Algorithm Kel 3
Algorithm Kel 3
Algorithm Kel 3
ABCs, IV, O2
Suspect Infeksi:
1. Pneumonia Test:
2. Infeksi Kulit 1. Chest X-Ray Oleh Kelompok 3:
3. UTI 2. Kultur Darah
4. Meningitis 3. Urinalisis & Kultur 1. Winda Husnatul Setiani (006)
5. Infeksi Abdomen Urin
4. Tes Malaria 2. Suci Arthayani (007)
6. Infeksi Penggunaan
Kateter 5. Tes HIV jika >1 tahun 3. Adelia Indriani (013)
7. Penyakit Flu/ Virus/ 6. FBC, RFTs, LFTs,
4. Adellia Putri (033)
+ 5. Levy Ernawati (034)
FBC: Full Blood Count
2 atau lebih tanda-tanda
RFTs: Renal Function Tests
SIRS: LFTs: Liver Function Tests;
1. HR>90 PT/PTT: Prothrombin
2. SBP<90 Time/Partial
3. MAP< 65 Thromboplastin
4. Suhu <36◦C atau >38◦C Time
5. RR>20
Diberikan Antibiotik
dan dikontrol rutin
Berikan NS atau LR
Di rawat Inap: Kestler, Andrew., et al. 2013. The development of an emergency sepsis care algorithm in
ICU, Bangsal Botswana. African Journal of Emergency Medicine (2013) 3, 116–123.
Dellinger, R. Phillip., et al. 2013. Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for
Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2012. Society of Critical Care
Medicine and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.