societies including SPE, AIChE, ACS and ASEE, and a
Member Emeritus of the American Society of Safety Engineers. Awarded the
Europe Mediterranean, Red Sea, and West Africa. During the last several years, member of the US National Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi. He is an
IOSH President’s Distinguished Service award in 2010, Stephen is an
Peter has been further employed as a staff-based senior and specialist drilling invited Adjunct Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Tulsa
experienced instructor (2007-present) on our safety and HSE management
engineer leader with operating companies including Kerr McGee, Maersk & and a member of its Industrial Advisory Board. He is the author of numerous
programs. He has over 30 years’ risk management experience gained working
Marathon Oil, Cairn Energy (UK), ONGC (India), Centrica (Norway), and technical publications, the recipient of several professorship, research, teaching
in leading organizations, in consultancy, and in the London insurance market,
Providence Resources (Ireland). His drilling speciality was further refined on a and merit awards and listed in the Who's Who in Science and Engineering. He
where together, he has worked in over 70 countries on six continents. Stephen
variety of subsea, horizontal, platform in-fill, HPHT, deep and ultra-deep water received a Chemical Engineering State Diploma from the National
is a former member of the IOSH Council of Management (1998-2013), and
drilling projects. Peter is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers from Polytechnique School of Algiers, an MS and a PhD from the University of Tulsa.
three-times chair of its Professional Committee. Outside of PetroSkills, he is a
1991, the Energy Institute, and is a Chartered Marine Engineer and a registered INT P&C
director of AllSafe Group Limited, a leading international HSE consulting
Engineer with the UK Engineering Council from 2004. He actively participates
in several industry forums and has shared his knowledge and experience
company. In addition to his books, Stephen is the author of 40 technical papers MR. PAUL M. BARRY is a petroleum engineering consultant
and journal articles. He was awarded an MBA with Distinction (Leicester, 1995), specializing in production operations and oilfield development and
through delivering deep water and other complex well design, drilling
and is presently completing a PhD (London). His first qualification was in law. management. Mr. Barry has over 44 years of international upstream oil and gas
engineering, and operations training courses. He has produced multiple
HSE production and reservoir engineering and management experience resident in
technical and operational treatises on oil well design, construction, engineering,
various US locations, South America, SE Asia, the Middle East, and the North
and drilling operations. From 1993 he has also hosted a specialist interactive DR. AHMED BADRUZZAMAN holds a PhD in Nuclear Sea. He has been a consultant and PetroSkills instructor since 2002. With
website at www.kingdomdrilling.co.uk. Peter holds an MSC in Drilling Engineering and Science from Renssekaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, and
PetroSkills, he was based in Perth, Australia from 2007-2008 and in Dubai,
Engineering from The Robert Gordon University which he gained as a mature has spent 35 years in the energy field leading research, application, and
UAE, from 2003-2006, developing PetroSkills regional business in both
student. W/D instructing cased and open-hole nuclear techniques. With Pacific Consultants
locations. Industry experience has been as a consultant for shale oil and gas
and Engineers, based in California, Ahmed consults for the USDOE on
MR. JEFFREY (JEFF) ALDRICH is a Vice President and Senior exploitation planning and multi stage, fractured horizontal well completion
assessing alternatives to radionuclide logging sources. He is also a Visiting
Geoscientist with MHA Petroleum Consultants Inc., a Denver-based petroleum practices. Previous experience has been as a field production engineering
Scholar at University of California in Berkeley, CA, where he advises the
consulting firm. He has over 30 years of global oil and gas experience working manager of an onshore oilfield re-development/brownfield project for PDVSA
university of educational curriculums on nuclear logging and studies related to
from frontier exploration through appraisal and large development projects. His and partners in Venezuela which required a combination of gas lift, submersible
advanced techniques. As a scientist for Chevron (1991-2012), Ahmed excelled
expertise is in unconventional reservoirs, prospect evaluation, reserve pump, and rod pump artificial lift completion technology, and frac pack sand
in his role of Internal Consultant on Nuclear Logging by developing the
determinations and multi-discipline and multi-culture team dynamics. Prior to control well completions. Previous Indonesia experience was in the design and
industry-standard three-phase algorithm to compute oil-saturation in steam
joining MHA, he held various management and technical positions with Dart completion of dual string, multiple selective, underbalanced, TCP high
floods, led R&D to assess nuclear tool response in complex environments
Energy, an Australian global unconventional gas company, Greenpark Energy, pressure gas wells, artificial lift oil well completions, and exploration well
using modeling, patented a non-chemical sources pseudo-density concept,
a UK CBM company, PetroSA, the South African national oil company, Forest testing and evaluation for Pertamina and ARCO partners for Bontang LNG gas
pioneered the multiple-detector pulsed neutron tool idea for cased-hole
Oil, Maxus Energy and Pennzoil Oil and Gas Company. He has a BS in Geology supply operations. As district reservoir engineer for Pertamina and Arco
applications, and developed the corporation's nuclear logging source safety
from Vanderbilt University and an MS in Geology from Texas A&M University. partners in Indonesia, Mr. Barry was responsible for the plan of development
guide. Ahmed's work experience also includes leading R&D for Sandia National
He is an active member in the AAPG, SPE, RMAG, DWLS, DIPS and is a and reserves determination and certification for a 1.3 TCF offshore Bali gas
Laboratories, Schlumberger-Doll Research, and Babcock & Wilcox, instructing
Certified Petroleum Geologist (#3791). He is author or co-author of over 25 field. He has also worked as a field engineer in Saudi Arabia for Aramco,
a Graduate course at Berkeley (2001-2009), and consulting for International
papers and/or technical presentations. INT G RES responsible for a 1.2 MMBWD reservoir pressure support injection well system
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on their draft Well Logging Source Safety Guide
and injection water quality, producing well gravel pack completions, corrosion
DR. ROSALIND ARCHER is Professor of the Mighty River Power (2011-2012). Dr. Badruzzaman is the author of over 40 papers, holds two
control systems, and, as Mobil Oil facilities engineer in the Aramco Gas
Chair in Geothermal Reservoir Engineering as well as Head of the Department patents, is the recipient of several SPE/SPWLA awards, and is currently writing
Projects department. He has represented company technical and commercial
of Engineering Science at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. She is a textbook on nuclear logging. He is also holds prestigious titles within the
interests in both UK and Norwegian North Sea sector oil and gas producing
also Director of Auckland Geothermal Institute. She has received several awards industry including Fellow of the American Nuclear Society, former SPE
fields. Mr. Barry has served as an officer in the Jakarta and Dubai SPE sections.
including the Supreme Excellence in Teaching Award within the Faculty of Distinguished Lecturer, SPWLA Distinguished Speaker, chairman of the
He holds a BSCE from the University of Notre Dame and an MSCE from
Engineering. She is an accomplished technical writer, collaborator and editor SPWLA Nuclear Logging SIG, former chairman of the SPE DL Committee,
Marquette University, and is a registered Professional Engineer in Colorado,
with over 25 articles published in the last five years. Dr. Archer has taught former VP of Publication of SPWLA, and former editor of Petrophysics.
courses on Well Testing, Reservoir Engineering, Reservoir Simulation and PVT P&C PP
Analysis for industrial clients including Chevron/Schlumberger, Chevron, MR. PETER BARTOK is an Adjunct Professor of Geology at the
China, ONGC, Petronas, Yukos Petroleum, PTT Exploration and Schlumberger.
DR. ASNUL BAHAR has been developing and implementing new University of Houston and a Petroleum Exploration Consultant with research
techniques for reservoir field studies and related fields for 10 years. For 4 years
She directs her own consulting practice undertaking technical work, expert interests in unconventional shale resources, complex salt tectonics, and the
he has been teaching courses relating to Geostatistics for integrated reservoir
witness work and training for a wide range of clients. She has performed application of rock physics to exploration. His experience with BP included
modeling. Dr. Bahar is proficient in using commercial software (PETREL) and
technical work for Todd Energy, Shell Todd Oil Services, Austrial Pacific Energy, project management for Latin America and US Chief Onshore Geologist as well
in customizing C++ software for reservoir modeling, and has performed flow
Greymouth Petroleum, Mighty River Power, Genesis Energy, Scott Hawkins as research investigations related to high sensitivity aeromagnetics in Europe,
simulation study using an ECLIPSE flow simulator. He has been coordinating
(USA) and Sigma Energy (USA). She holds PhD and MS degrees in Petroleum Canada and the Gulf of Mexico. He also performed studies on the role of CO2
the operation of various on-going consulting studies and projects, including:
Engineering from Stanford University and a BE degree in Engineering Science and diagenesis in the sub-salt of the southern North Sea. He has evaluated
Reservoir Rock Type Modeling, Stochastic Property Modeling, Fracture
from the University of Auckland. INT RES prospects in over 40 basins of the world in Latin America, Europe, China and
Integration and History Matching, Fracture Modeling and Integration into
West Africa. He defined the exploration technique that led to the discovery of
MR. GEORGE ARMISTEAD has worked over 43 years for Unocal Reservoir Model, UAE Reservoir Evaluation, Integrated Reservoir
the Pinda carbonates in Angola. Mr. Bartok received BS and MS degrees from
and Chevron in various Gulf of Mexico regional offices in assignments as Characterization and Flow Simulation, and more. Dr. Bahar has a PhD in
the State University of New York. He has worked as a geophysicist for over 20
drilling engineer, production engineer, drilling superintendent, drilling manager, Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa as well as an MS in
years and published over 20 articles. G GP
asset manager, drilling engineering manager, and consulting drilling engineer. Petroleum Engineering. Dr. Bahar received his BS in Mechanical Engineering
Since joining Chevron in 2005, he has served as a consulting drilling engineer from the Institut Teknologi Bandung in Indonesia. RES MR. ROBI BENDORF, CPSM, MCIPS, CPM, M.Ed., has over 35
with Chevron doing project planning on the Congo River Crossing well years of purchasing and sales experience, involving domestic and international
intersection project and teaching the Drilling Engineering and Well Planning,
DR. OMAR BARKAT is a registered and licensed Professional activities, for a broad range of manufacturing and service businesses. He has
Engineer and the Executive Director for Upstream Operations with PetroProTech.
Drilling Practices, Deepwater Drilling, and Drilling for Non-Drillers Courses for extensive experience in consulting and training in purchasing, contracts,
He has been a training specialist and technical consultant for OGCI-PetroSkills
Chevron. He has extensive experience in ultra-deep, high pressure, high reengineering the supply management process, the management of
since 1997. He has over 28 years of combined industrial and academic
temperature, sour service and extended reach drilling applications. During his procurement functions, global sourcing of materials and components, reducing
experience in the USA, North Africa and Europe. He has been an active
career, George has developed a borehole fracture gradient modeling technique cost of purchased materials and services, and negotiation of complex
Our Instructors 61
transactions and contracts. He has held purchasing and contracts management DR. STEVEN E. BOYER holds degrees in geology from Bucknell vibroseis interaction; frac monitoring techniques; rotational seismic for several
positions in high volume manufacturing, subcontract, job shop, and service University (Lewisburg, PA; BS 1972) and Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, applications; and a range of environmental / regulatory issues for both land and
operations, involving gas turbine manufacturing, power generation, nuclear and MD; PhD 1978). Dr. Boyer has worked in numerous geologic provinces: the marine. He has a BS in Geology from the University of Missouri at Rolla, an MS
fossil power plants, electrical distribution and control, air conditioning central and southern Appalachian Mountains; the Utah-Wyoming and Brooks in Geophysics from Stanford University, an MS in Computer Systems from
equipment and global sourcing services. Prior to becoming a full-time Range thrust belts; the interaction of basement-involved structures and thin- University of Denver, along with extensive training and education in petroleum
consultant in 1994, he served as Manager of Customer and Supplier skinned thrusting in Montana; the Basin and Range extensional province (Utah engineering, chemistry, math, and engineering. GP
Development for the Westinghouse Trading Company. He has given and Nevada); and inversion tectonics of the back-arc region, Kangean Island
presentations on numerous purchasing and contract management topics to the and vicinity, Indonesia. As an independent researcher and consultant, Dr. Boyer
MR. D.G. (JERRY) CALVERT has worked with DX-Sunray Oil,
Dowell, and Mobil. During his 40 plus years in the oil industry, he has
Institute for Supply Management (ISM/NAPM), major universities, and continues to study the geometry and kinematics of compressional terranes and
remained active working with API, SPE, ISO TC67 WC2, and as a consultant in
numerous in-house seminars for industrial and services clients in the US and the implications of mechanics and kinematics for the timing of trap formation
the areas of cementing and lost circulation. Mr. Calvert worked in both upstream
over 170 public seminars internationally. He was selected to present seminars relative to hydrocarbon generation and migration. Dr. Boyer's industry
and downstream operations, and has spent the last 35 years in the area of well
at the last 17 Institute for Supply Management International Conferences and is experience has included thrust belt oil field development, structural field
cementing. Mr. Calvert has served on API committee 10 (presently sub-
the contributor of numerous articles published in Purchasing Today and Inside schools, cross-section construction and balancing short courses, and
committee 10) on Well cements since 1967 and was chairperson from 1988 to
Supply Management. Robi was selected as ISM's National Person of the Year consulting for several major oil companies. He has authored numerous refereed
1990. Mr. Calvert is presently active on API Subcommittee 10 Well Cements
in both Global Resources and in Education/Learning. Robi is a lifetime CPM, papers, which have appeared in such publications as the AAPG Bulletin,
and ISO Work Group 2 on Well Cements. He is a 35-year plus member of SPE
and has received ISM's new certification, the CPSM, and also holds the MCIPS Journal of Structural Geology, as well as two papers in books on thrust belts
and authored or co-authored over 20 SPE papers. He also served on the JPT
Certification as awarded by CIPS. He has an undergraduate degree from the and course notes related to cross section construction and balancing. Dr. Boyer
editorial committee. Mr. Calvert is presently serving on a joint API/MMS
University of Texas, and a Master's Degree from Penn State University. His received the Best Paper Award (Boyer & Elliott, 1982, AAPG Bulletin) from the
committee to write a series of documents to cover cementing practices in the
energetic and enthusiastic style, combined with extensive functional experience, Geological Society of America, and was named Distinguished Lecturer by the
Gulf of Mexico. The first document 'Cementing Shallow Water Flows in Deep
makes him an excellent consultant, trainer, and facilitator of change. SC American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1992-1993). He is a Fellow of
Water' has been completed and issued as API RP 65 dated September 2002.
the Geological Society of America and has served as an associate editor of the
MR. MICHAEL R. BERRY has been an independent Petroleum Bulletin and Geology. Dr. Boyer is a Member and Fellow of the AAPG, where he
He holds a BS in Chemistry from Northeastern State University at Tahlequah,
Engineering Consultant for the past four years. He is an experienced registered Oklahoma. W/D
has also served as associate editor of the Bulletin. G
petroleum engineer with a background in electric submersible pumps,
downhole instrumentation, multiphase flow simulation, drilling and production MR. FORD BRETT is recognized worldwide as a leader in the area of DR. RODOLFO CAMACHO-VELAZQUEZ is a reservoir
engineering consultant with extensive experience in researching naturally
operations. His experience includes 20 years with Texaco/Getty and 8 years with Petroleum Project and Process Management. A registered Professional
fractured reservoir dynamic characterization to estimate reserves and formation
Wood Group ESP. He holds 12 patents and is a Licensed Professional Engineer. Engineer and a certified Project Management Professional, Mr. Brett has
properties. He also has extensive experience in the analysis of flow of fluids in
He received a BS in Petroleum Engineering from The University of Oklahoma. consulted in over 32 countries on five continents. Formerly, Mr. Brett worked
porous media considering the relevant equations that provide a better
P&C with Amoco Production Company where he specialized in drilling projects in
understanding of the mechanisms of fluid flow. Mr. Camacho-Velàzquez is an
the Bering Sea, North Slope of Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, offshore Trinidad and
MR. JAMES BOBO retired from ConocoPhillips as a Principle Drilling Wyoming. He has received many honors, including the 2000 Crosby Medallion
expert in proposing new well test analysis techniques and interpretation
Engineer. Mr. Bobo has served in various management and project leadership methods of production data. He has proposed new models for naturally
for Global Competitiveness by the American Society for Competitiveness for its
roles in drilling, production, gas processing, and gas gathering and information fractured reservoirs that provide explanation for production performance that
work in 'global competitiveness through quality in knowledge management,
systems throughout the basins in the lower 48 states. In addition, he has served cannot be obtained with traditional dual-porosity simulators, showing the
best practices transfer, and operations improvement.' For his work on improved
in key facilitator roles for well control operations in Papua New Guinea, Nova importance of integrated reservoir characterization. He is an expert in well
drilling techniques he was also honored in 1996 with a nomination for the
Scotia and high-pressure/high-temperature operations throughout the lower 48 performance prediction for both single-phase and multiphase systems. Mr.
National Medal of Technology, the US Government's highest technology award.
states. Bobo is actively involved in society-level efforts related to continuing Camacho-Velàzquez has a PhD and MSc in Petroleum Engineering, both from
In 2010, he advised the US Department of Interior as one of seven reviewers of
education, licensure, and professional development, along with the technical the University of Tulsa, and a BSc in Geophysics Engineering from the National
the 30 Day Study immediately following the BP Gulf of Mexico Tragedy, and in
advisory boards for several universities. He earned his BS degree in petroleum University of Mexico. RES
2011-2012 he served on the National Academy Committee to advise the US
engineering from the University of Tulsa. W/D
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), charged with MR. RICHARD S. CARDEN has taught drilling, horizontal drilling
MR. ROBERT E. BOYD, CPA, MBA, CGMA is the Founder and evaluating the Effectiveness of Safety and Environmental Management Systems and underbalanced drilling seminars in the United States and internationally for
President of Boston Street Advisors, Inc. an investment banking and financial for Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Operations. Mr. Brett has authored or more than 20 years. He has authored numerous technical papers on directional
advisory firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is also the founder of Boston Street co-authored over 30 technical publications, and has been granted over 30 US drilling and underbalanced drilling. He was a contributing author to the
Capital, a private equity investment firm, and a co-founder and Managing and International patents - including several patents relating to elimination of "Underbalanced Drilling Manual" published by GRI. He worked for Grace,
Member of Boston Street Capital Partners, LLC, a capital management 'Drill Bit Whirl' (which the Oil and Gas Journal Listed as one of the 100 most Shursen, Moore and Associates (GSM) as a drilling completion consultant both
company. Mr. Boyd has over thirty years of experience in the fields of capital significant developments in the history of the petroleum industry). In 1999 the domestically and overseas. While at GSM he was a wellsite consultant drilling
formation, international finance, investment and portfolio management and Society of Petroleum Engineers honored him as a Distinguished Lecturer. He and completing wells in the field; including: geothermal wells, deep/high-
investment banking. Prior to forming his own firm, he worked in the accounting served on the SPE International Board of Directors 2007 to 2010 where he pressure gas wells, air drilled wells, directional wells, and horizontal wells. He
department for Warren Petroleum Company, a division of Gulf Oil, and at served as Drilling and Completions Technical Director. Mr. Brett holds a BS in also worked as a Drilling and Production Engineer for Marathon Oil Company
Reading & Bates Corporation where he was supervisor of corporate accounting mechanical engineering and physics from Duke University as well as an MS in in the Rocky Mountain region. He earned a BS degree in Petroleum Engineering
and a senior financial analyst. He has also held positions as Chief Financial Engineering from Stanford University and an MBA from Oklahoma State from Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology in 1977. W/D
Officer - Treasurer and Manager of Treasury in the manufacturing sector and University. PM
senior financial analyst for a major international energy company. Mr. Boyd's DR. ANDREW CHEN has worked with British Petroleum, AJM
MR. LARRY K. BRITT is an engineering consultant with NSI Petroleum Consultants, Schlumberger and other companies as a reservoir
international experience includes engagements in Europe, Asia, Canada, South
Fracturing and President of Britt Rock Mechanics Laboratory at the University engineer and reserve evaluator, and has been responsible for operation
America, and the Middle East. Mr. Boyd has been involved in over 30 corporate
of Tulsa. Since joining NSI in early 1999, Larry has specialized in the reservoir engineering, oil and gas reserve and resource estimates, economical
ventures and has successfully negotiated several business transactions
development and application of tools for the post appraisal of hydraulic forecast and budgeting, acquisition and deposition, equity financing, and mid-
including the planning and restructuring of over $500 million of corporate debt
fracturing stimulations. Britt’s experience includes the optimization, design, and stream supply studies. He also specializes in wireline formation test (WFT)
for a major multi-national energy concern, and has served as exclusive financial design, data interpretation, and technical training. He has more than 20 years
execution of fracture stimulations and integrated field studies throughout the
advisor for the financing and sale of several mid-market companies across a of petroleum engineering and teaching experience. During his tenure with
world. Prior to joining NSI he worked for Amoco Production Company for
variety of industries. He has also played key roles in establishing a sales and Schlumberger Canada, he was responsible for providing a variety of reservoir
nearly twenty years. During the last six years with Amoco, he was fracturing
distribution office in Germany and has advised major energy and service engineering technical support, WFT technical/data interpretation practice
team leader at Amoco’s Technology Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he was
companies in the areas of shareholder value and performance measurement. including training of operators and clients, troubleshooting problem tests, and
charged with managing the development and application of fracturing
Since founding his own firm, Mr. Boyd has advised management and coordinating land and offshore projects for reservoir description and formation
technology for Amoco’s worldwide operations. Larry is the co-author of the SPE
shareholders on capital acquisition, business development, transaction evaluation. Dr. Chen has provided consulting services in many Canadian and
book “Design and Appraisal of Hydraulic Fractures.” Larry is a distinguished
structuring, valuation services and strategic business planning for mid-market international companies in reservoir engineering, pressure transient analysis,
member of the SPE and has served on numerous SPE Forum Committees on
companies. He currently serves on the National Advisory Council of the US and regional pressure data interpretation, with projects from Canada, the Gulf
Gas Reservoir Engineering and Hydraulic Fracturing. In addition, Larry has
Small Business Administration and serves on several corporate and civic of Mexico, West Africa, Central Asia, Indonesia, Australia and PNG, and the
authored over forty technical papers on reservoir management, pressure
boards including the Tulsa University Friends of Finance and the University of North Sea. He also teaches an extensive and unique five-day wireline test
transient analysis, hydraulic fracturing, and horizontal well completion and
Tulsa Student Investment Fund. He has served as chairman of the Capital interpretation course, 'Wireline Formation Testing and Interpretation' with
stimulations. He is a graduate of the Missouri University of Science &
Exchange Committee of the Wharton Club of New York where he founded the OGCI/PetroSkills in the industry worldwide, and frequently provides in-house
Technology (MS&T) where he has a BS in Geological Engineering and a
Wharton Investor Resources Exchange, a network of capital investors and practical WFT interpretation and application workshops, including his seminar
Professional Degree in Petroleum Engineering. He is an adjunct professor in
companies headed by Wharton Alumni and is a past president of the Graduate in Southeast Asia on the comparison of wireline testing versus well test/DST,
the Petroleum Engineering Department at MS&T where he also serves on both
Business Association of the University of Tulsa. Mr. Boyd is a current member from technical and economical/financial parameters, to regulatory and
the Petroleum Engineering and University Engineering Advisory Boards and is
of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is listed in Who's operation considerations. He holds a PhD in fluid mechanics from the
a member of the Academy of Mines and Metallurgy. P&C
Who of Global Business Leaders. He has been an adjunct professor of Finance University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Before that, he held an academic
for the University of Tulsa. Mr. Boyd holds a BS in Business Administration MR. ROBERT (BOB) BRUNE is a technology-oriented teaching position for six years in reservoir engineering. PP
from Phillips University with majors in Finance and Accounting and a Master Geophysicist with wide ranging experience in E&P and extensive experience in DR. STEVE CHEUNG is the President of SteveIOR Consultants, and
of Business Administration from the University of Tulsa, graduating with seismic acquisition. His focus in seismic acquisition has always been on an Adjunct Associate Professor in Petroleum Engineering at the University of
honors. He graduated from the Wharton Advanced Management Program of the challenging surveys, and the development and use of technology, primarily in Southern California. He has over 35 years of experience in major oil company,
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and is a Fellow of the operational groups. He has worked at GSI, Amoco, USGS, Sohio/BP, TGS- academia and independent consulting. During his 30 years at Chevron, Dr.
Wharton School. Mr. Boyd is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, the honor Nopec, and as a consultant. Bob's responsibilities have been in Exploration, Cheung had both research and field experience in waterflood management,
society for collegiate business schools and is a Certified Public Accountant in Production, and Technology. His positions have included: Manager, Technical downhole remediation, formation damage, well stimulation, chemical EOR, well
the state of Oklahoma and a Certified Global Management Accountant. He holds Services and R&D, Exploration Manager, and Manager, Regional Field completions, oil field chemicals, reservoir characterization, and water shutoff.
a series 65 securities license. PB Development at Sohio/BP; and VP Operations, President-Offshore, and Chief He taught in-house classes and trouble-shot oilfield problems around the
Geophysicist at TGS. Bob's experience in recent years has included the world. He has received many SPE awards and recognitions, including
diversity of: marine streamer survey operations and design; airgun array Distinguished Lecturer (2006), Distinguished Member (2013), Distinguished
designs; TZ and shallow water operations and design; land survey operations; Service Award (2016), and Regional Well Completions Optimization and

Discipline icon legend on page 60

62 Our Instructors
Technology Award (2016). He is a member of the SPE Global Training and creation and refinement of learning and staff development programs since Oklahoma State University and a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University
Soft-skills Committees. Dr. Cheung has chaired many SPE workshops, 1990. He received a BS from Marietta College, and an MS from the Universityof of Illinois. He held postdoctoral fellowships at the Max Planck Institut for
conferences and technical sessions. He holds an MS in Petroleum Engineering New Mexico. G Stromungsforschung in Gottingen, Germany and the University of Toronto, in
and a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Southern California and the Canada. He was also a visiting assistant professor in chemistry at the University
University of California, Irvine, respectively. P&C
DR. ISKANDER DIYASHEV is a director and a co-founder of of Houston. He has 27 publications in chemistry, 14 publications in the open-
Petroleum and Energy Technology Advisors, Inc., an engineering and
literature in petrophysics, and has numerous internal publications, memos, and
MR. SATINDER CHOPRA, MSc, MPhil (Physics) has 27 years' consulting firm based in Houston, Texas, focused on drilling, completion and training manuals with ExxonMobil. He is a member of the Society of
experience as a geophysicist specializing in processing, reprocessing, special stimulation (www.1penta.com). Prior to that Dr. Diyashev was an officer and a
Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts and the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
processing and interactive interpretation of seismic data. He has rich experience board member with Independent Resource Development Corporation, based in
At various times in the past he has served as an assistant editor for petrophysical
in processing various types of data like VSP, well log data, seismic data, etc, as Moscow with operations in Western Siberia Russia. Dr. Diyashev was
publications for both of these professional societies. P&C
well as excellent communication skills, as evidenced by the several responsible for the planning of field development, reserves evaluation and
presentations and talks delivered and books, reports, and papers written. His addition, planning of exploration activities, as well as engineering and MR. ERIC A. FOSTER is a Geoscience Technical Advisor with
research interests focus on techniques that are aimed at characterization of technology. In 2001-2006 Dr. Diyashev served as a Chief Engineer for Sibneft, PetroSkills-OGCI based in Houston. He has 40 years of operations and
reservoirs. He has published 5 books and more than 140 papers and abstracts one of the largest integrated oil companies in Russia with a daily production of management experience in the oil and gas industry. Prior to joining PetroSkills,
and likes to make presentations at any beckoning opportunity. His work and 700,000 BOPD. During his career, Dr. Diyashev worked in R&D, consulting, and he was with Landmark and responsible for managing geoscience and
presentations have won several awards, the most notable ones being the CSEG the service and production sides of the business both in Russia and engineering consultants, representing geological, geophysical and
Meritorious Service Award (2005), SEG Best Poster Award (2007), CSEG Best internationally. Prior to his work with Sibneft, Dr. Diyashev was one of the key petrophysical software applications and services for global operations. Starting
Luncheon Talk award (2007) and several others. He is a member of SEG, CSEG, Schlumberger specialists to start the horizontal drilling project in Noyabrsk as a geologist in field operations in the US, South America, North Sea, Trinidad
CSPG, EAGE, AAPG, CHOA (Canadian Heavy Oil Association), APEGGA Western Siberia. He holds a PhD in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M and Mexico, he then worked as a training instructor and coordinator for
(Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of University, and advanced degrees in Physics and Mathematics from Moscow worldwide operations at Core Laboratories in Dallas and subsequently moved
Alberta) and TBPG (Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists). Mr. Chopra Institute of Physics and Technology. He has authored 30 technical papers. Dr. to Calgary as Manager, Geological Operations. His background has included
holds a Masters of Philosophy in Physics (1978) and a Master's of Science in Diyashev is a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and served all aspects of formation evaluation and the application of software to geological
Physics (1976). G GP
on the Board of Directors of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE and drilling engineering data acquisition and interpretation. He has acted as a
International), and on the boards of various private E&P, service and technical advisor/consultant on projects throughout the world; and has
MR. KEVIN CUYLER is the Director of Technical Division Operations engineering firms in the petroleum industry. Twice in his career Dr. Diyashev extensive experience in the design and delivery of training programs. He was
at PetroSkills, where he is responsible for the In-House Proposal and Logistics was elected to serve as a Distinguished Lecturer of the SPE, in 2005-06, and in an instructor of petroleum technology at Mount Royal College and SAIT in
team. He is also the Discipline Manager for the Multi-Discipline, Petroleum 2017-18. INT RES P&C Calgary and in-house for Amoco. He was nominated for the Distinguished
Business and Petroleum Data Management disciplines. Prior to this role, he Lecturer award. Mr. Foster graduated with a BSc (Honors) in Geology, from the
was the Discipline Network Operations Manager where he was responsible for DR. SHARI DUNN-NORMAN is a professor of Petroleum
Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology with 35 years of University of London; he is a registered Professional Geologist and is a member
the ongoing health and operations of the nineteen discipline networks in the of APEGGA, AAPG, SPE, HGS and SPWLA. He served as Publications
industry and academic experience. She worked for Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) in
PetroSkills Alliance, ensuring competency map alignment, consulting on Chairman and on symposium committees for the CWLS; he co-authored a
domestic and international production operations, where she designed gas lift,
competency issues and assisting with member engagement and involvement. paper on computer data formats (LAS) and has compiled numerous technical
reciprocating rod and electrical pump installations, in addition to well
A member of SPE, Mr. Cuyler is the Course Director for the Drilling Fluids papers and training materials; he is a certified tutor for online learning.
completions and workovers. She has taught artificial lift, production engineering
Technology course and an instructor for the Instructor Excellence Workshop at
and well completions for more than 20 years and has conducted a wide range INT PP
PetroSkills. Prior to joining PetroSkills, Mr. Cuyler had 17 years of experience
of research in pipeline well flow, well construction for the protection of USDW's,
with Halliburton Company including the HR Global Human Asset Manager for hydraulic fracturing and well completions. She has co-authored and edited the
MS. LAURA S. FOULK has over 25 years of business, customer
the Cementing Product Service Line, HR Business Partner, Global Technical service, geologic, interpretation, engineering, management, and sales
book, "Petroleum Well Construction", and a number of papers related to well
Development Manager, Curriculum Development Manager, Division Technical completions. Shari holds a BS degree in Petroleum Engineering from the experience in the oil and gas industry. After holding multiple positions at
Training Manager, Baroid Product Service Line Global Training Manager, University of Tulsa, and a PhD in Petroleum Engineering from Heriot-Watt Schlumberger and Marathon Oil, she created Integrated GeoSolutions, Inc. to
Technical Instructor for Drilling and Completion Fluids, Multi-Service Field University, Edinburgh, Scotland. P&C provide wellbore image interpretation and processing on image data from all
Representative and Mud Engineer. Mr. Cuyler has managed drilling fluids vendors, and has been the company's President since 2001. She specializes in
throughout Texas as well as deep-water operations in the Gulf of Mexico. Mr. DR. AMR H. ELEWA has worked extensively in Oil and Gas exploration reservoir characterization through integrating dipmeter and image data with
Cuyler has a BS Degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences from Texas A&M with multi-disciplinary teams for more than 23 years worldwide. He is a core data, petrophysical data, seismic data, production data and engineering
University in College Station, Texas. W/D geological and geophysical studies team leader responsible for providing data, thus providing a better understanding of reservoir performance and
geological proficiency and support to all aspects of a company's exploration potential. Her teaching experience includes courses in wellbore image theory
DR. AKHIL DATTA-GUPTA is Professor and holder of the LeSuer and development activities. This includes organizing the exploration strategy and applications, and wellbore anisotropy measurements at Colorado School
endowed chair in Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University in College for each fiscal year, quality control on the technical evaluation and integration of Mines, Stanford University, and for internal clients. She also taught new hire
Station, Texas. He worked for BP Exploration/Research and the Lawrence of all technical data to provide assessments of prospectivity, reserves, risks and and continuing education internal seminars for Marathon. She has numerous
Berkeley National Laboratory. He is the recipient of the 2009 John Franklin Carll prospects ranking for different fields. He has a wide experience in operation technical publications and her society affiliations include SPWLA, DWLS,
Award of the Society of Petroleum Engineers for distinguished contribution in geology, surface logging and petrophysical related work. In addition, Dr. Elewa AAPG, RMAG, and SEPM. She received an MS in Geology from Colorado
the application of engineering principles to petroleum development and has been involved in education and training for many years with M.Sc. and School of Mines and a BSE in Mechanical Engineering, Geology from Duke
recovery. Prior to that, he received the 2003 Lester C. Uren Award of the Society Ph.D. students. He has authored or co-authored many technical publications University. PP
of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) for significant technical contributions in from a variety of international conferences. Dr. Elewa holds a M.Sc. in
petroleum reservoir characterization and streamline-based flow simulation. Dr. petrophysics and a Ph.D. in petroleum geology from Cairo University. PP DR. THEODORE (TED) FRANKIEWICZ has over 30 years of
Datta-Gupta is a SPE Distinguished Member (2001), Distinguished Lecturer experience in the oil industry with Occidental Petroleum, Unocal Corp., Natco
(1999-2000), Distinguished Author (2000), and was selected as an outstanding MR. GREG ERNSTER is the Reserves and Technical Assurance Group (now Cameron), and currently, SPEC Services, Inc. He has a Ph.D. in
Technical Editor (1996). He also received the SPE Cedric K. Ferguson Manager with Addax Petroleum in Geneva, Switzerland. Addax is an exploration Physical Chemistry from the University of Chicago, holds 15 patents, and has
Certificate twice (2000 and 2006) and the AIME Rossitter W. Raymond Award and production company active in West Africa, the North Sea and Kurdistan. authored over 25 professional publications. At Unocal, he was responsible for
(1992). He is co-author of the SPE textbook Streamline Simulation: Theory and Prior to joining Addax in 2015, he was a consulting engineer for 11 years with developing the water treatment systems, which were installed in the Gulf of
Practice.' He received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas at Austin. MHA Petroleum Consultants, Inc. (MHA), a Denver based petroleum Thailand to remove mercury and arsenic as well as residual oil from the
RES engineering firm. At the time of his departure from MHA, he was the Managing produced water. At Natco Group he developed an effective vertical column
Partner. From 2000 to 2003, he was the Offshore Exploitation Manager for flotation vessel design and used CFD to diagnose problems with existing water
DR. MOJDEH DELSHAD is Research Associate Professor of Santos in Australia. Prior to joining Santos, he held various reservoir treatment equipment as well as to design new equipment. He was an SPE
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. engineering and management positions with Atlantic Richfield Corporation Distinguished Lecturer on Produced Water Treatment in 2009-10, and serves
She has 20 years of experience in modeling multiphase flow, property (ARCO) in Houston, Los Angeles, Dubai, and Dallas. Mr. Ernster's final position on the SPE Steering Committee for their Global Workshop Series on Water
modeling, and reservoir simulation and more than 15 years of experience in with ARCO in 2000 was the Engineering & Geoscience Manager for the Rourde Treatment. His field/operational experience in oilfield chemistry, design of
modeling and designing subsurface contaminant transport and remediation el Baguel miscible gas injection project in Algeria. Mr. Ernster has over 30 years process equipment, and the development of process systems has provided him
processes. She has been involved in the design of several tracer and surfactant of varied petroleum engineering experience with particular emphasis in gas and with unique insights into the issues that challenge operators as their water
and surfactant/foam field tests using UTCHEM, The University of Texas gas condensate reservoir engineering, miscible flooding, reservoir simulation, production and water treatment complexity and cost escalates over time.
chemical flooding oil reservoir simulator. She has approximately 90 technical reserve assessment, economic evaluations and field development planning. Mr. P&C
papers in these areas. She is in charge of UTCHEM development and user Ernster received his BSc in Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineering from
support. She is a Review Chairman for the SPE Journal of Reservoir Evaluation the Colorado School of Mines in 1981. As of October 2006, Mr. Ernster is a DR. CHRIS GALAS is a senior reservoir engineer whose main
and Engineering. Dr. Delshad has a BS in Chemical Engineering from Sharif Registered Petroleum Engineer. RES interests are in numerical simulation, reservoir studies, and EOR. He started his
University in Iran, and an MS and PhD both in Petroleum Engineering from The career in 1981 with BP Canada, where he worked on the in-situ combustion
University of Texas at Austin. RES DR. DALE FITZ has 36 years of experience as a petrophysicist doing project at Wolf Lake, as well as other thermal, chemical, and conventional oil
open-hole and cased-hole log interpretation and production logging in both projects. He has conducted over 285 reservoir studies, of which 218 involved
MR. JOHN F. DILLON has over 30 years of industry experience exploration and production environments. He spent over 34 years working for simulation. He has taught on 'The Art of History Matching' in numerical
working for major companies such as ConocoPhillips and BP, as well as ExxonMobil. About half of this time was spent doing research on shaly sand simulation. A 2003 evaluation of studies carried out in the early 1990's showed
consulting experience in geoscience, organizational excellence and staff petrophysical methods, cased-hole nuclear logging techniques, and high- that predictions from simulation were close to actual field performance. He
development. He has worked the entire exploration-development disposal angle/horizontal well logging techniques. The remaining time was spent in holds a BA from Cambridge University, an MSc from London University, and a
chain, from early basin analysis, through development, to end of field life farm- various exploration and production departments providing petrophysical PhD from the University of Calgary, all in Physics. Chris is a registered
outs. His experience has spanned a wide range of play types, rock types, and support for extended reach high-angle/horizontal drilling programs and Professional Engineer in Alberta, Canada. RES
environments of deposition and his development experience has taken him to providing cased-hole nuclear and production logging support for difficult
the North Sea, Dubai, West Coast Africa, and Alaska. His exploration efforts production challenges world-wide. During this time, he was heavily involved in MR. PAUL S. GARDNER has over 30 years of experience in the oil
have been in Angola, Congo, Libya, Niger, and the Western US. He brings developing and delivering training worldwide to ExxonMobil and affiliates on and gas industry in a number of capacities within research and operational
experience to the room beyond the science itself, including the management of basic well logging, cased-hole nuclear logging, and production logging. Since organizations. He is an instructor for sessions associated with Petrophysics and
personnel associated with the science, project development from conception retirement, Dale has been heavily involved in volunteer work for the Boy Scouts Well Log Analysis. His expertise spans most aspects of petrophysics and
through to high level approval, as well as years of experience in how can we get of America but has also been developing new training for cased-hole nuclear reservoir characterization, and he has carried out, or been part of a team
things done and why is this important. He has been deeply involved with the logging and production logging courses. He has a BS in Chemistry from completing numerous projects in a variety of geologic environments. He was

Discipline icon legend on page 60

Our Instructors 63
the founder of the petrophysical organization at Marathon's Petroleum Colorado School of Mines, and an Executive MBA from UCLA Business Leadership from the Claremont Graduate School and took classes with Peter F.
Technology Center. He has also held a number of management positions School. RES Drucker, "the father of modern management." James is a contributing author of
associated with reservoir characterization, petrophysics, and technology 140 Project Management Tips in 140 Words or Less, 2010; Making Sense of
integration. He has served in a number of capacities associated with technology
MR. MASON GOMEZ is the PetroSkills Technical Director for the Sustainability in Project Management, 2011; and Program Management: A
Production and Completions discipline and the Reservoir Engineering Lifecycle Approach (2012). PPD
identification and advancement including the Board of Directors for the
discipline. He is a Licensed Petroleum Engineer (LA#26131) with 26 years
Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America, the Technology Screening
diversified experience including: production/reservoir engineering, offshore MR. LARRY HARMS is a production optimization specialist at his
Committee for the Houston Technology Center, and he was a member of the consulting company, Optimization Harmsway LLC, established after a 38-year
field development/mature field optimization, shale play drilling/ completions,
Rice Alliance for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He received a Bachelor's career with ConocoPhillips. At ConocoPhillips he specialized in holistic
Operator/Service Company employment, Engineering, Sales, Operations
Degree in Geology from Colorado State University, is a member of SPWLA and production optimization and was a leader of the Artificial Lift Network for 10
Management, Human Resource Development, and Project Management roles.
SPE, and is a registered Professional Geoscientist in the State of Texas. PP years. He also was leader of the Gas Lift Optimization Team at Dubai Petroleum
He received a BS degree in Petroleum Engineering from Stanford University.
MR. RAFAEL GAY-DE-MONTELLA is a Chemist and Chemical INT P&C RES Company for 3 years. Larry has served on the Board of Directors of the Artificial
Engineer with 30+ years of experience. He is skilled in process engineering Lift Research and Development Council since 2008. He has written/co-authored
DR. G. MICHAEL GRAMMER is a Full Professor and holds the 11 SPE papers on topics ranging from the application of artificial lift, velocity
consulting, design in plant operations, teaching and training of professionals
Chesapeake Energy (endowed) Chair of Petroleum Geology at Oklahoma State strings and compression to integrated production modeling and real time
and operators, and has been active in the development of new technologies. His
University. Dr. Grammer received his PhD in 1991 at the University of Miami's optimization. Larry has conducted training courses for hundreds of industry
experience, although focused in water, includes the Oil and Gas, Pulp and
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and has over 25 years and ConocoPhillips engineering, operations, and maintenance personnel on
Paper, Food and Beverage, and fine chemicals industries and environmental
of industry-related experience in carbonate reservoirs, sequence stratigraphy artificial lift, compression, production optimization, systems nodal analysis,
knowledge and experience in Steam Activated Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and
and carbonate reservoir characterization. His current research interests involve integrated production modeling, and gas well deliquification. He received a BS
Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) extraction of Heavy Oil produced water
the various aspects of high resolution sequence stratigraphy and its application in Chemical Engineering from Oklahoma State University. P&C
recovery process design. Rafael is knowledgeable in simulating corrosion
to carbonate reservoir characterization, 3-D modeling and petrophysical
conditions and HC-steam mix injection in wells. He is an expert in water
characterization. He has been an AAPG Distinguished Lecturer (2002-2003) MR. ANDREW HARPER is a petroleum geologist with 32 years of
treatment and water conditioning both for industrial and for municipal international exploration and development experience, including 21 years with
and has led several AAPG field courses, including AAPG's modern carbonate
applications. Recently, Rafael has been involved in water treatment of fracking ARCO. He has experience in the North Sea, the Middle East, China, Indonesia,
course entitled 'Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Distribution in a Modern
waters and is proficient in using OLI, ROSA, and other CA modeling tools as Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, US Rocky Mts., and the Alaska North Slope.
Carbonate Platform, Bahamas' which he co-led for 14 years. Dr. Grammer has
well as extensive experience in MEE, and MVC evaporators. He has also worked Since 2001, he has worked with MI Energy Corp on three oil field development
published extensively on carbonate reservoir characterization issues, including
with several high to low pressure steam boilers and has designed steam projects located onshore NE China. He received a BA in Geology from Williams
as lead editor of AAPG Memoir 80 'Integration of Outcrop and Modern Analogs
systems for complete mills and refineries. P&C College and an MS in Geological Sciences from the University of Southern
in Reservoir Modeling' which won AAPG's Robert H. Dott Sr. Memorial Award
California. G
DR. ALI GHALAMBOR (now retired) was the American Petroleum for best special publication in 2006. Dr. Grammer's industry-related experience
Institute Endowed Professor and Head of the Department of Petroleum includes senior research positions with Texaco and ChevronTexaco where he DR. W. GREG HAZLETT is an instructor and part owner of
Engineering and Director of Energy Institute at the University of Louisiana at functioned as an internal consultant and instructor on carbonate reservoir PetroSkills, and President of W. G. Hazlett & Assoc. LLC. As Vice President of
Lafayette. Professor Ghalambor has more than 35 years of industrial and characterization issues in various parts of the world, most notably with super- PetroSkills, he designed competency-based training programs, evaluated
academic experience. He has served as a consultant to many petroleum giant fields in Kazakhstan. Dr. Grammer has consulted, presented short courses course materials and instructors, taught training courses, and consulted on
production and service companies as well as governmental agencies, and led field trips for numerous multi-national companies. G technical issues. Prior to joining PetroSkills, Dr. Hazlett was Vice President of
professional organizations, and the United Nations. Dr. Ghalambor has Gemini Solutions, Inc., where he was in charge of the petroleum and geological
DR. JAMES W. GRANATH is a consulting structural geologist engineering consulting group. Dr. Hazlett specializes in performing reservoir
authored or co-authored 14 books and manuals and more than 180 technical
based in Denver, Colorado, who has worked in academia as well as the minerals
articles published in various journals and conference proceedings. Dr. characterization, engineering and simulation studies. Studies include deep-
and petroleum industries. Since 1976 he has taught at SUNY Stony Brook and
Ghalambor has delivered numerous invited technical presentations and courses water Gulf of Mexico oil and gas fields, a granite gas reservoir offshore India,
spent 18 years in Conoco in research, international exploration, and new
in Drilling & Well Completion worldwide. He has received many awards steamfloods in California and unconventional tight gas sands. He has also
ventures. In 1999 he opened a consulting practice focused on structural
including the Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering worked for Mobil as a drilling engineer, and for Texaco as a steamflood project
geology and tectonics as applied to exploration problems, interrupted only by
Faculty, Production and Operations Award, Distinguished Service Award, manager in Colombia, and as a reservoir and simulation engineer in both
brief periods of work with Forest Oil and Midland Valley Exploration in Denver.
DeGolyer Distinguished Service Medal, and the Distinguished Member Award research and Kuwait operations. Dr. Hazlett was a Lecturer at Texas A&M
He is a member of AAPG, AGU, GSA, and RMAG, and is a certified petroleum
by the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Dr. Ghalambor served as a University and an Associate Professor at New Mexico Tech. He has published
geologist (#5512) and a Texas Professional Geologist (#733). He is the author
Commissioner on the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the on petroleum engineering topics, served as SPE coordinator for the Reservoir
of numerous research papers and co-edited several multi-author compendia.
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. He has held many Engineering, Gas Technology, and Fluid Mechanics and Oil Recovery Processes
His expertise lies in seismic interpretation and integration with structural
positions in the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) including Director of the committees, and has testified as an expert witness. Dr. Hazlett has BS, MS and
analysis, fracture analysis, regional synthesis, and prospect and play
Central and Southeastern North America Region on the SPE Board of Directors PhD degrees in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M University and is a
evaluation. He holds his PhD from Monash University in Australia, and a BS
and Chairman of the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on registered Professional Engineer in Texas. INT RES
and MS from of University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. G
Formation Damage Control. He received a PhD from Virginia Polytechnic
MR. RICHARD HENRY is an independent reservoir simulation
Institute and State University and an MS and BS from the University of DR. TON J.T. GRIMBERG is an Instructor/Coach for Shell's specialist who is either out on a sailboat or teaching for PetroSkills in his spare
Southwestern Louisiana. He is a registered professional engineer. P&C introductory course for graduates. He teaches Geology, Geophysics,
time. He has degrees in industrial and petroleum engineering, and has
Petrophysics and some aspects of Reservoir Engineering. His Shell career
MR. DAN GIBSON is a consulting engineer with over 35 years of performed over fifty reservoir engineering studies over two decades on a variety
spanned 25 years in Petrophysics, Reservoir Engineering, Rock Mechanics, etc.
experience in production, completions, and well integrity issues from oil and of different simulation platforms, field sizes and reservoir types. Before
He developed a range of qualities such as strategy development, planning,
gas fields all over the world. After working as a roughneck and roustabout discovering simulation, he audited reserves of oil and gas fields in Latin
negotiating, personnel management, organizational development, change
through college, he started his professional life as a facility engineer in Alaska. America and West Africa, and ran multi-national, multi-disciplinary field
management, commercial techniques and economic planning. He received a
He has worked his way through the value stream from facilities to completions optimization teams for Texaco. Mr. Henry holds a B.S. in Industrial Engineering
certification and PhD in Physics from the University of Amsterdam. RES
with jobs in Anchorage, Denver, Houston, Gabon, Congo, Egypt, Scotland, and an M.S. in Petroleum Engineering from the University of the West Indies,
Russia, and Australia. He is currently a consulting engineer, working on MR. MARK HACKLER has over thirty years’ experience in the St. Augustine, Trinidad. RES
completions and well integrity problems for a wide range of independents and engineering and energy business for both majors and independents. His areas
of interest, education, and research include project management, organizational
MR. RON HINN is the EVP for Sales and Member Engagement for
majors. He has worked as a Wells Technical Authority for a large international
PetroSkills. He is a people oriented manager, possessing strong leadership and
independent with a varied portfolio of offshore oil and gas wells. He was the first learning, process improvement, and drilling engineering services. Recent
experience has focused on project management and organizational learning communication skills. A registered professional engineer, Ron's 39-year career
Senior Completion Advisor for a super major. As part of this role, he worked
development efforts within major international energy companies. has spanned numerous roles including staff engineering, engineering
with teams on both major technical incidents and on planning and assurance
supervision, corporate knowledge management and professional staffing and
of high profile projects around the world. These experiences have given him a MR. ROGER HADDAD, PE, PMP, is a practicing project manager with competency development. Ron is an active supporter of global engineering
unique viewpoint of how fields are developed; how wells are designed, Occidental Petroleum and has over 25 years of design and project experience accreditation activities, having served in multiple roles for ABET up to and
constructed, and produced; how things can go wrong with a well during in the Oil and Gas and Chemical Industries. He started his career as a structural including Executive Committee of the ABET Board. Ron received a BS degree
construction and production; and how best to mitigate and manage well engineer and progressed from design to construction to project management. from the University of Tulsa in petroleum engineering. INT
problems. He has authored and co-authored a number of papers, ranging from He gained his project management skills while working on fast-track projects
polymer flood management to ice mechanics and most recently a design of an in North America where he held various positions in project and portfolio MR. AARON HORN is the founder of Eos Resources, a training
innovative ICD system for a high rate water injection well. Dan graduated from management. For the last 10 years, Roger has been managing large offshore company aimed at providing leadership and technical training to multiple
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater and Studied Arctic Engineering at the and onshore oil and gas projects in the Middle East. With his extensive industries. He currently serves as Executive Vice President of Operations at
University of Alaska, Anchorage. His teaching style focuses on first principles experience in design, construction, risk management and project controls, he Fountain Quail Energy Services, where he leads operations for water treatment
and developing an understanding of why things happen which then dictates an has been managing large project teams and contractors and working with JV and trucking, and assists in the leadership of water storage, transfer and
appropriate response. P&C partners as well as national oil companies. Roger earned a MS in Structural disposal. His background includes Operations Engineering experience in both
Engineering and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Buffalo, New completions and production areas. Aaron served in the military rising to the
MR. CURTIS L. GOLIKE is an Independent Petroleum Engineering
York. He is currently based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. PM rank of Captain after receiving a BS degree in Systems Engineering from the
consultant operating out of Golden, Colorado. In addition to his consulting
United States Military Academy at West Point. P&C
business, James Peak, he acts as the Managing Director of two US prospect DR. JAMES LEE HANER is the head of Ultimate Business
generating companies, Emerald Peak Associates and Low Capex Reserves. He Resources (UBR) Consulting, specializing in "Building Better Businesses." UBR MS. NANCY HOUSE has been working as a geophysical interpreter
has 38 years' experience working for three global oil and gas companies. His is an independent firm offering business consulting and project management (petroleum) for over 35 years for several major oil companies. She has a
specific contributions are in the areas of revitalizing old fields, remote and services to Fortune 500 companies in the US, Europe, Africa, and China. James demonstrated capacity for acquiring, processing, and interpreting geophysical
start-up operations, petroleum economics, and introducing new reservoir has more than 30 years of experience in business and IT. His responsibilities data for reservoir characterization, reserve calculation or exploration evaluation
management technologies internationally. His personal skills are in team have included establishing a corporate web presence for a Fortune 500 in technically difficult or geologically complex areas. As a technical leader, she
development, specifically international cross cultural project teams of industry company, creating a successful organization-wide employee development plan, has contributed to the development and cost effective use of emerging
professionals. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the States of Texas and developing the IT infrastructure for a start-up company in both project technologies for evaluating and understanding unconventional reservoirs.
and Colorado. He received a Bachelor's Degree in Petroleum Engineering from management and leadership roles. He completed his PhD work at the University These include borehole and surface microseismic for understanding hydraulic
of Idaho and Corillins University. He earned an MA degree in Management/ fracture geometry for optimization of development of unconventional resources

Discipline icon legend on page 60

64 Our Instructors
(tight sands or shale), use of VSPs, (zero offset, 2D, 3D and 4D) for reservoir technical publications, membership several professional bodies, such as SPE, MR. STANLEY KLEINSTEIBER is a Senior Petroleum Engineer
characterization, sub-salt imaging, and low cost environmentally friendly AAPG, and PESGB, and participation on several societal and industry with MHA Petroleum Consultants Inc., a Denver-based petroleum consulting
seismic. Ms. House received a BA in Geology/Geophysics from the University committees. He received a BS in Geology from the University of Liverpool and firm. Mr. Kleinsteiber has over 24 years of petroleum engineering experience
of Wyoming and an MS in Geophysics from the Colorado School of Mines. a PhD in Geology with focus on Sedimentology from the University of Oxford. and has authored or co-authored papers dealing with production decline type
GP He spent a few years as a research fellow at the University of Leiden and the curve analysis, CO2 flooding, and depletion of a rich gas condensate reservoir
University of East Anglia where he was involved in sedimentology research. by nitrogen injection. Since joining MHA he has performed reservoir
MR. TIMOTHY L. HOWER is President of Malkewicz Hueni G engineering studies in numerous US basins, Canada and Australia, as well as
Associates, Inc., (MHA) a Denver based petroleum-consulting firm. Mr. Hower
co-developed an in-house gas reservoir engineering course for several clients.
has over 22 years of petroleum engineering experience and has conducted DR. SATISH K. KALRA is a petroleum engineer with over 25 years Mr. Kleinsteiber has experience related to exploration well testing in the
numerous evaluations of coal seam and coal mine methane projects in North of management, operations, teaching, research, and consulting experience with
Mediterranean Ocean offshore Israel. He has also performed field development
America, Europe and Australia. For the past 6 years, Tim has been the national and private oil companies. As an Associate Professor of Petroleum
studies for coalbed methane reservoirs in the Bowen Basin of eastern Australia,
recognized industry expert in the Powder River Basin coal seam methane play Engineering, he taught graduate and undergraduate students at the University
and well test analyses for exploration wells in Hungary. Prior to joining MHA,
working directly with the operators and the State of Wyoming on optimizing of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette. He also worked for the University of Texas
he held various reservoir engineering positions with Amoco Production
field development planning. Mr. Hower has authored numerous technical at Austin. His career includes assignments with ONGC (National Oil Company
Company both in their Tulsa, Oklahoma research center and Denver regional
papers, he has co-authored Managing Water-Drive Gas Reservoirs, a textbook of India), ARCO Offshore (now BP), BJ Services, Agio Oil and Gas,
production office. Mr. Kleinsteiber's last position with Amoco was Western
published by the Gas Research Institute, and he has been directly involved in Schlumberger / Holditch, Miller and Lents and SKAL-TEX Corporation. He is
Business Unit Technology Coordinator where he was an internal consultant to
the development and instruction of technical training courses for BP and Shell widely published in technical literature and was the Chairman of the National
the business unit's engineering staff in the Rocky Mountain and Mid-Continent
staff worldwide. Mr. Hower received his BSc and MSc degrees in petroleum SPE Committee on Monographs. His technical expertise includes the design
regions. Mr. Kleinsteiber and his colleagues at Amoco developed the initial plan
engineering from Penn State University in 1981 and 1983, respectively. He has and supervision of production and well completion operations, formation
of depletion for fields in Wyoming and Utah using compositional numerical
served as Chairman of the Denver SPE section in 2001/2002 and was recently damage and sand control, reservoir management, technology transfer and
simulation. His specific contributions were in the areas of fluid property
presented with the SPE Henry Mattson Technical Service Award for innovative contract negotiations. He actively participated in several technology transfer
characterization, well testing and simulation studies for various development
contributions in the field of engineering of gas reservoirs. RES W/D agreements with various Indian, Chinese, and Russian companies. He is fluent
options. Mr. Kleinsteiber also directs continued development of MHA's GAS3D
in English, Russian and several Indian languages. Recently he was nominated
MR. WILLIAM E. HUGHES is a practicing lawyer in Tulsa, reservoir simulator and software for production decline type curve analysis. He
as a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences US Section. He
Oklahoma, who has handled a wide variety of cases involving oil and gas received a BS in petroleum engineering with highest honors from the University
received an M.S. and Ph.D. in petroleum engineering from the Gubkin Oil
related matters. He has studied in France and lived in Morocco and received a of Oklahoma in 1978. RES
Institute, Moscow, Russia and a degree in law from Gujarat University, India.
Fulbright scholarship to teach US and comparative law at the University of Tunis INT P&C
during the 2000-2001 academic year. He teaches courses at the University of MR. THOM KRAMER is a safety consultant and structural engineer
Tulsa, including courses in comparative and international law, European Union MR. E. JOHN KEASBERRY is an exploration geologist and partner with 22 years of experience. As a dually registered professional engineer and
law, banking law, US Constitutional law, and an introduction to the US law and in J&M GeoScience Services. In a 30-year career span he worked as such in certified safety professional, he has spent much of his career consulting with
legal system for non-US lawyers and graduate students. Mr. Hughes is the Ethiopia, the UK, Ireland, Canada, the US, Turkey, the Middle East, the Far East, clients to reduce risk for workers at heights. He specializes in the assessment
author of 'Fundamentals of International Oil and Gas Law' published by Ecuador, Norway and the Netherlands, with multiple companies including and design of fall protection systems, as well as fall protection program
PennWell. He is a graduate of Harvard University Law School. PB Placid, Barrick Petroleum, Santa Fe, Statoil, Unocal, Shell, and numerous small development. Mr. Kramer is Vice Chair of the ANSI Z359 Committee and chairs
independents as an employee or consultant. He has been involved in the two subcommittees (ANSI Z359.1 and .17). He also serves as the president of
DR. CHUN HUH is a well-recognized expert in process modeling, EOR exploration and development phases of the petroleum development, from new the International Society for Fall Protection. He is widely considered as a
simulator development, and the use of simulation for process design and ventures and asset acquisition, seismic interpretation, basin analysis, appraisal thought leader in the fall protection industry, having given more than 100
scale-up for surfactant flooding, polymer flooding, miscible and foam flooding, to farm-out and production. During a 7-year stretch with Nedlloyd Energy as technical sessions and workshops on the topic. For his contributions to the
and heavy oil recovery from unconsolidated sands. He joined the Department Manager Exploration and New Ventures he was involved extensively in asset safety profession, he received the Edgar Monsanto Queeny Safety Professional
of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering of UT-Austin as a Research evaluation, acquisition and farm-ins. From 1997 through 2004 he was of the Year award in 2016. HSE
Professor after working for many years as an Engineering Advisor at employed by Shell as a Course Director responsible for their integrated
ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co. in Houston, participating and making key DR. LARRY W. LAKE is a professor and Interim Chair in the
subsurface course covering the main subsurface disciplines from geology to Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at The University of
contributions in all areas of enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Currently, at UT- production technology and developing geoscience courses. His lecturing
Austin, he is actively involved in all aspects of EOR research, collaborating with Texas at Austin. He frequently conducts industrial and professional society
experience is mainly in petroleum-, wellsite- and operations geology, but also short courses in enhanced oil recovery and reservoir characterization. He is the
a number of professors. He received a BS degree from Seoul National University covers petrophysics, reservoir and well engineering. He has conducted
and a PhD from the University of Minnesota, both in chemical engineering. author or coauthor of more than 100 technical papers, four textbooks and the
numerous geological and integrated field courses, most recently in Belgium editor of three bound volumes. Previously, he worked for Shell Development
and Germany. He received a BSc in Geology and a MSc in Geology and Applied Company in Houston, Texas and was chairman of the department from 1989 to
MR. STEPHEN JEWELL is an independent oil and gas consultant Geophysics from the University of Leiden, Netherlands. G 1997. Formerly, he held the Shell Distinguished Chair and the W.A. (Tex)
and advisor with 30 years' experience in the upstream sector. He was previously DR. MOHAN G. KELKAR is a professor of petroleum engineering Moncrief, Jr. Centennial Endowed Chair in Petroleum Engineering. Currently,
the Managing Director and co-founder of Xodus Subsurface Ltd, the Wells and at the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His main research interests he holds the W.A. (Monty) Moncrief Centennial Chair in Petroleum Engineering.
Subsurface company within the Xodus Group of technical consultants. He was include reservoir characterization, production optimization, and risk analysis. He has served on the Board of Directors for the Society of Petroleum Engineers
also Chief Operating Officer and a founding shareholder of Composite Energy He is involved in several research projects, which are partially funded by (SPE), as well as on several of its committees. He has received many awards/
Limited, a European Unconventional Gas company, growing the company from various national and international oil companies, the US Department of Energy, recognitions including: the 1996 Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal of the AIME, the
seed capital of $500k to an ultimate sale value of over $60 million in 5 years. and Oklahoma Center for Advancement of Science and Technology. He has Degoyer Distinguished Service Award in 2002, the 1999-2000 Billy and Claude
He has over 16 years' experience with Amerada Hess starting as petroleum taught various short courses for many oil companies in Canada, Indonesia, R. Hocott Distinguished Research Award and The University of Texas and the
engineer and progressing to Acting General Manager of its North Sea Singapore, Nigeria, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Scotland, India, Denmark and across SPE/DOE Symposium IOR Pioneer Award in 2000. He received the SPE
Operations Base. He received a BEng (Honors) degree in Electronic Engineering the United States. He has been a consultant to many oil companies, as well as distinguished Service award in 2000, was named an SPE Honorary Member in
from the University of Sheffield and speaks Norwegian and French. INT to the United Nations. He received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the 2006 and has twice been an SPE distinguished lecturer. In 2001, was chosen
University of Bombay, an M.S. in Petroleum Engineering and a Ph.D. in as a member of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers Dream Team. He is
DR. RUSSELL T. JOHNS is the George E. Trimble Chair of Energy
Chemical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, and a J.D. from the a member of the National Academy of Engineers, and received a BSE and PhD
and Mineral Sciences at the Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering at
University of Tulsa. P&C RES degrees in Chemical Engineering from Arizona State University and Rice
The Pennsylvania State University. He also holds the Energi Simulation Chair
University, respectively. RES
in Fluid Behavior and Rock Interactions. He recently served as Chair of the MR. BILL KEMP has 40 years of oil and gas industry experience in
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Program from 2015 - 2018. He is engineering, operations, product development and commercialization, DR. JAMES F. LEA, JR. is an instructor of industry courses and is
currently the Editor-In-Chief for SPE journals. Prior to his current position, Dr. business development, sales, and marketing. He is currently Strategic Account involved in industry production and artificial lift related projects. He has
Johns served on the petroleum engineering faculty at The University of Texas at Manager with PetroSkills, having joined in 2013. Bill is responsible for received the SPE award for 'Legends of Artificial Lift.' He spent 20 years with
Austin from 1995 to 2010. He also has nine years of industrial experience as a strategic member/client interaction in workforce development, consulting and Amoco Corporation and was involved in consulting on flowing/lifting wells,
petrophysical engineer with Shell Oil and as a consulting engineer for Colenco software solutions in the upstream, midstream and downstream segments. testing, and research on lift methods, creating new computer programs for lifted
Power Consulting in Baden, Switzerland. He holds a BS degree in electrical Previously, Bill was manager, sales and marketing, for the Oilfield Technology and flowing wells, teaching production schools and monitoring JIPs on
engineering from Northwestern University and MS and PhD degrees in Group of Hexion in Houston, beginning in 2004. At Hexion Bill was responsible pipeline flow, artificial lift, erosion, corrosion, and others. He is on the API and
petroleum engineering from Stanford University. He has over 200 publications for new stimulation technology commercialization as well as managing SPE committees for electrical submersible pumps, gas lift, and artificial lift
in enhanced oil recovery, thermodynamics and phase behavior, unconventional strategic relationships with customers and industry organizations. He began his systems, and is a member of the panel for the ESP roundtable. He has been an
gas engineering, multiphase flow in porous media, and well testing. Dr. Johns career with Halliburton in 1977 as an engineer-in-training. He had numerous SPE Distinguished Lecturer two times and has presented and organized
received the SPE Ferguson medal in 1993 and served as Co-Executive Editor field engineering, sales, product marketing and business development numerous conferences for artificial lift. He played a major role in organizing the
for SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering journal from 2002-2004. In positions at Halliburton. As global marketing manager for stimulation in the late Denver Gas Well De-Watering forum, which is continuing after multiple
2009, he was awarded the SPE Distinguished Member award and in 2013 the 1990s, he led the introduction of various innovative acidizing and fracturing successful occurrences. He has authored or co-authored: the book
SPE Faculty Pipeline award. He also received the 2016 SPE international award technologies. He left Halliburton in 2000 to start a consulting company "Deliquification of Gas Wells" (Elesevier), the chapter of the new SPE
in Reservoir Description and Dynamics. He is currently director of the Enhanced specializing in oilfield market research and new technology commercialization. productions Handbook on Artificial Lift Selection and other book chapters, as
Oil Recovery consortium in the EMS Energy Institute at Penn State University. Bill has been active in SPE and served numerous roles at both the local and well as over 65 technical papers and articles on artificial lift systems. He
national level. Bill has a BSEE from the University of Texas at Austin. INT received the SPE Production Engineering Award in 1996 and was the recipient
of the 1990 J. C. Slonneger Award from SWPSC, Lubbock, Texas, given to
DR. HOWARD D. JOHNSON is a Shell Professor of Petroleum MR. AARON L. KLEIN is based in Houston, Texas, and is the Vice individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the field of petroleum
Geology at the Imperial College London. His extensive experience in the President of Operations at PetrEX International, Inc. His training credentials with engineering. He is a Registered PE in Texas, has 9 US patents, and received a
Petroleum Geology industry includes research, exploration and production PetrEX include Leadership and Performance Skills Workshops, RigSMARTS BSME and MSME in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arkansas
geology, sedimentology and petroleum engineering. He also has wide Rig Crew Competency Training, Well Planning and Design, Train Wreck and a PhD from Southern Methodist University. P&C
experience in delivering technical courses, including Development Geology, Avoidance, and more. Before joining PetrEX International, Inc. in 2005, he
Sedimentology, Reservoir Characterization and Modelling and Basin Analysis. worked as a Drilling Foreman and Drilling Engineer for several major operators.
He consulted for many companies such as BP, ExxonMobil, Shell and Mr. Klein holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from South
PETRONAS. His involvement within the industry goes on to include many Dakota School of Mines and Technology. W/D

Discipline icon legend on page 60

Our Instructors 65
MR. JEFFREY (JEFF) LELEK has over 33 years' petroleum MR. ALAIN LOUIS is a Senior Geoscience and Petroleum Engineer the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is a registered professional engineer
industry experience with Amoco, BP, and TNK-BP. Starting as a geologist in with more than 40 years' international experience, both in oil and service in the State of Texas. PM
Denver, he has worked and/or managed exploration - appraisal - field companies. His expertise lies with the field proactive monitoring (Digital
DR. HELOISE LYNN has 32 years’ consulting experience within the
development - production stage projects, as well as business development, Oilfield), reservoir and well performance, formation evaluation, reservoir
industry on multi-component, multi-azimuth, and anisotropic topics. During
strategy, commercial, and organizational capability areas. After working in most characterization, along with the associated R&D activities. His recent
these decades, she has used VSP multi-component data and other support
western US basins, Middle East New Venture access, and Amoco's corporate contributions have led to the design and numerous implementations of
data, with 3D multi-azimuth multi-component surveys, and passive seismic
headquarters, he was Exploration Manager in Cairo responsible for building the collaborative tools of field performance monitoring and optimization (reservoir,
monitoring during hydro-frac, to make maps of reservoir properties of interest.
Nile Delta effort, Gas Asset Manager in Canada, Developments Manager in artificial lift, plant maintenance,..), carried in TOTAL E&P assets of Angola,
During the last 20 years, she has worked more than 28 3D PP wide-azimuth
Australia focused on LNG exports, and Exploration Manager in the North Sea. Gabon, Congo, Qatar, Argentina and others. His expertise includes technical
field data surveys and/or 3D multicomponent surveys acquired, processed, and
The latter part of his big company career involved discipline management, training within TOTAL and ELF in Petroleum Engineering, in particular in
interpreted for seismic anisotropy, to map fracture azimuth, fracture density, and
including people strategy, competency definition and development, global focusing well data acquisition to better serve a field (re)development plan,
in-situ stress state, as the lead geophysicist assigned to the project. Before
resource allocation, and hiring. His last position was Technical Capability justify the program of this data and anticipate fallback solutions. He has
becoming a consultant, she worked for Amoco, British Petroleum, and Texaco.
Director for TNK-BP in Moscow. Jeff has a BA in geology from Dartmouth generated collaboration projects in this area between ELF, TOTAL and ENI for
Since 1984 she has been operating her own company, Lynn Incorporated, in
College, an MS in geology from the University of Montana, and an MBA. several years. He has held various international positions overseas in Petroleum
which she does Seismic Geophysical Consulting. Heloise holds a PhD in
G and Reservoir Engineering. With ELF, from 1990, he delivered internally the first
Geophysics and an MS in Exploration Geophysics from Stanford University,
Logging Operations Manual for witnesses; he developed and instructed the
MR. LARRY LENS has over 33 years' experience in the petroleum and a BA in Geology from Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. GP
training course, dedicated to wellsite geologists and petroleum engineers, in
industry working for Amoco and BP. Starting as a working Geologist in the planning and executing operations of LWD and wireline logging, along with the DR. WALTER S. LYNN has over 33 years' experience in the oil and
Texas Gulf Coast and West Texas regions, he later expanded into the associated QC. From 1974 to 1979, he was a field engineer and field service gas industry specializing in seismic data processing and software development.
international arena working in Gabon and Congo after which he became manager with Schlumberger in various countries of Africa and Middle East. Mr. During the 1980's, he worked with the R&D Department at Western Geophysical
Amoco's Regional Geologist for Africa and the Middle East. He was Amoco's Louis has authored numerous presentations and publications at SPE ATCE, helping to solve acquisition and data processing problems associated with the
Country Manager in Ghana in the late 1980's, Consulting Geologist in New ATW, and EAGE Conferences. He received a Master of Sciences from ECAM explosive growth of 3D seismic exploration. During the 1990's, Walt oversaw
Orleans, and then Chief Geologist for Amoco's Worldwide Exploration Group. Engineering School, Lyon, France in 1973 and a Degree from IFP in 1979 the technical development for a large seismic contractor and later took over as
Larry later transferred to Denver to build a new exploration team supporting (French Petroleum Institute). He is fluent in English, Italian, French (mother President of PGS Data Processing. After leaving PGS in 2002, Walt has
Amoco's North American gas strategy and later returned to the international tongue), and gets by in German. INT PP returned to his true passions - applied geophysical research and teaching. His
arena working in Angola. After Angola, Larry became the Technical Learning multi-faceted experience over his career has involved him in geophysical
and Development Manager for the BP E&P group globally. He began work on MR. PERRY LOVELACE, CMRP, specializes in Maintenance and problems in areas throughout the world. For the past decade, he has
the Training and Education strategy which was a part of BP's commitment to Project Management, Leadership and Competency-based Training and has over concentrated on the geophysical challenges associated with unconventional
gain entry into Libya. He worked in Tripoli, Libya with a dual focus on BP's 25 years' experience in industrial training and consulting. His work in reservoir. He received a Ph.D. in Geophysics from Stanford University, an M.S.
Training & Education commitment to the National Oil Corporation of Libya as competency-based workforce development is known worldwide. In addition to in Geophysics from Oregon State University and an A.B. in Geology and
well as the internal focus on training and development within BP. After retiring M&O, his participative leadership seminars have provided team-building skills Geophysics from Princeton. GP
from BP in late 2009, Mr. Lens took on a leading role in developing the to hundreds of supervisors and team leaders. He has dedicated his career to
PetroSkills Accelerated Development Programs across all of the E&P providing high quality learning experiences, keeping in tune with the changing DR. KENNETH (KEN) D. MAHRER specializes in integrating
economic and technological environment, especially as applied to long-term the microseismic response from a hydraulic fracture stimulation, the
Disciplines, having seen this as a need in the Oil and Gas Industry. He has an
facilities management and organizational development. He has assisted many engineering of the stimulation, and all other pertinent data to create the best
MS degree from the University of Georgia and a BS degree from the University
organizations through on-site consultation and training. Clients include available, ground-truth picture of the hydraulic fracture stimulation. Dr. Mahrer
of Michigan both in Geology. INT G
industrial and utility organizations of different types and sizes around the world. is a scientist who communicates with engineers. Since his Ph.D., he has held
MR. ROBERT (BOB) G. LIPPINCOTT is an Employee A certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) by the Society for numerous significant positions including two postdoctoral fellowships in
Development Consultant with extensive oil and gas exploration and production Maintenance and Reliability Professionals and a member of the Society of fracture mechanics; teaching geophysics and geology at the University of New
experience including technical training and petroleum engineering. He is well Petroleum Engineers, Mr. Lovelace also holds a BS in Science Education and Mexico, where he won awards for effective teaching; Principal Geophysicist at
versed and knowledgeable on petrophysical tools and petroleum technology. an MS in Botany from the University of Oklahoma, with pre-doctoral studies in Teledyne Geotech where he helped pioneer the commercial applicability of
Bob is an experienced course director and lecturer for petrophysical and Plant Ecology at the University of California. O&M PPD microseismic monitoring; Principal Geophysicist at Southwest Research
petroleum engineering training. Prior to retirement he was Learning Leader for Institute, developing a controlled, borehole seismic source and investigating
Geoscience and Petroleum Engineering at Shell's Houston learning center. MR. PETE LUAN has over 25 years of international upstream project fluid-induced seismicity; Consultant with Branagan and Associates, the first
Previous jobs included global Petrophysical Learning Director at Rijskijk, NL management experience. He has also consulted for the past 10 years helping group to deploy a multi-level, fiber-optic cabled geophone array for
and Principal Petrophysical Engineer for a deepwater development project. He energy companies improve their management of capital projects. He has an microseismicity monitoring; Consultant with the US Bureau of Reclamation,
extensive track record of helping E&P companies improve their capital project recording, mapping, and characterizing microseismicity induced by the world's
also served in various technical management positions during his career prior
performance. He has been particularly successful with those clients who are deepest, continuous, high-pressure injection well; and Principal Geophysicist
to retiring from Shell in 2010. Bob is skilled at delivering technical training
faced with large capital projects and require a step-change in organizational at Weatherford International, recording, mapping, and interpreting stimulation-
across cultural and geographic groups. He has a BS/ME from Mississippi
capabilities. Pete is a facilitator and advisor to top management, many of whom induced microseismicity. His present position is Chief Scientist at Sigma
State, an MBA from the University of New Orleans and is a Registered
continue to seek his advice even after the development of their project Cubed, Inc., mapping, interpreting, and integrating stimulation-induced
Professional Engineer. INT PP
organizations has been completed. He has worked with numerous strategy, microseismicity. Dr. Mahrer has many reports and publications on
MR. JOHN LOGEL is a Geophysical Consultant to various project execution plan development, risk management, Lessons Learned, microseismicity and hydraulic fracturing, in addition to giving numerous
organizations as a mentor/teacher and prospect reviewer. John's previous stakeholder alignment, etc. Pete worked for Amoco Production Co. managing presentations. He has been a technical editor for the SEG and the SPE and has
positions were as Chief Geoscientist North Sea for Talisman Energy Norge/UK major capital projects in Azerbaijan, the Middle East, and Latin America. He written a column on technical writing (THE WRITER's BLOCK) for the SEG
in Aberdeen Scotland, the Lead Geophysicist in Norway, and Senior Geoscience holds a BS and an MS in Mechanical Engineering with higher honors from Rice journal The Leading Edge. Dr. Mahrer holds an AB in physics (Miami Univ.), an
Advisor for North American Operations in Calgary AB. Prior to Talisman, John University and has completed management training at Harvard Business MS in physics (Univ. of Colorado), and a Ph.D. in geophysics (Stanford Univ.).
held several technical management and advising positions with Anadarko School. He is PMP certified. PM GP
Canada, and Petro-Canada in Calgary and before that he worked 19 years for
MR. CHRISTIAAN LUCA is associate partner in Community MR. JUAN C. MALAVE is an accomplished multilingual executive
Mobil in numerous assignments in Europe and North America. John has over
Wisdom Partners, a consultancy specialized in the creation of mutually with a proven track record in program/project management, contracts
34 years of experience in the industry, and has worked on the discovery,
beneficial relationships between business and societal actors. He has 32 years management and business development for major EPC capital projects and
delineation and development of several giant, world-class oil and gas fields
prior experience in the oil and gas industry with Shell starting as a petroleum operations providing leadership and direction for more than (thirty) 30 years in
throughout the world. His interests are in reservoir prediction and
engineer in various countries around the world before moving into senior the oil, gas, LNG, and petrochemical industry. He has expertise developing and
characterization from seismic data, understanding and quantifying risk. His
corporate positions in technical and commercial strategy. In his latest role he implementing strategic direction and management for large projects (typically
latest emphasis has been in the adaptation of geophysical techniques to better
was responsible for the design and implementation of Shell´s global practice more than $500MM). Mr. Malave has proven success optimizing project front
understand, predict and exploit unconventional reservoirs effectively. He
in non-technical (or societal) risk management. This included training end development, engineering, planning, project controls and project execution
teaches enthusiastically and loves to develop technology and encourage
hundreds of advisors, engineers, managers, and executives in the practicalities and hands on experience in general management, human resources, products
professional growth. John is a professional Geophysicist and holds a BS and
of delivering a timely and proactive response to pressures and challenges from line responsibility, service operations and finance. He has had major roles
MS from the University of Iowa. He is a member of SEG, CSEG, APEGA, and
the external world. His experience across technical, commercial, and non-
AAPG. John has held several positions with the CSEG and the SEG serving on opening and growing successful operations in several countries. His experience
technical disciplines allows him to communicate easily across all professional
technical committees; is on the curriculum committee for the DoodleTrain includes deployment, implementation and enforcement of company corporate
boundaries. Christiaan has a broad toolkit at his disposal to improve
(CSEG); held several session chair positions at conventions; and held positions policies and procedures in all areas including, HSSEQ guidelines and working
governance, streamline processes, and create the cultural change needed for
on the international showcase. John has authored or co-authored over 50 with local subsidiaries to oversee and control operations of business
proactive management of non-technical risks in capital projects and operations.
professional papers. GP development budgets and sales forecasts, which resulted in an increase in the
He has a BSc in Mining Engineering and a MSc in Petroleum Engineering
number of clients, contract awards and revenues. He has extensive knowledge
MR. DIEGO LONDONO is a Petroleum Engineer with 19+ years of (Honors), both from Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands.
of IOCs and NOCs and multinational oil and gas service providers worldwide.
experience in rigless well interventions acquired while working with major MR. KEN LUNSFORD is the Project Management Discipline Mr. Malave has experience working with projects and operations teams and
Services and E&P companiesin different locations around the world. His Manager for PetroSkills. He has more than 38 years' experience in engineering leading international management teams with diverse cultural backgrounds
comprehensive professional experience includes coiled tubing interventions, and management of oil, gas, chemicals and plastics development. During his working in different contracting environments. Mr. Malave has a BS in physical
stimulation operations, slick/braided line and electric line interventions, 32 years with ConocoPhillips, he led development teams on projects in the metallurgy from the Material Science and Engineering Dept. of Washington
hydraulic fracturing and production testing. Mr. Londono started his career United States, Norway, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates. His diverse engineering State University. PM
working for Halliburton as a Stimulation and Coiled Tubing Field Engineer, then and project management background includes sour gas plants, oil, gas and
for BP as Well Interventions Engineer/Company Man in rigless well petrochemical pipelines, engineered plastics processes and materials handling, MR. JOHN MARTINEZ has 38 years' experience in oilfield
interventions. He worked for ENI in the giant Kashagan offshore project in the batch sulfur chemical processes, liquefied natural gas projects and pilot plants. production technology with a specialty in facility revision and artificial lift
Caspian Sea as Coiled Tubing/Well Intervention Engineer, then for BP/Equion Additionally, he was corporate project controls manager for Phillips Petroleum operations, and extensive expertise in gas lift. For 27 years he has been the
Energia in Colombia as a Senior Well Interventions Engineer consultant. For the with responsibility for developing business processes and training for asset Production Consultant for Production Associates and previously was
past two years, he has worked in UAE and Saudi Arabia. Mr. Londono has been development, value improving practices, project controls, contracting strategy, associated with Exxon. This includes work in well deliverability, transient
a Well Interventions instructor for the past six years, and has also been an IWCF risk management, reviews and assists and joint venture non-operated project pressure testing, downhole equipment evaluation and selection. He also has
Well Interventions certified instructor in the past. P&C assurance. He received his BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from surface facility design experience including multiphase pipelines, separation,

Discipline icon legend on page 60

66 Our Instructors
metering, compression, dehydration, water treatment and disposal, and pumps. VoxelGeo, TerraSpark, GeoTeric, Petrel, and Shell seismic interpretation, position of Senior Engineering Advisor with a primary focus in Production
He has served in key positions for projects completed in 11 countries on 4 attribute analysis and image processing for exploration and development Enhancement. He also spent nearly seven years as the Technical Manager in the
continents in which he applied state-of-the-art technology for improvements to projects; 3) acoustic impedance inversion for reservoir-scale reservoir Permian Basin area for Baker Hughes US Land Pressure Pumping in Midland,
artificial lift and production methods. He has been responsible for the architecture and pay prediction; 4) structural reconstruction software for fault TX. In addition to facilitating a variety of top tier, engaging learning events for
development of nodal analysis techniques for the design of gas and oil wells. geometries and trap analysis; 5) gravity modeling; 6) EarthVision, Roxar, Petrel, PetroSkills, Steve owns an independent consulting company, Dead Branch
He is a writer of API recommended practices, serving as co-author of API Gas and Shell reservoir modeling software to integrate data and build static Consulting LLC. Mr. Metcalf has a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry, with a
Lift Manual, API RP 11V7 Repair, Testing, and Setting Gas Lift Valves, and API reservoir models for deepwater fields/discoveries; 7) ArcGIS tools for mapping double minor in Mathematics and Physics from Emporia State University. He
RP 11V8 Gas Lift System Design and Performance Prediction. In addition, he and data integration; and 8) decision analysis techniques to determine optimal also has a Master's of Science Degree in Physical Chemistry from Kansas State
has written SPE papers and Gas Lift Workshop presentations. Mr. Martinez is minibasin scale exploration/development strategies and well planning University. Steve is a Registered Professional Petroleum Engineer in Oklahoma
active in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Petroleum Division, decisions. He is experienced in working on integrated teams of geologists, since 1988, a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers since 1977, and
SPE, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, American Petroleum geophysicists and engineers that were empowered to make decisions and were has co-authored over 60 papers in the areas of cementing, acidizing, and
Institute Gas Lift Equipment Task Group, and the ASME/API/ISO Gas Lift accountable for results. He served as team leader and/or lead geologist for four fracturing. In addition, Mr. Metcalf is an inventor and co-inventor on six US
Workshop. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Texas. He received an of these teams utilizing effective team/leadership skills working on a variety of patents. P&C W/D
MS and BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas. P&C scales and problems. He has received best paper presentation awards from the
New Orleans Geological Society, runner-up for best paper at the Houston
DR. KISHORE MOHANTY is the H.B. Harkins Professor of
MS. RANDI MARTINSEN is a certified petroleum geologist with 40 Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. His
years of experience (domestic and international) working in industry, consulting Geological Society, and selected to present at SEG as a part of a best of AAPG
work experience includes 18 years of teaching at the University of Houston and
and teaching. She holds a B.S. in Earth and Space Science from Stony Brook session. He has been an instructor for new hire training and co-taught a
10 years of industrial research at the Exploration and Production Research
University, NY and an MS in Geology from Northern Arizona University, deepwater interpretation workshop for Nautilus. He was named mentor of the
Division, Atlantic Richfield Co. in Plano, Texas. He has many publications
Flagstaff. She started her career with Cities Service Company, Denver, CO., and year from ConocoPhillips in 2009. Mr. McGee has an MS in Geology with
covering such topics as Transport in Porous Materials; Surfactant, Colloid and
subsequently, became a consultant. She has also been a Lecturer in Geology Honors from the University of Oklahoma and a BS in Geology with Honors from
Interface Science; and Oil Recovery Enhancement Techniques. He received a
and Geophysics at the University of Wyoming (UW) for 35 years and has taught the University of Montana. G
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota and a
courses in petroleum geology and engineering, clastic depositional systems, MR. STEVE MCKEEVER is a practicing drilling engineer, currently Bachelors of Technology in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of
sequence stratigraphy, reservoir characterization, field geology and physical working for a major exploration and production company. In his career he has Technology. RES
geology. Her research focuses on developing and improving geologic models worked as a roughneck, a driller, a tool pusher, an instructor at a roughneck
useful for exploration and production from stratigraphic traps and she has school, a drilling equipment salesman, a completion tool hand, a civil engineer,
MR. PATRICK MORAN is a completion consultant from Houston,
numerous publications in this area. Currently, she is transitioning to retiring Texas. He has twenty-two years of well construction experience, having
a drilling engineer, and a drilling superintendent. His engineering assignments
from UW so as to be able to commit more time to her newly formed company, managed deepwater completion projects through design, planning and
have included planning and operational support for extended reach multi-lateral
Hydrocarbon InSight, LLC. She is also currently the President of the American execution phases in the Gulf of Mexico, SE Asia, West Africa, and Australia. He
wells, high rate horizontal gas wells and deepwater offshore exploration wells.
Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG). G is also proficient in the design and execution of sand face and intelligent
Currently working in Perth, Australia, most of his career has been in Alaska. He
completions. Patrick has designed and executed workovers and interventions
DR. GARY L. MASSINGILL has 35 years of industry experience as received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University
in deepwater for both subsea and platform wells. Patrick earned Bachelor of
a geologist with a mixed background that includes research, exploration and of Alaska Anchorage and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology and Film
Science and Master of Education degrees from Louisiana State University.
production of uranium, gold, conventional oil and gas and unconventional Studies from Dartmouth College. W/D
resources, both oil sands and source shale plays. He has worked for Marathon DR. HOWARD L. MCKINZIE is a petroleum consultant from Sugar
Oil, Western Oil Sands, Cambridge Mineral Resources, Newmont Mining, Land, Texas. His prior industry experience includes 21 years with Texaco, Inc.
MR. HECTOR C. MORENO was a Senior Instructor with
Santa Fe Pacific Gold, Blazer Oil and Gas, Exxon, US Steel and New Mexico Halliburton Baroid Fluid Services. As a Chemical Engineer he has been
and Getty Oil Company in numerous areas of production and completions
Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Generally, his focus has been applied involved in the manufacturing, distribution and product application of drilling
engineering. Specific specialties include sand control, downhole oil/water
exploration, but his primary disciplines have been previously considered at fluids. After being a supervisor of Schlumberger Mud Logging operations in
separation, compact surface oil/water separation, artificial lift with progressive
times as a sedimentologist, structural geologist or researcher. He has served as Southern Argentina, he worked as a Core Analyst and built with Core
cavity pumps, formation damage, water shutoff, drag reduction techniques for
the Director, Chief Geologist and President of companies. His entrepreneurial Laboratories International -and using CoreLAB equipment- the first complete
fluid flow, and well stimulation by acidizing and fracturing. He also worked in
spirit is still active and he is currently involved in several ventures primarily Core Analysis facility in Latin America to serve most of the area from the city of
the area of surface well logging, and was one of the co-developers of QGM
focused on the development of oil sand resources. He has a BS and MS from Bogot, Colombia. He developed better analytical techniques for precious and
(Qualitative Gas Measurement) and QFT (Qualitative Fluorescence Technique).
West Texas State University and a PhD from the University of Texas at El Paso. semiprecious metals from mining samples with the University of Buenos Aires
Prior to joining Getty, he was employed by GTE Labs in Waltham,
INT in a joint project with the Latin American branch of Falconbridge. He worked as
Massachusetts, where he worked primarily in the areas of catalyst development
a fluids engineer in SE Asia, Europe, and Latin America before becoming
DR. MARK A. MCCAFFREY received his BA (1985) from Harvard research and developing photo-catalytic techniques. He was the Chairman of
engaged in the trade of nonmetallic minerals and supplier of imported
University, magna cum laude with highest honors in geological sciences, and the Completion Engineering Association in 1991-1992, after being Vice
commodities such as barite and bentonite for distinguished operators and
his PhD (1990) in chemical oceanography (in the area of organic geochemistry) Chairman in 1989-1990. He was a member of the research team that received
fluids companies in Texas and Louisiana. He received his BS degree in
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology/ Woods Hole Oceanographic the Special Meritorious Award for Engineering Innovation from Petroleum
chemical engineering at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. W/D
Institution Joint Program. Mark spent 10 years at Chevron and Arco as a Engineer International (1999). He was also a member of another team that
petroleum geochemist, then founded OilTracers LLC, a firm specializing in received the Hearst Newspapers Energy Award for Technology in 1998. He has MR. JAMES D. MORSE is an applied structural geologist and
applications of petroleum geochemistry. After 10 years, OilTracers was acquired twice received Texaco's Corporate Technology Innovation Award and holds President of Computational Geology, Inc. (CG). After studying structural
by Weatherford. Mark is a California Registered Geologist (License #5903), a numerous patents in several of the above areas. He held a post-doctoral geology and rock mechanics at Texas A&M University, Morse worked for
Texas Professional Geoscientist (Geology, License #350), and an AAPG appointment in Chemistry at Brown University, and subsequently taught Amoco, gaining valuable experience mapping the complex structures of the
Certified Petroleum Geologist (Certificate #5339). He is author of numerous engineering several more years at Brown. He received a BS degree in Chemistry Idaho-Wyoming-Utah Thrust Belt. Seismic quality in thrust belts is often fair or
articles on the application of geochemistry to petroleum exploration, reservoir and Mathematics from Central Oklahoma University, and a PhD in Physical poor, making the use of dip data and modern methods of structural geology
management, oil biodegradation, and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. As Chemistry from Arizona State University. INT P&C essential in mapping. He participated in Amoco's surface geology field
an expert witness in gas fingerprinting, he has testified in multiple state and programs, which documented the dip-domain character of folds in the Thrust
DR. TIMOTHY MCMAHON is the founder and Principal
federal courts and commissions. Mark is a PetroSkills Instructor in the area of Belt, providing valuable geometric constraints on subsurface maps. By taking
Geoscientist with Cutlass Exploration, LLC, a Katy-based prospecting and
Oil and Gas Geochemistry, and has taught classes in: Bahrain, Brazil, Colombia, part in teaching Amoco Denver's structural field seminars, Morse helped other
petroleum consulting firm. He has 21 years' experience in the oil and gas
Egypt, England, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, The Netherlands, geologists apply structural principles in their mapping. After leaving Amoco, he
industry. During ten years with ConocoPhillips he worked as an exploration
Mozambique, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and the USA. Mark founded a consultancy that specialized in mapping complex structures using
geoscientist or exploration supervisor in Malaysia (offshore Sabah), Norway
was the 1995 recipient of the Pieter Schenck Award from the European modern structural methods, including SCAT dip analysis. With SCAT inventor
(Atlantic Margins) and Houston (Deepwater GOM and Global New Ventures
Association of Organic Geochemists for "outstanding work on biomarkers in C.A. Bengtson, Morse co-authored papers on the advantages of SCAT in
Exploration). Previous positions included Burlington Resources Technology
relation to paleoenvironmental studies and petroleum exploration." In 1998, mapping both subtle and complex structures. Recognizing the value of SCAT
Enhancement Team working in GOM, Wyoming, Canada, China, and Ecuador,
with project team members, Mark received the Arco Award of Excellence "for for markedly improving structure maps, Morse and a partner developed
and as a trainer and consultant with Landmark Graphics. Timothy is a self-
developing a new charge and migration model for the Brookian petroleum GEODES, a SCAT-based program for complete structural interpretation of dip
motivated geoscientist with strong technical skills and exposure to a wide
system, allowing improved charge risk assessment for prospects on the Central data. In 1991, the partners founded CG to provide subsurface mapping and
variety of geologic settings both in the US and internationally. He has extensive
North Slope of Alaska". Mark lectured in 17 countries as the 2001-2002 GEODES dip analysis services. Morse and CG have consulted for clients
experience in basin-scale play analysis, 2D and 3D interpretation and
Distinguished Lecturer for the Society of Petroleum Engineers; he was worldwide in extensional, compressional, and transpressional terrains and have
prospecting, integrated geologic mapping and volumetric/risk analysis.
Chairman of the 2002 Organic Geochemistry Gordon Conference, and 2006- mapped both simple and complexly faulted and folded structures, including
Strengths include adaptability, passion for continued learning and a strong
2007 Chairman of the Organic Geochemistry Division of the Geochemical structures below salt, where seismic is often fair or poor. CG's clients have used
work ethic. Timothy received his PhD in Geological Sciences from University
Society. He was the 2014 recipient (as coauthor) of the AAPG Energy Minerals GEODES worldwide to markedly improve subsurface structure maps of many
of Texas at Austin, his MS in Geology from New Mexico State University, and
Division President's Certificate for Excellence in Oral Presentation, and was the important fields, including October (Gulf of Suez) and Thunderhorse (Gulf of
his BA in Geology from Rutgers University. G
2015 recipient (as coauthor) of the AAPG Bernold M. "Bruno" Hanson DEG Mexico), both of which are subsalt giants. Morse earned his BA from the
Excellence of Presentation award. G MR. JEFFREY S. MCMULLAN has over 30 years of broad career University of Vermont and MS from Texas A & M, both in Geology. G
growth in the upstream oil and gas business including engineering assignments
MR. DAVE MCGEE has worked in many of the world’s shelf and in drilling, well completions and production as well as operations supervisory, MR. LARRY R. MOYER has over 30 years' experience in all facets of
deepwater plays for 32 years on projects including exploration through the exploration, land and production phases of the oil and gas industry. He has
management and executive positions. He has also worked in employee
development. He is experienced in all phases of clastic plays life cycles extensive experience developing integrated geological, geophysical and
selection, training and development for technical, administrative and operations
resulting in a rounded perspective that can come to bear on any project. A engineering interpretations for use in exploration, field development and
personnel and is experienced in building highly successful organizations from
majority of his experience is in deep water depositional systems, exploration producing property evaluation, including geological and geophysical field and
the ground up. Jeff received a BS in Petroleum Engineering from Louisiana
and development. He has worked on most of the major deepwater basins well-site supervision. He also has experience with coal, oil shale and hydrology
State University. P&C
around the globe. He has recently been working on conventional and projects. He has experience with all aspects of managing operated and non-
unconventional plays in the Neuquén, Arkoma, Permian, North Sea, and West MR. STEVE METCALF has worked in the petroleum industry for operated oil and gas properties with emphasis in accounting, Joint Operating
African basins as a seismic stratigrapher and regional geologist. Mr. McGee is approximately 40 years in both service and operating companies in Texas and Agreements, oil and gas sales contracts/marketing, AFE's, revenue audits, gas
experienced in the application of technology to problems for maximum benefit Oklahoma. Within his career, he held various research and engineering balancing audits, permitting, and filing of regulatory reports. He has
including: 1) seismic stratigraphy; 2) Landmark, Stratimagic, GeoProbe, positions, including 11 years in Acid Research. With Baker Hughes, he held the successfully sold prospects to both industry and non-industry partners to fund

Discipline icon legend on page 60

Our Instructors 67
drilling wells and producing property acquisitions. He received a BA in years with Amoco as a geophysicist, economist, and risk and portfolio analyst. 2013. He was International Director for the NACE Foundation from 2005 to
accounting from Western State College, and a MS in Geology from University He has a BS in geology and an MS in geophysics from Michigan State 2013. P&C
of Colorado. G University, and an MBA from Rice University. PB
DR. DAVID PELTON has been a professional communicator for over
DR. DAVID R. MUERDTER is a geophysical consultant specializing MR. MIKE NOEL-SMITH is an experienced, energetic and highly 35 years and has performed for and spoken to audiences in the United States,
in seismic modeling, illumination studies, and the conversion of seismic time adaptable management professional with a proven track record of success Central and Western Europe, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, The Ukraine, Africa,
to depth. He is president of LuminTerra LLC in Seattle, Washington. He began within corporate, military, B2B environments and international sports teams. He The Middle East, and Southeast Asia. He has taught at major colleges and
his petroleum career with Amoco in New Orleans in 1982 where he processed has strong leadership skills with experience in driving a business forward, universities and has been an active seminar/workshop facilitator for petroleum
seismic data, developed and mapped prospects, and became a specialist in managing risk and diverse teams worldwide. He is results oriented and focused and non-petroleum businesses in California, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana,
VSPs and seismic modeling. In 1988 he joined Sierra Geophysics in Seattle as on delivering full life cycle projects particularly in the management skills of Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia and in Canada,
geophysical specialist focusing on consulting, demonstrating, and training in Leadership, Team Development, Coaching, Analysis, Evaluation, Assessment England, Holland, Ireland, Wales, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Benin,
the use of geophysical and geological software. He became Regional Training and Training. He is an excellent communicator who is able to build relationships Nigeria, The United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, and Singapore. Today he is a
Advisor in the Sierra Singapore Office in 1991. In 1994, he launched his own at all levels both internally and externally, nationally and internationally. Over member of numerous training institutes and societies and enjoys a national and
consulting business, which later led to employment as a Research Geophysicist the past 10 years, Mike has worked in the Gulf Region of the Middle East, living international reputation as a communications consultant, lecturer, trainer, and
with Diamond (later Emerald) Geoscience Research Corporation. He innovated for 5 of those in the United Arab Emirates where he designed a leadership coach. He received degrees from Cornell University, The New England
workflows to raytrace complex salt structures to determine seismic distortion assessment center, recruited and trained 70 staff members before implementing Conservatory of Music and the University of Cincinnati. PPD
and subsalt illumination. He continues to teach and consult worldwide and has a process which ultimately assessed over 12,000 government officials, military
MR. ANDREW PEPPER is Director of This is Petroleum Systems
worked on numerous equity studies. He has authored or co-authored numerous officials and civilian companies. PPD
LLC - "t!Ps" - a consulting service that conducts studies, research into new
professional publications and co-taught a Seismic Exploration class at
University of Washington. He is a member of SEG and AAPG and early in his
MR. RONNIE NORVELL was Director of Instructional Design and workflows and tools, and training in the field of Petroleum Systems Analysis.
Quality at PetroSkills 2009-2012. Prior to joining PetroSkills, Ronnie served as The scope is both conventional and unconventional and global - but with
career he spent three years in Malaysia as a teacher and geologist in the U.S.
a Sr. Consultant and had frequent appointments as Director of Continuing current focus on the Gulf of Mexico and Permian Basins. He has held functional
Peace Corps. He received a PhD in Geological Oceanography from the
Excellence with the Saudi Aramco E&P Continuing Excellence Department. roles including responsibility for internal training at BP, Hess and BHP Billiton
University of Rhode Island. GP
Prior to joining Saudi Aramco in 1998, Ronnie Norvell was the President and since 2000. Prior to forming t!Ps, from 2012-2015 he was VP of Geoscience
MR. DAVID PATRICK MURPHY retired from Shell Exploration Managing Partner of Management Paradigms, a U.S. based consulting firm and VP of Unconventional Exploration at BHP Billiton. At Hess, from 2003-
and Production after almost 35 years of engineering and operational experience, specializing in management and leadership development. Over the past forty 2012, Andy was Chief Geologist and Director of New Ventures (Conventional
with emphasis on petrophysical engineering and technical learning. For over years he has provided senior management consulting to a large spectrum of and Unconventional). At BP, in Houston, he led the Petroleum Systems Network
16 years he was formation evaluation lecturer in the University of Houston U.S. and foreign industries, managed the training functions of two major from 2000-2003, after working in the team that positioned and delivered BP's
Petroleum Engineering Graduate Program. He received the Outstanding corporations, and served as a college administrator and instructor. Ronnie has exploration dominance of the sub-salt of the deep water Gulf of Mexico. His
Lecturer award from the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering served on the Board of Directors of three international organizations including early career as an international exploration geologist was punctuated by a
twice. He is widely published including multiple articles in World Oil and the American Society for Training and Development and PetroSkills. He has rotation into the Sunbury Research Center from 1985-1989, where Andy
contributions to Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Geological- also served on the continuing education faculty of the University of Texas at performed technical studies and conducted research in the (then developing)
Engineering Analysis, Part II (Elsevier 1996). He has been a judge for Hart's Dallas and on the adjunct faculty of Amber University's MBA program. Ronnie fields of organic geochemistry and basin modeling. He has presented many oral
E&P annual Meritorious Engineering Awards and an industry advisor for has authored numerous publications, designed and conducted a variety of papers beginning 1989, and is best known for publication of a trilogy of papers
Oilfield Review. He is a member of the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log programs targeted at enhancing management and employee productivity. He concerning petroleum generation and expulsion in 1995. These algorithms are
Analysts (SPWLA) and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). He has taught co-authored The Internal Outplacement Handbook and A Trainer's Guide to now coded into modern basin modeling packages. In 1981 Andy received a BSc
numerous SPWLA short courses. SPE committee memberships have included Performance Appraisal. His peers have recognized him on numerous 1st Class Honors in Geologic Sciences at Leeds University, UK, where he is
Education and Professionalism Committee and Measurement While Drilling occasions. The American Society for Training and Development recognized currently a Visiting Academic.
Reprint Editorial Committee. Murphy is a Licensed Professional Engineer in Ronnie in 1997 for his contributions to the profession by awarding him with one
of their highest honors, the "Torch" award. The Dallas Chapter of ASTD MR. ROBERTO PEVERARO is a petroleum geoscience and
Petroleum Engineering. He received a BS degree in Petroleum Engineering
recognized him as the "Professional of the Year" in 1989 and his alma mater; engineering consultant with over 38 years' experience in the oil industry,
from the University of Oklahoma. PP RES
Texas A&M University at Commerce, selected him as a "Distinguished Alumni" including senior technical management positions in formation evaluation, rock
MR. MANICKAVASAKAN (MANICKAM) S. NADAR is in 1990. PPD physics and borehole geophysics. Before founding Petrocomp Consulting,
a consultant Principal Petroleum engineer with 27 years of experience in the Ltd., he worked at Schlumberger and BNOC BRITOIL BP, where he held various
upstream oil and gas industry and 6 years in petrochemical process operations. DR. PHIL NOTZ is an offshore industry consultant for flow assurance senior level executive positions. In addition to having extensive technical
With a strong background in Production Technology, Well Operations, Well issues. He worked as a chemical engineer for DuPont from 1968 to 1971, a authorship and publications, he is a senior member in IEEE, SEG, SPE, and
Completions & Workovers, Artificial Lift, Asset Modeling and Optimization, he research scientist and reservoir engineer for Getty Oil Company/Texaco/ SPWLA, a Recipient of SPWLA 2002 Distinguished Technical Achievement
has specialized in artificial lift technologies, well and system designs, analysis, Chevron from 1978 to 2002. He worked for offshore engineering and Award for Significant Technical Contributions in Formation Evaluation, and a
trouble-shooting, reliability improvement and production enhancement. He has construction firms, Doris Inc. (2002-2004) and Technip USA (2004-2008) as Founder member of European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists and
made significant contribution in the artificial lift selection, design, operation, flow assurance manager. While at Getty/Texaco, Dr. Notz taught courses in Engineers. He received both graduate and postgraduate degrees in Engineering
surveillance and optimization of large volume gas lifted and ESP wells for many surfactant polymer flooding, reservoir engineering, carbon dioxide flooding, Physics, and Applied Physics and Geophysics from Technical University
operators. Mr. Nadar has worked for major international operating companies reservoir fluid properties and flow assurance to operations in the US, UK, Darmstadt, Germany. PP
and handled various responsibilities in production engineering operations and Ecuador and Saudi Arabia. He was Texaco's representative on the GPA research
artificial lift systems, onshore and offshore. In the service sector, he has committee, the Colorado School of Mines Gas Hydrates Consortium and the DR. JOHN D. PIGOTT is an internationally recognized energy expert
DeepStar Flow Assurance Committee. Dr. Notz has a BS from the University of with more than 25 years' experience in worldwide hydrocarbon exploration-
delivered many challenging well and network modeling and optimization
Wisconsin in Chemistry (Chemical Engineering minor) and a PhD from exploitation. He has been an Advisor to Foreign Energy Ministries, an
projects that helped clients achieve substantial increase in production,
Michigan State University in Analytical Chemistry. P&C Exploration Consultation for Oil Companies Worldwide, and a University
operation efficiency and cost savings. Recently he has helped companies to
Professor. He has worked in many different areas including concession design,
implement real-time surveillance and optimization systems that allows MR. WILLIAM K. OTT is an independent petroleum consultant and corporate management evaluation and reorganization, regulator advisement and
operators use collaborative work environments for achieving their KPIs. A is the founder of Well Completion Technology, an international engineering technical advisement. He integrated geological and geophysical data into
university topper and gold medalist, Mr. Nadar holds a BSc degree in Chemistry consulting and petroleum industry training firm established in 1986. Before predictive, comprehensive basin models for hydrocarbon exploration on 5
from Madurai University, India and a degree in Chemical Engineering from consulting and teaching, he was division engineer for Halliburton's Far East continents. He designed and implemented geologically targeted 2D-3D seismic
Institution of Engineers (India). With several SPE papers and text book region based in Singapore and a research field coordinator for Halliburton in acquisition, processing, and interpretation for field development in South East
publications to his credit, he has conducted many workshops, training Oklahoma. He works regularly with and on wells requiring various well Asia, North Sea, Central America, and the Gulf Coast. He received a BS in
seminars and short courses for SPE and other organizations. P&C completions techniques, principally in East Asia. He has conducted technical Geology, a BA in Zoology (cum laude) and an MA in Geology from The
DR. JOHN ROBERT (BOB) NICHOL is President of Petrobob petroleum industry courses worldwide and written numerous technical papers University of Texas and a PhD in Geology from Northwestern University.
Consulting Limited, located in Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada. He has been relating to well completion and workover operations. He is a registered G GP
an instructor with PetroSkills since 2011. Bob has been a consultant to the professional engineer in Texas, and a 25-year member of SPE. He received a
Government of Alberta, Department of Energy and a sessional lecturer for B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Missouri. P&C MR. WILLIAM (BILL) E. POWELL is an oil and gas professional
with over 30 years of experience in field operations, technical sales, marketing,
several courses in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Alberta at DR. CARLOS PALACIOS is a National Association of Engineers and management with autonomous operations and profit and loss
Edmonton. He has over 35 years' experience in a broad range of Petroleum (NACE) certified Chemical Treatment Corrosion Specialist and Internal responsibility. Prior to entering the oil and gas industry with Schlumberger he
Engineering roles including field operations, reservoir engineering and Corrosion Specialist, and is the author of numerous technical publications on served as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. Bill holds BS and
engineering research. Bob received a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering and the subject of corrosion. He has a BS, an MSc, and a PhD in Mechanical MS degrees in Physics. He is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers,
an MEng degree in Mineral Engineering, both from the University of Alberta. In Engineering, and Post-Doctoral studies in Erosion/Corrosion from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Society of Exploration
November 2017 he received his PhD in Petroleum Engineering from his alma University of Tulsa. His 30 years of experience in the oil and gas industry have Geophysicists, and European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers. Over
mater. P&C resulted in his becoming a subject matter expert on internal corrosion, erosion, the course of his career, Bill has taught short courses and seminars on a variety
MR. TIM NIEMAN is President of Decision Applications, Inc., a San chemical treatment, material selection, water treatment, oil treatment, and of technical topics. Bill served as Vice President Marketing for S.A. Holditch &
Francisco area based decision analysis consulting firm. His professional corrosion monitoring in fields in Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Associates Inc., a well-known petroleum consultancy where he played a key
experience includes 20 years in leading and consulting projects of various sizes Argentina, Venezuela, Kuwait, and the US. Dr. Palacios has been an instructor role in building the brand equity that was the basis of their successful
and scopes involving the application of decision and risk analysis for about 20 years and has extensive experience in leading seminars, and acquisition and integration into Schlumberger. His most recent assignment with
methodologies in the energy and environmental sectors, and 10 years as a developing and teaching industry courses in: Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Turkey, Schlumberger was as North America Business Development Manager for Data
practicing petroleum geophysicist. His background includes work in decision USA, Mexico, Colombia, Spain, UAE, Vietnam, Venezuela, and India. He has & Consulting Services where he maintained close relationships with numerous
analysis, risk analysis, business modeling, financial forecasting, strategic served as a professor for both undergraduate and graduate courses at the major and independent oil and gas companies. Bill currently performs the role
planning, R&D portfolio management, software development, geology, and University of Tulsa and various universities in South America. Dr. Palacios of PetroSkills Integrated Disciplines Manager for Unconventional Resources.
geophysics. Mr. Nieman was formerly Senior Decision Analyst for Geomatrix holds a US. Patent # 7,942,200 for a Downhole Chemical Dispersion Device. INT
Consultants, an Oakland based geological and environmental consulting firm. He leads technical committees in NACE International to develop Standard
Prior to that, he was Director of Operations for Lumina Decision Systems, a Practices. He is a recipient of the NACE Distinguished Service Award in March
decision analysis consulting and software firm. And prior to that, he spent 15

Discipline icon legend on page 60

68 Our Instructors
DR. MARTIN RAYSON graduated in Applied Sciences in 1984 Chairman of an API task group involved with API RP 13C, member of API task engineering profession. He has taught petroleum engineering courses at, King
before embarking on an MSc in Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the groups addressing issues with drilling fluids and hydraulics, and on the AADE Saud University, and Cairo University. He was offered a visiting professor at the
University of Newcastle. After completing his MSc in 1985, he worked as a Conference planning committee. He was discharged from the U.S. Army in Petroleum Engineering Department, the University of New South Wales at
Geophysicist in the UK. With a down turn in the exploration business, Martin 1946, received a BS and a MS in Physics from Clemson University, and a PhD Australia. Dr. Sayyouh has been involved in many consulting projects, and has
headed back to the University of Newcastle in 1986 to read a PhD in Surveying in Engineering Physics from N.C. State University. W/D supervised tens of PhD and MSc students and has published more than 120
Sciences and received his first exposure to Geomatics. His thesis was entitled technical papers at international conferences and bulletins. His biography
“Network Design Criteria for Monitoring Plate Tectonic Activity,” which was
DR. DEVLYN ROBSON is a Geomorphologist with 9 years of appeared in the 16th Edition 1999, of the Who's Who in the World. He has a
research experience in GIS, spatial modelling and spatial statistics. She
completed in 1989. After graduation, Martin continued his career in the BSc and a MSc in Petroleum Engineering with a PhD from Penn State in
currently works for Exprodat, providing GIS-based software training for the
hydrocarbon exploration sector. This commenced with Halliburton Geophysical Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering as well as a Post Doctorate Fellowship
petroleum industry. Devlyn specializes in the use of spatial statistics for the
Services where he worked as Area Geophysicist with responsibility for all from West Virginia. INT RES
prediction and classification of geohazards using GI. A qualified TAP trainer,
aspects of navigation and positioning of both Land and Marine Seismic
Surveys. Later, Martin moved into software research and development, where
Devlyn has trained Geoscientists, Geologists and Environmental Scientists in DR. DONALD (DON) D. SCHMIDT was directly involved with
the petroleum industry and has a BSc (Hons) degree in Geography, a MSc in drilling fluids research and supervised research in all aspects of drilling
he contributed to the design and testing of applications related to marine
Geography (GIS and Geomorphology) and a PhD in Geography (GIS and technology during his 30-year career working for Amoco Production Company
seismic surveying. This work lead to implementing the software on many
Geomorphology) from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. DATA and Dowell, as well as the Dow Chemical Company. He prepared and presented
seismic survey operations globally from the Americas to Far East Asia. After
training courses in drilling fluids technology while at Amoco and also gave
completing many tours of duty, he joined Shell as their geodetic focal point. MR. GERRY H. ROSS has more than 39 years' formation evaluation courses on various management topics. Since retirement, Don has consulted
This involved working in an integrated exploration department ensuring the and rock based Petrophysics experience. He has participated in global oil and
in the Drilling and Construction industries on drilling fluid technology. He is a
positional and data integrity of all seismic and drilling operations. In 2012 gas operations from exploration through production. From 2002 until 2016,
former Chairman of API Committee 13 on Drilling Fluids specifications and test
Martin moved from Shell to Petronas to fulfill a similar role within their while at PetroSkills, he was an executive VP with responsibility for Alliance
methods. His industry awards include the American Petroleum Institute Citation
Geophysical Operations team. He managed to remain with Petronas until Q1 membership growth and engagement. He is course director for Basic Petroleum
for Service Award and recognition as co-author of the best paper in Drilling
2017 before joining Geomatic Solutions as their CEO. DATA Technology and the online ePetro industry overview program. While with Core
Engineering in 1995. He received a BS from Wabash College and a PhD in
Lab, he provided training to both majors and independents on a worldwide
DR. CLIFF REDUS is an independent petroleum engineering Physical and Inorganic Chemistry from Oregon State University. W/D
basis. During this time, he was the instructor and co-coordinator of an extensive
consultant who specializes in production system optimization and subsea flow
assurance. Prior to starting his consulting business, he was an Associate
internal Petrophysics applications program. This multi-year program focused MR. RICHARD H. SCHROEDER is founder and President of RHS
Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Tulsa. He has 35 years on the applications of rock and fluid data in log analysis, formation evaluation, Management, specializing in technical and management consulting for the
of petroleum industry experience, both in production research and field reservoir engineering and production. He also worked with major research petroleum industry. He has more than 45 years of experience in engineering,
operations in the area of multiphase flow. His primary areas of interest are centers and universities globally to provide reservoir conditions instrumentation international operations, management and teaching experience in all phases of
multiphase flow in well bores, flow lines and production equipment, multiphase for reservoir engineering, reservoir description, and formation damage exploration, production, research and corporate development. He specializes in
meters and pumps, computational fluid mechanics, advance separation research. His international oil and gas knowledge was developed through reservoir management, production optimization, drilling, operations,
technology and paraffin and hydrate deposition in production flow lines and extended assignments in South America, Asia, the North Sea and the US. He is completion and workover capabilities, personnel development, communications
wells. He was in a supervisory capacity in production related industrial research a member of the SPE, SPWLA, PESGB, SEAPEX and a past president of the and multi-discipline team building. His professional experience includes: 9
for the last 10 years with Texaco's Upstream Technology Department in Houston Aberdeen Chapter of the SPWLA. He received a BSc in Geology from Bedford years in engineering, research and supervision with Exxon; 8 years as Sr Vice
Texas, with the last four years as Director of Texaco's live oil multiphase flows College, London University. INT President with May Petroleum, an independent drilling fund company; 8 years
loop in Humble Texas. At Tulsa University, he was actively engaged in teaching, as President of Rosewood Resources, a privately-owned international integrated
MS. DEBORAH RYAN is a Senior Reservoir Engineer. She has oil company; and 7 years as President/Vice Chairman/Consultant of Harken
research in multiphase flow, and as executive director of Tulsa University Fluid thirteen years of experience in oil and gas engineering, with experience in both
Flow Projects. He received a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M Energy Corp., an international exploration company. He has authored articles
conventional and unconventional. Deborah has an excellent working
University in Kingsville, Texas, an MS and PhD, from the University of Houston, and manuals on various phases of petroleum engineering and personnel
knowledge of Petrel/Eclipse, CMG, Aries, Petroleum Experts, IHS Harmony,
both in Mechanical Engineering. P&C management. He is a member of API, SPE, IPAA, and TIPRO, is a Tau Beta Pi
PVTSim, and Microsoft Office Suite. Ms. Ryan has a Masters in Petroleum
Fellow, and has various outstanding lecturer awards. He received a BS in
MR. GEORGE REYNOLDS is a Safety Training Specialist with more Engineering and a Bachelors in Chemical Engineering (with Honors), both from
Engineering Science and an MS in Petroleum Engineering from the University
than 17 years of experience in talent management, training and organizational Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia. RES
of Texas at Austin. INT RES P&C
development. He has delivered training and professional development courses MR. STEVE SADOSKAS is an oil and gas professional with over MR. JOHN SCHUYLER, CAM, CCE, CMA, CMC, CPIM, PMP and
to varying client types throughout his career, and he has a proven track record 35 years of experience in engineering, technical management, business
in achieving results and positively impacting business issues. Mr. Reynolds is PE, is a decision analyst, evaluation engineer, and investor. He founded his
development and operations management. Steve holds a BSEE from Rensselaer
a facilitator for LJB University, which is authorized by the International consulting practice, Decision Precision, in 1988. He has over 37 years of
Polytechnic Institute and is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Association for Continuing Education and Training to provide continuing experience in analysis, consulting, training and management, primarily in the
His career includes tours with Schlumberger, The Expro Group, Pinnacle
education credits for staff and clients. Mr. Reynolds has a master’s degree in energy industry. His focus has been in feasibility analysis, appraisals, corporate
Technologies, Baker Hughes, and Trican Well Services. During his
Human Relations from the University of Oklahoma, and a bachelor’s degree in planning, and evaluation software. He has presented over 290 courses in 34
Schlumberger career, Steve gained significant experience in marketing,
Business Management from McKendree University. He also has a DACUM countries since 1989. He was vice president and petroleum engineer with
delivery, and technical support for wireline services. At the Expro Group, he
Certification from the Ohio State University and a Mediation Certification from Security Pacific National Bank, planning and evaluation analyst at Cities Service
became versed in offshore well testing, permanent monitoring, and subsea
Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. He has instructor Oil Co., manager of business systems for Cities Service's Petrochemicals
completions intervention. While with Baker Hughes, Steve served as General
certifications from DDI, Achieve Global, and ELI. Mr. Reynolds also has 21 Division, and senior management consultant with a national accounting firm.
Manager of VSFusion, a Baker Hughes/ CGG joint venture for hydraulic fracture
years of distinguished military service. HSE He is a member of eight professional organizations and is an author and
monitoring, using microseismic and borehole seismic services. With
speaker on modern analysis practices. He is the revision author of Decision
DR. GRANT ROBERTSON is a petroleum engineering consultant VSFusion, he oversaw worldwide operations, R&D, sales, and data processing
Analysis for Petroleum Exploration, 2nd Ed., author of Risk and Decision
in Houston, Texas. He has worked in the oil and gas industry since 1974 for functions. Trican Well Services added valuable experience in hydraulic
Analysis in Projects, 2nd Ed., and has written over 40 articles, papers and
Chevron, British Petroleum, Ryder Scott and Anadarko in California, Saudi fracturing services and in new technology ventures. Over his career, Steve has
handbook chapters. He received BS and MS degrees in mineral-engineering
Arabia and Texas. He has held various high-level technical and management conducted extensive training with service providers and operators, from small
physics from the Colorado School of Mines and an MBA from the University of
positions. His work has been very diversified covering oil and gas reservoirs, independents to majors and national oil companies. Steve has experience with
Colorado. His website is www.maxvalue.com. PB
onshore and offshore properties, primary, secondary and tertiary operations, most aspects of oil and gas operations, including conventional and
and reservoir exploration and development projects. His responsibilities have unconventional, domestic and international, land and offshore. INT PP MR. JOHN C. SCRUTON-WILSON is a founding faculty
been in reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation, but he has also done member of the BP Financial University responsible for developing and
DR. KENT SAUGIER is a hands-on scientific, technology and delivering finance and economic evaluation training throughout the BP
production engineering and exploratory well testing. He has significant business professional with 25 years' experience in upstream oil and gas,
experience in preparing and conducting schools and workshops and has been organization. His leadership in negotiation was displayed by developing a
offshore technology, economics, economic modeling, international petroleum consensus position with ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips in agreements for the
an SPE Short Course instructor since 2000. He has published technical papers contracts, project management, software applications and technology including
in refereed journals and has written many internal publications. He has been an Alaska Gas Pipeline as well as shaping $20 billion of Federal Loan guarantees
design, licensing and commercialization. He has domestic and international and tax benefits for the pipeline. He is experienced in project finance having
active member of SPE since 1975 and has held numerous positions within experience, excellent presentation skills and strong customer awareness. He
different SPE organizations. He received a B.S. degree in Engineering Science completed agreements with the International Finance Corporation to finance a
received both a B.A. and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of California. chemical plant expansion in Brazil and with Citibank to provide loans for
and a M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Toronto. He INT PB
also received a Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from the California gasoline retailers. He has established himself as a leader in the oil and gas
Institute of Technology. RES MR. KENNETH J. SAVETH is a Senior Applications Engineer with industry by holding various management/leadership positions during his
28 years of experience and expertise in PC pumping systems design, career. He has an MA in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary, an MS in
DR. LEON H. ROBINSON had a 39-year career at Exxon and made installation and support. He has performed root cause failure analysis on these Agricultural Economics (major in Marketing) from Cornell University and an
contributions in many technology areas such as mud cleaners, explosive MBA in Finance and International Studies from the University of Chicago.
pumping systems and provided reports and recommendations based on his
drilling, drilling data telemetry, subsurface rock mechanics, and drilling and
findings. He has many years of experience training both internal and external PB
hydraulic optimization techniques, tertiary oil recovery, on-site drilling
personnel. Kenneth has a Bachelor of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering DR. JOHN SEIDLE is a Vice President and Senior Reservoir Engineer
workshops, world-wide drilling fluid seminars and rig site consultation.
Technology from Oklahoma State University. P&C with MHA Petroleum Consultants, a Denver based petroleum consulting firm.
Throughout his last 25 years with Exxon, he delivered annual lectures at in-
house Drilling Engineering Schools on various topics. Since retiring from DR. HELMY SAYYOUH is the professor of Petroleum Reservoir He has more than 30 years' experience in unconventional gas reservoirs,
Exxon Production Research in 1992, Dr. Robinson has remained active working Engineering at Cairo University, Egypt. He was the chairman of the Petroleum primarily coalbed methane. His coalbed methane experience includes
with the SPE, API, AADE, IADC, and consulting on drilling activities. He has Engineering Department, and an active member in the Faculty Council at Cairo exploration, development, production optimization, and enhanced recovery
received 34 US patents, 23 International patents, the 1981 IADC Special University, the Research Center Council and the Editorial Board of the Journal projects in the USA, Canada, Australia, India, Poland, South Africa, Colombia,
Recognition Award, the 1986 SPE Drilling Engineering Award, several Exxon of the Engineering Sciences at King Saud University (Elsevier publications). Turkey, United Kingdom, Mexico, China, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. He has
lecturer awards, the 1999 AADE Meritorious Service Award, the 2004 SPE Since 1986, he has been a Consultant Engineer in the areas of petroleum also performed reservoir engineering studies and reserve evaluations for gas
Legion of Honor Award, the 2006 API Service Award, in 2006 was inducted into reservoir engineering, enhanced oil recovery, and reservoir simulation. In 1998, shales and conventional gas and oil projects throughout the USA. He has taught
the AADE Hall of Fame, in Sept. 2008, one of the first five recognized by SPE 2001 and 2006 he was awarded the distinguished prize of post-graduate an industry coalbed methane course for over a decade. He has co-authored 21
as a Drilling Legend. Currently, he is a consultant, Chairman of the IADC studies supervision from the CAPCU-Cairo University. In 1998 and 2008 he technical papers, a monograph chapter and holds 6 patents. He is a Registered
Technical Publications Committee writing the encyclopedia of drilling, was awarded an appreciation certificate for the significant contributions to the Professional Engineer in Colorado, Oklahoma, and Wyoming and a member of

Discipline icon legend on page 60

Our Instructors 69
SPE, SPEE, and CIM. He received a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the seal and flow barrier rock types. From 1989 to 1990 he was a consultant for University of Georgia and a PhD from the University of South Carolina.
University of Colorado. RES Green Hill Petroleum, Inc., in East Texas, and previously was a geologist with G GP
Shell Oil, Inc., in South Texas. While working on his PhD in Geology and
DR. SUBHASH N. SHAH is the Stephenson Chair Professor and MR. DAVID TENHOOR, CPIM, has been consulting and teaching
Geophysics at Rice University, he spent 18 months in the Elf Acquitaine Paris
Director of the Well Construction Technology Center at the Mewbourne School APICS (The Association for Operations Management) CPIM certification
of Petroleum and Geological Engineering at the University of Oklahoma in office working various sequence stratigraphy projects focusing in the North
courses since 2005. He has taught in many different industries from chemical
Norman. He has a distinguished career in the oil and gas industry for over 35 Sea. He received a BS and an MS in Geology from Texas A&M and a PhD in
processing to discrete manufacturing. Companies include BASF, National
years, 18 years in industry predominantly with Halliburton Energy Services and Geology and Geophysics from Rice University. G PP
Oilwell Varco, Halliburton, ExxonMobil Chemical and Cameron. David brings
17 years in academia. He enjoys teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels DR. HAMIDREZA (MEHRDAD) SOLTANZADEH is a a well-rounded package of industry experience to PetroSkills/JMC. He has held
and supervises students' research leading to masters and doctoral degrees in Geomechanics Specialist at Canadian Discovery Ltd providing consulting positions in Inventory Control, Manufacturing Management, Strategic Sourcing
petroleum engineering (PE). He directs a well-established center to conduct PE services for geomechanical characterization, well planning, production and Transportation/Distribution Management. He also has experience in
research and collaborates with several industry partners. He travels world-wide improvement, and reservoir containment. Prior to joining CDL, he worked with Finance and Product Development. David received his undergraduate degree in
to deliver lectures and to provide consulting services to the O&G industry. He Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures where he conducted several Geology from Hope College in Holland, Michigan and an MBA in Supply Chain
has authored over 250 technical papers in more than 20 international journals. geomechanical characterization and thermo-poro-mechanical studies for Management from Michigan State University. He is a member of the Houston
His areas of expertise include onshore/offshore drilling, stimulation, well caprock integrity assessment for different SAGD, CO2-EOR, and CCS projects.
completions, and the emerging technologies of horizontal wells and coiled Chapter of APICS and served two terms on the Board of Directors as Treasurer.
Hamidreza has an extensive experience in characterization of geomechanical SC
tubing. He is a Chairman of ISO 13503 Procedure for Friction Pressure behavior of reservoirs and caprocks in response to pressure and temperature
Measurements, and serves on the Editorial Boards of SPE since 1984, change as this was the main focus of his research during his PhD program and DR. ESTES C. (E.C.) THOMAS served Shell Oil Company in
Petroleum Science since 2006 and International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal his subsequent work at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Prior to that, various assignments for 32 years and retired as a Petrophysical Engineering
Technology since 2006. He has been well-recognized by his peers and is a he practiced application of rock and soil mechanics in different areas of Advisor. He formed Bayou Petrophysics in 1999 and currently consults part-
recipient of numerous industry and academic awards. He has a BS from the MS geotechnical engineering for about 7 years in various consulting and time and provides technical training in shaly sand analysis and other areas of
University of Baroda as well as an MS and PhD from the University of New operational companies and research institutes. Hamidreza has taught several Petrophysics, and serves the SPE and SPWLA as a technical editor in various
Mexico, all in Chemical Engineering. He is a registered licensed professional geomechanics-related and reservoir engineering courses at different assignments. His professional career interests and publications have spanned
engineer. W/D P&C universities including University of Saskatchewan. He is a registered many topics including development of revolutionary core analysis methods for
MR. ROD SIDLE has worked in the upstream petroleum industry for 40 professional engineer with APEGA and has co-authored several technical handling and measuring the petrophysical properties of unconsolidated sands;
years including 35 years before retiring from Shell Oil/Royal Dutch Shell. He papers and reports. G pioneering the use of SEM techniques to study the pore structure and pore wall
has also worked for both large (Oxy) and smaller (Sheridan Production) DR. CARL H. SONDERGELD is Professor and Curtis Mewbourne geometry and physical chemistry of shaly sands; empirical verification of the
independent producers. His position as Reserves Manager/Director in each of Chair, Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering at the Waxman-Smits model for interpretation of resistivity behavior in homogeneous
these companies developed the knowledge he draws from to instruct on University of Oklahoma. He has over 12 years in the field of education and over oil-bearing shaly sands; empirical quantification of the relationship between
Reserves Estimation and Reporting. He has delivered in-house Reserves 19 years with Amoco as a Special Research Associate working in rock physics. membrane potential and cation exchange capacity in shaly sands; development
instruction courses for Shell and Oxy as well as being a course instructor/ He has developed course manuals, newsletters, web pages and two software of models to interpret wireline logs and predict performance in laminated shaly
lecturer on Reserves and Economics at Texas A&M University for two years. He packages: Rock Properties Database and Analysis System and Unified Rock sands. His most recent research interests involve methods to improve the
is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and the Society of Modeling Software. He has published over 75 papers on various subjects and performance of wireline formation sampling tools. He has received numerous
Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE). He has been a past member of the SPE he is principal or co-author on 14 patents. He received a Ph.D. in geophysics awards and has presented many keynote addresses for the SPE and SPWLA. In
Oil and Gas Reserves Committee and currently serves on the SPEE Reserves from Cornell University and both an M.A. and B.A. in geology from Queens 2004 E.C. was presented SPWLA's highest award, the Gold Medal for Technical
Definition Committee. Other society service includes as an SPE Distinguished College of the City of New York. PP Achievement. He received a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Stanford
Lecturer and on the SPEE Board of Directors. He has co-authored and presented University, performed Post Doctorate studies in Physical Chemistry at
several SPE technical papers on Reserve Estimation topics with two published DR. JOHN P. SPIVEY has over 20 years' experience in the petroleum Princeton University, and received a B.S. in Chemistry from Louisiana State
in the SPE Economics and Management Journal. He received a BS in Chemical industry, with interests in pressure transient analysis, production data analysis, University. PP
Engineering from the University of Akron. RES reservoir engineering, continuing education, and software development. From
1984 to 1990, he worked for SoftSearch, Inc. (later Dwights EnergyData) DR. JOHN (JACK) B. THOMAS has more than 45 years of
DR. ROBERT A. SKOPEC is an independent consultant for developing petroleum economics and engineering software. In 1990, he joined diverse work experiences in which he has conducted or worked on hydrocarbon
Petrophysical Applications International, Inc., specializing in formation S.A. Holditch & Associates (SAH), which was purchased by Schlumberger projects in most of the active petroleum-bearing basins of the world. He is
evaluation, coring, core analysis, rock mechanics, formation damage (SLB) in 1997. While at SAH/SLB he conducted reservoir simulation, gas recognized as an expert in reservoir characterization of conventional and
assessment, reservoir modeling, and laboratory instrument design. He has storage, and tight gas application studies and taught industry short courses in unconventional reservoirs including those in tight gas, coalbed methane, all
spent over 35 years in the industry, principally in core and log analysis in well testing and production data analysis. He actively participated in on-going types of siliclastic and carbonate reservoirs. He has presented seminars in more
various technical and managerial positions for Diamond Shamrock, Sohio, development of SABRE, SAH numerical reservoir simulator, and in research in than 26 nations on aspects of these topics. Currently he is PetroSkills
Gearhart Industries, Oryx Energy (Sun E & P), and Texaco. He has served as techniques for production data analysis for gas wells. He also designed and Petrophysics Discipline Manager and course instructor. He has authored or
President of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA) and on the Board of Directors developed PROMAT, an analytical production data analysis and forecasting co-authored two books on applied and practical petrophysics plus numerous
of the Society of Professional Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) and Logging program, and WELLTEST, an interactive pressure transient test analysis papers on the topic. His academic teaching experiences have been in the areas
Characterization Consortium (LCC). He has served as Associate Editor of the program. In 2004, he started his own reservoir engineering consulting of petrology, petrophysics, and environmental geology. While the AAPG
Log Analyst (petrophysics) and has chaired numerous technical committees for company, Phoenix Reservoir Engineering, and software development company, Geoscience director, he led a tenfold increase in titles published including
SCA, SPWLA, and API, and served as a member of the SPWLA and SCA Phoenix Reservoir Software. Since 1992, he has served as Visiting Assistant digital and book releases. He has received honors for work on the local level in
technical committees. He has been an SPE, SPWLA, and SPE/AAPG Professor or Adjunct Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University, teaching the Rocky Mountains, Canada, China, and the Middle East. He was recognized
Distinguished Lecturer, served as Executive Editor of SPE Formation Evaluation undergraduate and graduate classes in gas reservoir engineering and pressure as a Society of Petroleum Engineer's Distinguished Lecturer in 1994-95
and SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering Journals, and as an Associate transient analysis, and serving on several graduate student committees. He is traveling Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and the United States focusing on the
Editor of the AAPG Bulletin. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Petrophysics the editor of the SPE Reprint Series Vol. 52, Gas Reservoir Engineering, and importance of rock-log calibration in reservoir characterization. Professional
in the Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology at the University of Vol. 57, Pressure Transient Testing, and coauthor of SPE Textbook Series Vol. memberships include the AAPG, SPE, SPWLA, TGS, RMAG. He is past leader
Aberdeen, Scotland. He received a BS in geology and an MS in geosciences 9, Pressure Transient Testing and has published numerous papers and articles of the SEPM Clastic Diagenesis Research Group, Sigma Xi (Local), and Sigma
from Kent State University and a PhD in petrophysics, rock mechanics and in industry journals and trade publications. He received a BS Physics from Gamma Epsilon. He received BA and MS degrees from the Miami of Ohio
petroleum geology from the U of Aberdeen, Scotland. PP Abilene Christian University, a MS in Physics from the University of University and a PhD from the University of Oklahoma. PP
Washington, a PhD in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University, and
DR. GEORGE E. SLATER is an instructor/consultant with over 45 is a registered professional engineer in the state of Texas. MR. KYLE TRAVIS is a Petroleum Engineer with 32 years of
years' experience as an engineer and professor. In addition to creating software PP RES diversified experience in the oil and gas industry. He has a proven track record
systems used worldwide to integrate engineering and geological data, he has of effectively building oil and gas companies from infancy to significance. His
worked in various management positions as a reservoir engineer, and taught at MR. MARCUS (MARC) A. SUMMERS has over 30 years of experience includes managing oil and gas companies from the initial
Pennsylvania State University. He has authored a number of papers on oilfield experience and over 15 years of hands on training experience. He formulation of a business plan and establishment of goals through the
Reservoir Simulation and engineering problems, and is a 46-year member of founded and ran PetrEX International, Inc. In 1980, he began working as a execution of such. He has built and supervised a staff of experienced oil and
the Society of Professional Engineers of AIME. He received a BA in Arts and drilling engineer for Amoco for fifteen years in various locations around the gas professionals, evaluated drilling prospects, acquired producing properties,
Letters with MS and PhD degrees in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering world. His background includes operations, technical support, and drilling managed the operations of drilling and the production of oil and gas properties.
from The Pennsylvania State University. research functions. Since 1986 he has written a number of papers presented at He is experienced in all phases of petroleum engineering including economics,
SPE/IADC conferences and several articles published in Petroleum Engineer drilling, log analysis, completion, production and reservoir. He has a BS degree
MS. SHARON SMITH is a GIS professional with over 30 years' International, American Oil and Gas Reporter, etc. He received a BS in in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Oklahoma. P&C
experience in GIS and Exploration Mapping. With vast experience in GIS Petroleum Engineering from the University of Oklahoma and is a Registered
design, development and implementation, Sharon currently acts as an Professional Engineer in Oklahoma. INT W/D MR. HUGO VARGAS has more than 33 years of active experience in
Associate Trainer for Exprodat, bringing her experience into the classroom to oil fields. He provided professional technical training to engineers and
help delegates understand how to maximize their investment in GIS technology. DR. TOM J. TEMPLES is a consulting geologist and geophysicist supervisors as a Senior Technical Instructor for 5 years. He worked in office and
Sharon has great experience in data transaction, field data collection, mapping with over 30 years of experience in geology, geophysics, health and safety field positions with both service and oil companies. His experience includes
and reporting writing, with a thorough understanding of the use of GIS within relating to both the petroleum and environmental industries. He is an adjunct execution, supervision and management with well testing, down hole tools,
the upstream oil and gas sector. DATA professor at Clemson University and was formerly a Research Associate data acquisition, completions, cementing, fracturing, stimulations and
Professor at the University of South Carolina. He has extensive experience in workover in general. He has coordinated testing operations at well sites with
DR. JOHN S. SNEIDER is President of Sneider Exploration, Inc., an subsurface mapping, seismic stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, seismic authority over all service companies at rig and rig-less environments, both land
exploration/exploitation consulting service that conducts studies around the interpretation, petroleum geology, and geophysics. He is a former Vice and offshore including deep water. While coordinating completion and testing
world, but with a focus in Latin America, China, North Africa and the United President and Exploration Manager of independent oil producers where he was phases, he became familiar with electric wire line, coil tubing and slick line
States. He is also involved with industry training with more than 18 years' responsible for exploration and generation of prospects for drilling as well as operations. He has a high level of understanding of workover operations, costs
experience in Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, the North the risk assessment and budget preparation. Prior to this he was Senior and technical issues, with emphasis in testing. He has authored applications in
Sea, Switzerland, Korea, China, the Gulf Coast, Alaska, and the Permian Basin. Geotechnical Advisor to the Department of Energy and served in various Visual Basic for hydraulic calculations, risk assessment, financials and training
From 1994 to the present, he has been a partner in PetroTech Associates, capacities with Texaco. He received a B.S. from Clemson University, a MS from purposes. He is IWCF certified, received a BS in Chemistry, is fluent in English,
providing exploration/exploitation with analysis and evaluation of reservoir,
Spanish and Portuguese, and communicates in French. INT P&C

Discipline icon legend on page 60

Tip ofthe
the Month
Valuable Technical
Technical ContentDelivered
Content Deliveredto
you Monthly
Recent Editions:
Recent Editions:

Delivering Bad
Delivering News
Bad Newstoto Methyl What You Need (MDEA)
Stakeholders to KnowLoss
Vaporization About
in Gas
andand Decision
Decision Makers
Makers SweeteningLogging
Production Process

all hate delivering In this Tip logging
Production of The Month, you will
is a critical investigateof
We all delivering badbad project
project news,
news, butbut the effect of pressure and temperature on the
this Tip of the Month will give you some tips to developing optimum modeling, completion and
this Tip of the Month will give you some tips to MDEA vaporization loss from the contactor top,
better communicate negative information to stimulation practices. This subsurface Tip of
better communicate negative information to regenerator top and flash gas. Specifically,
stakeholders and decision makers. Learn about the Month
stakeholders andtypes
five different decision makers.
of project Learn
issues, about
managing this study(TOTM)
focusesdiscusses what you
on the variation need
five different types of project issues, managing tovaporization
know to make losses with the feed sour gasboth
your production logging
project relationships, and best practices for efficient and
project relationships,
delivering and best practices for
bad news. pressure in effective,
the range and how
of 5.52 MPato handle
to 8.28 the
delivering bad news. unique challenges
(800 psia to 1200 presented
psia). by horizontal

9 Practical Tips The #1 Problem Facing

9 Practical Tips How to
for Motivating Turnarounds, Shutdowns
for Motivating Prevent
Oil and Gas Teams and Outages
Oil and Gas Teams Formation Damage
This Tip of the Month discusses practical
Turnarounds, shutdowns and outages are often
This tips
Tip that have
of the yielded
Month strong positive
discusses practicalresults Formation
subject todamage canwork
late minute adversely
scope affect
on oilhave
tips that and yielded
gas projects.
strongThe most important
positive results production
resulting in extended downtime recovery
rates, efficiency and and cost
on oilfactor
and to a successful
gas project
projects. The mostisimportant
PEOPLE. factors of a well.
overruns. In an Formation damage
effort to control is often
factor to a are many resources
successful forPEOPLE.
project is monitoring associated withapplies
the movement
management additionaland bridging of
projects, but most of these miss
There are many resources for monitoring the key to a fine solids, or chemical reactions resulting in
often resulting in inefficiencies and poor labor
successful project. Processes and skills, with
projects, but most of these miss the key to a precipitates
result is in wettability.
cost overrunsIn thisa
the right tools, at the right time, coupled with
successful project. Processes and skills, with
MOTIVATION is the major key to success.
Tip of the
TSO thatMonth,
fails to we
meet thethe causes,needs.
business their
the right tools, at the right time, coupled with effects and how to prevent formation damage
MOTIVATION is the major key to success. from occurring during well activities.

The Importance Impact of CO2

Effectively on Natural
How Does Gas Well
Project Density
Planning Differ from Other
Stakeholders Directional Wells?
Spec Breaks are noted on P&ID’s and indicate
Due to the importance of CO2 injection for
where a specification change has occurred on
enhanced oil recovery and the increasing
piping with regards to flange rating, material,
this TipinofCO2
the Month,
capture you
andwill learn aboutthis
ever had They are extremely
trouble important
communicating or in Tipsteps
of theofMonth was undertaken to prepare
the horizontal well planning including
working when reviewing
with project relief valve settings
stakeholders? This simple charts for accurately estimating the
and determining target constraints, build rate,
Tip of thethe hazards
Month will introduced
discuss thebykey creating
to densitysection,
for hydrocarbon systems containing nil
overpressure situations by opening and closing tangent and more. Planning is
effectively managing those stakeholders and to 100%
one of the CO2.
most important steps in drilling
review an internal stakeholder managementsource.
valves downstream from a high pressure
a horizontal well, and is very different than
process all companies should use.
planning a normal directional well.
Check out full articles at
Check out full articles at petroskills.com/totm
Our Instructors 71
DR. WILLIAM J. WADE is President of Applied Tomographics Inc., policies and procedures, increased leverage of purchasing power, reduced

a research and development operation specializing in down-sizing and up- inventories, and improved resource utilization in the supply chain. Ronn gained
powering CT scanners for future industrial applications. Formerly, he was his supply management expertise in the first half of his career through ever-
President of LSS International, performing core analysis and CT-scanning in increasing operational and executive management roles at Thermo King
Trinidad, Nigeria, and Houston. His other professional experience includes
positions at Champlin Petroleum Company and the Tennessee Division of
Geology. He taught on carbonate depositional systems, sequence stratigraphy,
Corporation, a billion-dollar global manufacturing subsidiary of Westinghouse
Electric Corporation. Ronn received a BS in Physics from St. John's University
and a BME in Engineering and an MBA from the University of Minnesota. He
carbonate petrography, physical geology, and marine geology at Louisiana has been a member and past chapter president, of the American Production and
State University, Montgomery College and Vanderbilt University. Currently, he Inventory Control Society (APICS). He has been a member of the National You plan the agenda
is co-writing a book on carbonate reservoirs. In addition to publishing Association of Purchasing Management-Twin Cities (NAPM-TC), the
numerous technical papers, he was associate editor for the American Manufacturers Alliance and the International Association for Commercial We’ll handle the rest
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. He is a member of the American Contracts Management (IACCM). Ronn is certified at the Fellow Level by APICS
Association of Petroleum Geologists, Geological Society of America, Society and has a lifetime purchasing certification by the Institute of Supply
for Sedimentary Research, Houston Geological Society, and International
Association of Sedimentologists. He received a BA and MS in geology from
Management (ISM). SC
MR. SCOTT J. WILSON has 25 years of varying oil and gas
Vanderbilt University, and a PhD in sedimentology from Louisiana State
University. G
experience spanning all major petroleum producing regions in the world. He is CONFERENCE
a Vice President with Ryder Scott Company, L.P., with offices in Houston,
DR. DAVID (DAVE) WALDREN joined the embryonic British Denver and Calgary. Prior to joining Ryder Scott, he was a Principal Engineer
National Oil Corporation in 1977, after 7 years of postdoctoral research in high- with the Atlantic Richfield Company, advising on well performance issues. He
energy particle physics. In 1979, he was employed by Intercomp as a reservoir has taught over 100 sessions on NODAL analysis, gas reservoir engineering,
engineer working on simulator development and reservoir studies. In 1983, he production forecasting, and advanced reservoir engineering. He coordinated
the development of several Windows based NODAL and Decline programs, two
became Technical Director of International Petroleum Engineering Consultants
of which are the primary tools used at the Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk oil fields.
Ltd. and a technical expert for the Asian Development Bank. Since 1988, he has
He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Alaska, Colorado, and Wyoming, a
been an independent consultant as well as a professor in petroleum engineering
member of SPE and SPEE, has authored several technical papers, and holds
at Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. He has wide experience
two US Patents. He received a BS in petroleum engineering from the Colorado
using a variety of commercial reservoir modeling systems. During his career he
School of Mines and an MBA in finance from the University of Colorado.
has worked on oil and gas fields in 31 countries on 6 continents. He has a P&C
strong theoretical and research background, which is applied in his consulting
activities including advising a major oil company on the day-to-day operational MR. LARRY WOLFSON has 34 years' experience in planning and
and medium/long term development of an off-shore oil field as well as the supervising well construction, including ERD, slim-hole and sub-sea wells. He
estimation of different classes of reserves for SEC requirements. Many of the received a BS in mechanical engineering from California State University
projects he performed use the VIP and Eclipse simulation systems, he also has Northridge, an MS in petroleum engineering from the University of Tulsa, and
many years experience with different commercial reservoir modeling systems he is a registered petroleum engineer in California. W/D
and has been actively engaged in studies and/or training using IMEX (CMG),
Eclipse and Frontsim (Geoquest), VIP (Landmark), Athos (Beicip Franlab) and
MR. RICHARD (DICK) G. WRIGHT has over 25 years of
worldwide oil field experience, including management and implementation of
MORE (Roxar). He was a SPE Distinguished Lecturer for 2001-2002. He has a
directional drilling services and also has over 6 years' experience training. His
BSc, BSC Hons and a PhD all in physics from the University of Liverpool,
oilfield management experience includes resident positions in Southeast Asia
England. RES
and the Middle East. His areas of specialty include drilling operations technical
MR. COLIN WATSON has over 36 years' broad experience in training and drilling team leadership training. He is fluent in Spanish and is
petrochemicals, primarily in engineering support and process safety widely traveled in Central and South America. He received a BS in pre-
management. He joined PetroSkills as an instructor in 2014. His experience veterinary medicine from New Mexico State University and an MBA in
includes assignments in technical support, operations, turnarounds, project International Management from the American Graduate School of International Located in the Houston area, we are
execution and HSE and engineering management. From 2006 he has worked Management. W/D
as an independent Engineering and Process Safety Consultant working with oil
available to host your next meeting, in
MR. CLYDE YOUNG has over 30 years of diverse experience in
and gas clients. He has worked primarily with BP to design, develop and operations and maintenance of production and processing facilities. This
addition to the many PetroSkills training
facilitate their global Process Safety training and awareness programs both for includes significant experience in operations and development of management sessions we hold here each year.
engineering and operations teams. In a varied 28-year career in BP he latterly systems for gas processing and water/wastewater treatment facilities. This
worked to develop strategic structures and governance systems to manage includes operating procedure development, training program development,
Process Safety and Integrity Management for the BP Grangemouth Complex compliance auditing, vulnerability assessment, emergency planning and
and the European BP Chemicals Sites. His operations experience providing mechanical integrity program development. Mr. Young provides many of our Conference Center Amenities:
technical support and engineering management extends across a variety of clients with PHA services, compliance audits and Hazards Reviews. Mr. Young
petrochemical and refining processes. He holds a BSc in Engineering Science has presented at the Mary K. O'Connor Process Safety Symposium and written
• 1 0 classrooms
(Mechanical) from Edinburgh University (1978) and is a Chartered Engineer several papers that have been published in various industry publications. Mr. • 2 rooms with virtual accessibility
with the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. HSE Young holds a B.S. in Social Sciences from the University of Wyoming- •C  oncierge and support staff
MR. ROBERT (BOB) V. WESTERMARK is a seasoned Laramie Wyoming. HSE
engineer with international and domestic experience. He has worked both on • State-of-the-art audio-visual
and offshore including underbalanced, horizontal, multilateral, coalbed • High-speed wireless internet
methane, and geothermal drilling wells operations. As a team leader, he has run
successful drilling and completion alliances and partnering programs. Mr. • On-site technical support
Westermark has also managed a research drilling test facility and two US • Break area and courtyard
Department of Energy multi-million-dollar projects. He is retired president of
Grand Directions, LLC, drilling low cost horizontal wells for the parent company
• Complimentary parking
Grand Resources, Inc. and other partners. Mr. Westermark has authored and
co-authored over 24 technical papers and he has been the instructor for
numerous public and in-house courses, ranging from basic drilling classes to
casing design and well control. In addition, he has taught advanced topics
including horizontal drilling and multilateral completions. In this capacity, he
Conveniently located near:
communicates clearly with all levels of students, field and office employees, •Q uality hotels and accommodations
management, third party contractors and partners, and the public. He received
a BS degree in Petroleum Engineering from Montana College of Mineral • Shopping, restaurants and entertainment
Sciences and Technology. W/D P&C • Medical facilities
MR. RONN WILLIAMSON, CFPIM, CPM, has provided education
programs and consulting globally in supply management for the oil and gas
industry through PetroSkills and John M. Campbell & Co for the past eleven
years. Most recently, he was the Technical Training Director for John M.
Campbell & Co. Working with major oil companies, he created the PetroSkills
discipline competency maps for strategic supply chain management and led the KATY, TEXAS 77494
supply chain discipline network for several years. Ronn has almost 40 years of +1.832.426.1200
supply chain management experience, with 18 years of operational management
experience and 21 years of consulting and training around the globe. As a
consultant, Ronn has designed and managed projects for more than fifty petroskills.com/pcc
organizations in numerous industries to deliver improved organizational

Discipline icon legend on page 60


In-house courses deliver private, on-site training

to your group, whenever, wherever, and however
you need it.

Save time, money, and travel hassles by bringing

our course to your site, or to any location that suits you.

If you do not have enough participants for an in-house session,

we may be able to schedule an on-demand public session in
your location.

For more information, or to reserve training for your team,

go to petroskills.com/inhouse
Contact and Registration


To register for a course, or for
questions on inhouse training or any REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT
of our other solutions, contact our It is recommended participants register early due to limited seating. However, registrations
can be submitted up to the last business day before class provided there are seats available.
Customer Service Department at Registrations are confirmed when payment is received. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice
+1.918.828.2500 or and no later than 30 days before class. For registrations submitted less than 30 days before
[email protected]. class, payment is due immediately otherwise a seat in the course cannot be guaranteed. Tuition
fees are due and payable in US dollars. Please contact the Customer Service Department
[email protected] if you cannot meet the payment requirements as registrations
are not automatically cancelled when payment is not received.
Tulsa.................... +1.918.828.2500 TUITION FEES
Toll-free................+1.800.821.5933 Tuition fees include tuition, course material, daily refreshments and a non-refundable registration
fee of $100.00 (USD) per five days of training or less. As a reminder a seat in the course is
[email protected] not confirmed until payment is received. Please note tuition fees do not include living costs.
Participants are responsible for booking and paying for their own hotel accommodations. When
possible, PetroSkills will reserve a block of sleeping rooms at suggested hotel(s). Participants
should contact the suggested hotel directly at least three weeks before the course begins.
PETROSKILLS Remember to mention PetroSkills and/or the course title to receive a discounted rate, if
Houston............... +1.832.426.1200 Note: Where applicable due to government regulations, Goods and Services Tax (GST) or Value
Added Tax (VAT) will be added to the total tuition fees. For events in the UK, the merchant of
record contracting with cardholder is PetroSkills UK Limited, a UK entity. For events in Canada, the
merchant of record contracting with cardholder is PetroSkills Canada Inc., a Canada entity. For
events in Australia and the UAE, the merchant of record contracting with cardholder is PetroSkills,
LLC, a United States entity.
A minimum of 30-day notice is required to cancel or transfer otherwise the tuition fee is forfeited
CERTIFICATES, or remains due if not already paid. Cancellation requests received 30-days or greater before class
PROFESSIONAL will be honored and tuition refunded, less the non-refundable registration fee mentioned above,
provided there were no previous late requests to transfer. Transfer requests received 30-days or
DEVELOPMENT HOURS greater before class will be honored and tuition is transferrable provided there were no previous
(PDH), AND CONTINUING late request to transfer. Note: should there be a difference in tuition, the difference will be due.
Only one transfer per initial registration is permitted.
Late requests to transfer into a future session of the same course will be considered provided the
––––––––––––––––––––––––––– tuition is paid and the requested session is open for enrollment.
A Certificate of Completion is awarded Substitutions of participants are permitted at any time without penalty.
to each participant who satisfactorily Please contact the Customer Service Department [email protected] if you need to
completes the course and will be cancel, transfer, or make a substitution.
awarded by the instructor(s) on the Transfers and cancellations will not be honored, and tuition is forfeited for courses that have
reached maximum participation regardless of the amount of notice given.
final day. PetroSkills reserves the right to cancel any course session at any time. The decision to cancel
is generally made approximately two weeks before class. When a course cancels registered
PetroSkills® course hours can be used participants will be given the opportunity to transfer to another course or receive a full refund,
provided the enrollment was not transferred into the cancelled course late. Keep this in mind
to satisfy PDHs for licensed when making travel arrangements (airline tickets, hotel reservations, etc.), as PetroSkills cannot
engineers in most US states. In many be responsible for any fees incurred for cancelling or changing your travel arrangements.
instances, course hours can be used We reserve the right to substitute course instructors as necessary.
for international CEU credit also. Every DISCLAIMER
course certificate tells the number of PetroSkills reserves the right without payment of consideration to videotape, film, photograph and
CEUs earned and also can be used /or record course sessions and course participants in any media type and to alter or edit these
images for use in its publications, including website entries.
to submit to your licensing board or The use of any recording device (audio or video) by participants during a PetroSkills course
accrediting body for approval. is strictly prohibited. The unauthorized use of a recording device during a PetroSkills course
presentation shall be grounds to remove the participant and confiscate or destroy the related
recording. No portion of any PetroSkills course may be recorded digitally, on film, video tape,
audio tape or other recording device or be reproduced photographically or by any sight or sound
device. All PetroSkills course presentations are the sole property of PetroSkills.
2930 South Yale Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74114 USA


+1 918.828.2500
+1 800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
[email protected]

PetroSkills Blended Learning Skill Modules™ combine industry

knowledge, expertise, content, and technology to develop
workforce competency with the added benefit of:

Reduced time to competency

Eliminated travel expense
Flexibility—less time away from work
Learning applied at point of need

Courses Available Now: collaboration

• Applied Reservoir Engineering
• Basic Drilling, Completion, and Workover Operations
• Basic Geophysics
• Basic Petroleum Technology Principles
• Basic Reservoir Engineering
• Basics of Rotating and Static Mechanical Equipment
• Casing Design Workshop
• Completions and Workovers
• Foundations of Petrophysics
• Gas Conditioning and Processing technology
• NODAL Analysis Workshop
• Process Safety Engineering
• Production Operations 1
• Production Technology for Other Disciplines
• Scale Identification, Remediation and Prevention
Workshop point of work

For more information, please visit

PetroAcademy petroskills.com/blended

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