C S K B H: Onsciousness As Pontaneous Nowledge Oris Ennig
C S K B H: Onsciousness As Pontaneous Nowledge Oris Ennig
C S K B H: Onsciousness As Pontaneous Nowledge Oris Ennig
I am going to claim that the picture of the mind that Descartes gives in
the Second Meditation is not in fact what is usually called a Cartesian
picture of the mind. This does of course not mean that one should stop
arguing against the Cartesian picture of the mind. For all I know, this
picture is wrong. It also does not necessarily mean that Descartes’ picture
of the mind is better than the so-called Cartesian one. But it means at least
that arguing against Cartesianism is not the same as arguing against
Descartes. Descartes might well be a more worthwhile enemy than an
anonymous Cartesian, if only because his views and arguments are clearly
I will first introduce the systematic question that I raise in this
contribution: What is the distinctive feature of the mind and its activity,
i.e. what is consciousness? Then I will sketch a Cartesian picture of the
mind (as opposed to Descartes’ own picture), according to which
consciousness is a kind of introspective awareness. For the details of this
picture, I will refer to Sebastian Rödl’s dissertation on self-reference and
normativity.1 This book is also important here because Rödl suggests an
alternative to the Cartesian picture that will turn out to significantly
resemble the picture of the mind that I think Descartes actually endorsed.
An exposition and discussion of Rödl’s views will therefore help setting
the stage for Descartes’ own alternative to the Cartesian picture of the
into thinking that it, the thinking being, does not exist. The reason is that
to be deceived is to think, and therefore there must be a thinking thing if
there is to be a deceived thing. This thinking thing is the mind. What kind
of activity is thinking? In the context of the Second Meditation, one should
not just identify thinking with mental activity in general. It would be
wrong for Descartes to reason that since being deceived involves one kind
of mental activity, the mind whose existence is proven in the Second
Meditation must be capable of all other kinds of mental activity as well.
One cannot conclude, for instance, that because imagining something is a
mental activity, any being that may be deceived must also be capable of
imagining things – unless imagining something is necessarily involved in
being deceived. There must be some general definition of “thought”, such
that thinking turns out to be exactly what one must be capable of doing in
order to be possibly deceived. Descartes offers the following two
(2) By the term “thought”, I understand all things that happen in us such
that we are conscious of them, insofar as there is consciousness of them in
us. Yet in this way not only understanding, wanting, and imagining, but
also having sensations is the same as thinking. (Principia, AT VIIIA 7)
2. Cartesianism
It is obvious that in order to understand any one of Descartes’ two
definitions of “thought”, one needs to understand what he means by
“consciousness”. Most commentators take it to be some kind of
introspective knowledge that we have of our own mental activity.
According to this view, to be immediately conscious of a thing is to
introspectively know it without doing so only by introspectively knowing
something else. And the respect in which we are conscious of a thing is
what we introspectively know of it; as opposed to what we do not know of
it, or do know of it but not by introspection.
Let me turn to a particular instance of this view: Sebastian Rödl’s 1997
PhD thesis Selbstbezug und Normativität (published 1998). Rödl does not
endorse the view that consciousness is some kind of introspective
awareness, but he states it and ascribes it to Descartes. I should note that
he has recently thoroughly revised his thesis, and one of the many
differences between the two versions is that whereas the first presents
itself as a critique of the Cartesian picture of the mind, there are almost no
references to Descartes and Cartesianism left in the revised version
(2007).6 None of what I am going to discuss is therefore meant as a
critique of Rödl’s present day views, since he might have changed his
views on Descartes. I refer to the earlier exposition not in order to criticize
his work, but merely in order to shed light on what I take to be Descartes’
actual picture of the mind. Instead of discussing Rödl’s Selbstbezug und
Normativität, I could as well have invented my own anti-Cartesian
strawman, but referring to a real if possibly outdated account has the
advantage that there is some context that may serve to clarify the position
10 Boris Hennig
in question.
In Selbstbezug und Normativität, Rödl raises four closely related but
distinguishable objections against Cartesianism.
(1) Infallible introspective knowledge. According to Rödl, Cartesians
think of the mind as an inner space, the state of which is immediately and
infallibly known (1998, p. 134). If consciousness were a kind of
introspective knowledge of one’s own thoughts, Descartes would define
the mind as an entity that has immediate introspective knowledge of all
states and events that occur within it, such that these states and events are
mental only insofar as the mind is introspectively aware of them. As a
consequence, there could be nothing in the mind that it does not
immediately know. The mind is the thinking thing, all it does is thinking,
and an activity qualifies as thinking only if and insofar as the mind has
(immediate) introspective knowledge of it. On the other hand, its own
thoughts would seem to be the only things of which it can have this
immediate knowledge. The mind could know things other than thoughts
only mediately, by immediately knowing thoughts, which have these
things as their objects.
(2) Semantic self-sufficiency of the mental. The idea of the mind as a
transparent inner space leads to the assumption that the contents of the
mind are semantically self-sufficient. Rödl’s Cartesian takes consciousness
to be a kind of knowledge by which we fully and immediately know our
own thoughts. Unless the objects of these thoughts are again our thoughts,
we know these objects only mediately, by knowing our thoughts. Whereas
the contents of the mind are thus supposed to be fully and immediately
accessible to the subject, the objects in the outer world are not. They are
only mediately accessible. This however means that the contents of our
minds could not for their intelligibility depend on anything in the world. If
there were anything about our thoughts that we knew only by knowing
something that is not a thought, we would not immediately know the
thought, but only know it by means of knowing this other thing. For a
Cartesian (as Rödl describes this position), this is impossible. Rödl refers
to the resulting view, that thoughts are semantically self-sufficient, as a
“Cartesian ontology” of mental states (p. 229).
(3) Division into mental and physical parts. Rödl further speaks of a
“Cartesian operation” of dividing thoughts and actions into (a) a part that
is purely mental and not essentially related to anything non-mental, and
(b) a non-mental part (p. 149). This is something that Descartes seems to
do, for instance, in the Second Meditation. He writes there that even if he
cannot be sure whether he has a body, with which he could perceive and
imagine things, he can at least be sure that he seems to perceive and
Consciousness as Spontaneous Knowledge 11
imagine things, and that if one understands sensation in precisely this way
(presumably as seeming to perceive), it is nothing other than thinking (AT
VII 29). I will return to this passage later on. On the face of it, Descartes
appears to divide perceptions into two independent parts: the seeming to
perceive something, and the rest, such that the seeming is purely mental
and the rest merely bodily.
(4) The impossibility of reference to particular material objects. The
picture of the mind as fully transparent to itself, together with the
“Cartesian operation”, finally leads to what Rödl calls the “Cartesian
assumption”, that we can attribute bodily features to ourselves only on the
basis of a contingent relation between our minds and our bodies (p. 32).
This results as follows. According to the second definition of “thought”,
our activities are thoughts and thus belong to the mind only insofar as we
are conscious of them. Since Descartes says that we can fully understand
everything that belongs to the mind without assuming that any material
object exists, there cannot be anything bodily about our thoughts insofar as
we are conscious of them. Now, by performing the Cartesian operation,
we can divide everything of which we are conscious into two independent
parts, such that we are immediately and fully conscious of one of these
parts, and not at all immediately conscious of the other one. Further, the
Cartesian operation divides not only thoughts into purely mental parts and
a possible bodily remainder, it also divides human beings into purely
mental things and perhaps a bodily remainder. The mind does not have
any bodily features, and the body has no mental attributes. Once this
division is in place, the only way to bring the parts together is to say that
as a matter of contingent fact, they happen to be present in roughly the
same place at the same time.
Rödl argues against the Cartesian assumption by showing that without
the possibility of locating oneself as a mind relative to spatial objects, one
cannot relate to any particular spatial object at all. The argument runs as
follows. I can locate myself relative to another thing in space only if I take
myself to be located somewhere in the same space. But only bodily objects
occupy spatial locations. In order to refer to any bodily object, I must
therefore already conceive of myself as a bodily object. According to
Rödl’s Cartesian, however, the thinking thing is in no way bodily and
therefore, it does not occupy any particular spatial location. And
something that occupies no spatial location cannot relate to any particular
item in space. Therefore, if the mind has no bodily features, it cannot even
relate to its own body. This shows that Rödl’s Cartesianism is impossible.
If Cartesianism is wrong, we must ask how to avoid it. Rödl shows that
Cartesianism leads to an absurdity, but he does not show where exactly
12 Boris Hennig
3. Spontaneous Knowledge
What exactly is spontaneous knowledge? According to Rödl, we
spontaneously know our own thoughts and movements by thinking and
performing them. This works only for special objects of knowledge. I
cannot spontaneously know my haircut by having it, but I can
spontaneously know my thoughts by having them. The reason is that
spontaneous knowledge is constitutive of the actions and thoughts that are
its object. I cannot know my haircut by having it because I can have a
certain haircut without knowing it. I can know my thoughts by having
them because I cannot have a thought without (spontaneously) knowing it.
The crucial point is thus that actions and thoughts are necessarily such that
the one who thinks and performs them has spontaneous knowledge of
them. Spontaneous knowledge is knowledge of objects that are only
possible because there is spontaneous knowledge of them.
Consciousness as Spontaneous Knowledge 13
4. Conscientia
For Rödl’s Cartesian, consciousness is some kind of introspective
awareness by which we notice what happens in our minds. For Rödl
himself, the self-conscious knowledge that we have of ourselves as
thinking subjects is not knowledge by introspection, but spontaneous
knowledge that we have of our thoughts insofar as they are our answers to
the question what to think. What is consciousness (conscientia) for
Descartes? Descartes uses this term in his definition of thought, but he
does not define it anywhere. And he says that in general, when the
meaning of a term is obvious, he does not define it (AT VIIIA 8).8 As I
have argued elsewhere in more detail, these are good reasons for asking
what Descartes’ predecessors took to be the obvious meaning of the Latin
word conscientia.9 Here I can only give a brief, sketchy, and possibly
cryptic answer to this question. Also, I will presently confine myself to
scholastic authorities.
Aquinas takes conscientia to be an act of applying knowledge to a
16 Boris Hennig
Descartes says that sensations are thoughts if they are precisely taken
to be mere appearances. What does he mean by “precisely” here? A bit
earlier in the Second Meditation, he writes that he is “precisely only”
(praecise tantum) a thinking thing (AT VII 27). Gassendi criticizes this
formulation. Since Descartes does not yet know anything about his body
in the Second Meditation, Gassendi objects, he can also not know that he
is not a bodily thing. Therefore, his claim that he is precisely only a
thinking thing is unwarranted (AT VII 263-5). In a letter to Clerselier,
Descartes replies that by saying that the mind is precisely only a thinking
thing, he did not want to say that all it really is is merely a thinking thing.
Rather, he says, “praecise” in this context means as much as “cut short.”
What Descartes wants to say is thus that if the mind is only considered in a
certain restricted way, it is nothing but a thinking thing.17 The same might
well be true for the passage quoted above: If we consider our sensations
and perceptions in a certain restricted way, they are nothing but thoughts.
This does not mean that thoughts are really nothing but mere appearances.
It only means that if we take them to be at least as much as such
appearances, they are thoughts.
The general structure of Descartes’ argument is the following: We may
consider A insofar as it is B, and considered praecise in this way, A is
nothing but C. It does not follow from this that A is nothing but B, B
nothing but C, or A nothing but C. For instance, one may consider Daniel
Craig insofar as he is the new James Bond, and considered in this
20 Boris Hennig
restricted way, one may say that he is a good actor (or a bad one, for that
matter). But this does not mean that Daniel Craig is nothing but the new
James Bond, or that the new James Bond is nothing but a good actor, or
that Daniel Craig is nothing but a good actor. In particular, it does not
follow that insofar as Daniel Craig is someone other than the new Bond,
he is not a good actor. Likewise, one may consider a perception in a
certain restricted way, namely only insofar as it is an apparent perception.
Considered in this way, the perception turns out to be a thought; but this
does not imply that the perception is nothing but a thought, that thoughts
are nothing but appearances, or that insofar as the perception is not merely
apparent, it is something other than a thought. Therefore, in the Second
Meditation, Descartes does not claim that sensations are thoughts only
insofar as they are mere appearances.
Perception, sensation, and imagination are thus kinds of thought if
considered in a certain restricted way. In the Second Meditation, the
relevant restrictions are imposed by the context. Descartes is still engaged
in doubting everything he can doubt, and under these conditions, his
sensations and imaginations can only figure insofar as they are at least
apparent sensations and imaginations, not insofar as they are whatever else
they may be. When Descartes says that as long as these restrictions are in
place, the sensations and imaginations of the thinking thing are thoughts
insofar as they are appearances of actual sensations and imaginations, he
does not say that under normal circumstances, they are just that.18 He has
no business in denying that under normal circumstances, sensations are
bodily processes.
It is important to see what Descartes is trying to show in the Second
Meditation. His aim is to show that the thing whose existence cannot be
doubted is a thinking thing. The point he makes is that in order to doubt
whether a sensory image corresponds to anything real, it is enough to
seemingly perceive. As long as the thinking thing seems to perceive and
imagine things, he argues, it is at least thinking something. Therefore,
there must be a thinking thing even if it only seems to perceive and
imagine. But what is enough in this context may not be enough in other
contexts. There may (and probably must) be thinking things that do not
only seem to perceive and imagine things, but actually do perceive and
imagine them.
I conclude that in the Second Meditation, Descartes does not perform
the Cartesian operation as Rödl describes it. He does not divide the acts of
the mind that involve the body (sensation, perception, and imagination)
into two independent acts, one of which is purely mental, the other merely
bodily. All he says in AT VII 29 is that even if such acts are considered
Consciousness as Spontaneous Knowledge 21
inclined to think that our ideas of particular material things derive from
such things, and we have no means of correcting this assumption (AT VII
79-80). In any case, there could be no finite mind without there being
more than this finite mind. One reason for this is precisely that a finite
mind is not semantically self-sufficient.
What about the Cartesian conception of consciousness as infallible
knowledge? If there is anything objectionable about a mind that is
transparent to itself, then this objection still applies. If consciousness is
practical knowledge rather than introspective awareness, Descartes does
not any longer claim that we know all our thoughts by introspection. But
still, he claims that we necessarily know all our thoughts, since we must
have practical and spontaneous knowledge of all of them. Thoughts are
only possible as spontaneously known by the thinker. Therefore, the
thinking thing must have spontaneous knowledge of everything that
belongs to it. This is true for thinking subjects as Rödl depicts them as
much as for a Cartesian mind.
On the other hand, Descartes occasionally concedes that we do not
necessarily know what is in our minds. In the Discours, for instance, he
writes that the activity by which we believe something differs from the
activity by which we know that we have this belief, such that we may
believe something without knowing that we do so (AT VI 23). One might
account for this by assuming that in the Discours, Descartes speaks of
introspective knowledge, and that he claims that although we must
spontaneously know all our thoughts, we need not be introspectively
aware of all of them. In a letter to Mersenne, however, Descartes also
writes that our own thoughts are not fully within our power (AT III 249),
and this should mean that we need not even spontaneously know
everything about our own thoughts. This is a puzzling passage, and it
might not be possible to make sense of it in the end. In any case, Descartes
does not say, without qualification, that we necessarily know everything
that is in our minds.
If consciousness is spontaneous knowledge, there is a fairly clear sense
in which it must be infallible. We have spontaneous knowledge of our
thoughts and actions insofar as they are our answers to the question what
to do and think. This means that in cases where we are actually doing what
we intend to be doing, we must also spontaneously know what we are in
fact doing. In other cases, where we fail to act as we intend, we must at
least know spontaneously what we are aiming at. We cannot fail to know
what we are doing insofar as we are doing what we intend to do, and if we
are performing any intentional action at all, there must be some extent to
which we are doing what we intend to do. Likewise, we cannot fail to
Consciousness as Spontaneous Knowledge 23
means that we cannot truly evaluate what we are conscious of. Further, if
thought is conscious activity, we cannot at the same think and truly
evaluate our own thoughts (that is, insofar as we have spontaneous
knowledge of them, we can only evaluate our thoughts as correct). In
order to truly evaluate their own thoughts, thinking subjects must distance
themselves from their thoughts, and when they distance themselves from a
thought in this way, they cease to have spontaneous knowledge of it.
Therefore, no thinking thing can reject its own current thoughts as
But if thoughts are answers to the question what to think, they must be
subject to a standard of correctness. Every answer to the question what to
think can be mistaken, and therefore, every thought is subject to an
evaluation that might reveal it to be mistaken. Now, because one cannot
think and reject a thought at the same time, this means that every thought
must be subject to a possible evaluation from a second or third person
perspective. There can be no thinking subject whose thoughts are not
subject to such an evaluation. Descartes assumes that there is a thinking
thing whose thoughts are not subject to any evaluation by any other
thinking being. Rödl argues that there can be no such perfect evaluator
(1998, p. 271). The reason is that first, no thinking being can judge itself.
Second, there can be no thinking being whose thoughts are not subject to
any evaluation.
6. Conclusion
I have argued in this contribution that in order to understand Descartes’
picture of the mind, we must understand what he means by consciousness,
and that consciousness is not a kind of introspective awareness. I take it
that Rödl has successfully demonstrated that if consciousness were a kind
of introspective awareness of what happens in the mind of a thinker, the
mind would be semantically self-sufficient and could not relate to any
particular spatial item. However, Descartes does not think of the human
mind in this way. I have argued that in Descartes’ time, the term
conscientia was mainly used for the knowledge of our own actions that
may be expressed by a practical syllogism. It is knowledge that we have
because and insofar as we perform the actions known and are accountable
for them. If this is so, Descartes’ consciousness is not a kind of
introspective awareness but rather a kind of spontaneous knowledge. We
have this knowledge of our own thoughts and actions insofar as they are
our answers to the question what to think and what to do. According to
Rödl, self-conscious subjects are beings that may spontaneously know
Consciousness as Spontaneous Knowledge 25
Sebastian Rödl, Selbstbezug und Normativität (Paderborn: Schöningh, 1998).
Cf. Robert McRae. “Descartes’ Definition of Thought”, in R. J. Butler, ed.,
Cartesian Studies, (London: Basil Blackwell, 1972), 55-70; John Cottingham.
“Descartes on ‘Thought’,” The Philosophical Quarterly 28 (1978), 208-14; Daisie
Radner. “Thought and Consciousness in Descartes”, Journal of the History of
26 Boris Hennig
Philosophy 26 (1988), 439-452; and James Hill. “What Does ‘To Think’ (cogitare)
Mean in Descartes’ Second Meditation?” Acta Comeniana 19 (2005), 91-103.
This refers to Adam and Tannery, Oeuvres de Descartes (Paris: Vrin, 1996), vol.
VII, page 160. Translations are in general my own.
This is also true of my unconscious desires: I may be aware of them, but only on
the basis of what my psychoanalyst tells me. They are unconscious because I am
only mediately aware of them. Cf. David Finkelstein. “On the Distinction Between
Conscious and Unconscious States of Mind”, American Philosophical Quarterly
36 (1999), 81.
See AT VII 27, among other passages, for the claim that sensations depend on the
body. For imagination, cf. AT VII 72.
Sebastian Rödl, Self-Consciousness (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 2007).
Finkelstein notes that there seems to be something wrong with saying “I
unconsciously believe that p, and in fact, p” (1999, p. 81). The reason might well
be that whenever we accept p as a fact, we also give p as an answer to the question
what to think. Therefore, we cannot both accept p and not be conscious of our
belief that p.
See also AT IV 116 and AT X 369.
It is important to see, first, that although the term conscientia is of central
importance for Descartes, it is impossible to extract its meaning from Descartes’
own writings. This can only be shown by carefully looking at these writings. It
follows that in order to understand what Descartes means by conscientia, we must
look at the way in which this term was traditionally used before Descartes. Second,
before Descartes, there are no clear instances where “conscientia” means what we
today call consciousness or introspective awareness. Again, this claim can only be
established by an extensive survey of the passages that belong to the tradition on
which Descartes built. I have done my best to establish these two claims in
Conscientia bei Descartes (Freiburg: Alber Verlag 2006); Cf. also my “Cartesian
Conscientia”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (2007), 455-484.
Summa Theologiae Ia 79,13; De Veritate 17,1.
Bonaventure, In II Sent. 39,1,1; Walter of Bruges, Quaestiones Disputatae 13
c.a., p. 118; Cf. Rudolf Hofmann, Die Gewissenslehre des Walter von Brügge und
die Entwicklung der Gewissenslehre in der Hochscholastik (Münster:
Hill claims that because conscientia is a kind of scientia, it must be some kind of
intellectualistic knowledge (2005, p. 101). This is far from plausible, given that up
to the time of Descartes, conscientia is clearly practical, moral, and normative
knowledge. On the other hand, this also means that Hill is clearly right in rejecting
the view that Cartesian thoughts must be conscious in the present-day sense of
“conscious” – if there is one.
Aquinas, De Veritate 17,1 ad 4; Bonaventure In II Sent. 39,1,1 c.a.
The account of conscientia that I have just sketched is of course not particularly
Cartesian. We need to refer to the tradition precisely because Descartes does not
give his own positive account. And Descartes’ tradition is also everyone else’s
Consciousness as Spontaneous Knowledge 27
In Principia II,2, Descartes writes that the mind is aware (conscius) that
sensations do not originate from it (AT VIIIA 41).
His main reason for including imagination seems to be that at least according to
his earlier account in the Regulae, our imagination plays a crucial role in
geometrical (and therefore generally in scientific) thought. Cf. Dennis L. Sepper,
Descartes’ Imagination (Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996).
Cf. AT VII 8 and AT VII 27. See John Cottingham. “Cartesian Dualism:
Theology, Metaphysics, and Science”, in Cottingham, ed., The Cambridge
Companion to Descartes, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, 236-
257) 243; Marleen Rozemond, Descartes’ Dualism. (Cambridge. Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1998), 12.
AT VII 33, he says that for now, in the Second Meditation, he does not
distinguish between seeing and thinking that one sees.
Descartes claims that the mind can relate to itself and to God without being
united to a body. Cf. AT VII 73 (pura intellectio happens when the mind turns
toward itself); III 395 (on ideas of the pure mind); IV 114 and XI 350 (our ideas of
our own will do not depend on the body).