Nutrition Guidelines For Strength Sports Sprinting Weightlifting Throwing Events and Bodybuilding
Nutrition Guidelines For Strength Sports Sprinting Weightlifting Throwing Events and Bodybuilding
Nutrition Guidelines For Strength Sports Sprinting Weightlifting Throwing Events and Bodybuilding
To cite this article: Gary Slater & Stuart M. Phillips (2011) Nutrition guidelines for strength
sports: Sprinting, weightlifting, throwing events, and bodybuilding, Journal of Sports Sciences,
29:sup1, S67-S77, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2011.574722
Strength and power athletes are primarily interested in enhancing power relative to body weight and thus almost all
undertake some form of resistance training. While athletes may periodically attempt to promote skeletal muscle hypertrophy,
key nutritional issues are broader than those pertinent to hypertrophy and include an appreciation of the sports supplement
industry, the strategic timing of nutrient intake to maximize fuelling and recovery objectives, plus achievement of pre-
competition body mass requirements. Total energy and macronutrient intakes of strength-power athletes are generally high
but intakes tend to be unremarkable when expressed relative to body mass. Greater insight into optimization of dietary intake
to achieve nutrition-related goals would be achieved from assessment of nutrient distribution over the day, especially intake
before, during, and after exercise. This information is not readily available on strength-power athletes and research is
warranted. There is a general void of scientific investigation relating specifically to this unique group of athletes. Until this is
resolved, sports nutrition recommendations for strength-power athletes should be directed at the individual athlete, focusing
on their specific nutrition-related goals, with an emphasis on the nutritional support of training.
Correspondence: G. Slater, School of Health and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Science, Health and Education, University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore
DC, QLD 4558, Australia. E-mail: [email protected]
ISSN 0264-0414 print/ISSN 1466-447X online Ó 2011 Taylor & Francis
S68 G. Slater & S. M. Phillips
to induce skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Conse- energy expenditure (Schulz & Schoeller, 1994), it is
quently, the training programmes of bodybuilders not surprising that these athletes have generous
are unique, typically of greater volume than those of energy intakes. However, when expressed relative
other athletes, using higher repetition ranges with to body mass the energy intakes of strength-power
multiple sets per muscle group and little rest between athletes are generally unremarkable relative to those
sets (Lambert & Flynn, 2002). reported for athletes in other sports (Burke et al.,
Given the disparity between sport-specific training 2003) but lower than current strength athlete guide-
programmes of strength-power athletes and their lines of *185–210 kJ kg–1 body mass (Manore,
subsequent metabolic implications, this paper will Barr, & Butterfield, 2000). This likely reflects the
focus on the nutritional implications of resistance fact that taller and/or more muscular individuals have
training among strength-power athletes. The sport of lower resting and total energy requirements relative
bodybuilding will also be addressed given the focus to body mass (Heymsfield et al., 2009). Thus,
on resistance exercise in overall training programme consideration may need to be given to the allometric
prescription. scaling of traditional sports nutrition guidelines for
macronutrients among larger athletes to reflect their
lower relative energy requirements. Consideration
Training nutrition
should also be given to the distribution of nutrient
Nutrition plays an important role in three aspects of intake, with a paucity of information available on
training nutrition for strength-power athletes: fuel- daily distribution of nutrient intake (Burke et al.,
ling of sport-specific and strength training, recovery 2003; van Erp-Baart, Saris, Binkhorst, Vos, & Elvers,
from this training, and the promotion of training 1989), making it difficult to infer compliance with
adaptations, including skeletal muscle hypertrophy. guidelines relating to key periods of nutrient intake,
Resistance exercise requires a high rate of energy specifically before, during, and after exercise.
supply, derived from both the phosphagen energy
systems and glycogenolysis (Lambert & Flynn, 2002;
Tesch, Colliander, & Kaiser, 1986), the contribution
being dependent upon the relative power output, the A single resistance training session can result in
work-to-rest ratio, and muscle blood flow (Tesch reductions in muscle glycogen stores of as much as
et al., 1986). The source of fatigue during resistance 24–40% (Koopman et al., 2006; MacDougall et al.,
exercise is likely multi-factorial, including neuromus- 1999; Pascoe, Costill, Fink, Robergs, & Zachwieja,
cular (Hakkinen, 1993) and peripheral metabolic 1993; Tesch et al., 1986), the amount of depletion
factors such as a decline in intramuscular pH depending on the duration, intensity, and overall
(MacDougall et al., 1999), the latter being somewhat work accomplished during the session. Higher-
dependent on the intensity and volume of training repetition, moderate-load training characteristic of
undertaken as well as the time point within a resistance programming prescribed to promote skeletal muscle
training session. Metabolic fatigue during the earlier hypertrophy results in the greatest reductions in
part of a workout may be due at least partially to muscle glycogen stores (Pascoe et al., 1993), an
reductions in phosphagen energy system stores and effect most pronounced in type II fibres (Koopman
mild acidosis, while subsequent fatigue may result et al., 2006). Reductions in muscle glycogen stores
more from acidosis and impaired energy production have been associated with performance impairment
from glycogenolysis (MacDougall et al., 1999). in both isokinetic torque (Jacobs, Kaiser, & Tesch,
A summary of the reported dietary intake of adult 1981) and isoinertial resistance training capacity
strength-power athletes in training is presented in (Leveritt & Abernethy, 1999), although this effect is
Tables I and II. Investigations including athletes not always evident (Mitchell, DiLauro, Pizza, &
acknowledging the use of anabolic steroids have been Cavender, 1997) and possibly dependent on the
omitted as steroid use has been shown to influence method used to induce a state of glycogen depletion.
dietary practices (Kleiner, Calabrese, Fiedler, Naito, Nonetheless, it is conceivable that impaired training
& Skibinski, 1989). Investigations focusing on the or competition performance could occur in any
pre-competition dietary practices of bodybuilders session or event that relied on rapid and repeated
have also been omitted due to the range of novel glycogen breakdown.
interventions undertaken acutely before competition Given that resistance training is merely one
to maximize muscularity, including adjustments component of the overall training programme of
in sodium, fluid, and carbohydrate intake (Kleiner, sprints and throwing event athletes, and that the
Bazzarre, & Litchford, 1990; Walberg-Rankin, skeletal muscle damage that accompanies resistance
Edmonds, & Gwazdauskas, 1993). training (Gibala et al., 2000) impairs muscle glyco-
Given the extreme muscularity of these individuals gen resynthesis (Zehnder, Muelli, Buchli, Kuehne, &
and the association between muscle mass and total Boutellier, 2004), it would seem pertinent to
Table I. Reported dietary intake of energy and macronutrients among adult male strength and power athletes during training (unless otherwise stated) since 1980.
Throwing Elite (n ¼ 6) 109 22.4 + 2.9 205 + 25 450 + 52 4.1 + 0.5 265 + 44 2.4 + 0.4 277 + 97 47 + 16 3–5 day weighed Chen et al. (1989)
National level (n ¼ 20) 96 14.6 + 3.3 152 + 36 375 3.9 160 1.7 + 0.9 158 41 + 5 7 day diary Faber et al. (1990)
National team (n ¼ 2) 104 15.0 + 2.8 145 + 20 429 + 81 4.1 + 0.6 134 + 2 1.3 + 0.1 119 + 8 30 + 4 3 day diary Sugiura et al. (1999)
Sprinting National level (n ¼ 10) 67 11.1 + 1.5 167 + 33 340 + 57 5.1 + 1.0 102 + 20 1.5 + 0.4 90 + 16 30 + 3 3 day diary Sugiura et al. (1999)
Weightlifting Elite (n ¼ 10) 80 19.2 + 2.5 238 + 25 431 + 96 5.4 + 1.2 257 + 47 3.2 + 0.6 205 + 33 40 + 7 3–5 day Chen et al. (1989)
weighed diary
International (n ¼ 7) 76 12.8 167 320 4.2 97 1.3 134 39 4–7 day diary van Erp-Baart et al. (1989)
National and 15.2 + 3.9 392 161 160 39 + 6 3 day diary Grandjean (1989)
collegiate (n ¼ 28)
National team (n ¼ 15) 95 31.4 330 764 8 295 3.1 380 45 3 day semi-weighed Heinemann & Zerbes
diary (1989)
National level (n ¼ 19) 84 15.2 + 5.0 181 + 50 399 + 143 4.8 156 + 42 1.9 + 0.6 155 + 62 39 + 4 7 day diary Burke et al. (1991)
Bodybuilding Competitive (n ¼ 76) 82 15.0 + 4.2 183 320 + 132 3.9 200 + 79 2.4 157 + 50 39 7 day diary Faber et al. (1986)
Elite (n ¼ 6) 80 20.1 + 0.2 251 592 7.4 + 0.3 224 2.7 + 0.1 174 32 7 day diary Tarnopolsky et al. (1988)
International (n ¼ 8) 87 13.7 157 424 4.9 201 2.5 118 32 4–7 day diary van Erp-Baart et al. (1989)
Competitive (n ¼ 7)
Training 91 15.0 + 4.9 165 457 + 148 5 215 + 59 2.4 110 + 71 26 + 12 3 day diary Heyward et al. (1989)
Competition 86 9.8 + 1.1 113 365 + 76 4.2 163 + 59 1.9 32 + 18 13 + 8
Competitive (n ¼ 20) 77 15.4 + 4.4 200 532 6.9 165 2.1 120 29 + 7 4 day diary Giada et al. (1996)
International (n ¼ 7) 85 12.4 + 1.5 145 369 + 70 4.3 144 + 41 1.7 95 + 12 28 4 day diary Maestu et al. (2010)
Nutrition guidelines for strength sports
S70 G. Slater & S. M. Phillips
Chen et al. (1989)
male strength athletes (Lambert & Flynn, 2002) and
et al. (1989)
Table II. Reported dietary intake of energy and macronutrients among adult female strength and power athletes during training (unless otherwise stated) since 1980.
3 day diary
3 day diary
mass, independent of gender (Tables I and II). While
3–5 day
21 + 9
10 + 3
230 + 14
94 + 24
86 + 17
42 + 30
69 + 44
1.1 + 0.3
1.4 + 0.4
1.7 + 0.5
g kg–1
93 + 23
89 + 25
102 + 30
99 + 44
5.1 + 1.1
5.8 + 1.6
g kg–1
Strength-trained athletes have advocated high pro-
261 + 112
290 + 124
336 + 68
305 + 79
208 + 60
112 + 28
167 + 39
191 + 46
kJ kg–1
9.3 + 2.0
11.0 + 2.4
10.0 + 2.2
6.8 + 2.3
9.1 + 3.6
Competitive (n ¼ 12)
Collegiate (n ¼ 4)
other dietary factors, including total energy intake intake of foods rich in unsaturated fats may be
(Calloway & Spector, 1954), the daily distribution of advocated for strength-power athletes struggling to
protein intake, especially as it relates to training, and achieve energy needs because of an emphasis on the
the source of dietary protein (Tang & Phillips, 2009). selection of lower energy density foods in the meal
While there is very little information available on the plan.
eating patterns of strength athletes, available litera-
ture suggests the majority of daily protein intake is
Pre-exercise and during exercise
ingested at main meals, with little consideration for
between-meal intake, presumably inclusive of pre- Athletes are encouraged to pay particular attention to
and post-training snacks (Burke et al., 2003). Thus, dietary intake in the hours before exercise, based on
rather than focusing on total daily intake, athletes are the assumption that pre-exercise nutritional strate-
encouraged to consume rapidly digested protein gies can influence exercise performance. While this is
meals/snacks in close proximity to their exercise a widely accepted practice before endurance exercise
bout, especially during and after exercise (Phillips & to enhance work capacity (Hargreaves, Hawley, &
Van Loon, 2011). Less is known about the impact of Jeukendrup, 2004), evidence is also emerging for a
protein distribution in the meal plan outside of the beneficial role of acute carbohydrate ingestion prior
acute period before and/or after exercise (53 h). to strength training. For example, Lambert and
There is some evidence to suggest that protein colleagues (Lambert, Flynn, Boone, Michaud, &
breakdown may be less with a wider distribution of Rodriguez-Zayas, 1991) reported that supplemental
daily protein intake compared with an acute daily carbohydrate ingestion before and during resistance
bolus of protein (Arnal et al., 2000). However, given exercise (1 g kg–1 before, 0.5 g kg–1 during) in-
that muscle protein synthesis becomes refractory to creased total work capacity, a response that has been
persistent aminoacidemia (Bohe, Low, Wolfe, & replicated elsewhere (Haff et al., 1999, 2001).
Rennie, 2001), Moore and colleagues (2009) suggest However, not all investigations show benefit with
the ingestion of 20 g of high biological value protein acute carbohydrate ingestion (Haff et al., 2000; Kulik
(8–10 g essential amino acids) no more than 5–6 et al., 2008); we propose that the ergogenic potential
times daily may result in maximal stimulation of for carbohydrate ingestion is most likely to be
muscle protein synthesis. observed when undertaking resistance training of
long duration and high volume. At present, a specific
recommendation for an optimum rate or timing of
carbohydrate ingestion for strength-power athletes
The dietary fat intake of strength-power athletes before and during any given training session cannot
reported in Tables I and II is generally higher than be determined. As with all athletes, strength-power
that recommended for healthy individuals (Zello, athletes should be encouraged to initiate training in a
2006), and often derived from sources rich in euhydrated state given that even moderate hypohy-
saturated fat (Chen et al., 1989; Faber, Benade, & dration can impair resistance-training work capacity
van Eck, 1986; Faber, Spinnler-Benade, & Daubit- (Kraft et al., 2010).
zer, 1990; Giada et al., 1996), presumably from an Recently, there has been interest in the co-
emphasis on animal foods in the pursuit of a higher ingestion of carbohydrate and essential amino acids
protein intake (Chen et al., 1989). While the acute both before and during resistance exercise, presum-
health implications of such dietary practices on blood ably to increase substrate availability and thus
lipid profiles is not immediately evident (Faber et al., exercise performance, promote a more anabolic
1986, 1990; Giada et al., 1996), it may explain in hormonal environment (Bird, Tarpenning, & Mar-
part the lower dietary carbohydrate intakes reported ino, 2006a, 2006b), stimulate muscle protein synth-
among strength-power athletes. Given that isoener- esis (Tipton et al., 2001), and/or reduce indices of
getic substitution of fat for carbohydrate has a muscle damage and soreness (Bird et al., 2006b;
favourable effect on nitrogen balance (Richardson, Saunders, Kane, & Todd, 2004). While initial
Wayler, Scrimshaw, & Young, 1979), it is tempting research had suggested a greater muscle protein
to advocate a reduction in dietary fat intake, synthetic response to resistance training when nutri-
especially for those individuals exceeding current tional support was provided before compared with
guidelines for fat intake. However, consideration after resistance exercise (Tipton et al., 2001), this has
must be given to the practical implication of not been replicated elsewhere (Fujita et al., 2009;
substituting a high-energy density macronutrient Tipton et al., 2007). Consequently, current guide-
with a lower energy macronutrient and the impact lines advocate protein ingestion at a time that
this may have on energy balance, especially among coincides with maximal stimulation of muscle
strength-power athletes with very high energy needs. protein synthesis, which is after exercise (Burd,
Conversely, there may be situations in which a higher Tang, Moore, & Phillips, 2009).
S72 G. Slater & S. M. Phillips
tion of branched-chain amino acid and protease
Given that resistance training typically forms only supplementation, it may be premature to recommend
one component of an athlete’s training schedule, these as strategies to overcome muscle soreness.
recovery strategies shown to enhance restoration of
muscle glycogen stores such as post-exercise carbo-
Supplementation practices
hydrate ingestion should be routinely implemented
following resistance training. General sports nutri- Supplement use is reported to be higher among
tion guidelines advocate the ingestion of carbohy- athletes than their sedentary counterparts, with
drate at a rate of 1.0–1.2 g kg–1 body mass in the particularly high rates of supplement use among
immediate post-exercise period (Burke, Kiens, & weightlifters and bodybuilders (Sobal & Marquart,
Ivy, 2004). However, this has no influence on muscle 1994). The high prevalence of supplement use
protein metabolism (Koopman et al., 2007). In among bodybuilders (Brill & Keane, 1994), Olympic
contrast, post-exercise dietary protein ingestion weightlifters (Burke, Gollan, & Read, 1991), track
results in an exacerbated elevation in muscle protein and field athletes (Froiland, Koszewski, Hingst, &
synthesis with a concomitant minor suppression in Kopecky, 2004; Nieper, 2005; Ronsen, Sundgot-
muscle protein breakdown, resulting in a positive net Borgen, & Maehlum, 1999), and those who frequent
protein balance (Phillips, Tang, & Moore, 2009). commercial gymnasia (Morrison, Gizis, & Shorter,
The ingestion of *20 g of high biological value 2004; Sheppard, Raichada, Kouri, Stenson-Bar-
protein after resistance exercise appears to be Maor, & Branch, 2000) is not unexpected, given
sufficient to maximally stimulate muscle protein the range of products targeted at this market
synthesis, with amounts in excess of this merely (Grunewald & Bailey, 1993; Philen, Ortiz, Auer-
promoting protein oxidation (Moore et al., 2009). bach, & Falk, 1992). While multi-vitamin and
Thus the combined ingestion of carbohydrate and mineral supplements are very popular among all
protein acutely following resistance training results in athletes, other products such as protein powders and
more favourable recovery outcomes, including re- specific amino acid supplements, caffeine, and
storation of muscle glycogen stores and muscle creatine monohydrate are also frequently used by
protein metabolism, than the ingestion of either strength-trained athletes (Brill & Keane, 1994;
nutrient alone (Miller, Tipton, Chinkes, Wolf, & Goston & Correia, 2010; Morrison et al., 2004;
Wolfe, 2003). Post-exercise protein ingestion also Nieper, 2005; Sheppard et al., 2000).
lowers carbohydrate intake requirements in the Recognizing the nutritional value of food sources
acute recovery period, with an energy-matched of protein and essential amino acids, creatine
intake of 0.8 g kg71 h71 carbohydrate plus monohydrate is the only supplement that has been
0.4 g kg71 h71 protein resulting in similar mus- reported to enhance skeletal muscle hypertrophy and
cle glycogen resynthesis over 5 h as 1.2 g kg71 functional capacity in response to resistance training
h71 carbohydrate alone following intermittent ex- (Hespel & Derave, 2007). However, liquid meal
ercise (van Loon, Saris, Kruijshoop, & Wagen- supplements rich in carbohydrate and protein may be
makers, 2000), with a similar response evident valuable in the post-exercise period to boost total
following resistance exercise (Roy & Tarnopolsky, energy and specific nutrient intake at a time when the
1998). Preliminary evidence also suggests the post- appetite is often suppressed (Cribb & Hayes, 2006).
exercise co-ingestion of carbohydrate and protein There is also evidence of enhanced muscular
may reduce muscle damage often seen in strength- strength with acute caffeine ingestion (Warren, Park,
trained athletes (Cockburn, Stevenson, Hayes, Maresca, McKibans, & Millard-Stafford, 2010). An
Robson-Ansley, & Howatson, 2010); whether such excellent review of issues relating to supplement
a change has a functional benefit is unclear. use by athletes is presented elsewhere (Maughan,
The muscle soreness common among strength- Greenhaff, & Hespel, 2011).
power athletes following heavy eccentric loading or Strength-trained athletes continue to seek supple-
novel training sessions is associated with adverse ment information from readily accessible sources
athletic outcomes (Cheung, Hume, & Maxwell, including magazines, fellow athletes, and coaches
2003). A number of nutrition interventions have (Froiland et al., 2004; Nieper, 2005; Sheppard et al.,
been trialled to minimize the soreness, including 2000). Consequently, the accuracy of information
fish oils (Lenn et al., 2002), branched-chain amino provided may vary, leaving the athlete vulnerable to
acids (Jackman, Witard, Jeukendrup, & Tipton, 2010; inappropriate and/or ineffective supplementation
Matsumoto et al., 2009; Sharp & Pearson, 2010; protocols. The presence of muscle dysmorphia, a
Shimomura et al., 2010), and protease supplements body dysmorphic disorder characterized by a pre-
(Beck et al., 2007; Buford et al., 2009; Miller, Bailey, occupation with a sense of inadequate muscularity
Barnes, Derr, & Hall, 2004). While there is some common among bodybuilders, may also influence
evidence of reduced soreness as a result of consump- supplementation practices and lead to anabolic
Nutrition guidelines for strength sports S73
steroid use (Hildebrandt, Schlundt, Langenbucher, bodybuilders such dietary restrictions are often
& Chung, 2006). associated with compromised micronutrient intake
(Heyward et al., 1989; Lamar-Hildebrand, Saldan-
ha, & Endres, 1989) and menstrual dysfunction
(Walberg & Johnston, 1991), presumably because
Competition demands of strength sports are typically energy availability falls below the threshold of *30
characterized by explosive single efforts where kcal kg–1 fat free mass day–1 required to maintain
athletes are typically given a designated number of normal endocrine regulation of the menstrual cycle
opportunities to produce a maximal performance, (Loucks, Kiens, & Wright, 2011).
with significant recovery between each effort. Con- If catabolism of muscle protein is experienced by
sequently, muscle energy reserves are unlikely to be an Olympic weightlifter or powerlifter as they
challenged, even in the face of challenging environ- attempt to ‘‘make weight’’ for competition, a
mental conditions of competitions like the summer compromise in force-generating capacity (Bamman
Olympic Games (Peiser & Reilly, 2004). Conse- et al., 1993), and thus weightlifting performance, is
quently, nutrition priorities remain with more gen- at least theoretically possible. To avoid this situation,
eral goals like optimizing gastrointestinal tract consideration should be given to the amount of
comfort and preventing weight gain during the weight loss required and thus the specified weight
competition taper. category as well as nutritional strategies proven to
Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and body- assist with maintenance of lean body mass during
building are unique among strength-power sports weight loss, such as a relative increase in dietary
in that competition is undertaken via weight cate- protein intake (Mettler, Mitchell, & Tipton, 2010).
gories or, on occasion, by height class in body- Allocating sufficient time to achieve the specified
building. As such, these athletes are vulnerable to the weight-category limit without severe energy restric-
acute weight loss practices common to other weight tion will also be critical with possible consideration
category sports such as acute food/fluid restriction, given to the strategic use of acute weight-loss
resulting in a state of glycogen depletion and strategies in the final 24–48 h before weigh-in. This
hypohydration (Kiningham & Gorenflo, 2001). may include the use of low-residue, low-volume meal
While performance is typically compromised in plans as well as moderation of fluid intake, which in
sports requiring a significant contribution from combination can induce a 2–3% body mass loss
aerobic and/or anaerobic energy metabolism, activ- without promoting the health risks associated with
ities demanding high power output and absolute other acute weight-loss strategies. However, as with
strength are less likely to be influenced by acute any pre-competition strategy, this approach should
weight loss (Fogelholm, 1994). Furthermore, the be trialled in training with the support of suitably
weigh-in is typically undertaken 2 h before a qualified sports science and/or sports medicine
weightlifting competition, affording athletes an op- professionals to assess both tolerance and the
portunity to recover, at least partially, from any acute amount of weight loss achieved. An excellent review
weight loss strategies undertaken prior to competi- of issues relating to body mass management of elite
tion. The body mass management guidelines for athletes is presented elsewhere (Sundgot-Borgen &
wrestlers issued by the American College of Sports Garthe, 2011).
Medicine (ACSM) would appear applicable to
Olympic weightlifters also (Oppliger, Case, Horswill,
Landry, & Shelter, 1996).
Given the association between lower body fat Within the lifting events, physique traits influence
percentages and competitive success, bodybuilders performance in several ways. While the expression of
typically adjust their training and diet several weeks strength has a significant neural component, lifting
out from competition in an attempt to decrease body performance is closely associated with skeletal
fat while maintaining/increasing muscle mass. While muscle mass (Brechue & Abe, 2002). Excluding
a compromise in muscle mass has been observed the open weight category, weightlifters also tend to
when attempting to achieve the extremely low body have low body fat, enhancing development of
fat percentages desired for competition (Heyward, strength per unit body mass (Keogh, Hume,
Sandoval, & Colville, 1989; Withers et al., 1997), Pearson, & Mellow, 2007). Successful weightlifters
this is not always the case (Bamman, Hunter, also have a higher sitting height to stature ratio with
Newton, Roney, & Khaled, 1993; Maestu, Eliakim, shorter limbs, creating a biomechanical advantage
Jurimae, Valter, & Jurimae, 2010; van der Ploeg (Keogh, Hume, Pearson, & Mellow, 2009). An
et al., 2001). The performance implications of any association between physique traits and competitive
skeletal muscle loss are unknown given the subjective success in the Olympic throwing events has been
nature of bodybuilding competition. Among female recognized for some time, with successful athletes
S74 G. Slater & S. M. Phillips
being heavier and taller than their counterparts Bamman, M. M., Hunter, G. R., Newton, L. E., Roney, R. K., &
(Khosla, 1968) and growing in size at a rate well in Khaled, M. A. (1993). Changes in body composition, diet,
and strength of bodybuilders during the 12 weeks prior to
excess of population secular trends (Norton & Olds, competition. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 33,
2001). In contrast to other strength sports, body- 383–391.
building is unique in that competitive success is Beck, T. W., Housh, T. J., Johnson, G. O., Schmidt, R. J., Housh,
judged purely on the basis of the size, symmetry, and D. J., Coburn, J. W. et al. (2007). Effects of a protease
supplement on eccentric exercise-induced markers of delayed-
definition of musculature. Not surprisingly, body-
onset muscle soreness and muscle damage. Journal of Strength
builders are the most muscular of all the strength and Conditioning Research, 21, 661–667.
athletes (Huygens et al., 2002). Successful body- Bird, S. P., Tarpenning, K. M., & Marino, F. E. (2006a). Effects
builders have lower body fat, yet are taller and of liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion on acute
heavier with wider skeletal proportions, especially the hormonal response during a single bout of resistance exercise in
ratio of biacromial to bi-iliocristal breadths (Fry, untrained men. Nutrition, 22, 367–375.
Bird, S. P., Tarpenning, K. M., & Marino, F. E. (2006b). Liquid
Ryan, Schwab, Powell, & Kraemer, 1991). carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion during a short-term
While it is reasonable to presume that the nutri- bout of resistance exercise suppresses myofibrillar protein
tional focus of strength-power athletes remains with degradation. Metabolism, 55, 570–577.
skeletal muscle hypertrophy throughout the year, Bohe, J., Low, J. F., Wolfe, R. R., & Rennie, M. J. (2001). Latency
in reality this is rarely the case, except perhaps during and duration of stimulation of human muscle protein synthesis
during continuous infusion of amino acids. Journal of Physiol-
the ‘‘off-season’’ for bodybuilders or specified times ogy, 532 (Pt 2), 575–579.
of the annual macrocycle of other strength-power Brechue, W. F., & Abe, T. (2002). The role of FFM accumulation
athletes. Furthermore, significant changes in body and skeletal muscle architecture in powerlifting performance.
mass among bodybuilders, Olympic weightlifters, and European Journal of Applied Physiology, 86, 327–336.
powerlifters will likely influence the weight category Brill, J. B., & Keane, M. W. (1994). Supplementation patterns of
competitive male and female bodybuilders. International Journal
they compete in and those they compete against. Thus of Sport Nutrition, 4, 398–412.
the intention to promote skeletal muscle hypertrophy Buford, T. W., Cooke, M. B., Redd, L. L., Hudson, G. M.,
must be given serious consideration by athletes and Shelmadine, B. D., & Willoughby, D. S. (2009). Protease
their coaches before being implemented. supplementation improves muscle function after eccentric
exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41, 1908–
Conclusions Burd, N. A., Tang, J. E., Moore, D. R., & Phillips, S. M. (2009).
Exercise training and protein metabolism: Influences of
Nutrition plays a number of important roles for contraction, protein intake, and sex-based differences. Journal
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explosive power and strength are critical to compe-
(2001). Guidelines for daily carbohydrate intake: Do athletes
titive success. While total energy intake of strength- achieve them? Sports Medicine, 31, 267–299.
power athletes tends to be greater than that of Burke, L. M., Gollan, R. A., & Read, R. S. (1991). Dietary intakes
endurance-focused athletes, intake relative to body and food use of groups of elite Australian male athletes.
mass is often unremarkable, with less known about International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 1, 378–394.
distribution of nutrient intake over the day. Strength- Burke, L. M., Kiens, B., & Ivy, J. L. (2004). Carbohydrates and
fat for training and recovery. Journal of Sports Sciences, 22,
power athletes will benefit from a greater focus on 15–30.
the strategic timing of nutrient intake before, during, Burke, L. M., Slater, G., Broad, E. M., Haukka, J., Modulon, S.,
and after exercise to assist them in optimizing & Hopkins, W. G. (2003). Eating patterns and meal frequency
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composition. Strength and power athletes create Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 13, 521–538.
Calloway, D. H., & Spector, H. (1954). Nitrogen balance as
unique challenges for the nutrition service provider related to caloric and protein intake in active young men.
given their reliance on readily accessible sources of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2, 405–412.
information, susceptibility to sports supplement Chen, J. D., Wang, J. F., Li, K. J., Zhao, Y. W., Wang, S. W., Jiao,
marketing, potentially distorted body image and Y. et al. (1989). Nutritional problems and measures in elite
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challenges associated with achieving a specified
(5 suppl.), 1084–1089.
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