Levels 5 and 6 Environment: Introduction: This Is An Informative Article About Climate Change. Match The Heading With

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Levels 5 and 6 Environment

Introduction: This is an informative article about climate change. Match the heading with
the correct paragraph.
1. What is climate change?
2. What is the ‘greenhouse effect?’
3. What is the evidence of global warming?
4. How will the weather change?
5. What is the international community doing?

B.The planet’s climate is constantly

A.The Kyoto Protocol (1997) changing but now scientists believe
commits industrialised countries to that the extreme changes taking
reduce their greenhouse gas place today are a result of human
emissions. It suffered a huge set activity. The changes we see today
back in 2001 when the USA, may affect the stability of the
responsible for a quarter of global climate on which much life on the
emissions, pulled out C.The term refers to the role played planet depends.
by the layer of gases, including
carbon dioxide, methane and
nitrous oxide, which trap the heat
from the sun in the earth’s
D.Sea levels have risen by 10 – 20 atmosphere. We need the layer to
cm. This is due to the expansion of keep in some of the heat but now
E.It is difficult to predict, but we can
warming oceans. Temperature the concentration of gases,
expect more extreme weather
records show that the average especially CO2 is increasing and
conditions like floods, storms and
temperature has increased by about retaining more heat.
heat waves. Scientists believe there
0.6ºC in the 20th century.
will be more rain but also a higher
risk of drought in inland areas

Activity 1: Read through the following views on climate change out loud. In pairs, decide
which you agree with, which you don’t agree with and why. Use the opinions to give your
own view on climate change. Then, discuss your views with the rest of the group.

 Gonzalo – I’m all in favour of global warming. I grow tropical plants so for me the
warmer the weather is the better!
 Estoy a favor del calentamiento global. Cultivo plantas tropicales así que para mí
cuanto más calor hace, mejor.
 Tanya – In 20 years time the traditional British weather will be a thing of the past.
We’ll have a climate like the south of France. People will be healthier as they’ll spend
more time outdoors. Just think, dining al fresco in the summer months. It’ll be great!
 En 20 años, el clima tradicional británico será cosa del pasado. Tendremos un clima
como el sur de Francia. Las personas estarán más sanas ya que pasarán más tiempo
al aire libre. Solo piensa, cenar al aire libre en los meses de verano. ¡Será genial!
 Luis – no one can tell me that global warming isn’t happening. We’ve just had the
hottest year on record! My sister lives in the north of Spain and she said that it is
beach weather there and it’s November. I mean it’s not normal is it?
 nadie me puede decir que el calentamiento global no está sucediendo. ¡Acabamos
de tener el año más caluroso registrado! Mi hermana vive en el norte de España y
me dijo que hace buen tiempo allí y es noviembre. Quiero decir que no es normal

 Kevin – When I was a boy we used to have heavy snow most years. Since the early
90s all we’ve had is a light dusting of snow. It must be due to global warming.
 Cuando era niño solíamos tener nieve pesada la mayoría de los años. Desde
principios de los 90 todo lo que hemos tenido es una ligera capa de nieve. Debe ser
debido al calentamiento global.
 Ruth – You only have to switch on the news to see the crazy things the weather is
doing. There are so many floods, hurricanes and droughts. It’s the extreme weather
conditions caused by global warming.
 solo tienes que encender las noticias para ver las locuras que está haciendo el clima.
Hay tantas inundaciones, huracanes y sequías. Son las condiciones climáticas
extremas causadas por el calentamiento global.
 Oliver – There’s no such thing as global warming. It’s all media hype to brainwash
people. If they told us the moon was made of cheese often enough people would
believe it!
 no existe el calentamiento global. Todo es exageración mediática para lavarle el
cerebro a la gente. ¡Si nos dijeran que la luna estaba hecha de queso a menudo la
gente lo creería!
 Mark – The world will never be the same again, but that’s how it has always been. It
changes constantly and nature and man can adapt to these changes. If we couldn’t,
human life on the planet would have finished years ago.
 el mundo nunca volverá a ser el mismo, pero así es como siempre ha
sido. Cambia constantemente y la naturaleza y el hombre pueden
adaptarse a estos cambios. Si no pudiéramos, la vida humana en el
planeta habría terminado hace años.

Activity 2: (requires video) follow the link to watch a short video on plastic in our oceans
http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/video-zone/plastic-ocean. Then, go
through these questions in pairs to check your understanding of the video.

1. When did the first narrator start following blue whales?

¿Cuándo comenzó el primer narrador siguiendo a las ballenas azules?
a. When he was a teenager
b. When he was a child
c. When he was an adult
2. How many tons of plastic are dumped into the oceans every year?
2. ¿Cuántas toneladas de plástico se vierten en los océanos cada año?
a. 8 million
b. 5 million
c. 9 million

3. What does the narrator do for a living?

3. ¿Qué hace el narrador para ganarse la vida?
a. He’s a TV presenter.
b. He’s a diver.
c. He’s a journalist.

4. How does the free diver feel about her work helping to clean the oceans?
4. ¿Cómo se siente el buzo libre sobre su trabajo ayudando a limpiar los océanos?
a. That more people should do it
b. That it’s her way to pay back the ocean for all the pleasure it has given her
Que es su forma de pagarle al océano por todo el placer que le ha dado
c. That it’s an impossible job

5. Why is the plastic in the ocean never going to degrade?

5. ¿Por qué el plástico en el océano nunca va a degradarse?
a. Because it has nowhere to go
no tiene a donde ir
b. Because there is too much of it
c. Because more and more is being dumped daily

6. How many pieces of plastic were found in a ninety-day-old chick?

¿Cuántos pedazos de plástico se encontraron en una chica de noventa días de edad?
a. 256
b. 266
c. 276

7. What has been built on the landfill sites?

7. ¿Qué se ha construido en los vertederos?
a. Beaches – including resorts for tourists
b. Factories – including plastic bottle factories
c. Communities – including their food production

8. What does the main narrator believe is possible?

8. ¿Qué cree que el narrador principal es posible?
a. He believes change is possible and it starts with us.
b. He believes change is possible if we stop buying plastic bottles.
c. He believes change is possible if we stop throwing bottles in the ocean.
Check your answers with the rest of the group. Then, discuss the following questions:
 Before you watched the video, did you know plastic was a problem for the
 Does the information in the video surprise you? Why/why not?
 Do you do anything to reduce your use of plastic?
 Whose responsibility is it solve the problem of plastic in our oceans?
 What do you think individuals can do to help prevent plastic in our oceans? What
about companies? What about governments?

Verifique sus respuestas con el resto del grupo. Luego, analiza las siguientes preguntas:
• Antes de ver el video, ¿sabía que el plástico era un problema para el medio ambiente?
• ¿Te sorprende la información en el video? ¿Por qué por qué no?
• ¿Hace algo para reducir el uso de plástico?
• ¿De quién es la responsabilidad de resolver el problema del plástico en nuestros océanos?
• ¿Qué crees que pueden hacer las personas para ayudar a prevenir el plástico en nuestros océanos? ¿Qué hay de
las compañías? ¿Qué hay de los gobiernos?

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