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Report for: Sam Poole

ID: HC560419

Date: November 13, 2019



Different characteristics are important for success in different jobs, and The HPI evaluates people
characteristics that are important in one job may interfere with performance
in others. The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) evaluates people on seven on seven well-known
well-known dimensions or characteristics that influence occupational dimensions or
success. This report is based on your scores on these dimensions; it
describes how you are likely to act in various circumstances, it notes your characteristics that
strengths and shortcomings, and it makes some suggestions about how to influence occupational
manage your career. The last page contains the HPI graph on which the
report is based, and definitions for the seven dimensions. success.

This Report is Valid and Interpretable

ID:HC560419 Sam Poole 11.13.2019 2



You are stable and poised, have a positive attitude, and are usually in a good mood; you can easily handle
fast paced environments and/or heavy work loads, and will rarely be irritable. Coworkers and team members
will appreciate your steadiness under pressure; this is particularly important for jobs or tasks where there is a
lot of urgency, physical stress, and potential risk, and where it is necessary to keep your emotions under
control. In times of stress, your coworkers can count on you being calm, consistent, and upbeat. You are
active, hard-working, competitive, and eager to get ahead. You like leadership positions and enjoy being in
charge. Generally, you are willing to take initiative in a group and, with the appropriate interpersonal skills, you
will be able to assume lead roles on team projects. These tendencies are particularly important in jobs that
require taking initiative, being persuasive, and working without supervision.

Others should see you as energetic, talkative, and socially active. You should enjoy meeting the public and
working with new people and value a lifestyle and work organized around social interaction. You should
perform well in front of groups and like public speaking. This is particularly important for jobs in which one
must constantly deal with strangers, and do so in a positive way, for example, sales, training, marketing, and
customer service work. You are unusually diplomatic, friendly, charming, and sensitive to the needs and
feelings of others. You will be able to build and maintain friendships. You are concerned about staff morale
and you are a good team player. You value encouraging, protecting, and helping others. These characteristics
facilitate performance in jobs that require care giving, customer service, and developing long-term

You are typically planful, self-controlled, careful, conscientious, and good with details. You also will be a
hardworking and solid organizational citizen (i.e., reliable and dependable). You are concerned about rules,
procedures, and task clarity, and will expect projects and assignments to be done well and on time. You value
providing high quality work products and meeting high performance standards. This is particularly important in
jobs requiring accuracy, precision, and attention to detail. You are bright, knowledgeable, and up-to-date
concerning current issues and technology. You also seem self-disciplined, achievement-oriented, and
productive, and should enjoy pushing tasks to completion. You will value training for yourself and others, will
seek opportunities to grow and develop, and will want to apply the latest relevant knowledge to your work.
These characteristics are important for most jobs. You are open-minded, curious, and imaginative. You
understand the big picture, think quickly on your feet, have ideas for solving problems, and are comfortable
with unstructured work that entails design, invention, or change. You are receptive to new ideas and value
finding better ways of doing things. This is particularly important in jobs that require creativity, problem solving,
strategic planning, and leadership.

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Because you are very self-confident, you may be hard to coach and too optimistic in your expectations of
others. This self-confidence can lead to overestimating your own contributions, ignoring mistakes, and being
unwilling to listen to negative feedback. Because you are strongly motivated to succeed, you may compete
with and/or intimidate colleagues without realizing it. You should remember to think about other peoples'
agendas when working jointly on projects. Because you are so energetic and outgoing, you may also tend to
be over-committed, distracted, and unable to listen very well. You may dominate meetings, and your need to
talk and be recognized may cause you to miss information that could be useful for your projects or

Because you are so pleasant and good natured, you may avoid disagreements, become upset by rejection,
tend to promise more than you can deliver, and have problems being decisive. In addition, you may be more
concerned with pleasing others than with completing your own work. You have high standards for yourself
and others and may have trouble delegating or prioritizing, thereby increasing your workload and possible
level of stress. You may tend to criticize others' performance, worry unnecessarily about details, and have
trouble changing direction because you are so convinced your methods are correct. Because you are so
curious and potentially creative, you may be easily bored unless given new and different assignments. In
addition, your coworkers may not share your enthusiasm for experimentation and/or your love of adventure.
Because you are so well-informed, you may see through issues more quickly than others and then take action
without insuring that others see the point and are ready to move forward.

ID:HC560419 Sam Poole 11.13.2019 4



In view of your unusual resilience and ability to handle pressure, you need to remember your errors and
missteps in order to learn from them, and be aware that others may be stressed when you are not. You seem
keenly interested in opportunities for advancement. Stay alert for these in your own organization and look for
opportunities to make your interests known. You need to remember not to intimidate inexperienced or more
junior team members, to practice letting others be in charge, and to be patient with others who are less eager
to succeed than you are.

You are so extraverted and enthusiastic that you may need to remember to listen carefully to what others are
saying and not interrupt them—especially when dealing with inexperienced or more junior people and with
clients. You should also make a point to share credit with others for successes achieved. Because you value
getting along with others, you will tend to avoid taking unpopular positions. Be careful not to promise more
than you can deliver, to confront problems promptly before they become unmanageable, and let people know
where you stand.

Because you are so conscientious, you should remember that you won’t be able to do everything yourself and
that it won’t be possible to do every job equally well. You should learn how to delegate and how to prioritize
work, and be sure to be flexible when it is called for--for example, allow people to interrupt you when
necessary. Although you are imaginative and visionary, you may be easily bored with routine tasks; you need
to remember to stay with tasks until they are finished. You value being well-informed; consequently, you
should seek training opportunities and you may be frustrated when they are not available. Moreover, you will
enjoy setting your own performance goals because you are very achievement oriented.

ID:HC560419 Sam Poole 11.13.2019 5


Graphic Report - Hogan Personality Inventory

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Adjustment 99

Ambition 85

Sociability 77

Interpersonal Sensitivity 73

Prudence 68

Inquisitive 91

Learning Approach 74

High scorers are above the 65th percentile. Average Scores are between the 35th and 65th percentile. Low
scores are below the 35th percentile.

ADJUSTMENT Reflects the degree to which a person is calm or moody and volatile. High scorers seem
confident, resilient, and optimistic. Low scorers seem passionate, energetic, and self-
AMBITION Evaluates the degree to which a person seems leaderlike and values achievement. High
scorers seem competitive and hard working. Low scorers are good team players and
seem comfortable letting others lead but may appear complacent.
SOCIABILITY Assesses the degree to which a person appears socially self-confident. High scorers
seem outgoing and colorful. Low scorers seem reserved and quiet.
INTERPERSONAL Reflects tact and perceptiveness. High scorers seem friendly, warm, and popular. Low
SENSITIVITY scorers seem independent, frank, and direct.
PRUDENCE Concerns self control and conscientiousness. High scorers seem organized, dependable,
and easy to supervise. Low scorers seem spontaneous and flexible.
INQUISITIVE Reflects the degree to which a person seems curious, adventurous, and imaginative.
High scorers tend to be quick-witted and visionary, but easily bored. Low scorers tend to
be practical, focused, and able to concentrate.
LEARNING APPROACH Reflects the degree to which a person values education as an end in itself. High scorers
tend to enjoy reading and studying. Low scorers are less interested in formal education
and more interested in hands-on learning on the job.

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