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Operating and

Maintenance Instructions

Model Number

Sales Order/Job Number

Machine Number

Date of issue

Important Note
These operating instructions • Must be read and applied the national requirements
are designed to familiarize by any person in charge in force for the prevention
the user with the machine of carrying out work with of accidents and the
and its designated use. and on the machine, environmental protection.
The Instruction Manual such as:
In addition to the operating
• Contains important inform-
Operation including instructions and to the manda-
ation on how to operate
setting up, troubleshooting tory rules and regulations for
the machine safely, proper-
in the course of work, accident prevention and envi-
ly and efficiently. Observing
evacuation of production ronmental protection in the
these instructions help to
waste, care and disposal country and place of use of
avoid danger, to reduce
of fuels and consumables the machine, the generally
repair costs and downtimes
recognized technical rules for
and to increase the reliabil- Maintenance (servicing,
safe and proper working must
ity and life of the machine; inspection, and/or repair)
also be observed.
• Must always be available Transport; shall be com-
wherever the machine is in pleted by the end user and
use. authorized personnel with

Netzsch Incorporated Quality Pays

119 Pickering Way • Exton, PA 19341 ® NEMO: Registered
610.363.8010 • Fax: 610.363.0971 trademark of NETZSCH For Itself
e-mail: [email protected] MOHNOPUMPEN GMBH.

1.) Safety Precautions 1

2.) Description 2
3.) Packing, Transportation, Storage 3
4.) Installation Instructions 4
5.) Start-Up 5
6.) Temporary Shutdown 6
7.) Maintenance 7
8.) Trouble-Shooting and Solutions 8
9.) Disassembly and Assembly of the Pump Housing 9
10.) Disassembly and Assembly of the Rotating Parts 10
11.) Disassembly and Assembly of the Bearings 11
12.) Disassembly and Assembly of the Shaft Sealing 12
13.) Disassembly and Assembly of Special Units 13
14.) Recommended Spare Parts 14
15.) Parts List and Sectional Drawing 15

NEMO-NM SY-with packing 1-11-01


1 Safety Precautions The general safety rules detailed under “Safety

Precautions”, plus the safety precautions set by
These operating instructions contain essential the end user, must be followed.
information which should be observed during
installation, operation and maintenance. These
operating instructions should be read and 1.1 Symbols Relating to
understood by the engineer, as well as other Safety Precautions in the
responsible operators before assembly and
operation. Operating instructions should Operating Instructions
always be readily available wherever the
machine is being used. Personal injury, damage to machines or con-
tamination of the environment can result if the
safety precautions contained in this document
are not strictly enforced. Following are signs
commonly used to signify areas of danger:

Safety Sign
Danger to General Public

Safety Sign
Electrical Hazard

Danger from Possible Injury by Machinery

Danger from Suspended Loads

Damage to Machinery

Continued on Page 1.OR


Warning or indication plates attached to the 1.4 Safe Operation

pump which show the correct direction of rota-
tion (or fluid connections) must always be kept The safety precautions outlined in these oper-
in readable condition. ating instructions, the existing national regula-
tions on accident prevention and the end user’s
1.2 Qualifications and own operating and safety regulations must be
Training of Personnel observed.

All personnel responsible for service, mainte- 1.5 Safety Precautions

nance, inspection, installation and operation
must have the appropriate training. ◆ Hot or cold machine components must
Responsibility and supervision of personnel be insulated or shielded.
must be strictly enforced by the end user. If
training of personnel is required, it can be ◆ Guards covering moving parts (i.e. shafts,
provided by the manufacturer/representative. couplings) must not be removed while
Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the end machines are in operation.
user to ensure that personnel fully understands
the operating instructions. ◆ Leakage of dangerous materials (i.e. explo-
sives, toxins or hot materials) from the shaft
1.3 Non-Observance of sealing area should be properly contained.
Safety Precautions
◆ In order to prevent electrical hazards, appli-
Non-observance of the safety rules can result in cable local and/or federal regulations must
personal injury, damage to machines or con- be adhered to.
tamination of the environment. Non-obser-
vance can void product warranty.

Non-observance can also result in the following:

◆ Premature failure of components or

machine/equipment malfunction.

◆ Danger to personnel from electrical,

mechanical or chemical hazards.

◆ Danger to the environment from leakage

of dangerous materials.

Continued on Page 1.1


1.6 Safety Precautions for 1.8 Improper Application

Maintenance, Inspection
and Installation Work Machinery is only guaranteed safe for the use
The end user must ensure that all maintenance, This machinery was manufactured in
inspection and installation work is performed accordance to the specifications and the
by authorized and qualified personnel who conditions specified by the end user. The
understand the operating instructions and are machine should not be operated in any way
properly trained. that exceeds design capacities.
Work on a pump/machine should only be
performed when it is disconnected from its 1.9 Specific Points for the Use
power source, pressure has been relieved, and of NEMO® Pumps
the complete unit has returned to room
temperature. It is imperative that these NEMO® Pumps should only be used for the
procedures are adhered to before attempting application for which they were sold.
work on the machine.
If you wish to change the pumping medium,
Pumps or units which transfer dangerous you should check with either the supplier or
substances must be decontaminated. manufacturer to ensure that the pump will be
Immediately following maintenance work, all suitable for the new medium. This is especially
safety and protection equipment must be re- important with aggressive, poisonous or
installed and safety trips must be tested. otherwise dangerous media.

Refer to Section 5.0, “Start-up,” before restart- Criteria for the selection of a pump includes:
ing machine/pump.
1. Compatibility between the medium to be
pumped and the materials of all wetted
1.7 Unauthorized Use of pump parts.
Spare Parts and/or
Modifications to the Pump 2. Compatibility between elastomeric
components and mechanical seal faces.
Modifications to the machines and/or its com-
ponents are permitted only with the manufac- 3. The pressure and temperature rating of
turer’s consent. Original spare parts and acces- the pump.
sories authorized by the manufacturer ensure
safety. The use of other components revokes NEMO® Pumps are of positive displacement
any warranty and liability for consequences progressing cavity design, and have the
which may result. potential to generate very high pressure.

Continued on Page 1.1R


A blockage or closure of a valve in the 1. No one other than those involved with
discharge line can cause a pressure rise higher maintenance and repair should have
than the installation can withstand. A access to power supply.
substantial pressure increase can result in the
bursting of pipes and/or damage to other 2. When dismantling the pump, follow the
components of pump or drive systems. instructions for handling the medium
Extreme caution must be used, especially when (e.g.: protective clothing, no smoking, etc.)
dangerous media is present.
3. Before putting the pump back into
Appropriate safety equipment must be installed operation, ensure that all guards and
(i.e.: an emergency stop button, a pressure other safety devices (e.g.: drive belt
relief valve or rupture disc). and coupling protection) are properly
During maintenance and repair work on the
pump, please note the following:

Always keep safety in mind during

operation, maintenance and install-
ation of equipment. Please adhere
to applicable federal and local
rules and regulations.

Continued on Page 1.2


1.10 Notes on Inspection and Repair

It is the responsibility and obligation of all commercial businesses to enforce safety in the
workplace, regulations governing dangerous materials, accident prevention and environ-
mental protection at all times.

People along with the environment must be protected from adverse effects caused by
contact with dangerous materials.

The procedures for proper handling, containment and/or disposal of all hazardous
materials, including wastewater, must be strictly enforced.

A Material Safety Data Sheet must accompany any machine/part and a Safety Conformity
Certificate must be completed prior to inspection or repair. Please make a duplicate copy
and leave the original in the Operation and Maintenance manual.

Where special safety precautions are necessary, in addition to careful emptying and clean-
ing of the machinery, the necessary information must be given.

Inspection or repair of machinery containing radioactive medium will only be performed

by authorized personnel under protection and supervision of the owner.

The Safety Conformity Certificate is part of the inspection/repair service. We reserve the
right to refuse acceptance of this order/service for other reasons.

Continued on Page 1.3


Safety Conformity Certificate

This completed Safety Conformity Certificate and a Material Safety Data Sheet must accompany
the machine and its accessories when returned to the manufacturer for repair/inspection

Pump Model Number

Job Number
Date of Manufacture Equipment Return Authorization #
Machine Number

Was carefully emptied and cleaned, both inside and out, Yes
in preparation for shipment. No

Precautions with regard to health and Yes

the environment are to be observed. No

This machine came into contact with media hazardous Yes

to health and the environment. No

The following additional precautions are necessary with regard to the handling of media
and the disposal of waste:

We confirm the above information is accurate and complete, and shipment will be in
accordance with legal requirements:

Telephone No.:
Fax No.:


Name Date:


Company Stamp/Signature

2 Description ◆ Like piston, membrane, gear or screw

pumps, NEMO® Pumps can be used for
The Nemo® Pump is a positive displacement, metering applications.
progressing cavity-type pump.
The main components of the pump (which
was invented by Professor Rene’ Moineau) are:
a rotating part, called the rotor; and a station-
ary part, called the stator.
The rotor has a single helix shape and is
normally made of a metallic material. The stator
is formed as a double-helix with twice the pitch
of the rotor and is normally an elastomer. The
interference (compression) fit between the
rotor and stator creates a series of sealed
chambers called cavities. When the rotor turns
inside the stator, the medium moves continu-
ously from the inlet to the outlet of the cavities.
The NEMO® Pump principle utilizes many posi-
tive characteristics of other pump types:
◆ Like centrifugal pumps, NEMO® Pumps
have no suction or pressure valves, but do
have a stable flow rate in proportion to the
number of revolutions.
◆ Like piston pumps, NEMO® Pumps have a
suction lift up to 28’. Vacuum capacity is
◆ Like membrane and peristaltic pumps,
NEMO® Pumps can transport all types of
media including inhomogeneous,
gaseous and abrasive media; as well
as those that are not of a liquid consistency,
or contain solids and/or fibrous material.
◆ Like gear pumps and screw pumps,
NEMO® Pumps are capable of handling
high-viscosity media. Length and cross-sections of the rotor and
stator during a rotation.

Continued on Page 2.0R


2.2 General Data

Noise Emissions:

The maximum noise emission level permitted at a workplace is 85 dB (A).

Noise level’s are measured in accordance with OSHA CFR 1910.95 to assure
that the pump does not exceed 85 dB (A).

Noises generated by the drive and pipes are not included in the above emission value.

In order to maintain a noise emission level of < 85 dB (A), the pump must be
securely mounted and not allowed to cavitate.

3 Packaging, Transportation, Storage

3.1 Packaging and Transportation

NEMO® Pumps are shipped on skid-mounted Uncrated horizontal pumps should be lifted
wood-framed cardboard enclosures, unless the using the bolt holes of the frame or the lifting
customer specifies otherwise. lugs attached to the baseplate.
The packages are labeled with any special
Vertical pumps should be lifted by using the
handling instructions.
bolt-down holes, or lifting lugs attached to
Upon receipt, inspect the pump for any the mounting plate.
transportation damage.
Claims for damages should be reported to the
freight carrier immediately.

Use caution when lifting top-heavy pumps. The center of gravity may be
above the points where the lifting gear is attached. If this is the case, secure
additionally to prevent tipping over!

Vertical pumps should be stored horizontally only, unless they are secured
vertically. This will prevent hazards of tipping!

Avoid suspending the complete pump unit by the eye bolts of the motor
or gear box. These eye bolts should be used for lifting the motor and/or
the gear box only.

As when operating any type of equipment, exercise caution and

adhere to all applicable instructions, rules and regulations.

Due to the variety of possible pump designs and applications, only gener-
al instructions can be given here. These should be adequate for experi-
enced assembly or transportation personnel.

When in doubt, contact the supplier for more detailed information.

Continued on Page 3.0R


When moving the pump or unit on wheels, strictly adhere to the following:

◆ Lock out the motor drive to protect against unintended start-up.

◆ Move the pump unit carefully and slowly, especially where the ground is uneven.
Hazards of tipping!

◆ The pump should be stored in a stable position with wheels or rollers locked or
otherwise secured.

◆ Be careful not to allow flexible piping to bend or become kinked. Obstruction of

flow will cause excessive discharge pressure.

◆ Where necessary, secure the pump unit with additional support blocks.

3.2 Storage

Pumps are packaged for transportation and short-term storage. In cases of prolonged
storage, the pumps should be protected as follows until installation:

◆ Stator:
When stored for a long period, the elastomer along the contact line between the
rotor and stator may become temporarily distorted (compression-set). This will
increase the required starting torque. For this reason, the stator should be removed
and stored in a cool, dry place in an air-tight package and protected from light.

◆ Shaft Sealing by packing gland:

Remove the packing gland and protect the exposed shaft surface with protective
grease or oil.

◆ Pump parts in stainless steel: No protection necessary.

◆ Other non-protected pump parts: Protect with grease or oil.

◆ Drives: Observe the instructions of the drive supplier.


Store Room
The environment in which rubber products are being kept must be cool, dry, free of
dust and well ventilated, and must not be stored in the open.
Rubber products should be kept in surroundings not having less than minus 10° C (14° F)
and not more than plus 15° C (59° F).
Store rooms should not be damp, and it must be ensured that there will be no
Recommended relative humidity is < 65%.
Rubber products must be protected against light, particularly direct sunlight or artificial
light having a high UV portion.
Rubber products should be kept in a sealed package.
As ozone is very aggressive and harmful there should be no store room used which
houses equipment likely to produce ozone, i.e. electric motors or other equipment
which might bring about sparks or other electrical discharges.
There must be no solvents, oil, grease, lubricants or any chemicals kept in the store

◆ Rotor
Support with wooden blocks and protect against damage from mechanical impact.
For tool steel rotors (material number 1.2436): coat the surfaces with protective
grease to avoid rusting.

◆ Shaft Sealing by packing gland

Remove the gland and coat exposed shaft surface with grease or oil.

◆ Pump parts in stainless steel

No grease coating necessary.

◆ Other, non-coated pump parts

Protect with grease or oil.

◆ Drives
Observe instructions of the drive supplier.

4 Installation
If the NEMO® Pump was stored and the rotor grease protected:
Remove the grease before installing the stator.
Clean the rotor thoroughly in order to avoid contamination of the stator
and the pumping medium.
Verify all hardware has been properly installed and fastened.

4.1 Direction of Rotation

The direction of rotation of the pump is given on the name plate.

4.2 Pressure
Maximum permissible pressure inside the pump housing (A) is 6 bar.
The maximum permissible pressure inside the end flange (B) is 12 bar.

Type key
Example: NM 0 3 1 S Y 0 2 S 1 2 B
Pump Size
Drive End
Number of stages
max. permissible pressure differential (counter clockwise rotation)
Joint Type
4.3 Shaft Sealing
◆ Where applicable, ensure that adequate supply lines for the buffer, flushing or
quenching fluid for the shaft seals are connected before the pump is put into operation.
For more details see Section 7.4!

Continued on Page 4.0R


4.4 Piping System

◆ Arrange suction and discharge pipes so that when the pump is not running, the
medium is still present. Sufficient medium should remain inside in order to lubricate
the pump during restart.
◆ Clean the pipe work and rinse thoroughly before installing the pump.
◆ See chart below for recommended disassembly (ABL) dimensions.



Disassembly length ABL in mm:

Pump Number of Stages

size 1* 2 3 4 6 8 10 12

015 160 160 230 310 460 610 770 920

021 230 230 340 450 670 880 1100 1310
031 310 310 450 590 880 1160 1440 1730
038 430 430 630 830 1230 1630 2030 2430
045 500 500 730 960 1430 1890 2350 2820
053 600 600 880 1170 1730 2290 2860 3420
063 690 690 1010 1330 1980 2620 3270 3910
076 800 800 1170 1540 2280 3030 3770 4520
090 950 950 1390 1840 2720 3610 4500
105 1180 1180 1740 2300 3410 4520
125 1400 1400 2060 2720 4040
148 1680 1680 2470 3260
180 1910 1910
*This dimension applies to 1L geometry, 2 through12 refer to S geometry

The twisting loads (Fx, Fy, Fz) and bending loads

(Mx, My, Mz) permitted for the suction/discharge
flange comply with the requirements of API 676.
They are shown in the talbe below.

Pump Standard Fx, Fy, Fz Mx, My, Mz

type nominal diameter
NM DN lbs. in/lbs.
NPT joints
FNPT 38 must not be assembled
011 with loads which may
result in over tightening
021 FNPT 95 or loosening these joints

31 2” 152 3080
38 2.5” 191 3828
53 3” 229 4576

63 4” 305 6116

76 6” 382 7612

105 6” 458 9152

125 8” 611 12,188

148 10” 764 15,224
180 10” 764 15,224

5 Start-up
NEMO® Progressing Cavity Pumps must be operated with the following

Never run the pump dry!

Even a few rotations in dry condition will damage the stator.

If the rotor was protected with grease for long-term storage:

Thoroughly clean the rotor to prevent damage caused by interaction of the
grease, stator material and medium.

◆ Before initial start-up, regardless of rotation, make sure the pump housing
and suction piping are filled with medium. If medium is high in viscosity,
it may be necessary to prime the pump with a compatible liquid.
Priming of the pump is necessary to lubricate the stator.

NEMO® Pumps are positive displacement progressing cavity pumps and

have the potential to generate very high pressure capable of bursting
vessels or pipes.

Excessive pressure can overload the drive train (shaft, connecting rod,
joints, rotor) or exceed pressure limitations of the housings and their
connections, resulting in damage or breakage. Refer to Section 4.4 of
this manual for housing pressure limitations.

Never run the pump with an inlet or outlet valve closed.

◆ Open valves and vents before starting the pump!

◆ Turn pump motor on and off briefly to check direction of rotation.


6 Temporary Shutdown
◆ Following the temporary shutdown, the pump should be emptied and
rinsed when:

- the pump is installed in a location inside or outside where the medium

has the potential to freeze.
- the medium has a tendency to solidify or harden.
- the medium tends to build up or become tacky on the shaft sealing area.

◆ Stator:

When stored for an extended period, the elastomer along the contact line
between the rotor and stator may become temporarily distorted

This will increase the required starting torque. For this reason, the
stator should be removed and stored in a cool, dry place in an air-tight
package and protected from light.

◆ Rotor:

Support with wooden blocks and cover to protect from mechanical

damage, after the stator has been removed.

Rotors made with Tool Steel (Material number 1.2436)

Should be protected against corrosion with protective grease.

Prior to installation, thoroughly clean rotor to prevent damage

caused by interaction of the grease, stator material and medium.

◆ Stand-by Pump:

A stand-by pump is sometimes installed to eliminate downtime.

Stand-by pumps should be operated occasionally to keep properly
conditioned for use.

7 Maintenance

7.1 Pumps in General

◆ The pumps should be regularly rinsed or cleaned if deposits of medium are

likely to build up.

If the pump needs to be disassembled, ensure that the pump and

motor are switched off and cannot be turned on accidentally (eg. by
removing the fuse).

7.2 Lubrication

The NEMO® Pump does not require frequent lubrication.

◆ Maintenance and lubrication of the drive should be carried out according

to the drive manufacturers instructions.

7.3 Lubricating the Pin Joints with SM-Pin Joint Seals

◆ It is advisable to change the oil and check the seals of the pin joints:

- when replacing worn joint parts

- when disassembling the pump for any reason

Joint Quantity of oil per joint

basic size
NM cm3 fl oz.

NM 003-011 1 0.0338
NM 015 1.5 0.05
NM 021 2 0.067
NM 031 5 0.17
NM 038 15 0.51
NM 045 22 0.75
NM 053 36 1.22
NM 063 78 2.64
NM 076 165 5.60
NM 090 205 6.93
NM 105 450 15.20


Continued on Page 7.2R


Lubricating Oil:

Industrial Designation
Permitted Product
Application DIN 51502

“SHELL” Omala 460
(or equivalent)
with SM-pin joint seal
(8235) of EPDM prescribed:
320 GH 6-320

7.4 Shaft Sealing through Stuffing Box

7.4.1 Preparing for Operation
The function of the pump packing is to minimize, but not totally eliminate
the leakage of medium. A lubricant or liquid coating is necessary to minimize
shaft wear and dissipate the heat caused by friction.

Before Operation, determine whether the gland housing is equipped with flush
connections or grease zerk and lantern ring (7050).

If the gland housing has flush connections or lantern ring

(7050) installed between the packing rings, proceed with
one of the following options:
1.) Install a flush under pressure in excess of the internal
pump pressure at the gland housing. The flush should
be a clean, compatible liquid. This may be necessary
for abrasive or dangerous media, or in a suction lift
2.) Lubricate with a compatible grease.
3.) Install a quench of steam, or hot or cold liquid
With options 1.) or 2.), the discharge connection of the
gland housing should be sealed off.

When choosing option 3.), a discharge line should be connected opposite the
flush feed.

If, for any reason, none of the options above can be applied, the gland housing
connections must be plugged and sealed air-tight. This is necessary to eliminate
air passage through the gland housing during pump operation.

Avoid contact with the rotating shaft to prevent injury.

Proper tightening of the packing gland is necessary to

obtain desired sealing of packing.

The packing gland should be hand-tightened for initial

start-up. A high rate of leakage (approximately 50-200
drops/min.) should be permitted for the first thirty minutes.
After a thirty minute run-in, the packing gland should be
properly compressed. Turn gland nuts (approximately 1/16
turn each) until reaching desired leakage.

Continued on Page 7.3R


Gland housing temperature should not exceed 70-140º F

above medium temperature.

If there is a reduction in leakage and an increase in gland

housing temperature, loosen gland nuts and repeat run-in.

The rate of leakage will vary depending on the medium,

pressure, temperature, surface tension, shaft run-out, and
type of packing.

If leakage occurs around the outer edges of the gland housing, the pump
should be stopped and the packing compressed. After compressing the
packing, loosen the packing gland and repeat run-in procedure.

Gland nuts must be tightened evenly!

7.4.2 Packing Replacement

Please Observe Safety Precautions 1.5, 1.6 and 1.8!

Removal of Old Packing

After releasing the pressure on the
unit, draining the pump and removing
the packing gland, use the packing
extractor to remove all of the old
packing rings and debris from the
gland housing.

Preparation of the Stuffing Box

Thoroughly clean the stuffing box area and the shaft surface. Replace
corroded or worn shafts. Check the shaft bearings and the shaft
concentricity. Examine the gap in the packing gland and the gland
housing. To reduce an excessively large gap, insert a washer or disc to
prevent the packing material from being extruded beyond the gland
housing. An alternative is to use a more rigid material for the first and
last packing ring.

Continued on Page 7.4


Selection of Grade and Size of Packing

Before installing the packing, check once again to ensure that the packing is
suitable for the operating conditions required.

Cutting the Packing Rings

Packing rings must be cut to the exact dimensions; a packing cutter ensures
precision-cut rings. If a cutter is not available, proceed as follows.

The ring length (Lm) is determined by the shaft diameter (d) and the packing
width (s) under the following formula:
Lm=(d+s) ˙ X ˙ π (in.)
X=1.10 for shaft diameter ≤ 2.375”
X=1.07 for shaft diameter ≤ 4.00”
X=1.04 for shaft diameter > 4.00”

These are mean values, which may vary with specific packing grades and types
of application.

Shaft Diameter d=2.375”
Stuffing Box Diameter D=3.15”
Packing Width s:
s= (D - d) / 2= (3.15 - 2.375) / 2= .3875 in.)
Cutting Length Lm:
Lm= (d + s) ˙ 1.10 ˙ π= (2.375 + .3875) ˙ 1.10 ˙ π= 9.5 in.

Straight Cuts
It is recommended that the packing be cut straight and at right angles to the
shaft. In order to achieve parallel contact of the cut ends without a gap when
closing the packing ring, the cutting angle on both ends should be about 12-20º.
Continued on Page 7.4R

In conjunction with the straight cut, the result is a slight bracing of the rings
against the gland housing.

• Carefully twist open the packing rings just far
enough to enable them to be easily slipped over the
shaft. Excessive bending of the packing rings
can cause damage.
• Install each packing ring separately as follows:
- insert into gland housing, cut end first
- insert each packing ring uniformly separating
the cut ends in 90º increments.

Never use pointed objects for this Operation

• Continue inserting packing rings into the gland housing until the last
packing ring protrudes approximately 1/2 of the width of the packing ring.

• Compress the packing rings into the gland housing by tightening the gland
nuts by hand. Where a lantern ring is fitted, check to ensure that it is
correctly aligned with the connection.

7.4.3 Important Notes

Proper Lubrication through liquid or lubricant.
Not Correct:
Lack of lubrication due to excessive tightening of
the gland nuts.
Excessive packing compression can result in shaft
damage and accelerated packing wear.

8 Trouble-Shooting

8.1 Trouble-Shooting Guide

The following chart lists possible problems and corresponding solutions:

8.2 Determining the Kind of Problem and the Possible Cause

- The column describing a possible problem shows one or more
boxes marked with an “X.”

- On the corresponding lines, you will find the possible

reasons/causes and some hints how to handle the problem.
Thus, the actual cause of the problem can be narrowed down and
eventually detected.

◆ The table helps to identify the problem and offers a possible solution.
For more complicated problems, consult the manufacturer.

Continued on Page 8.0R


See Next Page for Corrective Action.

A good service life can be expected if
the pump is used in accordance with
Discharge output fluctuates

Stator service life too short

Rotor service life too short
Discharge pressure low
your specified application and
Discharge output low
No suction capability
Pump will not start

maintained in accordance with this man-

Drive overloaded

Shaft seal leaks

Pump jammed
ual. If operating problems arise, use this
Pump is noisy

chart as a guide in locating the problem.

X X Pump or stator is new, to much static friction. 1
X X X X Power supply incorrect; drive not properly wired. 2
X X X X Discharge pressure too high. 3
X X X Foreign matter or debris in pump. 4
X X X X X Temperature of pumped liquid too high; stator swells. 5
X X X X Stator swells due to chemical attack, unsuitable elastomer. 6
X X X X Liquid contains too many solids, causing blockages. 7
X X X X X X Liquid settles and hardens at pump shut-down. 8
X X X Air in suction piping. 9
X X X X Suction pipe leaks. 10
X X X X Shaft sealing leaks. 11
X X Pump speed too low. 12
X X X Undersized rotor; operating temperature not reached. 13
X X X X X X Discharge too high or suction head too low (cavitation). 14
X X X X X X X Pump running dry. 15
X X X X Stator worn out. 16
X X X X X X Stator material brittle. 17
X X X X X Rotor worn out. 18
X Joints worn. 19
X Pump and drive out of alignment. 20
X Elastomer in coupling worn out. 21
X X Pump bearings worn. 22
X Pump speed too high. 23
X Viscosity too high. 24
X Specific gravity too high. 25
X X Stuffing box not properly tightened. 26
X Incorrect packing. 27
X Wrong direction of rotation. 28
X X Stationary or rotating face of mechanical seal worn. 29
X O-Rings in mechanical seal worn or damaged. 30

1 Fill pump and turn by hand. If necessary, use glycerine to lubricate stator.
2 Check motor nameplate data. Test voltage, phase and frequency.
3 Measure actual discharge pressure and compare to your specification.
4 Remove debris and correct any damage.
5 If liquid temperature cannot be reduced, use an undersized rotor.
6 Check specified application, If necessary, change stator material.
7 Increase liquid-to-solids ratio.
8 Clean pump and rinse out after each use.
9 Increase NPSHA; eliminate leaks (see No. 10).
10 Check seals; tighten piping connections.
11 Packing: tighten stuffing box or replace packing. Mech. seal: replace rings or seals; remove deposits.
12 If drive is variable speed, increase speed at pump.
13 Heat pump (stator) to operating temperature.
14 Reduce suction losses; lower liquid temperature; install pump at lower elevation.
15 Fill pump; provide dry run protection; relocate suction piping.
16 Replace stator.
17 Replace stator, check specified application; change stator material of construction if necessary.
18 Replace rotor; determine cause; change rotor material of construction if necessary.
19 Replace necessary parts; seal and refit carefully.
20 Re-align pump and drive.
21 Replace coupling elastomer; re-align.
22 Replace bearings, lubricate and seal. For high temperature, check bearing tolerances and lubrication.
23 If drive is variable, set at lower speed.
24 Measure viscosity and compare to specified viscosity.
25 Measure specific gravity and compare to specified specific gravity.
26 Service stuffing box; replace worn shafts.
27 Change packing material.
28 Reverse polarity of drive motor.
29 Rework or replace seal faces.
30 Replace o-rings; check specified application. Change o-ring material of construction if necessary.

9 Removal and Assembly of End Flange, Stator

and Pump Housing
The pump with attached pipework should be empty and must have cooled off!

◆ DIsconnect the pipework on the suction side and pressure side of the pump.

◆ Remove securing hardware, from support feet to baseplate.

◆ Remove the hex nuts (3020) with spring washers (3015).

◆ Remove the end flange (2035) from the stator (3005).

◆ Remove the stator (3005).

◆ Remove the pump housing (2010) from drive stool (0085) or bearing
housing (0005).

Reassemble in reverse order.

◆ Installing the stator (3005) will be easier when using glycerine

as a lubricant.

◆ Ensure during refitting that gasket (8110) is in perfect condition

and will seat properly.

Torque values for hex nuts (2030):

Size M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M30

torque 70 132 264 396 660 704 880 1056

10 Disassembly and Assembly of the Rotating Parts

with Pin Joints with SM-Pin Joint Seal
10.1 Removal of Rotor and Coupling Rod
Where a pump is fitted with a ceramic rotor (1999) the following
operations should be carried out with great care.
Do not use any force or sharp tools! Special care must be taken
to prevent vibrations or impact by a hammer.

For removal of the rotor (1999) and coupling rod (1998)

the pin joints should be dismantled as follows:

◆ Place the dismantled unit – consisting of bearing

housing (0005) with drive shaft (1005) or drive stool
(0085) with drive (A) and connecting shaft (1050),
coupling rod (1998) and rotor (1999) – on the
workbench with a wooden block supporting the
rotor (1999).

◆ Push circlip (5065) out of its groove and slip off over
the head of rotor (1999), connecting shaft (1050) or
adapter (5055, 5056).

◆ Pumps fitted with a ceramic rotor (1999):

Carefully turn safety sleeve (5110, 5115) with a
squeeze belt wrench, and remove.
The following method should not be employed for
pumps fitted with a ceramic rotor.
Pumps fitted with a metallic rotor (1999):
If necessary hit the edge of sleeve (5110, 5115) at an
angle with the help of a wooden block and a plastic
hammer. Taking care not to damage the O-rings
Continued on Page 10.0R

◆ Press the pin (5075) out of the head of rotor (1999),

connecting shaft (1050) or adapter (5055, 5056). If
necessary use a hammer and a thin cylindrical pin
(DIN 6450 C).
Drain the oil into a receptacle.

Use caution for pumps with ceramic rotors!

Where a pin (5075) may not come out easily, the

metallic head of rotor (1999) should be supported
on wooden blocks. Then the pin (5075) can be driven
out with the help of a pin punch (DIN 6450 C).
This should be done with care, holding the ceramic
rotor with your hands.
Please dispose of this oil in the proper manner.

◆ Using a screwdriver, carefully remove the SM-pin joint

seal (8235) from the head of rotor (1999),
connecting shaft (1050) or adapter (5055, 5056).

Taking care not to damage the SM-pin joint seal (8235)!

◆ Pull apart the rotor (1999)/coupling rod (1998)/drive

shaft (1005) or connecting shaft (1050) with
adapter (5055, 5056) assembly. Remove the
O-rings (8060).

◆ Push the SM-pin joint seal (8235) towards the head

of coupling rod (1998). In the narrow coupling rod
section press the clamp ring (5425) out of the groove
of the seal. Then slip the SM-pin joint seal (8235)
and clamp ring (5425) off over the head of the
coupling rod (1998).

◆ Where an adapter (5055, 5056) is fitted:

See Page 10.3, Section 10.3:
Removal and Fitting of Adapters.

Continued on Page 10.1


10.2 Assembling the Rotor and

Coupling Rod
For fitting the rotor (1999) with coupling rod (1998),
the two pin joints should be assembled as follows:

◆ If an adapter (5055, 5056) is installed:

See Page 10.3, Section 10.3 –
Fitting and Removal of Adapters.

◆ Slip the clamp ring (5425) over the head of

coupling rod (1998).

◆ Push the SM-pin joint seal (8235) over the head of

coupling rod (1998) toward its narrow section,
there squeezing the clamp ring (5425) into the
groove of the SM-pin joint seal (8235).

◆ Push the SM-pin joint seal (8235) with the correctly

placed clamp ring (5425) up to the shoulder of
coupling rod (1998).

Continued on Page 10.1R


◆ Slip the circlip (5065) on to the coupling rod (1998).

Slide the sleeve (5110) or (5115) on to coupling rod
(1998) so the inside diameter of chamfering (A) is
being placed towards the coupling rod (1998)
extension. Chamfering (A) will later on ease the
installation over the O-rings (8060).
Orient the head of coupling rod (1998) until it is in
vertical position for the bore (B) for the pin (5075).

◆ Slide the coupling rod (1998) with SM-pin joint seal

(8235) into the bore of rotor (1999), connecting
shaft (1050) or adapter (5055, 5056) and insert the
pin (5075) from below and push up to the upper edge
of coupling rod (1998).
Support the pin (5075) against dropping out.
Slide the SM-pin joint seal (8235) into the rotor (1999),
connecting shaft (1050)/ or adapter (5055, 5056)
only from below, and in a slightly slanted position.

◆ For lubrication, use an oil can which should be fitted

with a thin plastic hose having an outside diameter of
not more than 4 mm.
Insert this hose into the upper oil port opening in the
rotor (1999), connecting shaft (1050) or adapter
(5055, 5056). Then slide the hose end past the
coupling rod (1998) all the way down to the bottom
section of the rotor head (1999) or connecting
shaft (1050) or adapter (5055, 5056).
Slowly fill with lubricating oil up to the filling port.

◆ Pull the hose out.

Then insert the hose end through the small gap on the
topside of Sm-pin joint seal (8235) and guide it down to
the bottom of the hollow space between coupling rod
(1998) and SM-pin joint seal (8235). Slowly fill with lubr-
icating oil up to the gap.

Continued on Page 10.2


10.3 Disassembly and Reassembly of

the Adapters

If a pump is fitted with adapters (5055) either on the

drive shaft (1005) or connecting shaft (1050) and rotor
(1999), these adapters should be removed as follows:

◆ Remove the second sleeve (5115) where this has not

been taken off earlier when dismantling the joint.

◆ Then drive the pin (5070) out of the adapter (5055).

◆ Now remove the adapter (5055) from drive shaft

(1005) or connecting shaft (1050) and rotor (1999).

Remove O-ring (8065).


11 Disassembly and Assembly of

the Bearings

11.1 For drive shaft removal:

◆ Remove key (1010).

◆ If an adapter (5055) exists and had not yet been

removed together with the joints:

Removal of the adapter according to

– Page 10.3, Section 10.3 with pin joints.
– Page 10.5, Section 10.6 with gear joints.

◆ Remove stuffing box housing (7015) from bearing

housing (0005) and slip off from drive shaft (1005).

◆ For pumps equipped with a different type of shaft

sealing, with for instance a mechanical seal, please
follow the Instructions under Sections 7 and 12.

◆ Remove thrower (7111) from drive shaft (1005).

Remove lip seal (0030) and substitute a new one every
time during refitting.

◆ Then, remove circlip (0135) as well as second spacer

ring (0065/2).
◆ Press drive shaft (1005) with roller bearings (0020,
0110) out of bearing housing (0005) or apply a
standard puller-device.
◆ Press lip seal (0041) out of bearing housing (0005) and
substitute a new one every time during refitting.

11.2 For removal of bearings from drive


◆ Remove circlip (0035).

◆ Remove first spacer ring (0055/1).

◆ Pull roller bearing (0110) off from drive shaft (1005).

◆ Remove grease retaining ring (0050) and second

spacer ring (0055/2).

◆ Remove circlip (0315), grease retaining rings (0310)

and also shim rings (0027) and (0028).

◆ Remove first spacer ring (0065/1).

◆ Pull roller bearing (0020) off from drive shaft (1005).

Continued on Page 11.1


11.3 For pre-assembly of drive shaft:

◆ Heat up roller bearing (0020) to about 100° C, e.g.

on a cooktop.

◆ Spread trade recommended “anti-stick paste” on drive

shaft (1005) bearing seats to avoid frictional corrosion,
also for easier demounting later on.

Please wear heat-proof gloves!

◆ Push roller bearing (0020) up to shoulder (A) on to

drive shaft (1005).

◆ Apply grease on to both sides of roller bearing (0020).

Fill all hollow spaces!

◆ From the drive side, slip first spacer ring (0065/1) over
drive shaft (1005) and place on roller bearing (0020).

◆ Push shim rings (0027) and (0028), also grease retain-

ing ring (0310), until they touch the inner raceway of
the roller bearing (0020) on drive shaft (1005). Pay
attention to correct orientation of grease retaining
ring (0310).

◆ Push circlip (0315) until it touches the grease retaining

ring (0310) on drive shaft (1005) and snap it into
its groove all around.

◆ Slip first spacer ring (0055/1) over drive shaft (1005)

until it touches the smaller shoulder (B).

◆ Slip grease retaining ring (0050) over drive shaft (1005)

until it touches the first spacer ring (0055/1). Pay atten-
tion to its correct orientation. Please compare sectional
drawing NM…!

Continued on Page 11.1R


◆ Heat roller bearing (0110) up to about 100°C, e.g.

on a cooktop.

◆ Spread trade recommended “anti-stick paste” on drive

shaft (1005) bearing seats to avoid frictional corrosion,
also for easier demounting later on.
Please wear heat-proof gloves!
◆ Push roller bearing (0110) over drive shaft (1005) until it
touches the grease retaining ring (0050).

◆ Apply grease on roller bearing (0110). FIll all hollow

◆ Place second spacer ring (0055/2) until it touches the
roller bearing (0110) on drive shaft (1005).
◆ Place circlip (0035) on drive shaft (1005) and push until
it touches the second spacer ring (0055/2) on drive shaft
(1005) and snap into its groove all around.
◆ Before fitting pre-assembled drive shaft (1005) into the
bearing housing (0005), the shaft must be totally

11.4 For fitting pre-assembled drive shaft

into bearing housing:

◆ Spray anti-corrosion oil (as commercially available) on the

inside of bearing housing (0005) and heat for instance in
the waterbath to a temperature of 50 - 70°C.
Thoroughly prepare all subsequent activities and
carry through without delay! The bearing housing
(0005) should not cool off too much, otherwise
the fitting of the bearings might become difficult!
Please wear heat-proof gloves!

◆ With the drive side (A) at the bottom, place vertically and
clamp bearing housing (0005) in a vice, or support it on
wooden blocks. At the drive side (A) of bearing housing
(0005), there should be ample space for the protruding
end of drive shaft (0005) by means of compressed air and
again treat inside with anti-corrosion oil.

Continued on Page 11.2


◆ Insert pre-assembled drive shaft (1005) with roller

bearings (0020, 0110) from above into bearing housing
(0005) until it touches the stop of roller bearing (0020) at
first spacer ring (0065/1).
Do not interrupt this “insertion” procedure!
For bigger pumps (size NM 063…and larger) use a crane.

◆ Place second spacer ring (0065/2) on roller bearing


◆ Insert circlip (0135) into bearing housing (0005) and

snap it into its groove all around.

◆ Insert a new lip seal (0030) into bearing housing (0005).

Pay attention to correct orientation, The spiral ring must
point to the inside of roller bearing (0020). Compare
sectional drawing NM….

◆ Push thrower (7111) on to drive shaft (1005) in a

distance of about 5 to 10 mm to bearing housing (0005).
◆ Place pre-assembled stuffing box housing (7015) with
inserted front/rear packing (7040, 7045) on to drive shaft
(1005) and insert into bearing housing (0005).
For pumps equipped with a different type of shaft
sealing, with for instance a mechanical seal, please follow
the Instructions under Sections 7 and 12.

◆ Insert lip seal (0041) into bearing housing (0005).

◆ Take care of correct orientation. The spiral ring must point

to the inside of roller bearing (0110). Compare section
drawing NM…!

◆ Fit in key (1010).

◆ If an adapter (5055) exists:

Fitting of the adapter according to
– Page 10.3, Section 10.3 with pin joints.
– Page 10.5, Section 10.6 with gear joints.
Drawing Number
Sealed Pin Joint
Drawing Number
1:x Drawing Number Packing Gland
and Housing

14 Recommended Spare Parts

(Pump with pin joints with SM-seal)

In general, we have all spare parts subject to wear in stock. Our subsidiaries and
exclusive representatives also hold a certain stock. We recommend to keep an
amount of spare parts, corresponding to the pump, in stock on site as follows:

Pieces Position Designation

Large Small
Set Set

1 1 3005 stator
2 2 8005* gasket
1 1 8015 O-ring
1 – 1998 coupling rod
2 – 5075 pin
2 – 8235 SM-seal
4 – 8060 O-ring
1 – 8065 O-ring
2 – 5065 circlip
1 – 5110 sleeve
1 – 5115 sleeve
1 – 1999 rotor
2 – 5425 clamp ring

To ensure that you receive the part quickly, please provide the following information with
your order. Also, please specify the model number of your pump.

Either: 1. a. Part number per the parts drawing

b. Job number (see pump nameplate)

or: 2. a. Part number per the parts drawing

b. Pump machine number. The machine number is stamped on both
the pump nameplate and the bearing housing (0005) or drive stool (0085).

or: 3. Identification number of part (Note: The I.D. Number is a six digit number
which describes the part, pump size, and materials of construction).

* This gasket is only used with rigid material stators (i.e. metal, PTFE, plastics)
Netzsch Incorporated Quality Pays
119 Pickering Way • Exton, PA 19341 ® NEMO: Registered
610.363.8010 • Fax: 610.363.0971 trademark of NETZSCH For Itself
e-mail: [email protected] MOHNOPUMPEN GMBH.

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