12.STS Climate Change

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The document discusses climate change and extreme weather events in the Philippines.

A climate is the long-term weather patterns of a particular area, including average temperature and precipitation over time.

Climate change refers to changes in seasonal weather patterns over long periods of time that can impact ecosystems and human societies.

STS: Climate Change

• Tropical storms, cyclones, and other extraordinary
weather events have been a big part of the news
headlines in the Philippines for months. With a
record number of named cyclones and tropical
storms and killer tornadoes striking in August, many
are asking, “What’s up with the weather?” The
weather forecast for much of the Philippines calls for
above normal temperatures, with some areas
experiencing a summer with temperatures as high as
20 or more degrees above normal. Looking at past
weather patterns, weather cycles, and what causes
these patterns and cycles can help students
understand more about the type of weather events
we are experiencing and what is contributing to what
many consider to be unusual weather and even a
change in the world’s climate.
What is a climate?
• It as an area's long-term weather
• Look at average temperature and
precipitation over time.
• Other useful elements for
describing climate: the type and
the timing of precipitation, amount
of sunshine, average wind speeds
and directions, number of days
above freezing, weather extremes,
and local geography
What is Climate Change? 
• It affects more than just a change
in the weather;
• It refers to seasonal changes over
a long period of time.
• These climate patterns play a
fundamental role in shaping
natural ecosystems, and the
human economies and cultures
that depend on them.
What is Global Warming? 
• When the earth heats up (the
temperature rises).
• When greenhouse gases (carbon
dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide,
and methane) trap heat and light
from the sun in the earth’s
atmosphere, this increases the
temperature of the earth. This
change in temperature can have
widespread effect on many
temperature-dependent processes
and systems.
Are climate change and global 
warming the same thing? 
• Not exactly, but they are closely
• Some people use the terms
Climate Change vs. Global 
Film Showing:
The Day After
Some terms or phrases related
to climate change
• Precipitation
• Forest
• carbon footprint
• collect evidence about climate
• level of the sea
1. Climate is the average or typical weather
conditions for a given area.
2. Extreme weather events can be caused by
changes in climate.
3. Very warm water provides the best energy
source for hurricanes.
4. Eight out of 10 of the hottest years on record
have occurred in the last century.
5. Weather can be affected by changes in the
Earth’s surface temperature.
6. The average temperature of the atmosphere
has risen one degree in the past century.
1. What are the scientists measuring in
the core samples of ice?
q CO2 and other greenhouse gas levels
2. How does Jack explain the occurrence
of an ice age from Global Warming?
q Global Warming will cause the polar
ice cap to melt, causing the oceanic
currents to shift. The shift in the
currents could cause dramatic climate
changes, including the onset of another
ice age.
1. What do the experts use to
predict possible weather
q Computer models and
2. How do Jack and his friends
navigate through the storm to find
q They use GPS receivers.
1. What natural disaster is
happening in NYC and Long
q Flooding
2. According to Jack, will people be
able to survive another ice age?
q He says we are capable, we’ve
done it before, but we need to
learn from our mistakes.
Activity 12
1. What message do you believe the director is trying to
convey in the film The Day After Tomorrow?
2. Think of as many industries and daily human activities
that contribute to the build-up of harmful gases in the
atmosphere. At this stage, try to think of one way of
combating each of these emission build-ups. Then,
think of the way that your method of combating the
build-up of each emission might change the way in
which we live.
3. If the temperature of Earth is increasing then what do
you think could be some of the possible effects of this?
In groups, try to write a list of effects of global
warming. From your list, compare what you think are
the effects with some of the climate changes shown in
the film The Day After Tomorrow.
1. Presenting only documented scientific
facts, research the effects that Global
Warming will have on our planet.
Include not only climate changes but
also the effects that a rise in
temperature will have on ice, sea
levels, drought and weather patterns in
2. "Global Warming can ultimately
lead to a state of Global Cooling."
Explain how this could occur
The End

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