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The guidelines provide recommendations for diagnosing and managing several vascular disorders of the liver based on published evidence and literature.

The major vascular disorders discussed are portal vein thrombosis, sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, Budd-Chiari syndrome, and congenital vascular malformations.

Acute portal vein thrombosis represents the initial obstruction while chronic portal vein thrombosis is a later stage of the same disease. Acute PVT requires different management approaches than chronic PVT.


Vascular Disorders of the Liver

Laurie D. DeLeve,1 Dominique-Charles Valla,2 and Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao3

This guideline has been approved by the American Asso- College of Cardiology and the American Heart Associa-
ciation for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) and rep- tion Practice Guidelines.3,4)
resents the position of the association.

Preamble Introduction
These recommendations provide a data-supported ap- The major vascular disorders of the liver are listed in
proach. They are based on the following: (1) formal re- Table 2. Most of the vascular disorders of the liver are
view and analysis of the recently published world rare, with the exception of portal vein thrombosis
literature on the topic (Medline search); (2) American (PVT) in patients with cirrhosis, and therefore the best
College of Physicians Manual for Assessing Health Prac- evidence about diagnosis and management has been
tices and Designing Practice Guidelines1; (3) guideline acquired through prospective cohort studies rather
policies, including the AASLD Policy on the Develop- than randomized clinical trials. Their importance lies
ment and Use of Practice Guidelines and the American in the very significant morbidity and mortality that can
Gastroenterological Association Policy Statement on occur without timely diagnosis or disease-specific man-
Guidelines2; and (4) the experience of the authors in the agement or even with an inappropriate workup. The
specified topic. purpose of these guidelines is to provide clinicians with
Intended for use by physicians, these recommenda- approaches to diagnose and manage the disorders for
tions suggest preferred approaches to the diagnostic, ther-
which there are sufficient data to make recommenda-
apeutic, and preventive aspects of care. They are intended
tions. Given the rarity of some of the vascular disor-
to be flexible, in contrast to standards of care, which are
ders, not all are suitable for practice guidelines, and
inflexible policies to be followed in every case. Specific
these will not be discussed. These guidelines will review
recommendations are based on relevant published infor-
mation. To more fully characterize the quality of evidence PVT, sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, Budd-Chiari
supporting recommendations, the Practice Guidelines syndrome (BCS), and congenital vascular malforma-
Committee of the AASLD requires a Class (reflecting tions.
benefit versus risk) and Level (assessing strength or cer-
tainty) of Evidence to be assigned and reported with each
recommendation (Table 1, adapted from the American
Portal Vein Thrombosis
Obstruction of the portal vein or its branches can be
related to invasion or constriction by a malignant tumor,
All American Association for the Study Liver Diseases (AASLD) Practice Guide-
lines are updated annually. If you are viewing a Practice Guideline that is more than or to thrombosis. In developed countries, PVT might be
12 months old, please visit for an update in the material. more common than previously considered, as it was
Abbreviations: AASLD, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases; found at routine necropsy in about 1% of Swedish sub-
BCS, Budd-Chiari syndrome; CT, computed tomography; DVT, deep vein throm-
bosis; HHT, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia; HV, hepatic vein; IVC, inferior jects in the 1970s.5 In developing countries, PVT has
vena cava; LVM, liver vascular malformation; MELD, Model for End-Stage Liver accounted for up to 30% and 75% of cases of portal
Disease; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NRH, nodular regenerative hyperpla-
hypertension in adults and children, respectively.6 From a
sia; PVT, portal vein thrombosis; SOS, sinusoidal obstruction syndrome; TIPS,
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunt. clinical point of view, PVT consists of two different enti-
From the 1Division of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases and the Research ties, acute PVT and chronic PVT, which represent suc-
Center for Liver Diseases, University of Southern California Keck School of Medi-
cine, Los Angeles, CA; 2Service d’Hépatologie, Hôpital Beaujon, Université Denis-
cessive stages of the same disease and share similar causes,
Diderot-Paris 7, and Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale but differ as to their management.7 Therefore, after con-
U773, Clichy, France; and 3Digestive Disease Section, Yale University School sidering their common causal factors, acute and chronic
of Medicine and Veterans Administration–Connecticut Healthcare System, New
Haven, CT.
PVT will be discussed successively. Likewise, PVT occur-
Received November 20, 2008; accepted November 28, 2008. ring in children, in patients with cirrhosis, and in liver
Copyright © 2009 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. transplant recipients will be considered separately, be-
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
DOI 10.1002/hep.22772 cause their features and management differ from those in
Potential conflict of interest: Nothing to report. other groups of patients.

Table 1. Grading System for Recommendations Table 3. Local Risk Factors for Portal Vein Thrombosis
Classification Description Local Risk Factors

Class I Conditions for which there is evidence and/or general Cancer

agreement that a given diagnostic evaluation, Any abdominal organ
procedure or treatment is beneficial, useful, and Focal inflammatory lesions
effective. Neonatal omphalitis, ombilical vein catheterization
Class II Conditions for which there is conflicting evidence Diverticulitis, Appendicitis
and/or a divergence of opinion about the Pancreatitis
usefulness/efficacy of a diagnostic evaluation, Duodenal ulcer
procedure or treatment. Cholecystitis
Class IIa Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of usefulness/ Tuberculous lymphadenitis
efficacy. Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis
Class IIb Usefulness/efficacy is less well established by Cytomegalovirus hepatitis
evidence/opinion. Injury to the portal venous system
Class III Conditions for which there is evidence and/or general Splenectomy
agreement that a diagnostic evaluation/ Colectomy, Gastrectomy
procedure/treatment is not useful/effective and in Cholecystectomy
some cases may be harmful. Liver transplantation
Abdominal trauma
Level of Surgical portosystemic shunting, TIPS, Liver
Evidence Description
Level A Data derived from multiple randomized clinical trials or meta-analyses. Cirrhosis
Level B Data derived from a single randomized trial, or nonrandomized studies. Preserved liver function with precipitating factors
Level C Only consensus opinion of experts, case studies, or standard-of-care. (splenectomy, surgical portosystemic shunting, TIPS
dysfunction, thrombophilia)
Advanced disease in the absence of obvious
precipitating factors

Causes of Portal Vein Thrombosis

PVT is caused by a combination of local and general
risk factor is present. Malignancy is a well-established,
risk factors. A local risk factor can be identified in about
although not fully understood, risk factor for deep vein
30% of patients, and a general risk factor in 70%.7-11
thrombosis (DVT).20 This malignancy-associated pro-
Local Factors. A list of these local risk factors is pro-
thrombotic state may play a role in PVT developing in
vided in Table 3. Malignant tumors within the portal
patients with malignant abdominal tumors in the absence
venous territory (in the absence of portal venous invasion
of compression or invasion. Likewise, systemic inflamma-
or constriction), and cirrhosis are the leading local risk
factors for PVT.5,9 In the rest of the patients, the most
common local factor for PVT is inflammatory foci in the Table 4. Prevalence of Thrombotic Risk Factors in Series
abdomen.7,12,13 A local factor for PVT is more frequently of Routinely Investigated, Consecutive Adult Patients with
recognized at the acute stage of PVT than later on at the Nontumorous and Noncirrhotic, Acute and/or Chronic
chronic stage.7 PVT8-11,14,15,17-19,27 and in Consecutive Patients with
General Factors. General risk factors are similar in Primary Budd-Chiari Syndrome (BCS)9,11,14-16,27,207-210
nature and in prevalence in patients with acute PVT and PVT BCS
chronic PVT.7 As shown in Table 4, an inherited or ac- Risk Factors Patients Patients

quired prothrombotic condition has been found in many Myeloproliferative disorders 30%–40% 40%–50%
patients with PVT, whether a local risk factor had been Atypical 14% 25%–35%
Classical 17% 10%–25%
identified.8,9,11,14-19 Therefore, identification of a local Antiphospholipid syndrome 6%–19% 4%–25%
risk factor does not exclude the possibility that a general Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 0%–2% 0%–4%
Behçet’s disease 0%–31% 0%–33%
Factor V Leiden mutation 6%–32% 6%–32%
Factor II mutation 14%–40% 5%–7%
Table 2. Vascular Diseases of the Liver
Protein C deficiency* 0%–26% 10%–30%
Portal vein thrombosis Protein S deficiency* 2%–30% 7%–20%
Hepatic artery diseases (aneurysm, thrombosis)* Antithrombin deficiency* 0%–26% 0%–23%
Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome Plasminogen deficiency* 0%–6% 0%–4%
Radiation-induced liver disease* Recent pregnancy 6%–40% 6%–12%
Peliosis hepatis and sinusoidal dilatation* Recent oral contraceptive use 12% 6%–60%
Budd-Chiari syndrome Hyperhomocysteinemia 12%–22% 37%
Congenital vascular malformations TT677 MTHFR genotype 11%–50% 12%–22%

*Not covered in this practice guideline *Regarded as preceding the development of PVT or BCS

tory response is a major general risk factor for thrombo- nous obstruction, invasion by hepatocellular carcinoma
sis.21 In the context of acute PVT, however, it is difficult should be ruled out before making a diagnosis of bland
to determine whether inflammation is a cause or conse- thrombosis.30,31
quence of PVT.
In young adults without cancer or cirrhosis, PVT is Recommendations for investigating causes of PVT:
frequently the presenting manifestation of a myeloprolif- 1. Check first for cirrhosis, cancer of the abdominal
erative disease.11,22 Overall, 30%-40% of patients with organs, and an inflammatory focus in the abdomen,
PVT are affected with chronic, Philadelphia-negative my- based on initial computed tomography (CT) scan and
eloproliferative diseases, usually polycythemia vera, essen- sonography findings, followed by additional proce-
tial thrombocythemia, or unclassified myeloproliferative dures, as appropriate (Class I, Level B).
diseases. However, due to portal hypertension and/or iron 2. Check for multiple, concurrent risk factors for
deficiency, the peripheral blood changes suggestive for a thrombosis, in all patients without advanced cirrhosis
myeloproliferative disease are lacking in most affected pa- or cancer, as indicated in Table 5 (Class I, Level B).
tients.23 Furthermore, splenic enlargement is not specific 3. Do not rule out a diagnosis of myeloproliferative
for a diagnosis of myeloproliferative disease in a context of disease solely on the basis of normal or low peripheral
portal hypertension. Clusters of dystrophic megakaryo- blood cell counts (Class I, Level B).
cytes at bone marrow biopsy22 and endogenous erythroid 4. When coagulation factor levels are decreased,
colony formation in culture of bone marrow or circulat- consider low levels of protein C, protein S, or anti-
ing progenitors23 have been used in the past to make a thrombin as a possible consequence of liver dysfunc-
diagnosis of occult or masked myeloproliferative disease. tion; consider inherited deficiency when screening of a
Recently, 1849G31849T point mutation (V617F) of first-degree relative is positive (Class I, Level C).
the tyrosine kinase Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) gene in myeloid
cells has proved a highly specific and easily detectable Acute Portal Vein Thrombosis
marker for myeloproliferative disease. Among 388 pa-
tients with noncancerous, noncirrhotic PVT in four stud- Definition. Acute PVT is characterized by the sudden
ies, this mutation was found in 21%-37% of patients with formation of a thrombus within the portal vein. The
PVT.24-27 However, in 5%-10% of patients with PVT, thrombus can involve a variable portion of the mesenteric
this specific mutation was undetectable whereas bone veins and/or the splenic vein. Occlusion can be complete
marrow biopsy and assessment of endogenous erythroid or it can be partial, leaving a peripheral circulating chan-
colonies provided evidence for a myeloproliferative dis- nel. Acute PVT has been rarely reported in children.
ease. Therefore, this section will focus on data collected in
Identification of inherited deficiency of natural coagu- adults. PVT occurring in patients with cirrhosis will be
lation inhibitors can be difficult.9,11 In patients with acute discussed separately. Acute septic PVT is frequently re-
PVT, the systemic inflammatory response may alter base- ferred to as acute pylephlebitis. This entity is character-
line levels of these inhibitors. In patients with chronic ized by the presence of infected thrombus/thrombi.32
PVT, there can be a nonspecific decrease in the synthesis Clinical and Laboratory Features. Acute PVT usu-
of coagulation factors and inhibitors even when liver dys- ally presents with abdominal or lumbar pain of sudden
function is not obvious.28 onset or progressing over a few days.7,33,34 The abdomen
The concurrence of several prothrombotic disorders in might be moderately distended by ileus, but without any
a patient with PVT is more frequent than expected in the other features of intestinal obstruction. There is no guard-
general population.9,11 Thus, the identification of a risk ing, except when an inflammatory focus is the cause for
factor for thrombosis does not exclude other factors. The PVT or when PVT is complicated with intestinal infarc-
role of oral contraceptive use and pregnancy as causal tion. The contrast between severity of pain and the ab-
factors for PVT is less clear than for thrombosis at other sence of peritoneal signs has long been regarded as
sites.9,11 suggestive of mesenteric venous thrombosis in the differ-
In patients with cirrhosis, the risk of developing PVT ential diagnosis of peritonitis.33,35
has been related to the severity of liver disease, and to the Partial thrombosis might be associated with fewer
presence of inherited prothrombotic disorders.29 In pa- symptoms. Rapid and complete obstruction of the portal
tients with impaired synthetic function and low plasma vein or mesenteric veins, without involvement of mesen-
levels of natural coagulation inhibitors, there is currently teric venous arches, induces intestinal congestion, mani-
no simple means for ascribing such low levels to a preex- fested by severe continuous colicky abdominal pain and
isting deficiency. In patients with cirrhosis and portal ve- occasionally nonbloody diarrhea.33

Table 5. Tests for Prothrombotic Conditions in Patients with A marked systemic inflammatory response is common
PVT or BCS in patients with acute PVT in the absence of sepsis. Per-
Prothrombotic Condition Diagnostic Features sistent, nonspiking fever and abdominal pain are usual.
Myeloproliferative disease – V617F JAK2 mutation in granulocytes is 100% Plasma levels of acute phase reactants are frequently and
specific. Where it is undetectable or where the sometimes markedly elevated. Liver function is preserved
technique is unavailable: in patients with acute PVT, probably because increased
– Several clusters of dystrophic megakaryocytes
at bone marrow biopsy; or endogenous hepatic arterial blood flow compensates for the decreased
erythroid colonies in cultures of bone marrow portal inflow; and because a collateral circulation develops
or peripheral blood erythroid progenitors on rapidly from pre-existing veins in the porta hepatis.36
erythropoietin-poor media
(Note: In many affected patients, blood cell
However, a transient, moderate increase in serum amin-
counts are normal or decreased. The otransferases can be observed in some patients.
combination of an enlarged spleen with Provided there is no extension of the thrombus to mes-
platelet counts ⬎ 200,000/mm3 highly
suggests that a myeloproliferative disease is
enteric venous arches, all manifestations of acute PVT are
present.) completely reversible, either by recanalization or by devel-
Paroxysmal nocturnal – CD55 and CD59 deficient clone at flow- opment of a cavernoma.7 When extensive thrombosis in-
hemoglobinuria cytometry of peripheral blood cells
volves distal mesenteric veins, intestinal ischemia and
– Ham-Dacie and sucrose tests where flow-
cytometry is unavailable eventually infarction can occur. The occurrence of infarc-
Behçet’s disease – Set of conventional criteria (including IVC tion is probably related to complete obstruction of venous
thrombosis) outflow (the mesenteric arches can no longer serve as col-
Antiphospholipid syndrome – Idiopathic venous or arterial thrombosis, or
repeated miscarriage lateral pathways), and to reflex arterial constriction and
– Plus, repeatedly detectable: occlusion.33 Clinical features that suggest a patient has
– high serum levels of anticardiolipin antibodies transmural intestinal ischemia include persistence of se-
– or lupus anticoagulant
– or antibeta2 glycoprotein 1 antibodies
vere pain beyond 5-7 days, bloody diarrhea, and ascites.35
(Note: In many patients low, fluctuating levels Acidosis and renal or respiratory dysfunction are also sug-
of anticardiolipin antibodies are present. Their gestive of intestinal infarction.37 In the absence of treat-
diagnostic value is uncertain.)
Factor V Leiden – Increased protein C resistance;
ment, intestinal perforation, peritonitis, shock, and death
– When present, molecular biology for R605Q from multiorgan failure occur.37
factor V mutation Clinical features of pylephlebitis include a high, spik-
Factor II gene mutation – Molecular biology for G20210A mutation ing fever with chills, a painful liver, and sometimes shock.
Inherited antithrombin – Decreased antithrombin level and
deficiency – Normal prothrombin levels or family history Blood cultures usually grow Bacteroides species, with or
thereof without other enteric species. Multiple, small liver ab-
(Note: In many patients, a definite diagnosis scesses are common in this setting. Acute septic PVT is
for underlying antithrombin deficiency will not
be possible.) always associated with an abdominal focus of infec-
Inherited protein C deficiency – Decreased Protein C level and tion.7,12,32 This primary focus can be easily overlooked
– Normal prothrombin levels or family history clinically and, therefore, detected only by careful review of
(Note: In many patients, a definite diagnosis
the CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).38
for underlying Protein C deficiency will not be Sepsis-related cholestasis can be present.
possible.) Imaging Features and Diagnosis. In most patients,
Inherited protein S deficiency – Decreased Protein S level and
the diagnosis of acute PVT can be rapidly established
– Normal prothrombin levels or family history
(Note: In many patients, a definite diagnosis using noninvasive imaging.39-43 Sonography can show hy-
for underlying protein S deficiency will not be perechoic material in the vessel lumen with distension of
possible.) the portal vein and its tributaries. Doppler imaging shows
Hyperhomocysteinemia – Increased serum homocysteine level prior to
disease the absence of flow in part or all of the lumen.44 A CT scan
– Uncertain value of C677T homozygous without contrast can show hyperattenuating material in
polymorphism the portal vein. After injection of contrast agent, lack of
(Note: In many patients, a definite diagnosis
for underlying hyperhomocysteinemia will not
luminal enhancement, increased hepatic enhancement in
be possible. Blood folate and serum vitamin the arterial phase, and decreased hepatic enhancement in
B12 levels may be useful.) the portal phase are shown.45,46 For the assessment of
Oral contraceptives – Ongoing oral contraceptive use at apparent
thrombus extension within the portal venous system, CT
Pregnancy – Ongoing pregnancy at apparent onset or MR angiography are more sensitive techniques than
Doppler sonography, because the mesenteric veins are
more difficult to visualize with ultrasound.

Thinning of the intestinal wall or lack of mucosal en- recanalization in about 40% of patients, and no recanali-
hancement of a thickened intestinal wall after intravenous zation in 10% of patients.7 Spontaneous recanalization
contrast injection are further pieces of evidence for intes- appears to occur infrequently in unselected patients not
tinal infarction.47 Enlargement of pre-existing veins in the given anticoagulation therapy.7 High recanalization rates
porta hepatis are seen as early as a few days after the onset have also been reported in patients given anticoagulation
of acute PVT. This is particularly conspicuous in the gall- therapy for postsplenectomy PVT,51 or for acute throm-
bladder wall, which is thickened and enhances after con- bosis involving the superior mesenteric vein.7,34,49,52 Ma-
trast injection, and should not be confused with acute jor complications of anticoagulation therapy were
cholecystitis.48 reported in less than 5% of treated patients.7
The optimal duration of anticoagulation therapy for
Recommendations for diagnosis of acute PVT: acute PVT has not been determined. Complete recanali-
5. Consider a diagnosis of acute PVT in any patient zation can be delayed until the sixth month of anticoag-
with abdominal pain of more than 24 hours duration, ulation therapy.7,34,41 A panel of international experts has
whether or not there is also fever or ileus (Class I, recommended that in patients with acute PVT, anticoag-
Level B). ulation be given for at least 3 months, and permanent
6. If acute PVT is suspected, CT scan, before and anticoagulation therapy be considered for patients with
after injection of vascular contrast agent, should be permanent prothrombotic conditions.53 In patients with
obtained for early confirmation of diagnosis. If CT DVT, a lack of complete recanalization indicates a high
scan is not rapidly available, obtain Doppler-sonog- risk of recurrence after cessation of anticoagulation ther-
raphy (Class I, Level B). apy.54 It remains to be assessed whether this is also true for
7. In patients with acute PVT and high fever and patients with acute PVT.
chills, septic pylephlebitis should be considered, The reported experience with other treatment modal-
whether or not an abdominal source of infection has ities (surgical thrombectomy, systemic or in situ throm-
been identified, and blood cultures should be routinely bolysis, or transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent
obtained (Class I, Level B). shunt [TIPS]) in the treatment of acute PVT is extremely
8. In acute PVT, the possibility of intestinal infarc- limited.55,56 One study analyzed the outcome in 20 pa-
tion should be considered from presentation until tients treated with thrombolysis administered into the
resolution of pain. The presence of ascites, thinning of superior mesenteric artery or, through transhepatic punc-
the intestinal wall, lack of mucosal enhancement of ture, in the portal vein.55 There was complete recanaliza-
the thickened intestinal wall, or the development of tion in three patients (15%), partial recanalization in 12
multiorgan failure indicate that intestinal infarction (60%), and no recanalization in five patients (25%).
is likely and surgical exploration should be considered Twelve patients (60%) developed major procedure-re-
(Class I, Level B). lated complications, and one patient died as a result.55 In
another retrospective survey, patients treated with throm-
Treatment. The goal of treatment of acute PVT is to bolytic agents had significantly increased mortality.57
recanalize the obstructed veins, which will prevent intes- There has been no formal comparison of the risk/benefit
tinal infarction and portal hypertension. Correction of ratio of these procedures with that of anticoagulation
the causal factors, which should be achieved as soon as alone. However, compared to anticoagulation alone, in-
possible, is beyond the scope of these guidelines. In the vasive procedures appear not to be more effective while
presence of fever or leukocytosis, antibiotics have been being more dangerous.
used, whether bacterial infection was eventually docu- When clinical and radiological features indicate that a
mented. There are reports of recanalization of pylephle- patient has intestinal infarction, emergency laparotomy
bitis with antibiotic therapy alone.12,49 for resection of the overtly necrotic parts of the gut should
Anticoagulation therapy is of proven benefit in patients be performed.35,58 The risk of postoperative malabsorp-
with acute DVT.50 Extrapolation to patients with acute tion is related to the extent of intestinal resection. More-
PVT is logical but still not firmly validated. There have over, the extent of irreversible lesions can be
been no controlled studies of anticoagulation therapy in overestimated at gross inspection. Therefore, various pro-
patients with acute PVT. Four retrospective surveys—all cedures have been proposed to limit the extent of intesti-
reported before 2000 —included consecutive patients. nal resection while coping with the risk of necrosis after
Their combined data show that when initiated immedi- operation.58 This aspect is beyond the scope of the present
ately, 6 months of anticoagulation therapy was associated guidelines. Surgical thrombectomy can be performed at
with complete recanalization in 50% of patients, partial the time of the resection/laparotomy. Anticoagulation

Table 6. Indications for Permanent Anticoagulation Therapy 11. In the absence of contraindication, also con-
for Noncirrhotic Portal Vein Thrombosis and for Primary sider long term anticoagulation for patients with
Budd-Chiari Syndrome acute PVT and thrombus extension distal into the
Primary Budd-Chiari syndrome All patients mesenteric veins (Class IIa, Level C).
Recommendation Class I – 12. Initiate antibiotics promptly in patients with
Level C
Portal vein thrombosis acute or chronic, Permanent, non correctable acute PVT and any evidence of infection (Class I,
no cirrhosis prothrombotic disorder Level C).
Superior mesenteric vein
currently or previously Chronic Portal Vein Thrombosis
Definitions. In patients with chronic PVT, also
Primary or secondary
prophylaxis for known as portal cavernoma, the obstructed portal vein is
gastrointestinal bleeding replaced by a network of hepatopetal collateral veins con-
has been instituted necting the patent portion of the vein upstream from the
Recommendations Class IIa –
Level C thrombus to the patent portion downstream. The num-
ber, size, and location of collaterals is extremely variable
from patient to patient. With occlusion of the trunk of the
portal vein, antral, duodenal and biliary veins are mark-
therapy appears to improve the survival of patients who edly enlarged. This enlargement can produce compres-
undergo surgery.58,59 sion and deformation of large bile ducts, so-called portal
Outcome and Prognosis. When acute PVT is recog- cholangiopathy or portal biliopathy.62,63 With occlusion
nized and treated before intestinal infarction occurs, the at the origin of the portal vein, pancreatic veins are en-
outcome is good.7,34,49,52,57,60 Abdominal pain and sys- larged.
temic inflammatory syndrome start subsiding within a Complete occlusion of the portal vein trunk, or of its
few hours to a few days after initiation of anticoagulation. two main branches is virtually always associated with por-
Intestinal infarction is prevented when the superior mes- tal hypertension and the development of portosystemic
enteric vein remains patent or has recanalized. Portal hy- collaterals.
pertension is prevented when the portal vein trunk and at Clinical and Laboratory Manifestations. In devel-
least one of its two branches remains patent or has recana- oped countries, there is a clear time trend for earlier rec-
lized. Among 31 patients given prolonged anticoagula- ognition of PVT at the acute stage.7 Moreover, the
tion therapy for acute PVT, bleeding occurred in two classical presentation of cavernoma with ruptured esoph-
patients: from ruptured esophageal varices in one patient ageal or gastric varices is now rare. At present, diagnosis is
whose portal vein had not recanalized, and from an ovar- commonly made after a fortuitous finding of hyper-
ian cyst in the other.7 A few patients may develop delayed splenism or portal hypertension. Biliary symptoms related
intestinal obstruction as a result of intestinal ischemia and to portal cholangiopathy (jaundice, biliary pain, cholan-
stricturing.60,61 Overall mortality rate appears to have de- gitis, cholecystitis, or pancreatitis) rarely reveal a caverno-
creased from 30% to about 10% during the last decade, ma.62,63 Gastrointestinal bleeding is regarded as better
and currently most deaths are related to postoperative tolerated than in other forms of portal hypertension prob-
complications or underlying disease.37 ably because patients are usually younger and have no
liver dysfunction. The occurrence of ascites or encepha-
Recommendations for the treatment of acute PVT lopathy in patients with chronic PVT is uncommon, and
(see also Table 6): is usually encountered only transiently following gastro-
9. Give anticoagulation therapy for at least 3 intestinal bleeding or when there is unrelated renal failure
months to all patients with acute PVT. Start with low or marked sepsis in older patients.64 Features of subclini-
molecular weight heparin in order to achieve rapid cal encephalopathy, however, can be demonstrated in half
anticoagulation. Shift to oral anticoagulation as soon of the patients.65
as the patient’s condition has stabilized, when no Liver tests are typically normal in patients with portal
invasive procedure is planned (Class I, Level B). cavernoma in the absence of underlying liver disease. Co-
10. Continue on long- term anticoagulation ther- agulation factor levels can be moderately altered. Portal
apy in patients with acute PVT and permanent cholangiopathy should be considered when there are cho-
thrombotic risk factors that are not correctable other- lestatic features. Hepatopulmonary syndrome is present
wise (Class I, Level B). in about 10% of patients.66

Imaging Features and Diagnosis. A diagnosis of cav- survival.71 Endoscopic sclerotherapy has achieved eradi-
ernoma is readily made by abdominal imaging with ultra- cation of varices and a reduction in the number of bleed-
sound, CT or MRI which shows serpiginous structures ing episodes in uncontrolled surveys.72,73 Data on
while the main portal vein and/or its main branches are endoscopic ligation are lacking in adult patients with
not visible.40,46,67 Hepatic arteries are usually enlarged. In chronic PVT. For primary prophylaxis of variceal bleed-
the absence of cirrhosis, there might be an enlarged cau- ing there are insufficient data on whether beta-blockers or
date lobe, together with an atrophic left lateral segment or endoscopic therapy should be preferred. Contrasting
right lobe of the liver. Typically, the umbilical vein is not findings have been reported regarding the feasibility and
dilated as it connects to the left portal vein branch down- the outcome of surgical portosystemic shunting, which
stream of the obstruction. suggests differences in patient selection or referral.74,75
In some patients a large, prominent collateral vein at Data on splenectomy and devascularization are limited.
the porta hepatis can be mistaken for a normal portal vein. There are anecdotal reports of successful TIPS insertion
A cavernoma that has developed in the pancreatic area in patients with a portal cavernoma in the absence of
might be confused with an enlarged pancreas. Portal cirrhosis.76 However, this procedure is not technically fea-
cholangiopathy, which mimics the bead-like appearance sible in most patients.
of primary sclerosing cholangitis, is much more com- Prevention of Recurrent Thrombosis. Randomized
monly seen on biliary tract imaging than clinical or labo- controlled trials of anticoagulation therapy for the pre-
ratory features of biliary disease would suggest.62 A vention of recurrent thrombosis are lacking. The frequent
tumor-like cavernoma can be confused with carcinoma of association with permanent prothombotic disorders on
the main bile duct. This particular and rare form of the one hand and the risk of intestinal infarction on the
chronic PVT is characterized by tiny collateral channels other support the use of anticoagulation. However, an
forming a mass that encases the main bile duct, and increased risk of bleeding from portal hypertension raises
enhances at the portal phase of contrast injection.62 En- concerns. In a retrospective multivariate analysis of a large
dosonography and MR angiography and cholangiogra- cohort including patients with chronic or acute PVT, it
phy appear to be of great help in clarifying these was found that anticoagulation therapy significantly de-
differential diagnoses.68,69 creased the risk of recurrent thrombosis without increas-
ing the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.64 The severity of
Recommendations for diagnosis of chronic PVT: bleeding was similar with or without anticoagulation
13. Consider a diagnosis of chronic PVT in any therapy and there were no bleeding-related deaths in pa-
patient with newly diagnosed portal hypertension tients receiving anticoagulation. Owing to the scarcity of
(Class I, Level B). data, however, an expert panel recommended that antico-
14. Obtain Doppler-sonography, then either CT agulation therapy be considered only in patients with a
scan or MRI, before and after a vascular contrast documented permanent prothrombotic condition.53 Re-
agent, to make a diagnosis of chronic PVT. cently, a retrospective study showed that warfarin admin-
15. Base the diagnosis on the absence of a visible istration independently improved survival of patients
normal portal vein and its replacement with serpigi- with chronic portomesenteric venous thrombosis, most of
nous veins (Class I, Level B). whom had a risk factor for thrombosis.71 Another uncon-
trolled retrospective survey found a decreased incidence of
Treatment. Therapy for chronic PVT can be sepa- gastrointestinal bleeding following initiation of anticoag-
rated into three areas: prevention and treatment of gastro- ulation therapy.77
intestinal bleeding; prevention of recurrent thrombosis; Treatment of Portal Cholangiopathy. In patients
and treatment of portal cholangiopathy. with jaundice or recurrent biliary symptoms due to
Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal cholangiopathy, insertion of a biliary endoprosthesis after
Bleeding. There have been no controlled studies of beta- endoscopic extraction of secondary stones resulted in half
adrenergic blockers or endoscopic therapy in patients the patients having no recurrence when the prosthesis was
with chronic PVT. Nevertheless, screening for gastro- removed after some time.68 The procedure needs to be
esophageal varices, and beta-adrenergic blockers or endo- repeated when symptoms recur. Portosystemic shunting
scopic therapy for patients with large varices might be primarily performed to address the biliary complications,
carried out for patients with portal cavernoma, as is done has been used where feasible in a limited number of pa-
for patients with cirrhosis.53,70 Indeed, retrospective mul- tients; bilioenteric anastomosis was necessary in two of the
tivariate analyses found that their application reduced the eight shunted patients.78 Biliary surgery without portal
risk of first bleed or recurrent bleeding,64 or improved decompression is extremely hazardous.

Outcome. Recurrent bleeding from portal hyperten- ing thrombophilia84 is probably minimal. In this situa-
sion is the most common complication, followed by re- tion, a portal vein thrombus occurs frequently but full
current thrombosis at splanchnic or extrasplanchnic portal vein patency is restored in most infants. The prob-
sites.64,71 However, the current outcome for treated pa- ability of full recanalization is inversely related to the size
tients with chronic PVT is good. In patients followed up of the thrombus.88 There are few features of extrahepatic
for 5 years, less than 5% died from the classical compli- portal vein obstruction that are specific for children. It is
cations of PVT (intestinal infarction or gastrointestinal unclear whether growth retardation occurs in the absence
bleeding).64 Mortality is related mainly to age, cause of of recurrent bleeding.89
PVT, or unrelated diseases. The long-term prognosis in Band ligation of esophageal varices may be the optimal
patients with portomesenteric venous obstruction might therapy to prevent first bleed or recurrent bleeding.90 Sur-
be poorer than in those with obstruction limited to the gical shunts, when a central vein (mesenteric or splenic
portal vein.71 Prolongation of life expectancy due to better vein) is available, have achieved good results,74,91 in con-
control of bleeding and thrombotic risks probably ex- trast to other, atypical shunts, which have invariably
plains why long term complications are predominantly thrombosed.75 Recently, mesenteric-to-left portal vein
related to cholangiopathy62,63 and to transformation of bypass has been reported by several groups with good
underlying myeloproliferative disease into myelofibrosis results in terms of feasibility, prevention of rebleeding,
or acute leukemia.22 restoration of portal inflow and hepatic function, and
improvement in cognitive function.87,92 Recurrent
Recommendations for treatment of chronic PVT thrombosis has not been mentioned. Anticoagulation has
(See also Table 6): rarely been considered in children with extrahepatic por-
16. Screen all patients with chronic PVT for gas- tal vein obstruction. Outcome may be mostly jeopardized
troesophageal varices, and apply treatment for active by cholangiopathy in patients whose recurrent bleeding is
variceal hemorrhage and for primary and secondary well controlled with endoscopic therapy.63
prophylaxis according to guidelines for patients with
cirrhosis (Class I, Level B). Recommendations for the management of chronic
17. Consider long-term anticoagulation therapy in PVT in children:
patients with chronic PVT, without cirrhosis, and 18. When possible, refer children with extrahepatic
with a permanent risk factor for venous thrombosis portal venous obstruction to an expert surgical center
that cannot be corrected otherwise, provided there is for consideration of a mesenteric-to-left portal vein
no major contraindication. In patients with gastro- bypass (Class I, Level B).
esophageal varices, do not initiate anticoagulation 19. If a mesenteric to left portal vein bypass is not
until after adequate prophylaxis for variceal bleeding possible in a child with chronic PVT, use band liga-
has been instituted (Class IIa, Level C). tion of large esophageal varices for prophylaxis of
gastrointestinal bleeding. If band ligation is not fea-
Extrahepatic Portal Vein Obstruction in sible, consider a central portosystemic shunt when
Children either the superior mesenteric or splenic vein is patent
(Class I, Level B).
The theory that extrahepatic portal vein obstruction in
this age group always results from thrombosis, as opposed
to a congenital origin, has not been fully documented and
PVT in Patients with Cirrhosis
is still debated.79,80 The prevalence of underlying pro- PVT is most common in patients with pre-existing
thrombotic diseases was high in most but not all stud- cirrhosis. The prevalence of PVT increases with the sever-
ies.81-86 Primary protein C, protein S, or antithrombin ity of the cirrhosis, being less than 1% in patients with
deficiency may be overdiagnosed, as these inhibitors are compensated cirrhosis93 but 8%-25% in candidates for
nonspecifically decreased in many affected children with a liver transplantation.94 In patients with cirrhosis, portal
negative family screening.81,82 These low plasma levels are venous obstruction is commonly related to invasion by
further decreased by portosystemic shunting,82 but cor- hepatocellular carcinoma.30,95 Neoplastic obstruction
rected by surgical restoration of portal venous inflow.87 should always be considered, especially when serum alpha
Occult myeloproliferative diseases have not been assessed fetoprotein levels are increased, when the portal vein is
in this age group. Umbilical cannulation, omphalitis, and larger than 23 mm in diameter, when endoluminal mate-
abdominal infections are the most commonly incrimi- rial enhances during the arterial phase of contrast injec-
nated factors. However, the role of a properly placed, tion,95 or when an arterial-like pulsatile flow is seen on
uninfected umbilical catheter, in the absence of underly- Doppler ultrasound.96 Needle biopsy of an obstructed

intrahepatic portal vein is specific but relatively insensitive tomy during transplantation; and donor/recipient portal
for diagnostic purposes.31 PVT in patients with cirrhosis vein diameter mismatch.100,101 Possible consequences of
is often accompanied by gastrointestinal bleeding, ascites, PVT include graft dysfunction, graft loss, portal hyper-
or encephalopathy.29,97 In many patients, the thrombus is tension and death. Graft loss appears to be particularly
partial, and changes in aspect and location at follow-up associated with complete PVT in the early post-transplant
imaging. When the thrombus extends to the superior course. Treatment of patients with PVT has usually been
mesenteric vein, the risk of intestinal infarction is high.29 regarded as necessary when additional complications such
Even in patients with well compensated cirrhosis, an as arterial occlusion or bile duct injuries have occurred.
underlying prothrombotic condition is difficult to detect PVT occurring after liver transplantation has been man-
because of a nonspecific decrease in the plasma levels of aged surgically by thrombectomy, retransplantation, sple-
coagulation inhibitors. In cirrhotic patients with PVT, norenal shunt or Wall-stent placement at laparotomy; or
compared with those without PVT, however, molecular non surgically by angioplasty, local high-dose infusion of
testing shows an increased prevalence of the factor V Lei- thrombolytic agents or systemic thrombolytic thera-
den, MTHFR, and prothrombin gene mutations, the lat- py.100,101 Systematic postoperative screening with duplex
ter being particularly common.29,98,99 Unlike TIPS, Doppler-sonography and multidisciplinary approaches to
splenectomy and surgical portosystemic shunting the treatment of vascular complications (including PVT)
strongly increase the risk of PVT in cirrhotic patients. after liver transplantation has considerably reduced graft
Endoscopic therapy of esophageal varices has been sug- loss and patient mortality.100
gested to precipitate the development of PVT, although
this has been debated.99 However, the data could also be Areas for future studies:
interpreted as suggesting that endoscopic therapy is an Tests for improved identification of primary defi-
indicator of severe portal hypertension, which might be a ciency in protein C, protein S and antithrombin, and
risk factor for PVT. antiphospholipid syndrome in the context of liver dis-
Thus, in patients with well-compensated cirrhosis and ease have to be developed. Predictive factors for re-
acute or chronic PVT, there are limited data on the utility canalization of acute portal vein thrombosis treated
of screening for an underlying prothrombotic condition, with anticoagulation have to be identified. Invasive
and on the benefits of anticoagulation. In the absence of procedures for portal/mesenteric vein recanalization
robust data, recommendations for or against routine an- have to be evaluated in patients predictably nonre-
ticoagulation cannot be made. Decisions will need to be sponsive to anticoagulation alone. The risk-benefit
made on a case-by-case basis. For example, it is reasonable ratio of anticoagulation in patients with chronic por-
to consider anticoagulation in the setting of a known pro- tal vein thrombosis has to be assessed, ideally by
thrombotic condition, or in the setting of SMV throm- means of randomized controlled trials.
bosis, but only after adequate prophylaxis for More studies are needed on the feasibility and
gastrointestinal bleeding has been instituted. long-term results of mesenteric-to-left portal vein by-
There also is limited information on anticoagulation pass in pediatric and adult patient populations.
therapy in patients who develop PVT while waiting for a
liver transplant. Among 19 such patients given anticoag- Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (Hepatic
ulation, 10 had recanalization, whereas among 10 histor- Venoocclusive Disease)
ical controls, none had recanalization.94 Post-transplant In North America, Western Europe, and Asia, sinusoi-
outcome may be compromised by pretransplant complete dal obstruction syndrome (SOS, previously known as he-
PVT.94 Discussion of the techniques that can be em- patic venooclusive disease) occurs most commonly as a
ployed to cope with complete PVT at transplantation is complication of myeloablative regimens that are used to
beyond the scope of these guidelines. prepare patients for hematopoietic stem cell transplanta-
tion (previously known as bone marrow transplantation),
PVT After Liver Transplantation particularly when the transplant is for a malignancy.
PVT is a rare but serious complication following or- These “conditioning regimens” are combinations of high-
thotopic liver transplantation. In this setting, the inci- dose chemotherapy drugs or chemotherapy drugs plus
dence has been reported to be 1.16%-2.7%.100,101 Risk total body irradiation. Other causes of SOS include che-
factors that have been identified include modification of motherapeutic agents at more conventional doses,
the standard end-to-end veno-venous anastomosis of the chronic immunosuppression with azathioprine or 6-thio-
portal vein due to pathological changes of the vessel wall guanine, and ingestion of herbal teas made with pyrroli-
(mainly in relationship to pre-existing PVT); splenec- zidine alkaloids or food sources contaminated by

Table 7. Drugs Implicated in Sinusoidal Obstruction at the level of the sinusoid and that involvement of the
Syndrome central vein is associated with more severe disease. Exper-
6-mercaptopurine imental studies in the monocrotaline rat model of SOS
6-thioguanine also demonstrate that loss of sinusoidal integrity with con-
Actinomycin D
sequent sinusoidal obstruction is a prerequisite for the
Busulfan* development of SOS. Monocrotaline is a pyrrolizidine
Cytosine arabinoside alkaloid, the group of plant toxins associated with SOS.
Monocrotaline is directly toxic to sinusoidal endothelial
Gemtuzumab-ozogamicin cells.103 In this model monocrotaline induces rounding
Melphalan* up of sinusoidal endothelial cells, which leads to dissec-
tion of sinusoidal lining cells that embolize and block the
sinusoids.103,104 The experimental model has the same
The drugs listed are ones with the most clear-cut association with sinusoidal signs, symptoms and histology seen in SOS in humans.
obstruction syndrome.
*Seen only in the context of high-dose conditioning regimens for hematopoietic Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis. The clinical
stem cell transplantation using either more than one drug or combining drug(s) signs and symptoms of SOS are weight gain with or with-
and total body irradiation. out ascites, right upper quadrant pain of liver origin, hep-
atomegaly and jaundice. SOS presents with a wide
pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Table 7 lists various chemothera- spectrum of severity and is conventionally divided into
peutic drugs that are associated with SOS. These recom- mild, moderate and severe disease.105 Mild SOS is con-
mendations focus on the diagnosis and management of sidered disease that meets diagnostic criteria, that does not
SOS after myeloablative conditioning for hematopoietic require treatment for fluid excess or medication for he-
cell transplantation. patic pain, and that has a self-limiting course. Moderate
Because the incidence of SOS depends on patient risk SOS is disease with evidence of liver injury and that re-
factors and on choice of conditioning regimen, there is a quires treatment for fluid excess or medication for hepatic
wide range in incidence between hematopoietic cell trans- pain, but that resolves completely. Severe SOS is defined
plantation units from 0%-50%. For the more liver-toxic as disease that leads to death or that does not resolve by
regimens, the incidence is around 20%-40%., which has day 100. Because this classification of severity depends on
lead many centers to abandon extremely high-dose con- the clinical course, this retrospective definition is useful
ditioning regimens. Regimens known to cause liver injury for clinical research but is not helpful for management
are those that contain cyclophosphamide in combination decisions in real time. For regimens containing cyclo-
with either busulfan or total body irradiation or regimens phosphamide, onset is most commonly between 10 and
that include N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea 20 days after initiation of therapy,105 but in other regi-
(BCNU) or multiple alkylating agents. Reduced-intensity mens onset can be more than 30 days after myeloablative
conditioning regimens carry little or no risk for SOS and therapy is started.106,107
with the ever-increasing use of these regimens, the inci- SOS is a clinical diagnosis with all the accompanying
dence of SOS continues to drop. Other factors that have uncertainty and need for clinical judgment. For the pur-
contributed to the decline in incidence include avoidance poses of patient care, a diagnosis can be made with rea-
of cyclophosphamide-containing regimens, lower doses sonable certainty in a patient who has received a
of total body irradiation, exclusion of patients with hep- conditioning regimen known to cause liver injury, who
atitis C and avoidance of drugs that increase the risk of has the clinical signs and symptoms of SOS, and who has
SOS, such as norethisterone. had a work-up to exclude other likely causes. Conversely,
Pathogenesis. In patients with SOS, evidence of cir- the diagnosis can be ruled out with reasonable certainty in
culatory obstruction precedes liver dysfunction, indicat- a patient with some of the signs and symptoms of SOS but
ing that this is a primary circulatory disorder. Clinico- who is at no or low risk for SOS; for example, SOS is
pathological studies in patients with SOS after highly unlikely in a patient who has received a reduced-
myeloablative conditioning for hematopoietic cell trans- intensity conditioning regimen. Confounding diagnoses
plantation have demonstrated that SOS occurs in the ab- that are relatively common in this population include
sence of central vein occlusion in a significant fraction of cholestatic jaundice due to sepsis, drug-induced cholesta-
the patients. Occlusion of the central veins was observed sis, fluid overload due to renal failure or congestive heart
in only 55% of patients with mild or moderate SOS and failure, liver involvement by viral or fungal infections seen
only 75% of patients with severe SOS.102 These clinical during immunosuppression, and (hyper)acute graft-ver-
findings suggest that SOS is due to circulatory obstruction sus-host disease. The diagnosis becomes more difficult in

Table 8. Clinical Criteria for Diagnosis of SOS After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Seattle Criteria105 Baltimore Criteria109

Two of three findings within 20 days of transplantation: Hyperbilirubinemia ⬎ 34.2 ␮mol/L (2 mg/dL) plus ⱖ 2 other criteria
● Bilirubin ⬎ 34.2 ␮mol/L (2 mg/dL) ● Hepatomegaly, usually painful
● Hepatomegaly or RUQ pain of liver origin ● ⱖ 5% weight gain
● ⬎2% weight gain due to fluid accumulation ● Ascites

patients with more than one cause for the signs and symp- Since biopsies are typically performed only in patients
toms described above and it may be difficult to determine who meet clinical criteria, it is not possible to assess false
which of the ongoing processes is the predominant cause negatives by clinical criteria and therefore not possible to
of illness. As many as 10%-20% of patients with liver assess sensitivity or negative predictive value. More pa-
dysfunction in the first 20 days after transplant cannot be tients fit the Seattle criteria, whereas the Baltimore criteria
diagnosed with certainty on clinical grounds.105,108 identify patients with more severe disease.110
Clinical criteria used for defining populations for re- The diagnosis may be supported by imaging, which
search (Table 8) have been published by investigators in will demonstrate the presence of hepatomegaly and ascites
Seattle and Baltimore.105,109 By the Seattle criteria, two of and rule out biliary obstruction due to benign or malig-
three findings must occur within 20 days of transplanta- nant causes, but imaging is currently not diagnostic by
tion: bilirubin ⬎ 2 mg/dL, tender hepatomegaly, and itself. The best-studied modality is gray-scale and color
greater than 2% weight gain due to fluid accumulation, Doppler ultrasonography. The majority of studies suggest
with the proviso that other causes of these findings are that no single ultrasound parameter is diagnostic for
absent. The original Seattle criteria, developed largely for SOS.111-113 Findings that are highly suggestive of SOS are
patients receiving myeloablative regimens containing cy-
reversal of portal venous flow, attenuation of hepatic ve-
clophosphamide, have a temporal criterion that does not
nous flow, gallbladder wall edema, and perhaps increased
apply to some regimens that do not contain cyclophosph-
resistive indices to hepatic artery flow. A composite score
amide. The temporal criteria should be modified for pa-
of gray-scale and color Doppler ultrasound criteria has
tients receiving regimens known to cause late-onset
been proposed, but may be too cumbersome for routine
disease, such as regimens containing thio-TEPA.106 The
clinical use.114,115 One study has suggested that the pres-
Baltimore criteria require hyperbilirubinemia ⬎ 2 mg/dL
plus two of three other findings: (usually painful) hepato- ence of flow in the para-umbilical vein is more common
megaly, greater than 5% weight gain and ascites. As de- in moderate and severe SOS, but this will need to be
scribed in the previous paragraph on diagnosis made for validated by other investigators.115
purely clinical purposes, other confounding diagnoses When the diagnosis is uncertain in a moderately or
need to be ruled out. severely ill patient, further evaluation by transvenous liver
How reliable are the clinical criteria for the diagnosis of biopsy with hepatic venous pressure gradient measure-
SOS? First one needs to distinguish the overall incidence ment can establish the diagnosis. Percutaneous liver bi-
of SOS from the incidence of clinically apparent disease. opsy is often contraindicated in this population because of
In a study of transplantation patients who were prospec- thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy or ascites. Transvenous
tively evaluated by the Seattle criteria and who died by day liver biopsy with hepatic venous pressure gradient using
100, 50% of patients with liver dysfunction that did not the occlusive balloon technique may be particularly help-
meet the Seattle criteria had evidence on autopsy of ful in distinguishing SOS from graft-versus-host disease.
SOS.102 Thus it appears likely that some degree of sinu- In the setting of hematopoietic cell transplantation, he-
soidal injury occurs in most patients who receive liver- patic venous pressure gradient ⬎ 10 mm Hg has specific-
toxic conditioning regimens, even in the absence of the ity greater than 90% and positive predictive value greater
characteristic symptoms. The current gold standard for than 85% for the diagnosis of SOS,116 using the liver
confirming the diagnosis of clinically apparent SOS is biopsy as the gold standard. Reported complications in
measurement of the wedged hepatic venous pressure gra- this population range from 7%-18% and deaths from
dient using an occlusive balloon technique and liver his- 0%-3%.116,117
tology (obtained by a transvenous route). Studies that
examine the reliability of clinical criteria with confirma- Recommendations:
tion by liver biopsy suffer from the problem that disease 1. Consider the diagnosis of SOS in patients in the
can be patchy and liver biopsy can be falsely negative. appropriate clinical scenario who present with tender

hepatomegaly, fluid retention and weight gain, and strategies to reduce toxicity in high-risk regimens are
elevated serum bilirubin (Class I, level B). listed below.
2. Rule out other common causes of jaundice (such Reduced-intensity conditioning regimens, i.e., regi-
as biliary tract obstruction, hemolysis, sepsis, drug- mens that do not ablate the bone marrow, are low-inten-
induced liver injury and viral and fungal infections sity immunosuppressive regimens that permit host-donor
involving the liver) and weight gain (for example due hematopoietic chimerism; their utility in treating patients
to fluid overload, renal insufficiency or congestive with malignancy is through a graft-versus-tumor effect.
heart failure) in this population (Class I, Level C). Reduced-intensity regimens include fludarabine with low
3. Image the liver with Doppler ultrasound or dose total body irradiation or fludarabine with busulfan
another modality to rule out other causes and to and antithymocyte globulin. These regimens seem to
demonstrate features consistent with SOS (Class I, carry little risk for SOS and reduce immediate transplant-
Level C). related mortality, although they may be associated with
4. In complicated cases, perform a transvenous liver more late complications than myeloablative regi-
biopsy with hepatic venous pressure gradient to con- mens.129,130 For patients at high-risk for SOS, reduced-
firm the diagnosis. In hematopoietic cell transplanta- intensity regimens are the lowest risk option. However
tion patients, a hepatic venous pressure gradient of there is increased risk of death from liver decompensation
greater than 10 mm Hg is highly specific for SOS in patients with cirrhosis who undergo conditioning with
(Class I, Level C). reduced-intensity regimens.130
Other choices that have been reported to reduce the
risk of SOS and which should be considered for patients
Prognosis at high-risk for toxic liver injury are lower doses of total
One of the reasons for trying to predict outcome is the body irradiation (12 Gy or lower)131 and targeted dosing
risk of some of the therapeutic strategies used for SOS. of the more toxic drugs. When high-dose cyclophospha-
Using mathematical modeling, the severity of SOS due to mide is used without other hepatotoxic drugs in condi-
cyclophosphamide-containing regimens can be predicted tioning regimens for nonmalignant indications for
based on the slope of bilirubin levels and weight gain over hematopoietic cell transplantation, there is little risk of
time118: these predictive nomograms are simple to use, SOS. However in combination with other hepatotoxic
but have not been validated for regimens without cyclo- drugs or with total body irradiation, cyclophosphamide is
phosphamide. Other predictors of poor prognosis are one of the most significant risk factors for SOS.132,133
higher serum alanine aminotransferase levels,119 higher Metabolism-based dosing of cyclophosphamide has been
hepatic venous pressure gradient,117 and multiorgan fail- shown by one group to be feasible, but it remains to be
ure.105 seen whether this approach will be more widely used and
Published incidence rates for SOS after myeloablative whether it then indeed lowers the risk of fatal SOS.134,135
conditioning regimens have varied from 0%-50%, largely Numerous studies over the years have attempted to re-
due to variation in conditioning regimens.105,109,120-123 duce the risk of SOS by modification of busulfan dosing,
Case fatality rates vary depending on the diagnostic crite- including pharmacokinetic-directed dosing of busul-
ria used for SOS and fatal SOS. Case fatality rates are fan,136-139 reversal of the order of drugs in the busulfan-
currently in the range of 15%-20% following high-dose cyclophosphamide regimen with treatment with
myeloablative conditioning regimens. cyclophosphamide preceding busulfan140 and use of in-
travenous busulfan instead of oral busulfan.138,141-143 It
remains unclear whether adjusting dosing of oral busulfan
based on drug disposition reduces the risk of SOS: some
The major strategy for preventing SOS is identification studies have shown benefit139,144,145 and others have
of patients with risk factors for toxic liver injury and not.137,146,147 Studies that found a reduction in SOS with
avoidance of liver-toxic conditioning regimens in these intravenous busulfan used historical controls and the ben-
patients. The major identifiable risk factors in patients are efit of the intravenous formulation remains to be estab-
recent treatment with gemtuzumab ozogamicin,124 previ- lished. One study that used the intravenous formulation
ous history of SOS, and some forms of pre-existing liver found no relationship between systemic exposure to
disease.105,122,125,126 Hepatitis C127,128 and hepatic fibrosis busulfan and risk of SOS.148
predispose to SOS. Cirrhosis is a contraindication to The highest risk regimens are cyclophosphamide-total
high-dose myeloablative conditioning regimens. Regi- body irradiation with total body irradiation greater than
mens with a lower risk of causing toxic liver injury and 12 Gy and oral busulfan-cyclophosphamide without tar-

geted dosing. These regimens are best avoided in individ- cases, and, in some studies, the use of poorly defined
uals at high-risk for liver injury. Substituting fludarabine criteria for SOS . However the largest randomized trial,
for cyclophosphamide (a busulfan/fludarabine condition- which did not find any benefit for SOS, did find that
ing regimen) results in a low incidence of SOS with im- prophylactic use of ursodeoxycholate decreased the fre-
proved transplant outcome.149,150 quency of jaundice and lowered peak alanine aminotrans-
Norethisterone was used to prevent menstrual hemor- ferase levels.159 It is therefore now standard practice
rhage in thrombocytopenic women after hematopoietic around the world to use ursodeoxycholate prophylacti-
cell transplantation. This proved to be a significant risk cally in this setting.
factor for SOS151 and the use of noresthisterone is now Prostaglandin E1 was shown to reduce the risk of SOS
avoided in this population. in one study, although no data were provided on reduc-
Prophylactic Medical Therapy tion of fatalities from SOS.162 A subsequent study found
no suggestion that prostaglandin E1 lowered the risk of
Heparin, prostaglandin E1, ursodeoxycholic acid, and severe SOS, but could not fully evaluate this because of
pentoxifylline have been examined in randomized con- severe toxicity from the prostaglandin E1 treatment.163
trolled trials for their ability to prevent SOS. Prostaglandin E1 also increased cyclosporine levels.
Heparin infusions or low-molecular weight heparin Two placebo-controlled randomized trials found no
can be given safely in this patient population and some benefit from pentoxifylline in preventing SOS.152,164 One
centers use intravenous heparin or subcutaneous low-mo- randomized trial showed no benefit from intravenous
lecular weight heparin routinely as prophylaxis for SOS.
N-acetylcysteine in preventing SOS, but the incidence of
Two randomized studies found a reduction in nonfatal
SOS in the untreated group may have been too low to find
SOS, but were not powered to show a benefit in reducing
a real difference.165
fatal SOS.152,153 Four additional studies found no bene-
fit.120,151,154,155 A meta-analysis concluded that there is a Recommendations:
statistically nonsignificant decrease in the risk of nonfatal 5. Consider regimens that are less likely to cause
SOS with prophylactic anticoagulation, but concluded toxic liver injury in patients with extensive hepatic
that methodological weaknesses and inconsistencies pre- fibrosis, viral hepatitis, myelofibrosis with extramed-
cluded meaningful conclusions from the pooled analy-
ullary hematopoeisis, recent treatment with gemtu-
sis.156 A randomized control trial of high-risk patients is
zumab ozogamicin or a previous history of SOS.
needed to determine whether heparin does indeed reduce
Regimens that are less liver toxic include reduced-
the risk of SOS overall and, more importantly, of fatal
intensity regimens, regimens without cyclophospha-
The use of defibrotide for either prophylaxis or treat- mide, and regimens with lower doses of total body
ment of established SOS is described below in the follow- irradiation (Class I, Level B).
ing section on Management of Established Disease. 6. Although widely used, no recommendation can
There are four randomized trials in adults that have be made for or against the use of prophylactic phar-
examined the effect of ursodeoxycholic acid. Ursodeoxy- macological strategies because none examined to date
cholic acid was reported to reduce the incidence of SOS in have consistently shown a reduction in the overall risk
two randomized trials.157,158 Subsequently, one large ran- of SOS or the risk of fatal SOS in randomized con-
domized trial found no effect on the incidence of SOS159 trolled trials (Class IIB, Level A).
and one trial that randomized patients to heparin versus
heparin plus ursodeoxycholic acid found no benefit from Management of Established Disease
the addition of ursodeoxycholic acid.160 A meta-analysis
of three of these randomized trials, notably the three that SOS is an iatrogenic complication with significant
examined the effect of ursodeoxycholic acid alone, sug- mortality and thus a discouraging problem for the medi-
gested that prophylactic use is an effective prophylaxis for cal team. Perhaps as a result of this, prophylactic therapy
SOS.161 All of the randomized studies on ursodeoxy- and management of established disease have sometimes
cholate , including those in the meta-analysis, share the been adopted based on improvement compared to histor-
problem that there are no exclusionary criteria for con- ical controls rather than after randomized trials have been
founding liver diseases common in this population, nota- performed. The incidence of SOS can change substan-
bly sepsis, graft-versus-host disease, and drug-induced tially in a given center126 and the reason for the change
liver disease. Other concerns are that the endpoint was may remain obscure. This variability in incidence of SOS
not fatal SOS but all SOS, including medically trivial over time and the risk of selection bias makes the use of

historical controls for prophylactic and therapeutic trials cell transplantation also suggested a benefit compared to
of SOS particularly unreliable. historical controls.184
Patients with severe SOS are deeply jaundiced, but TIPS and surgical shunting preserve hepatocyte func-
commonly lack some signs of liver failure, such as hyper- tion in BCS, but TIPS does not affect outcome in
ammonemia, cerebral edema, and prolonged INR. The SOS.186,187 In BCS syndrome, hepatocyte necrosis is due
cause of death is most commonly multiorgan failure with to congestion that is alleviated by decompressing the he-
pulmonary and renal failure. Supportive care for SOS patic vasculature. However in SOS damage to hepato-
requires maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance. In- cytes is caused by ischemia due to obstruction at the
travascular volume and renal perfusion need to be main- sinusoidal level: protection of the sinusoidal endothelium
tained while treating extravascular fluid overload. by various interventions completely prevents sinusoidal
Diuretic therapy is used for reduction of extravascular obstruction and hepatocyte necrosis.104,188-190 Venous de-
volume, in conjunction with paracentesis, hemofiltration compression does not improve blood flow to the hepato-
and hemodialysis to alleviate respiratory impairment by cytes. Although TIPS in SOS does reduce ascites, there is
ascites as needed. no benefit in survival and this is therefore not considered
The use of tissue plasminogen activator with or with- an appropriate indication for TIPS.186,187
out heparin has been reported in numerous case reports Successful liver transplantation for SOS has been de-
and some case series, but there are no randomized con- scribed in case reports.191-193 SOS is usually a complica-
trolled studies. Response rates in case series vary widely. In tion of the conditioning regimen for hematopoietic cell
the two largest case series of 42 and 17 patients, respec- transplantation for patients with malignancy and the un-
tively, 29% of patients survived.166,167 Patients with mul- derlying malignancy itself is a contraindication to the liver
tiorgan failure requiring supplemental oxygen, dialysis or transplantation. Liver transplantation may be a consider-
mechanical ventilation did not respond to tissue plasmin- ation for patients who receive hematopoietic cell trans-
ogen activator.166 The risk of fatal intracerebral and pul- plantation for a benign condition or in whom the
monary bleeding in thrombocytopenic patients is a major underlying malignancy has a favorable prognosis after
limitation.166,168,169 At this point, thrombolytic therapy is transplant.
seldom used because of the risk of fatal bleeding.
Defibrotide is a mixture of the single-stranded oligode- Recommendations:
oxyribonucleotides derived from depolymerization of 7. Fluid overload in SOS should be managed with
porcine intestinal mucosa DNA. It has been under study diuretics, paracentesis, hemofiltration, and hemodial-
for proposed antishock, anti-ischemic, and endothelium ysis as needed (Class I, Level C).
protective activities since the mid-1980s. A wide variety 8. With the absence of randomized controlled tri-
of mechanisms have been suggested including increased als, no recommendation can be made for or against
endothelial cell release of eicosanoids, nitric oxide, or tis- defibrotide for the treatment of established SOS (Class
sue plasminogen activator, reduced endothelial cell re- IIb, Level B).
lease of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), 9. Patients who undergo hematopoietic cell trans-
interference with platelet, neutrophil or monocyte adhe- plantation for a condition with a favorable prognosis
sion to endothelium, and agonist action through the may be considered for liver transplantation (Class I,
adenosine receptor.170-180 In the 1990s, it was examined Level C).
for its cardioprotective effects. Defibrotide has been ex- 10. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent
amined in four uncontrolled trials for therapy with shunts (TIPS) or tissue plasminogen activator are not
SOS.181-185 Three of the four therapeutic trials were mul- recommended for the therapy of SOS (Class III, Level
ticenter trials. Three of the studies were performed in B).
patients with moderate to severe SOS, many of whom had
multiorgan failure, with day 100 survival of 31%- Areas for future studies:
43%.181-183 One trial in children examined the benefit of Randomized controlled trials in patients at high
defibrotide in mild, moderate and severe SOS; in the se- risk for toxic liver injury would establish that there is
vere group, with patients with multiorgan failure, 36% indeed benefit from the therapeutic use of defibrotide
survived to day 100.185 These uncontrolled trials suggest and determine the true frequency of a therapeutic
that unlike tissue plasminogen activator, defibrotide may response. Similarly, a placebo-controlled randomized
be useful in patients with multiorgan failure without the study would establish the potential for primary pro-
high-risk side effect of bleeding. An uncontrolled trial of phylactic use of defibrotide, i.e., defibrotide given be-
prophylaxis with defibrotide in pediatric hematopoietic fore a liver-toxic conditioning regimen.

Budd-Chiari Syndrome proliferative diseases in a majority of patients when the

diagnosis has been based on sensitive criteria, regardless of
Definition. International expert panels have agreed whether peripheral blood cell counts were suggestive or
that “Budd-Chiari syndrome” be used as an eponym for not. Clusters of dystrophic megakaryocytes at bone mar-
“hepatic venous outflow tract obstruction”, independent row biopsy,22 endogenous erythroid colony formation in
of the level or mechanism of obstruction.53,194 Cardiac culture of bone marrow or circulating progeni-
and pericardial diseases and sinusoidal obstruction syn- tors208,210,213 and, recently, detection of V617F activating
drome are excluded from this definition. BCS is a rare mutation of JAK2 tyrosine kinase in blood cells26,27,214,215
disease in population groups with a high standard of liv- have been used as sensitive markers. It is noteworthy that
ing. By contrast, it is a leading cause for liver-related hos- these markers are not simultaneously present in all pa-
pital admission in populations with a lower standard of tients with myeloproliferative diseases.26,27,214
living.195,196 Factor V Leiden mutation and G20210A prothrombin
Obstruction of the hepatic venous outflow tract can be gene mutation are associated with odds ratio for BCS of
classified according to its location: small hepatic veins about 12 and 2, respectively. In patients with BCS, liver
(HV), large HV, inferior vena cava (IVC) and any com- disease makes it extremely difficult to distinguish primary
bination thereof.197 Indeed, there are differences in pre- deficiency in protein C, protein S, or antithrombin, from
sentation and geographical distribution among these low plasma levels secondary to decreased hepatic synthetic
different categories. As a rule, pure IVC or combined function. Antiphospholipid antibodies are found in about
IVC/HV block predominates in Asia, whereas pure HV 10%-30% of patients with BCS,216,217 whereas lupus an-
block predominates in Western countries.196 ticoagulant or anti-beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibodies are
Causes. BCS is further divided into “secondary” BCS found in about 4%-5%. Elevated anticardiolipin antibod-
when related to compression or invasion by a lesion orig- ies can be found in a similar proportion (20%-31%) of
inating outside the veins (benign or malignant tumor, patients with chronic liver disease, suggesting that these
abscess, cyst, etc.); and “primary” BCS when related to a antibodies have poor specificity in this context.218 Hyper-
primarily venous disease (thrombosis or phlebitis).
homocysteinemia, as a risk factor for BCS, is similarly
Secondary Budd-Chiari Syndrome. Hepatocellular
difficult to assess, because raised homocysteine levels are
carcinoma, renal and adrenal adenocarcinoma, primary
extremely frequent in patients with liver disease whatever
hepatic hemangiosarcoma, epithelioid hemangioendo-
its cause.219 Studies on the prevalence of C677T homozy-
thelioma, sarcoma of the IVC, right atrial myxoma, and
gous state for MTHFR are limited and their results are
alveolar hydatid disease may cause BCS through invasion
not consistent.11,220 Other rare acquired diseases, namely
of the venous outflow.196 Parasitic and nonparasitic cysts
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria,221,222 Behçet’s
and abscesses can produce compression and thrombosis of
the hepatic venous outflow tract.198,199 Large nodules of disease,207 hypereosinophilic syndrome,223 granuloma-
focal nodular hyperplasia in a central location may cause tous venulitis,224 and ulcerative colitis225 appear to be risk
compression of the hepatic veins.200 Compression or factors for BCS. The association of BCS with oral contra-
kinking of the hepatic veins can occur following hepatic ceptive use has been evaluated in two case-control studies
resection or transplantation.201,202 BCS may occur fol- spanning the years 1970-1983 (odds ratio 2.37, 95% con-
lowing blunt abdominal trauma, either from compression fidence interval [CI] 1.05-5.34, P ⬍ 0.02)226 and 1985-
by intrahepatic hematoma, inferior vena cava thrombosis 2000 (odds ratio 2.4; 95% CI, 0.9-6.2).9 Pregnancy also
related to trauma, or herniation of the liver through a appears to be a risk factor for BCS, based on the temporal
ruptured diaphragm.203-205 Blunt abdominal trauma, association between both conditions,206,227 although no
amoebic and pyogenic hepatic abscess, and polycystic case-control study has been performed to quantify this
liver disease account only for a small minority of patients risk.
with HV or IVC thrombosis.11,206 Overall, an underlying risk factor for thrombosis is
Primary Budd-Chiari syndrome. By contrast with found in up to 87% of patients with BCS.11 A combina-
PVT, the local factors that determine thrombosis of the tion of several causal factors is demonstrated in about
hepatic venous outflow tract remain unidentified in most 25% of patients, where routinely investigated.9,11,210 A
patients. combination with another causal factor is particularly
Routine investigation for general thrombotic risk fac- common in patients with heterozygous factor V Lei-
tors have yielded consistent results in Asia and in Western den,209 or in oral contraceptive users or pregnant wom-
countries.9,11,16,207-212 Main causal factors are presented in en.226 It is remarkable that a local factor responsible for
Table 4. Similar to PVT, BCS has been related to myelo- development of thrombosis in the hepatic venous outflow

tract, a highly unusual site, remains unidentified in most tein content above 3.0 g/dL and serum-ascites albumin
patients. concentration gradient ⱖ 1.1 g/dL are suggestive of BCS,
cardiac disease, or pericardial disease. Serum creatinine
Recommendations for investigating causes of pri- level can be elevated, usually due to prerenal dysfunction.
mary BCS: The course of these manifestations can be steadily pro-
1. Rule out space occupying lesions, or malignant gressive, or marked by exacerbations and remissions. The
tumors, compressing or invading the hepatic venous disease can run a long insidious course, or a short period of
outflow tract with sonography, CT scan or MRI (Class prodrome followed by a rapid downhill course. Portal
I, Level B). venous obstruction is common in patients with severe
2. Seek clinical evidence for ulcerative colitis, celiac forms of the disease.230,232-234
disease, and for systemic diseases (Class I, Level B).
3. Routinely check for multiple, concurrent risk Imaging Features
factors for thrombosis, as indicated in Table 5 (Class
X-ray venography has been the gold standard for the
I, Level B).
evaluation of the hepatic veins. Hepatic venograms can be
(a) Do not rule out a diagnosis of myeloprolifera-
obtained after cannulation of the veins through the retro-
tive disease solely on the basis of normal or low pe-
grade approach using the transjugular, cephalic, or femo-
ripheral blood cell counts (Class I, Level B).
ral route,235 or through the direct approach using
(b) When coagulation factor levels are below the
percutaneous transhepatic puncture.236 Three patterns of
normal range, do not regard decreased levels of pro-
opacification have been regarded as specific at retrograde
tein C, protein S or antithrombin as a primary, pos-
catheterization235: (1) a fine “spider-web” network pat-
sibly inherited, deficiency in the absence of a positive
tern without filling of venous radicals; (2) a coarse net-
family history or screening (Class I, Level C).
work of collateral veins which arch outward from the
(c) Do not regard relatively weak thrombotic risk
catheter tip and then come together again near the site of
factors (factor V Leiden mutation, prothrombin gene
entry of the HV into the IVC; and (3) a patent vein
mutation, hyperhomocysteinemia, or oral contracep-
upstream from a stricture. Direct percutaneous venogra-
tive use) as the only risk factor for BCS until other
phy can show a localized obstruction in the vicinity of the
causes have been ruled out (Class I, Level B).
ostia when the HVs cannot be entered using retrograde
cannulation.236,237 Inferior venacavography allows for
Clinical and Laboratory Features demonstration of caval stenosis or occlusion. In many
In most cases, the underlying disorders causing throm- patients with pure hepatic vein thrombosis, the IVC ap-
bosis of the hepatic venous outflow are unrecognized at pears narrowed at its intrahepatic portion, in relationship
presentation. Presentation ranges from complete absence to the enlargement of the caudate lobe.238 When com-
of symptoms to fulminant hepatic failure, through acute plete or near complete obstruction of the suprahepatic
(rapid) or chronic (progressive) development of symp- vena cava is present, insertion of two catheters allows for
toms over weeks to months before diagnosis is made. The delineation of the obstacle, one above and one below the
apparent age of the macroscopic and microscopic damage obstruction.239
to the veins of the liver may differ from the apparent Sonography findings are highly correlated with patho-
duration of symptoms.206,228 Asymptomatic BCS ac- logical examination240 and direct or retrograde venogra-
counts for up to 20% of cases.229 The absence of symp- phy.241-243 Features considered specific for hepatic vein
toms is strongly associated with large hepatic vein obstruction on color Doppler imaging and pulse Doppler
collaterals.229 Classical signs and symptoms of BCS in- are: (1) a large hepatic vein with an absent flow signal, or
clude fever, abdominal pain, ascites, lower extremity with a reversed, or turbulent flow; (2) large intrahepatic or
edema, gastrointestinal bleeding, and hepatic encepha- subcapsular collaterals with continuous flow connecting
lopathy,206,230,231 each of which may be absent in patients the hepatic veins or the diaphragmatic or intercostal veins;
with overt BCS. Jaundice is relatively uncommon. (3) a spider-web appearance usually located in the vicinity
Marked dilation of subcutaneous veins on the trunk has a of hepatic vein ostia, together with the absence of a nor-
high specificity but a low sensitivity for IVC block. Serum mal hepatic vein in the area; (4) an absent or flat hepatic
aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatase can be nor- vein wave form without fluttering; (5) a hyperechoic cord
mal or increased. Levels of serum albumin, serum biliru- replacing a normal vein.
bin, and prothrombin can be normal or abnormal, and in Spin-echo and gradient-echo MRI sequences, and in-
some patients are markedly abnormal. The protein level travenous gadolinium injection allows visualization of ob-
in ascitic fluid varies from patient to patient. Ascites pro- structed HVs and IVC, intrahepatic or subcapsular

collaterals, as well as spider web network pattern.240,244 of a clinical suspicion of BCS appear to be key factors for
With computed X-ray tomography, failure to visualize a high diagnostic yield at Doppler sonography. However,
the HVs is considered suggestive of HV obstruction. there may be limitations to the study related to the pa-
Caudate lobe hypertrophy is found in about 75% of tient’s body habitus. Absence of visualization, or tortuos-
patients.240,245 This change is due to the separate venous ity of the hepatic veins at gray-scale real-time sonography
drainage of this liver lobe into the inferior vena cava al- albeit with flow signals at Doppler imaging are common
lowing for sparing of the outflow and compensatory hy- but not specific, being also observed in advanced cirrhosis
pertrophy.228 A characteristic pattern of parenchymal of other origins. However, a distinctive feature for BCS is
perfusion can be demonstrated using CT or MRI follow- the association with intrahepatic or subcapsular hepatic
ing bolus intravenous injection of contrast medium. This venous collaterals, which is found in more than 80% of
pattern consists of early homogeneous central enhance- the cases. MRI is not as effective as sonography in dem-
ment (particularly at the level of the caudate lobe) to- onstrating intrahepatic collaterals.240 MRI might be more
gether with delayed patchy enhancement of the periphery accurate than direct inferior venacavagraphy for charac-
of the liver and prolonged retention of the contrast me- terizing solid endoluminal material. In the assessment of
dium in the periphery.240,244,246 This heterogeneity is re- hepatic veins uisng CT scan, there are problems of false
lated to uneven portal perfusion.247,248 positive and indeterminate results in approximately 50%
Macroregenerative nodules (enhancing at the arterial of the cases.240 There have been no clinical studies using
phase of contrast injection) are common in patients with the most recent techniques for computed tomography.
longstanding BCS (see below).232,234
Other limitations of CT scan are irradiation and potential
renal toxicity from iodinated contrast agents.
Histopathological Features Direct X-ray venography is needed for establishing a
Thrombosis of small veins is uncommonly observed in diagnosis of BCS in difficult cases, and also for precise
small liver biopsy specimens. Congestion, liver cell loss, delineation of obstructive lesions before planning treat-
and fibrosis in the centrilobular area are considered char- ment. Diagnostic pitfalls include failure to cannulate the
acteristic features for BCS.197 Central to central fibrosis hepatic vein ostia, and a distorted appearance of the he-
develops in areas where there has been bridging necrosis. patic veins. Complications of venous cannulation with
Ultimately, a cirrhotic pattern may be seen. However, thromboembolism appear uncommon although this
there may be considerable variation in the degree of these statement needs to be verified. Anticoagulation likely in-
changes from one area to the other. Thrombosis of intra- creases the risk of hematoma at the puncture site. Percu-
hepatic portal veins is common in the most advanced taneous venous puncture should delay initiation of
cases and is associated with fibrous enlargement of the thrombolytic therapy.
portal tracts. Portovenous and portoportal bridging fibro- Indirect evidence for the diagnosis of BCS can be de-
sis may develop. Parenchymal extinction refers to an area rived from an altered perfusion pattern at MRI or CT
where liver cells have disappeared and are replaced by scan, or from caudate lobe enlargement. However, these
connective tissue. This change is found in areas where the two features are encountered in patients with other
corresponding hepatic veins and portal veins are simulta- chronic liver diseases.247 An altered perfusion pattern is
neously obliterated. also observed in other situations where portal venous per-
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia, and macroregenera- fusion is compromised.247,248 One of these situations,
tive nodules are common in patients with longstanding constrictive pericarditis, mimics hepatic venous obstruc-
BCS.232,234 These architectural changes appear to be re- tion, clinically, and can be missed at echocardiography.249
lated to the obstruction of an intrahepatic portal vein In the patient presenting with acute or chronic liver
branch and to increased arterial inflow in the correspond- disease, Doppler sonography by an experienced operator
ing area.232,234 Macroregenerative nodules may strongly has sufficed to establish or rule out BCS in most patients
resemble focal nodular hyperplasia, histopathologically
when the operator was aware of the diagnostic suspiscion.
and at imaging.
The role of MRI or CT scan has then been mainly to give
images that are more appropriate for multidisciplinary
Diagnosis discussion than sonography. When the patient with un-
For providing direct evidence of an obstructed hepatic explained liver disease has had MRI or CT scan that sug-
venous outflow tract, Doppler-sonography, MRI and CT gests BCS, then Doppler sonography by an experienced
scan have the advantages of being non invasive or mini- operator is used as a confirmatory procedure for a detailed
mally invasive. The examiner’s experience and awareness characterization of venous anomalies.

As venous thrombosis is rarely seen at liver biopsy, the (d) A liver disease remains unexplained after other
main yield of this procedure is to show indirect, but common or uncommon causes have been excluded
strong, evidence for hepatic venous outflow tract obstruc- (Class I, Level C).
tion in the form of congestion, liver cell loss, and fibrosis 5. Consider only direct visualization of obstruction,
in the centrilobular area. The main differential diagnoses and/or collaterals, of a hepatic vein or inferior vena
for these features are heart failure, constrictive pericardi- cava, as definite evidence for the diagnosis ( Class I,
tis, circulatory failure, and SOS. Sinusoidal dilatation, Level C).
with or without predominance in the centrilobular area, 6. Consider Doppler-sonography by an experienced
can be found in a number of systemic and hepatic condi- examiner, aware of the diagnostic suspicion, as a most
tions in the absence of hepatic venous obstruction.250 Al- effective and reliable diagnostic means. Consider MRI
though venular and perivenular fibrosis without or CT scan as a confirmatory study or, if an experi-
congestion is occasionally found in patients with long- enced Doppler-sonography examiner is not available,
standing suprahepatic IVC obstruction,251 the absence of as an alternative (Class I, Level C).
congestion in the centrilobular area is a strong argument 7. Consider performing a liver biopsy only when an
against the diagnosis of HV thrombosis.206,228 At a late obstructed hepatic venous outflow tract has not been
stage, hepatic vein thrombosis complicated by cirrhosis is demonstrated with noninvasive imaging (Class I,
difficult to differentiate from cardiac cirrhosis, or from Level C).
cirrhosis complicated by hepatic vein thrombosis.252 Liver 8. Consider X-ray venography as a diagnostic pro-
biospy remains the only means to diagnose the rare form cedure in patients where the diagnosis remains uncer-
of BCS due to involvement of the small hepatic veins with tain (Class I, Level B).
patent large veins,197 although differentiation of this form 9. When making a decision regarding whether or
from sinusoidal obstruction syndrome is not always feasi- not to perform an invasive diagnostic procedure, con-
ble.197,253 sider the potential renal toxicity of iodinated contrast
Considerable sample variation,232,234 and lack of inde- agents and a possible need for rapid anticoagulation
pendent prognostic value when tested together with sim- and/or pharmacological thrombolysis following the in-
ple clinical and laboratory data,230,254,255 make liver vasive procedure (Class I, Level C).
needle biopsy useless for prognostication and therapeutic 10. Do not regard liver nodules enhancing at the
indications. The risk of bleeding from the liver biopsy arterial phase of contrast injection as hepatocellular
puncture site may delay the initiation of anticoagulation carcinoma without additional support for this diag-
or thrombolytic therapy. Therefore the diagnostic yield of nosis (Class I, Level C).
liver biopsy should be balanced against its impact on ther-
When a confirmation is needed because Doppler This section will focus on treatment for primary BCS.
sonography, MRI, or CT scan does not establish a diag-
nosis of BCS, liver biopsy may be used first when the large Medical Therapy
HVs and IVC appear clearly patent. Venography may be Underlying Risk Factors for Thrombosis. Oral con-
preferred as a first procedure when the aspect of the HVs traceptives are generally contraindicated in patients with
is abnormal but not diagnostic, as may occur in patients BCS. It is not clear whether pregnancy should be consid-
with cirrhosis. In such patients, demonstration of patent ered contraindicated in patients whose underlying risk
HVs at transjugular venography may be followed by factors for thrombosis are well controlled, as there are
transvenous liver biopsy in the same session. reports of successful and uncomplicated pregnancies in
patients with BCS given anticoagulation throughout the
Recommendations for diagnosis of BCS: pregnancy.256
4. Consider a diagnosis of BCS in the following It is logical to treat underlying myeloproliferative dis-
settings: eases. The cell count threshold where treatment should be
(a) An acute or chronic illness occurs with upper initiated, as well as the target counts to be reached with
abdominal pain, ascites, or liver enlargement; therapy, have not been assessed. Low-dose acetyl salicylic
(b) A liver disease occurs in a patient with known acid has been shown to be beneficial to prevent arterial
risk factors for thrombosis; disease in patients with polycythemia vera, but data on
(c) A liver disease occurs in a patient with an venous thrombosis are less clear.257 For most other risk
extensive network of subcutaneous veins of the trunk factors for BCS, the only available treatment is anticoag-
suggesting inferior vena cava obstruction; ulation.

Anticoagulation Therapy. Indefinite anticoagula- transplantation.265 Venous thrombosis at various sites re-
tion therapy is generally recommended after an episode of curred in 27 patients (11%). Mortality was 40.7% in
idiopathic DVT in patients in whom a permanent risk patients with recurrence. Hemorrhage attributed to anti-
factor is present and when thrombophilia is not curable.50 coagulants was observed in 27 patients (11%). Two pa-
This might be extrapolated to patients with BCS. How- tients with intracranial bleeding died and the mortality
ever, there have been no prospective randomized con- attributed to anticoagulants was 1%.265
trolled trials of anticoagulation in patients with BCS. Other available data are from an experience in percu-
Two retrospective studies with multivariate analysis have taneous angioplasty where univariate analysis disclosed
attempted to evaluate the impact of anticoagulation on that lack of anticoagulation therapy for at least 6 months
mortality from BCS. In a multicenter French study, 120 was associated with reobstruction.266
patients admitted to the hospital from 1970-1992 were There has been no report of bleeding-related death in
enrolled.255 Permanent anticoagulation was systemati- patients with BCS on anticoagulation, but there have
cally administered to patients who were admitted starting been few studies on this particular issue. A recent study
in 1985. Analysis by year of admission disclosed a sharp disclosed a high rate of anticoagulation related complica-
increase in survival starting in 1985, and no other change tions in patients undergoing transhepatic interventional
in referral or management pattern taking place in 1985 therapy. Moreover, a surprisingly high rate of heparin-
could be identified. In a recently reported international induced thrombocytopenia was observed, mainly with
study, 237 patients were enrolled.230 Overall, 171 pa- unfractionated heparin.267
tients (72%) were treated with anticoagulants. The use of There has been little evaluation of the optimal level of
anticoagulants did not yield a significant beneficial effect anticoagulation in patients with BCS. The above men-
on survival in the total population (relative risk, 1.05; tioned studies have used conventional targets for throm-
95% CI, 0.62-1.76). Results did not change when the bosis in other venous beds, namely anti Xa level 0.5-0.8
group with portosystemic shunting was taken as a separate IU/mL for heparins and INR 2 to 3 for vitamin K antag-
category (relative risk, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.61-1.05). Sepa- onists.267 It remains to be assessed whether current INR
rate analyses of the effect of anticoagulation on survival for monitoring patients on vitamin K antagonists without
for three classes of prognosis suggested a nonsignificant liver disease are appropriate for patients with BCS receiv-
trend toward improved survival for patients with a good ing these agents.
prognosis (relative risk, 0.14; 95% CI, 0.02-1.21), but Thrombolysis. The limited amount of available data
not for those with an intermediate (relative risk, 0.88; on efficacy and tolerance of pharmacologic thrombolysis
95% CI, 0.39-2.01) and poor prognosis (relative risk, 1.3; have been recently reviewed, and found to be inconclu-
95% CI, 0.50-3.04). Neither of these two studies in- sive.268 There is some indication that in situ infusion of
cluded the presence of an underlying risk factor for thrombolytic agents is associated with sustained patency
thrombosis in the analysis. of recently thrombosed veins when thrombolysis is cou-
Some data on anticoagulation are derived from the pled with restoration of a high blood flow velocity by
experience in liver transplantation for BCS. Two early means of angioplasty or stenting.268
reports have suggested a beneficial effect of long term Medical Treatment for Portal Hypertension.
anticoagulation.258,259 Overall, 118 instances of trans- Guidelines for the management of portal hypertension-
plantation combined with permanent anticoagulation related complications in patients with cirrhosis of other
have been reported from single centers.258-264 There were causes53,70 have usually been followed in BCS patients.
only five cases of recurrence, two of which required re- However, as circulatory changes seen in patients with
transplantation. However, anticoagulation did not pre- BCS differ from those seen in patients with cirrhosis of
vent post-transplant hepatic artery thrombosis or PVT in other causes,269 the effects of pharmacological therapy for
15 of these 118 patients (13%), including seven with portal hypertension might differ in these two populations.
PVT treated conservatively,258,261,262 three with hepatic Angioplasty and Stenting. The rationale for recana-
artery thrombosis treated with retransplantation,258,264 lization has been to decompress the liver without compro-
one with pharmacological thrombolysis and exploratory mising, and even while restoring, hepatic blood flow.
laparotomy,260 and four patients reported without de- Patients with focal or segmental obstruction of the hepatic
tails.262 Bleeding complications were reported in 28 pa- venous outflow tract are theoretically eligible for recana-
tients (24%), some of which required an operation. There lization. Short-length stenosis is present in 25%-30% of
were no bleeding-related deaths. In a recent European patients with pure hepatic vein block270; and in up to 60%
survey on 248 patients who underwent transplantation of patients with IVC block, most of whom have an asso-
for BCS, 85% of patients received anticoagulation after ciated HV block.271

Surgery for HV or IVC angioplasty and for hepa- Periprocedural and overall mortality was low and not re-
toatrial anastomosis have been abandoned over time. lated to the procedure. Only one patient was reported to
Data on percutaneous maneuvers come from a limited undergo subsequent liver transplantation. No evaluation
number of retrospective uncontrolled studies. Percutane- of the outcome based on initial severity of the disease is
ous angioplasty has usually been performed through a possible from the available data.
transvenous route, with or without stent insertion. A Portosystemic Shunting. The rationale for side-to-
transhepatic approach with stenting has also been used side portosystemic shunting has been to decompress the
when a long segment of the HV was occluded. Data can liver using the portal venous system as an outflow tract, at
be analyzed according to the main level of obstruction: the expense of decreased portal venous inflow. Depending
HVs or IVC. on the patency of the inferior vena cava, and on technical
With respect to HVs, angioplasty272-274 or stent- limitations related to caudate lobe enlargement, several
ing266,275-277 was reported in 14 and 24 patients, respec- variants of surgical side-to-side shunting have been used.
tively, with a follow-up averaging 2 years. The overall Overall perioperative mortality has been high, averaging
technical success rate was unclear. Severe procedure-re- 25% (reviewed by Langlet and Valla294). The rate of shunt
lated complications seem to be rare with percutaneous dysfunction due to early or late thrombosis or to late
transluminal approach,237 which might not be the case stenosis has reached 30% in series with long term follow-
with a percutaneous, transhepatic approach.266,272 Imme- up.261,295,296 The impact of surgical portosystemic shunt-
diate improvement in signs, symptoms, and liver function ing on survival has been assessed in four multicenter,
generally occurs. Reobstruction was more common in pa- retrospective, multivariate analyses. A study of 45 patients
tients undergoing primary angioplasty alone than in those with liver biopsy available at the time of diagnosis found
undergoing primary stenting. Prognostic factors for reob- portosystemic shunting to be a significant factor for sur-
struction of the hepatic veins have not been assessed. Sus- vival (P ⫽ 0.008), in addition to Child-Pugh score and
tained clinical improvement despite reobstruction occurs, prothrombin time.254 A study of 120 patients with a
although the frequency of this cannot be evaluated. Clin- patent portal vein, found surgical shunting to be of no
ical failure has been treated successfully with surgical me- independent prognostic value after adjustment for Child-
socaval shunts in selected cases.237 No patient was Pugh score, response of ascites to diuretics and serum
reported to require liver transplantation. Periprocedural creatinine.255 A study of 123 patients seen since 1985
and total mortality appear to be low and not related to the with a patent portal vein disclosed no independent prog-
procedure. However, no evaluation based on initial sever- nostic value of surgical shunting after adjustment for
ity of the disease is possible. It should be remembered that Child-Pugh score, ascites score, serum creatinine, and the
patients with short-length stenoses of the hepatic veins, clinicopathological form (acute, chronic, or acute on
eligible for, but untreated with recanalization procedures, chronic).297 The most recent study, of 237 patients diag-
have a better outcome than other patients.270 Publication nosed between 1984 and 2001, found surgical shunting
biases cannot be ruled out. to lack independent prognostic value after adjustment for
IVC angioplasty with266,276,278-280 or without272,278,281-293 encephalopathy, ascites, prothrombin time and bilirubin
stenting was reported in 296 and 157 patients, respec- (all independent determinants of survival).230 However,
tively. Information on the outcome beyond 36-48 in the latter study an improved survival with surgical
months is limited. The overall technical success rate was shunting was suggested for patients in prognostic class II
about 95%. Severe procedure-related complications were (with intermediate prognosis) (RR 0.63; 95% CI, 0.26-
more common when IVC recanalization was combined 1.49). In these four studies, surgical shunting was consid-
with hepatic vein recanalization through the transhepatic ered on an intention-to-treat basis, i.e., without
approach266 than when the attempt was limited to a trans- consideration for shunt patency. Recent data in a cohort
venous approach. Immediate improvement in signs, of 39 patients with BCS treated with a surgical shunt
symptoms and liver function generally occurred. Reob- followed for a median of 110 months show that mainte-
struction was usual after primary angioplasty alone but nance or reestablishment of good shunt function is crucial
uncommon after primary stenting. However, the final for long-term survival.295 Shunt dysfunction may be re-
patency rate (about 85%) was similar with both tech- lated to stenosis of intrahepatic IVC (which is amenable
niques (probably owing to revision with stent insertion to stenting),275,295,298 to shunt stenosis (amenable to per-
for reobstruction after angioplasty alone). Factors for cutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stent-
reobstruction might be HV stenting (as opposed to IVC ing),273,275,295,299 and to shunt or PVT (amenable to in
stenting), and lack of anticoagulation therapy for at least 6 situ thrombolysis).299 One risk factor for shunt dysfunc-
months, and not the degree or the type of obstruction.266 tion appears to be the use of long prosthetic grafts.75,295

Routine anticoagulation did not prevent shunt dysfunc- consecutive patients transplanted for BCS, 27 of 142 pa-
tion from occurring.295,300 Whether anticoagulation can tients (19%) had been transplanted following portosys-
still have a protective effect cannot be assessed from the temic shunting.56,258-260,262-264,302,309,315,316 Likewise, in
limited data available.75 the European survey, 24% of patients had undergone
TIPS have been increasingly used for BCS treatment in TIPS or surgical shunting.265 Previous surgical shunting
recent years. TIPS insertion was reported in 195 cases or TIPS, together with high serum creatinine and biliru-
from retrospective surveys on consecutive pa- bin levels, was an independent marker of a poor outcome
tients.267,274,278,288,293,301-313 Indications were generally following transplantation.265 Recently reported data from
stated to be manifestations unresponsive to medical ther- a U.S. registry are in line with these European data.317
apy, but precise criteria were generally not provided. As discussed above, a favorable impact of early and
Where data are available, a TIPS was attempted in 156 of prolonged anticoagulation on the results of liver trans-
270 patients with BCS (57.8%) seen in the corresponding plantation has been suggested. Some data indicate that,
period. Insertion was successful in 141 of 174 cases for patients with myeloproliferative disease, a strategy
(81.1%) reported on an intention-to-treat basis. Median combining hydroxyurea and aspirin for prevention of
follow-up was approximately 24 months on average. Dys- thrombotic events might be as effective as anticoagula-
function was reported in 100 of 181 cases (55.2%). One- tion.318 There is no indication that within 10 years of
month mortality rate was 9.0% in 145 patients. Eighteen transplantation, there is a significant increase in the risk of
of 195 patients (9.2%) underwent liver transplantation. malignant transformation of underlying myeloprolifera-
Overall, 59 patients (30.2%) died or were transplanted. tive disease as compared to natural history in patients who
In some patients, however, TIPS was used as a bridge to did not undergo transplantation.
planned liver transplantation whereas other patients,
whose condition improved, were not listed or were with- Treatment Strategy
drawn from the transplantation waiting list. In most sur- Consensus statements have been reported by expert
viving and nontransplanted patients, control of ascites panels in 2002194 and 2005.53 In these documents, a strat-
and rapid improvement in general condition and in liver egy was proposed consisting of the following graded ap-
function were generally reported. There has been no at- proach: (1) anticoagulation, treatment of underlying
tempt to compare the outcome following TIPS insertion condition, and symptomatic treatment for complications
to that following surgical shunting, after adjustment for of portal hypertension in all patients with primary BCS;
prognostic factors. TIPS dysfunction was much lower (2) active search for short-length venous stenoses amena-
when using polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) covered ble to angioplasty/stenting; (3) in patients not suited for,
stents (in 17 patients) than uncovered stents (in 41 pa- or unresponsive to angioplasty/stenting, insertion of a
tients).314 Moreover, PTFE covered stents appear to be TIPS should be considered; (4) and in patients unrespon-
associated with a lower incidence of clinically significant sive to TIPS, liver transplantation should be considered.
events than uncovered stents. A higher than expected in- The definition for response to therapy was not stated. A
cidence of bleeding complications has been suggested fol- recent proposal for such a definition needs validation.267
lowing TIPS insertion for treatment of BCS as compared Two recent clinical studies provide support to the strategy
with other chronic liver disease.267,307 A learning curve described above. Between 1984 and 2004 in Birming-
effect for success and complication rates, not for mortal- ham, 61 of 111 primary patients with BCS were treated
ity, has been observed.267 The incidence of post-TIPS with anticoagulation plus stent/angioplasty and/or TIPS.
encephalopathy appears to be low313,314 but this finding The cohort included 33 patients seen after 1999, when a
needs to be confirmed. treatment algorithm similar to this strategy came into
Liver Transplantation. Data from 84% of the pa- place.313 Between 1997 and 2004 in Clichy, France, 51
tients transplanted for BCS in the European liver trans- patients were treated according to this strategy.267 The
plant registry between 1988 and 1999 have recently been outcome in these two cohorts (5-year survival greater than
analyzed.265 Half of the patients included in the European 85%) may be compared with other cohorts where the
transplant survey belonged to Rotterdam prognostic class distribution of patients according to prognostic classes
III (with the worst baseline prognosis230). Overall actuar- was reported. Such comparisons have undisputed limita-
ial survival was 76% at 1 year, 71% at 5 years, and 68% at tions. However, the outcome was clearly better in these
10 years.265 This survival is almost identical to that in the two cohorts than in those managed mainly with medical
intermediate class of risk score (Rotterdam class II) from a therapy or surgical shunting.230,255,297 In particular, the
contemporary U.S.-Dutch-French cohort where a minor- improvement was most marked in patients with the poor-
ity of patients underwent transplantation. In surveys of est prognostic class.319 From the relatively limited but

consistent data available, it appears that the first step of or myelofibrosis. Hematological progression occurred af-
the strategy (medical therapy) is associated with steady ter a mean follow-up of 6.6 years in 7 of 31 such patients
improvement in 20% of patients without any need for versus none of 63 patients without evidence of myelopro-
additional therapy.267,288,320 In Western countries where liferative disease.22 Therefore, in adequately treated pa-
pure hepatic vein block predominates, percutaneous re- tients, long-term prognosis might be jeopardized more by
canalization appears to achieve a complete response in an subsequent neoplastic disease than by liver failure. De-
additional 20% of patients; TIPS successfully treats an spite this risk of hematological progression, survival after
additional 65%; and liver transplantation is performed in liver transplantation for BCS has been similar to that for
the rest.267 By contrast, in Asia where suprahepatic IVC other liver diseases.265
block predominates, percutaneous recanalization can be
expected to achieve a complete response in 60% of pa- Recommendations for therapy of Budd-Chiari syn-
tients, whereas the place of TIPS, derivative surgery, and drome (see also Table 6):
transplantation remain unclear.282,288 11. Correct without delay the underlying risk fac-
Data on patients with BCS with fulminant hepatic tors for venous thrombosis, whenever possible (Class I,
failure are scarce, because this condition appears to be Level C).
extremely rare.321 In these patients, it is unclear whether 12. Initiate anticoagulation therapy immediately.
an attempt at TIPS should be used prior to emergency Use low molecular weight heparin, targeting anti-Xa
liver transplantation. Furthermore, it remains to be clari- activity to 0.5-0.8 IU/mL. Change to an oral antico-
fied whether TIPS in this setting should be considered agulation agent when clinically appropriate, targeting
only a bridge to liver tansplantation or might be a defin- the INR to between 2-3 (Class I, Level B).
itive treatment for those patients who clearly and rapidly 13. Maintain permanent anticoagulation therapy,
improve following TIPS placement.309 unless a major contra-indication is present or a com-
plication of anticoagulation therapy occurs (Class I,
Current Outcome and Prognosis Level C).
Natural history is poorly known as there has been no cohort 14. Treat complications of portal hypertension as
study of untreated patients. There has been continued improve- recommended for other types of liver disease until
ment in outcome over the last four decades. In the most recently more data are available (Class I, Level C).
reported cohorts, overall 5-year survival rates over 80% have 15. Check for a venous obstruction amenable to
been achieved.230,267,305,310,313 percutaneous angioplasty/stenting in all symptomatic
Serum albumin, bilirubin, prothrombin, ascites, and patients. Treat accordingly (Class I, Level C).
encephalopathy, or their combination as Child-Pugh 16. In patients without ongoing improvement on
score, have generally been found to be independent prog- anticoagulation therapy (with or without angio-
nostic factors. Prognostic scores based on a combination plasty), consider TIPS insertion (Class I, Level C).
of these factors have been developed.230,254,255,288,297 17. Consider liver transplantation:
These scores are most useful for clinical studies but not (a) if TIPS insertion fails or does not improve the
relevant to individual management. Histological variables patient’s condition.
were repeatedly shown to lack independent prognostic (b) in patients with fulminant hepatic failure
value, once components of the Child-Pugh score were (Class I, Level C).
taken into account.230,254,255 In addition, the site of he- 18. Consider initial management for recently diag-
patic venous outflow tract obstruction, and the associa- nosed BCS in close connection with a transplant cen-
tion with PVT did not appear to bear prognostic value ter (Class III, Level C).
independent of the components of the Child-Pugh 19. Monitor patients with long-standing, well con-
score.230,255,288 trolled BCS for late development of hepatocellular
Hepatocellular carcinoma appears to be rare and is carcinoma and transformation of underlying myelo-
mainly observed in patients with long-standing disease, proliferative disease (Class I, Level C).
particularly in relationship to suprahepatic IVC obstruc-
tion.209,322-324 However, its differentiation from benign Special Groups
macroregenerative nodules is challenging. A rising serum
alpha fetoprotein level appears to be highly specific for the Children. Data on BCS in children are scarce. Series
diagnosis but insufficiently sensitive.322,324,325 Patients of consecutive cases date back to the early 1990s.206,326-328
with splanchnic vein thrombosis and myeloproliferative There appears to be a predominance of obstruction at the
disease are at risk of subsequent development of leukemia level of the suprahepatic inferior vena cava. The etiology

remains unclear as underlying prothrombotic diseases trauma (including liver biopsy, transhepatic cholangiog-
have not been routinely investigated. There are, however, raphy, or biliary surgery), most are congenital.330 In liver
isolated case reports of an association with factor V Leiden involvement by hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
or prothrombin gene mutation, antiphopholipid syn- (HHT), the three types of shunt may coexist and, al-
drome, or celiac disease. Surgical as well as percutaneous though it is a congenital disorder, symptoms appear in
therapy (TIPS or recanalization), and thrombolysis have adults. Although the condition is rare, there has been a
been claimed beneficial in selected cases. recent interest in pathophysiology, genetics, clinical pre-
Combined Portal Vein and Hepatic Venous Out- sentation and management issues, including several inter-
flow Tract Obstruction. Extrahepatic PVT has been national consensus conferences among experts involved
found in about 15% of unselected patients with in the care of these patients.331,332 Consensus reached at
BCS.233,329 Disease is usually more severe in these patients these conferences form the bases for the recommenda-
than in those with a patent extrahepatic portal vein. TIPS, tions set forward.
however, has been possible and apparently effective in a Isolated congenital vascular malformations are those
handful of patients76 whereas surgical portosystemic not associated with HHT and are usually diagnosed in
shunting and liver transplantation apparently had poor infants or children. These isolated malformations are very
results.233,329 PVT was present before transplantation in rare and their diagnosis and management have been
47 of 248 patients in the European survey on transplan- mostly anecdotal.
tation; however, the impact of PVT on the outcome of Interestingly, liver vascular malformations are associ-
liver transplantation was not reported.265 ated with nodular lesions of the liver such as nodular
regenerative hyperplasia or focal nodular hyperplasia, par-
Areas requiring future studies: ticularly in patients with isolated congenital portosys-
Tests for improved identification of primary defi- temic shunts333-336 and in patients with liver involvement
ciency in protein C, protein S and antithrombin, and by HHT,337-339 most probably as a result of heterogenous
antiphopholipid syndrome in a context of liver dises- liver blood perfusion.
ase have to be developed. Accuracy of most recent
generation CT technology for BCS diagnosis has to be I. Liver Involvement By Hereditary
evaluated and compared with that of Doppler ultra- Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
sound and MRI. Risk factors and diagnostic features HHT, or Rendu-Osler-Weber disease, is a rare (1-2
for hepatocellular carcinoma need assessment, partic- cases/10,000) genetic disease with an autosomal domi-
ularly in relationship to benign macroregenerative nant inheritance pattern, characterized by widespread
nodules. The risk/benefit ratio of anticoagulation re- cutaneous, mucosal and visceral arteriovenous malforma-
quires further evaluation, particularly in the setting of tions that can involve lung, brain and/or liver. In most
interventional radiology or surgery. Improved prog- HHT families, there is a mutation in one of two genes,
nostic models are needed for optimal timing and tar- endoglin (ENG) and activin receptor-like kinase tpe 1
geting of invasive therapeutic options. Long-term (ALK-1 and ACVRL1), that encode for transmembrane
outcome of, and therapy for, underlying blood diseases proteins involved in the transforming growth factor-␤
have to be clarified. (TGF-␤) signaling pathway and are expressed predomi-
nantly on vascular endothelium.340,341
Congenital Vascular Malformations Liver vascular malformations are widespread and in-
Vascular malformations of the liver result in abnormal clude both microscopic and macroscopic malformations
shunting of blood in or around the liver. They are increas- of variable size, ranging from tiny telangiectases to dis-
ingly being discovered in patients undergoing ultrasonog- crete arteriovenous malformations342 Functionally they
raphy or other imaging studies of the liver for other result in three different types of shunting: arteriovenous,
reasons. Given the vascular anatomy of the liver, func- portovenous, and arterioportal. Using sensitive imaging
tional shunting can occur from the hepatic artery to the techniques, vascular malformations in the liver are de-
hepatic vein (arteriovenous or arteriohepatic shunt), from monstrable in more than 75% of patients with HHT;
the hepatic artery to the portal vein (arterioportal shunt) 343,344 however, most of them are asymptomatic.

and/or from the portal vein to the systemic circulation Symptomatic liver vascular malformations (LVMs) oc-
(portosystemic or portohepatic shunt). curs in about 8% of the patients with HHT who have
Although all these shunts can be acquired, as those hepatic imaging abnormalities.337,343 A recent review of
associated with cirrhosis and/or hepatocellular carci- the English literature spanning 29 years revealed only 89
noma, or those that occur after blunt or penetrating liver unique patients with HHT with symptomatic LVMs.345

LVMs are more common and are more often symptom- tory of HHT and a personal or family history of stroke or
atic in families of patients with the ALK-1 muta- intracerebral hemorrhage (from pulmonary and cerebral
tion 346-350 AVMs, respectively).332 In patients with diffuse liver
Symptoms of LVMs in HHT appear around age 30 AVMs who do not meet clinical diagnostic criteria for
and occur predominantly in females. The three most HHT, genetic testing for the two most common coding
common initial clinical presentations are high-output sequence mutations (ENG and ALK-1) can be performed
heart failure, portal hypertension, and biliary isch- to assist in establishing a diagnosis of HHT.331 Liver in-
emia.338,345 The most common presentation is high output volvement is suspected by finding a thrill/bruit in the
heart failure characterized by shortness of breath, dyspnea abdominal right upper quadrant. Although angiography
on exertion, ascites, or edema; the next most common is the gold standard in the diagnosis of LVMs, the diag-
presentation is portal hypertension, presenting most com- nosis can be readily established using less invasive meth-
monly with ascites, but also with varices and variceal hem- ods such as Doppler ultrasonography and multiphase CT.
orrhage; and the least common, but potentially most On Doppler ultrasonography the abnormalities that have
lethal (particularly when associated with high-output the highest diagnostic accuracy are enlarged hepatic artery
heart failure) is biliary disease characterized by biliary stric- and intrahepatic hypervascularization352 whereas on CT,
tures/dilation, and bile cysts presenting with abdominal all patients with symptomatic liver involvement have a
pain, cholestasis with or without cholangitis.345 These markedly dilated hepatic artery and diffuse liver telangi-
presentations may occur concurrently or successively and ectases that lead to a markedly heterogeneous hepatic en-
may have spontaneous exacerbations and remissions.338 hancement pattern.353
High-output heart failure results from arteriohepatic On imaging studies, the liver may appear nodular
and/or portohepatic shunting leading to a hyperdynamic mostly due to the presence of NRH and is often misinter-
circulatory state that eventually leads to heart failure. Por- preted as cirrhosis. Focal nodular hyperplasia, a focal be-
tal hypertension results either from arterioportal shunting nign liver lesion akin NRH, is frequent in patients with
(with subsequent development of portal fibrosis) or from HHT, with a prevalence of 2.9% (100-fold greater than
nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) that in turn re- in the general population).337 Its presence can lead to
sults from an irregular blood flow through the liver. The further confusion, as finding a mass in a nodular liver can
biliary presentation likely results from shunting of blood lead to a misdiagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, which
away from the peribiliary plexus leading to biliary isch- has not been described in HHT. Liver biopsy in the diag-
emia. In its extreme, biliary ischemia can lead to bile duct nosis of liver vascular malformations in HHT is unneces-
necrosis and liver necrosis, a catastrophic event that has sary as it is often misinterpreted, it does not provide as
been termed “hepatic disintegration”351, characterized by much information as an imaging study and may be dan-
sudden right upper quadrant pain and development of gerous.338,345
cholangitis, sepsis and/or liver hemorrhage. Other, less Screening for LVMs in patients with HHT who have
common presentations are hepatic encephalopathy, due no clinical evidence of liver involvement is not recom-
to portovenous shunting and abdominal angina due to mended because the prevalence of liver involvement is
mesenteric arterial “steal” through pancreaticoduodenal high and there is no effective treatment for asymptomatic
arteries. VMs. Screening should only be done in the context of
Biochemically, the most common abnormalities are research studies or when the presence of liver involvement
elevations of the alkaline phosphatase and of the gamma- is a decisive factor in establishing a diagnosis of “definite”
glutamyl-transpeptidase that, as expected, are mostly ob- HHT in patients who only meet one or two HHT diag-
served in the biliary type although they can also be seen in nostic criteria or in whom genetic testing is inconclusive
the other clinical presentations. Notably, liver synthetic or unavailable.331,332
function and platelet count are normal (even in the portal
hypertension type) because these patients do not have Recommendations:
cirrhosis and therefore they do not develop liver insuffi- 1. Screening for liver involvement in patients with
ciency.338,345 HHT is not recommended except in patients in whom
the presence of liver vascular malformations would be
Diagnosis key in establishing a definite diagnosis of HHT (Class
The diagnosis of liver involvement by HHT has to be III, Level C).
made in the context of a symptomatic patient with clinical 2. The diagnosis of liver involvement in HHT
characteristics that suggest the presence of HHT such as should be made radiographically: by Doppler ultra-
epistaxis, cutaneous or mucosal telangiectases, family his- sound, CT scan or angiography (Class I, Level C). The

diagnosis is based on finding heterogeneous enhance- HHT. Until recently, most published accounts of liver
ment or hypervascularization of the liver and common transplantation for HHT had been single-case reports,
hepatic artery enlargement (class I, Level B). Liver the most common reason for liver transplantation being
biopsy should be avoided, as it is not useful in the hepatobiliary necrosis after hepatic artery embolotherapy.
diagnosis of liver involvement by HHT and could be In these cases, the survival was 90% in a median followup
complicated by bleeding (class III, Level B). of 24 months.345 The analysis of 40 patients with liver
3. Isolated liver masses in patients with HHT HHT who underwent liver transplantation reported to
should not be regarded as hepatocellular carcinoma the European Liver Transplant Registry were recently
without additional support for the diagnosis (Class I, published.356 Although the procedure is demanding and
Level B). associated with large intraoperative bleeding, the overall
survival rate is 80% in a median follow-up of 58
Treatment. No treatment is recommended for pa-
months.356 The majority (58%) of patients transplanted
tients with asymptomatic liver involvement by HHT. In had the heart failure clinical presentation, either alone or
patients with symptomatic liver involvement, manage- in combination with other presentations. Survival in this
ment depends on the type of clinical presentation.354 The subgroup appeared to be the best with an overall median
majority of patients with high-output heart failure re- survival of 87% in a median followup period of 47
spond to standard therapy with salt restriction, diuretics, months (93% in those with isolated heart failure).354
beta-blockers, digoxin and angiotensin-converting en- However, it is uncertain whether maximal medical ther-
zyme inhibitors, and includes correction of anemia and apy had been attempted in these patients. Conversely, the
arrhythmias that often trigger symptomatic heart failure. worst post-transplant survival appears to occur in patients
Complications of portal hypertension (bleeding from gas- with the portal hypertension presentation with an overall
troesophageal varices, ascites) should follow the same rec- median survival of 63% in a median followup period of
ommendations put forward for cirrhotic patients.71,345,355 47 months.354
Abdominal pain from biliary ischemia is treated with an- In a recent conference on Model for End-Stage Liver
algesics with the addition of systemic antibiotics when Disease (MELD) exceptions for liver transplantation in
associated with cholangitis. To avoid cholangitis, patients the United States, it was proposed that patients with
with biliary abnormalities should not be subjected to in- HHT should continue to be addressed by the Regional
vasive biliary imaging procedures such as endoscopic ret- Review Boards and additional priority for liver transplan-
rograde cholangiography.338 As in any cholestatic disease, tation be assigned on a case-by-case basis.357 Given the
urosdeoxycholic acid can be used although there is no fast and catastrophic evolution of acute biliary necrosis
evidence demonstrating a beneficial effect. In patients associated with liver failure,358-360 it was suggested that
with active biliary ischemia/necrosis with developing or patients with acute biliary necrosis be assigned a MELD
growing biliary cysts whose pain is not responding to score of 40, while those with high-output heart failure
analgesics and/or who develop signs of infection, biliary that are symptomatic despite maximal medical therapy
drainage should be considered with chronic administra- could be assigned a MELD score of 22. If an increased
tion of antibiotics.354 MELD score is provided, the MELD score should in-
Transarterial embolization or surgical ligation of the crease by an incremental 10% mortality risk score at
hepatic artery has been used mostly in the therapy of 3-month intervals on a case-by-case basis after the re-
high-output heart failure, but also in cases of portal hy- gional review board has evaluated all of the information
pertension and mesenteric “steal” syndrome. Ameliora- defined above for each 3-month cycle.357 Right heart
tion or resolution of symptoms is transient and treatment catheterization should always be performed in patients
is associated with significant morbidity and mortality with HHT being evaluated for liver transplantation to
mostly in the form of biliary and/or hepatic necrosis. Over exclude significant pulmonary hypertension and allowed
a third of patients who have undergone this procedure in those with a pulmonary vascular resistance ⬍240
have experienced complications that led to liver trans-⫺5.331
plantation or death.345 Hepatic artery embolization Anecdotal reports of bevacizumab, an antibody to vas-
should be considered mainly in nontransplant candidates cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) have shown that
who have failed maximal medical therapy. The procedure 3-month courses of this antiangiogenic drug are associ-
is contraindicated in patients with portovenous shunts ated with amelioration361 and even normalization of car-
and in those with biliary symptoms/signs.331 diac output362 as well as reduction in liver volume and
Orthotopic liver transplant has been proposed as the LVMs and improvement in liver enzymes and perfor-
only definitive curative option for liver involvement in mance status.362 Further experimental and human studies

are needed before this therapy can be widely recom- transplantation has been mentioned as a therapeutic op-
mended in these patients but it indicates that active an- tion if embolization is unsuccessful.
giogenesis may play a role in the growth and regression of Congenital Portosystemic Shunts are very rare
liver vascular malformations in HHT. anomalies that result from developmental abnormalities
of the portal venous system. Two types of congenital por-
Recommendations: tosystemic shunt have been described: extrahepatic364,365
4. Treatment is not indicated in patients with and intrahepatic (includes patent ductus venosus).366
HHT who have asymptomatic liver involvement Most portosystemic shunts are discovered incidentally.
(Class III, Level C). Portosystemic shunting, by bypassing the liver where am-
5. In patients with HHT who have symptomatic monia is metabolized, causes an increase in plasma am-
liver involvement, treatment depends on presentation: monia that will ultimately affect cognition. Patients with
a. Heart failure and portal hypertension are congenital portosystemic shunt may develop symptoms
treated according to standards of care (Class I, Level early in life or remain asymptomatic until the sixth or
A). seventh decades. Symptoms include fatigue, mental retar-
b. Biliary disease is treated with ursodeoxycholic dation, and bouts of portosystemic encephalopathy. Neu-
acid and with analgesics for right upper quadrant ropsychological tests may reveal cognitive deficits similar
pain (Class I, Level C). to those present in patients with cirrhosis and minimal
6. Hepatic artery embolization should be avoided hepatic encephalopathy.367 It has been suggested that the
in patients with liver involvement by HHT, as it is a diameter of the shunt could determine the clinical course:
palliative measure associated with significant morbid- patients with large shunts may have persistent manifesta-
ity. It is also contraindicated in patients with porto- tions starting from childhood, while those with small in-
systemic shunting and in those with biliary trahepatic shunts may develop recurrent episodes of
presentation. (Class III-Level B) It can be considered portosystemic encephalopathy that initiate in adult-
in nontransplant candidates with intractable heart hood.367 Mental retardation would result from hyperam-
failure and hepatic artery “steal” syndrome (Class IIa, monemia during brain development. Nephrolithiasis can
Level C). also develop as a result of hyperammonemia. MRI is rec-
7. Liver transplantation is the only curative treat- ommended in the diagnosis and classification of portosys-
ment and should be considered for acute biliary ne- temic shunt. Treatment in symptomatic patients consists
crosis syndrome and intractable heart failure or of surgical or laparoscopic ligation of the shunt or oblit-
portal hypertension (Class I, Level C). eration by interventional radiology using metallic coils,
although this last procedure carries the risk of coil migra-
tion into pulmonary arteries. Preoperative evaluation of
II. Isolated Congenital Liver Shunts portal vein patency, portal pressure (before and after liga-
tion) and determination of the type of portosystemic
Congenital Arteriovenous (Hepatic Artery to He-
shunt by angiography is crucial.365 Orthotopic liver trans-
patic Vein) Malformations are very rare and consist of plantation may be the only treatment option when there
discrete abnormalities that, unlike arteriovenous malfor- is an absent portal vein or with intractable portosystemic
mations associated with hemangioendotheliomas, do not encephalopathy.368
grow or regress.363 The usual clinical presentation is that
of high-output heart failure occurring in a neonate. Mag- Recommendation:
netic resonance imaging appears to be the most useful tool 8. Congenital portosystemic shunting should be in-
to make the diagnosis.363 Treatment initially consists of vestigated in patients with unexplained hyperam-
the conservative management of heart failure. In patients monemia, mental retardation and/or clinical picture
who fail to respond to this therapy, embolization and compatible with hepatic encephalopathy in the ab-
surgical resection are treatment options. sence of cirrhosis (Class I, Level C).
Congenital Arterioportal Malformations are also
Acknowledgment: This guideline was produced in
very rare and cause portal hypertension manifested within
collaboration with the Practice Guidelines Committee of
the first year of life with splenomegaly, hypersplenism the AASLD. This committee in concert with George B.
and/or variceal hemorrhage. Doppler ultrasound is the McDonald, M.D., supplied extensive peer-review of the
single most useful diagnostic method.363 Lesions should manuscript. Members of the AASLD Practice Guidelines
be treated as soon as they are diagnosed, by embolization Committee include Margaret C. Shuhart, M.D., M.S.,
of the feeding artery with or without resection. Liver (Committee Chair), Gary L. Davis, M.D. (Board Liai-

son), Kiran Bambha, M.D., Andres Cardenas, MD, 17. Ahuja V, Marwaha N, Chawla Y, Dilawari JB. Coagulation abnormalities
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MMSc., Timothy J. Davern, M.D., José Franco, M.D.,
Steven-Huy B. Han, M.D., Stephen A. Harrison, M.D., 18. Amitrano L, Brancaccio V, Guardascione MA, Margaglione M, Iannac-
Charles D. Howell, M.D., Simon C. Ling, MBChB, cone L, Dandrea G, et al. High prevalence of thrombophilic genotypes in
MRCP, Lawrence U. Liu, M.D., Paul Martin, M.D., patients with acute mesenteric vein thrombosis. Am J Gastroenterol
Robert S. O’Shea, M.D., Nancy Reau, M.D., Bruce A. 2001;96:146-149.
19. Egesel T, Buyukasik Y, Dundar SV, Gurgey A, Kirazli S, Bayraktar Y. The
Runyon, M.D., Jayant A. Talwalkar, M.D., MPH, John role of natural anticoagulant deficiencies and factor V Leiden in the
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